HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-02-18, Page 9If net won Ort S,atlirday, value (i,t, jackpot and also linnIter of calls Willobe.raleed each week until it Thomas? •V*10r-' 4;300# Canink* was 4 wePkenci,. iSigoe with his deUghterelWrt , Sten .',Abel, • and • Mr..: Abekne,eSt. „ 174Orriane There in'St. Mark's Angi,tean 'Cln#ch.•,Owing to, 04illneen,ot the'eAeetorPRevr-W- E.s•:Aealnelren... ' Miss Mildred $enttrit(apsot 1V4tz. ehelk spent- the, weekend . with ;her' ••hretbere Ken ind Mrs. Scott. Atthe communion e service at 0)c.neeenyteriart elninehr•SeldelaY, Rev. R. . MaeMillan 4aPtized ,Robert Wayne, infant sale of Mr. -and Mrs. Ken Scott. • Mrs. Harry Govier,,Wno has been In poor health for. sometime, went to. stay for a while witlilier grand- -daughter,Mrs. Siliery, Exeter. Mrs, Govier will he 94 in Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Craig were nunday• visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Wilkin, Goderich, the +meas. ion being the baptism of their baby, Mary Elizabeth, at Knox Presby- terian Church. - ' - WM.-Mrs. Edgar Lawsn Was -hstss fr, the•r. titaV:meetiflg , . 6 e. ; of pox, ,,,,,.. 1.110'aMitij1,' The npritgitV tine ineetint With, ‘p anep.: :: The de- votional ,w,401.''taken''by Mrs Graham, J. NT ,V1,40-te* • ttge,-- needle Medititte feree,d'I ,n#eni: Thktninie t. 41. b$41rx-M'At.".1411:e1V47*also IS in ne.4/010Sion. ,Mrs. Badlik 0;1°04 -4,i pleasing solo, with' harp. aecOlnpainengni X. Re', J.-.,P1411116s. The chapter- in' the studyh book, was • taken by.' , . Keith Machan. The roll 94 rewas ansvirereck.bY 'a verse .erkOP1 .0 The offering was received and an Houston 'Offered the -dedicatee.17 prayer. The secretary,•MineX Ha - lam; read the minutes e'l the Janu- ary meeting. The •allOAtinn. kr the' 'bale was received. It was Oe'r-' cidelt to make a couple of 'quilts. Announcement was madeofthe; World Day of Prides to be heldaln; St: -Mares Anglinaii Church, March 5. 'Mts. Grabam offered thedos- ing prayer. The hostess served a, . - dainty lunch.. 17 GAMES $1.00 $5.00 CASH PRIZE• 4 SPECIALS—Share the 'Wealth Doors open at 8 p.m Est game starts at 8.30 p.m. • WEsirkp LD, Feb. 17.—Mr. and' • Mrs: ...Charles Smith and Marjorie and Mrs. J. L. McDowell visited on. ThUrSday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elwin 1a3rIor. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott, of IIISSIOIrOTROLE HAS .MONTHLY MEETING , . The. Senior, •Mission Circle of the liaptist: Church held its regular mieting, last Thursday afternoon in the Sunday School room. The .presideat; Mrs. Earl Raithby, con- -ducted the' meeting and read a poem 'and Mrs. C. Nicholson read- , an article on Billy Graham. Mrs...G. Hazelwood read an ar- ticle on Temperance and led in prayer. ' The roll ,eall taken by . , Mrs. W. Frith Was answered by naming a •missionary and giving a few' remarks .on ,his or her life. The Missionary White ..gift work was displayed and mention was-, made of the Women's World Day of Prayer on March 5, and plans were started on a fireside service to be held later. Mrs,- George JohnSton.introdoced the new study book "Where'er the Sun" and of- fered prayer.' Ren:" I. G. Hind dos- ed the- meeting after -the singing of a hymn. A:social half -honk was enjoyed.