HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-02-11, Page 5Oq'^� t " n 11 atv •rxi,1:+R$* + Tie'V. $ofNo►', + id :it Anent eay 40last �, �...r� .n - thea nb �► e 'i ,,. � f i+t e?l�e xes�e Ms.sold T4rxer, s thee. h, alr. „•ba s S 4l .. ..bpr omY�P, who ,�esid�dnyer;the.uS S se .an -,-an- offeredra r num? the o erng hymn , _ . � After. the reports orts had, been read • and 'other i.�terns of business 1" care' -of, Miss. Strang",read .a /Otter from'Harold Totterfor the ,Sunday School,'s t ressing;:the need eed activities chi:;tie thu ft o.,. Qtte: • people a vc allyIt w as ee tils natteto dh eeide3o Eveiixg:Aialf►:4 t was.{: noted -I -,7-• that 'the . •alloea'tion of North' Street Church towards the building fund of the'new •Traiining .''Sre`hool in Toronto is $450.00 and donations to date total oar $332.00.: Twenty-eight - calls on, the sick r'" hOlkw 04 A �y Answersy��Dy�y ,y rt. .rtiad-,L�Rj ewe' ,. liM ', $404-" mics: •was. off -1 'a, owaso Miss -String yQ . an t tteiresting ..talk dealing' With. mission oxk.BlaVirollel�o r. fng Wig,. a duet ' was ung .Nara1Yn`Satth ;and - . S U$PEN b TERM• R;` . Adidas, Of • Toronto, who. pleaded guilty :to a fade pxeten+rles charge'.. before i a e,_ :. E. e e „. g s+tr 'k. I? o ms - ,C„ast : Thursda - in' l .Y -0Qtlrt'.iere, Vease iven sd end ed ' sentenceo>xeyear Proms-dd r - $titatiw was made.' Adams was allege: to have obtained a quantity 'of chickens valued at $1.14 from ,lames , 'Leishnxa>!i, of Goderich Township, last November by means •of a worthless cheque. A classified ad brings 'results. �ner$* I tie•',' e�e Cl'n of x 0 r �t e e d. • s e- r tC it 'Iii 9-.� W. rl t W. �. esid •P. .- Cru shank, of -d Cr X?V" h • ` and Slti't'Y *alters,. 'of q eilieh, •secre. taryatreasurer, Directors: are.: �i. Stulin-g, R.R-' 2, Clinton;� w Bell, R,R. 1, BiyUi; Peter Simpson,' Seafopthn G: X. Dow, Ex• eter' ,,, dnreebar;a:t-large',... ; WilliamDe ekor, ;Z4trxell4; '.lilam'orary- presi dent .'i•s Iugh ,011, f Coderieh, RepresentaUryeotothe Ontario Whole •Milk League is Mr. Deseck. Guest spea4er was O.4 -Snyder, of `-Bespeler, zone director of the Ontario League. " , And then,- there's the Scotsman who said he'd like to be a divorce lawyer belcause he . could get so many women 'free. ' . - , • #47X70,4 In winter months, Hydro helicopters , reach in, -minutes, areas that might -Abe completely inaccessible after heavy snows. From the Great Lakes to the wilderness of the far north they patrol your Hydro's transmission lines, locat- ing possible trouble points and pre- -, venting costly interruptions. This is another example of Hydro's modern and progressive operation to assure a low-cost, dependable, powe"t supply. The 'Pilots and observers of ;these. helicopters are two of the more than • 400 trades and skills of Hydro's team of` 19,639 employees ... working'' for YOU. • " DO YOU KNOW Hydro maintains over 7,000 miles of gh- voltage transmission lines _ in a vast grid that delivers ' power to every part of the province.. - ' Information concerning Ontario Hydr'.o-calr betsobtained by writing your Hydro Chairman, 620 University Avetrite, Toronto •']Filth ii io-pq ere S hi to ea we e� Std �de� OF ev Ti T r K47 Hall..:4MeM f.$fat : t decorated tables in the Valentine theme, '.fir •a dellacious, supper 4" sluitt. business period . was Pre - ;sided over -by Mrs. ,D 'aehl. The )iigh-seorev winners . of the successful. card., pa es held re- cently to zndr>ct`bt s , . Innes Was an- nounced W..ri e. ri nou ' ed by'rd e nc M.a ?� � -s. B, Dodd and.:Mrs W. ;. _.