HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-04-01, Page 9• • 3 ITTURSDAY; APRIL 1st, 1954. • NILE NILE, Madb 3L—Mrs. Russell- ilYleConnell and Phylis spent Wed- nesday with Mr, aind Mrs. H. Matthews. Mrs. Bill McCann was Able to come out of the Goderich hospital su Sunday and is recuperating at her sister's, Mrs. Twamley. Sacrament of the Lord' e Supper will he observed ein Nile church on Sunday. Miss Killough, ottr teacher, is back teaching after- a two weeks' illness. • The doctor's nurse was at the school IVionday giving the children their 'inoculations. • Mr. • J. Carter and. Miss Sadie Carter of Auburn spent Sunday with Mrs. A. McIlvvain. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKenzie of Blyth were Sunday. guests with Mrs: H. Morris. The regular meetinig of the W.M.S. of Nile Church met March 24th at Miss M. Cnrrey's. Mrs. Ralph Godfrey and Mrs. G. McNee readeaechapter. inetbeestudy-hooke RUSIN EMS DraEcrrolky I CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT i. M. HA.RrEn. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 65 South St. . Goderick, Ont., • __ CHIROPRACTIC. • ITERiERT 15. SUCH, D.C.- ILL Doctor of Chiropractic. Office Hours: Mon., Thurs a.m. to 5 p.m, Tues.,• a.m. to 5 p.m 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wed. & Sat. 9 to 11.30 a.m. Vitamin Therapy Oftice--Corner of South St. and Britannia Road. Phone 344. • HAROLD JACKSON • LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTH Seaforth Phone 11-661 or Harry Edwards, Goderfrh Phone 144 • Roy N. Bentley ' PUP1.1C ACCOUNTANT 4 BRITANNIA ROAb (corner South Street) Phone 1011 Goderich, Ont. quiltwas completed. Meeting gl•Osed with the Mizpala benedic- tion Lunch was - served by 'Mrs. R. -,odfrey and Mrs. G. McNee. M Ross MoPh.ee was Wep to Goderich hospital Sunday morrinag. Mrs. Ross McPhee is still a patient there also, but is' improving. HOLMES VILLE HOLMESVILLE, 11/arch 30.—The teacher, •Miss -Ann Shaddock, and pupils of the Holinesville school entertained on Friday night last at a crokinole and card party in aid, of the Junior Red Croee. The winners at crokinole were Mrs. Harry Cudmore and Paul Cudmore, ,and low prizes went to Shirley Norman and Milton McClinchey. At euchre, the high scores were made by Mrs. D. E. Gliddon and Harold Squires, and low prizes went to Mrs. Frank IVicCullough. and Frank Yeo. Lunch was served by ,the social committee of the school's Junior Red Cross. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lawson and -Lyntrof-tbrifinlialiZEMITaiirMIS. Nelson Brown of Detroit spent the week -end. with Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Gliddon. Newcomers. ---We would like to welcome to the village Mr. and Mrs. Keith McPherson, who have rented the Elliott home. Mr. Mc- Pherson is connected with the Air Force and Mrs. McPherson is em- Ployed in the ofltce of .the Sheaffer Pen Company. Plan75th Anniversary. -,-- The planning committee for the 75th anniversary of Holmesville United Church Met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'William Norman. Com- mittees were formed and plans were made for the anniversary which is to be held this fall. Anything to sell! Anything? Try a classified ad in The Signal -Star. ARTHRITIC PAINS Are you suffering from arthritic pains? If so . • write at once to Pickwood • Pharmacal Co. Ltd., Milton, Ont., for particulars of their guaranteed treatment. Money refunded if pains are not relieved. 6-9 et1 F. T. Armstrong OPTOMETRIST Flume 1100 for appointment SQUARE GODERICH ‘111111.11111011111110mullimmow EDWARD W., ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence prompAy an- swered. Immediate arrangements can be' made for Sales Date by calling Phone 406J, Clinton. -harge moderate and satisfac- tion Guaranteed. Geo. G. MacEwan GENERAL INSURANCE MASONIt TEMPLE WEST STREET Peter' S. MacEwan. General, Life, Real , Estate Phone 230, Goderich 3. Cenietery Ilemorials HUME 86 SOI4 Clinton, Exeter, Seplorth Write Box 150, or phone 413, Exeter, and shall* be pleased to Harold. W. Shore ALL LINES OF INSURANCE • (including 'Life) and REAL ESTATE _ • Phone 766W 38 -Hamilton, St. Goderich"' - 36t4 WHEN Ydy THINK OF INSURANCE SEE • . • . II. M. FORD Get Insured—Stay Insured Rest Assured ,11 Bank of Com. Bldg. TELEPHONE 268W NEWS OEDUNGANNON .