- Auburn, visited on Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norinan McDowell. - • Mr. Donald • Campbell, of Lis- towel, visited on Friday- with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth 'Campbell.. .1V.Er. John Gear, of eKitcleener, •spent .the week -end with Mr.land •Mrs., Charles Smith and- other 'friends. Miss Betty Rodger, of Goderich, ,spent the week -end with leer par- ents, Mr: and Mrs. E. Rodger. Mr.. and Mrs, Garner Nickelson and -children, Mr. and ,Mrs. Stewart Cleakey Of Morris TonShip„ visit- ed on,- Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McDowell. . Mrs. Charles Sitiith and Marjorie are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. John Gear, of Kitchener. Ronald Taylor returned home on Saturday from 'a Month's trip to Florida. 'Mr:rand Mrs. Don -glee' Campbell and children visited oo Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. -John Doerr, of Aarburn. Edna Doerr returned home with them for a week's visit. Mr. and Mrs. Bob- Arthur,. of Auburn, visited on Saturday with Mr. ad Mrs. Carl Mills. • Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hanna. and Ramona, of33elgrave, visited on Sunday vvith. .Mr. and ,Mts. Bert' Taylor. • ' Mr. anarrs. MJasper Marien,.of Goderich, visited on Meriden with Mr. and -Mrs. Gordon Snell. e, Mr.. and Mrs. Harry Armitrong, of Hensall, visited .on Surietay with Mr. alettlVirs. Cerrlifille. Better Be Silent. Thee -barrister became- acrimoid- ous • in his cross-examination, but the little woman in the witness -box remained- calm Eventually the barrister said: "You say you .had no educatian, but you answered. my -questions smartly eneugh."- ,• . • ._ . Replied the Witness: "You don't have to be a scholar to answer silly questions." , • ": %. • • . • • :";1:;; DURING HER forthcoming visit to Matta on her Commonwealth tour, Queen Elizabeth will unveil this memorial to the 2,360 officers end men -of the CoMmonwealt,h air forces who lost,their lives in the Central Mediterranean area, during World War II and have no known graves I.1 I.1 la.1,1.1.1 1 .1 ••••••••••••••••eimeew 1952 Pontiac Sedan Two-tone. New Tires. 1650, HOLMESVILLE, Feb 17. — The .W.M.S. and W.& of golmesville, United Church met for their regu- lar meeting, at the • rnanse,..the home of Mrs., IL Ce Wilson, on Tuesday of last week. •Mrs. Ed- ward Grigg was in. charge of 'the .W.M.S. progrard. which opened with a hymn _• Mrs. Grigg gave a _Snort talk- and Mrs. 'N. Heard read the Sceipture-lesson.- Mrs. E. J. Tre- wartha led in prayer. A. hynin was Sung. Mrs. IL C. Wilson read an article on Tem.perance. Mrs. F. Mulholland,, the, president, con- ducted the business period. . The Toll call'' was answered -with :,the payment of T1.00 for relief pur- poses. It was decided. to make some quilt tops for Korean relief. .Mrs, Bert Lobb read ,an artiele on Christian Stewardship.. With Mrs. Wer -Yeo .at the- piano, Mrs. Bill Normaneand Mrs:Lloyd Bond sang a duet. Mrs. Frank McCullough took the chapter in the study book. Mrs. Elmer Potter read an article on China: Mrs. Grigg read' an article about Chinese ministers in Canada.hymr. T, , hemeeting closed with a The W.A. meeting was ,conducted • by the president, Mts. Harry Cud - more. The Scripture lesson and comments were given by Mre. Cud- ,more.e The roll call was answered •••••••••••"•••••••••••4 by thpayment of edues. Mrs,. Ed ward Grigg gave the treasurer's re- port. it was tp•aSSed to make .a 75th anniversary quilt,, with Mrs. Merpu.rySedan with prayer by the president. A in charge. The meeting closed, 'Lloyd Bond and MS. Edward Grigg delicious lunch was served. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lawson and baby daughter, Lynn, of London, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. 'E. Glidden. MrseM. Nediger, of Clinton, ac- companied on the organ by Mrs. Ray Vincent, Clinton, was the guest soloist in Holmesville Uriited Church, -on Sunday. • The sympathy of the community goes to Mrs. Proctor Palmer, in 'the passing of her mother, • the late Mrs. Proctor, of Goderic-h. • • Over drive, Aadio, New Motor. 