HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-01-14, Page 9er-14..:55;144,' • day night, expressed appreelatiOn. for a 'grant,'of $50.'Made• in t953 and asked :that grant iv-. pade':',401W-arga,r. .- The Trequest was regerreitlo the linake ComMittee, asy--TaKea cab Whether Ys speedy tranSnorttidn for busin.ss or an, evening" Our yetere, always assured ef a SAFE, DEPENDABLE TRIP when ' you CALL 353W for it's . _ PAT?ERSON TAXI 2tf. An opportunity to get a picture "ofwhat the Children's Ald3Spe4etY is deing,iinIturon County will be given people of ,Goderich when a special• Meeting of the group will be held under the sponsorship of Kno,F.,-Frosbtesign Church W.M.S. in Kn�x Leeturelfa:lr; on January .28 at -8:15 p.m:. . The meeting is similar to one eld in Belgrave last October" -be- e .was--felt-PeoPle of Gode. rich and vicinity did- not have sufficient idea what was being done by the „0.-A.:87,-"'Direeters and staff, of the _society ;be on hand and the history of the group will be outlined. There will ,be an op. portunity to discuss and ask -ques- • a On Monday evening,- 24 members of.the ,Kinette Club met Lor their regular- meeting at the British Ex change Hotel. During IhielIonsineSs_i.pettud it, was-decidedmake a -deflation of $25.O0 to -.the -Kinsmen Cljjb to. ssist in purchasing ,an oil burner for the canteen of.. the Maitland Air Cadets. Winners of the recent draw for a satin bound blanket and a motor rug were Mrs.. Dan Willis and Mr. Ted"MeLean. Births in Cada ` climbedto'et new monthly peak of 37,462 in July. . g Theaddress,- ,irtfet/P4"1 t ' id prayer. '""*-INNir4ttalatite assist- ed a:by '004 li. L. oTenning0i-ef St. Paul'sAnglican Chnreli, tendanee, atons,was very ,regrettable,.. s' GirIs Project. -The jii4f0r143414S" .010, Stoiclying'.. a -pro),o0.*"10eulg Well ..dressed and well 'groomed," under the leadership."Of Mrs. C1IZ. ford Crozier and Mrs, Chester40.1-7 nigan, met January 7 at the noeire qtaVirs.-innigan;,- , The officers elected ' were: President, Evylin Smyth; secretary„ Patricia Young; treasurer, Marilene Maize; press reporter, Elizabeth Pentland. The course was outlined and Tans for future meetings were diseussed. 1Thehostess served lunch. ' Personals. -Judy, --Wardell, who had spent a. vouple n'f weeks. with •her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J Robb, returned to her home 'near Ripley on Sunday. Miss Marion Scruton,ofdiode- rieh, spent the -week -end with her. friend, Miss 'Norma Pe4t1a1d. • C.G.I.T.7-Moets:A4--The- met in the' .basement of ,the United. Church_ en Wednesday, January with Marlene Maize presiding. The meeting was brought to order by repeating the C.G.LT. Purpose. • , ........ :%,...:i.i:,.,..*:.:.• II . . .::.::.• ......;:•:•:;:,,,,.:,. ........ ..••••• .... ,,..........,,,,,,,,..„......„.........-,,,,:::::::::,•:::::',,%,',,,,,: • •••• • -:_., • .. ::•••,..,,,,,,:',,f.:,....,::::•::::•:::.,,,,:,,,,::::::',:,,.:14,-••,,i:';'*:;i::::',:::''',':',::;::::i::::•:',:::::::::•:,;',::::::::::::::::,:::::.;,,•:•:•:2.:•:' ... •-• Clfifrli e .040 dent,.. SO 010 Ar#09, r 040\7 0141'004%.0_: s. Mci nre- Finnigan 11P0Vatfcre* prayer Irvin, read the Mrs..