HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-01-14, Page 2Pah by Signal
- • subse.YiPtiOn, Rates—Canada and irkt'eatIirl tek,
'114veritlAing 'Rates, on request •Tel..74,me
Akilthormed as second,e/ass•mail, Post 0 t;ce Pepar
Out -of -Town RePiesentative: a.W,114.! 40 Temple liadO., Bay and i
Canadian Weakly •Newspapers Associotion. Member of 91001
Audit Bureau of Igironiationo, 1Nsiokly
4 GE0. L ELLIS,..Editor _ands-PUblisher,'„
otrP B1
"Mond .its., Toronto, :
4Afkfotilofk, tdinb
iroolation 6 of over, 34,Ann e
- m towu just; novir: are sand The'MPreand-mail i o Thiatte.ovd
the walks and salesM the.,sti;res.
, • theprospect for an a.11-Catiadran ijipelinejOr,
* * * • •
Alberta: Ix:aural .gas,, that it w4rin1y, prass
The nuMher of .highWay accidents ,cectid • Trade Minister Howe for, his part inArtaking,
be..ggeatly reduced if ev.ery, driver Wonldkeep it. possible---' thegreatest of his servies
his car, in the right place and every other to Canada," it-saYs..Tho Or. and argues fOr.:
• dryer wOuld do the .same.. - a ,3& ineli pe instead -of a 39 -inch one a�
* * *-q 14.44404,g The-Donkin4o0 Government can ltelP.,
The latest. new from Ireland is that the it proposes, "by exempting It from sales tax;
:ye,ople are-4igging for Mineral wealth to sup- import duties and the Hm" It doesnotsay,
plement other sources of ineome. Shure, and so,, but no doubt the G.- and At, seeing it would
-- won't .they be finding plenty of emeralds V be for the benefit of Toronto; would not obAt1,-,
to a_`.60yerrpnent -subsidy as suggested .1041te'
• Toronto Star. And as only "selfish interests"
become of the retired farmer. Feats ago it would oppose .anything for the advantage -Of
was posSible to 'repo"on a few thousand dol- Toronto the rest of us 'Would ',make it- unani
tars • nowadays it takes $25,000 or more for-ra mous; even- if these exemptiM and subsidies'
farmer to buy" a house, in town' and live at all would -mean higher taxes for • everybody, By
_conifOrtably on • the intereSt. _SD he retires ,> the way, was. it The--Glebe-iiid, Mail that .1,6 -
from ,active farming but stays on. the farm and. _cently referred to Mr. 1-16We's "incurable, Op:
'lives like a lord on his $40-a-moith pension, timism"f
* * *
This is a free country and so there was
no objection when a policeman at Windsor -Some people. -are ah' ays beWailifirthe lack
- , the ther day shot- a man who was running of - titles in Canada. Several decades -ago
aw after a suspected robbery. The suspect, Parliament paSied-ii 'resolution asking that the
-21 y rs of age, died a few hours later with a list- of such honors conferred by the Sovereign'
bullet\ his lung. The police inspector said. (that is, by the Governhient of Britain) • con-
- the fa( My; was unfortunate but it was "coin- tain no Canadian: names, and now a knight or
foitm o know that alert constables were a,.,„ lord in thiscountity is almost a curio True,
ready to act in such circiimstanev:- After all, we have any number of Q..0,7s, M.D.'s, LL.D.'s,
the constable only intended to hit the young R.N.'sB.A.'s, etc., etc., but these rearAend
fellow P in the legs. Perhaps there might have- titles are of-'0anadian origin and; have to be
been a mild rehnke of the constable for -being earned. What -is wanted is ;something with- a
such a poor shot, __ ' flavor of the court. There were objections in
• *, * . * the preSSto the latest list of New Year honors
. < - Agricultural leaders- are urging farmers in Britain,and.- perhaps if we had them in
to 'buy 'British." Why not ? It would enable Canada they might be tincturedl like Senate
British people to buy more Canadiaft'r-Vasat, appointm.ents, with p,olitieal- favoritism Can-
-:•;, cheese, baceiv- and beef instead, of iraikiffing sidering everytbmg, the best suggestion we
these things from. Denmark, Argentina and - can make' is that the -mayor of .eery city -in
• other foreign cOlintries. Of course, there is ther'.' Canada be named -.:a Lord;th.e mayor of 'I'TOWn
elixneni..4 distance to be considered when the be entitled Sir, and the reeves'i--f-tOn*Ships and
• United States is so. near, but' with air service villages be -RightlIonarlibles.. This would net
this difficulty is teing, leSsened, and in tune only . make up for the lack of titles but would
. t
British manufactures ivaird learn how to cul- increa.st- -interest in iinifficipal affairs; as the
-Ovate the . Canadian market. In addition;' the "best people," instead of: staying away from
difeerence-iiolla-r.„-and--sterliug--ex-change-is---- the -poi -1S; wouldt, be.-there-at-the'±h-eaa-2-of the
• an advantage to :Canadian briyers. ' • procession. Eh, what!.
