HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-3-27, Page 1w..
VOL. XVII. NO. 29..
JOHN Mele1?T14r .et 15O1Te
Pal lieeteee arta Rxoprigtor
, DtOFS(Th, B3,40;er, ,011-
• oftorof4upreme Cotirt$otaryPublic
,'Onnvayda),oer Ceminiestoner.tto. Afomey to
OM cin l~aneen's Block, Ezeter.
'Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc.,
la1zF,TEle, - ONT.
t)ltloe^.atrtvrell'rtilloelt lssll'sold tiff;ee.)
E., -t• LIII0T ElAtIOT,
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Oouveyaneel.•s 860, 4'34o.
tar Money to Loan at Lowest Betas of
n. V.1Cr, 4QT, J. i;r,rnteT.
QFFIir`>>F: oyer 014r L'S Vd asil«
Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction,
Surn'r ell's Week, :lulu-st, Baster,
Extremes Tooth witbontpaln,
by giving Vegetable Vepor. (toid
Filings Rud- els otlree dontee
work the beat possible. Goes
to %tier n onloethuradesin
eaob snouth'.
T W. 13IIOWNI'NG Ai. D., M. ()
U • P.3 ,e1 radnatoVie toritUuivevsity,003es
eueiresidonce,Dore inter:Laboratory . Exeter
DR. SYNDNIAN, around for the
County of Huron. Osilee, opposite air.
.Cur;'a'tore, Exeter.
D1. J. A. J. OLLt c, U. 0.. P. S
O. O Aco,drainSe.Oxater,Out.Resldou
ill s
eshouoar scantly ocaulled by PePh, Sf 1 ,
r r. CUTPEN, 1xI. IJ'., C. M.,
>k.J. Graduate'Trinity TlnivoreitV, Tor-
onto Fol. Iris. Alod, school, Toronto ; Grad.
A Inst•.0rauloloay ; Member N. Y. Acad.
Annropofogy; amber Co). P. S., Ont,-
-FNhY LILBER, Licensed Auc-
tioneer for &ay,Stephon, and McO lii-
*ray Townehipn. Satcaoonductcdntmoclorate
rates. Office-AtPost-ofeee,Oreeiton •Ont.
" 'p"•,hvIIN GILL, Auolioneer for the
tJ ''Tow:eehtna of Stephen, Hay and taborno
and tfto ViRego of Exeter. All sales promutly
attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales
arra, god at this belle
Tennent & Tennent
actuates of the Ontario Veterinary College
OFFICE : One door South of Town Hall ,
porcent, $25,000 Private Funds_ Best
Loaning Companies repre rented,
Banister, Exeter,
CANADA. end Office, London, Ont.
After 31 years of successful business, still
continues to offer the owners of farm property
and private reeidonoes, either on buildings or
contents,the most favorable protection in ease
of lose or damage by fire or lightning, at rates
uppon such liberal torms. that no other respect-
able company can afford to write. 42,375 poli:
cies in force lstJan ,1890. Assets $378,428.00
in Dash in bank. Government deport. Deben-
tures and Premium Notes. JAMBS GRANT,
President ;D.C.MoDoNAtm,Manager . DAvin
Jdotres,Agent for Exeter andvioinity,
Established iu 1863.
This come any has, been over EighteeneareincuacessfuloperationinWestern On-
B a a JOBB o
i t
lr ;ario,androntinues to insure g
amage by t? ire Buikl1ngs,ylerehandise,Man-
faotories,and gI1 otherdescription aoftinsur-
hleproperty .Intending insurers havothe
ptionolinsurtngent he Premium Note or
dash System.
poring the past ten years this Oompany
hasissued;;7,096 Policies, eoverint:property
o then.rnountof e40,872,088 ;and paid inloss-
r es alone Q709,71e,00
A»setS, $17G,10O.00,00nsisting of dash
nBank:,governmentDeposit,andthe unese-
esedPremiumNotesonbandandinfore°. T
W WALDEN D. PTe,side a t. O..hf, TA'sdr,on,
.:Secretary. r.B. EVOIIES,Inspcetor. 011AS.
SELL Agontfor'rxeterandvicinitl..
The Molsons Bank
(OH4 .TEBED BY I'A RLJA 'fr2; T; 855)
pa,idup Capital o. SWAM
Reatp'nnd ... ... 1.000,OG
BemdOftleo, Montreal.
lr 0 Er .
