The Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-01-21, Page 8•• '' . • ":,•4•41•4t.t44.iii•«,' ` • .' r • GetTraction! . -go through snow or mud --without chains Save at. Canadian Tire - - on "TRACTION - ACTION" SNOW Lic MUD TIRES. eetinLot, the W. S, 4t4 »QS 9# ,000.tajtter Ole' Pr44,001% Nkia, Veff • O. .. OW t114'01111'#,":'PNCIAT$ 1104.4,,lV openedIgai,Y lag iancl prayer by 1Virs--- , ,., 004 '''The • ralture lessen was read in uni- son. Alfrk'Slijogr- Pater lead a PoPeAii,-- ‘71.14 ,Little el'AUrelc4t;''' and Mrs. litigli., . C. Wilson rea4. an 4r.', tWe on 'Temperance. tire, Frank 'MPPulluttgb, rpm]: a story, 141014a nal Pe*th"and. Mrs. , Bert Lobb read:p. article on caViStjall. ate).4,7- .Th,.. 11404 et,the:Past year's work of the seciety, was given.,•• as follows.:::,,SeOkAtAres FOPPrt 1Z..4,4 , 0. *jig; treasurer's report- o rs: Elmer Potter and !t119, Mision iind report by Mrs. 11`k - Ate- „Cuilough- 2., was decided to, wake four woof, sweaters for .a Northern Maria mission., field ,and also to send a parcel of ,bIlby,clothing to• Mrs. Edward Grigg and' Mrs Reg, Miner 'sang as'a duet, "In The Garden," accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Bill Newnan. Mrs. Multielland.gave a talk, based. on a story by W. J. May, entitled "Life's Ptirtase." MIS: Bert Tiibb took the chapter in the study book, and the meeting eloped with a hymn .and 'Prayer 'by 1V1rs"., H. C. Wilson. . . The W.A. meeting opened with thesinging of thethem,e song and repeating. the •Creed. Mrs. Harry Cudmore, pradent, of the W.A., was , in the' chair, g and ,gave the comments on the Scripture lesson, which Mrs. Minian Heard had read. Mrs. Edward Grigg gave the treesurs report; Mrs. W, Yeo gave •the secretary's report and Mrs. B. '3. Mac,Nlath, gave the report of the flower committee., „:,Mrs. R. Comore And Mrs. Edward • Grigg were named to the manse commit- tee. Mrs. Reg. Miller, Mrs. Lloyd Bond!and Mrs. Frank McCullough -were' named a committee to make plans fpr a spring social evening. The meeting closed with the bene- diction. Lunch was served by the hostesses for the day, Mrs. ^Edward Grigg and Mrs. Frank 1VIcCullough. The friends t‘f Mrs. E. A. Yea will be • pleased to know that' she Meet sono of standard bearers who will repre. -sent Canada at Sweden and get a crack at world /championship honors. Left to right:. ANN HEGGTVEIT, Ottawa, a 'teen-ager with a la of racing class; BILL STEVENS, Rossland, p.c., PETER KIRBY, St. Jovite, ERNIE McCULLOCH (captain) Mont Tremblant; ART TOMMY, Ot- tawa, FRANZ eABL, _Mont' Gabriel, who ,has be..En assisting in the coaching. He will not go. • overseas. Ernie is considered the hottest racer in Canada and an ideal team pilot. The team is wearing the newly ciesiFned uniforris of scarlet and 'white, with protecting fining for all types of weather. 'The new crest ist-iihnilar to the Olympic design. anadian Tire features "Traction -Action" SNOW AND MUD TIRES that are-bnili !co get ,you safelY through`winter's toughest going -At prices that are amazingly low. Your choke of rugged SUPER.LASTIC, or famous imported PHARIS. They're great for .snow, stush or mud. Pico one on each rear wheel for pulling """fibviter that wit! "walk" you car throngInt in the meanest driving cOnclitiOns.' "Save Safely" - at Canadian Tire. • Reg. List Sixe Price 6.00/16 $29.30 6.50/16 37.25 ' 6.70/16 37:25 "6.50/15 33.05 6.70/15 33.05 7.00/15 40.9,5 40.95 "Phatis" Price $19.95 23.35 23.35 . 19.95 19.9 26.80 23.35 26.80 WESTFIELD, Jan. 20. -- The monthly meeting of the W.M.S.. was. held on Wednesday -afternoOn at the home of Mrs. Walter Cook with 15 present. The call to wor- ship was given by, Mrs. Gordon Smith who was in charge of the group. Prayer was 'taken by Mrs. IVIarvin McDowell.. There veal' .,a piano solo by Mrs. Murray Mc- Dowell. The chapter in the study book, "Where'er the „; Sun," was given ,,by Mrs: Norman McDowell. 