HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-01-14, Page 571:4 t MINK ra r0.6( 414 rif',/ _ . ,• TIOStChUrCh"Exists For You—To P-ro- vide o Place of Christian Fellowship,. • • , 9 Pro0aWhere You Con Meet God' in--- • - - Revereht Worship. -.. • CORDIAL, Fliitkflit6PILt YOU HERE The treasurer, Mi ss, on gave ,ber _.reort 54 had .been raised +•.!eerrePlioiltdiag ."•severalvoa--iYoun- e . Straughan re- ported for the-iteratOe l'and Mis- sionary Monthly Committee.Mrs. ▪ aq.'..00.62tre „nitte- beiges, Mrs. H. Webster,.teported ott.. the ,finiCfOr-='•buliding -a school in Toronto. - 'IsOne••-b_oies:-had."-.been„ sent to shut-ins at Christmas '; The iferihg.2WaSzmeeeited.'#*,•Miss, M. R. Jiekson'ehdi-IVIrs..Fred Toll and the Ory prayer sung.. Mrs.CarnpbeI offered the • 7.elbsing. the piano for the -hymns. Rey. prayer:- ,•.1 - .1 • Watt,' the pastor, repeated the Ten j .i"Vrigitor'S at the. home' of Mr. and , Commandments. It waa,,deeided..40 Campbellduringthe '-past have an evening- •of skating soon. Week , were Mrs.- Frank.Campbell'After games, the, meeting closed - an -1 Winnifred, -et...Westfield; witlt. the benediction. ••-• Trail Rangers net at t United Church basement 0,P, MendaY-rki,ght-- j. C. Durnm, president, opened the meeting „ with the n.Peyan.S. eeret-- mOnSr, Jimmy Blake presid."0""'it beatHifUl anany •• • :?1' • r2stiviii-ia (Churrii Mr. W. H. Bishop, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M. Director of Praise ,winiani, crozier ..attd-LOrena, At the recent, oOtninUnion, ser7, of „London; Mr. and Mr's. C Crozier viee in•.Dungarmoli United:Church; d (aridly of . 'Crewe- and. Mrs. En, the followin, g were received. into Nebeteit--and Miss lieZel Webster, full ntem13. ership• Thomas- H. Fow- ler, on transfe-r.of certificate; Mr: „ of Clinton. • , • and Mrs. Iltxward• A. Culbert, 1VLrs. " . • istirtinent.' • -• 1.10011110,,,Iptp• ttcell-effit COME AND' WORSHIP. - 10 a.m. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL MEETS. 11 a.m. "'"FROMf WORSHIP TO WORK." I 'i p.m. "THESACRAMENT OIF LIFE." ,W 0 V i1eatd • •,•:0 DSOS atwirtg,tyks' " • erich Baptist Church iii[ONTREAL STREET • , 'E. Donaldson, - -.• • • ' , CH1JRCHFHE Of THE "LIGHT AND i.IFE 'HOUR" FleirdP EACH SUNDAY- AT 9 A.M.-900. CHML-- INVITES YOU'"TO WORSRIP--AT THE - • " • . 4 . Minister t REV IAN G. HtND BA,BD. • BIJRN" n ,PrOfess1911 of faith. The. SeniorStindii.•1611OOr 'Class „ " • • • .1••• ; • / Eily4AROAR • • PRINCTS • , , , of the h4reneh Ambassador t.T;',$.,•.•.:4'ke:-•.,,e',ixx the 1.953,.ustvf. the world's best -dressed wome0. compiled . New York Dress Institute on basis of an inte4,1i171tional-Pelf. • • • . • • . • OBITUARY _ DR. W. S. 'HARPER The'creathecurred in Toronto Friday of -Dr. Sinclair' Harper, father of Mackay' Harper, Rev: -iCurrie, of' 'White - 'church •Presbyteriah. Chtireh. In- terment was in South Kinloss ceme- tery. _Besides. her husband, she is sur- 1'b'viVed by four daughters, Mrs: Wal - „of Goderich." • • , • Wawanosh; Joan, irnaa and Vorma, ter Elliott .'(Kathleen), 151”" "East 'Harper -is suthved. by. his aheme; two sons, Jack,Of-Gode- rich and Lorne,- at home;and-Awo, LEEBUAN,-Jan.•-' 13. -- Mr. and f "the United Chure11, with Mrs:" Mrs. :Joe Ann:Strong; of :Detroit, visited -over the vveek-end with Mr, the. Sunday school with a large Cecil'" ,Blake as, leader, •presehted -andf.)-f1VIrs. • Iff3.0nPe'ilinnter7- -ft-arne-d--,'painting of 'Sallman's "Head -4•': Mr. and Mrs..T:,4101.:'Falconer_and of Christ." • -.Clinton, visit-, Oh' Sunday morning - at the.Un- ed,With :Mr. and ;1VIrs. J.'Hortoil oh ited Chureh,- Bert McWhinney • _Sunda3i,. Miss Falconer lea es.this- hpened and concliicted: thet•-,Arst, week for Chathaiit,'":-N33.., trans- part -of ttiv service., while rcer-if:--0,7, fer;-froni ,-.1he- RCAF sta ion at watt was conducting sacra- "-- . • Anent of 'baptism at Calvm United The next meeting of , Leeburri Church, at St.