HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-02-11, Page 10EX'S ANP *DBEB NTS ARE INVITRD TO ATTEND. ,y EatIA. MEETING or TIE LODGE Itooe Ii "'MQre and more large Canadian !p ee ....are`- diseovering--trhat-4t- pays to advertise in ' auada's week - y newspapers. ``Aid Household Finance is no ,exception," states vice-president W, Bruce in antuouneing that his corxrpany.;` viii use -regular adveirti's :ing ,spave this yearin Cbe odertch Signal -Star. .s I.. --grew up in the, Ontario' ,toWn_ of Beav'erton," Mr. Bruce explailled, "and I know personally tlhe,imPort- ant part which the weekly paper there played. and . still plays ,in the life of -the entire community. "Weekly newspapers are not only thoroughly read,b'ut the character and calibre of their editorial and news coverage makes their adver- tising' columns effective beyond what might be normally, expected from a comparable Circulation in a large 'city daily or magazine," Mr. Bruce added. "The Goderich Signal -Stat is this year one of about 200 weeklies in which we will carry a series of advertisements on `Builders of Canada.' • "While our • company," he con- tinued, ".has, not yet 'established offices. in each:of the markets serv- ed bythese newspapers,. the use of consumer credit has now become an integral part of thee,., -,lives of most Canadians. Small sum in- stallment loan services, regulated by the government, are used 'today by literally hundreds off thousands of families atuLhave made a.:major contribution .to the continued healthy ' growth of our Canadian economy. "We therefore feel that we have a responsibility,. as bhe largest of the Canadian consumer loan com- panies, to tell our story not only in the large metropolitan centres , but • in communities served by Can- ada's leading weekly newspapers. "This advertising ` association Man: "W at are you raising in your garden this year?" Neigh- bor: "Johnson's Plymouth Rocks, Brown's Leghorn and Smith's Wyandottes. 1! DDT. dust blown into ' cracks along baseboards, mouldings and around built-in kitchen cupboards will eliminate unwelcome tenants lake silver fish and cockroaches. ARMS WANTED J WE HAVE GOOD PROSSPTCTS FOR QUICK SALES CONTACT ' AN BOSNELD, REALTOR CHATHAM ...153 KING ST. W. PHONE 1100 40 - or JOHN BOSNELD, SALESMAN Wellesley St. . Goderich Phone 1108 -6tf itZ> N • A, W, BRUCE with weekly newspapers Started nearly two -years' ago," Mr. Bruce concluded. "It has- been- growing steadily and -we hope that it will -be mutually profitable.: There is no substitute for weekly newspaper advertising in reaching the five million Canadians who live outside the big cities, Rather Suffer "So you sider hi/Jiff-indigestion," said the: helpful friend. "Well, whir'couldbe.better..than drinking a pint of warm water after every meal?" "Indigestion!" was the grim reply. 5T Fourteen ,persons lost -their lives in one of the . Province of Quebec's worst highway disasters when this bus "travelling to Three Rivers crashed into a trailer -truck at Yamachiche and im- mediately burst into flames. The m'isj;ap. occurred late the night of Jan. 30 when most of ,the passengers were .either . asleep or -dozing and had no advance warning ;of the tragedy. Both drivers and eight of the 23 passengers escaped death. The above photo shows the damage suffered by the bus after it- was towed, to Three Rivers. OBITUARY EDITH G. JOHNSON The death occurred at Grace Hospital, Windsor, on January 28, of With G: Johnson, formerly of. Goderich, daughter of W. R. John- son, 283 Glads't;one avenue, and the -2222 1:3 iS F J.-A!Y 'PCS Ddy. AT 'YOUR CILDSMOBILE DEALER'S J .. •.