The Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-01-28, Page 3Cazse ofthe epidemic „le
in the 'need for an 0,14 14$140ned,
escaPe#O* the Modern tempo
a su1t, he hs gd-‘44t#
r?114;,f,K,'‘' a 4:k
" ZIP ,square
i o tnpart odozens of
10$ bave
either 'bpislied'Att,.'"Wn
for theltra,-timeJthe_art.._41Squafie
dancing in a recreation room he
has bagtfor that purpose in. ines
basementof his .re.sidenee- on.St.Patrick's street. -
sail' started about :t11 years
ago at a summer cottage t.B4Y-
field. Despite the fact that he
showed no interest inesquare. danc-
ing at Oat,tne, Doctor and Mrs.
•Watters accepted an luvitationto
a. summer cottage• square (1414-11g
party. At...Dr., Wetters described -
it, he was "manoeuvred into it."
-Among-'theee&epts--were Mc. and
_Mrs a 'f Toronto who-
piaeed•high in square-dancing con-
tests at Toronto's Royal Winter
Fair. . ,•\)
Atter being exposed -toe square
dancing for several evenings, the
initially uninterested doctor be-
came an enthusiatitic convert. With
the zeal of a missionary he event-
ually devoted many hours during
the past year , or more to 'coliVert-
S.1: C. Anderson,,?$t;
rkk's street, where square dancing
Parties , are also Other citi-
zens have followed 'suit and: more
Uch. basementrecreation- roonis,
lorz,sq,1,4-gre-danoing .are -planned byin toWn;—
Ike' Watters his collected more
than 1.75 -records for .'square danc-
ing music from .such widespread
centres as London, Goderich, De-
troit, Cleveland, -Toronto, Sarnia
and .Port Huron; • . , •
Tho, Thsquare dancing fad has
reached • the stage of popularity
where contests may be staged some
time in the future between f dancing
teanis-representing -variouseorgane
izations in town.
AerosoIS---containers which use
compressed gases to discharge ma-
terials—have lightened many tasks
for the housewife. Taints, auto
wax, odor -masking, moth -proofing
and m,oiSture-proofing eheinials
and , even ,dessert trimmings now
can be easily applied with aerosols.
, ;•• b
oi Yes, in time, in health,' in conveni
ence, in 'saving on clothes when
the wether is liad—in many,
, many ways you'll fInd using a taxi
Special New Year Clearance Sale
TAKE NOTICEtiLT-it i the intention of ,the nrnnici
panty; of the Town oI Goderich to purchase lots at the
tuLjouruedrtak sale if the price offered is not cousidered.
Adequate, ,
t , ....
, ..•,
Owner and De4rinllan. -M.-eiVicPhail.,Estate—Lot 862, _Nelson.
• Arrears, 1947,52 incl. Taxes, $522.91?. Adbig. e$T5490.
treas. Comm., 03.07. Total, $550.88:
. .. . . _ .
Hattie Kirk Estate—Lots 12 and 13, Elizabeth Ste Arrears 19,49.
• 52 MaTakes; $32,24. Advtg. $15.00. Treas. Comm.,
.80...Totakett40,04.,,,04,e.,-,„,„....,1„1„,„.„,e , •
f 311. 'BLAKE;
, 1 ,
Published in the Ontario Gazette, November -7, 1953-
the Signal,
, WOOFvia letter from TorQflt(. T.his 10
4ris,89 and said that while
walking along the •streets .of
• thei other 414Sr, ste
'Red an Agee -and'fq
• ,Odew#14%;.`4;lfwo passers-
by .bad to le1p him t his .feet.
The unfortunate part4:01 it
Itasltbiat he AO right in front
.of a ibeer, parine, I staggered
off down the street like a drunk
and yet 'r:did• not have even
The Peellie who helped -
.-ineeeteeemeeeerfeet 'no doubt.
th• ought 1 hid just come out
. the beverage room," he wrote.
4 He also mentioned receiving a
letter from his sister in West-
ern U.S.A., also a: ziatire of
Sheppardton. • "She is '91 and,
said she had .just returned
from a Christmas party," ie,
Children want to be aide to like
their parents, to respect them and
in later life to look back and
realize that their parents have
given them the, good things 'in
life, Mrs. Ewan Ross, of the Huron
County ' Children's Aid Society, said
in the first of a series of lectures
last Friday night at the Baptist
Church at the School for Parents.
Mrs. Ross entitled her address
"Seeing Through the Child's Eyes.''