T.Tt R T N RAI' S,
Et. NO SA. T A a.
OBaeititAnMeise .R6
2ebranebofffcesintttai)ominton. Agenele
in the iltrmtinton,1I,S.A.and swops.
Eater Rt, auolu,.
Open every lairful tiny, frons 10 a,m.to 3 p.m
SATU111).AYS.10 0.411.t0 to 1 P. ra.
4 Oenr annum allowedfor money on
Geo TA^
Goldsmith ,,. Hall!
Stir"Pbrsonalettontion gtvon to repairing of
watehoa,elcok.s andiewolry:
Opposite Post Nike. PAF, KRILL
Eyes Tested
Practical Optician,
Graduate antic School N'.
Eyestested ; defeetivctight rostorodbythe
a£d offfno easses. Largo assortment of tho
fiaeettilnraosonband. Aeeliaoliaited.
moo 7D'r77ec.xx&s-S3 G' London,
Thi �sasall Roller
The best grades of Roller flour
wbolasale end retail.
Cook & Reith,
Hensel), Cot. 15th, 1880.
Champion food
Al TES.l1`1 ITS iJSE.
Horses can now be kept in better condition;
cows give more and richer milk, and all kinds
of Live Stock restored to health. fattened and
improved at a much less expense by the use of
C35c81tePXC m arOOT.2.
Our Agents Bell Champion Food in Eng-
land, Trance, Australia, India, Africa,
Brizfi, Buenor, Ayres, United States, Canada
ate., etc., with the same wonderful results.
Farmers meds and to too7l-
Ralsers Will Have It.
.Agents wanted everywhere.
BART CO'X'S'OiVc, London, Ont
JAs. PARKINSON, Wholesale Agent.
Agent for Exeter.
arber Shop,
A. Hastings, Prop
Shaving and. Rair cutting in the latest
style of the art.
'Every attention paid to outticcg
Ladiesana G'hrlaren's Hair.
��� WANTED -A good energetic men, or men,
to sell our Fruit Trues, Roses, Shrubs, C'rna-
mentals, etc. Permanent employment. Write
at oneo,;for. terms, and secu•ee choice of
territory.. We sol1 only first-olase .stock• hand-
some outfit free. .Address MAY BROTHERS,
Nurseynien, Rochester, N. Y. -8th Nov. 21.
s o Cards FRt
5 Packs ,
One Peek, Mny It 0- U. %Ionto i One Peek
E»oort; One Pack, b lirtation ,•Ono Pack, Hold
to the light; One Pack, Our Sof% just holds
two. One sample book full of Novelties, all
FREE 'f d5o silver, for postage
4 tr
;sanest i..t
Spring stook lust recelvedand opened. $1,ot10
worth to be cleared out within 30 days., Rale
stains aro w dtln on ouraholves for Judicious
buyers, A urand se1eotlon elan kinds of foot.
wear. A call will convince you that 1 ern the
cheapest man on earth. Don't be led astray
into buying ten -year-old stook when you can
buy now goods cheaper. Iluttoraud eggs taken
in exchange.
A• 1VESELou,
BOOTS atm Suess. -;t Bankrupt stook eased -
mint suitable for City and country. All new
goods and well e t
a A "t
Ion d. Sizes andstyles tylca tc
snit everyone. o
} In .act .loots and Shoes for
the million. The stock in tho first place was
purohesed direct from tho menufaetorics, and
secondly, bought by me for about Teets. on the
dollar. Tho goods aro almost given away. Cull
and bo oonviuced.
Enters -Mr E Boaseuberry previone to
his leaving the hotel made a dunce to widish
finite a gaoaly aura* ,Qf.s'ntbe f"om., this
surrounding district towns and villagea
attended. -Mr E Evans wo are sorry to say
is at present very ill. -The I 0 0 Fellows
are doing a lively business, having such able
and reliable mon as Rev Jas Henderson and
Rev Ezra A. Fear added to their number. -
The Rov Joseph Cook,'our teacher informs
us, delivered an exoellenl address to the
pupils of the school on the subject "Tho
Boy Poet" (Alexander Pope). Tire address
besides being a history of his life was lull
of practical knowledge. All should go to
school and give the teachers encouragement.
