HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-01-14, Page 7Out of sucir dreards*kai4 different kiiadfi'of 'buildings are ' constructed 411 -ever -the nation. Schools, Stores,ffice.buildingh m hoes, hotelteipower 'plants,' - - - i factories—these are some of the useful structures created with the aid of rnoneywhichslife ' insurance compard% invest for, their policy holders.` So, if yon are a life,insurance policyholder, remember . while you're working to make your dreams come truce.,while vou'ie providing Itir YOtiflaiiinY*s security . . you're also helping to make Canada a better land to live hi! THE - THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA 553D "It is Good Citizenship to own Life insurance" Home owiiersbiw made big advance in' 'Cat:tide:ft:Sin -1941'-to 1951. At the latter date -65.6 per cent ,of• -homes were occupied by owners. . Quebec produces 60-per.,gent of the world's 'aluminuiri • . • MIBBECIAR. 1AINT QUICK CANADIAN QUIZ 1 What pro.vince hes the largest _rural population? 2: What _postwar year saw the• . building' of the-greatest.number of new houses Canada? 3.0n pods imported into,,Canada, • customs duties average'what per- centage of their- value? ' 4. What the -population of the province of Newfoundland? 5. In taxes does Ottawa "take- in more or less than all municipal- Ities_and the ten provinces bined? ' ANSWERS: .5.'Ottawa collects Most twice as -much in taxes *as all other governments combined. -3. In 1951 customs duties' were --7y2 per cent of the -value of all imports. Quebet. 4. 361,000: -2, 1953 set an all-time high in home building. WAXMAN SALVAGE- AND AUTO WRECKERS PHONE . , • NOW OPENT-FOILBUSOTESS',9 a.m. to 5 -paw BUYING SORAP IRON, iRASS, COPPER and RAGS. FOR SAW-1..4—ood Used Auto Parti: Piping and Iron. Under new management of lifeeee 'Brew. 1-3x ... ... , ••••• Known the world over is the° Queen's radiant smile, canght here by the cainera as she watched a parade- of charri- -0,on 'cattle- -and--:horses at Hamiltoti NeW-7.ealana. • ORDERS WARRANT., Issue of -,a bench warrant for Keith Fitzgeralk*CGtiderich, was ordered in court last Thursday by Magistrate D. E. -Holmes, Q.C. Crown Attorney H. Glenn Hays, Q.C., -told-the court the accused. was in jail 'at Owen Sound await- ing sentence on a false prete,nces charge. Fitzgerald' faces a similar charge here. Longevity! At June. I, 1952; aan- ada had 8,000 women and '5,400 "I fee1. that if boys this age Were relieved ,of ears_ we'd_ haye a lot less of this type of trouble," the magistrate commented. - • rifle owned by Wilson, which was alleged . to have been used in the break to shoot locks • Pt1,.• Attorneyto i1rt.: by Crown, GInii Hays via .the tw coune1 told the court, thesee.billS *en • .:e also. damage caused ‘,,,in. the - the was -014, amountedto ,$360. A juvenile; who fignted.ine'9#0 of ,the TorOrms, vas ordered-tto, pay one-third of - the cost ' "You 'boys are - old enough to better," said Magistrate HOhneS; To Allison be said; "YonNte been warned more than once by police to watch your d iv' lug? He .concluded, "Surely these boys realize by . now that carrying on like :this is not only, stupid, but costly." Huron County is -one a the largest areas in Ontario. We of !limn would do Sveli OccaatiQually to recall the-atory of the 104 .strtiggle agiihick 'drink that; ctir father"; alit 'Op._ Convicted' On.' FOtgery Chargr grande_rAfought fOr near- Givenitethand.:One. Week For Sintekely italt-sa -4-century:" Hullett 11.1ship adopted Local Option:; dorsed when he gtz et it, be_ said. 1111 , One of 'the th"et. muni - 1 Termed a "sordid.. story"...,...by IV/agiatrate' D.. E. Hohnea; a charge of forgery against Edward Cook, of Taylor's Corner, heard in court here last week, resulted in a conviction. fereosoeknieWnease. remanded one week • He was charged with having forged the name of Clayton Steels an. „Unemployment Insurance Commission cheque at -Bayfield on December 1. -First witness, Miss Dorothy West- brook, of the Unemployment Insur- ance Commission office in Gods rich, said she gave the cheque to Mrs. Steels on the day. in.. question.. Cheque Missing ' Mrs. Steels, in reply to questions by Crown Attorney Glenit-Hays, 44x. told the court that she re- ceived cheque and was driven to Stratford