- Helens: - - ‘• . Nit.M.S.. will -be held next Wednes- • daY' :afternoon " at -Abe_ • home. of Anything to sell? Anything! Wks. Terence Hunter. classified ad brings results. wife; three sons, Dr. W.. S„Harper, Baltimore, Maryland; Dr. Ian :S: brothers:- Horace Aitchison,- of Harper, of Ottawa, and Mackay,Wingham, and Clifford •AAtchison, Harper, o Go,derich.; and one of HeSPeler. " • :> daughter, Mrs. Grant Real(Lyn- ate), of Camp*Borden. . ' MRS. FRANK MARTIN Funeral seri/lee was held on Mrs. Frank Martin died suddenly : Monday• afternoon in. Toronto with in her, 80th year .on December 27, interment in Madoc cemetery., at her home in Colborne Township: She was, the Widow of the Jate FrAnk .Mattin, wrho passed away three .years ago.' Before her .xnar ster, formerly Mary Emily riage in -1898 7ghe was -Elizabeth son 'occurred Suddenly on Wednes- Ade-lbt', Maud Arnistrong, of Fergus. She had lived in . Colborne Township for the past 27 years, moving here fonrr-Guelph., . of Royal'Oak, IVIich.; wo daughters,. SurViving, are onl sett, Irarold,.. service Was held., Lmeres.n. ,,a jradiziKeesntFa- .rrairsyh,,ofFrBanyrcoet '1' Mrs.nd children .and 'ones:1.4er; Mrs. Isabel „day of -last vveek•at her home, 12th. concession, West Wavvano*----Slie, vvas, in her 55th year. • -The remains rested at her resi- dence• until'.-FridaYt,' when funeral McKenzie Meriniirratihe Clearer:1a Lucknovv at 3 p.m., conducted by In a Colborne Tewnship; four4grand- Ross, of Fergus; . • The .funeral „service was • held on Wednesday afternbon, Deceniber- '30, from the Lodge funeral home, -and was conducted Iby Mr:Clayton' Dixisdale, of Toronto, representa-- -tvie-Cif-Jehoveys-Witnesseshter ment was in -Colborne'denietery: • Pallbearers were Amps Percy McBride, Fordyce Jack Fletcher,. Ralph Brodie 1 and Jack Brodie. Relatives vverz:'pre-., sent •froxn Royal- 04 Pontiac, IViich.; Byron; London, Guelph and Fergns: LAID -41.,-4B-NDEiD, ;FINISHE44: II4R. ; .,ALBERT Plume -Carlo* "2105 ' --36q • Church ...,.-„,dgNERVICTORIA AND PARK STREETS -• • REV. 'MARTHA M!1/2R1.,ATT, PASTOR. 10 am SON04* 'SCHOOL11 a m HOLINESS UNTO THE tRD . - EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. / • n. Eaqh -Wechiesday--Prairer Meeting. Thess. 5:17 -;•"Pray :without ceasing." ------(P-entienstat-Aseemblies-of_4Catiadal Waterloo and Egi REV HOWARD MiNAKE PASTOR" ---4 • SUNDAY SERVICES ' '"-- SUNDAY\-SCHOOL-10 ti.:rn.4he PLACE for the FAMIL'Y. MORNING 1A1PRSHIP-11 WELL OF BETHLEHEM • EVANGEL !VIC SERVICE -7.3W.. pm —HE LEFT ALL, -AROSE, - - • ' AND--FOLL,OWE Tuesday—Bible Study Prayer Meeting: - . Feiday—christ's7Ambassadors. • Thursday -January 21st—Billy Graham Filen—"Mid-Century • Crudade."..,MacKay Hall• -,•8 p.m. THE' LITTLE _CHURCH,WITH THE BIG WELCOME • 1. Cariada'S. total -area is 3,8 million -square miles. What. is the area - ofthe. Northwest Territories? 2. In a year h"-6WItilidh-o.. enstoms daises add -to -the Canadian trees- . • .•• 3. the " years 19314951 , 707; , 00r -persons-, emigrated.. ; imini,grants entered Canada. In 1.2 million square mile.s. 4. Russia. 'the' same period how 'many per More than'$'30117ndiliton- 't .• r US.A. The latest Billy Graham film ifl natural color: Filmed in fabiileiis To - be shown) in . ONTARIO ST. --UNITED CHURCH, CLINTON . • 'MONDAY NIGHT, *tn.' • By- the Clinton - Youth' for_Cbrist _ • CREWE entity:A Jan..I3.-Mr. 'arid 1VIrs.' amey, Congram recent Visltors With.lVir. and Mrs : N. orman, RiVett•-: •:-•AVIr4,• Crozi.ser and Lorena, of Lon - .visitors with • • „- 1,•• Clifford, Mrs. Crozier. and 'family.• . The Girls' Club taking the course "Well,Dreased and Well Groomed," held their first meeting at the hoe of IVIrs.,-Ghester Finnigan on 'Thurs- day, night., - 7.:"..11Ws; and:Mrs.. Jaek .Curran 44d Mr, in -d' Mrs, LorneBaty werein London Thursdak. • • ' No Achnission- Charged -- Seats -on -a "First-ccnne" Basis FIRST SHOWING IN THE , DISTRICTL-DON'T MISS JT-„,- ' •;.; • - '4 II • • td. • , ' ndation Garments , . • • 10, a.nt... , SUNDAY SelHOOLe - - - . ,:-..... ..: '''','• .