�a_cLaleen tiled . fori;>st• Prime; M,« euchre Mrs; A. Macaulay;. Mrs, W. B. Worthy, • Anyone in town or the coni run- ity is welcome to attend the rug making class to he sponsored at the Town Hall by the 'W.I., March 8-12 ,As • tfie class is limited, . any, one interested 'is asked 'to phone 893J for particulars.; .,, There is• no charge for the instruction. The guest ,speaker of the even- ing was .Mrs. DurninPhillips, Dun- gannon, West Huron District presi- dent. She delighted her 'audience with an account of a trip through the cotton-picking states of the U.S.A: last surniner. Mrs. D. Riehl thanked Mrs. Phil- lips • for the interesting story and all joined ,in a 'sing—song led by Mrs. G, • Sanderson, with Mrs. J. Snider 'at the piano. One new member,, Mrs. M, Cranston was welcomed into -the •Institute. ~Mrs. G. Inglis conducted several contests: Members of the e m- in3ttee in charge of arrangements for the supper were Mrs. H. Doak, Mrs. G. Inglis, . Mrs. A. Alexander, Mrs. C. McCabe, Mrs. A. Allin and Mrs. L. Bannister. MAR Ali► G FrT MAGER CLUB OLD$ . MONTHLY MEET 'Phe Margaret Seager Club of St. George's ,Church. held its monthly meeting 4lionday evening with the president, Mrs. R. C. Hays; and executive in charge. 'Secretary's and treasurer's re- ports were read and approved. ' A. general discussion on- activities for the year then ensued and it was decided to hold- a •bake sale the second week of each month and in the near" future an : evening of "Old Time" music_ and dancing. Tentative plans were miade for a garden tea -€o be held this summer. Miss Wilkes' inoved the meeting adjourn. REVOLUTIONARY NEW BALL -JOINT FRONT SUSPENSION •//✓ .Mercury's Beillrjpint*Front Suspension gives you an entirely new sense of safer, road -hugging stability on winding curves—new ease -of steer- ing -,new pride in driving a car that "corners" so gracefully, yet- cruises so smoothly. Finer - r body construction, underlying Mercury's m Comparable interior styling, results in an almost unbelievably quiet ride. ,,In '' Mercury, you command Canada's newest V-8—more efficient, _ -• ----more iexible-power-for-safer--performance anti . pleasing economy—and the finest of power 1eutures. Arrange your road test now! Overhead -Valve ,. �: ......,.... .... ... ... ........i..., .: los, ....:.-.,� \::::r.5 Canada's newest -V-8... by the builder of more fl -8's the alt'otltei -►Makers combined! RCURY MONTEREY Four-door'Sedan " - °'$Certo �n jedutlres eilwtrcite'd or' nu"htioned ores„wetatufard” on sone models, aroilable at extra cost otr<''atheri. 4 -WAY POWER SEAT' Pfarrlir Powered to make all borer- driving easier 1,i Afl, Tt1 Old 7820W LY' IN A USED CAR A 9 SEE YOUR MERCURY DEALER TJELE T, ' F b' I�II�t c t aides were in attendance at tie ;Fehru.ary meetings of '�nd the W.A. nold at, the 'home of � , y W. Rice 64 �f '•Wednesday arfternooie,of: last wee . e presi- ntt Mrs.. I. Miller, was .in the chair or the. W.M:S'. The theme of the Worship service was •,,"The Church of the" Open . 0�,0^6(,,11. , s.. 'SCri- :- Mrs, Ross.Er`ririgton read the les n '` Mrs. D. •.;C. , McDonald •tore lesson,- the confession and Mrs. John. Cam- eron, led in prayer. Thetopic, "The Ministry of Radio in " South America," proved most interesting, given in dialogue form by Miss W. D. Rutherford, taking the part. of an elderly missionary; 'Mrs. Alex Purvis, that of a young 'mis- s'onary and Mrs. Lorne Woods and rs. E. W. Rice as script writers .Tor a radio program. ' It was an- nounced that the Day of Prayer Would be ""observed on Friday, March 4, at the home of Mrs. Robin- son Woods. ' Mrs: Charles Me'Don- aid presided 'for the W.A. Mrs. Allan Miller read the Scripture lesson and Mrs. Alex Murdie the lesson thought, It was decided to hold a work meeting at the home. of Miss Rutherford on Wednesday,,, March 10. At the conclusion a social hour was " enjoyed when lunch was served with MTs. W. I Miller and Mrs. Lorne Woods as hostesses. „a_.JJiNGSBR!DGE, Feb. 10. — Miss Maureen Vassella, of London, spent the week -end at her home here. -Mr. and Mrs.