HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-01-14, Page 6A 'Reg. to $6.95. " As lovi as "" AsinommumniamaimaimmimisaminiReg • to !OM: amoma, ch7OSE,. nt_quality,-discontintied imes, broken ilia, off shades, 42, 45 and 51 !rani, reg- to 1• 75 • gie SPECIAL IES,{,cg. to $2.00 69c 99c, 1.35 • 9 Every • en'sDress. 'rou- ser , ECIAL*it's Rayon Gabs. Altkrations extra. 5469% TS' TROUSERS as' low as tvrEEDIEROY-Bos' Breekt. $5.25. Longs— $6.75, coats—$7.50 WINTER• FOOTWEAR (DOLMEN'S BOYS' AND MEN'S — RUBBERS, OVERSHOES, FLEECED LINED BOOTS -_ ENTIRE STOCK REDUCED 10%.. PARKAS as 10111f as ' $9.96 Station Wagon Coats. NylOn %all. Boys' ' $10.50 Men's Zip Out • Coats as lewas 15.95 Every that an Jacket in the store DRASTICALLY REDUCED SKI CAPS—Gab., wools, corduroys., far trims. Men's &boys'. 1/3 Ogr 111111111111111111110111=111611.' ' • • Pure Wed, full fashioned. Reg., $9.95, for er nic All 'other Sweaters reduced to clear: . 111PasaFili • ENTIRE STOCK OW PENMAN'S AINDERWEAR -- Shirts and Drawers 3.99 - 2.89 2.25 1.69 3.45 1.95' ' Union Suits ' 95 6.75 ' ' -Preferred 4.65, 71 . 3.45' Merino 2.80 WoOl Rib 5.4(L, Fleece )Lined -. 3.20 Boys' Fleece '. 140 L. Boys' 71, - 2.25 Boys' Merino , . 1.80 _ . 901111114101141400414111.“Ill••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••oiiii••••••••••••••eer _ . afies•••••••••••••••••••• O -N FOR EVRYDOLLAR SPENT AT THE .-DO:1411 FORGET—YOU GET A VALUABLE PREMIUM COUP .' --E' . - row, *ANY citHERITines AT ATTRACTIVE SAV DON' FORGET --YOU GA' A VAL.- UABLE pima= CoirrON WeR EVERY DOLLAR SPENT. :ARE 'INVITED TO ATTEND A METING IN. THEN., ...... OtSfi' ejtCHANOIE HOTEL,„, rTODERICH,ON AT $ P.M. Tb meeting concerns the livelihood of every r ,Art. this district, and, it is hoped that a 'aitteiedincer will be ort,hand o hear -a promirr- nt Spitiaker.,810 in address on this very important t. „ • JOHN. A. PIRIEir Recording Secretary,.. Uni�hNo.>2222,Unitad. Brotherhood of •-• tarnanfore and Joiners of .America. • KING-S13RIDGE,-Jan: 12. — mond O'Donnell, who has been Sail- ing during the summer months, is nom/ haVing a month's , vacation at his home here. Mrs. Q. Frayne and Douglas spenta few days in Detroit during the past week, with her sister, Mrs.„ Ed. Redfern. • Mrs. Martha O'Neill: who was visiting with her daughter, Mrs., Moore, of Detroit, 'returned home on Wednesday. • Mr. 'Michael O'Neill, Mrs:, Mary O'Donnell, and Mary, Ellen O'Neill visited with relatives in Detroit and -Sarnia during -the-past-week. Mr. and MTS:. C. Boyle of St. Augustine. were Sunday Visitors- at the home of Mr. and IvirizTion Frayne. „ The dance floor in our parish hall has. been given4-a thorough cleaning and .wax job during the past week: in order ,to have -same in readiness for, an- enjoyable evening for the- M.L. dance on Friday,' -January 15.. , During -the:Christmas holidays, the ,Sehool Board and many other: willing helpers -have made notice- able iniprovenie.iitby painthi the interior, etc. of our seboo • xiewkloor is,goon: to,be The new furnaCe-for our church was -used for the first time ..,on - Sunday, and this too has proved very satisfactory._._ • PORTER'S !JILL PORTER'S HILL, Jan. 12;• -:-Mr.:. and Mrs'. Bill Harris and family left 'a week ago for a three Months' vacation in California. .. During° Sunday School classes "week- ago Sunday, promotion cer tificates , were handed out; also! „diplomas for perfect attendance were given to Elaine Townsend John :Manning, Sharon' Lockhar* Peggy Ann, _Betties, Gail Idickhart,"/ Bruce Betties, Mary • Townsend,,: Phyllis Viceowan, --Mildred Mc Dougall, Patsy Cox. There were la who received their second yean: Stals for perfect attendance. - During the regular meeting of the Y.P.17.-41 week, ago it was,fie-, tided to hold a croltinole party and box social in .the basement of the; church this Thursday evening, Jan-; nary 14. 