At one year, she said, the child
is asking, "Can people be trusted?"
At this stage, she said, parents
should prove prove tothe child that they
can be depended upon. At a year
and one-half, the child is asking,
"Am -I a ge t i
para e, ndeperident
being; can I get along alpne?" He
wants to explore things and tries
to do everything himself..
- At fotiq he. asks, "Dog have the
right to express My will and dream
y dreams?" This: is the year he is
nnaginative, curious and fufl of
questions'. In this year, she spg-
gested, parents should be consist-
ent and avoid killing the child's
Give Encouragement
At, eight he takeS., failures, verit
Par8fits should not try to eliminate
the :sense of failure, the, speaker
said, but should give Much en-
In adolescence the young,perSon
becomes very ,critical: -- He wants
to be proud of his parents, His
"gang" is a comfort to him and
long phone calls are- in order. It
iswell nOw,:.she suggested, to keep
kindly, weteigni eye on the teen-
Following her address, a- panel
iscussion was held with Ewan
Ross as chdirman. On the panel
were Mrs. C. Lowery, Mrs. Ross,
Elmer Robertson and Mrs. Al
A .devotionale addrese wee given
-by Lieut. .Mayf the g-aliration
Army. She spoke' of "being as
little children' in trust and humilr
ity toward- Odd. •
George Robertson was Dean of
the school for the evening.
Tomorrow night, Bert Beaumont
will be the. speaker and his theme
will be "The Emotional Needs' of
the Child. For Many years Mr.
Beaumont was Director of Child
Welfare for the Province of On-
-tario and is an expert in this
If you have one of those old-
time, old-fashioned fancy lace Val;
entities of some 30 or 4o, years ago
--ethe ones with the red bleeding
h.eart,. plush .satin, red ribbon, all
trimmed with lace and dripping
With sentiment; . mali it to Frank"
Chamberlain, care of Laura Secord,
Bloor and SherbOurne streets, Tor
onto. Those who send the oldest
and fanciest '' Valentines, will re-
ceive a red heart -shaped' box of
Laura Secord candies,' Laura.
Secord Candy Shops is making a
historic collection of such old
valentines. ' •
4.••••••, •
•••:;:;?,,i3O.,,, •
-• , - , ,e -
, •
One of the crowd -pleasing acts: in the "Jaycee Varieties"'presented- last Thursday night was the high stepping Chambermaids -
dance line. The show was presented by the Goderich Junior Chaniber of Commerce to raise funds for community and civic improve-
rnetir projects. In the above photo are, left to right; "Gus" Chisholm, director of the show; Miss Ralphette Blackstone, Miss Bobbie .
Wilson, Miss Bertha Worsell,Miss Cecile Hoffnian, Miss Ronee Ripley, Miss- Frankie Young, Miss Jackie Cameron, Miss Jackie
Bradie and Bert Such, who panicked the audience witli'a clown routine. Missing fromghe photo- is Mips Petite MacEwan.
kl (Signal -Star Photo by Henry)
The annual supper meeting of
. .
the Arthur Circle, Knox Church,
was held in the lecture hall on
Monday of last week with the presi-
dent, Miss M. Maefie, and 'e'iecutive
in charge. Scripture was, read by
Mrs; -E. Scruton. Mrs. Venus led
in prayer and then she defined the
word "Devotion.- Secretary s and
treasurer's reports were read and
-approved. Sixty-five eilembers and
-fr-iends_ anstered the roll call,
(eontintied from. page Al
er-a.)43`us-illes-4'""ismsed:and-sorry-tb-setrthatAtteilipts are bung
correspondence read. Mrs. C. Mc- made to divide public opinion upon
Donald gave her reportof the this important matter, ostensibly
.M.S. meeting held in Clinton in
with a view to- get aesite for the
December. "
same out of Goderich: .12ite_alluded
Jo this last week, since which we
PUT ALBERT CHURPH have received another le.tter from
PLANS .FOR NEW ORG4N. a Township -Councillor, faVorable
- •••• ' to, Clinton as the site for the Court
PORT ALBERT, Jan. 27.—Plans House. Our Clinton friends are
tee, replace ,the 60-year;old pipe perhaps not aware that the people
organ at 'Christ Church with a...of Bayileld and Port Albert are
already in the field before them
modern 'electric one 'were made at for metropolitan honors, and" when
the annual- vestry meeting of thg , they reflect that tWienly peculiar
church held on Wednesday 'night advantage Which they possess is
-of last week'' . ;that of being. centrally _situated
Meinbers of a dominittee set, up (which may be equally affirmed on
.to ,investigate the_possibility ' of b.ehalf Of Brucefield) and that .the
raising funds for a "new organ are Railway, -which merely passe§
Mrs. Roy Petrie, Harbourn Adams through their village wherelt
and Walter-Tigert.