* * * '
, -- - A weekly edito -rivrant,s to know what has
Twenty years of public service ' "Local ' Auditors were formerly
was :finished by William Salliiiis appointed ,each year to audit the.
Township . boolts.„.„,.This -work is
, ,... when---he--retired„as:;gerk account-
Township on December 31. annozv...,done by a Chartered enty years -ago -very-- e
The followit4 account , of Mr. municipal statistics were filed'ikig with
Sallows' service, a gathering to i the Department. At present, , uni-
form forms in increasing numbers
h6nor"hiiii and the 'changes he hai '
..,.. , ,,..,..„,,-,...!:.-.-..,_,td,,-,diati. his of ' ..., are being bell Tog
?heed :vta°rIensfilleDt1 out
..-- no ng s tenure office, . g- - ' ' • • - out,
T4 " , has been sent to the Signal -Star
• - , by :- E. Stanley Snyder who .' alsci "Colborne Township is keeping
' , „, retired on. December 31, as Reeve abreast with other municipalities,'
....of Colborne Township. - " 111other-avenues of pregress, in-
- • - "Mr. za,Sallows- was appointed to eluding -agreements with towns and
act 'as assistant to-' Mr.: Leonard vill4g-es for Are protectiO9,.
. --.,..,... - Icent,:thCnOerk of Colborne Town- "While these changes have na-
• l, in Dedember; 1932,. and -ear- turally increased the ditties of the
ried on in that capacity till Jana- Township Council and officials, it
ary, 1934, when he was named appears that present, conditions
. Clerk. . .. - ' ' are in keeping with, the March 'of
, ._..."During this term of office, . Mr. modern progress, and the general
' Sallows,. having an coviable record trend of the tiMes," ., . ' •
of never * having missed a regular •
-meeting; has..., served under aveAt-December 31, 1952,, butstand-
-teeves,. the. late Albert Goldthorpe,. , int loans and advances from the
'George Feagan, the late"William
Editor, Signal -Star.
Sir,—Find - enclosed order for
$2.50, being 'toy renewal , to your
paper for 1054.
We have had, and are still
ing, a very mild winter. Only four
mornings • below zero, so rfar, and
the Coldest of therw.was,18,,helow.
,Yesterday morning:, registered' 35
above, but dropped- during the
day and hit, 12 below during the
night. ' Zero today with sunshine
`and clear: We have had very little
snow in this district, and roads
"like -summer. , • -
Wishing ' your paper and staff
a happy and prosperous. year, j
1441. H. JOHNS,
Zelma, Sask.,
Jan. 4, 1954.
Mileolm'Mathersither-Tewn's re-
presentative on the Public- Library
Board for the past three years,
was reappointed to -the post for
Thom, ' Alex Watson, and E. S.' canadian government to foreign anotherthree years at the inaugur-
,Snyder.,...„For the ,gre.ater portion governments, totalled '11,8'70,200e al session of' council on Mviiday-
itt the last20„years, Mr,..Sillows has 000. ' night. •
114:-TrecoOrtt low' of this public
service, on Tuesday evening, Janu-
ary5,meinbers of Township Conn-
.. iiilandlheleiviVes,fireasurer
GIen, and Miss Jen met for
evening- the home- „of.,
. and Mrs. Sallows: After ,a,-
easa4t time-ispent-so,laying..eards,,
' delightful Ititich was served by
the, 'hOStesSes,, -Mrs. William Sal-
• s and Mrs. Jarvis McBride.
"Following the' luncheon the re-
• - g' -reeve, E. S. Snyder, made
•it few fitting- remarks, stating that
it only just --and-ffrop#10 00.
some token of appreciation for
sueh' worthy public Stewardship:
Horton, 'Who , has retired'
-Ibis year, Oter' tight years, as
Township Councillor, then read the
dress, and AIrA,SalloWs „Was pre-, 4
se led. with a:.,4004ay
and Mrs.--Sall0v0§. in :turn.
tossed -their appreciation for
the- gat. assured lhoSeT
gat, this -evetiiiii:VOUld I -0 .0t,'Sa00--fOrrlull:ltouse in -59 calls.
g. remembered.
inctificing_; 'Mr. 'Saliov‘r§Saiis
oigo..5,hairg taken, place in
21e,Yeara,, some of Which
eligted follows:
• entliii *gad 4wIleanis. for
`.*:, and general itiaintenange
• Foe ratepayers, has
alsor increased operation •ode. The
• County Ifealth, Unit' -has een
stittzted, repiacing the Local' "
PR •
• • • •%..„ • .4::
• "" KU'
11'.1;:•••••• •••.•• .• •
• • • •;•
• ..•••
n-in..'54 with brilliant
inside and
Ind Skyliner,
• for greatii-smoothiress;-mate-.41eicibility',--- . - ---
.,. . antil,sfifetit,
, ,
bucked by over 1.0 years' -experience
— in building. Ytt's .,; ,,....---,-- .
. •
1; 1