HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-01-21, Page 5`ixrst a of tri R.. by your' . keep .474.ck of insur- ance property .. , take; idOknitage of our special inin r'.. to keep: your urau r sed_ you l enefit from new. pcil'ic �. fdrnns, Ask us to explant... ,MALCOLM MATHERS Insurance Oice, 46 West Street, ' Gode_ricl, Phony T1'SW Two applications for ' building' permits received by Town; Council. at its meeting meetin$last 1P kt wererefe rdotbo�re�e-aahmtee cosideiayion, ; One..permit; w•as •;front- Frank Don-- nelly, • G., to -convert: ; the second floor of the building at:tlie corner of Colborne stre..and the .Square. into two, apartments. The other was from A. J. -Curry, West street to put .a stone veneer -front on his taxi stand and build an extension :to the west side 'of the stand. gy S ranAtl e,'c s wee 1 IX y r` son received a coming through treal sayinstheccaonll . woul tuMrdobany afternoon• . `It took only about a minute ' •fox the 'Call. to ,get through,"`. Mr. Sampson said. `"And al- though it was- a little wavy, I. could, hear everything- that was; said." !A s ;1116 Montreal : operator placed the tail; she said, he-. _Could heat the Ldndon, Eng- _ land' .operator -quite" =plainly, 4n -- fact, plainer' than he could,. hear his family in Cornwall. It .was the first time that he had spoken Over the telephone • qn .a trans-Atlantic call, And -washe first time for his wife and Three children, Pat},Carol and and Norris. r�, {xioi mea, Q.C., in eou here iast,; Thursday , i naw . ut what ll 44 pit' tit! Beer seized 274,i0,4„ egedly 'operat be decided; e ,laxnuary efence.';eounse1 Fra nc Donne . brat4 -bad road ' a 1 wv s e .,beer and otl `fa 4 d' h , b er ret to : to R 2,000 bo'itles ; ere -seizedd . x� the: The nn gistrate 'commented that there was -ono edenee o disprove that clod?menbers owned. the beerr. and 'sant he would --be quite willing to ' set •a date for • the_w.owners 'o claim it. Crov4n AttcrilreY - Glenn Hays, Q.C.., . agreed and Mon- days, January ° 220, was;: set as the ., .mime for the owners to: make their clairia ;at the 'Court ,House. • ' 4 Evidence. in the ease had been • heard af Seaforth. When the ticab- s 4131 )eared-- r�evaouslY�ot' sentence', Mr. Donnelllv,.,suhmitted 4L. • Acer of -the a Br"anela� 109, . than: a4,410.s. ,a 0.s. Iaryr to• the,,B.rancl were jns ed #Igo eerenR� ny he_ e ion Hal here on -r. Thursday .night ,;at"..last week by Zone Commander Douglas' Thorndike, • n'f' •Clih'tgnt;•'assisted ay acting sergeant -at -arms . Ceorge. Wilson, of Brucefield, 4 forrner zone "commander, - The new Legiou,president, Gerry -O'Brien, complimented the retiring Officers and• hoped- for the con- tinued• interest- of all members.. Healso welcomed Auxiliary mem- ber's to the meeting.:- Mrs. Howard 'spoke �p lCarroll, president of the Auxiliary s ok e briefly. -7-The rieflY- 7-The following' "are them -OM -ea" of Canadian Legion Branch 109: at a fine -could he innpased for a Past president, Ralph Kingswell; second •conviction on an infraction president, Gerry O'Brien;irs't• of the C.T.A, ° Vice president, ' Jack Seamen; sec- , The magistrate said he felt that and vice-president, ,,Bu'd Mathieson; a jail sentence was necessary. The + secretary, Aod,:M-,:Smith; assistant Act.,:..provides for"'"a" four-month 1 secretary, Les Riley; treasurer, 'maximum sentence on a second lack - Videan; assistant treasurer, 1 r �y�, r • ����pQrr �� 6ry.q - s :v;. furl %r •: :j$; 'sir •• :+r:r r.. :fir••: f{r• .i. r �•8' ' Y.