HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-3-27, Page 4Established 1877 s, BANKER, EXETER, - ONT, Transacts ageneralbani ins bustnes Receives the accounts of uterchants and others on favorable terms. Offers overt' aceeuimadation cousistent with ea£eandeenservative b iuktnaprinoiples. Fiveper cent interest allowed on deposits, vraftsissuelpayable at any office of the 4erebants Bank. NOTES DISCOUNTED, MONEY TO LOAN ON NOTES AND MORTGEGRS Int entvr TRURSPAY, MARCH 27th, 1890, CAN DO WITHOUT THEM - THE Ways and Means Committee of the United States Congress have prepare.] a schedule of articles oat wlii.h an increased duty will be • toStates. h o .tatthe S at The v' n e r,, levied e increases pie :posed?5e4 are siguificant and waled seem, to be for the mesa part prohibitory as affecting Can - marl; n products. The people of Canaria are not alarmed ; we can be .` indela entleiitof our. Southern neigh- bors and seek other fields. There is always a demand for barley in England and since Canada will soon furnish a good sample of. the two- rowed variety, the seed of which is now being supplied fanners by the Government, we will in any event seek the English Market, There is also a constant demand in Eng- land for dairy products, for horse and cattle, which Canada can supply. We are always on the alert for new markets and just now there is a movement afoot to en- large Canada's trade with the West India Islands. Canada is too gteat, too prosperous and too en- terprising a country to be retarded by any unueighborly acts of the so styled Americans, who them- selves would suffer by the cessation of intercourse between the two peoples. Atter a little experience they will be glad to lower their tariff to its proper level ; and pos' sibly when it is too late—when we have found other and probably more profitable markets. Our neighbors require many outlets for their , c tagziating industries, and it; would have been more becoming had they calmly sought such, rather than throw up their hands and de- clare "We stand alone, we are lm• penial. The reality is, they are becoming jealous of Canada's pros- perity and seek to alarm us by the paltry act of shutting us out from them. Possibly it is a scheme of the Editor of the Ivied' to lure Can- na.dians into a desire for annexation. EDITORAL NOTES. IT is rumored that the Provincial elections will take place the third week in June. WITHIN the last fourteen years Indiana has an increase of farm mortgage debt of $1o6,855,884.; Michigan 8129,229,553 ; and Illinois 538x,322,339. The logia of these figures is convincing, and shows that the United States is in reality passing out ot American hands into the hands of those to whom they are no longer able to pay their "rent." Ireland, whose agrarian misfortunes all the world is chal- lenged to deplore shows nothing to equal this. We have also been told that Canadian farmers are in a bad way, but they have not to come even within a measureable distance of so gigantic an evil as these figures reveal. CANADIAN Liberals have found new allies in support of their policy of unrestricted reciprocity. Gov- ernor 11cCrearyot Kentucky, stated at Washington the other day in the Foreign Affairs committee that. the Democrats would support Air.. Hitt's reciprocity resolution, be- cause it would be acceptable to the Liberal party in Canada. It thus appears that American Democrats and. Canadian Liberals are agreed on the tariff' policy they would adopt in their respective countries should they succeed in carry ing the next elections. The great questiou for the P:o 1c to then decide will be whether they will accept Conti nail:tea Free Trade, or maintain than National Policy. THE House Committee on foreign affairs, at Washington, on Friday, by a unanimous vote, instructed chairman Hill, to present the fol- lowing resolution to the house. From which it would appear that the United States people were be- coming alarmed and jealous of Canada's present prosperity and future bright prospects, and would fain like to share with us:— "That whenever it shall be duly certi- fied to the President of the •United States that. the Government of the Dominion of Canada has declared a de- sire to enter into such commercial ar- rangements with the United States as woule result in complete removal of all duties on trade between Canada and the United States he shall appoint three Commissioners, to meet those who may be designated to represent the Govern- ment of