• DUNGANNON, March 31.-1V1r.• and Mrs. Douglas lylePhersen and - little daughter, Of Goclerich,. and - Mrs, H. R. Currie; of Dayton, Ohio, were Stuiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Durnin Philips. Mrs. J. Ryan returned home last 'week after are operation at Seaforth hospital. Tam Culbert, concession of Aslifield, who was in the Western Provinces last year, joined the Navy in January and is stationed at Cornwallis, Nova Scotia. He, in due couree, will have a-martth's furlough this summer and. will irisit friends here. Mr. and Mrs. William. Doerr, Gadshill, spent a few days visiting the latter's brother, George Hedges, and other relatives. Mrs. R. Fitzgerald and Mrs. R. Gardner are back home after spending the winter with their sister, Mrs. Albert , Campbell, Miss Flora Durnin was home for a '014 and on Friday left again to do 'project work at Colpoy's Bay, Bruce County: Miss Clara Sproul and Mr. and Mrs. J. 11 Hesson, Stratford, were week -end visitors with Misses. Re-, bina and Nettie Sproul. Mrs. Gordon Kidd, Islington, re- turned home Sunday after spend- ing a couple of Weeks at the 12.4rent.41 aAd J. Ryan. Euchre Party. — The Sun,beane Olub, the 2nd concession held a successful euchre party of 15 tables at S.S. No. 17, West Wawanosh, on Wednesday night. The high win- ners were Mrs. Harvey_ Anderson and Arnold Stothers. The second' high winners were Mese Russel Brindley and Dave Sproule. Con- solations went to Mrs. Arnold Stothers and Allan Reed. Miss Marjorie Young held the lucky ticket for a quilt. The ticket was drawn by. Little Bonnie Culbert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Culbert. Visitors for the week -end with Mrs. A. Morris were 'Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Mugford, 'London; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mugford, Donny and Wayne, of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Russel Drennan and Reta, of Bright's Grove. Reta fernained for' longer visit, while convalesce in 'g after an operation. . 'Presentation. — West Wawanosh' Township Hall on Tuesday night March 23, was the scene of a the close of 'the evening. • • -Meeting Held.—The agri- cultural meeting was held Thurs- day evening, March 18, in the Agri- cultural Hall. The attendance was, larger than usual. Howard Sproul, who has . been president for 1.052 c.ind '195a gave a brief outline of the activities during that time thanked n his supPorters. Ceeil 'Wake was nominated, to • act as. chairman for the evening and Mar- vin Durnin, who has secre- tary for the past 18 years, review- ' ed Said that marked progress has been ex- perienced...- Howard Sproul, in his address, Made a few suggestions for likely improvements .this year on the grounds., such as'moving the present barn back to the fences and enlarging it for more horses. Work will be done on the tracks, such as draining and. other ink- „stapronvde,i7Tnhtseisanetra renewas_,40tiowsijudges,'. President, Omar Brooks; seeketary- treasurer, Marvin Durnin; first vice-president,. Alvin Sherwood; second 'vice-president, Mel Dick- son; track committee, Reg McGee, H. 0: Jerry, Ben Goldthorpe, Omar Brooks, Alvin Sherwood and El n Culbert; main directors, Reg ce Gee, John' Bennett, •Ralphe ey, Howard Sproul, Eldon ibert, Ross Eedy, Harvey Alton, Nelson culberteand Allan Reed; associate. directors, *Gordon Saunders, George Saunders, Cecil Blake, Frank Pentland, Bill . Culbert, Howard Culbert, Harold • Adams, Wilbur Brown, Arnold Stothers, To M Culbert, H. 0. Jerry. John Bennett will be the local judge, among others, chosen for next Fall Fair which is set for Septem- ber 21. Londesboro Meet.