•.a•1,`' y4, • late 14 xra Morrow Johnson. ,She is .survived 'by; four sisters, Mrs. J. Gammon-(Chario'tter, Wind- sor; -;Mrs. C. Waslthurn Marlon), Detroit; Mrs, 0: Lalonde (Ruth), Sudbury; Mrs. R. Daoust (Jean), Windsor; and onerbrother, Stewart Johnson ' Windsor. ' She w'as a granddaughter ' of Mrs. George. Morrow, Windsor. EDGAR AMY Funeral services were conducted Monday in Burford for Edgar Amy, 49, of am, .2, Burford, who died, last Thursday, in Brantford General Hospital of ' a .heart conditions.. Mr. Amy had been ill about a month. He, was born',in "Gat erich and had farmed in Burford dtis+trict the -past 37 years. He was a member of Holy Trinity Anglican Xhurcb. Surviving 'are his : widow;, the, former' -Mary Knill; his -"mother, Mrs. Thomas Amy; Burford; one son, 'Nelson,. Burford; one daughter, Mrs. Gerald (Marie) Deam, Harley, and two grandchildren. ' Funeral was from the Robinson funeral home, -Burford, Monday at 2 p.m., with buriar in Pioneer cetne- tery, Burford. Rev. G. C. Pearce officiated. ., Not Much He was attending a meeting of the Henpecked Club. -Suddenly the door opened. His wife sailed in, =i;rabbed him by the collar, shook him `-until his teeth rattled, and 'exclaimed:- "What are-yyo'u doing,. here? You're not henpecked.'; Calruadiwi comp ny- $57$ 01' ili on 0.eut buiriness writhe tit, '' ► '. ` - yr . a - -:,..higher dividend scale Bich, surance and annuities' in force :for . the ilfth consecutive year < in the' various countries in mu,again , redhce the :cost of , whit, h:'tbe Sun' Life operates as. life insurance for the holders :of now' °Canada, 43,0344940,00q or two rniftan .$un Life of,.Cana 5a of the total itinited States,. policies, is announced hy'George $2,624;54,00 (36°)a);" - Great . W. Bourke, President, to his An- Britain and other - Con amdni- nual ^ Review of' the Company's wealth Countries, $1,169,339,069 business for 1953,,: Dividends .to ,(16%); elsewhere .throughout 'policyholders during 1954 will the world,- $215,015,000 (3%). amount to $243 • million, 10% Total assets of -the Compan ►, snore 'than• in .195.3 anal an in- reached"$1,829,790,000 at " the crease of more than 50%a over year ° end, being an increase of y the Iasi five years. Most pol.cy».. $57 million during the twelve - holders carrying ;par0:dot patrng month period. These ` assets„ plans' with the Cornpariy will carefull invested and well di- bene#it by this upereasryet with the;: versifies are made up bf: Bonds 1argesfpayments betng,'dtstrtb- - overoment, Provincial and uted in respect of .pohcies.10n9- Municipal, ' 28.7cf ; Bonds• -- est in fore.New life insurance Public Utility, ,Industrial, etc., issued during the year,antatlrited •41;x,%., Preferred and Common to' $5715,946,800, ani increase i f Stocks; 6,0%d; Mortgages 14:4%; $31 stn, ilhon over -;1952,. ani! the' ' Cash 'aril Miscellaneous; 9,3%; largest amount .tor the:.; year The' interest rate earned on the any Canadian life company. New , Comspany_'s , funds during, 1953 Group insurance included in the was 3.90% as compared with above figure amounts to "$170:3.84.% in the previous year, an million, an increase of more increase for the fifth consecu- than $5 million over the pre- five year, vious year..This rising volume' • LIFE . INSURANCE'; of business' was spread over. AIDS ' HOME BUILDING • world-wide territory in the nearly , 302 countries -covered by During 1953, the Sin Life Sun Life service. bond investment was increased In his survey of thew figures by more than $52million, rpain- for the, year, Mr. Bourke com- lyin the industrial and public ments on the marcher in which utility fields. The amount of life insurance meets the respon- mortgage loans expanded by al- h sibilities of its purpose. The Sun moat $30 million making -a to i' Life of Canada, "he card, has mortgage iti o.atment of $2 paid $2,729,000,000 in benefits 960,000• Of 'this amount, $j 76 • million is: invested in 41,7001, since the= first policy was issued home morag es -During 'the 1871, and during 1953 no less last eight;-_ years, the Sun Life -paid out by the Company each his ; laoaned $35 million on working -day. Total amount mortgages.: paid during the twelve month Discussing the function of life period . was $125,057,000. 