Canada, to " consider the best method of extending trade relations between Canada and the United States and to ascertain upon what terms greater freedom of intercourse between the countries can best be secured, and said Comniissioners alkali report to the Presi- dent, who shall lay report before the Congress." :SII{.rai•4 (4t"#, 4fir 17'l che�1 Ct tn.' r. showing a more satisfactory con- fi dition of affairs. The total assets have decreased $1,r4.154., which, is a shrinkage of over half a million dollars more than the decrease in liabilities. This appears to result from the Bank of British North America having sent over $600,000 out ot the country, and which it no longer counts among its assets in Canada. Upon the whole the statement may be regarded as favorable, AN uuexpeated turn baebeen given to the question of the trade relations between the United States and Una couutre by the joint resolution at the Foreign Affairs Committee at Washington. Coming so soonafter the presentation at the new tariff bill, this offer of unrestricted recip- rocity assumes the nature ot a de- claration that Canada rust either accept free trade with the United Mates or no trade. This new turn oaf affairs will doubtless be seized ilpen by the Opposition as a grand tapportunity for urging the adoption of the leading plank in the Liberal platform. This will make the tariff an issue ofthe first magnitude, and, should the Government decline the American proposition, the Opposi- tion will go to the country at the next general election with the cry of Unrestricted Reciprocity. There are questions et great moment me volved in consideration of revenue and the great disturbance of all established Canadian industries that would follow a favorable response to the congressional invi- tation. 'f\\'e confess to have taken consider- able interest in the proposal of the Gov- ernment to furnish the farmers of Can- ada with a variety of two -rowed barley that is said to meetwith therequirements of the English brewers, but the price which the farmer is required to pay for this much lauded variety has taken the wind out of our sails, and we are very much mistaken if it does not materially diminish the sales which the Government had hoped. to effect. It is said that just as good two -rowed barley can be pur- chased in Canada for GO eta per bushel, and it is questionable if the market will be any better for this variety than the six -rowed now grown. Our agricu'tural friends will need to exercise ,caution in making a change --if they make one at all"—St. Marys Argus. It would, of course, not become our cotem to speak in praise, much less fairness of any move or project on the part of the Government. The farmers of Canada are too intelligent, however, to be deluded by such weak disparagement, and have, we are pleased to say, nearly all acceded to the proposition and will give the new barley a trial. A similar barley cannot be bought in Canada for 6o cents per bushel ; and if the Argus knows where there is any amount of it, we are sure the Government will advauce $4 per bushel for it, as the present supply is fast diminishing. DuRmGthat month of February the Dominion Government deposits have decreased $713,274, and Pro- , NEWS NOTES. Executions by electricity have been declared legal by the New York Court of Appeals, This it satisfactory, be- cause while the courts and experts were debating the question es to whether it was a proper mode for getting rid of uaurderers, the wire was demonstrating its capacity for the work by killing inno. cent hien on public streets. Alodern civilization has some curious antitheses, A. morbid ph i! antlroly hasfu found an object for it's attention in Eurohell, whose incarceration is brightened by presents of hooks anti ether things. While it is right to hold the pian inno- cent; till his guilt is proved it is wrong, decidedly wrong, to melte a hero of him. Kind and charitable people may easily find fear worthier objecta for their pity thao this strangely constituted young roan, dT doubly traeki'ag of the Grand Trunk Railway is a solid: proof of Cana- dian development, Thia work would not be undertaken were it not a neces- sity, and hien the fact of Canadian. Pacific rivalry is considered, it becomes plain that our railways are growing on what they feed on, Both our great trunk lines are prospering while those in the United States are suffering. Better routes, absence of watered stock and good ivanagemen.t are the