'A reading, "My Daily Prayer," was given by Mrs. Jack Buchanan. The bilsiness was conducted by the president, 1VIrs. Charles Smith, who gave a message of the New Year. A letter of protest is to be sent to IVIcLean's Magazine and Reader's Digest, protesting against their liquor. advertisements. Reports were given by the various ,treasur- ers and .supply secretary. The meeting closed With a hymn and prayer. Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDowell of WiltoA Grove were visitors, on Thursday with Mil' and Mrs., El- • wood Staekhouse. " • Mr. and Mrs: Douglas Campbell, James and Eric, \visited on Wednes- day with Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd of Walton. •°Mr. Wm.- McDowell visited on Thursday with Mrs. Wesley Stack- house and' Miss Eva of Brucefield. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith ..and • family. .visited- ,on • Saturday with Miss Edna. Smith, of ,Kitchener. 'alsO With -Mi. and Mrs. lain Gear of 'Waterloo. Yirs. Alva, 'McDoWell visited ' Friday with' Mrs. Bert Vodden of Clinton. • n, Mrs.Fred Cook visited on, Fri- day' with Mrs. Bob Moore of Dun-. ganrion. The meeting was led by Lyle Smith, who gave the call to worship. The Band repeated the member's pyrpose in unison. Prayer by Mrs. Hugh Blair. Scripture wa$ read by Ronald Snell. Readings were given by Dercithy Hewett and Htigh Campbell. 'The study book„.4was taken by Mrs. Blair. The.. story told by Mrs. Howard Campbell. The meeting closed with the benedie- tion by Mrs. Alvin' Snell. -Mr. and Mrs. Donald Campbell and, childten of Ligtowel visited on, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Campbell. : 'KINGSBRIDOE KINGSBRIDGE,. Jan. 20. Miss •Reta Doherty and her brothers, spent the- week -end in Hamilton. Mr. 'and "Mivg:rWalter Clair at- tended the funeral cil.the late„John E. Ryan, Mrs: --Clair's Uncle, en Thursday morning in Chesley. The Requiem high mass was sung by Rev Father L. Ryan, of Brantford, in, St. Ann's Roman Catholic ,Chtirch, Chesley.- Interment w;is in Brant cemetery. • Mr. Edward, 'pwyer, Mrs. T. Dwyer and" Miss Geraldine Con- nolly, of Kmkora, spent Sunday at, rthe-,horne.,of nd,,,mrs„ 'MO Frayne. • • Mrs. Sheridan, our •teacher, is ill with the flu in- Goderich hos- . pital. The school •vves closed all during last week, :Int re -opened Mondaye;,,morning--Withl,-Mrs:e, Don. Frayne as teacher during Mrs. Sheridan's. absence. •, Herb Drennan Wen the door prize on Friday night at the dance held in' the parish hall here. he net dance sponsored by th.C. will be on Friday, Januaryt 9:- Mr. 'and Mrs. Gene Frayne, Danny and Jimmy, spent the, le end. visiting with relativestiLis- towel an Hesson.. .4 , • Miss Ann Whaling,' of Clinton, visited with friends here and in Goderich during the past week. Miss Yo Van Osch returned from Loridortlast week -r -where she had been visiting her sister, Mrs. Sehuurman and family, Miss Marie Johnston, of Gods - rich, spent the week -end at . the • t-40FhOZ,of her grandmother, aMts. E. ,5 O?" Sincere sympathy. is extended fo •••Charles - Boyd -and family, firthe - man - You re- Cra loss Of his son, Donald, who fied during th'e paSt week in -:Buffalo. QL.ijCK CANADIAN QUIZ employs one out of four working •. 1. Who was Twelfe-Foot' Davis? a Of Canada's 1419 million popula- tion, how many are full-time jab - holders? . 3. Of the 2 374 240' Canadians who paid income tax in 1950, hoW • many had incornes of more than $15,000 a year? 4. A group of Canadians are living at Alert, less 'than 500 miles from the North .Pole. What is fakir job? '• . • • 5. The manufacturing industries Canadians. .3.: Less than . one per cent, 19;890. -1. 'A Cariboo. pros- pector who >staked a 12 -foot strip between two gold claims that were over legal,sizeatid took out $20,000 gold. 4. They man an . Arctic weather ,station. 2. Less than one third, 4.8 million. (Material supplied by the...editors • of Quick Canadian Facts, the-haild, book of facts about Canada.) ,PHONETIC HIStoR "And new," said the history are- Canada's, largest employer. Iteacher brightly, "can anyone tell Do they employ one put of 19 me who Joan of Arc was?" 