„ Walter, Clare visit- ed with relatives in London during the .past week. Congratulations to Mr. -and Mrs. Edwin Meyer upon the birth of a daughter in Goderich hospital on February 6f:' Mrs. M. Sheridan will resume teaching in the° school here.,...this week, after a three-week illness. Mrs. Eugene' Frayne spent sev- eral days in Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, last week with; a virus infected throat. Word was received here of the death of Thomas. M. O'Con- nor who died in Detroit on Thurs- day, : February • 4. The funeral took place in Detroit on Monday ._ orn'ing. Mr. Lassaline, of .Goderich Town- ship, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dalton on Sunday. Mrs. Mary Austin, who has been a -patient in Goderich hospital dur- ing the past week, is recovering from her illness. John O'Neill and Miss Mary Sheridan visited with friends in Hamilton last week. . ' �r v, Mr. Kelly"' of Goderich spent the week -end with his sister Mrs. Doherty and family. , ' ..Mr; and Mrs. Schuurman, ,of <Eonaon,"spent Sunday of the home of. Mr, and MTS. Van Osch, DUNGANNON, Feb- 10. Mrs. Sam ,Swan, Belmore, attended, the funeral of her niece, the late E. Viola Niven, Clinton. Mrs. Swan has -been visiting Mr. and Mrs Robert Bete and -other relatives this week. - Mrs. George Harris, Cransford, who was taken ill a few weeks ago, is steadily making improve- ment and is being assisted by Mrs. R. McDonald during -convalescence. Mr. and' Mrs. Gordon Ball, of Thernlhill, Manitoba, are visiting the -ft -Mier s sae er, s. •ar es Fowler. Mr. Ball is regaining health since an operation in •De- •cerriber•. They have also been visit- ing relatives at Sudbury, and4near Toronto. - Mr. •. and Mrs. Bill McClure' and three little sons, of Elmira, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McClure, on Sunday. - • Recent euchre parties on the 6th concession ' of West Wawanosh were held on one night at the home of ,Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Wil - Son. • Price winners were .Mr. and Mrs. Victor Errington. Those re- ceiving the' -consolation prizes were Mrs,' Robert McAllister and Harvey Alton. Mr. and -Mrs. Cyril Boyle Y entertained Tuesday night of last week. Scor'ing high were Mrs. Bessie Stewart, and -Lewis Phelan. Consolation -prizes went to Mrs. Victor ,Errington and John- Brand. Relatives visiting Mrs. Sproul at Goderich hospital oh Sunday -were Mrs. ,W.:-11. McC1'ure, Mrs,. Herb Finnigan, Mrs.., Bill Mc- Clure, Miss Rebina Sproul and Miss Margaret Joy Durnin. • Howard' Godfre3, just recovering from chicken -pox, was rushed 'to Goderich hospital on Friday, suf- fering ,with acute appendicitis and wasoperated on that -seine evening: Reports are that .his condition is favof-able. Mrs. Fred Young returned home from- Goderich •hospital, leaving the little infant sort for further care. Gdil'c! Meets. --.Mrs. Gladys Rivett �as`�i°°as"ie ss aF7ier�iome-"IaSiurs- day for St: Paul's Anglican Guild. Mrs.aWi''li4m Caesar, the president, was in the chair. The ro l'- call -was answered with a Biblical verse containing . "Faith." A • g die. word: discussion tooTc place about.