HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-02-18, Page 4and remember...we carry
The cocker spaniel, one of the
most popular pet dogs, originally
was bred in, Spain as a bird re;
Pontiacs Meet ForestL.kde
TOJUOJTOW ,Night In Tim�art
One thing is . certain, neither
Goderich Sanrsis Pontiacs nor Forest
Lakesides will be knocked mit of
the first round robin competition
between the WOAA Intermediate
,z.A" teams. .-._.....,.
• And when the two teams meet
here tomorrow night, there should
be plenty of action, since the ,ganie
may decide i,vhich squad ,will wind
up ix first'place. Goderich `had
As of yesterday,
six wins without a loss while
Forest had five ,wins, in as many
So tomorrow night's session ought
to be a real battle: In the regular
schedule, Forest ended up with
only. one loss in eighteen games.
Goderich had only three r losses,
one of them to Forest.
In Strathroy on Tuesday night,
the Pontiacs pulled out all the
stops and played heads •up hockey
to gain an 8-0 victory. Gerry Hesse
in the Goderich nets played a stel-
lar game and the team gave him
excellent support to ensure the
Neither team scored in the first
frame, but Goderich started the
attack in the second, slamming in
four goals, and scoring the final
four in the final stanza.
The win was Goderich's --secpnTi,
over .Strathroy. Here in Goderich
when the teams first t met inthe
round robin, -the game ended in a
2-2 tie, but was awarded to Gode-
rich when the Rockets failed' to
take the iee- fpr an overtime period
at the end of regulation time.
Goderich has two wins also over
each of Exeter and Hensall.
But the question remains: Who
will be knocked. out of further com-
petition? - TWVo teams must go.
At present St. Marys,' Str-athroy and'
Exeter are all gripping the bottom
rung' of the ladder. Hensall had
one win as of yesterday, and three
losses. So, it willbe between
those four teams to see who will
drop from further competition. •
Following is the playoff standing
as of Wednesday, February 1T:
W. L. Pts.
6 - 0 12
5 0 10
1 3 2
0 2 0
Earliest known coin ever made Goderich
was the stater, in Asia Miner, Forest
about 700 B.C., by either.- the Lyd- Hensall
ians or Ionians. St. Marys
Exeter 'CI
Strathroy 0
Games this week; k'ri
February 19 -Forest ,at-
at G
rich; St. Marys al' H fl a
Saturday, February. 2-
.Hensall at Strathroy.
Monday, February 2
Strathroy.. at .Hensall-
Tuesday,, -February
Exeter at Hensall; Gederic )at
Wednesday, Februarf 2_.--
St5athroy at St. Marys
Ngoderieh -Samis Pontiacs had
little trouble "knocking off the Ex-
eter Mohawks 5-2 in the 1iz-st game
between the two teams in the
round robinplay-off series on. Wed-
nesday night of lags week in the
Exeter Arena.
Exeter grabbed off a short-liVed
lead when Musser blinked the'red•
light at the 16.35 shark of the -first
period. "Sugar"• Meriam ' tied up
the game 16 seconds later, however;
scoring on a play with Walters.
Goderich got two unanswered
goals in the second briod, 'when
Emms and- Williams' found the
mark. In the third, Bill MacDon-
ald notched one at the 1.11 mark,
but Richards got that'one back nine
seconds later. Emms completed
the scoring for the locals at the
15.05 mark,
GODERICH -- Goal, Hesse; de-
fence, Miller, -,Arbour; forwards,
Bruce MacDonald, Bill MacDonald,'
Rivers; alternates, Emms, Williams,
Cruickshank, Meriam, Reis, Walt-
ers, Beacom, Westlake. •
EXETER -Goal, Turner; defence,
Smith, McGillivray; forwards, F.
Anderson, J.. Anderson, Richards;
alternates, Musser, Coates, Doak, D.
grintnell, M. Brintnell, Hi1l,-I wee.
First Period -
1. Exeter -Musser (Hewer) ,16.35'
2. Godesich' - Meriam Matters)
Penalties -Cruickshank, " F. 'An
derson ' (2), Beacom, Arbour, Mer -
tam. ..
Second .Period. In
3. Goderich Exams' iiliams,
Beacom) '6.24 - out
:. , Goderich Arena
s Wed., Feb. 24=4.15 p.m.
Sparta socce';'player WALTER JAMES,, left, looks as though he
just took a hard right to the chin as LARS JANGBLAD of 'the
Viking, team grabs for the ball during an indoor soccer tilt at the
Chicago Armory.
ontiacs Drub Exeter 74 To Take
Fifth Straight Round Robin Victory
a game that saw a fight break, PLAN11p TO FORM, A,
among• the fans and another { BOXING CLUB HERE
4. Goderich - Williams ,(Cruick-
shank, Emms) 15.12
Penalties--Emms, Rivers, McGil-1
livray, Arbour, F. Anderson.
