HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-3-27, Page 2ike
Anhami IAvudes Ilinntern Cabins
Two years zeta the writer spent part ot the
THE effect produced by Ayer's lCie erne' winter ptospecliug in the mountaies.of New
en Mexico, aust over the coetinental ervide. g0e 'aetgk." Cala' enngb's" n'''°/* was caied by au old Water And SOL
-004 $0t0 Threat aZet most eases. oeompn
dieteteolonel McClure, of Iowa. We deeialcd
mediately relieved to remain at one plarn forseveral weeks, and
by the ,14, ° a tb13 conelutled to buile a temporary eabbe In
NY9txnet'lla tenteklYs two days we hail eompleted a smell hut with
IS strengthens -the an aperture M one side for a doorway. Hay -
Toad organs, elan's ling uo boards to make A t.loor we hong up a
irritation. and
Pe- cloth ineteati. Of course this frail material
rents the bermes a ,4 offered little or ne resistanee to any auirual
oneuvaption ; in Oat aesired to get inaide. The morniug
t ie foretinger you have presented hint wig.
every stage ot that after the seeond night of our ocaute- we If there in ever o time -when. its a bleesing, . it wait e Toagiome,), he eee to my e e
read di s ease+, found some wildeat treason the dusty floor for a inau to be blind it is when he is in leo. want to collect myself, and And out tvinit it
alyetre cherry Pee. of our cabin. I said something aboet dun- He ean't see what Area be is making of bun- ell recalls. you may be a very good sort of
•„e torai eeneves cougle ger, when the Colonel SilenCed !ne by remark- self,
tag and 1 rtd ne ee ing that wildeats were harmless, I was a fellow, but I hayen't summed you up yet;
"Darling, I am growing old, and I can't think so fast as you. '
refreahing rest. tentlerfoot, and Mt quite shaky- about it, Silver threads a h Id "
mong t ego-, Wben be has summed you up, perbaps he
or have use e A,yene Cherry pectoral but eald uothing nwre regarding the sub- Sang the wife, but .Tack repfled:
tue le, n. leh, coulel A oely be interpreted, roken, lay. a piece of new cloth under on
in my family for thirty years and have leen
"Turn yew switch the other side,"
would very likely be found to mean some- tile wrong side, and fell down, then. on the
gets your finger free with a liz•oad grin or
always found it the best remedy 10t, The eabin woe twelve feet square, and in ,,,,_ . , •
There is only one letter in a mar's alpha -
right side, and with silk of the same shad
croup. to winch compleene my claildren lone center was marline, raised about dollelle,e, bet and thet, is oete 01.4y 0,,,,, inn girrs and thing far fromeomplintentary to yotie general
hare been slject,"- Capt. 'Eh Carley, r
I wet above the ground. I thought I w s
dem the thin laces If h" done e,
1,ITTLE LATTGatil. --„------,-,-,...
-Upbringing of Millirem
An infant is mit naturally peevish or ir.
A woman's beauty mey be "ell err her ritable. Au infant, if well, ought to be as
eye," but it is there all the same, full of joy awl mirth and playfulness when.
Alen ese the same rule in fudging ehame" well Awake as a kitten or A ban -lamb.
pague that women use in judging men' 41 Whether rosy -faced or uot, he should At
iletultS. good it pops.
as to tell a lie, but it is not always so exped- him should be expressed in bas bright, olear
It is as easy to tell the truth to your wife notice of everything and everybody around.
least be happy -faced. The desire to take
eyes, Touch lib eheek i it does not give to
Men woulduot care to be wielted if woraen
did not loot on naughtiness with mingled
dread And admiration.
The chaznpion modest woman hes been
heard from. She always retires to her bout
noir when ]ie desires to change her mind.
opened. Rework the buttoreholes with twist.
It is leech osier to work over an old button-
hole than ft iS tO make anew one. So nitwit CANADIANS
for the coat,, which is Alm ready for clean-
ing. The mode of operation is the same for Work Too Hard !
the ;von. You will probebly hew much neessttreleroket7otfatureortetena t
patehing of linings to tlo.
To repair trousers ie the meet (Moult of
all. They will doubtleas be frayed et the .....---. ,
bottoin, in which case proceed eenet1 as End in g in in sa n ity1
your nem. An soft zoddeliness, Take Ida hand. If the seat is broken, rip the seam,
you did with the sleeves of the coat at the
J)1500 and exit a Alellr piece , woTilrk"ed$4445hu0sfire.
lUtnil : you do not feel as if you had got hold
i"na i't7tatnulay'l,n,b'ore"sn'ai;"am'ounlvi't•-e7 ene'ae-entih, by it, allowing for omit, bottom and top.
„tees_ „,te ,p ,.. ,l,„,,1 :RA,. rin,.,,,,,„ .; ft,„,„„ss -Olt cut the worn
Dote in place, seam on the machine and aa'essest. vaorne
l"Pan'anfethe.:" .
