HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-01-21, Page 10•aSe See'. 2nadian Export T e,. trtestic Living Standard, Endangered by • igh Cost Economy". Costs must be Competitive with Foreign Producers, says President 'Flexibility needed Co meet new conditions. "Time ripe tor dollar countries to show good foith by reducing trade barriers and red tape as aid to Britain in making pound T. H. Atkinson, GeneralaMatuagere in reviewing the bank's 1953 , Part, stated that, total 'assets of The Royal Bank of -Canada havenovirL reached , the imposing , total, tif; .$2,895„856,189.• This, he said; was a rete high mark in Canadian bank- ing hestory., and i the highest ever reported by any. Canadian hanls. Deposits likewise had reached re- cord totals, said 1‘(Ine .Atkinson.: They now stand at M3044,076, Ian increase of $207,133,639 over. "It Is encOurag- convertible.'' the pie ous y gr. _ ing to mate," said- , The. tendency to become a high- Mr. Atkinson -that Canadian s generellY continue cost economy in which• natural and , to save a reasonable proportion of artificial barriers prevent Canada 4• Ilex -their incomes. The increase in de- --efrom achieving the degree -4 Ilex- I its af the hank has_been aeoai- Wally and mobility required for -orderly adjustrneflt was the mair1 theme of the address of Jamee Muir, Presid-ent, at the Annual 'General Meeting of Shareholders of The Royal Bank of Canada.- In- • creased flexibility is needed, he • maintained, if Canada is to make " those price adjustments necessary to maintain stability and prosper- ity at home, and insure a com- petitive position in world markets. Canada, he declared, should also further in every possible way the Movement towards a world of liberalized trade and convertible urrencies: "A thriving export trade," said • Mr. Muir, "is a means not only at paying forl.mports, but of securing, through quantity production, lower eogts for Canadian goods whether thiiiTare exported or consumed at home. Canada can hope to main- tain her standard of living only if • she keeps . her costscompletely competitive with those of produc- ers abroad': HIGH t OST ECONOMY , "Cots and prices-- in' the Can- adian economy tend,to be insulated in two ways: first, there are busi- ness taxes, sales taXes, excise taxes, customs duties vihich, because :they are largely ata the- manufac- s turer's level, are embedded in the ' cost base. Second, there are cer, • tain "invisible insulators," whose existence is none the less evident': which make some Canadian prices even higher relative to foreign "prices than the disparity warranted by taxes, duty, and costs Of trans- port., For example, a certain Bre tish book thateretails in the United f; Kingdorn for 28s.• (or .at the cur- rent rate of exch'ange .$3.92) sells • for $5.00 in New York and $7.50 in. • Toronto -4 certain piece :of Bri- tish manufactured equipment re- tailing at £41 in the United King- dom (the equivalent of about $112 Carredian) brings $219 in the Un- ited States 'and $275 in Montreal. An Ameriearemade article of household requipinent sells for $77.50 in New England; but the • price of the same article in Mon - treat is $149.00. GOOD PRESS ABROAD ENCOURAGgS COMPLACENCY abill • The 'means to our a ty - and prosperity involve an in- creasingly mature attitude on our own part towards our future role in the society of nations. The amiable charge commonly levelled by critieseat home and abroad that, as a flation, Can- adians tend to be 'unduly con- ventional and complacent is not without foundation. These characteristics may actually be fin -trier -encouraged by the good press we contintle to get abroad. Yet nothing could be more dan- gerous than the blend assurn tort that as a people we'a,re pressing -the world ,with the superiority of our character and accomplishments. "More correctly, perhaps, our • situation is akin to that of an heiress who can never be sure . that she is admired for herseLt and not merely for her wealth. Our great wealth of natural re- • sources is an inheritance which, like an individual's inheritance, • is evidence of. good fortune rather than talent. We have. still to prove that we can make the most of these natural re- sources s in building a great nation. • "It true that foreign invest- ment is a relatively sniall, part of Canada's gross public and private investment; but it is precisely this foreign invest• - ment that has provided • in good measure the risk capital need in resource development. This IS the usual course of events in rapidly growing country. Nevertheless, until we , prove ourseivesa, it is safer I think lo proceed on the ,unflattering as- sumption that our popularity • abroad is based