by the accused and several other' perlonS in the ac- cused's car. .When she arrived .home that evening, she said, the cheque and sonic papers were miss- ing. - Mrs. Eva Utter, of Bayfield, said she cashed the cheque for $21 for 'the accused at a service. station operated by her and. her husband. She, claimed she gave Cook a Jpen and he endorsed the chernie„-•'`She- did not knew, she said that •his name was not Clayton Steels. Tile cheque had not been -endorsed pre- viously,. she said. Richard Evans said he was in the service station and saw Mrs. Utter give Cook a pen, but he did I not see Cook sign the cheque. Constable -Morley Groves, of the Godencle"detachment, Ontario, Pro- vincial Police, said he investigated as the result of a complaint laid by Mrs. Steels on December 2. No Authorization Steels, 'Who" told thecourthe was in jail in Stratford on the day - of the alleged -offenee, plainied:ehe did not authorize anyone to caS1' oWil . -Mrs. Steels, he charged, had been cipalities in the Province AO do drinking quite heavily. She claim- 'so. By 1913 three toteOnahipe, ed that she did not give the cheque '4,_ to Cook and that she had not re- "VII Villages- and three towns ceived any money from him, in Huron remained in the Cook claimed that Mrs. Utter I "wet" column, due to the sixty gave him a -pen at on and he intended the,service sta-' name' on the back of it, but_ chang- 'nitThe telia' d , in 1014 a Temperance—7.e.t tito sign his -. ... r cent handicaP ed his, mind. • Robert Littlechild ,and Mrs. Cook 2,603. The act wiped out all said they saw that, Mrs. Steels had , the ehequeewhile they were at thellegal outlets for the sae of., . gr mavaeglisptiita. te H. olmes, registering ,th 1919 and in 1924, MIMI iliquor m our county. Later, the cenviction, Said he felt.he must voted strongly in favor of The aecept the evidence of Mrs. 'Utterl that the cheque had, not been en- Ontario Temperance Act. In. dorSe& and that the accused had • tlae later year, when Ontario 1 endorsed.it_. • _ !voted to , retain 'the 0.T.A, by a -REMANDED . TO JAIL- '' imajority of 34,051, -;.more than TO AWAIT SENTENCE one third of this came from, iHurcen, to be exact 11,945. The Pleading 'guilty at Exeter court ,Courts have: frequently com#1i- t 0 A charge of lien of- a ring valued :mented our Cottnty Cat' itfl 00130.-: at $500, Wentworth Book, 51, no,parative freedom from -crime. feted address, was remanded to :That, not sUrprising. Tht jail for a week to await' sentence more freely liquor flows • the when he appeared before Magis- threartee last tET. hHuorlsingys: Q.0 • ., in court busier carireminthaei Co;casurtess. _in"75ral Beokewas_alleged 'to have stolen I inVellred "de - a diamond_ring valued at $500 from oourt the.. home of Mrs. 'N. E. Cook, of clared a Judke of thirty years' Hensall. -Book claimed he sold the experience, Let us in :Huron rink to,a NitohOher Pawn -broker for I hold fast tp $5. He was picked tip by pollee our proud-pOSition _at Mount Forest. •The ring 'w a,r, as a tecaperalt! county. This. advertisement sponsored b Huron County Temperance n174 recovered. An advertisernerirm the Signal-. Star brings results. , , „federation. For you the major: „risks are, probably, different -from. those, , • • - • met by other families. r Complete Seftee Oleo roptaCs ment -Sereiee--Ouickee-F.ccin You can trust us to • —Drive in ,today ---.Curved adapt insurance to Saftee Glass. your needs. -Nest phone . MALCOLM MATHERS -Insurance - Office, 46 West St., Godeirich, Phone 115W The next meeting .of the Huron County Council will be held in the bouncil Chambers, Court House, Goderich commencing Tttesday, January --19, 1954, at 2 ‘•' All accotuits, notices' of deputations' and other" business ,requiring the attention of , C01511011. should be - in the- -hatiiis of-the'Vehity Clerk net later than Saturdii,- , January 16; 1954. men' of 90 or .more years. -, -the cheque , CoOk., wh. o was refiresented by I • • ea• memeerme J. K. Hunter„.admitted that he and the people in his •cairn had heen drinking* during -the .day. Of the al- leged , offence at'l gravel pit 'near Goderich. He claimed, Mrs. Steels gave 'him the $21 cheque ;and he gave her $17. He said -the other '$.4 was payment for two trips to Stratford. The. cheque was ep- iumm....../...Limir....maiwarommunn Harold W. Shore ALL LINES OF INSURANCE (including. Lifer 1 _and REAL ESTATE _ Phone 766W • 38 Hamilton St. Goderich 36tf • EDWARD.W.