•:•. tri. r.•'r:%•:: -':r .. ., Jr::: •::r fry x r '�f W, y J '4.v rr. : rr K ✓ l .v: 1. .�f �i'�ii'.YL:,::::;:::—,47.„...:sz •r :•1r: 1. r •ti.. iii}+ /.` •1 +,, '' • wilt to suit your 2. ' r fsave you.money... to :-stand up ,on jobs r iv.•: JACKLYN TAKAHASHI, a Lodi, Californias toddler,.recently ecentlyl spent -_ several unhappy moments In- a 10 -inch Water pipe before being freed. To effect the rescue, Fire Irsp„ot or F(DAIrItEST E):"1P1JR5ON and Police Officer C1 ii LES'--- WENT LEAN'D . right. - huh to dig . around Ut nd th( pipe find lift it O ver head. etrd. i;he became trapped while • playing in a house .under constrttetion. - Billi Skinner; padre, Rev: Dr..Ken- neth' Taylor; committee chairmen, Joe J u,ck Bill $iDolby, Dave Mc- Millan, 'Bill Moore --,-Mervin, Bell, Joe 'Chambers, Bud 'heardown; sergeant -at -arms, George James; assistant sergeaintat-arms, Irvine Hildebrand, Officers of the Ladies' Auxiliary 'are: Past president, •Mrs. Reg. Needham; president, Mrs. 'Howard Carroll; .first vice-president, , Mrs. Paul ' Hill; second vice-president, Mrs.. Ray Barker; treasurer, Mrs. Albert Kneeshaw; recording secre- tary, Mrs. James Sheardown; ---coy--~ responding secretary, Mrs. 'Ralph. Kingswell; ' executive . committee, Mrs. James Adams, Mrs.' Clarence Simmons, Mrs. Charles_ Anstay; standard bearer, Mrs.,Mervin'Bell; assistant standard bearer,,Mr.'s. Art Thomas. . After the he iIIStallati: n, dancing if ting *as enjoyed. Arrangements for the evening were made by William Doli chairman Dolby, char of the entertain- ment_. committee. . Refreshments were served by the Auxiliary. OBITUARy....... GEORGE COWAN Rev. C: J. Scott ' ofE'iciated at a. funeral service in•. -Blyth United Church for George Cowan, a life- long • resident of the Blyth com- munity who passed away Last Thursday morning at .his home on the East Wawanosh•" boundary. . Mr. Cowan••.•had-been'•in'i1.1 health for some time, -He was a son oC the late Mr. and Mrs: William 'Cowan and Was bora and: raid. on the farm -homestead, hoin ' _. to �. es all: For 26• ear he years vas the mail ' cou r-aerR.R.I ro n out of. Blyth until -illl health forced his retir en'leYit. ••• I -Ie was married three times:. His first wife, Mary . Barre ; oL Blyth;' died a number of years ago;, leaving two children, ;Iiennethi, a teacher at Midland, •.and'. Mrs. T. (Grace) Evans, ' of Stratford. His second wife was ,fella'' Wilson,. of • Auburn, who, died in 1913. Mr.. Cowan la -ter married Edith ":Augus- • tine, :Of Dungannon, Who survives with three sons, Benson, of -Strat- ford; George, of Cooksville, a' i William, at home;- and one d ugh- ' ter, Mrs. Leslie (Bagel) Dalgleish, of Stratford. Also surviving- -are two sisters, -,Mrs. J.' Newcombe ' and Mrs: L. L. Walter, both -of, God - rich, and 20 grandchildren.' 