—A large dele- gation of presidents and secretaries of agricultural societieS' met (Tues- day, March 23, for the annual meeting and, banquet at Londes- ., aret Joy•Durnin, Norma Pentland, andMarilyn Anderson. It was del' -,- 4 4 el d.to sponsor a plaY, I'D'eacon Dubbs,' by Bayfield Y.P__J,11 Men- tion' was alSo'Made' Of the qeming faster sunrise service. After games?. led by Lifican Popp, the benediction was repeate,t1 to close the meeting. • W.I. Officer§, --714/1§. Durnin. distriet President, conducted the election .of officers el Dungan, non. W.I. on Thursday evening, at the,home< of Mrs. Lorne Were. The officers as 'follows: Peprilent, Mrs. Cec' Blake; first ' vlbOresi- dent, Mr. Dick Kilpatrick; second vice-presittent; Mrs- Lorne Hasty; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. K. K. Dawson; press se,eretary,,Mrs. Ray- mond Finnigan; pianist, Mrs, Durn- in Phillips; district director, Mrs. Omar Brooks; branch directors, Mrs. Harvey Alton, Mrs. Herb Stothers, Mrs. Cliff Crozier. The standing Committee convenors were also appointed. Mrs. Oniar Brooks, the retiring president, welcomed Mrs. Blake as new president and thanked Theififefflria-s-• for co- operation during her term in office. G. W. Montgomery, Agricultural Representative, of Clinton, was guest speaker. "Agriculture and how it applies to our County,” was his subject. Donation of $15 was voted to aid to Korean Widows. Each member present brought a favorite cookie recipe and sample. These were displayed and recipes copied. A box of cookies was sent :to a ,member on-theesick-liste-------- Raily Held. About 75 'young people from Londesboro, Blyth, Goderich, Nile, Ashfield, St. Helens and Dungannon gathered at Dun- gannon on Tuesday evening of last week for the monthly zone rally of United Church Y.P.U. groups. Dur- ing the evening' a public speaking contest was held with Iona Grif- fiths, of Blyth, being judged winner in a close contest. Others compet- ing were William Walpole, of -Blyth„and Jack Webster, of Londes- boro. Worship Service was led by Ashfield Y.P.U. Luneh was served. boro, at which out crf 19 societies, IVielvin Reed, of - Toronto, epent 16 were represented. Those at- the'week-end with his family. tending from Dungannon were Mr.- and Mrs:. 'Herb 1)32.ock and Omar Brooks, Marvin Durnin, Mel Dickson, Mrs. O. Brooks and Mrs. Herb Finnigan. Honor Minister. ---:= Erskine Pres- byterian-- Church congregation met scn Dav-id,„ Glen, of Holmesville, spent a day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glen. Have you ,lost another tooth, on Wednesday .night_of last-4.eek-r-Ernily?" asked Tantitwha-miticed-- -fifirrna- social evening and farevviell en unusual lisp. presentation to Rev. C. A. Winn "Yes'm," replied the four -year - and Mrs. Winn. who will leave old, "and I limp now When I talk," shortly for a new church charge at Dixie. A short -program was en - happy occasion when ex -clerk Dur- joyed. The itenis of entertain- nin Philips and Mrs. Phillips ' were merit were—an organ solo by Bar- presente-d-with, a gift in honor of 'bare Wilson; 'Jewel Reed, vocal 31 years of service by Mr. Durnin solo; Margaret Black, vocal solo; with the township council. .Coun- Elinor Reed, violin solo, accom- cillors during that time were pre- ,panied at the piano by her mother, sent with their wives. Brown Mrs. Allan Reed. . :Mrs. Herb .:Smyth introduced John. Foran, Stothers lead an' address of best newly -appointed Clerk," who read a ,wishes and Mrs. Mason McAllister complimentary address. - Mrs. !presented thehonored guests on Bessie Stewart and Mrs. John behalf o1 the congregation a purse Durnin made the presentation of of money. Both made a very suit- e $50 cheque and wall clock with : able reply. Lunch was served by chimes, to Mr, and Mrs. Philtips.'I theladies A lovely corsage was given -Mr& I • Y.P.U. Meets.—The Dungannon Phillips, Each made a short reply i United Church Young People's Un - in appreciation. 