-.' 17oettterswearlitut,s11144.trionn tee; ' I
:Pit ...silit.4411:0e.sir4,erb.wreHaeanernialudiaterarbdilay degree3455t0
press. You must be careful to cut the wore
place straight across, and in setting in, the r mechanics, and Wed
SW piece try to have the cloth run exactly /
f i women, in all parts
the same way. The pressiug is the most es- 'of the Dominion tit
senile' pert. If the knees are brelten, rip
the leg seam and fix in the same way, but ,
of course trousers thus patched cannot be ,ara tosday la a ter*
worn to business, as they eau be on the farm. , hible position. Th*
If these spots are simply worn Alld not sa ,.;r! nerves are weak, ,
Ligesas1;13<::::k11071divsedliniugeomf* 41101t47ThAlcanr;
whet fills out Insene Asylumn° is
the t341110 of that terrible P _ ' Bette
it is too late, Ina Dr. Phelps' ondetftd
discovery, Pelut's Celery Compotelet it
removes the reiuits of ovenvork, testani,
B;001dpa• 7:g• •
S`rrom an esPerienee °I oYer thirt7 Colonel OCCIAVA the front nart of the bunk
Le safer si . .. e le I that is "0 ;" only, one ne a merrier' eroman's
eepag neat to she wall, so t t te
. and that is 'IP aPPearanna and ellaraeter" d 11 pressed, it wilt' Ineost 1nnoetta"cfel:
\Yell, get hold ;tow of this young fellow% f!,•n we
Tears in Ow sate of proprietary meth- • - s' • eme, end glee it a „bow ,, you tem end the tetiteh np the scams aphis and press open
knee -joints as Brut as if leg and thigh were on the wrong eide. Gore the final presentee
ail one piece, and tbe neat as hardens' tough after cleaning with warm water, to every
as vulcanite, perimps the elan is not es.eit quart of which you shen add a tablespoon. etrengtin renews senility, moat,. the
du it t sleep very )0 rach the night after Angeline --`930 you believe Met -lone files
Ayer's Cherry Pectorah One of the
eines, 1 feel Justsned In reenlannendins`g the wileeet emote were eiesesveye,e / kept- out of the window when poverty comes in
best reeoniummlations of the reeterat le thitsking, about the matter, and cogitating as at the door r' Re% ard--"If it does it goat
the enduring quality of its popularity, it i to what I would do when the animal same , out for a diroreet"
Teeing more sehtble llow than it was I, again. It was after mitiniglir 'before j zuou, i ..)1r3„ Hordhead-"That's our mukutuieu
twentn•five years ago, when its great 1 aged to get the leaet hit of sleep. My. wife." Mr. IlarIllind-t'Sho's verl, hecons-
suceeei wee censiderell marveloue. '-. , mind waa too restless ens' my nen hewed Ingle' attired." Aire Iferiliteeti--"el s'. a t"
It. S. Drake, U. D., Belk% Rens- • " I only a few min' uten 1 '' The Colon'el snored Ir• ila:t1- lteed-^"Sll'e Wears 'it watered ii 1 b e oth over en press* al h t • Vvan and hseldriese, the same ea wee ktra
"My little sister, four vears of age. 1 1 an 4 t AU p en ,y o oxygen A taroug , 1. IA 0 trate eau
eves.; ea 111 from bronchitis that we nen " a an' Wilii'VtiS eVhlt344Y hail"' reel% Wife -"Olt, John, the rats Stave Aed ae the leg so the bort will be. le ohne end PreSS the e0at aud the vest, Anti younen. John L. Brodie, pf Montreal, who vanes,
'Our family physzetart, a eltilful man and NPeetttllt every In'Inent to r''''' a VarlUint ' All ()fit 9" Vous W'r " . • '
alaloit given un hope of her recovery. terrms for lmn- 1 kens met eye an the eloth, 1voten All ray angel eake 1" flushand-What / like this, you will And, is a good hand with' "a tflurised (tnal so will Yew:John) by the n I hive great plenum in recommending
stt i . new look of the whole side .
silky or eversameeths the better; ee ful eaeli of ammonia an arcoltoI. You can whole system, and tones up theoverweeintd
will grow er, the etrengee ?mew it is make the fold demi the front by laying the bytes ana nets Do not 4 but tag
brettli lostedi of eAtinswitins, Better again ; legs on a board, right side out, with the - r
. •
this 'wane pure blood, with a good desk/ of seams exa°l1 "IrresP°114ing ; 14"° 4 Wet
tbIS WOMIet itt remedy, And be testnredtsl
Large experienee, pronounced It use-
less* to giro ter ouy snore medicine;
retying that he had done all it was pos.