factors of Canadian railway success, to which, of course, must be added Canadian thrift aad enterprise. Ontario hes obtained an unenviable character in Euglend, through the strange revelations that have been made in connection with the Banwell murder. That an organized and systematised sys- tem for luring young men toCanada and murdering theta for their looney and effects should have been carried on for several years seems too shocking for credence, It must, however, be noted that the parties alleged to have been en- gaged in this diabolical business were not Canadians. The fact that the farm pupil scheme was unknown, or known'. only to a few, in Ontario until the Princeton tragedy brought the scheme' to light, should relieve Canadians of the blame of encouraging it, As the time draws near for the fulfil- ment of "Crank" Erickson's prophecy of the simultaneous inundation and des- truction of San Francisco, Oakland, Chi- cago York ca o and esti byan earthquake, oke Ntl u la , Ori14,ec ,. Al 1 a rob becoming mere and more excited. In the \Vest, they are soliiug real estate at half its value, and disposing of other property for a song to second-hand dealers, They will move to the surrounding Bills out of harm's way. There will bo an organized hegira under leaders, and daily prayer meetings will be held until the night of the 13th. Thursday a piece of property assessed at $10,000 was sold at $0,300, and all the furniture In a nine -room house went for $35. One devotee gave away sevoral cords of wood, saying he wouldn't need. it. There has been more tinkering 'with the public school books. A few years ago the celebrated poem of "Marmion," by Sir Salter Scott, was ordered for use in the schools as being a proper study, one that was used in the University. But after some twenty thousand copies of it had been sold to the pupils the fiat went forth to stop it from being read in school. It seems that the then R. C. ecclesiastics raised an objection to some portion of it, and for that reason, and that alone, the book was put nut of the secular schools of the Province. This time it is the parts relating to our mili- tary exploits that are cut out. One of the readers contained. an account of the death of Gen. Brock at Queenstone Heights, and the story of the ocean bat- tle between the "Shannon" and the "Chesapeake." Both selections have been eliminated, and the reason given is that they were likely to offend the peo ple of the United States. The puerile cowardice of this admissionalmost passes belief. vincial Government deposits $3o2,- 194. The loans to the former have decreased $465,001, and there is also a small decrease in the loans to the latter. The total liabilities have decreased $657,248. Deposits on demand, that is, amercantile de- posits, have decreased $x,114,154, showing a very large drain, no doubt largely to purchase exchange and to assist country customers to meet their engagements. On :the other hand, iaiterest bearing de- posits, or the people's savings, have increased $661,135.'a very satisfac- tory showing at this season of the year. Turningto the assets. we note an increase of $131,542 ' in specie and of $131,715 in Dominion notes. The increase in Dominion notes is due to the banks in Ontario which have increased : their hold- ings by $42g,6h5. In overdue notes there is ,a decrease of '$81,755 in unsecured and $,98,154 in secured, STAR GROCERY root Importation. of and Oases, Corby Whiskey French & Domestic Wines. .AND RETAIL , "ish & Trod in Ms. 1.4 Bbls riled of This Season's Teas Just Received a di- Hennesey'sBrandyin Casks Also other grades Brandy WROLES.A.144 Lake Huron, Lo bradorWhite this; receiver' a consign - Our Grocery e-uart eut is Complete x+13, very a ranch. The newe of asad drowningaccidenti de t from e vicinity of h tan the o e I'ic eels y t to the Gati- neau 1liver, reached Ottawa Thursday morning, It occurred. on Sunday last, While a family mined Simpson were return- ing from church, the sleigh containing Mr. Simpson, his wife aad daughter and slater -w an -law was driving leisurely along the river,. when o ironies suddenly o rag he d tLrou gh the ice as a spot where the current is vera strong. The sleigh oleo went downwith the oeenpants, and,4iss Simpson, who was only niuo ears old, was swept under the tee, Minneapolis, Minn., March 2Q ---The flour output last welt was 137,700 bbis, There liar been quite a 1seayy falling og' in the output tar the carrot week. '('lac flour market has failed to show any apeeial im- provement, though seine Millers report a triflenioredeniaud, Prices are pretty strong hi sympathy with wheat, aal a few milk aslc 10o advance over a week age, The ex,- port trade is very light. The direct export shipments last week were 38,000 barrels' One hundred and eighty-four mills in 12 States, with a capacity of 1,140,000 barrels, produced 1.507,820 barrels of /lour daring February. au. Btxrcir—L sums --1n St, Mars's, an the 18th inst,, by the Rer.A, Oraut, kdward i3irtoli,Sc 31aryps, to Mins Levert, of Fort Oratiot, ;Mich. Cauronro::.