Third Period'
5. Goderich-Bill MacDonald 1.11
6. Exeter= -Richards (F. Anderson)
7. Goderich},- Emms_ _(Westlake,
' Beacom) 15.05 A--
Penalties -Turner (served by. J.
Anderson), McGillivray, Beacom, J.
Anderson, Hill, Cruickshank, Ar-
bour. -
NEW! absolute freedom of
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Hoped to be the team to. bring
home the .Ontario title this year,
the Goderich, Lions Bantams were
knocked out of further competition
last Thursday night in St. Marys
when the Stonetown crew took a
2-1 decision to win, the best -of -three
series 2-0.
St. Marys won the first game of
the series on home ice by a 3-1
score. The ' second game, played
here last week, ended in a 6-6,'
overtime tie.
Throughout their schedule, the,
bantams played without aloss,
eluding impressive Wins over St.
Marys. But when it came to group
Nay -offs, St. Marys held the edge.
Last year, the bantams lost their
bid for the OMHA "B" tithe in a
thrilling series with Newmarket.
In the first game here with the
Newmarket squad, the youngsters
battled to a 3-3 tie. In the second
game, played at Newmarket, the
score also ,ended in a tie, 3-3. The
third game, played -There, ended in
a 2-2 draw, and ..the final, a real
thriller, ended in a 5-3 win -and the.
title for , the Newmarket crew..
Moorlands in :Montgomeryshire,
Wales, were inhabited even before
the bronze -age.
among players, .Goderich Samis
Pontiacs drubbed Exeter Mohawks
7-1 at the Memorial Arena here
last Friday night.. •
With only about four minutes
left in the final frame, Frankie An-
derson, flashy Colored forward'4witb
the Mohawks, drove a hard 'a shot
from just inside the Goderich blue
line and dented the twines to spoil
Jerry Hesse's chance for a shutout.
The fight betven two women
fans was soon quelled by police,
but before 'considerable hair-pull-
air-pulpin:g 'took place. •
Ander5,on,.wholiad Lorne Rivers
sticking as close t� him as 'his
shadow all night, finally let his
temper get the 'best of him ,in -the
final minutes ,'of the game. The
fight that 'followed netted tbotf An-
derson and'Rivers five -Minute pen-
alties.. Anderson .also was sent to
the sin bin for slashing. and Rivers
for holding,early in the first period.
The third ' period was just about
two_: minutes old when, Anderson'
was chased for delibertely crash-
ing Rivers' into the 'boards., ' ' '
In all, the referees handed out 16
penalties, including the two majo•
Nine of them went to Goderich.
The Pontiacs took an early lead
when Westlake slapped in a hard
one from "the"blue line at the two-
min:ute.;..,:rriark,' Before, the' frame-
rameended, .Reg, Turner in the Exeter
nets saw -rucks from. the sticks of
Emms, Williams and Bill MacDon-
ald whizz by him into the twines,
to make the -score -,,.read tl-0.
Reis and' Meriam put Goderich
ahead, 6'b with the only counters in
the second frame. Emms added
Goderioh's final tally at the 8.43
mark of the final period and ; at
15.58 Anderson finally clicked. for
the tribe. .
The win was Goderich's second
straight over the Mohawks and
their fifth straight in the round
'robin sggries:M....:, ;
Last Wednesday night in Exeter,
A Playing Coaeh Don Emmsled the,
locals to a 5-2 win with, two goals
and an assist:
• EXETER-Goat'Turner; defence,
Smith, McGillivray; forwards, F.
Anderson, ,1:,. Anderson, Richards;
alternates, Musser, Coates, Doak, D.
.Brintn:eii,M Brintnell Hill, Hewer
GODF1 )H - Goal Hesse; de-
f-ence; ": Miller; Arbour; forwards;.
Bill 'MacDonald, Rivers, Meriam;
alternates, Emms, Cruickshank,
Reis, Walters, Beacom; Westlake.
First Period.:-
eriod,.:,Goderich• - ' Westlake ,(Emms)
2. Goderich--Emms (Walters) 6.56
3. 'Goderich - Cruickshank (Reis,
- 'Emms) 14."
4. Goderich-Bill03MaeDetiald (Mil
ler, Meriat t) 18.38
P�eI lues ---+Rivers, F. Anderson,
Second Period '-
5. Goderich--Reis (Emms) 13.20
6. Goderich - Meriam (Westlake)
PenaIties-`Meriam (2), Cruick-
shank, John Anderson, R.ivers,, P.
A hderson.
1.30 to 3 p.m. -Learn to Skate
3.30 to 5 p.m. -Free School Skat-
ing -Grades 74. ,
8.30 to 10.30 -p.m.-Public Skating.