sable to do, snd we must prepare for tht
yp ee 0 spoon, Ir,a,tmg ts to lum the serious
j1a4ot looked, at my watch and fount; At gr., ever o few rate,”
t ar'ene,
; like cqing." Husbend-"Olopsbew. Doe't business of his young life, and all bis Omer- youT Psune's Celery Compound. I'dy
YgiOn is conceutrated on the (nib. before
v numetes past 1 ohdoekt, when 1 hears; ete seeth e
e appetite of seine entell twigs ou the out. 1 • " -h.', nen lowing a moreel till he himself were done,
the wildcat was i maryq' father (who is „,, 1 , H • jai, oils even of the cat As I was leTateinDg7iootof 1Ton my first cope. vnutera aWa7VaaLT" wtan'lkinn;Pt :int 73
business, could, not eieep well et night and
worst As siast resort, we determined side. 1 vonjeetured that
to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and I MU venting. I left somewhet eltelty and intsinct. darling, thou art act dein' to me Ideas thee '
ie the Leger .0. Thentrith ri dit goon John Bull heartiness iroon, •=114 triefillg:Shttgrelurtelellaap=titlettli stelYY. elaLTZ:4414017:44e sac;
Ussly sat with the most bappy results. eetee eietebed m , eieeihootte, Nefth omeba sagely At the gee raetere--"Softheee. teou
Pgnint' he will 5.1fr tl h t h 4 Japanese empire, I received a snootier eau,.
pu. 30 IS otter s er, an
end o_dure coy amount of =cane
After ta -Mg a few doses site seemed to ti 4.1- 1 . k) f . b , 1 ll • art vety deer to see too -blast thee I'' bInss
breathe eamtr, and. within a week was ,, au my suttee, ui 4 Mit tee ot tea A mo- i Love is buod, eteelebea the old bachelor a°31adauldrwiatli'lgaisIni:tit,ozz,teelitabat. vrowl of htiooirlto frowin pit; ra, elny friend Oslikoji, the meta without bad effect."
elm of daegee -we eentiretee riving the !mead later'I seer the cloth pushed ;elide autl boarder in the room over tbe leerier is eeet such a nerkie" AS t ne.
Pectoral untli setisned she was entirely ; two glaring eye -balls appeared. A cold chill , 1r till n '1 • ht b • th ." ' ' ' - "Breap e : t let's legeeet4nsiters," he Pane's Celeri Compound can be pt.
in the preparation. mut 1 reeougneral it another instant the anunal was on the t„'1",,-.. i'', ".ns el)' "
well 'llits ism grret, we unbounded faith frost over me t then 1 be,gan to sweat, In :en„ayeine,, ef. ll ul•tle - h, . a .1°IntUttea•• from the life -such life as it is, ;las i Tile pare to meet the most wonderful acquain.
cried. "Pre. abated at any ' es for ,.:Te dollar a
bottle. . If he shou t h
r, DIM here iS A child of another sort 1 eketch
t 454 Ntramelee la.n't,r; "can parents are both well to-do and dote u tutees you have ever encountered in ell order direct from Wnres, RICIIAnDsOnt
ave 15 on ha*d,
norifidently to my elastomers, -C. 0. inside. In the fireehoes was a iiiekeriets "'h.; '"° cnItuut hep weeetng .4av at was tl e ba h - i t ,o, 1 travelel ic Co.. Montreal.
For Colde anti Cenlls, tam
neepper, Druggist, Fort Wayne, Ind. pta• e, baet, which toioe tbe same a, woes! e., an unsb as well, I .y, W a la )"t in /teen mottos °M'' 1 Bat 1 llad seen se mauy rare and marvel.
A CAM for the light or the tire a; it went around seying something really bright)--.0141'eerey,
one to In0. Tee annual iliti not seen, te Cherie)* Leyden (who eees a chanceof Ilimela81:4 raid15 :ell abr4nel'e'aeita.ralAthellaotwile;r °C4itritlig ttiousrgotItitienrgebielt.gp1;710autrothe;Alvdmasonfoitoi;nbe•as. 1
listleasly down. A bonnie ho ' 1 ' tt
yet' 4 berry ecierail 111113'14Y -
the interior of the vabia with very little oanss bettelerter. Y:Ill wellti" tna °I. 4 "IN" locks of soft amber hair, audYeymestrol'fhlinl‘alitel gun' 4tViritig at 1%4'144 aa a bri8ilt awn'. i
. oneesjuwy," Misaneuelebete-nYea :Why, blue, el bis• * mer Aftenwou I found comfortable euarters '
. e , . . ti. • •
/ litany orepe.e.td tuner puough to WA ke ' pine ? Cbarlee Lot eloa.- II hy, you silt on ne, atAtofa?arlie, °all° asu, 4 sQute.wItate in the upper story of the largest um that
raneerseie err the 'Colonel. Retook in the sinettem at once. a hodY nos Yee. hlteir."
- ' " Thel'u 1'8 4.'030104341011N taltItAt ions and Acceptiug the
bot, AU 0 0)0 3t 4 droop rawer, and.