'The evening con- I ion met Monday night for the bi- tinued with cards ' and George !weekly_ _Meeting., IVIargaretJoy - Stuart, St: Helens, pIayeclvfojth lYurnin was in Charge. ' A dialogue ,seleetiona-for-a few dances:- en ,:the triportance of-pray:0-4a, lunch was served by the ladiesat wOrklip in lire was -giveiyby Mang - 111•1111122111111111/11811M97 YOU CAN DEPEND ON Merl kidneys fail to r•ronve excess acids and „wastes, back - ah, tired feeling, urbed rest often fllow. Dodd's Kidney late kidneys to, normal duty. You feel better—sloe better, work better. Get Dodd's at any drug store. You can depend on Dodd's. WESTFIELD WESTFIDLD, March 3L Mr. and Mrs. Bert Taylor and Ronald Taylor, visited .last week with Rev. Will and Ws, Taylor, of Dor- chester. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook and Mrs. Fred Cook visited Thomas Cook, M. I. Snell -and other :friends at the Fairview home at V.V.ingharn on Thursday. Ralph eRedgereAnd Garry visited On Saturday With Mr. s. Mansel Cook, of Kinbur IVIr. and Mrs. eR, mcent, of Blyth, visited on Mbnclay, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Buch- anan. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jaques, of Woodham, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Armstrong and family, of Auburn, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mills. A. E. Cooke ef Blyth, Miss :Violet Cook, of GodeFich, visited ort Sun- day with Mrs. Fred Cook. Betty—Rotiger- --is—a•--z• patient -in Gederich hespitai. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper MeBrien, of Goderich, visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Snell. Ronald Tay* left on Sunday to join his boat, the Gordon C. Leitch. Jim Buchanan has secured a position at the RCAF Station at Clinton and Ceti Campbell has a position at Exeter. 3.11e.,Firm _forum final meeting of „the. season was held on Monday evening at the 'home of Mrs. Fred Cook. Slides on New York harbor were shown by Rev. C. C. Washing- ton. A 'program of music and readings was given. Lunch was 'serve& The temperance picture, "Scrapes and Steel," was shown in the church school room on Thursday evening, with a good attendance. The picture was enjoyed as well as the program given by'the mem- bers of the Sunday School. is'Cheques • prOicrese MONTRAL, 11/larch, 31.—The in- crease in service charges on sav•-, ings accounts was recently put into effect by the banks be,eause of the cost of servicing the ever-gr9Wtg number Of cheques drawn on these accounts, a trenr that , has been particularly 'marked since. the re moval of the -*else stamp ---4 frhecities. This was stated here by T. H. Atkihson, .President of The Canadian Bankers', Associaton, Mr. Atkinson's statement noted that, generally speakng; Canada is the only country where banks permit cheques to be drawn on savings accounts. In most ether countries, savings accounts are used to accumulate funds and no chetwee.,,can be drawn against them At the preseet time, the number f.,..heAucs_drawn_ en.„ savins-ao- counts is running at the rate of more than one hundred -million a year and the increase in the service charges was an attempt to meet part of the mounting cost of the bookkeeping involved. The in- creased charges willstill fall • far short of the actual cost of provid- i • SUPERIOR PROPANE •. GAS for -better, cooking, water healing and refrigeration Alf. J. Schmidt, represetfiie.' Stratford Phones 3260; Res. 3051R P.O. Box 08 -2Rtf IMIN111.1.1.1111/01MIIMIN! til(,$e?1401 The ,neW'SerVie eerits per lowanee' of „ ee c qttarterlY Oe 914 at cheques for a balanCe three free eheOes So; • '$aola or mor; . • •••-' 14o gneral' o4Acaton', because it- Ayas feltaethe4 ill view of the dilferehpes-A. ditiorts `'eelting :to client' aeeOhnta,. the .niPg.0 best be dealt., with by iru bink staffs. Apparengn,'`I clients did not receive'ikhi,r2,„ and it now an'nears that - ably would have. 