The Rev J S Henderson addressed the
pupils on Friday last. ;
Boxers. -On Sabbath last Bev Mr Living-
stone of Clinton, occupied the pulpit of the
Methodist church here and delivered a very
able discourse on behalf of the Educational
Interests of the Methodist church. -Mr B
Reynolds, late proprietor of the Mansion
House, loft with his family ou Tuesday for
Clinton, where he hna purchased a livery
business, and will in future reside. Whilst'
regretting the removal of Mr Reynolds and
family from among us, we wish them all
success and happiness in their new home. -
Mr Geo Kycld left on Tuesday for Montana.
-Mr 1' Dallas, lately in the employ of the
G T R, here, left on Tuesday for Winnipeg
to push his fortune in the prairie province.
We wish him success. His plaee here will
be taken by Mr Garr Reith. -Wo were
pleased to see Mr John Hall of Dashwood,
in our village on Tuesday last, looking so
well after his Into severe illness. -Mies Mo.
Donell of Exeter, and Mr Fred McDonesl
of Blyth, were in town this week. -Mr Wm
Ball, of the firm of McArthur de Ball, is at
present visiting relatives at Pint River. -
We are pleased to note the retarn of Mr
RohtYoaeg of Wingham, to our village,
and so see that he has again taken a position
in the store of Messrs Coed & Rennie,
where he gave such universal satisfaction
before his removal. to Wingham.-On Mon-
day last D Miller, V 5, left for Crystal City,
Manitoba, taking with him the celebrated
Clydesdale stallion, . Dfacalpine.--Mr A
Morrison of Hibbert, also left on Monday
for Boissivain, Manitoba, taking with him
the fine Clydesdale stallion, Sir Wm Bryce.
-Mr R Stark returned to his home on
Monday, hear Brandon. taking with him
some fine horses. -On Tuesday last Messrs
Jas Horton and John Stewart left for
Dakota with a carload of horses.-Hensall
spring show will be held on April 3rd.
Splendid prizes are offered. -Rev Mr
Stewart of Ulintou, will preach in the
Presbyterian church on Sabbath next, both
morning and evening. -Rev J 8 Cook
preached in Clinton, Rattenbury-st. Metho-
dist ohuroh, on Sunday. - Miss Hattie
Sutherland is visiting in Clinton--MrRobt
Johnston,.whc has been here for the last
month has gone hackie Torouto.-Mr Wm
litonenian is visiting friends in Mitchell. -
Miss Piper of Lambeth, and Mise Mill of
Exeter, were the guests of Mrs J' 0 Stone•
man last week. -On Sunday afternoon nest
at 2 o'clock, Rev 0 H Bridgeman will preaoh
n sermon to the Canadian Order of
Foresters, in the .Methodist ohuroh.-On
Tuesday 18 horses were shipped from here
for Dakota. -Mr 13 Bossenberry has started
a livery -Robert Patterson, builder and
contractor, who is. working at Luoknow,
paid the town a vlst.-Harry Donnelly, the
veteran horse trainer, is' prepared to train
any bores. He resides at the Mansion
House. -.Mr Thos berry intend» making a
shipment of horses in a. ` few days. -It is
reported that a Welsh ---mart is shortly to
become united to a young lady and thus yeti
see one and one makes one. -i otua of our
young men pay a weekly visit 'to .Exeter for
certain -reasons.
'-::r Ps.-- r A.n
'�Elle as sod a
11sit 1 hr
dsivsr to ifr. Wigton of Exeter, for a good
figure,,, -Mr. F. Siegner, our noted black-.
with, has about completed a handsome cab
for Mr. Happel, who intends taking it to
F u
IT3rit ,a, � e nuderstand, Cleg has start.
edaA oatfon manufaotory in town. Success
to your venture Wm. -Sone of the Seaforth
youngsters made things lively here last
creek. They represented. Dr, Jug's medi-
elnea (whiskey jug,) --Do not fait to see
Appel tk Zeller's apriug stoek.--Tenders'
for the new town hall will be let shortly.-.
,'t:.r klougn audwito are visiting their friend*
;here anti nt the "corner."-flusiztese is
piokiug up at present as the roads are get-
ting in better ooudition than they havebeen
for wane fusee.
t, I31rt,
B,wsss,-Mr, Wm. Nicbulson lugs leased
the baokamith atropin this village int a
tet 4f yearA, Iday e000e00 Attend Klin.
