HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-01-14, Page 1nr,r1711fl.71777,11,77,14, PP -1i* • rePlaCing,a rroVinMembers , „ Oret shown -in -,the 'above photo.. onstable F. M. Hall, Constable -Hoard Watson, Constable Albert South Cartwright. • ..„ (Signal -Star Phefe. by Hen) • :Conditions .at , the town dump eameL,•.1tm4.e_r fire at -Town- Council's inaugural meeting On Monday night with ,.thereslilt-that- the, •public ner,e-a-program was engird with works conamittee was asked to the feature entertainersbeing make ,an „investigation . _and report, Royal Heads of Magic," magicians 'The,',-mattef Was brenghtLIP '__hy from L d Reeve pf„Gre4eue, -duermeu of Also on the program was a play - aa Year's Public Works-renimitte lete-LTTP-in--the-Minate-Itews" said •.yeoul&-like, to see a eeted by Lion Mery Stephens. .Tak- responsibleperson on the town ing part ,were Frank Gardiner, Bob garbage .• Noble 'Glen Gard -nen would be care; Kinkead, Jim Stephens, Donald Nearly_ _150s t, ewpies, children and .guests,Attend,ed s the annual family night„of, the Lions Club at KnoxePresbYterian Church. "TnesdaY--night- Followilig--a din. eGoderichl. Tovor-CdiiiitirlititeildrIor posts would Cost. about $2,900.' • .:1gayer 'M ered• .01-e"coppell'S. estim- ing' street liges: towri.. to consider the possibility of erect- He told •councill that th.e.. JaYee.e.. - -- • &rote? Would like Lti) know,whether the .s,-Sreit'sign -:_proleet: was being dresS. at the inangifir. Meeting •ates for the -expenditUreszzl,-. MoridaY night asked e • cetineil .- to '''" - L. P* Share 0 , d ted h iigurai eet _s-Coramittees -,-- ^ ' ',Standing committees 6f TOwn pouneil for 1954 were named at the inaugural, 'meeting on. Monday TolloVving•are the -Conimittees Vdth ihe.ferst named in each 'case the chairman and the second tiamed--the vice -Chairman: . Finance Deputy -Reeve Joseph consider sinsg• gges t, gy !We (the James) are prepared Allaire Conzicillers Frank Walkom could be .erected throughckut t e •to . pay :a -,share-of -the cost.- .. We - --,Retthen Besse, Ernie Fisher, Ken ' ' because -of frost: The break i IA 'town Ofee-a--tlitedyear:peried,7-7 Ve-sonte-fimelseseteasiele-**-Ule ii. — -cemetery. - . POWer% was. -ree the''-licife occurred near - Maitlan . Giles 'information • - ' 'project;n-he-said. __ ,,.. _ ... '. Publie W.orks--1 Comiciller Fisher, first in the town but the Goderic to 41 addition,' Cee Hoffman, rsi- ' `Ivir.-M3ffiwill";€7111-dLarm 0- - tliat the Reeve J.1-1., araham, Deptity-Reeve. Elevator and Transit Coliman Wa *4, • tito* 30f4.;' • ,Oielt the weathr during the pat , wek has been , P. %attiPe'S.';::` e to below the 'zern•nier the weekend, and for the -first part el. this *Oeic, 6/111166*- , • ,.abQS fifteen-degreei-0014 ,On Tuesday, as near 'ap,(11Clite;,- - on the snow was failing°. heav- ily, while Godericli:skies were *clear. One motorist _.:',/iete Tuesday afterneoleTeport• ed it took hiin an hour and • , , ...threereuArters' 'to -"drive--frona-', - -Seaforth.