(14'epeziet continued :0kk. bop*. Fifteen members*,003r.,erk the roll .paying fees . One visitor 104.Fpreaent; Mrs. Reed gave tike---treasnreesc- ort -w10 was encouraging. All 11he. reports for the ye.i.op .were • 811/.94 by • 01., S eere tarlOR • Pa____,„__Ctbarge4., Letters and _ eards..4enautcs-Were read. After the closing hymn and benediction; Mrs. Popp,: served n dainty lunch Mission 'Band. - The MIssiOn,, Band of -theas United Church met° during the morning worship. Elean- orSunday morning in the .basement Alton led the Mission Band with 1 the--ealt to worship Mrs. Jo Finnigan gave the • prayer. Elean,or Alton reeeivedthe offering., There were 32 present. Eleanor, Alton and Lynda-1310El were the two worship twins. Mrs. Cecil Blake. ,gave the kinaneial report,which showed $73 in the treasury. .R.Olifit Irvin gave the story On Kenji, Japan. -World Friends were distributed and the meeting closed. with repeating the member's pia-, pose. Brother Dies.-,-Sympatby is tended to Mrs': Henry Horton- in the loss of her 'brother, ,William Bailie Stothers, 64, of Windsor, a native of Ashfield,- who *passed ,away Saturday in Windsor. The body rested at McKenzie funeral home, Lucknow, and burial was in. Dungannon cemetery on Wednes- day. St: Paul's Guild. -The January meeting of, St. Paul's Anglican Church Guild was held January 7 at the home of Mrs. William Cae- sar. ' Mrs. Caesar was in charge antleap,rad-iitpianeeting:... Rev. H. L. Jennings read the Scripture les- son. The roll call was answered by. a 'verse containing "New." A vote of thanks was expressed to the retiri llg, Piteers and . appreei- atieri 'eXtended by Rev. Jennings On behalf of the wardens, congrega- tion and himself. The officers Or 1954 are: Honorary president, Mrs. H. L. Jennings; president, Mrs, W. Caesar; vice-president, Mrs. Ben Mole; recording ' secretary, Mrs. Victor Blake;' treasurer, Mrs. -Gladys Rivett: flower secretary, Mrs. Thomas Young. The remain- der of the afternoon was spent in cutting out quilt blocks. Mrs. G. Rivett and Mrs. Elmer Black served lunch at the close of the afternoon. Thegreatestknown collection of 'dinosaur • skeletons in the world have been, found in the 1,800 -acre Alberta provincial parr; Bad,Lands Reserve.. •-• -- • • AT THE PRICE QF 'OTHE.R TABU, fsel(WEL, AT,Wr' S:0\0.16 (P4 • cobolek , no% 0 tok,•,%-,e ° 6:::abzeodte Mrs. Wilmot, who has left to reside in London was the re- cipient of many gifts prior to her .departure._ St. George's Church1 woman's Guild, of which . she was rust vice-president, presented her with a hymn and prayerbook. The•' presentation was made by Mrs. Charles Videlin,- with P4rs. a-41 Patterson reading the address. On .b -half, of the . St: • Pattic'k'S ' group, •-• rs. E. , D.. Mcllwain and An Opportissaitg-7, For Young Men to estitelm -the, Iivestnieit Business vefith a prominent. long-established, Urns We'have several opitings-in-our Sales Department for young men who wish to make a career retailing.L.,, securities. Successful applicants will receive thor- ough training at our main Office in all phases of the investment lousiness. 'If you have high school or better education,. are - aptitude for -gelling, and areprepared -to work Ifard for a rewarding future, you may be the ;Taw we want. • • r ' ..• , • •••••tt,' : • • . .