'believe that tl;e ahitese Fsetory has
heenrauted to MrD Ci'is,ttaiLtbr, merchant of
Eippen. Ur. Wiosmiiler intends running
it as a creamery and no doubt will succeed.
in getting a fair share of patronage. Mr.
W art
be right wan in . the right place.-�••
ATx erred Holtz left village on Wednaday
ot teat weett for Luacalacounty Miobigan.--.
Wr Adam Edighaffer has placed on ]ria al.
sra'ady large staff of workmen auetiser hand
sen. -Mr Thirek aux veteran Thresher
has ruroliued. front L. 1?. Sawyer of Hem -
titan a pecileas Ste, arat�.r, We believe it is
to be on exhibition at the Exeter spring
shout. John is Lotto-£ t t have the hest rig
on the road.
Butaas.--Ayr, A. W. Stalker left last
Saturday for Toledo to take a position on
the *team barge "Hadley. -;Mr Rutledge
luta goon on A vacation to Ilemiitan,--lir,
Wright, of whet;; mention was lately trade,
has returned autl completed arrangements
whereby he taken possession of Dr. Nicilol'a
praotioo and property. --Miss Martin ?ran
reeolved her spring stook of wall paper, and
thoaa intending to do papering, should see
her assortment.
Anoltxars .tin Pat SE rATI,ax.-0n Friday
v t. large s
evg. a and well flossed gathering
g Jest, Ke1 g
met at the Reetory, havntg assembled to
expra1 a their feelings of regret at the deem.
tart of Rau. and ;ern. Hodgins and present
the with some token of remembrance
Address from Varna was read by Mr. Aran.
,strong. tscaompaniod by an upholstered ohair
and onfna tea sett and the address' hand-
somely famed. Following is the Wren:,
'Ae'llsv..y+:T-PP►: �Itvr%fns, intamaerst of
Rev. Axn Da7An Stn.- Wo, the members of the
congregation of St. J'ohn's church, Varna, take
this opportunity on our retiring from tho care
of this parish. to tender you our most heartfelt
thanks for the many eats of ehristian courtesy
and kindness shown us during your mfnisten',
tirhsdh have oudearod you to all. Sinop the
time you first dame among us, nearly five years
ago.youhavo been untiring, in your eftorts to
promote Christ's kingdom in our midst and the
fooling of deep regret at your separation from
us is universal. It is, however, gratifying to
know that the appointment you have reeotvod
as Rector of St, Thomas churok, Seaforth, is
not so far distant as to prevent us from having
frequentinteroonrso with you. Wo bog your
acceptance of this slightest token of our appro-
ciation, and trust in yournewfioldlof labor that
God in His goodness and mercy will stall eon- !,
tinno to bless you end crown your efforts with
suecoss. such as has accompanied yon in this
Your first parish. 'that Mrs. Hodgins and
Yourself. together with ail the members of your
family may long ho spared to enjoyra full
measure of futurohappiness will be the prayer
of this congregation,
Varna, March 21'9D
The address 'from Bayfield was read by
Dr. Nichol, and Miss Wilson presented a
purse. Mr. Hedging made a very apprpri•
ate reply, after which the evening was spent
in music, singing and games, On Sunday
morning, Alt. H. preaohed his farewell ser.
mon to a large and deeply interested con-
OnmuARr-Their died in the Township
of Biddulph on the 22 inst., and was buried
on the 25th inst one ot the old laud marks
of this locality, in the person of Eliza
Rollins, wife of Robert Rollins. She came
to Canada with her husbaud and 4 young
children in 1836, and settled on the 3rd con.
Biddulph which was at that time a dense
forest. There she spent the greater part of
her life and raised a family of 11 children,
S of whom survive her. In 1837 her bus-
h'nd was palled out to aid in putting down
the McKenzie rebellion. She remained at
her post with her little family, although it
was several miles to the nearest neighbor.
There survives feet, her husband. now about
8G years of nee, Mrs Moralls of Biddulph,
1 Wm Rolliue of Exeter south. Dr Rollins of
Exeter, one daugliter in Detroit, and four
Isons in htauituba. The subject of this
1 sketch was a notable figure in the olden days,
'd s • celebrated for hetes
large -hearted
being r th B
hospitality and generous friendship • to all.