• ' • Net until -Tuesday night -did, -• Goderich get seine snow, and then it rwas Just enough 'to -put ' a thin white covering over the " eviously bare ground.. But the - end of winter's a long way off ,yet.. The town's ' prepared, though. A new side- . walk' sander „perchased „ by - -Town Council's epublicelworkS committee hs been tested- and . found satisfactory. The sander, . designed to be towed along be- hind a jeeP,, will repIkee- a • crew Of workmen with shovels who in the past had to •aldlig on foot spreading the •sand. • roken Will Be Repaired - Repairs will ,be made Sunday fternoon to a power line, which napped last Sunday night cutting. • ' ' ' c to off . pewer Godericn .tor lose ter° hotirs, Manager Elmer Weaver told the-P-.U.C. meetingon Thesday night. - • 'Men of the Goderich District Col- to, safely :net' efficientlY legiate Inet,itute Beard at the "I trust ,that next year.. Wlfen wei , ' of . the eellegiate, rbe.serettemed lteqr,said- that ., love ,iii.- itg.'': deepest - - -,--,. Christian ' sense ,was seekin.0 .t.b.P.........-......:. 71,_-a-Wc:11:0,e,w,i„,,!,....,:e.'10-,:r, -0u..,,d, ,.ptf.., t4e,....,.,., at the pidlegiate on Thursday even- ing of last week'. ru. s t PI :ob.: ± progress in inci osurod-tohvevnhe;p1heed--,caldcoutili-''''--_ •.• • meeting:ef-the-grOuPqor--1954 held J. A. Gardner was named vice Mr think clearly .,in -clistussions,„. chairMaii-and-A-: R. Scott, principal secketaryqreasurer. - . highest good " of one's neighbor. folbowing 'committees were -a "As. a council," he Said, .".you will set rip 'Vint -named in- edeli- Chairman): Fiziance—R.-Bisset, Dr.„ `be seeking the -1zigheat good. of , • - V. --C; Jackson, . R. D. Nunro, E. Goderith." e He suggested that nietives:ehe,„ RebertSen; Transporation—W, Pat- - tenon, O. Brooks, G. A. Orr, J. A. continually se ched lo ,see that.% ' they are honor, le. - t ' ' Gardner; Property—J. A. Gardner, Judge T., M. Costello, A: 'Grange, Mows -AddresS . . . Dr." -N. C..laikson; Sta.ff'Relatioes— ItTaYor X.s.E...„1-Iiic.leins, in his---ine , R. D. Munro, Judge -T: M. Costello,. augural addreSs, welcemed the two... J. .A-; Gardner, 0. Brooks; Agrield-, new members, Council-16re Frank — WIT—E. Robertson, G. A. Orr, ..0. Walkom and J, ,E. Drennan, :ter - Brooks, R.' Bisset; Ptirehasing. =Weir. - ' -L , -Regular, Meetings , He said .he felt 1953 'was a year defirtaabilliedertilLireveeairitedtai.' all, . ,• Agent—R. Bisset. • ofro,g"creosnssi pattern based; on, L steady -sensible : MeThpthle-gbr at tPhir egerleglaniartde'r•oengtitire: progress work and patience, I, bee,: lieve our citizens are expeeting us . .. t� -continue along Much' the same ideas, realizing a- steady, policy of ;. rogress without upsetting -Mir ., Goderich Township, replacing G..C., atientar. ,Ialifd inrhduelit4413sttriewaizi onpeep: oditaiiHi•• ,t. e_tibees : 1 -Gem,. Who retired at the • end • of . that will Present themselves MS- Other inenibers are J. A. Gardner, .P.infn last year e ' - ' • • L.. . year;-willyth-atdvieiraiti'liteelitily empelieggioled,p!,:" Mr. Weaver said the line apper_ first, ,Thursday of each month at 4. Two new members. were- weIciina en y snapped when it became taut , m- . • - n N. Q. jackson represents ethe ppb/i6 Sabo' Board, .replacing T7JThorpe who -h-ar-nreved--to Was thathani. • G. .A. Orr represents dent of...the,,Godericii„Jttnier hame chamber's beatitificaticeCcoimnittee, eire, C.Ouncillors J.•• E. ,Drexinans without '''Power 'for 'about. four taker! ': -''' Ill'u.d-- .