% bale of clothing to •be sent to Korea." Arti igs' " e' ',t6 • be ' 'Taft ' with "Mrs. ' R. J. Durnin before the end - �of February. Rev. H. Ii.. Jennings ggave a tack on ' "Women in the OhurticI Mrs. R. Durnin read an article '° on' . "Faith." Mrs, Elmer Black read the Bishop's letter from the Huron. Church News. Rev. Jennings closed the meeting with ppragyer•, Afternoon tea was served by _,Miss, W. Ceasar and "Mrs. Victor Tor i Ta�v`Ter. and Marilyn, Ander:, shin Ila a been 'undergoing a seige bf- chicken-po'c. Both are G•:C.l'. students and school Work had to,be' po stponel. yx..j ti T1 -•i 'United ed eh•e� ire. e wopn rt' �e "_ s c .4e p � e w1 The. -wO eat df• the chure o i `annual eti :,;took' $Ree' th Rev. C.: W ,. titer he '' ehui'cb,. as• 0104.rinto, Mr. 'Hest ra' 6tmrest's4 a short-devotioaial• period.. ' ?rank. ,,Yeo. was alaplyittted s ere ry; :.fid: read trnbeee•,ting, Jt.heTrees 3 au -n • gave .the report of ' tattle ni'ju%Mating Bona +•uttee`rfxor the Sessihn and 31U N`oran gave the , re'pei't•'' the nominating •aotnaxttttee , for the - Stewards and Trustees.' M'alzs.. te.ta.' Yeo was re -appointed as, M. and M.. e'creteward;: itary; EdJa-ekward Seo ,as .as envelacihurcphe s . ' treasurer; Mrs. W. Yeo aa organist and D. E. Glidden and Rill. Norman as eudntors. Reports for the past year's work were given by Mrs. Elmer.-PotterrVfor. the W.M.S:•; . Mrs.' Milian Heard, for • the hewer- fund; ' Elmer Potter, for. the •'Trustee•. Board; Edward Grigg, . for the Board of Stewards; Bill ' Norman, for the Sunday- School;; Mrs: Ed=- ward Grigg, for the W.A.; . Mrs. • Frank McCullough, for the Mission 'Band and Miss Rita Yeo for the M. ' and M. fund. Plants were discus- sed for the coming 75th annivers- ary of the church with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Potter Mr. and Mrs. Bill .Norman and: l4rs. E. A. Yee appointed a committee in charge of the arrangements. .Barry Wil- liams gave the report of the com- mittee in charge of plans for in- stallation of a new heating system- in the church. Members of the Trustee Board are: E. J. Trewartha, Elmer ' Potter, Edward Grigg, John Potter, H. J. Trevvartha, Lorne Jervis, N. W. Trewartha, Barry Walter,, Eldon Yeo and John Grigg. Members of the Session are: hon- orary meiitbers-John Potter and E. J.. Trewartha; •appointed--"mem- b rs--H. J. -Trewartha, Bert Finlay, Lloyd Bond, Harold Yeo; W. Re Lobb and Barry- Walter. Members of the Board of Stewards are: Ed- ward Grigg, N. W. Heard, Bill Nor- man, Harry Williams, Eliner Pot ter, •Frank Yeo, Reg Miller, E. J.. Trewartha, Dewar Norman, Ken- neth Trewartha---and Fz-ank McCul- lough. • Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Brown, of Detroit, were guests of Mr. -and` Mrs. D. --'E. Glidden . four the past week -end. ' • The Wiihelmine Mission Band, of Holmesville United Church, met in the school last Friday for its regular meeting. - Douglas Norman was leader and opene& the meeting with a hymn. The Scripture lesson was read by Frances McCullough. Marion Liebold. read a poem; on temperance and Leonard " Wilson read a peace story. The president, Eleanor Yea, conducted the , busi- ness. Quilt blocks were handed oti't for crib quilts the members .at'e making for overseas relief. Frank- lin Yeo'read a poem; Barbara Yeo played a piano solo. The study book period was taken ,by the lead- ers, Mrs. J, Yeo and Mrs. F. Mc- Cullough. The meeting closed with -a hymn. - - Church Women's. Missionary So- ciety held the February meeting on Friday' at the home of the- presi- dent, Mrs. Herb Finnigan, with 13 members present. Mrs. Finnigan opened the meeting with a hymn. Mrs. -John Rivett read the eighth chapter of the study 'book. The number of sick ,ea11s...at .homes and hospitals°' amounted to 24. The next meeting will be March 12 at the home of Mrs. •J. J: -Ryan. Mr's. Finnigan served refreshments. At the United Church service next' Sunday...ai 11-•-a-rn.; -tt- - .. angers will take part, and at 8 p.m. a Young People's service will be held with Wilmer Errington, .past president, giving the address. Rev. George Watt, pastor, will be- gin Sunday -giving a series of ser- mons on the Ten Commandinerlts. Four-year-old: "HoW can yoiY.,tell women from men when they're both wearing stacks?" Five-year-old: "That's easy—the one listening is._a mare"• • �- ti{•L:Y'.r>„� {'r},%". r�yy}: lam. } r -y �r!