HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-3-27, Page 6Iorsennen, Attention ! Stallion Route Bills SEASON OF 1590. If ;on, want a Neat. Showy BID. well, put to- ercd,auetteSgay randarbend or order o displayed on ° Miee. Lou can have abetter cboiee of cuts tban ever before. and einonz tho large assortment ere have. cenbe suited exactly. infers by mail carefully and promptly at- tended to. Don't give y ur seder nntilyen rise thin sur Prices. Times Office, xeter Sl'J I;iG FA11 S -1690. Stephen ,S U8borae, at Exeter -April 8 Crediton, at Crediton -.-April 9 Hensen, at fiensall--april 3 Biaushard, at Eirhton--April � South Perth, at St Mares A.p it lb - Stratford, at Stratford—April 15 0 .Ailsa Craig, at Ailsa Craig. -April 22 South Huron, at 13ruceiield--April 16 Parkhill at Parktnil1—April23 Fullerton, at Fullerton—Apri1,4 Mitebell, et Mitchell --April 9 I3iddulph, Granton—April 10 Ribbert, at Steffe -April 3. The Mansion house, Blyth, has :been. solt1 to Mr J. P. Felber of .Auburn, who takes possession. Whilst bailiff Campbell of Btyth. was making a seizure of some chattels on a farm near Blyth, he was attacked by the owner with a pitch fork. There is a dual languagedifficulty up in Berlio, Ont. Some of the alder- men address the chair in. German and the Mayer lairs back In the Sante lang- nage. The members who do not understand the tongue don't know whether the floor is being wiped with there or not. In North. Crosby, Ont., the Rev. Father Towney found a district, exclu- sively Roman Catholic, in which, with one exception, none young or old, could read or write. He started a school and youths, nineteen years of age, began atudying the. alphabet. The parties who have been stealing. wood from the Central hotel and some ether places in town lately trust not be surprised to have their stoves blown up some of these mornings. as a good many woodpiles are being oloaded" this week.—Parkhill .Review. DIStI'RICT DOING -S. The Latest Current News Tleruug1soaitDistrtl,e Lucan Council is organizing a fire company. All seats will henceforth be free in Luuoan elei<hodiet Church. I'srl:llill to making a great effort to have the salt well, there, put in opera- ttou. An attempt is being made to take away the license of Fullerton village hotel. For the cure of oolda, coughs, and all de- raugements of the respiratory organa, no other medicine is so reliable as Ayer,a Cherry Pectoral. It relieves the asthwatio and consumptive; oven in advanced stages of disease, ana hes saved innumerable lives. Wiltsotl's Wild Cherry 1 elteves vouglts anct Golds at once, and cures quickly. The F. rest.Connail, at a special meeting held in the Council Obainber Friday night, passed a bylaw to raise $7,000 for the pur- chase ot a high sehoo3 site and the erection of a high school building thereon Imperial Cream Tartar Baking Powder is endorsed by all aur leading Chemists and Physicians as the purest and best, Use no other. Sold by all grocers. Waehingten, D. O. March 17, —The World's Fair Committee to -day decided to date the opening of the Fair on April 30, 1892, and close October 20 of the same year, A BRILLIANT RECORD Will soon end if not supported by genuine merit. The success of Burdock Blood Bitters is founded on merit and approved by trial. It purifies the blood, and sures dyspepsia. constipation, biliousnesa, sick headache and all similar complaints. B, B. B. is purely vegetable. A Granton correspondent writes;— “Tbe laroprietor rites;"Tbe'laroprietor of the one -price cash store is offering special inducements to buyers during the present season. To every purchaser of a barrel of dried apples, he will present, "gratis, a 2Tjib., specimen of Canadian granite. Tuesday last some young men frons. Legau were in Mitchell and being well pruned with whiaky they