The meeting,, presided over by -htleapvoesiatinstgatgioonodfsorantadkinp'fssiiepngaenrsd.
the Rector, Rey. H. Jennings, elect- .could ' not terminate there; . and
ed the following officers: People'k. that this" same railroad and coast -
Warden, Harold Adanas; Rector's ing steamers mr the lake will
Warden, Ralph Foster; clerk, An- speedily almost annihilate distan-
thony Vfooman; Layeelelegates tc
Synod, Catmen Haydeil, `Anthoify ces and. throw a mere geometrical
centralization into the shade, they
Vrooman; organist, _Walter Tigert; will not, we think, be so keen for a -
auditors, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Petrie -Public discuss% of 'the mere 'site.
PERSON L MENTION Thai. must be in the. County Town
and what place is there in Canada
Town Council Makes Grant Of $5,000
To Help Recreation Group Pay Bills
A grant of $5,000 to help pay off
bilis was made by ,Town Council
to the ecreation and Arena Com-
missio t a special -council meet-
ing Let Wednesday ,afternoon.
y qualification ,niade by coun-
cil-wasthat the recreation council
have an audit taken -of its books
and presented to council before the
tax, rate is struck. Members of
the council felt that the audit
-Should .1.?e-takeir-toTgive-the-Ptibli
a clear „picture of recreation and
arena Operations.'-
Present at the special :session
was J. G. Berry, secretary -treasurer
of the recreation council, who ex-
plained the need for the • grant
at this time. It was pointed out
that the council owed $1,800 on a
capital expenditure for an ice ma-
chine purchased last summer.
Jn addition, the recreation, group
owed about $2,500 to the Goderich
Pilblic Utilities Commission for
water, light . and power. Several
smaller bills required early pay-
ment, council told.
Town Council was asked for the
grant ,early in Decem:ber, 'when
Mayor J. E. .Huekins explained the
need for the money to pay bills.
At that ,time, Town...Council refer-
red the request to this year's coun-
cil for consideration.
,A grant from the Province -of
Ontario on recreation Activities
during 1953 is expected some time
this year, but will not likely be
received. until April or May. l'4he •
recreation group has been asked by
the Province to make application
for the grant before , the end of
March: - It is not known what
amount the -grant will total.
POLICE rneRtssivE
"I congratulate:Goderiehon
the fine looking police corps, a,
picture *of which appeareein
-the- Signal-kar3g, -wrote
Harry Tisdale' of Grand Forks,
North Dakdta, ill' renewing his
subscription.. "They look as
if they will be friends of the
citizens Who-pbey the laws
but the la* breakers had bet-
ter watch out."
On of the 38,000 Sun
ado annuitants repOlyirig.14:fitOrit'iy..
income cheque. In many iri,Lonci*.elgo •
lifetime income, war providedby
regular small payments during40:-'''
annuitant's bestearninwyeors.,0044
Oi older ages used a lurati awn tram,
savings or capital to guard again!ll'',
advancing years. independence In
old age can bornadO,)ceOrslo wlth
Sun Life Pension policy. •
Without obligation; let me-
you how the facilities of'ths
Ineet000r particular needs in la
way that will,fit your pocketboolla
On her hundredth birthday a
lady gave as a reason for her,
longevity that in her younger days
she never walked the floor with
her babies, .never washed dishes
and never did the laundry or
She assigned those duties to her
husband, whodiedat fifty-eight: "
At a circus a thoughtful -looking
gentleman stood for a long time, -
studying a camel. At ..length; he
stooped, picked up "a straw, and
placed it on the camel's bac%,
Nothing happened
"Wrong straw," the man shrug-
ged, then -walked aW-ay.