not so much on what we' are as on what we have. • "Canada is so dependent for prosperity on a healthy flow of goods, services. and investment. funds across her s herders that the meinraiiitne—df" TaVatirable opinion abroad is an especially important consideration., "But, ifeeve are not to disap:"- - point our friends abroad and • even more important if we are not to fail in achieving the economic developmerit promised - by our great natural resources, we must adopt thOse long -run measures: that remove or reduce • certain special barriers to, our • economic growth. The most important of these barriers is the smallness of our population, witheassconsequent narrowness of our national market. MONEY MARKET NEEDED , • "We must not ignore the fact, • that the attitude of our govern- ment is generally one that favours freedom Of international trade -and• exchange. • Pressure for special treatment, even when backed by •sevidenf hardship on the part of some produeer • grou.ps, has been net by clearly moderate conces-1 • sions. Moreover, as I have already - ' C- . will , said, our monetary authority has can afford once more to consider eadoeted a policy appropriate to a freeing the pound sterling with the nationthat must maintain a om- great advantage that mawshe petitive .position in foreign mark,. move from a ,position of strength ets. Not the least important aspect rather than weakness. - of this policy has been the actiVe "I think we can say that Britain prie-Outagement by our central bank •and her partners in. the sterling of a money market in Canada: The area, as well as most of her NATO Batik of Canada's -activities and its partners in western Europe, have • co-operation with financial institu not only accepted convertibility as • tions in this respect have led to desirable in pfincip e, anied by the expansion in the 0 number of accounts on our books. We now conduct over 2,350,060 Amp' WE wo.4. *.nivr.ALL: •AN.AEM.AL (iditkari vinsm 74*TR1O. ROTA- _ • s„. • • , TOB, IMUS TV SRT -IN YOUR HOME AT NO OBLIG.A.-- ,„. TION TO YOU. Thiatwo-year-old ehhnpanzee, one of the- more chimp shows the same tendency in selecting talented residents at the Balthrenre Zoo , ,10 a bright colors as the average child, and seems. j some pretty -eititing-dellor Studies. info $ IS • all mltsW— devotee • of finger Pointing an& Is timant; out to have the -aallqe Immix -at jetttbas the paint_i__ accOunts, _audit is of interest to note that the number of deposit COLBORNE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL accounts in Canada has more titan • Atkinson reported profits for eicellele-d Since 1942. Twoliew Councillors Given Welcome sed Mr. A Huron --To-wer indallatio,--n- i SOUTH ST . •• , .,, , ......,.... 'GODZ,RICII otoogiteeetost*******esmiogasee••••••••••••••sisee•es - , over the previous year. After pro - "y Reeve Terence,Hunter At Inaugural .year amounted the year had increa$1,506,051 D dividends, the net pW635rofits136for the! The inaugural meeting of to . The , Col - bank's 1. Reserve Fend now stands borne Council was held Monday at $70,600,000. This, the President of last week with Reeve Terence noted, was for the first time in the Hunter, Councillors John Kernigh- bank's history, equivalent to twicelan Anthony. Vrooman, Tait Clark mid Ralph Jewell taking e their necessary declaration of office. Hunter welcomed the two new members, Tait 'Clark and Ralph Jewell. asked for Divine guid- ance in all of the Council's prob- lems which the year may being. The business of the year was then begun by the reading of the min- utes and correspondence. The various bylaws pertaining to ,appointmentof officials, salaries, road appropriation and authorizing the borrowing 'of money were duly Oise& the bank's Paid-up Capital.. This ' year's increase in this fund, he said, had resulted from the trans- fer to it of not only a part of the year's, earnings but also of $12,000,000 from the bank's re- serves for contingencies. The bank's prOgrannue orbrefich improvement continued during the year: Construction of a new, build- ing to houae, ,its Calgary business was commented, •and • a new Wild- ing or its Hamilton Branch will be underway shortly. gix new branches and four sub -branches. were opened in Canada, and 'three branches and four sub -branches were opened abroad, bringing the • total number branciae-as up, to, 793, of tvhich 70 aresin the foreign field. ROYAL BANK ABROAD Mr. Atkinson dwelteonsthe grow- ing number of the bank's branches abroad, especially in the West Indies and British Guiana. .The bank now operates 66 full-time arid four subsidiary branches abroad, and' new has under consideration the opening of two additional ots fices in