-Bele°:'0iPild. ,-'1,:evas Bel."tger''' L.. -'• ''' • . ',' --, and-,r7;.-..4-,t11,-kv,-ei.,..i..`::L7 'f't''-• _ el; O . - oinmeree ,aPPeared • b or0 . had considered several .types, •-• of d. Pennington without - ' Mayor ' • - ' '' - ' ' ' - - ' 'ParticiPating' ' in --..'";.t e 'volitrutii„ t4otuicil to ,,outline, inform' atiOn -ale• sistiS 'Mpluding,.„„enent-elett, .,'meta.19.e215„peeial•, '—'-tetineillors Walkdre., aware t ' t- there a lot of debris • hours .., • , - -, •• • • The P.-ti.C.-manager added that' s re: „on j;thOt4lunip'',.and..-th t- Viismoyacti4of,theevisitingqinaglewnw, :ready:- obtained " by ' ' the jayeee.WhieWW-OrefOinisith . be, iiiif durable •Petillington; dallOw, Besse and. if .i.ig4S4'.7ireating., a.,.. hazard to • the were , __,. "..loe".; _Jennifer PArsons,Marty , b0autification.'..,e.,,e Mriiittee .. toWartr and 'oils, chipped and bent - - - Ve-ii, , H. ' Graharti. -. . . . there would be no power-.interrupe garbage,'Itrucle'When',.dumpingeviaieB eeb4e.' r, John- .4(46kb-1161V Frank the .. cost of. signs.-, '_.„;.--.7'-'-Mayor .j.",E: Huckins 'expressed . Parks-eecotmeillers. Gahm, Dien,' . tion on Sunday afternoon while the. being-teeeze4:41nt: - e. • ", .,, • . - Gardiner', and. Jini„sOphens-. ' - ' ,,. -geb-rogst with.hhil a caSt alum- ,appreciotion eto the James 'on, be, nen "Pennington' ;Deputy -Reeve_ AI- line was being repaired. - ee•e!.... , , . PERSONAL.,. , ,. •-.10,he2;rigayor:Sald'hewould like tO . ..'" ' .• n'''''-'1"Mts T"tti.ge • . Songs_:the ifeeorepfielet , eias 1._, -On either„,a,Wenden-or metalepoete.clutes-•cdeeigrAtiOno:and, interest -in...." FIre-,-Couneillors Besse, Fisher, . sec*,,nOtree , Set ' up ' on - the . dump- Miss-Zeanoi Under: -"chairman Of .,::fle Pointed .ent that a survey 'ienunieipal- affairs. `We -welcome," Drennan, , Walkom and': iDepitty- StAtiznOhat.:refuse mutat be dumped theevening.' • . ' Lion 'showed. there Were 230 intersec- the mayor said, "any constructive Reeve Allaire. , L. , Mr. Phil Calder of 'Peterbormigh ..,, s program was. . Andy Boutiher. Lion President. t'''' - f -- d t signs 1‘, idea' that the 4 ' ' Chamber can Water Sight and Harbor --Reeve visited in ,Goderich en Monday , oee-r.'4,`;:the-,00,.,of the 'bank. "The '-',.,n. ions in ewn....an , withtwo • , e , unior cineekeieeitoew-getion the ppteerle ereerge. ',Potions b t• b at , each: Interseetion, - about ' 469; come UP With that will be fin' -the- J. 11. Graham. Couneillors Gallow, Mr. J. '.Ernest Robertsom. has -left • • Lien :Ha id Beaker Ted. in' sing -Muni sign-Whigh tefild• be erected half.of the 'ToWn• Council' ,for Iaire arid Reeve4, H. 'Graham.. 1e said. , recommended He - • a s-0, cause.* . that, ti*..eimnol..vonsioer.gettint_a • new garbage- 'We' should ' have obtained ane*One.last years': he said. "The present oneis five ' Ite"years o1d." P,'.:."suggested that town workmene were '1161.duniping all refuSeeover the -edge,,df•the dump- eff.'ijoit Oro itea:40/11:thop refuse, of Huron re-elected over the you ean'texpeet any= Ontario ,1111:erig one else e so, _ - , for, ihe Of. the group „held last week 411: - is' to work , - -4m,!t° taid,-Oeinitelteelre---Joe ,was elected to the laire. 