- "'• 11 a.M. MORNING WORSHIP. 1:30 p.m. BENMILLER. '''L _ • 3 p.m. UNION. i -• Pastor—Rev. D: W.'-Williams,'B.A • k , . Organist, -Mr. Bert Kempster. . • • "1 . 01141411011111••••••••f011.11011.00011000000411•011100000060411/116 • • i -.ANNOUNCING, A - . -• • • • I-10014 FOR PARtNTS ...... ............ ".._,.. SC re 0 'SPEAKERS-- •Jan. 22-4 p.nri-x-:"Seeing Through the Child's Eyes. . 2 Mrs. Ewan Ross.- ••, .,,,..., • Jen. 29-8 ri.—"GUidig -the Emotional 'Life of the Child" ,» . • .Mr. Bert- Beaumont. •' , , , .Feb. 5 ';-3'ia;itt..—""I'HE Growth of- Rejigion in the Life of a'," - ' 2 ..' , -Chilli" Rev. Ian Hind, B.O.•`• , - and-Punishmen4-." - -- .- - - -- M.D.• ----- 4 • District Collegiate In- 'Stitute-- basketball teams will -play • their first genies in Huron Speond- ary, School Association „cOrripetitien on Friday, January 22, at Clinton. At a 'meeting of the asseciation, afar, rlechools.enteted. „ oompetion, from. Godeircli; ' ' ' • Wing - ham, Seafol-ht 'and. Clinton. Each school_isenterixig:three teams eaek. Two , tile -TA -earns of senior and juniat'boys, While4here • a-lone-senier-girlst- team-- -Winners of the -'HA cageytit-les will advance to the WOSSA semk finals; -where „theY, v(tialattle f the Western Ontario chaniKoriship.• -Following is the league schedule: Jan. 21-.,Seaforth at Wingham •22—GoderiCh 0 Clinton 29 -'--Clinton 'Seaforth. - " omiiimisempimmoseemiesomissimmiemmitmossiseee* „ „„, • • • _ _ WHO IS TO.- BLAME - ,There is considerable' criticisin levelled against "SPiritual look ridiculous while the FundaihR exittalis hurls anathemas 4at Modernists 'will endeavour to. make the-"Fundamentairit” the Moderigst.. — Such a condition in the ranks of Christianity must certainly,. 'please, Satan. Are, the 'leaders ..alt. -tO.' blame? I think not. Lead- erS can do little without the faithful iuivort of their'peoPle. I In 11 Tirnothy,.4a4 we. read; "For the time vvill,x,?ple when they endure .-80.M1...doctrinef-'-but after their own LUSTS "I shall ..ther...1.WAP THEMSELVES teachers having itching • ears: And they shall 'turn- their ears from the truth, and shall 2 -be turned unto fables. The fulfillment of this' portion i most surely": manifested in this time. Denial of the sacred truthstif • the. Bible is the order of the day ;'," ,„.# , Recently a Toria0tozpalver earned artieles-ii a „Proininent ..,BqtslveleertgyMa* -This, inin endeavoured to prove that ‘Itellr Was *inlaid, FIRE. If there is S'iltla-a place he expected it • might- render soine slight-.0e.onifort like having to listen to -, sime music one didn't lish.His authority for making such. 'asphernotis denias of cripture were, "I do not believe." ble-denying teachers that she needs In titter days 1,intittilted.feaching 'came trom. the Wingham at Godericir Feb: 4 --Clinton at Wingham 5—Goderieb, at Seaforth ' L__11--Goderich at Winghani 1.2----eaf.orthat Clinton.. 19—Clintat •-••••'_ Wingham aelSeaforth 26,-Whin ighaat 'Clinton ••Seaf:orth at .Goderich WINNIPEG VISITORS •"Dan" cIttr of Winnipeg 'mGoond,e, rtehdrie ifl-He had been staying at the BedfOrd Hotel.Mr. McIver formerlfr Lived at 'Goderich and later incived to Winnipeg. -It 'was his first visit here in seven years. 'His brother, Alex Mclvor, also of Wihnipeg; is -at' pitsentvisitliir in TOronto and expects- to visit in Goderich slime time nekt month. ^ ' Alex IVIcIvor was , -7-a .Canadian bicycle griding chaniton in his early days: and -hag written numerous.articles and the Signal -Star along that topic in former years. • , I Throligh the eighteen years pre-: ceding World -War I when Western Canada was -being opened.:np, to ev-eiopment,--,;--the-•eoristruction---f new -railways in the West' atieraged more than two miles per daya total of 15,000 miles a 'dew" rait- ways lines,, . j.