Dr. 4. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mas* T130 oninml was just then intent on .. eionin.
,moietriets in his eltin that I do not half Mo -.1,1 wishes of his househole for my health am"
Anise In ; sie threes, en "trona ti; a bottle. 1 E. •
'yea eltunk of meat hung on the wall evert
1 nul hie Maths aro 40,f5 and fiablsy-unwhole- I bariaa• eas / preeeeded to eusee a change of
ithicker then they ought to be. ate the pnwe contained. After responding to
JR* Alum.
Velvet, Iren I; Lead flea
tons° Pullsy 011ers,Stesas
WInd Nab, Cf:ant Sew,
atom, Dalry and Lausdr$
Amblers of the oritter svere invieible, The - marke of An overwrought or worried nervous: ..near aaea be esmo
Nir W14 WAS hangar, anoveren - 4° 4°3 4144 . Ill$01111)4 iS rightly regarded as one of the 404_0 to tkr tench. dress nud otherwine put myeell in order for
aRbtkal gaVe a erY that Made MY 143ir stall", sound sleep. lastingfor a ream/able period--
040nel raised bis •Wlueltester and fired. The, System, and coneetenly We may take it that' " Not at all well, <10e/lor• Ile used t° for winch the region is lautatta.
Aaron through the beautiful temple groves
on vini, When Op 6111010 'Cleated awaY the eay from six to nine hours in the case of food, and took PlentY of milk but now 180 loud cletterke on the iloor below presently
bean WAS gent'. Ns'Nt mornine f ll a
0 WO -"-"We- lattit8-is a fair teat of nervous competence, thrive wonderfully well ou a patent flour 1
i While thus eugaged I Was disturbed by a
5 trAii Of Mood and found the Ikea animal Verieue "damsel yams may temporarily coming." e tee sound of heavy footsteps
refuses then and will only take food wall meowed be. II
shaut %1'/ yardi fr'eh the cabin; Bet„it• interfere with sleep in the healthy ; lint still' " Afeat and broth, perhaps r
leokol around and found mnt:thing marc vests its'eontlitzon by obedience to this daily as We de 011neives.
Wasli t n Wild eat; it was 4 IttUtner% 11"e the rule holds good, and a normal brain res" "And potatoes, 'es. We feed him nnuch extremely noisy mid chime attempt to ie.
to my Apartment. Somebody was making an 1
clambering up the rough staircase whit% led 1
' substautial to keep out intruders, and the rhythmic variation." Custom can do ninciti " Ale there you err." ;thole upon my privacy. There was no door ;
itext night I slept In pew.
1 ta e4tiret to Oen, for, 58 in many rustle Japanese ,
non uatural term of sleep, a fact' " Aud he is so feverish And irritable All hahitatioe_,re
etueet are oustantly remiutied in day long. 1 Pit, even the nurse." the roma of the mend story '
en Thor/send Wile ItaiTY MY Thtgr Trude horio I •
waurawonaT OF MADRID. , these days of high preseure ; hut tlte process" ' 1'10 do 1. Ilon" (1003 he 409 r !floor to whin]; no covering was provided,
is too artificial to be freely emplo ed. La.' " He <leo not or cannot sleep At all all • •
were reaehed• through a hole cut in the
tan y ettet s of rest., ay. At teat he wei ewer, see ---,es naY Was epen, and if any perenn elune • cam 7our bums for * menthe 44 *Nowa them
ao.,,,,71;7,:ze. to force 111518011 tipon me it would on lite Ranks or the erunzentires, g0 far to secure all the ueedful conditione anus, but if -she puts him be dee, Mfg bacamoyour prerezt_Illoo
of insomnia,. In allottiug hours of sleep it and itereams. '1'he sleep._ he cult to prevent 1nm except by uaing atrong
lot Pumps, Farm ?tope ' anettuaree, it a :Tatter of wet from the
:Medlin's river of higlosoundnigname, the a national /lc to adopt any Inaxam or 'uniform' appear to refrealt bim. He starts often and
/measures of dissuasion, efunion eio., :sox SlAreetiaadolitaltuu
.A.tirxE ER
B l milte any noty salting Is zer cot offire
entrees; Waits. Rintarnsari diCea Montreal.
yes !Salta 0o14 Wank.
bold tor8te0e
Doer 343 ouch to ski Wood.
ratios Otaskupto, Wst-
&mod. Boor 0 0
!WAWA Com Bob :UAW
sad eels' algu,wlth Werke
and gam ot equal value.
OnePerapo tussah:3o.
esloy tare mecum PPS to;
!Prether wItla ener Loge eat rat.