'Met -the coMMittee bring in ° what we 'can ..W,as a sen signs wOuld •bel„needed.:' ' ' ' bt the, „community."' The' Olurninurn' sign, he said,. CenmeiLagreed with the-mayor's- wohld cost, abeilte-aueeaverage 'of remarks and -degided...1-ta, send- •,a,- $8.50 Weddell. posts wOuldli letter ',Of- appreciation to the Junior cest. about $575 While In, ; Fisher, Walkom, Besse. , fora holiday visit,'"-ati•St;_pethr In ustrial Le-- Councillor Penning- burg, Florida S tow,- eputy-Reeve Allaire,-Couticif- --"Mrs. Jas. Chisholna• and.slaughteri- lors isher, Gallow, -,Drennare , - Alma, spent. last -4'06k with, Mr. Court of -Revision—Councilinrs :and- Mra, Hugh Chisholm at Sarnia. Drennan,. Besse; WalkOin,„.„Gallow- - MISS Alnia ;Chisholm -spent- the,. and Reeve J. P.., rah -am.. ' ..... . week -end- with -her cousin, Mrs. - Mel. Edwards and Mr.. Edwards ----- . at Toronto. . - '- ---, RoCJohnston New . Mr. and airs. A. G. awyer of 0., ., f',-- ' • -- L, e-- • .,, - . ' :-, , ••,,iI.-•• ' .. - Tuesday.night.- -Jack ' . .",•• .r °MY ra6triber on the .coMmission Mr.-„'and"Mrs. Jack Clements and L,'... • *- , e. • .--• .1r, ' t'oait:tnd.:reqiderits protesting'.again, to take -tlie Oath of office Was aVir. and, Mrs. 13ud ClementS and .040' ininike.tjtfanOliter 'or t-lielate' st ereitiOn fuelyard on Perk. Hon. Malcolin Cameron' of Gede---, -Street-bY H. .9'. Jerry. 2 •. ____.,..__... , . . „ rich, died -at London on Monday, At the. same meeting a ,request- . , ,, ,il,r, the ; hmiii , oi, her soh,JAnti,... from .,Mr. Jerry was ', read; asking . ., , , aU s what.. aCtion con be taxen on: a petition ,received -at the, inaegeral, Ms Iabej Ba3,13, sessimwom Monday night from. 18 Town `Connell IS' etiedred tifo'haVe .,„ - hMorus" eaPsteeMii-sall Cr'P_ er' 'Ugh • ,R,rid-Jcihriston, new member,ef-- Mrs. Bill, Reid, Itebert inforreationtemerrow4;night frtim' the Palle 'Utilities Commistion lfist and Billy Clements of Guelph were Town •Soliertor -J, jeHunter on yehr, was 'w elected ,chairman of the recent -visi ors with Mr. and Mrs , group -at its inaugural. meeting ,on Bud :Clements and and! Mrs' Kennedy, read, 'Vide:President of ,sMidland-,-TSecur- Ries-Corporatiiin, .father."Was Member:pf,parliament finealniost. ,9.years..-fo various:.-Ifuron,;ridings, ,etation', and at the. timer ,' of his ileath Was' °Liefitt"GOVeltdirma Inc North „West l'erritories. ' urge. G: Mactwan, whc:waS families ' of Gbderi2h viiere recent named •by . acelamation for tika visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ilarry- years: Ozie seat on the commis- Clements at_iluelph. sionAS'vacant, due. to the -death i.if Dr. W. F. Gallow.- Anappointment . /Mission to ' plaee; three tanks to fill the vacancy is one of the for,„fuel oil, at the Park street site. - 'Mr. jetty Olio', applied for • a tasks -faculg the Town' Council- htoulin.g. ,permit-i.1.6,,,,nioi 4:avi.frahro, i Othes, Members of the . commission . referyed...to...the.; Are .ceMtniiitee or 1 are Maytutl, E. Th..ielidiit' and TOm building feom- tireliarbo ' ddek to ' the „golifer --t4:. &gilt .av nue and' Sag°1'',- ' ' ' •. . . . „", ' ' 4'a-tb—i"tfe-6t:"'"rgt- u6:gt -i4/4 leanft-thagee-mr Eeeting-611-lizier Weavest gave a - report -one rural .