nt.ade things lively during the afternoon, Without any provocation whatever one of the party, John Campbell, struck lair. Robt. Reyes, deputy -reeve of Logan, in the face, breaking the bridge of his rtoae. The very i*tfdden death el Wm Ross, Esq., occurred at lits son's home just east ot Bornish, on Sunday fast. Afr. Roas had reached the ripe age of $5 years, yet was apparently rut' of vigor and health up to the last. He had just partaken of a hearty dinner and walked towards the door when he expired. The regular meeting of the Asthma r town council, .held on Monday evening of last week, Was attended by about 50 ladies, whose abject was to protest against the granting of an additional hotel license in that town for the pre. sent year. The protest came too late, however. as the council had taken action tho week before, recommending that en addttioual license be granted, which has been done. Mr. David Glidden of Fullerton, left with his family and chattels for Mani- toba on lllonday. Mr,lohn Hannah will run four cream- eries during the coming season, Sea - forth, Londeaboro, Goderieb and ICirk. toe, Iltriners beware of shoddy peddlers selltiag tea. jewellery, oloth, inc., several McGillivray tanners got badly bitten last year. • Twenty-two hands are now engaged in the llitchall woollen mill, and, even then the firm is behind with their orders, Cateron & Holt's Law OfficeGoderich was visited by fire on Tuesday Evg. The flames were controlledby the fire department. On Friday while Mr. Aaron Jacques, of Mitchell, was working in Mr. Daniel Herbert's bush, Logan, he cut his foot nearly in two. Mr. George A. Graham, of the Nation- al hotel, St. Mary's has leased the lm - portal hotel,Galt, and will take posses- sion on the 1st of April. Mr. Jas. Long Sth con., McGillivray, is still very ill at his home in Moray. His health has been broken all winter becoming much worse ot late. A Parkhill rumor has it that Dr. Caw is to receive the appointment to the vacant Registrarship of Middlesex. It is said the appointment will not be made public until after the election. The Spring Assi„-s will open atGod- ericb on the 31 anat. The Whitely poisoning case will be tried then, and it will be watched with the greatest in- terest. Aside from this the criminal caleudar looks very light so far. On Tuesday the by-law passed by the village of Bayfield to aid a flour mill by way of bonus was quashed on the ground that the granting of the bonus required for its payment an annual municipal taxation, contrary to the Municipal Act of 1888. Mr Armand Hartley left Clinton on Monday of last week for Manitoba, where ne is going to teach school. He will be greatly missed by the students, who wish him every success in his new home. Armani was well known among the boys m Exeter. The Grangers, according to the state. ment ot their manager, have lost $1,- 500 per year in the Kincardine salt works, purchased by them a few years ago. For five years the property is to be assessed at' $4,000. The people of Prospeot Hill and. nelgltboncoad will regret to hear of the death of elks Sarab McMillan, former- ly ofBiddutph, but now or Moosejaw. The McMillan family moved to the North-West leas than a year ago, The father lived only a few days after they arrived at l'Ioosejaw. .Now one of the daughters have beau called away. On Taesday last at. Kilpat-ick's furniture factory Blenheim John B. Mackie was tako, ing a belt off a pulley with a stick when it got caught and was thrown back, striking biro in the abdomen, lie died ltfouday matting. Pie yard's I'eetoral Balsam aures coughs, colds, hoarseness, brouchitia,. aathma, whooping cough and all bronchial and lung troubles. Price 25e, per bottle, or 5 for $1.00. 