1951 Ford Coach Sun Visor. •PORTER'S MILL • -; • PORTE/VnIniLIe The Xebenary meeting of,the .was r-bld at theehoine of NA'S- Alvin Betties with a good Attendance.: The president, Men -John MeCiour. arr opened the meeting after whtch Mrs. A. Lockhart led in, prayer. f The Scripture was read by Nies. re Torrance. Roll call was answered by the exeh.ange -of a valentine. A. "thank you" note from Eleanor ,COk wasOread. Different articles of ilnesiness were -discussed. It -was - decided to hold some social even, ins in the -basement of the church. The first one will be in the form • of a crokinole party Saturday even- ing, February 27, and Mrs_ A. • Betties, Mrs. J. McCowan, Mrs. P. •Harrisore and.Mrs....A.-Lockhant-are to be in charge. During the after- noon two quilts were quilted and blocks were handed,Out fer more.. The program for, the afternoon consisted of readings and a core test by Mrs, P. Harrison. The meeting closed With a hymn. The hostess served a lovely lunch. The March meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Bit Cox_ The pupils of SS. No. 5 held a very successful card party last Friday evening in the school house. Both "500" and euchre were played after•whieh the pupils served 'sand- • wiches .and -coffee. Arlie Lockhart on behalf of the hoard and parents thanked the children for the even- ing and on the splendid Way in which they took charge.- Ralph Harrison replied stating they had made „$13.25 -which will be used for buying instruments for the rhythm &Ind, -Miss Clara Harrison, • Goderich, spent the week -end with 1VIr. and Mrs. P. Harrison. The y.p.u. of Grace Church, is 'holding a crokinole party in the basement- of the c evening,Fehruary asked to bring sand NO -COT -ANO -DRIED SYSTEM (Strathroy Age -Dispatch) With all the thin" of seniority benefits, security causes, union con- tracts and ,across-the-board` in- creases, it is refreshing -to hear of wage increases on, a merit basii. Strathroy Public School Board 'has set teachers' salaries for 1954 with •• this • in mind. Strathroy is one of the few, schools where no salary schedule has been adopted, where. • merit means more than length of service. The free enterprise sys- tem is still maintained as opposed' to collective security. - Competitive Prices PIUS Personal Service • Special Values and Reminders for Thursday, Friday and Saturday , Oree:iei:e??•:en, •ti.". • MacKenzie, Roy -and Henry Mac - 6.0.0•••••••••••00.410. _,_, Kenzie and 'Melville Seott attended. w''''' 1 -the funeral of their _uncle, Neil MacKenzie, whose death took place in Toronto at the age' of 93 years, „ . ' • Dr. Frank Scott ,MacKenzie, of Mon- , • , • treal, also attended his uncles'Iun- era'. Mrs. Neil MacDonald spent last • , week with friends in Goderic.h. '. Cheiti9e5o: ................ • John Cathcart is holding a sale . , •.'''' of cattle and farm implements on „ T-ttesd a y. . • • •Mrs. Will • Drennan returned . .. • • . • 4411110041140041118001100000•011166.• )16tut after spendieg some time with her daughter, Mrs. Collins, in e • Stratford. eeeee :r-iiiii .. • .....,-,:.:4.,:*;.:.:;WA:%:A••• A ,, . ',i.,,,..*...:. eee,-niereee-re-,.,„,,,,e, ,,...,:i,,: : ,s •••• • •• . 4,:e.ei'-i,.:•:i,:itee,, • . . ''':ii::.e.*::::::-• • ....:4.•:...:44,;;; ,....:: -,;?i.e.i...411°'•i4tmsm:l!le..,-'''efte?ei•oe,-w.ee,•,,:e., . ,,. ••:......e.•ere•,,,, e•re.:ee,....••••.:.:::•:::e ::.::::::: :iii4;:?iee.,.,•,..:,:::,:•;iiiir. .1.",:i:.:.:•,......,.....x:•......:...x.•:•..........% .,••••...:.•:•.......:•:.,:;:,:e.•:::,,,::•,::.;.:.;,,,, ...,„ .,... • "..• •••••••••-•".