• -lines -in the eonSideratibe. p r o' of Goderich Townshipwhichwas Aterideet ' 'MrSeBaYlY was-horrvin GOderieh--pLerty $ -sic. dock to make way. foi lirmorPorated o the town on Mi. Jerry recently sold his 411.43V0d. to LohdOil-5. Y,eatS; a$6- rice*. elevators being---ereeted. In J'amlalT" 1* s suggeston made ,irne,.'t it sheriff of this county died ,Iti. . In% She Was a meroPOr.l.ot on IVIaitioncl,...road. ' Re had the local P.tT.C. could buy the lines ise4i.yee7uxens.er:, jeeeded•;'.'0'0;,'„.aleseelation. He Was of 5St • 1.'401'4 Cathedral ,: .,-,,,,..... ,,,asked„ courieil-fii set a price o'n., the' -andquipment fronf the Rural. " ' If ' ' ,,.." ea • ,appinntot, sheriff of Huron in 1941: -Mit.. tfailY :',iS -$4,..,ViV2MT 'PY:: "I'N.0 laritfi, "lint council decided it was Hydro . at a , cost of $3,489. The -- - appointed„,, , ‘,../4oi.a',,,,,,IteL-0,00:,:tiit.,:etsitytiiIiiolit.1,bert.ap:zi:;:_c_:,,,s.. re-, 4so;ds,w1t. iTChepiared;Ci'; .131311yyily.! '06f 0:1:aokitlinit,e neobt,, jet 2-ti.et,0,, ai.ii,„,-,••..t,h_emown.:,state_ new .ostohl rs .01ers into the Goderkeh,, incorperation wohld., also lbring 11 ii- as ,-101 ,.:, 4.•iike-gi, 0"assiStAre'toTthi” 'Hunter ,,, 6,0 tit , ,,„ ,,, , ,,,_ , .. a itiatightoefr;00- Mrs. E. 7: 1.77,-0,.:1;Y:,,,-.,6, ,L.':rtititotri:6%.,60"pinihoen wohiolib ton is -."-taken, 2..,-, .',. , ISS , g APPEAL ., London . and ,a ,.. -sister,. Mrg,.. . c,,. et reSiden,ts was'i-rilade in -;COni- .e.,:,..,life,..titiOliAiltn• P;15.4----ItOltrrilral--hydre.- .. • , , yz - -,-..,,, of the, adeaurit and decided to send. The meeting authorized approval 'ving ',•it "...,';',--tlie.,,".4filiegnital- Lizieeting .- , „ e , . lean en,s objected to a coal and wood rent- 01 , 4 nett'nitliOnday•riight; it' C.,At'OVili;:ctf ,Sti-Rgur: •.,p 46 ,,, , "rrif:4-6(11*st wag' villy,,,,f4r, per-, , ,",,,Akr , -hate;Settiee-e'll` 114W 'and IttitiatiWaS'-en-WOOdland),Lceitie,* , eolori .-..to bury .-tatik. . .0, iirelt„ 1, YOUAtibii$\get in tOuch, Attendingthe Intierat,fronf'Godei- .,, ., , ,,, ; .. ...-- with -4: -' toile's H. Blake go rich were Mr.,, and -Mrs J. K. . ' -- . • ' ., '. , '' ' 'share- HDr.andMrs. L Di. unter. and : ,, ''-- . , . , 1 by the, "tederith reneit.,Ceinpensi. dtfr- tio year niifl 60;600' titan, 'Iast iriat, re- 4604* 'died it to IturallHydro for approyol. LADIE:rt-aCIAL BOWLING ..... ,tpAGue . ". .. - n — - Points Bombers ,, 4,, • ,70 • , :::CGaa:sg, .' ' ' , 50 •beetkiii--7:-.,T.....,........... 50 ' ,- Strike-ektith:s - 70 ...,-,---=--Plii•Wiekers' 57. . 64 - , .10ieek-Outs 44 .11.VerS m 43-7' _bite Caps , - 35 - • ' _ -TiPige,P•liiittligletrtrs Rhona Aladelerk.., , 7 .0titOek,,UtttsV' g64;„ IVIarj; ,yOung; ,(Stlike-OtitS); 254; Vesta gehutz I,,j 000,01tistr;;,gov);41:',P-Mite,,,:cii),}101,gAit;r.vitt84,;-' ''' •''FOlia„ Redden,- 315. , . , and II. .M7&-d,,representing, the ' ' I beheve we-4Lare waVermefavor-;. , ;rown of,Goderich; R 'Bisset, Hilton. able,,,pobition, :at - lairs ,riiimrient, to County; Judge T2 M. -Costello, Gode. take care --,of all ,future, e)‘Pandoll: rich Separa,te....scliool Beard; L- 0: and•progress•withei'it iny7enessiee- . BrOoks, Ashfield, Township; • A. capital, expenditure," he said--- ..!, .. grange, liellett,,,Towitship; E. _Tile. ritaYor reemmaiended„rete ..Pattersen,e'Easte-Wawanoslt-- -,,Toe'lzi-. - be-MYRA ..te, At.,e FOPX:47--..PPY., Robertson, c,olborne Township, N... '',Hcooalnitecislf6, thia.ftal,ecoAn:ied.:riaat:onri "Sho....ri, WI ,:„.,.,,,,,, shifi; R. D. Munro, West Wawanosn , • . . TOWnship. • . ' . lie_said he would. like to see the plan of tree -planting -AO, beautify,_ , ., parks', continued along .with -Ver- ., . .. DOMINION -WIDE. town's -greets each year. manent paving. -of a, portion of the ,, . .; Street Signs ' . - '. . inovince in Canada. will be present -Sales.. representatives from every s,hoHueid,sstaairdt'ophpiatnhsifito_4iighrtetbriitteeetil;;„., today.and tomorrow-arthe'S eaffer.i,ypsieegiss4•,Rissntactr(o;nrg',.;tahlite.oultfie-instimouminaietlyearathiii.,... plant for the national sales meeting but perhaps over a .period a three - aonfeLethewiCon be G. A. Beck in datote.nFd-. Olsen of, the Fort. Madison, Iowa, !first year, so that a visitors looking - plant . Stanfield Advertising and Mr. Gowel Mr. BlAeignelratt;:gearAty soat.rfa certainltrietiih4afurther irright :r. set.: nerf roeroe: itir a's , eet address arttostnat, e•wr_eti s i ta! . - . . „. 7, ,, , ' ,, • and Mr. Hawthorne Of the Harold isl'ilar:11.,S:e,en,h::°.erfate:ff,i:p:rriresgentatives and also -CDC 441ms. . ,.. . - , television show now 'available Over-' ef;,taxwe arrears. CBC advertising program for 1954 which i thebank,tboane9.kn,cettistralneaobnlinthgeteholiAsseoe4i.:_i,' Asses - will introduce the Jackie Gleas,on I also consider our tiniiiini:Stanurnm°eilrinte'Se--toa4thhneeirit1111.-tttaohtatetrien:sufoenmreltligeeivpAeaftinstliesesdnaYtesotf°;0a,), to,1 :..,: equipment," he said, ,!flii()St ,'01 . 1 „._ which has been in use for -a num...., ,,•, - ••,. Appreciation ber of years, and is now 'costing e us considerable in repair -MIS, We might . -"well consider a policy of repleeing one unit per Year," . .., The mayor also voiced aPbreci-' - Tattory-th.-frowtrilffitiarf and depart- -- -, ment,s. ' :.0.,n, ...behalf ...o.f......the-riem -,,,,,,,-,74.• police 'deadline/it, he said he .-, would ask all the. citizens to co- : „1, 'operate with the police And 'culti- ,• . • . vate their 'friendship. . -. • Referring briefly to . parking, he said ' ,eouncil might/ take -a --gotta look_ at the town's parking regula.,‘L ' 4letre;clawytist.h " .special reference a , . Touching again on police_inal-, 1 ters, he asked_ council to consider, setting up "a police committee' o( • three members of council to handle ;- • police affairs, the committee ta /e- nlace a monthly- report to council- , for apOroval.'1. . - :Heating in the Town, Hall eame' in for remarks from the :rnayoLT* He asked that some thought he given to the -teethed of heating the ' .4*.yitoxyg...;, "At present,",161.Salk, •,' - "We litft-tweefurnaces---anet bout ..:, -- : .•0101fr'ria';.,udnOizpvvosufairiessi:twfnheere ettasiloenaet_;_:, „, ,ie, ,7hole;bianniintliningg.'' Board ,, ,,,, i,a-•• . .,- Ile indicated '-.that the tome- ...i•-•' ' would shortly set up a plarinirig..., board to take cote ,of lutureizonirig '. ,; • ' and planning. "Five or yew - , good Merl must be selected"he ' •,, ' ,ilta..kttitilt pc;' taxatibilil htt--:$: " ' vir* hi firm 00104',that -• sorne' 00,1*,. _7"relief :lb. estate" ,,