DCA* AN* ot latotse0o34
Savolgett. Thos. ssosplos, as
I* as oho mstch soncl
sna After realm, ko o
C • 1. • 1 . . unonne in u utter, a muddy a pumice varies with tbe has lead domes ; tosses hia twins about and
NagampAray &IAN
ou t T1 1 The eetritordmary Deign grew louder and
torrent in mete; a nuelneewn ditelt in the indeeiZde,InaLeAisgael conatitetiou, ilex., fatigue, !plies his teeth • and be y
;ewe or inuneuee. I la -ellen. /curiosity. Linke my on/dement when n,
I waited for an expinuatiori with no /little
summer, and 11341.1 A teenalde sewer at any p: " „ ....,.. " its 8
thoo of ti.,_ „.„„__ , ,_,_____ trwa ,..e„, ." Young persons And 110.14 workers nature
ny I like other children, and is bitterly cross at
BY day be reflueseseneoebearaelifrefti air of spreatlin v antlers rose through the
old, eray heights to the north of -Madrid, who neither ,ow
ne .} "4" '''""‘'''S " ' "" ""' need and should have snore sleep than those •times without the slightest reason. Do you full head /of a youeg deer.
il: erture followe‘d by the delicate and grace- I erWhhoeinfehlittiVeFrIty_// aNntalrvl:ntz:r'arspoeobigataTterd.1-'
and wszuts halt way around the eityfronithe by conunon consent been assigned a louger
grow nee labor. . Alneliert have i thi,1,11±; le nieottianwieriaouslIr ill ?" 0 n di
• I „ „I The warning given in Kioto eanie sudden. i fRfiCd an" bin Vhgl:". of 13"IY' rtlind and
n1,1111VA to the squtheast. What water period of rest than men nd this r g I reply, "hut this is' eaca,seYs Lir :4943,111y to ley remembrance. Truly a more trthoad, creatiz
g orankusting timing npoo
gon'S through it breaks in :away shallows,
tor to one's bedroom could'
1, the Fountains a Lite. HeedeOVNI,
forming* innumerable little ialemis Anil ouri- i4 -
fnent in the event of thCi 'ad- • 1 a.d '•137Z in bdin coneestion or OVA l'' di' ra Ytfn( a6tWiiShIng Vi8ilex0kororjrht:318%ceehdifelurnAe'Co: IDWee0oker;t3taya,
ousiy it -eluded store ,,,o Leo eii ereesetee isin s re acoon with their „allele y ig t-, 1 ... te. piece ee, what,tell you, ate
' • ' '• • • " ' - - li mai e nstr et
/I. '•ot . 1thl ' ujeng Ill 1%*°i:‘' ' You muet Itizi • • hill - n ll',Irenla .1"' nut bn nannelved M.
Strnowline tiwnwerilly to his feet the
by any barefoot hay or girl. Ten thouland 2s,"Absoi'ute I,I,Til(relts'e:7:11:Pirtul;it 2:0g:Tililvd'udfel "IL' . • pretty animal ativencen with frieutily/ core
t ea, ,a, • enyipion upon the Face and all tho Ert'''S)04s
women soak aud splash mid souse anti beat get well. Ono mistake lies iitleues es And peed into re face a n1 WI*5t et
of little moment to fix an 'exact average been the terribly destructive error of 11
the line/1*f Madrid wititie its want waters
. . • . oeithoa Cure. et billions ,irotittifult
isor rev:acre-a the vital Power lu old And
nientlnangp:otiegtelotbnous;lqa;120,inpa NtittgeOeinitiscouitUrtattocciani
open: of the human frame. .1Vith our speelilo
e. t ay. .. ot an artik of teething m else- protr et the reeurrence of sleep ;tering certain ea -called remedies to produee'ntalaekeet,,,, uneever, no suspunon as tie the
to bi e a, look of •geutheinterrogatien.
Izanares lavanderas are permitted to labor as
where washed. No other than these Alen- be ri.4egonflat;r:,invde its eamount sufficient tor the so-called sleep. This is
thtit fat' u oe is the be innin of the hap
ninon uP at 'meet and 'purpose of Ins coining, I stared blankly in
''''''4. / TanntireSSOSjand for thre.e miles up and down Ittes,t'result, 6in r:litSi reneerge:e 11; e d e I g .. ''' 9 - PY •
But this nutalnlity of the !brain 14145 tall...sem of dem' • ,
, ie meted to the I
prostration And d'elumetmnt• s 'return, until with a toes of his horns and a
irritability es render beeltley rest impossible. ing •of this E e ' 1 by you s eep ess-li
precursorof some serious coining Mness, so i scattered upon tbe nmttmg. 1 thx,re worths, and renent ones in lona then th Itt7
la 0 =tat obstanate 411SO can be faired in
The Cat Killed le Eagle. th t if it 1 For se 1 ' th I
vera mmu s he
made iiiimeif free meet. name es, ewes nuarenrece. Our nine.