'working Canadians, one out of The Class was silent, ' and then lour, ont out of 30? • • - , one smart boy ventured tentative- . ANSWERS: 5. Manufacturing "Maybe she -was Noah's wife?" Mr. Ralph Rodger is spending a few- days with Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Cook . of Kinburn. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Buchanan arid Mrs. Fred qcook visited on Tuesday with, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Black of the 6th concession of East Wawanosh. The Mission Band met on Sun- day in the church school room. • pimp) ,2401, ivrth seas ranch as 20 sq. in. larger than many so-called 21 -inch sets. Classic Mahogany finish contole with swivel casters. home .on Stuid'ay4olloWing a hernia operation in the ykringham hospital on Tuesday. Miss Margaret MacPherson, Reg. N., has returned to her duties, on the staff of St. Joseph's Hospital, London. ' 'Mrs. D. Todd -is spending a 'few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. D, J. McIntosh and Mr. McIntosh in St. Catharines. , • Forget your age! Thousands areeppy at 70, Try 'Vepping up" with-Ostrex. Contains tonic Tor weak, rundown feeling due solely to body's lack -of iron which many men and women call "old." Try,. Ostrex ,Tonic,Tablets, ItePtsifon'-7"ntgell'f7linze o''n;thliO'cerYF'graYs'Slint, an drug stores•everywhere,y • . . PHILCO °1-103° Madan space- sayingtable -Model With the eticclusive ;Directional Electronic 1714ttilfati •Aivailabfeki • Smart Maliogany or Walnut ilnish with • Watching base, • 'ifttle,sired. • • POUTER'S HILL PORTER'S HILL, Jan.,.20.-The monthly, meeting of the W.A.-of Grace, Church was held - at ,the home -of Mrs. Allen Betties with 18, members present.," The presi, dent, ..Mrs.- John MeCWa, Opened the ;meeting with"4---tymn, -after which. Rev. Peter Renner led in prayer. The Scripture reading was read by Mrs. G. 1VIzining. The secretary and treas rer gave re- ports. The roll call was answered by the paying -of fees.,--During-the afternoon two crib quilts were quilted,. and ',blocks were -handed out to embroider for two nide. Holiday Bells were handed ,Out.. 'Discussion on the buying of dishes -for the •church kitchen resulted in the ordering of seven dozen. Meet- ing chised with the benediction and. the hoStess served a lovely lunch. ;February meeting will be held at the home of. Mrs. Alin Betties. The Young People ,held a troki- nole party and box social in the basement of -the church last Thurs- day evening. First -part of the evening Was spent in playing creak - ole, razes going to: High, lady, a. -Arlie liti-ekhatt- „high iIL Donald • Harris; low lady, Shirley AteCowan; low gent.,D. M6bougg11;- ersun getting the moist twenttes,,, '11, Proctor. The evening cable tura-dose when the' lunch btnces were sold -and the young supplied .coffee., -0.. 7 ;.TACitP01 of 14O 00 for ix, use If not won on Saturday-, value of jackpot and also number, of calls will be raised each week until it is won. is improving in , health following her recent illness, and ik at the' home of her son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yeo. Mrs. D. E. Glidden spent -the- past week in Detroit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Brown. The annual congregatiOnal sup - !per of Holmesville United Church will be held in the Sunray School rooms on Wednesday eveg„illgy-- - February 3. -The 'Congo River, with only a few transfers required by water- falls and rapids, is navigable by river steamer for almost 4,000, miles. •• • 4.14?:•.; AFTER 2W *EARS AIR. 'FORCE EXPERIENCE tC 4kLItta cP41440(i. °& 110(41 •oet: 66 ":' •.t 4tt' . P/6 BORICIRICPATRICK al0a114:--7."644 44-A4;44.'1m_ iloinediate openings now . for -more men -to train 'and fly, as Crew. Officers in the -RCAF": 0.• 1,1 • 4400f ,;$*tiatattlitie, ivy; irAippr4E "1.3,c. of i4;,/ictiirier,, • 100;14 itio• • • fib ed (OK 'setvosd cts ,140.10101* ,.• .1"1".!, tido rOqiar• on search and *Amite opeiattsss Ire 'Ore ' Oar Nint • , • r k : • ft di Alisylipi-,ipatiblitIng Al; bitorcepflail. In • 445 Sqsedbn bded at*GAP • . • See the RCAF Career Counsellor at the address in coupon - or mail coupon today!