'been bet general notice had •-been-gilien-le ingeiroe H "Whell,,ia the lie train to Albany?"1 Stationmaster—"Twelve Inquirer—Wha, is't there One before that?",,,, Stationmaster "No, Sir 0 we never run one before the • What's Your Right Size? You make sure your shoes "fit". It is justas important that property insurance he "fitted" to your individual hazards. Let us s!r,\. t how, MALCOLM MATHERS Insurance Office, 46 Well St., Goderich, Phone 115W _ 40, AUTOMOBILE DRIVING INSTRUCTION • ELECTRIC APPLIANCES • DEPARTMENT STORES 'TRAVEL SERVICE • co Nies they*el " • _•"1,-,"•"4 inthe . • • rri rn • • VENETIAN BLINDS • GARAGES -AUTO REPAIRINO • NURSING HOMES • BANKS • TAILORS *" FUR BUSINESS UNIMIIIIIIIMMI111111111111P • "20 • 111... • • , 40, 1,1 0 NS • C. F. CHAPMAN General Iniiiiranoe Fire, Automobile, Casualty Real Estate 30 Colborne St., Goderich Phone 18w A. L. COLE Optometrist—Optician Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted Phone 33 Goderich, Ont., claimed bETROIT'S • bee • t if • • One of the country's most popular Hotel TIJLLER featuring comfort, • - ,ctssality! A cosmopolitan atmosphere in ttessielike settling, fn the center of all ' downtown activities. Newly decorated. Ultra modifa, comfortable guest OCems ClEcelkist food at moderate prices in sew modern coffee shop and cafeteria. ost11 Ttteetsien in c CO)14“0011104 1•000111111111.100;416, ROO ROOMS WITH BATH fro sr BARAK ad PARKING 1.01 CEMENT WORK Free Estimates PHONE '59J, ,GODERICH 11-14x lroi:••,••:•%i::0. • • MEW ••••••••-•-• • does more work per day ... more work per dollar . ....m. , Loak7iiround you on a busy street.:TYatilrfairthir– __,..,..____-..kad.of-people-whe-ixtrre•yr-They-represent-olmbstwaty– ---- --- occupation ... profesiionol inen, officis employees crafts- men, skilled crd,*skflied warkers: .. anyone who has faced a family or bOsitiess emergency. lf you were to have a sudden, real need foe money, could you meet that need with savings and income? If you couldn't, you would have to find a dependable outside source. Household Finance -r --a leader in the consumer finance field—provides just such a source. We provide prompt, constructive money help when it is needed, for any worthwhile purpose. , Read our free booklet, "hilony ManagementYour Budget." It's ayailable_at your nearest branch office, or by writing: Consumer Education Departient, 80 Richmond Street West, Toronto, Ontario: SEMIS FIFIANC CANADA'S tARGEST, MOST Itt(OAIENDED CONSUAII/It FINANCE COMPANY You Save, Hours cm the Road. Thanks:to new high -compression engine power, you can maintain faster schedules without driving • ---ar1ngherrrminnrfrrmdvc-d§7—• Increased acceleration and hillClimbing ability let you save. time where it counts. And yOu do it with greater safety and ecOnomy You Saye with Lower Upkeep, too. New Chevrolet trucks are built stronger_ to last longer and ._,4111 47: I c,40„:' T?....,.‘"14 6:1 sAYP For example, there are heavier c• , „ • axle shafts in two -ton models. . bigger eliitChes in lightmid heavy-duty models. . . stronger frames in all Models. - • You Save Time on Deliveries. — , r i., -E')?!----- , 1, s rteamtte it iff . ',-;;.-agRoft457With new truck Hydra- Matic ,.._. „„,..„ eemeeeeee• --,alitt. transmission, yon save valuable ...- ,..e.. -:.y.:•;,; t ........ , .Z1,. ,,,,4,..-•„-;„,00. time at every delivery stop. And" .., z•NA'•--i.:•.- 1,, .... . — ..--- you can fOrget about clutching and shifting for god! This proved, economical, automatic transmission is optional At -extra cost on 1/2, %- and 1 -ton models. And Your Savings 'Start the Poly YoU, Buy. 1):1-faot;they start withthe low price you pay - and they never stop as 'long as you own a Chevrolet' truck. And Chevrolet is also the truck that trade-in value. -.. •-•r:),'". * ... .4.4ire,,, ki \, ....a.„,,,„., _„2„.>. ,.,...,,2. f..: ii,,,r„,,,;:,,,,:`,•,,' ,se,4r,..„.% ‘ ' has „A traditionally higiier •liMOST TRUSTWORTHY TRUCKS ON ANY JO! Chevrolet Advance -Design. Trucks .Come in and see a1tilwonderful. new you get in Canadteilinitiber one he glad tOgive you all die cnoney.sitigItt$4.1t - • GENERAL A�PORSVAL 4. P#4r4.,40",•. •-• ir.rot.0