Lie No. %is au infallible Cure for en a eiyaSe
a asts for any lengthof time, even tor I -
CHAO WIC II'S LEATHERN - the dream, from opposite the infantry. L
" and artillery barracks, upon the heights of - and" 'Lancet' eess by nig t, may_pralremember_be the nspection of my baggage, which lay loosely eaes, Bulb pool:atm conteits te,o •wectm treat -
:SPO 0 E. in &tap% ladies' and liftmen Pe•,enth apertments in the r 1 I
.for Hand and
Argaiitte Erse.
STEEL -LINED Tahlat$ Montane, del Principe,pastthe windows ofthe
ell ether ki
apd SITringest ;
Ieacerigaround away beyont Toledo One day the t was trottingce off toward the a week, you should conault the physician.
I W-1 rc o et pushing venous objects , Ins. Bold muaor el= written re
ing for somethino to his tote, but the in -Termite, Tilt.
oa 75 pa -
th in we Or la••
Gate, the moving dots of red anti blue •ello mite carrying ut her teeth a piece of me t about with Memo, ond apparently sea:rch- epl: oe:acl:c::to =tux of how Ions saran -
tiara Were to
On Repairing Ken's Oldie& vestigation proved fruitless and fiein In Price W. Toronto Iliedlotne
trunks ; with voluptuous breaste and shapely •
suddenly descended %ion the pussy anti Rip out the old sleeve linings ; press and
' big eyes reproachfully upon me, he etallted
gravely to the staircase and descended back- &27=2" LADIES ONLY. -vgal
anti gray, comprise this great army ed Anise for her young. A bald eagle, which had been
In 5156 World. I zone, with arms and legs on them like tree in the habit of hovering over the 15158
. EriuMH & CO. necks ;hard -mush ed and bronzed as Turks - whirled her upward ni a rapid vertkal eut new ones by them. If the sleeves are
MONTREAL the most arduous toilers, the wickedest
? The path of ascent, to the eye of a frayed around the hand, you can either turn ward with cornice. 1 deliberation, feeling his FinseteCti lettOULATIOse ref
solemn. for Damian !blackguards! atol withal the sunniest tem- spectator watching the scene, wae dearly up the cloth for an inch or less, or if, which weer with a security that betokened a practi- rar seeertor to ergot Tansy. P
0••••=101110.1.01.1. .2•11•VONOPI.r.m.M.,4•11k
pered SMil8 Srain. There are three grades indicated by loose feathers violently tossed is likely, the a r g a ow hi/reap dwellings. Oxide. Endorsed by She tcnenrgv4mArg
eat familiarity with th ' ure o
lin this labor. %hey are the mistresses, or struo s air attained a giddy eminence out d in two where it is frayed, On setting forth to explore the neighbor- $2. Toronto Medicine Co.
ront the point of combat. In time the of this, you can rip tlee hem or facing loose,
and- then hood a, little later, I was abundantly, not to megoa.'bmP.rtoo•
HOTELBALmoRAL auto, the overseen or ayudantas, mid the anegamt tilt) a standstill fit the sky. The , put on a new teeing, which willonly shorten see op' pressive y Sul*
'13 kvanderas themselves. .All are women.
1 / d "thth 1
e e es. ram -
110101ThEAL. 1 The first are the agents who receive the eagle's wings. had dropped now and then, the sleeve by- a single seam. Of course a nar " Th db f
Irotre Dame st., one ot- the most central wens from
and elegantly turuishodEtotelsintho Otte. the hotels, 'treat houses, and the
and. he had -given plain evidence of pain and 'machine is an essential article for all such
r t 1 d hi wf 1 I 33aa wained Streets 11
v comnamons/up of winch a een ore- Exeter 13 -u -toiler Sli
A.coommodatioa for 400 guests. city agencies, in huge lots, and are responsi- tor, roye no once s a u grip a - wor te th 0
to SEP:r: day. Se
-Acitts ler Canada,
tninalasala Imretrs of
v Manager.
Manufacturers of
Steam Tin:eking,
77tie is a Perfect Friction
NtRy ,z) sizre
ro °Ai:KR
.21, 21 DOBteseleS St,
roaTi,Vtg 2r. 4.
014 st9m.s
WW1_ ,
M ""'Y'OE'R
ifre tleasantio eaTee.' Comiaiot elidfr 02M
ilestmerojeworms• G'ntittereer.r.eiel.vits.