-ELLIOTT - _LICENSED AUCTIONEER Ir.:leg:respondence ifroinptiy an• sivered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date by •callittePh one 406.1c4 Charge Moderate'and •satisfac- tion •Gudianteed. orrOmiETRIST ihone. 1100 for. :appointinent ,SQUARk GORERFH NOWt,t0.0A126 IN. BANK • OF COMMERPE BuILDING. ON. THB-BQBA.BS, H. M. ,FOR. Get Inured Stay I8ued— fteit • TELEPHONE •2438*. - HAROLD JACKSON r •LICENSED' AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTH Seafortli Phone 11-001 or Harry Edwards, Goderieh • Phone 144 M. HA.REeNn , „..-q,11a1t'PERED ACCOUNTANT qoderich,- Ont. CHIROPRACTIC , • _ • litRBERT SUCH. PC Doctor of Chiropractic: • ()thee flours: . Mon,,m Tim -9 a.. to '5 On: • '" Tues., Frri--9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 7 P.M. to 8 pint. Weft & Sat.. 9 lief! .a.m. vitamin Therapy )111ceL--Corner of .South St. -nd Road. Phone .344. oupLie AcCOUNTANT 4 BRITANNIA ROAD ' (corner South Stre_t) finateLL0.11_.GQderiOntr ......... • •••••••••:, • •• • -GENERAL q9,suitAtiCe. mASONii TEMPLE WEST' STREET A. _L. 0114E: •e-OptoitiettiOntielan. .... *es Examined, Glasses Fitted Goderieh, Ont: • C. F. CHAPMAN -General .Insurance Fire, Autoinehile, Casualty • .. 'Estate. , .30 Collioncift CiOderiob.,y Phone 1.8W • ,r - • • Estate Mantling and Way' , investe;frtent --Management and Advisory Service '-470 Guaranteed • investments 2% on savings depoSio may be mailed• Rekts‘tate Services . - F�043 loitiot often tion calf RAYE B. PATERSON Trust 0 . ' • Heteedt'Ontarid, Phone 51 . ,•••• .... • aiumaittk.,•:,,,,• . • . • • . . . • Whatever- you -haul or 'deliver,..,,„ whatever the truck model or size you ...... need .:.here's news that's too impoitant, for you to miss .. , Here's kb -portant truck news for enry user! Here's news , trig. Truck Hydra -Matic transmission is offered at extra cost. not --.';-• .. about the most powerful, -fineSt--gifOrmitig, best looking only -on 1,12- and 3/4 -ton trucks, but on 1 -tort Models. too!' , -, ---,-.1 • , -..,-- Advance-Design trucks ever built -7:. completely new Chev --New Ride Confrot Seat.* Seat cushion and back move as a utut to ::" • . * -1 ...... rolet4rucks for '54 •.-- -..-- .....- ..- irritatrg,,,back-rubbing It s a new comfort .feature you'll 'went! • , "float" you over bumps with wonderful new cOmfort and without' -- ,r,,,,••,•..1 • ., ' ' -Com in"and see tlr€ trucks behind the biggest truck news el r- , le years . . . the,trucks with the Mint new, features . . . new New Heavy -Duty 3,,Speetrirensmiesion. Now you tam en* the New tngine Power ' Bigger. brawbef—ThriftmaSter and 'Toad. ,,.• New Cliie'iiig' itiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'.1-1iiliVief Are:''Sliitig on 1500 series. Rigger. :.--,..,::' added convenience of a steering colurrtnr,. gearshift leer on i -tee. , , .' .,„1/2.„,,,..,„.e.ee,e,'. 1054.0 evrolet Trucks ,--• • • , Models. This rugged new transmission is specially •designed for • - long life and smooth operation on tough jobs --.,..„ • ;- -., -,,L, • :. ... , ,The 0,1g news is in these big new felityres,,. Master' engines now develop 112 h.riJ Rugged. durable "Torque- tnore rigid frames on, all models. more durable clutches pp light and heavy-duty models. Stronger. ' -,,.' ----,, ,-,-.-, ,, • , ,r2H-•:`'''''''" '—' . .-,- ' r.' 1r.{:' H. '-'' '''' New Comfortmostor Cob. The,big• new one-piece Curved windshield master', develops 125 h.p and the "Workinaster" 130 h.p Now, *agar Lod Spate. New pickup bodies have deeper sides . 7,. ,.,-,,-,"'"' .• , ••''' , -•• --• - provideS-greater vitibility. The new instrOrnein panel is easier to tbe ground for easierjoading and read and thecontrols are easiertoreach_, --untbading new stake bodies are Wider arid longer. And they're- set lower tai \ '' •-: , ..-.. •.. ,. i 17, Now Itydtti.NIntit Tranismottion. You can drive all day On .the 'of.de cow., sex . stakvem ori CO E., tbb'ains, Amenable er vow* i4,94,i' ' highway or, make door-to-door deliveries in the city without shift her di -00A, cab frioliels ; .. 3 c• „..... - ' .4, •'':. C. H. E V R01. T--- ','. :ADVAPIt.