Her.exceesive kindliness of heart was her
distinguishing chaeacterlatic• The loving
hands of her daughters cored for her after
she became old and infirm. She lived to
the good old ago of nearly 80 years being
born in 1810. Another of the old pioneer
links gone. She was always identified' with
the Methodist ohuroh; and her hones - was
also tl• a home of the old pioneer Methodists
of early days. No ouo" passed • her deer
weary or hnngry without relief. The. family
have the sympathy of the community.
please -Mr. Wm. Atkinson Bauble Line
sold a spare of colts last week to Mr Hunter
of Usborua.--Also Mr John Hodgins dis-
posed of a colt to an. American buyer for the
sun of X95. -$illy Boyle has returned onoo
more, our neat to to cheer from the land of
Uncle Sam, where he has been selecting a
homestead, All are sorry to bear of Billy
going so far away, but she of the Sauble
Ltiue will bo awful-louesorno.-Mrs Janice
I)ag2, of Detroit was the guest of Mr Wen,
Rollins of Exeter, while sit. nding to her
mother's funeral.
The act rttspeetang the tax on sales, which
was disallowed by the Dominion Govern-
, t you sen i meat, has been reintroduced in the lkianito-
A-. yid. Ki�T]N TX, Yarmoattlb, A*.S. Hoer s Laba Legislature.
Children, Cru tor pls'tort:.
C. Smithvin made e
W. ha, o arrangement* ta,
ran the Centralia Cheese FactorF. Ydering the
coming season would respectfully notify the
Patrons and community in general that the
factory willbe rim to its fullesttertent and that
those wishing to become patrons will be dealt
ana A
w' honorable ora t o
with inho it tufar�s i n
desirgd will be cheerfully given on applicaiion,
Solietting the kind patronego of all. -
I remain yours truly,
C. W. Surra.
Beznr=a The weather is very changeable
here at present,--efeleoa Stiller sou of Mr
0. Miller is still very low. He hue been ill
for about three mouths. We wish bint a
speedy recovery. ---past Wednesday Mr Win,
Pfaff, butober of this place was married to
Aries Mi, Solsoatrn of Zurich. The aonple
raved to Dashwood on ;Monday. We wish
them mach joy and }sappiness.-- On Thurs-
day evening last a number of the young
people of this vicinity attended the meetings
itt the fourteenth. -Wo have heard that
there is going to be another wedding be.
fore long.
13ruar .-The many friends of Mr. Wm.
Rathwell, of the Goebert line. will be glad;
to know he is fast recovering from his late
illness, Tba esteem in which Ur RatIwell
is held by his neighbors and friends mum
plainly shown on Wednesday of Leat week
when ovot 30 able-bodied men met in his
been and cat 21 cords of wood for bits,
after which they returned to his house and
partook of stopper when alt went borne
feeling they bad; done a krnrd and neighborly
act. --Mr, Ju, McFarlane Last week sold to
Mr Agar, West Wawanosh, near Delfaot.
the imported Clydesdale colt, "Glen Arpin.'
oomtng three genre, This snit is chid to be
ane of tine best ever imported into tbta
country, and the fact that $1,500 was paid
for hint goes far to prove hie individual
menta, while hia registered pedigree eatab-
Heine the fact of a long line of tneritoriona
ancestors, -Now Recons.
Grand Bend.
Burst's --The river being (pito clear of ice,
fish are coming up. and town citizens aro
now living on the fat at the water. -Mr U,
13. Glanville ienble to go around again after
his illness, but we ars sorrow to hear that
he in talking of selling his farm, leaving our
town and going to the North .Vest, -:lira D.
Patterson's baby has been very i11, but is
improving a Iittle now. -Air C. Il, Stuck of
Port Iiuron paid our town a flying visit ouo
day last week. Wiserein does the great
attraction lie ?-Mr James Shaddook bas
purchased the farm owns; dy the 1olee A.