Purgative. ,ts a safe sure eat(' repeited
y place,
ble for its safe return. The ayudantas or {rand to.relax. ekt length a descent had turn the sleeve wrong. side out, and steam -
overseers are really the forewomen of from eg • '
un with a rapidity which every mom- press the seam by laying a wet cloth over it,
a dozen to a score of lavanderas each and ent increased, and the two animals etruck and usin a 1 •
thronged with deer of all sizes and ages.
parrs were
Wherever the eye could reach they /night be i R. DAVIS ,
counted by thousands Several of th , I
they are responsible for work placed in their t d • tI ' uffi • t th '
505 55
had first encountered. each other ;but the too well. t is not s meet opass e iron
he ground at the very point where they out scorching. iou ca/nnot do tahye per:ay:Lilo--
0 look inquirymy unbidden guest at , '"'
of ' ' thatnxiana ' Di teller & General Dealer
once approached me with the same a,
hands by the meas. At 5 in. the morning,
eagle was dead, and pussy, as soon as she over it. You /not lean your weight on the
winter and summer, the lavancleras will be
prehend, until a group of stags surrounded o
She inn had worn. Again I failed to corn -
felt terns firma. beneath her feet, shot away iron with patient firmness. Now seam up
the Nianzanares. Near the river is an rails)
alon from the barrios
seen, niany of them, with children trundlintg
aloe or ower quarters o the city toward the eagle's throat and so lacerated his the hem about the hand.is
for the barn, still carrying her bit of meat. the linings and -put them in f In t
n es ga on proved that the cat had cut around the shoulders before blind-stitchnig
• y ird I was required to accompany them to a
certain cornered which. a peddler of sweet A .E A T
beside them, creeping S
me and signified by unmistakable action
or asylum, a refuge for their children, breast that his body was literally laid open. The linings of coats are generally loose
cakes was stationed. It was impossible to
resist their pressinginvitation although there
By 6 o'clock you might count from 5,000 After his death in mid air, however, she had around the bottoms, which will greatly fa- was nothing violent in their demonstrations.
to 8,000 of the strange creatures at work. been too clever to relax her hold a,nd thus cilitate work on the pockets; if not, you
They closed 550551(1 518 and waited patiently
The entire sloping, sandy banks are covered fall to the ground, but had let her enemy, must rip them loose. If the pockets are very
while I purchased a supply of their favorite
with drying poles. At this tirne of the serve as a parachute to ease the descent, much worn, cut off the bad places and seam refreshment and fed them, one rater another
year the water from the moturtains is of
At last ancounts pussy was none the werse on pieces oe stoat niuslin of the exact pat -
by hend. At various points of the temple
temperature. But it seems to snake no dif- p,str, Bee.
for her aerial flight and battle.- Utah tern, allowing for the seams. Sometimes
the corners of the pockets are torn kose grounds I was compelled to repeat this aper-
fereuee with their labors. Here and there ' - `" -
- ation and I soon learned that the sale of
huge cauldrons contain boiling water. Sir Charles Tennant's Remarkable Dazgh- stays On the wrong
from the oat. Fasten them down to strong
side and press well from crisp'biscuit for the consumptionby the deer
From time to time a trifle of this is poured
ter.' was one of the establithed industries of that
in the little hollow where omit one toils in •
both sides with a wet cloth laid over, as be -
the send and water' than necessity. Each
but this seems to be Sir Charles Tennant s house in Grosvenor fore. Now stitch down on the right side with community.
done more from habit i
Square, says a London correspondent, is (me the machine, following the same line of
For more than 1000 -years these beautiful
creatures have fearlessly enjoyed the free-
lavendera. brings her own huge roll of bread, of the most popular in London. This is ow- stitching. When the pocket joke the coat,
ing chiefly to the brightness and cleverness which is generally faced with farmer's satin, dom of -Nara in obedience to the legendary
pethaps a bit of cheese, a claspknife to pre.
neat undue liberties from the straggling son of his daughters. There were originally or cloth like the garmentdecree of a tender-hearted empress of olden, the facing some- tfines. The lady, moved to compassion by
diery near as well as to use in cutting bread, four of them, but the second, who -married times becomes worn: rip it off and fell on a the plaintive cries of a hind whose mate had
and, just before noon, they breakfast in the Ron. Alfred Lyttelton a few yens ago, new piece neatly. Buttons tear out, taking been destroyed by the hunters, signified her
huge wooden sheds on salt fislopotatoes, end died suddenly the season before last. There bits of cloth with them. Here is a obance command that in all ages to come no deer
coffee, still remain, however, Lady Rfbblesdale for your very neatest work. Lay pieces of should be wantonly slain within the envirous
with a measure of red wine provided
by the ama, duplicating this meal at a
s, • A more remarkable girl, even In this rernark- or plaid, if any, and fell down on the wrong
Mrs Graham, and Miss Margot Tennant the cloth on the wrong side, matching stripe of the imperial court. To this day the the -
dinner at 4 in the afternoon, 1
dition is respected, and no mann hand is
They eat like animals, and the moment able age, than Miss Margot does n'ot exist side with stitches that will not go through, lifted against these harmless inhabitants oftXl, a
their food is disposed. of the tinkle of the in society. Bright, clever, full of wit and turn on the right side, and blind -stitch down. the woods. E. H. House. senn
guitar is heard, and you or any kindly die- , "go," she is to be found wherevers anything all around the worn place, press, and sew the
eis ..O see', hi ,,,, ' )
posed passer may dance with them as I did •
functions, private view, first IN A CYCLONE WITHOUT COAL, TILL ore you of Inflammatory
interesting is.going on. Smart 'dance, Court buttons on, and even if the patch is slightly .