11MARXET REFORTh. NNHTER Red Whe et Spring Wrest:,.. t3arley Oats ()lover Siad Timothy + Peas Corn Buts ter Flour perbbl Potatoes,par bushel Apples,perDag DriedApplespr b txoese per lb. Turkey perib Dueka per lb. Obiokenaper pr 13oga,dressedpertro Beet ;didesrongh. ,.. - dressed . Simopel:fne Saab cal f ski.ne Wool perl b Rayperton Onlonanerbneh' Woodper cord ST1X should be in every Louse, ft saves tweuty times its cost. Sold by alt druggists, A,. Detroit syndicate Inas pureliesed 140 acres of the raver front part of the John Davis farm, lying betweeu iirindser and Walkerville, the ,price to be paid being $50,000. Whether the land is luteuded for residence lots or for a bridge or tunnel ap. proaches cannot he determined in Windsor. RUNNING SORES HEALED I had a pain in my left gide, which brake taut iu running sores. Burdock Blood .Bit. tors was the only reediolno Welt gave me relief, although I tried. teeny others, My side is all healed up uow, and I ani able to go around after being in, bed, for over, a year without relief, Ialso used Burdock Pills, and find them the best Theo ever taken, MRs. B. Mamas Mount Pleasant, Ont. At the Ctimival Assizes tho grand jury brought in a true bill against David Creighton, publisher of the Rmpire, for criminal libel, In the case of Edward Ferrer, editor of the Bait, against David Creighton, no bill was foaud, 'Vicat Is It? To those wee have never used Wilson's Wild Cherry, wobeg to explain that it is a prepar- ation for the euro of ou (toughs, Colds, Crp. Bro lullnchitis,k,ndredhlsea00sesping,wCollghbiohhas, Losabeen of In vosuciao- , Wt eeasful use for twenty Soars. It is a purely vegetable medioine in the form of syrup. pleas- ant to the tasto, and gives immediate relief to sufForera from diseases of the Throat. Chest and. Lungs. Wilson's Wild Cherry never dis- appoints. Try it for yourself land family, Sold by all druggists. Nellie Bly's latest rival is Mies Regina Rothschild, a young woman of fort Town. send, Nash., started March 17th on a tour of the globe in an attempt to beat all previous records. Citizens of Port Town- send have aubsoribed 83,000 toward the trip, Miss Rothschild will travel eastward over the Canadian Pacific, and expects to leave the same day George Francis Train is announced to sail from Tacoma westward. Miss Rothschild expects to make the trip in 61 days. At \Yardsville, Wednesday, a'lament- tible death by scalding, occurred. Several Ifttle girls were playing f ifiide and Seek,” when a llttle Ella Crandeli was placed in a churn and the ltd re- placed. The others were in their hid- ing places. Mra Crandall was outside the House, and when she returned pro- ceeded to scald the churn by pouring boiling water through the hole in the lid. The little girl screamed and upon lifting the lid discovered her daughter frightfully scalded. The little girl died within a few minutes. Talk about your bottomless ponds,” said an old East Oxford farmer to a Woodstock Times scribe, in referring to the Berman tragedy at Spruce lake, "Why, East Oxford can also boast of a bottomless pond. Why, I remember many winters ago a team of oxen were healing a heavy log on sleighs across the little lake on the Vanduser farm, on the 7th con. The ice gave way, and oxen, log and sleigh sank out of sight, and no trace of them was ever seen again. A lot of us boys had our curiosi- ty aroused, and we sank a weight a thousand feet down without touching bottom. Our clothesline gave out then and so did our curiosity." 00 80 tnOO 62 • 00 80 to 00 8.' 30to0040 •-• 25 to 27 300to32,5 ... 1 50 to 2 so ▪ 51 to 55 ,, 0 40 to 52 0 13 to 13 14 to 0 14 00to51t 40 to 1 55 :., 1 CO to 100 0 4to050 ▪ , 000to007 OO8to 10 ▪ , 008to007 ,.,. 0 25 to 0 30 450toe 00 400to525 200to250 350to85& 060 to 80 �, 050to090 ti18to070 7 00 507 00 • 05050000 2 se to. a on sT Maalfs rail Wheat..,.,. 