- f,Lcuarl—Iu Clinton, en the 1911t inst, by the Bev Mr Stewart, Win Jae Creighton, of Blyth, to Siarthe Jaaa, youngest daughter of the tato Andrew Meehan, of Ribbert. DIED. Knew—In lllauebard, en alto l*th insL, George Kemp, aged 69 years and 5 mos. iter r.1»a—In the Township at Biddnith con 3rd en the 22nd fret., Eliza dollies be. loved wife of Robert Bodiiue, ai,cd 60 years. Lear -1n Detroit Mich, on the 21st inst., Saiu'l Liuk, formerly of Creditor, aged 27 years, NOTICE. Tenders will bo received by Frederick flees, Reeve of liay, for building a new Town Hall In the Village of Zurich up to two o'clock p.m. on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16th, 1890. Plans and specifications may ,seen at the Office of the Reeve after the 27th March, inst. a The lowestnot co earn 1 ve or anytender a c. dy accepted Zurich, Mach 27th. 1399, UDICIAL SALE. Murray vs Murray FARM POR SALE, •,_ W.A.-NIXED 100 aerea--being lot I3.Nortb Boundary, Me 3fen to take Wove for Nursery Steele, oe E Gsllsxra Thera are e5 acres eleamd, balance ( Ory or CoiniwesiAn, 1 can trate a success S T,i T S A INT bush tui pestaro ; 19 Acres in fall wheat. and fall ploughing done; weal -fenced sad well - watered, Good frame house with stone cellar: also frame barn with stebleunderneath; good of ausonewhowill.work and follow any in - driving# house. Distance front Creditog post= structi0np, Iva) furnish bandeeme outfit free once woes; 4 miles from (:entrails, ands Ye - asta o .t on ...its a eel -emissive tt y and n r mg . s core' a ply rt' convenient tq8 qq a n went aU 1 e Will a d haraUes, t rl be er s tonce. R .ek write fest to a sold cheap. Possession siren of once if r a k, p, t#1tAl1AAI,�h'unen'map, United n'.pply on theprcrnisee to Mch1Gl3,t Toronto.tlrt. Alex n1 JAS,1f1AGl, �.- . .. TO TAVERN A `D SIIOP- whp braecteovnesd ourp Ttaovnds incld ssihvoep oLf ieAcureis 1st next for licenses for the yet r 181/0-Q1• all new applican to for licenses must obtain tiro names on Petition of a majority of .all voters tet the Poilius Subdivision who bare a vote farinelubere of the iaegislatslro Assembly and ono third of soon uarucs piust be re�Edrats of said Sutions b-divreisionceived atby time el application.I Applica Auction Sale of Valuable Farm Lands near the Village of Exeter in the County of Huron. Pursuant to an order of Salo dated the 801 dal/ Of March. A. D.1000, and made by tbo Judge of the County Court of the County of Iluron in a certain matter of _partition of Murray vs Murray there will bo offered for sale by public auction by Jas. Oke, Auctioneer, at the Coutral Betel, in the Villaife 0f Bxoter, in the County of Huron, on Friday, the 4th Day of April, A. D,1990 AT 12 O'CLOCK IN THE FORENOON, the following valuable farm property, viz:— 'rhe South half of Lot number five in rho first concession of the Towhship of Has in the County of Huron containing 50 acres mere or less. This property is well cleared and un ter cultivatiou and is situated upon the London Road within ono mile of the Village of Exeter and in the midst of the best farming Genet; in Ontario and the soil. is unsurpassed for farming purposes. The title to this prof erty is perfect and free from all incumbrances• TERMS OF SALE. The purchaser will pay down a deposit of ten pstile to the Vendf the ors' Solicitor and wioney at ll pay into Court within 30 days thereafter the balance of the purchase money or if he prefer so to do will payinto Court within thirty days after the day of such sale sutlioiont with such deposit of ten per cent. as afore said to make one half of the purchase money and will execute a mortgage for the balance thereof to the Real Represen- tative of the County of Huron payable in three equal annual instalments in one, two and throe years from the day of sale with interest at six per cent. payable yearly and upon payment of such money or upon payment of such money