Sharron. Mr Shaddock is a fair stamp' of
our young Canadian farmers who we think
will do well. --Tho many friends of this
vicinity will be pleased to learn of the where
abants of Miss Ella Reinhart formerly of
the Bend, but now Mrs Miller of B. 0. who
with her husbaud are working among the
Indians as missionaries. Her letter was
dated Deo. lest and only reached here last
week. -Mise 13 sl1 Patterson intend leaving
This week for Port Enron, where he will
remain for soma time. -;kir. Zapfe, our
tailor, is very busy now with his spring
BRIEFS. -Mr 3. Al Wilson has erected a
large addition to his stable. -Mr W Mellin
received the contract for repairing school
house No 10, his tender being the lowest. -
Rev. Mr. Staebler of Crediton, is to preach
in the Boston Methodist church here, next
Sabbath evening at 7.30.-J. Sherrit and W
7l Taylor, Reeves of Stephen and McGilli-
vray, met at the river Aux Sanhle last
Saturday to take into consideration the
bridging of the river west of this village, to
open up a shorter road to the gravel pit and
to Port Franks. -Mr. W. Oliver of Grand
Bend, was visiting friends here last week. --
Mr. A W, Humphries paid otir village a
flying visit on Monday. -Rev Mr Nethercott
of Parkhill, was here last Monday, looking
into the proposed plan of changing the
boundary o! the Sylvan and Grand Bend
circuits. -Tao members of the German
church have'reoommended their minister
to olose their church and join in with the
Boston Methodist church. They all under-
stand English and believe in the old adage :
in union there is strength. Such a disposi-
tion is also indicative of the liberality of
the German people.
The bill granting aid to Toronto Univer-
sity has passed the Ontario Legislature,
The date of the World's Fair to be held at
Chicago has been postponed unti11893.
Detective Rogers says the man at k'ortage
la Prairie is not MacDuff, hat he will bring
him east.
John Benjamin, a farm \laborer, was
killed on the G T R t aok near Chatham
Tuesday avg.
A special colonist excursion train. left
Clintou Tuesday for Manitoba oba with 55
passengers aboard
Three boys of Carmen, Man., started oat
heavily armed to form it desperado gang,
and are now serving thirty days in the
Tho master builders of Detroit have de-
cided that nine hours shall constitute a
day's work, wages to be fixed by hour in-
stead of by day.
A father took the body of his dead five-
year-old son to Portage la Prairie and asked
are inquest. He swore he believed the boy's
mother poisoned the child.
Navigation is open at Godericb, a couple
ot fishing tugs having left that port yester-
day to set their nate. It is the earliest
opening of the fisiiiug season ever known.
Freeman Hudgins, a saloon -keeper at the
Westminater end of Clark's bridge, London,
has died from the effects of a row on Satur-
day night. The alleged murdereris under
DRUEPs.--M; Alez Morlock left for
Detroit on Tneaday to seek ensploymeet.--
The Misses Wain ot Loaders, epaett sa few
days of the past weep with their parents
here. -Air Ben Either was is ;;strut last
eck.-.-Rev G F Brown and vriieazasiritinsf
friends here, before leavine to take aLsrge
of a station in the Erie Oonferenee.--Messrs
F Sanders and Chas Aarscbner of Detroit,
and Mr Wtn Riley of .Loudon, were Agle ff
tba many atraegora who 14041404 thrid,
lnueral of the late lsatnuel Link on Tuan.
clay,-...neaales are getting Ronal awl whole
familtas aro laid up with the malady.
OArzcanr.-•-I#gain we are called upo.rt to
record the death of one of am farmer cetrzena
in the person of 3[r Samuel Link oLDetsoit.
air Iaiuk was born and rasi10t1 iu Oratiitoo,.
mallet tile ago of 18 star 'out for himself
is life. Ire settled in Dot; tit, lkiiobh wisere
he secured aaploynent and prayed ;himself
worthy of say trust placal in �biur. HY
deligence and eoanotny in lite cograa of a
few years his pro9pecte brisihlened before
him and he became very seccesatnl,butPutt
when they were becoming the brightest for
hitu the hand of death removed bins
destroyed all his anticipatioaa. Benevolence
was a prariueat trait in Lia character, be-
sides he was friendly and Lead a good word
for every ono. Two years Ago ha was.
married to Mien floras Eilber of tbie place,
their aaian seas blessed by the both of
bright and beautiful baby girl, who is claw a
year old. During the first week of October
last year, be carne to Ore,litou on a abort
visit and sutler(;; from a seve'e cold. which
dao cowld neat cheek. .die for Lamm and
has beet). coafiued to the ,house tip to the
time of his decease. The cold was folio red
by pleurisy, nueumonia ana la grippe, in
rotation, and finally changed into aortsump•
tion. After long suffering and despite "the
earnest endeavors of the bat wodicel aid
which could be procured, death carded hint
away at iast, which event warred, an
Friday might lest. Ilia remains were brought
to Crediton by train for burial aatrdthe
funeral was beg from his mothatr',resrleece
oa Taesday. The funerals both its..'Detroit
and Crediton were largely attended and his
many friends were anxious GO pay tack 1$21,
tribute to hie rummy. The floral etil
were numerons and appropriate and
placed; on Ina grave after burial'.,
funeral day wan the aunrvernary of histdrth-
when, should baro lived ha would
have attained the age of 27 yenta, The
family of whieb lee is abrauob have suffered
deeply tcithiu a few years and they, beaddea
the widow cud her child have tkte heartfelt
sympathy of the aomneuitiee of which tbey
have been st part.