• until the thirty minutes allowed them for
the same to her so long as amusing and pro- There is a black rubber 'button ribbed exec 5.
night -it is all larger than the button, it will not be noticed.
Rheurnetiern, Neuralgia. Linn h, ,
food and refesco have expired. On these
Oeeesions every one dances, girls of 18 and rn
The s '
ineet people are to be met there. On the ly like the silk and cloth buttons which are
Steamship Bratsburg BurnWood. bag°, Spioal Mamie, Ear pun
women of 80, and the scenes along the Man. same day I have seen. her, hanging on Mr. so much used on men's suits, end which give work and Ropes to Get into Ralittax.
ootheche, Bruns and Sprains.
zanares are very picturesque and interest- ' Gladstone deep in conversation, and not six such poor wear. They cost from 10 to 15 The Norwegian steamer Bratsburg, from
Mg. But when I tell you that one of these hours after engaged M a cosy tete-a-tete with cents a dozen, and never wear out. Where- Hamburg for New York, arrived at Halifax e aetvincenerneeine
iron -framed wenches must wash and dry Mr. Arthur Balfour in a quiet corner. In- ever the lining is worn, baste under a piece the other morning out of coal. She left
ready for the "starching," which is done by , deed, the Irish Secretary was staying at the of goods as near like it as possible., cut out Hamburg with what her Captain supposed s m at onco este blish t
1. wade In all yam Isy 'I
. Glen, one of Sir Charles' place in Scotland, the worn place, turn in the seam and fell was 269 tons of coal in his bunkers. t.'
..,, and goals where the people can Deo
ploeing 007 pmehlttea
She criadas in the city, pieces of linen equal -
them, wo will solid :Insert to ono
ling the clea,nsing of seventy sheets, in order not so many weeks ago, and it was even said around neatly ; press from the wrong side of On the 8512, speed was reduced, owing to re.....'t . person in each tocallty,the very
that he was about to take the lady for his the lining. Don't hurry with any part of the coal running short. On the 9th, in beat sewing-tnaehtne made in
to earn 25 cents per day, the poetical sense ,
m A all is with the interested onlooker own'
. .
/ your work. Neatness is worth more than north latitude 41 ° 10 west longtitude 53 ° Wet will also essuifiree a coMPlete
waddoi lth all Um attachments.
rather than with the drudging lavenders 1 despatch in work of this kind. In sewing the 10, she ran into a cyclone with tremendous 1109 of our costly and valuable att
In some parts of Austria last week the buttons on down the front you must not let seas, which swept the decks, smashed thesky- samples. lo tofu) n NVO aflic Ilua you
of the Manzanares.
thermometer registered.frorn 12 to 20 degrees the stitches show on the wrong side. Don't light windows, and did other damage. Tnat
night the wind changed to the north and now owe we srn.l, 11 iliple who
her toilet, it is a warning to some other wo• S. Wine,
When a woman pays special attention to ,
ooffee or fruit stains can be remov- between the lining and the outside, and then blew with great violence, accompenied by MAIMS on 9(1;111 i/PCOTOU pule own 1
proporty, This annul machine is
below zero. knot your thread, but draw the ends through may call at stone home. and otter *
node atter tini Onmst• Ineslas.
man ta emit out. tl ed from table cloths by pouring boiling pass the needle through the eye of the 'button heavy rale, thunder, and lightning. By ter
The increaad of deer in Maine the
I nut Out it 4)14 for giliN11, with tho '
past , water over the spat before wetting or apply. and through the outside cloth and the inter- this time the coal was exhausted, and every- ...s. which hove run Ma: beforu patents ,i
year is reported to be due to the fact that r
in whisky before washing. Tim acid wil Sons, ug they may be sewed on, show •
ing soda, and coal oil, citric acid or wettini lining only. I always pity a matt whose but- thing burnable, including even ropes, was 5,50. nest, stronnest,1 lost ule-
qtneinuOnui, and now tells for
they have been driyen from Canada and La- •
•' take the color out ofused for fuel. The Bratsburg coaled and brief Instructions gluon. Thoas who writs tO us at onus con no-
ellE FR liii machine in thu world'. An is
••• nit. No 141151 rennirrd. Plaine
bredor by large bands of grey wolves.
%%mum.% co., no= /40, A0500044, Mamo• 1
150 'Wee the hese sewisr-enaohino itt tile world and tho
or es o no i snorer shown togethor In Amorist!. 1
red table I tl , a groat knot of thread when his oat is proceeded to
. •
• , . , .
New York.
to:sterner s ?supplied TUESDAYS, THURS.
AY'S on SA,TUBDAYS at their zesidence