0 $0 0 80 Spring Wheat........, .,............, 0 80 0 80 Barley l Oats Clover Seed Timothy Peas Eggs.., ........ ,. ..,......, 12 0 12 Butter 13 016 Potetoee: per bag ,,,,,, ,,,,,,„,,,, ,,,•,,, le _ al .Apples per bugle 025 27 300350 ,, ,,,, , ,,,, 2 50 400 055059 Bay pertou Bran per tan Shorts `• *+ 20020 550650 14 0014 00 20 00 20 00 Oeteseelpereb1.,,,,„»., ,,. ,, ,..,. 6 007 00 LONDON, Whoat,83o to 85o per bus. Oats, ~Veto 23eper bus. Peas, 8.k'to47e por bus. 13ar- lei•;51'aiting.45 to43eper bus. Barley Feed, 3.30 to 41a Per bus Corn, 4se to 471e per bushel. The Jewish population of Palestine has increased '70,000 annually in the last five years. In 1741 Palestine contained but 8,000 J ews ; in 1883, 20,000 ; end of 1888, 70,000. The Orange Bill passed its third read- ing in Senate Friday. It will probably receive royal assent to day (Thursday) in common with a large number of other bills passed this session, In appearance Mrs. Burchell's father, Mr. David Stevenson of London, Eng., is a typical Englishman of the most re- spectable type. He has a strong face, with a square jaw, and his whiskers form a little river well under his chin. Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Burcheil's sister, is tall and rather thin, and is evidently older than her sister, whom, by the way, she does not at all resemble. essemussseemessettemetraterseo FRED W. FARNCOb1B, Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil En - G -=NEEM, ETC.. Office, Upstairs. Samwell's B1oak, Exeter, Ont. Tbe list of convictions for the county of Perth for the quarter ending 11th March contains 46 convictons, the ma- jority of which -21 -were from St Marys. They were principally for infractions of by-laws. The fines amounted to over $300. The bones of the behemoth unearthed in Amaranth township last year, and purchased by an Owen Sound syndi- cate, were exhibited at Tara the other day, and attracted a large number of visitors. It is only by comparison that an idea of the gigantic animal can be got, and in this way it is estimated that it was 23 timeslarger and stronger than an ordinary ox, 'rbe new hotelkeeper of Fullerton, has made an early record for himself. 13e took possession of the house on a Saturday and the Inspector got on to hits the next afternoon for contraven- tion of the Sunday clause and for card ploying and drinking. It is ,whispered that one of the participants in the Sur y day card playing .and drinking was a b ether'hotelkeeper, 11linP.rcl's Liniment Lumberman's friend. The Canada Coy. TORONTO, Toronto, Mar. 27. --'beat Sprius No, 2, 60e to 87e por bus :red winter.No,2,86e toter per but. Manitoba No,t hard,156 to 107 No. 2,1 09 tq l 05 ; PEAS 55e to 58a per bus. OATS 29e to ale ter bus. FLOUR. cries, 53.44 to 23.,45 per bill straight roller. i;3 i 70 to $175; mane ba'kors, e4,00 to $4,50. BARLEY, ' to 1. 49 o to 500 ; No.2 44e to 45e; No 3. extra 390 to 40e; No. e. 3So to 370, ,A. Trans -Continental Innovation FARMERS, THRESHERS, AND MILL OWNERS IUSF.1 LARDINE MACHINE OIL 1 TRY IT ONCE AND YOU WILL USE NO OTHER. Every barrel guaranteed. We are the sole manufacturers of the Genuine. Larding. Also Cylinder, Wool and Harness Oils. McCOLL BROS. & CO., TOROTO FOR SALE BY BISSETT BROS. Hoosier Steel Frame Grain Drill Over 25,000 RoosierDrifls and Seeders with our Positive ForeeFeed in 'Jae in Canada. Sleeping car passeugera for Pacific coast points via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.. Paul and Uuiou Pacific Overland Fast Mail Tine no longer leave to wait in line at Conn, - ell Bluffs Transfer Station to obtain aleep.- iug car berth raaonations west of the Idle - wild River. The new arraugemonta erode by the Chi- cago. Milwaukee se St. Paul Railway obviate all tach delay and anuoyauee. For further aartteulars enquiro of nearest 'c ress A.E.H. General Pasueuger agent, Mil. waukoe, Wis. .tavioE To 5o!UEne.