'insurance as reflected ht__ithe GROUP • BUSINESS UP 17% continued progress; of the Sun New annuity contracts dur- ing Life, Mr. Bourke inentiones that ing the year included individual- life insurance ownership today annuities and group pensions is 'more widespread, and on a guaranteeing payments of more larger scale, than ever before. than $4 million per annum. Total Canadians now own more than annuity payments to be made . $20 billions of life insurance," by the company either imme- more than double the amount drotely or_in the future, through .at the end of World War 11. group ,pension plans and individ- Ho*ever, the •afnount per capita ual contracts, increased to $126 is not yet, sufficient to give fully_ million per annum. Total Sun adequate and necessary protec- 'Life , insurnace" in force at the tion, and there is' still great need end . of. _ 1953.amounted , to for the average - family to own 55,678.000,000. Group. insurance ' a larger amount of life insur- included in this figure is ance. "Time has proven that it $1,751,000;0001, an increase of.. - is only through life insurance .17%... The Growth of Group in- . that the majority of individuals surance and pension plats re- can meet the problems which fleets the business and indus- death' and old age create in loss trial -expansion of recent years 'of income." summed up Mr. during which " time the Com- Bourke. "There is no substitute pany, a pioneer in this form of _..fon_iife- insurance", insurance. has retained a ` lead- A copy of Sun Life's complete ing position. 'protecting many 1953 Annual Report to Policy - hundreds .of _thousands of e - ,holders,' including the ` Presi- ,lovees of business and ind s- dent's review of the year, is trial organisations throughout ,being sent to each policyholder, North America. - • or may be "obtained from H. W. - • Fhe-•~ otal'-amorm of -life -1n; Shore, local'; representative. -:::' :.'. di/ :450A k'f' /'F`1,•'- •' Lh �-a'i !L ti t1� %�,?�/ '.,� '//.•�+�%t�/ii%/.YY !',/%.d 1,i/rA'.�'!/:..1,,L%: Spot 4..211 . 2222 •:��..-,.. ��.... gq.,ppwsPile��vlaeA"eeTttal.7+HW+ a.,•222 M 39LT • ANNOUNIrING the breath -taking new Oldsmobile Super "88" for 1954! The olasmobile so ultra -new in design, ... s original in style throughout .. . tyre's never en a car like it before! Just wait till, you see its new Toter, ion ;er, i e1 e1, gilltot ette ! 'Tyre d r ng new slant of its panoramic windshield I The'drainatic new flair in .its sweep -cut doors .and fenders ! And just wai;t.Jill you drive the new 185-horgepowerWorld's R ecord "ftocket" Engine ntiitli' 8225 to' 1 compreasian ratio --,the engine that otttperforr s5 angy.out-economizes even the power - f aniblii '58 'Rocket": For a new view . on ' modern ... antomobi'1i s-•-7'see the neywy Super "88". And,, watch forOldsritohxle's new "thearu;Car" -- the Claitsrc ' Ninety -tight . coming to your death's soon i • car ilra4tr4oted : 1954 Su • :dr46Coupe. A 4e11erai 1foleri Parise. 'We're glad fur telephone man made .a hit, Pauline. Lots ofgrowi -ups tell ti'"tie 'same thing -- how courteous and obliging Bell people are, re tett' n he-hista flit po ori nor- tlie-gr ni the business, office, Bell people,like to make you feel they are glad to be of service. At2.3.<4,21251 ;•lit, 11 .14,1 x li 2.1.1,0 Th -e ' know that -4(.1.0d 'telephone service is mad, .: even better' .w'nert they aye fi iendly arid considerate'. •ven with ,little peppl e-1tke Ave. year old Pauline. ,