• '•Y.i! f i r :::%: r! : ri rr r f r lr.; jd''?,T.:lfr,': • • JJlI,:::!• 'y�, q� r• WESTFIELD WESTFIELD, Feb. .10. - The FaForum mett' on Menday even- ing at the home of MT: and IVirs. Norman McDowell with 22 present. The topic ' for discussion was "Bar- riers to Trade." The groups de- cided they did not think free trade in all farm products between U.S. A. and Canada would Make much difference ' to the •farmers in this area. If lnything, - it ~night be an advantage to' us. -• The group agreed complete free trade b tween Canada and the United, States would be a good thing in the long run, but would have to come gradually over quite, a few years to allow Canadian maattifacturers' to make the necessary 'changes to compete with the Americans. The social activities --;took the form of hobbies.;' Lunch was served. Personals.—The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr and Mrs. Earl Caldwell and Jack in the ,passing of their Tittle daughter and. sister. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McDowell visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sid McClinchey, of, Auburn. Mr. and 'Mrs. Carl Mills and baby spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Eric Humphrey of Kirk - ton, and Mrs: Fred ` Us,. cif frWoo& ham. Mr. and MA.. R. ,eent," •Of Blyth, visited on Monday. with Ittr., and Mrs. Jackan,tn.' i • Mr. and Mrs. „Tli ins Y Ison Hilton and Rosemary, •of Carlow, visited • on ;Sunday with-, Mr. 'and Mrs. Norman Wigihtrm'an. Mr. Sperling and A. E. Cools, f Blyth, visited on Sunday with•:Axe:, old Cook and Mrs. Fred Cook. Mr.. and Mrs, Aar iId" Sprungi of Hullett Township, visited on .Sun- -day with Mr's. Clarence Cox. Miss Violet Coak, of Goderack •• 'Spent the week -end v` l h her , . t'hrer-, Mrs. Fred Cook. Mr. and Mrs: - Earl Wightinmd -' visited an Wednesday with Mrs. IL Mather.• of Lnoknow. - - • ==_ Mr. and Mrs. Earl W:irnan and Mr. Clarence Cox attended • the funeral on Sunday in Wingham .i ' Mrs- Fox, of Blyth. • Dies In Peterboro.—Word waS.�•.�,y received by the friends -and refer ' tives in the comxnun-ity en, _Mc?,7, of the ,>passing. ' of Melborne �w1rt .Howell-,., of Millbrook -e who • died in - Peterborough hospital. Toner* services were to be held on '.i u's s- • - day afternoon. He • was the of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dowell. His wife and 'four daugh- ters and a son survive. He was .a former resident of this vicinity. - .....NN......�.*.ow.....e.N.. i .. GARDNER's GRocER, 1 .- (FORMERLY 000K S) IBRITANNIA ROAD PHONE p1 Your convenient neighborhood store. Open 'every, • we ' day 9 a".mi to 16 p.m. - _.... •••••.... When the day's supply of milk is running short, Milk Powder is a real convenience! It's easy to mix a quart ora - cupful of -milk to add flavour and food value to your cooking:-•MillePowder--is-an-, ----- excellent, inexpensive source of complete protein, calcium, riboflavin, Vitamin A. In•many recipes, ygiu do net Powder: just mix it. with ti* dry ingredients. When rising to drink, you'll find .its; - flavour improves after standing oveinight'in -the' refrigerator. , ro lieuelicaPV Amts 'ObiN'tirtta .trrk srririkie # dhp.M 4uiceilhhti �19rrrur.". .Alit~ -or sho%co un Ft ' • . Pan'iter dissbivek �M w rn ,..1+oo Nib ebnialtr r.i +c i