—dreyou. dist lrbedat nightand broken of your rest bye sink obit(' suffering and crying with pato of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and got a bottle of" 4rs,winalow'sSoothing Syrup"5arChil- dren . Teething. Its value to inoalculablo. It wiilrelieve the pour little sufferer ern mediatol' vopendupcn if, mothers ; there is.r.,, mistake about it. Itcures Dysentery and Diarrhma, regulates the Stomach and liowols,ourea Wind. Collo, softens the Gums. reducesintlamcantiou, and gives tone and energy tothe wholesystem . Mrs.Wfnslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasantto the taste and is the prescription of one of tile oldest and bust female pliyaioians and nursOS in the United States end is far sale by all druggiata throughout the world. Pilots twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask fort'Mns Wntsx.ow's u"0Tirr�o soaun "and no other incl. ALL INA HEAP. Malarial feyerleft me with my blood in a terrible stats, with boils breaking outon my head and face. I was too weak to work or even walk, but after taking a quarter of a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters I was able to work. The boils all went away in a heap, as it were, and my strength fully returned before the bottle was done. FRSs. W. H 1TYEa, Winona, Ont. Friday night Geo Murphy, a farmer who lived aboat three miles east of Burketon, started for home walking on the C P R track. His remains were found strewn along the track Saturday morning. Tbe night express is supposed to have run bin down. IMPROVED FARMS ]O.R SALE The following lands, now rented. will be open for sale atter l st November. 1869, when the existing leases will expire:— TOWNSHIP CONCEssrev Lor Hay 8 W+i+�,El3cE+.WI, 6 3 N9 .. 15 ,Wi,21,25 Stanhen............... t 1 72 Aux Se.blee 9 Ei,14i Et, Ne 17 West 14 E},8 Stanley 85 We, 7,WI, 8 GENERAL'. TERMS One-fourth of pur- chase mor.oy down, and ten years given in which to pay balance, at a rental equal to in- terest at 5 por pent. Per annum. Prices will be given on application to the Commissioners, CANADA COMPANY, Toronto. October 281h,1889. Coupon, Ticket Agent or add LABOR ITEMS. Sudden accidents often befall artisans, farmers and all who work in the open air, besides the exposure to cold and damp, pro- duciug'rheumatism, lame back, stiff joints, lameness. etc. Yellow Oil is a ready reme- dy for all such troubles. It is handy and reliable, and can be used internally or externally. There are 26 Collegiate Institutes in the province and the total ayerage cost per pupil is 333.36. The average cost per papii in Owen Sound is 220.45, Chatham $21.43, Strathroy $22.18, St Thomas 324.83 and St Marys 326 06. The average daily attend- ance was 126. TW 0 MEN TESTIFY. GENTLEMEN,—One bottle of Hagyard'e 0i1 cured me of lumbago after all else failed. PETER A_ WATSON, Four Falls. N. Y. "I need Yellow 011 for croup this winter, and mnst say 1 find no better remedy fol ft. FREDRitICE BERNE. Four falls, N. B. .1t* when Baby woo sick. ,*c gave her Catatonic When sho ana, a Chila, ebe cried for Castoria. When she beeamo Miss, she clung to (historic, When she had Children, she gave thew Cpstoria, OTJPE & CO'S GUARANTEED THE REST IN THE WORLD, and the only drill tent can be instautly regulated to run the desired depth in ear ' and soft ground while moving - T1U1 IBOOSIER IS TEE ONLY DRILL that sows'atl kluds of gram and seeds evenly, and at the depth desired in all kinds of sail. THE HHOOSIER IS THE ONLY DRILL that commences to sow the Instant the horses move. THE HOOSIER IS THE ONLY POSITIVE FORCE FEED, and is the only drill that deposits the grsin evenly,' est the depth you want it in hard. or soft soil. iteugneEa Tins.THEHOOSIERCOMBINED DRIL with cultivator teeth is