the Caribbean area., "Naturally the volume of our business abroad fluctuates with the trend of conditions in the many countries where we operate. From time to time exchange restrictions imnosed in certain countries delay remittaaces but, on the whole, over the long period your bank has oper- ated Abroad, ,a satisfactory solution has always been found to such temporary problems, and the con- 'tribution made to the overall earn- ings of the -bank by the foreign division has always been worth while. It is, thetefore, gratifying that I am in a position to report that profitwise and. in other re- spects results have been excellent from our overseas division for 'the period „under re,,view. "With ,respect to the general character of our business abroad, we continue our policy of wide dis- • tribution of risks and our portfolio of toasts and investments is diverSi- fied, and sound from the standpoint' of liquidity." - ' s PRAISE, FOR STAFF e t im rovement But toda All dog licenses for the year in the Tpwnehip of Colborne are now due. Payment ' may_ be made to Mrs. Sallows either before or when assessing, by order of council. The Tax C011ector; William Wat- son, was instructed to collect all unpaid dog tax licenses for 1953, theseeto lae collectedebyllnuary 30. • The following accounts were sub- mitted and passed for payment:. Road vouchers, $324.90; ...Gordon Martin; three fox bounties, $6.00; Clarence Hoy, two fox' bounties, $4.00; Raymond Haggitt, one fox bountare.$2:00; Grant Fisher, one fox bounty, $2.00; Fred Bowra, salary, $100`.0(); Amos Stoll, work in' cemetery, $8.00; Walter_Smitzes, work in cemetery, WOO; ,Vern Been., Trial and work, township hall, $1 :50i Fred C. Kalhfleisch & Son, ma nal for .bridgese.$79.11a- the Paint Shop, oathofallegiance. fornfa, $1.82; Mrs. William SalloWs, stamps, $5.00eeCounty of Huron, maintenance al indigent patients, $336.00; Edward t oal Co., fuel for relief $44 25; Henry Bradley , . for relief, $11.00; Wilfred Fisher, relief accoaht, $35.00; Thomas Morriss_ relief account, $28.18; Ben Chisholm, stove eil for township hall, $7.49, council adjourned to nieeftues- day;, February 2, at 1.30 pail. , I Average weekly earnings -in manufacturing in Canada increased from $3&25 id 1946 to $59.74 at October 1 1953. If you care to let me go, get4hut of Goderielf- right away." That was the promise Albert Gummersone• no fixed abede, gave to Magistrate' H. E. Holmes, Q.C., In:court here -leat . Thursday.. Facing a vagrancy charge, Gummerson said he didn't want to plead ,guilty. "I have a home to go to;" he told the court. He • was pcked up by Constable John Cartwright, .of the town police force, when he was seen approaching a num- ber of people on, the Square. The constable told the court that the aceused when se arch - ,• ed, was intoxicated and had. ,.only- six cents in -his posses- sion. Gummerson claimed he had been looking for work and intended -to stay with an aunt here. He -said he could stay with a son at. Fruitland, ,,near Hatnilton., • His request was granted by the' magistrate. ie• was given a Suspended sent -e ence on the condition be „go - to his son's home. WINTER',CATCH Bayfield had a -fishing record set last week when Ed. Siddall and Ray Miller, of Goderich, together. with -John -R. MacLeod, of Bayfield, broke a , channel through the -ice and lifted ,six nets of perch and herring—a 'total of 4,200 pounds. The'nets were set nine miles out. The catch was considered to be a unique one for this time of year. Alberta i4v. as the first province to •_ - _. Impose a gasoline tax—two cents a gallon, iir1902. All prokinces I(E 1"I6. , now collect gasoline taxes, varying , ... allon , from nine to fifteen cents per g: "The past years business, the biggest in the history ofeCanadian banking, was built on precisely the same foundation as has served this bank so well eversince it first fact subjected' themselves to the dayS. There is little spectacular or • •' something more is needed.' It is." ,discipline in their domestic mone- . • time now bar the chartered banks tary and fiscal policy which is one and all other financial institutions of the prerequisites to convertibil- s Canada: not only to support the 0. • • e _efforts of the central bank but to "1 believe the time has tome for take positive steps to increase their the dhllar- area to: show evidence • own 'initiative and activity in the of good faith by reducing ,trade • '-developfnent of a Canadian money barriers both in the form ortariff -market. Such,a market is not Only duties and in the form of customs ,A symbol of economic maturity and fortna',Iities and red tape. The-dol- •'`:,'Slrength but is in fact prerequisite lar area must in