• In the first instance' please send all dletails- of your • background to.: • '• Advertiser, e/o Thornt�i Purkls Lionited 330 Bay Street, Toronto 1M411) All er;quiiies will be held in confidence.. --- 1.4 • • • • •:::2••••k,'.0:V•eq•.•::::,:::;;;:gir.0:54'.<4,,:i:':20i.,,e;E:i*;:::::,::?..••;;;*:••:,,,,,,• • • . • the all new 1954METEOR RIDEAU Four dborSodan . . . ... . „.. . iiitotttaki . Most powerful V78 _engine, , -...--4,-- .•.- ---..---•,, ...: ',:,•. in the low price fidd! ,,, - Touch -0 • Matk ,Overdriv• New Powor Brakes •4 .sheets.. 6 blankets... 'pillow slips here in• Canada 44,1•1!..7,1, a entitely,neth series of top -styled beauties for '54 VIetemisliagara modelswithHp, V-8. You're invited to Hesdingfiateiktic-yeatwiigrooke motidels three.gre"Eitlinesi new.• • Meteor R,idealr line introduces four high-fashion models by the industrys top designersstyledAhead with super)) new13eauty-,-With striking interior elegance expressed in distinctive two-tone colour.combinations..,.., powered ahead with a new f25 Hp. V.8 • engine, bliik for Meteor by the world leader in V-8 experience -and offering supremely smOOtli performance", instantly responsive power and pleasing thrift. Rideau models featureMaster;Guide Power Steering, custom radio, beater, turn -indictors, and other • "extras” ,fOrecomplete pride o1 ownership. • For. easier braking, and,a. fiill,measure of driving, safety, '54 Meteor offers new Power Brakes:.Drive for liquid -smooth "no -shift" driving, or 'gas -saving , Touch-O,MaticOverclitive, alloptionalat !extra cost. These options are also available in tbe Ons riOrir • expericnce the*mating sti*Itlotets of Meteor's new "Wonder Ride"-.t&see, and '54etleur ou decide„40.40.,.,new...eari--:.......---. • the 'big feature this winter! That's Tex- made's .big boon to y.,our-budgetl See the beauty of -Tex-made, cur:- 'rently' in your favorite store. Feei the comfort - buy it -- wherever you se the Tex -made sign. Canada Hires better We are going to re -paint our store, so if you -should need any of this merChandise, be sure and 'take advantage of these exceptional lories, as we would like to eliminate moving ie around. 4 - , . R. ' Sale Pram Suits, quality gabardine $130G-. $ 0.95 Pram Suits, cord , 10.00 , - 6.0,5 Bunting Bags, -cord 6.00 - . 4.00 Satin 'Bound Blankets •,- 'Coat Sets, size 1-3 , " 11.00 - SO - Coat,' Sets, size '3-4 '.: ' ,' ' ' 14.00' '--17' ' 1 7.00 ' -4. Coat Sets, wool, size 3-3x 11.9$ - 12.95 Coat Sets:, wool size 4 -ex ... ,..__,..„,23.9$ '...........,.....17:95. - Wool Coats, size 7-11 - - • 21.00 -- 15.95 --Wiliol• Coats, size 12-14x - ..... ...22,05 --:- 21.95 Snow Sioits, size 4-6x 1200. ---. 8.05 Snow Suit, size 10-1 only 18,09 - 4295... Station Wagon Coats, rsize 4-6x 15.00, - 11.95 .... , Station Wagon ,-Coats, - size 4-6x 12:00 - 11; Station Wagon Coats, size 8-11 . 111.00 . 12.95 Jackets, size 12-14 121$ BETTER DRESSES-Slies 64411 Velvets, gabardines, wool jerseys. -Reg. 10.95, 9.95, 4.401.54, 6.00 NOW 8.95, 6.9S, 6,95 3.95 Wool and Cord Jumpers, Size 044, reg 5,95 and 7.95 -.Now 4.95 Gabardine Jumpers, size 0-14 . . ..... ' Orlon Skirts, size 14.14x ' Snow -Pants (gabardine) Snow Pants (Wool) ^ Gabardine Downhill Slacks, si*e •13-14x . •. Boys' Station Wagon ,-Caps '-- A! ......... to