and execution of said mortgage the purchaser will be entitled to a conveyance and to be let into•possession. The Real Representative re- serves to himself power to adjourn the sale if in his judgement an adequate price is not bid for said lands. In all other respects the con- ditions of sale will be the standing conditions of sale of the chancery Division of the B'igh Court of Justice of Ontario. For further particulars apply to Philip Holt, Esq. Barrister, Godericb, Messrs. Gibbons, bio• Nab & Mulkeron, Barristers, London, Messrs. Ross, Cameron & McAndrew. Barristers, Toronto, and to the Vendors' Solioitor, Exeter. Dated this 22nd day of March, A. D. 1890. The magistrate,in - thecase of Mrs. Burchell, tck prcisely the same ground as all sensible people should take—that the law will not entertain a charge of being accessory after the fact against a wife where the principal is her husband. It is her duty to shield him, and the raw would even go so far as to hold her guiltless should she com,nitt perjury in an effort to screen him. The verdict of the corner's jury was a piece of stupidity. The Port Huron -Sarnia tunnel is progress ing moat satisfactorily. It is expected that it will be completed before the end of t)e" year. The tunnel itself is to be over 600u feet long The approaehesareequally long, so that the entire length will be more than two miles, of this distance 2340 feet are under the river, 2390 feet on the Michigan side ano 2100 feet on the Canadian. Of the entire distance something like 2500 feet haye already been completed, dounting both sides of the, river. The big Railways continue to swallow up the small concerns, despite legislative enactments to the contrary: In Canada. the G. T. R. and C P. R., between them, have managed to get control of almost every minor railway, in not a few cases to the decided advantage 'f: the worn-out concerns. But the experience of our two great trunk lines has been duplicatedenany times over in the adjoining States, In Pennsylvania alone, for example, 1e, t e sys- tem tem of the PennsylvaniaIiailroad Company embrace« 46di1 Brent railroads and branches including' the lines operated by the Penn- sylvania company. The Philadelphia and Reading.inolu•les 42 rat roads in its ramifi- cations in the same State, and the Balti inose and Ohio controls ten local lines, and the absorption still goes on. Minn rd's Liniment Cures Distemper. 1 EEPF,1tS. W . BAieekee7 HS, March 18th '90 ZnSea±o t SOaforth, TOTIOE TO CREIJITORS.� In the ;natter of Samuet Treumner of the village of Crediton, townahip of Stephen, County of Huron, Province of Ontario, farmer aad brick mann- factures: R H. Cot,taxs, IsaAO F. Toms Vendors' Solicitor. Real Representative. Exeter. County of Huron. OTICE, Wil -L. OV.RE OR RELI> Vg. BILIOUSNESS, AIZZJNESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, INDIGESTION, F4UTTERINO JAUNHICE. OF THE HEART, Notiee is hereby Riven that theebove r+amed ERNSiPELAS, ACJDITY OP Saunuel '1. roamer has wade an nssizuu,ent to SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH,. spoof all his estate and eU' s ` cot , is crust, for the E<rEARTt3URN, DRYNESS benefit of a!l his creditor. A ruaetiuu of the erediters of the geld estate HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, ja hereby convened and will be hoId at th +pawn i4ail,Crediton. Qnt..on Saturdey.Afarch I�th, et one o'clock p.m.. for the appointment of inspectors stud the giving et direction' with reference to the dlepoeel of the aatdestate.. A l l oreditore of tAe said tondo are hereby required so file their claims with fine, duly proven, an or before the day of M;eh iueetrm. AS after the first day of June. A., Il, itel0, I shall proceed to distribute the sold este' e, having re- gard r d 1 to nolt be responsible lfor tthe net MMS of the said esteto or anypart thereof, to en ., Person or persons whose claim er claims shall not have been filed. itrxt:Y Errnxn, Dated 0th lurch, ;&f0. Assignee MORTGAGE SALE AT TUN COl:[M i'BOIAL rr©TisL, r� OSx gEETZII Notice is hereby given to all parties indebted to the firm of Bappei& Clegborn to call and settle either by cash or secured note before the 1st of April, as they have sold out theirbusiness to Hews. Appel & Zeller. and are leaving this section of the courtrv. Call without fail and avoid costs. Books at Mr. Oleghorn's residence, HAPPEL & OLEGHORN, ON. And every apeeloa est'dlrease srising_five dieorder•ad LAYER. KIDNEYS, &TQ A9. BQWEI-S of 