addition show wfl- to continued progress in a country, lingness to. Undertake certain re ...like Canada; vvItosePkothoznies retire "Sponaibiliffes in the International depends on the expansion of world monetary, field. •-i':filde-rand investment., ULTIMATO REWARDS GREAT DOLLAR AREAS' ROLE , "I have eniphasized the serious - "We seem nearer to coiriertibil- •ness of the problems we have to th f b Uri the iminedlate and in today an we have been since , ace o n •• -the.impoaitionofwartime exchange the"ifibre distant fiiture This does cOntrol throughout most of the not mean that I have anything but dramatic about it: st ere are no secret weapons in our,. armoury. Thebase of our sliccess is the superior service given by our irent, line staff in 'courtesy, friendliness; helpfulness and genuine interest in aour eustorners' welfare. The work of executive officers woiald be of little avail without it. • "Wherever we go, we hear.froin customers—some of them old -estab- lished, some new, and some casual, -A-about how graciously, they have been treated by ,0111- braneh officers. That reputation is an asset beyond calculation, and in -,behalf of the executiveael thank every member of the staff for his and her part in building it!' - T. . H. Atkinson, General -Mana- ger of The Royal Bank of Canada since 1949, whose election to the ratigt of Vice -President has been announced. More than 400,000 Canadians are employed by Government and state, oWned enterprises: ' Mr. and. Mrs.'Wm. Snazel are in Toronto this ----week where Mr. Sum]. had the honor on Tuessiiii nt eveing of Pacing 'the Master - elect, Mr. Harold Mears; _in .the chair as Worshipful Master of: Shang -belt Lodge, 533 A., E. & A.M. Mr. Mears liras a harmer Brace - bridge , boy and a close friend Mr. Snazel's. Mrs. N. Colclongh, Mrs. Earl Haskell and Mrs., Allen Larder, of town, motored ,to Niagara' Falls last'Week,and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Colelough and family. MAN ESCAPES INJURY AS TRITON HITS TRAIN William i�fltR 5de• - rich, had a narrow escape on Wed- nesday morning of last week when the truck he, was driving skidded into a *C.P.R.- freight train near Beiimiller. Mr. Turton, who 'stayed in the truek, was tininjUredebut the truck was deroolished. The vehicle cols, dided with the firsts car:behind-the 4-- loco otive. OnFriday, 'a twb-car collision on. No. 4 Highway at Loudesboro caus- ed heavy damage to both vehicles. • Cars were driven by James W. •McGool, 0± Londesbnro, and Gordon. W. Buchanan, of Wingham. The Buchanan car ,received about $700, damage while 'tlJvIeCnoLcar re- ceived an estimaid $600 daniage. Both accidents were inve4igatid by Constable A. B Summers, of the Goderich detaelinienVOntario Pro-. vincial Police. . SUPErRIOR PROPANE GAS - for better cookin—g, " water heating and refrigeration 4x, -Schmidt, representatry▪ e. Stratford Phones 3260.. . Rei. 38742. , P.O. EWE 98 -2811 • .....tworld;littt the prerequisites to con- the most abundant faith in our vertihility hante not changed. ability as a nation to solve our • "Since the end of the war the problems; but I have thought it world's. hopes -for cons/arability better to risk gorge over-emphagis have waxed and waned 'with Bri- than' tO encourage false hop'es. The eethiree -exchange reserveS. Today - economic policy required to solve eevsith reserves at $2;520 millions these problems will involve the nd steadily improving, Britain sacrifice of , expediency to sound • principle in, a number Of matters where the choice meetbe political- ly very difficeelt,-But the ultimate reward is great; no •less in fact ,.--than the growth of Canada to the e-coricanic stature she -needs' to take her place among the great nations of the world." - r - •_ !„. ENRIPC.BUNDS PHYSICIRNS,,G SURGEONS • COSTUME RENTAL • AIR LINE COMPANIES iv "Immediate service" IN YOUR LOCALITY Fok Estate Planning and Wills Investment Management and Advisory SerViee' 4% ,Quaranteed investments 2% on savings 7 - deposits may be Real Esthte,Services For prompt atter'aidra call RAYE B. PATERSON • Trust Officer Ontario, Phone 51 Firstthing to do in Detcon is check •in at Hotel Toiler! You'll enjoy every minute. 'Nevely etiodernized., Beautifully decorated. Within' walking, distance Of alidoitintoKin storis tltse.heyaettireysitn,edobjuosliingrvLe:„ —.green atmosphere GrandCi Park . -The Toiler Coffee Shop or Cafelteria for excellent 'food Modestly priced. • • DI T ROI I'S Hairy L Paulsen FINEST, General Manager* ., AL THOUGH thperalting cost-ofdry cleaning as --increase due the rise in price of cheinicals, spotters, hangers, Paper tags, etc.-- ‘, WE FEEL, in consideration to you, the public, that the -Present `Y/11,trith,