the best cultivator made and is the only implement made with teeth on independent draw bars that, can be set for hard and soft land while the team is in motion. THE HOOSIER is lighter on the hones than anY other Drill made, The points of excellence in the HOOSIER that ether Drills do not have are worth mare to the farm, r than any Drill in the world, THE COMBINED HOOSIER. can be ohangedfrom drill to seeder or seeder to d{ill in les time than guy D,tii made. Send for oar new illustrated catalogue and testimonial sheets Beware of pureba>ing Drilis teat infringe aur patents. —OREAT— CLEAR-NC SALE —LEADS EVERYTHING• -- For Low Prices BARGAINS, BARGAINS, BARGAINS. COME AND SEE Come 'buy for little money and at little price. A clean sweep of everything before stock taking DOUPE & CO, KIRKTON. C. C. RICHARDS & Co. Gents, -My horse was so afflicted with distemper that he could not drink for foar days and refused all food. Simply applying MINARD'S LINIMENT outwardly :cured' him. CAPT. HERBERT CANN. Feb., 1888. 0. 0. RioiAtins &; Co. Gents,—I have used your MINARD'S LINIMENT for bronchitis and asthma and it has cared me- I believe it the best. Lot5, P. E I. Sins. A.Lrvniesros. TO NERVOUSS,DEBILITATED MEN. If you will send u' s your address we ' lmai t you our Illustrated pamphlet explainingall about Dr: Dye's Celebrated Electro-Voitata Belt and Appliances. and their charming effects upon the nervous debilitated system, and how they will quickly restore you to vigor and man-; heed health. Pamphlet free, It you are thus, afi ted, wewill send you aBelt and Appliances on vial, VOLTAIC }SILT Co., Marshall, Mich, !I5nI'b tyIC$ 1 CB 0 0 NONCOM BROS. MFG. co. (Ltd,), Ingersoll, Ont, NOTICE. Exeter, Feb'y Ilth, 1890 We will sell cheap for cash, the balance of our Winter Stock—consisting of Cook and Parlor Stoves, Axes, Cross out Saws, Rope and Web Halters, Sleigh Bells --at prices that defy conlpetitirn. THE BEST YET ! TETE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET ►. BISSETT .BROS. P. S. --We must ask that all overdue a^co'uits be set- tled at once, by cash or note.—B. Bros, Overcoatings at any price ;; Suit- ings at any price ; Pantings at any price. OENTRAL Drug Store A full stock of all kinds of - Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ' GTS the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared. at Central Drug Store Exeter. C ]GLITZ. est Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter Gentlemen 1 eave your orders early, for with the best staff of Tailors ; the best stock. of Fine Trimmings, and the ben Cutting in Town , you are sure of atislao- ion. ,lila,. . SITZLL.' FALL and ICINI G-QQDB _ /have just received my large consignment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, and to make room for them I am now selling off my Previous Stock At figures away down. I do not believe in carrying over goods until another year, and will al ways sell at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES Rather than hold them over. MY STOOK is the best assorted in town and of drat quality goods I am here to exchange goods with the public for cash or pro- duce and am bound to do it. P. ROSS, Market Store, EXETER. Nov. 18, 1889. W.IImprr Eos! k Shoe Maker Has opened business in the premises of R. SPICER, op- posite SENIOR'S Photo Studio where he is prepared to meet his old customers and as many .new ones® Sewed W o rkaSpecialty Repairing promptly and sat- - isfactorily done. A CALL SOLICITED W. H. TROTT.. DO YOU WANT TO BUY FIRST -0L A SS FU R N ITURE AT LOWER RATES THAN SHA 114 GOODS —ARE USUALLY SOLD -- --THEN GALL AT— GIDLEY's —ONLY FIRST -CLASS— Reliable Goods t Prices Lower that so -c5. led Cheap Houses can giv, Under E ^lie all 1, , Branches. S. G-IDLEY, Successor to. C & S. Gidley) ODDFTILL' Ow'S BLOOR