'The young .people are; -hoping' for a good ,turneut...... Record year for Canada's fur goods industry was 1948 when out4 put 'was valued at $66,304,000. r 4 GH the operating cost of dry cleaning has---:incroased due to ce of chemicals, spotters, hangers, paper bap, etc.,4--in that . . consideratton to you, the pu duc, tiL le -present airy Sk iiritaili'these Prices, we have been forced to make liCILMESVILLETT77._ • HoumEsva;LE, Jan -12. .•The • Wilhelmine Mission Band .-of Holmesville United Church net in the school on Friday afternoon, Janu.ary ith -the Mission ,Band superintendent -Mrs. Fratik7MCCul- lOugh, in charge' themeeting open- ed with Barry Wilson reading a 'poem entitled "Be_ ThouNot. Afraid," followdd by the singing 'hynin..4.. The:Scripture lesson. Was read "by Douglas Norman,- and Victor Corran led in prayer. The installation of officers was' conduct- ed by Mrs. McCullough and the president,. Eleanor Yeo, took- the business period; The roll can was 'answered by--14e-,--.paying of dues, -and' l7 -members answered the roll. Bobby Norman read a temperance.. Voem,::"WhichZ. _With Mary Helen Yeo at the': piano, Frances TMeCul. lough and Mary Hutchins sang as a duet, "Jesus Tender Shepherd, - Hear • Me." • Barbara Yeo read a peace article, "A Happy Family." A game was enjoyed, and the study book period'. was taken - by •Miss" -Mn: Shaddock and Mrs. *Cul- ". .••••••"; • .KINTAIL KI, Jan,13‘.—The. J'anuary meeting' of the Kintail_yV.I. Was.. held at ItintaiL in their_newly 'acquired hall. The, Institute Ode and Mary Stewart Collect opened the nieeting. The rolk,call was. a New Year' S -resolution. A card of thanks was received from Mrs. Davtis, of New Hampshire; U.S.A., who received an Institute potholder on Canada Day, made by -Mrs. Dick McDonald of Kintail. Mrs. Jadk Collinson gave ,a fine report on her trip to Canada Day. Mrs. Henry gave a' report on the %iron_ Rally. held at Gorrie, at which ,a' panel diseusson_ was . put on by -four Institute ladies, pointing out he need !or1 album, County .girls' olarship. Mrs. , -jack ,Collinson aS appointed to -see abotita piano for the hail._ Mrs. Bill McDonald invited the meeting to hefliogie for lunch. • Mr:, Joseph Smylie has returned relatives in Goderich -and „Atibiuli. While -In- toWn- he stayed. “ to his home in Prince Albert, with'his arry Sask., after a month.""i visit with D od d .IMr ,!lD d -and Mrs • , . . . , • , . r • • MAKE REQUEST A coinniunieatioxf front ,Goderich. Separate School, Board read at the inaugural meeting of council on Monday. night asked -that the board RT-- ALBERT be advanced 41;000 on its „ 1954 levy.—The- -request was referred to councils finance committee for consideration. PORT ALBERT, jan.••13,—Fifteen niembers of the Guild of Christ 'Church, ,Port Albert, met at the .4, home of Mrs. William' Vroonian -4 :With Mrs. -A: Foster presidang:-1VIrs. 'q .4 Elton Draperr read the ScriptUre' ••'.,i lesson. _The Misillimfiry Prayer and. , A he„ Lord!s:Prayer were repeated -in unison. Mrs. 'William Voioinan read. the minuteS:„ The,:tressiiier's • •.reP:off was read by Mrs. ROy Petrie. - Some work was one Olt a - quilt. Rev. Mr i' Jenning's conducted the election -of -officers, which resulted as follows: Honorary president, jsfrs.' Jennings; president,- Mrs. A: 'Poster; vice-president, Mrs. Car:. men Ilayd'en; secretary;L Mrs. Wil- liam Vrooman; treasureeMrs. Roy Petrie; Chancel Guild, Mfrs. 'Elwin Petrie, Mrs.Roy...Petrie, Miss Isabel Tigert, Mrs. Harold Adams; flower fund, Mrs. Elton Draper, Mrs. Car' -men Hayden, Mrs. Anthony, Vroo., - Walter'. :Tigert *oil eornmitte-e, Mrs. Walterr'figert, Mrs: ' Elton Draper, Mrs. Agnes Poster, Mrs. Fred McCalie;', pregir correspondent, ,Mrs. J4arOld Adams. Reit, Jennings closed- The meeting and Wilda was served bY ' tii-e: hostess. ' '' ' - . ' • The hourly rate for;constritetion workers in Canada stai'icls at 144 cents 'a lour, • 0bot, one-seventh4of- Can ada's- -land issuitable for agriculef. - •: ALL 'GOODS. ON RAC KS -4 IS.000 NTS , OF . ALL ROOM' SHOESfid- ZSLIPPER:Ott:VIELVES- DISCOUNT OF 10/0, SOME _WATERPROOF FOOTWEAR ON SALE „ AS. WELCOME*TO. LOOK A -S, TO ,BUY— „ ” • COME IN AND „LOOK ARO1.1140,