With -'today's ipiick-drying
quers,•eloped by the chemical
ind.ustry, ,aP automobile can. be
finished in hours instead of the
weeks -required 30 years ago. r
better fitted for a County Town
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McIlwain than Goderich? PosSesging as it
Of Barrie and Mr. Gordon Mc- does the best harbour on Lake
Ilwain-of Sarnia visited over the Huron, it will and must become
week -end with Mrs. Agnes Buch- the great entrepot of the West.'
anan, -Elgin avenue.- As it ,is, our Clinton friends will
Mrs. N. McInnis left on Friday, admit, Goderich is only -12-miles
for Hamilton where she was met from what Clinton calls the centre
by her Sister, 1Virs. Edward quard- of the County, and that by our
house of Owen Sound and -together
they are intending to spend a
Month at St. Petersburg, Florida,•
going via New York and Washing --
Miss' Marion Bogie of St. Joseph's
Hospital, London, is enjoying a,
week's vacation with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bogie:
Dancing Wednesday :Night• Only
The Pavilion available for afternoon and 'evening
-rentals. The Management 'caters to luncheons, ban-
quets, wedding receptions, etc. Phone 675 -or 419.
, On the
Now—Mickey -,R#pnei..tin-ck.poilifirlirq.pketi • .
biart41atiner,4,Jeati Evans '
tnyStiAeofhettseWifelnii& $5 and $10 bills growing. on
0 7
, NoiV.-Vittoe NI/dui*, and Iee
7.,,I.,",•—•*7-- .'-.,'r-t:':---":--,--------"---,-,I,--t------"-'-'"'"
Mon Tues -Wed ' • (
› Brian Ponlevy, Elia Raines, Foreeet Tucker
The _dramatic story of a shipyard worker -Who"-beCime a hero in
spite df. himself: : ' , „. -
, • . Dennis Morgan, Riiit Moreno, -Philip Carey
„Texas agter the Civil War, and a gunslinger whO sittes with the
$qUatterS 1 loit,s•?trie ruthless' northerners:
1(3,ailway, ,those fetv mileFlnay be
travefiedb'in a few minutes._ 13e -
sides, where the. Court House' is,
tf course the public. ;offices must
be kept. Our correspondent refers
us to the map as to the situation
of Clinton. In return, we think
he will have no. difficult* by re-
ferring to the map of the Province
in 'disto-Vering that 'there are many
County Towns ''.far -less centrally
situated than Goderich,"
The -By -Law, which was first pub-
• lished in thirHurmr-Signal on No-
vember 17, 1853, read in part:
"And whereas it will require the
sum, of, 2,000 pounds to build and
complete the said Court House
and,OfficeS, and, it Will require' the
sum IA 160 pounds , to be raised
, annually upon all the rateable,
real, ifild;persorral property within.
Abe said United Counties to pay'
the sum of eight per cent—to re
Idem the interest, and form a sink-
* fund for the redemption of
ithe principal—in addition to any
---r-fferther sum or sums ,that may be
required from time to time bkthe
Receiver General of the Provinee
. in terms of the 'above cited Mun-
icipal Loan Fund Act." '
-.. -------•
In the issue of December 8:
.4853, thelast issue before the vote i
!on the By -La. the Huron Signal
said, in part: "The friends of -this
Measure were too certain of its
successes the last timeit was sub -
'Milted, hence its failure. But we
trust upon this occasion that every
fperson will esteem it an especial
duty and privilege to record his
vote in its favour and thus 'Secure
lits adoption. It is to be hoped
jthat the peOoles of these 'Mated
Counties will no longer allow
their supineness to give foundation
for the charge of paltry meanness
and iniprovidence. which has been
brought against them."
Frigidaire Model MS -86--
• •
Automatic Re -set Deirp sting'
Lets you defrost lightnine-fast any time; .
Mechanism start i ogpin autemotieally.+-k.
• -Capacity 8.6 cubic feet • -
• Full width Super Freezer Chest
holds 36,..11bs. frozen food
• Sig Hydrator
,a Large ChilVDiawer . •
• Door Shelves
Ruilt arid backed by Gott&
COME -IN !wk. SEEiiT-
•, And sieL-the citizens of . Huron
and Bruce , went out a few days 1
1 later and Voted, in favour of the
building .ot . the uresent- County
Court House ',House at Goderich. " ' The
loply difference, betweei1106 year's
Om And todath is they in 1,$%4 cot
.of the court ,house l`vas nlated at
00 petindS-1.febnyiltatelY $16,-
i I 1,`" At ..tibt, 'Oriel' ' ' hobig.'l*
. . ,,,-„,,
VtilAtod cost of the . hOelyie.'kit.6.6oixti. ,•,_ •:, ...,....?......i.,.,..!,,.t4)
#.1 $666 666,4,;.,i...,,,.,',,,,,,. • ... .-, ,
. . ,. -