Turrtu, ixan..„IraraJs 17.-. tern'
Alliance, which Isar the moat powertol
termera' organization that Kansas has ever
known, bas addressed an open letter to the
Kansas delegation in Congress calling their
attention to the alarming condition of the
agricultural iutoreats of this State and de-
mand legislation for their relief. A
single law firm in opacity in Southern Xma-
ses now has the contract for the foreed ure
of 1,800 mortgages. The foreekeitiff of
these mortgages is in accordance with•a pre-
oouceived purpose to gain posaesason of
these farms and people them with more ser-
vile tenantry imported from foreign lands.
The cause celebre of the Stratford assizes
was entered upon on Wednesday at neon.
Digman against Butler et al.; in other
words, Stratford Herahi against Stratford
Time: for libel. There was no plea of lustt-
froation, but the defendant, Butler, alleged
provoettion. He is, or has been, the
manager or 4vorseer of the Times, the pro-
prietors being Mrs Butler, his wife, and Mrs
Sneitle. The jury, after being ons three
hours, returned a verdict for the plaintiff.
with damages assessed at 8150, against all
the defendants. His Lordship entered
judgment for thia amount, with fall costs
of suit.
The following are the Commissioners ap.
pointed to represent the Presbytery of
Huron at the next meeting of the General
Assembly : Dr Ure and Messrs McLean,
Acheson, and McMillan, ministers, and
Messrs Sntherland, Bissett, Scott, (Seaforth)
and Pollock, elders. The following are the
amounts contributed for Mission l)y the
several pastoral charges in the Presbytery
of Huron for the year 1889 ; Godertch $I45;
Seaforth 81,393; Clinton $500; Blyth t.86;
Themes Road &o., 8589; Hensall 8478; Eg-
moudville, $117; .Kippen &e., 8179; Union
chnroh, Bruoefield 8368; Bayfield Road et.,
6147; Hullott &a, 8333; Exeter$108; llau-
cheater ac., 81.99: Grand Bend &o., 82t.
For Mlacboth ironically asked;, "Caust
thou tniuister to mind diseased?" he little
knew that mtanlcind tyould nue daybe bleat-
ed with Ayer's Sarsaparilla. In pu:;lying
the blood, this po'erfel alterative ° gives
loon and strength to every funotiou and
faculty o: theppstitit." • 1
The New York Sun recommends that
Canada be invited to the Pan-American
Congress, which has been in sossionisone
months. Well thought of 1
The applications from the N. W, T.
for the trees, which the Governfent is
going to distribute, have far e seeded
any expectations of the Etpe meatal
Farm authorities. Provision had boon
made to send out 1,000 packages,.:eon,;
taining in all 100,000 trees, bu tie, ap-
plications already number • 2., i00 ° fur
250,000 tees. The, distribution- will
now take place in ,rotation, and those
who aro disappointed will be given iir
consideration next year if any distribu-
tion is made.
Helena, Mont., March :26.-The'`e:s't
bound passenger train on the iI' rthern
Pacific was wrecked near Nixon yeste dey.
morning, six miles east of the Ihaho,;'line...
The wars took .fire and all were burned ex-
cept two sleepers. Repress Messenger
Miles is missing and it is supposed that ho
was burned to death. Two emigrant' pas
two lady tourists, ons child; she
bagragoman, a postal clerk anti the porter
of the tourist sleeper were •'injured. The•'`'
company is caring for the injured.
Wdshingttn, March 25. --(rhe new ex-
tradition treaty between Great ;Britain.
and the 'Cl'nited Statei was olenity
1>ruclain Lndon.anci Waahilsgtdnt..
At a laredgoin meetingoof lake sailors fund;
at Detroit a protest was made' agatinst
the action of the Vessel Ownera',Assdnci-
ation ti'xing the rate of naees' for the
contig season' et$30 a month. '