01.090, 3, MILBURN & go., Pivilr TQ°rm. . �QOs , r".42400/4 One Door South of Post Office HAS --- A. NEW AND OOi 1lrs. ----STOCK OF— AT ONE O'CLOCK P.1t., Boots Shoes. VIE Saturday, the 29th day of March, 1890 there will bo sold by Public Auction the farm owned be he late 'aures Hodgson. being LU l NUMBER EIGHTEEN of the TOWNSUIP OF 'OSBORNE and County of Buren, 00ntaining One Hundred dares.. For furtherpartioulars and conditions of sale' seepoaters,or apply to CRONkN & BETTS. Or to JOIINGILL, Vendors' Solicitors, Auctioneer, London,Oot. Exeter, Ont. REMOVED DAVIDSONBROS•, Builders and Contrao- ors have removed to Swallow's old stand, cor- ner Main and Gidley streets and aro prepared to sell Boor.. Sash and Blinds and Moulding cheaper than any other finnan town, Build- ings oontraoted for, Plans. Speojfioebons and Estimates furnished if required. All work done with neatness and despatch and satisfac- tion given. Seasoned Lumboralways on hand Davidson Bros., WM. DAVIDSON. JOH'NDAVIDSON I\ISSOLUTION OF ,PART- NERSHIP. Notice is hereby given that the Partnership heretofore existing between Samuel Brown and rofa eof Crediton, D. Rieder,the- v iil B red ton, (3olieral Merchants, doing business under the nameand Arra of Brown Sc Rieder, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent • and that Samuel Brown and A. L. Siebert (to bo known as the firm of Brown & Siebert) have taken, over said business and all 'ass partnerships ets thereunto belonging, nd, have assumed all liabilities of said partnership business. «otioc is therefore elven that alldebts owing the said firm are payable to Brown & Siebert and all 'eget Habil, Imes of said firm will be raid by said Brown '& Siebert.' witness. S.it'i. Blame I3, Eilber, I). RADER. Dated Jae.. 24th, 1890. Chi1dree '.;t'y for P tel %.'iOfli NOTICE. .fl Fresh and New STOCK OF GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERY Just arrived at the family Grocery, Also Pure Extracts and Spices. A. beautiful piece of glass— ware given away with one lb. Mayell's Baking Powder. Dashwood RollerFlour for sale. Call and examine our goods before pur: chasing elsewhere. G. A. EIYND MAN. INTERCOLON IAL RAILWAY OF CANADA. The direct route between the west and all points on the Lower St. Lawrence and Bale des Chalenr, Province of Quebec ; also for New Brunswick,Nova Seotia,Prince Edward 0ala eft retonIslande, and Newfoundlan sand St Pierre, Express trains leave Montreal and Halifax daily (Sundays excepted) and. sun through without change between these points in 30 hour 4. The through express train cars of the In toroolonial Railway are brilliantlyhbhted by electricity and heated by steam from the locomotive, thus greatly inceeasing the coin - fort and safety ot travellers, New and elegant buffet sleeping and day oars run on through ,express trains. Canadian -European Mail and Passenger Route. p, sseugersforGreatBritainor the conti- nent by leaving Montreal on Ieridaymoi•ning will join outward mail steamer at. Halifax onThe Saturadattentiy, on of shippers is directed to the superior facilities offeredby this 'route Jor the transport of flour and generol.merchan- dise intended for the EasternliProvincof es and Newfoundland;. also fol shittxents grain, andnvoduce intended for the E,rropeanm ar loot. Tickets may be obtained and information about the route; also freight andlps,ssenger rales on ap plication to N. WEAL THERBTON, WestervPreight&Passenger Agent 93ltnssirHouseBlock,York dt'.Toronto D t'OTTINGER, fihief SuperintenAent Railway afneemanatee. N.B.,Nev, 14, '89. „Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MANSQN, Spring Goods In order to make space for Spring Goode We will close the Balance (Jur Winter Mock AT COST PRICE FOR C.A.S11 oavLV INCLUDING : Overcoats for Men and Boys, Ladies' and Gents' Furs, Ladies' Fur Capes and Muffs, Persian Lamb and Astrachen Caps,' A nice stock of Fur Trimmings, Gents' heavy wool -lined _Kid Mitts and Gloves, for 75 cents, worth $1 Ladies' Fur Capes $2 We cannot be undersold in Teas & Sugars for Spot Cash ,T MATHESON aniinbn aIra1y or HEA QUART ERS FOR Pure Drugs, Patent Medi -- eines Dye -stuffs, Perfumery and Toilet Articles, School, Books and Stationary - Photo Frames, Albums, Purses, etc. Cigars Pipes, es and Tobacco., g P , eco. Also a large assortment of Toilet and Bath Sponges always on hand Prescriptions carefully pre- pared from the purest Drugs. Remember be r the lace ` Sign GOLDEN MORTAR, Main St., 7P, Bro�nie