•-••••:•:-:-.).erfiereeee, :••-• ••••••••••eeee, - • - - ..% e-• - . • • ' -.' • , ' ' ''' ' e•„..i •'•.::::: Ford Trucks foe '54 deliver a new measure of triple economy to hen) you crack down on All-nevi-niOdek ifoe54'...-.-over 125 to choose from • high hauling costs. There's economy up front, in the great new line-up of V-.8- engines. . /economy inethe Drh'erized cabs, most comfort- able and , efficient on the Toad . economy in, the new, wider range of load -capacities, the widest all-round job -coverage in Ford Truck history! And—Ford Triple-gconomy ckfor wore - truck for your money, because every truck - tough part is built stronger to last longnr! All-new extra -heavy-duty F-700 Conventional Series ! New F-700 at! F-900 ,Cab Forwards! 'NevOl -F-700 and -800 six-wheenglants with tandem 'xedr axle § New F-500 hay -duty Parcel De- ' livery! G.V.W. Ratings up to Virg - 60,000 Itis.!- • • . W.M.S.—The February ,meeting of the .Ashfield W.M.S..was held at • -r• last Thursday with ;0 rnemlbers in the -home- -of MM. Ater ItlaDtitiad ' Fo attendance. ,Mrs. Hugh 'MacKenzie New Tires, Ne* --Engine. presidederand' coriducted'the devo- Perfect IVIechanically.tional part of the program. The . roll call was answered by a sent- ence prayer, and followed the sing- ing of a solo by Mrs. John Mac- Kenzie. OlVIrs. Neil G. MacKenzie gave lei interesting paper on the unai6410114110**liant0010*****06• first 'chapter of the/ study. 13615k. She also gave a short account of the writer of the book, Samuel H. - • Moffett. Mrs. David Cowan gave a paper. Contribution S for the .bale Mercur• y ice:Tie zookrsesdk 1,10,itriitzial,:ina. ni.trie,,,e.7. tiebsialstsien:gee rni I of' the church in Warmer weather. esee " - s The meeting was 'closed with pray - e. er ' and an enjoyable' lunch add •osifelbsoiliiimisoseamorot tee. ' -, • Four rte,V-8 engines of • advoncrect overhead-valve two-fisted sitarist tight-fisted. economy , design for gus-soving for every hauling fob " dollar -toying. economy 1 Now .:. 7 mighty V.8 engines power • the greatest V-8 ,truck line on the • road ! included are four completely • new-keverheadevalite V -Ws of the most advanced low -friction design, for , surging power, greater flexibility and prodocis of the experieece gained in building moreeV-8 engines than all other manufacturers comnined! • SEE YOIJR FORD TRUCK DEALER ABOUT THE RIGHT Isom FOR YOUR JOB! • ALL OUR USED CARS &TRUCKS WARRANTEEp ONTHIS OR • A 000 • ki,ILES • , ft,O,A T 1r'S . . AND MAYBE REPAIRED BY ANY AUTHORIZED S E 1 WARRANTY DEALER IN THE UNII.iErSTAyS.M4D CANADA. eSt:- . A.B.S. & C. TABLETS. Gentle -acting tonic laxative. Bottle of 100. Regularly 23c BEEF, IRON & WINE with added Vitamin „ .79.c B1, 16 oz. bottle. Regulrly $1.00 •-• EPSOM SALT. Guaranteed -fresh rieedle ciye- tals. 16 ounce tin, Regularly 25c 1_9c 1/YDROGEN PEROXIDE. 4, 8 and ,16 oz. Reg 19c, 29c 45c .• 14c, 23c, 37c OLIVE OIL. Highly refined for medicinal use. 4 oz. bottle. Reg. 35c 29c. VITAMIN B1 -TABLETS. 160's anct 300 's, Regularly 37c- and 79c . . .. e 59g. TABLETS f MINERAL OIL Heavy grade, 16 8; 40.. oz, Reg: 55c, $1.1.0. 43c, -87c iseeitpoeeestesoaimeseaki..- VACUUM. sorniEs 'These' Beitish-Made bottles" with plastic cup tops are.' sturdily constructed to. give efficient insulation from heat or cold. Excellent value.. oroseammessoofetsoomo WAX PAPER 100 -ft. roll, 'heavy duty. Reg. 34c. &c,' for 55c BRONCHIDA COUWI SYRUP Quick conifort to -sore in- flamed throats. 8 oz, 75t 000000060002.6.60000.4 'TlaiirmogeM ..69e, "$1.2 - Pinex 50c, 85c 14!P• •.Cough Drops -100-•• Smith Urea. CenghrDI:OPS • SYRUP -Quickly soothes fritted throat. 3 oz. bottle