'Pallbearers were hi'sfriar so n. f Burial was made in Union' ceme- tery, Byitlr. Here is the Widest range of Mercury Trucks ever offered— , rover,125 new models! The mightiest array of truck power in -POWER:10131111GIE:Mercury histo 7 , ur3' � ' r3'-- great �`-B-cn`;gimesI l�ew'series; x#ew'miodels; newoverhead-valveV-fkii hayebeenadded•Structuralstrength, power and performance effeiency have been stepped-up t' Here's your finest '''Opportunity to choose:.i}--truck" that has more efficient power, more palling power, more stamina to stand.. Pu••uishnnent•,,on'your job ... a truck that's built to da., .4 more and save you money yea itj teeyeOrt Nevi, advancements tri chassis - design; ca comfort._operating-Contra and operating contr¢l" save'. drivers' time, and reduce fatigue! Synchro-Sfent' transinis_ alons afford smooth; easy `shifting, with steering -column ' t : gearshift 61(103 -speed models. Automatic Drive available on i -1.0O series and M-350 Parcel Delivery Models. ' • v f • For demonstration proof of Mercury's end-to-eind rug edie , g of easier handling.ability to exactly meet your oeratmg "needs and move ever r. load for'leas—see your ,Mereury`De(iJer nowl FOR -MAK, PEREORMAN•CE At LOWEST 130 Hp. w`�:. i►oveilisead:valve E IIGtNES- Compietely new and additional V-8 a as 23% mote horsepower fronn: every extend the Mercury` power range in gallon of gas, J `Short,stroke" piston . step with thisy'ear'svvndermodel.choice design 'cuts'wear and prolongs engine to assure the;:'right power for ,liiwest-life. 'All Mercury V -8's feature y �er:ating costs in your .business. proved "Loadouaatic.:_Economy" for 1V1 e cur y �" ' ,rs overhead valve ` tOW controlled fuel savings and peak engine FRICTION enn< es' deliverturizmch efficiency on any road nth any load! "DRJYER ENGINEERED" CARS MAKES RUGGED MERCURY TRUCKS MORE COMFORTABLE - A "CINCH" TO OWE! • Pour suspension to, roo5ff. Mercury cabs are "Driver- . engineered-" for longer life— for easier -driving with 'passenger •cat ";comforts ' 'u1l- dth '3 man seat a foam- irubber padded, a n adjust,- le .Large rear -and side windows ive..wide_visibility.- conlrols are easy to reach -easy, tri operate. Estery- hin : a cringed to. 0-41 ce Iver 40l1* increase safety . r and sake tithe/. i s model ng!e of _ - ury.Truc ever NOW'll GREAT SERIES -1a WHEELBASES-7 MIGHTY Y-8 ENGINES 4 OVER 125 NEW MODELS FROM .4,000 TO 40,000 'Lat. O.Y.W. CONVENTIONAL MODELS INCLUDE 4 LIGHT DUTY SONE 7 HEAVY DUTY SERIES- EXTRA HEAVY DUTY SERIES'. 141,50 8 CAB, FORWARO,,SERIES-t PAIIEEL DELIVERY SERIES -.2 TANDEM REAR AXLE SERIES— 4 SCHOOL' BUS ARIES. '-TWO ' COMpLETEL'T NEW TANDEM REAR AXLE SERIES! If you can . bey the things ,you need and wanted --- Emerging all I�nruff led from the fray While others shuffle home Ward empty=handed From tramping yards and yards -of aisles -all-da ; .: If you are alw'ays `lucky' in your. bargains, Here are big, rugged Tandenui rated up to 40,000 ibe. G.V.W. —with -:fully=proved advance- ments 'for freer rolling on`the, highway; better flotation inmud-, - and snow;.. better, traction and less side -sway.; longer tire and axle life. Achoice of three thrifty V-8 engines up tai 17O Hp. and 4 wheetbases. All And never have regrets_.:._ . o'er what ' you sped, It's evident that you're a canny buyer, : 'THERE'S. A mERUIlliif TRUCK RUILt FOR YOUR BUSINESS( a.rv: r v e,�, p.,Wr�rItS+Mt