OM p.m. -Forest vs. Goderich.
12 to 2 P.m. -Figure Skating.
4.30 to 6.30 P.M.. -Figure Skating.
1.30 to- 3 p.M.-Learn to Skate
P"'llublie' Skating'
S. lion,;-.Direts, ',Skating Olinisivilt.
tot n
Interested in boxing? ,
Well, plans are underway
right now to form a boxing
club in Goderich.
It is hoped that a sufficient
number oyoung fellows will
be interested in the art of
'`pugilism„~..to take part and,. if
possibte, stage a few boxing
shows here during the summer.
Recreation director and-
arena manager Lorne Wakelin
is anxious to have the names
of interested Persons from 6
to 60 ands he can be ;contacted
at the arena .
Although Goderich .has been,
withouta boxing club in recent
years, it is believed . that the
sport can be ..revived.
St. Peter's B ' 106
Victoria' A 94
Knox C 87
St. George's 80
Knox A „ 74
United " 74.
Victoria B 50
St.1n?'eter's'A ' 47
Knox' B 44 '
Baptist 16 -,
High triplesL-Verne Smith, 205,
253, 258-716; Una MacDonald, 279,
207, 117.-603; 'Scott Young, 195,
197, 303-695.
Intermediate. A
- W
Fri;y,'Febr'uary 1'!
8.30 P.M.
7. Goderich---;Emms (Cruickshahk)
Richards) 456
pengtiel-F. Anderson (minor
and major), .11VICGillivray, Arbour,
David Leeson scored alI five
,sgoits.';once again last" Saturday:,
when the Fords' defeated Stude-,
'bakers:. $.4 :II Coderich „Liont
Club Pee Wee Motor iltiiekey Lea.
gue ,at the Memorial Arena,
'the Choirs 44 and Dodegowon
Estate 'Planning
and Wills- -
'Management and
Advisory Service .
4% Guaranteed
deposits may be
ReaL Estate Services
Ilenfsall, Ontario, Phone 51
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History repeated itself .as Muzz Patrick,
younger' .of 'Lester Patrick's two, big -sons,
recently took over as coach of the New York
Rangers. He thus becomes a rival of hit
brother LynnAormer playing star of Rangers,
now coach of Boston Bruins. .„
' because it happened -before. Lester Patriek, the colorful White
Eagle,- waS coach of -New York Rangers almost from' the begin-
ing, of that colorful club's career. For one or two seasons, .
,Frank Patrick, brother of Lester, was coach of Boston 'Bruins,
--lifer ef Montreal Maroons, so 'these two brothers were rivals, ''
The Patrick family has written indelible.chapte'rs into ,the
• saga '.Of hockeY in Canada, at home' and abroad. - Lester ahd
Frank: engineered °Re- of the most daring promotions in the.
entire history of sport on this continent when; nearly 50 years
ago, after both' had starred brilliantly in eastern hockey, they
invaded the west coast, set up a series of artificial lee -rinks in
in Vancouver, Victoria, and New WeStminster,' scoured the east
for playing talent, and formed the Pacific Coast League.'
This beCame the first international,body in professional' heck-
ey, long_before eastern United States_oities became part and ' ' r -
cel of the National League. Ai.fiir back ilit 11914/ ten iears. he -
fore a United, States 'cifir entered .the National 'League, Port! ndi
,Dregon, had a team' in the Patrick's 'West Coast organization,'
'followed th-e next season by the •entri• of Seattle. ,..,-, -,_ ••
Not only, did ,the_Patrickslr„condhei the League, with Frank
as President, bui both played. sigularly in_th,e_bitterlyziough_.
faiiiertrariiiallerThe- riiiefek onhat era.' So dangerous to
eastern hockef did the Patricks become --!--they appropriated
""TkifOgtOveStaii ey Cup champions of 1914 intact.ahd took _them
-to the'''Coast-that the eastern Moguls &pared war.. ,But;.the
Isatricks won the skirmish, and for 4 -tithe, believe 4t or not,
their Pacific Coast Leagtie had drafting rights frOm the eaSt.
WIWn their Western league petered oUt, the Patricks sold (-
but their stars to the east and Lester becaine 'manager 'of
Rartgets, a position he held until '1946, a. t20-irear %span.
Meantime, his tWo Linn anct Mutt, had starred for
Itangera. Lynn later ,bocame toach for se, time, then moved
Oditon.to.,take over there', with signal sACCOSS. Now brother
Mk*, OMesi; oast from the Pacifte-Ceitt l'iionta team, folloWing
.a'afftamini,:„Ilar Petrick 'trails so the. Patrick . rivalry blazes once
Your cominaettared4eggestforta for this column *Ili be welcomed