HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-01-07, Page 3'}I GROUP During th& month D• einber r4C1.9.444)4101V-Amkref$03Var,. Verse0s, one shut4in-remembere Oft 'parcel sent.to the in - nates --of ConntY Home. Mrs. Ieter Mac. A ,Christmas party was held by; Members, with Mrs. H. lid0r1eY ened With the taking the role she Santa Claus„ad, carols led "hatably, as she presented. ).lifts, Str:-WADI frcM1 under a. pretty ehOSWAS foltOron tree. •A delightful lunch provided s. Burrows. . by all the members was enjoyed, - Mtr the business was'attended The program consistedof Scrip.• .to. minister. ,ture, readings, a sol0 .50,s 11- r, cc, stese )ffici ie lit have of .*..„9: • opht-04-,HVitit—Eal, jining iii.. .porarily installed the nw Ors prayer Afre„;.- . for 1954, /r. _ .444 Oelr^. • Jewell. - rs;11.-• Wii1401104treSented th.e.-Mrs. All.r„ Peters and 'Mr . IVI. F004414.; Osident-wilh_poetr-y she: rs, ConteSt , ere- 4 '•"tIW-14b nd: v,14sod. -the -meeting. •I 'co, 9 •. .gments, Mrs ant 'Aitchie then teiek- )c`cne,e.shaw. ' rrain a; ' ,. 4,,Christmas. table, Mr Pe '.* ac ut Vettrin$ Presi- ,lieipus Innch was served under -, • 4 ,` b . Saltiefer, 'first vice, a'upervision of •Mrs. Alex Alex- PreW104 ::'poured tea, and -a de- ander. , „_„. _ , Il*F0 'OCIrt 11 Vtrt0417 '1101," kir* 61.01$0' liltik10,er. at #ttIace: atter the'. .42,th ballot birth° deadlocked elettion to name a successOr to i'resident Vtrkeentx,ikuriol gave' hilm jerky. On tke 180- hallut; wen the presiden, a France; " 1. One of the feature attract:16ns at the 'Canadian National' E>Ilibition...-for the past sever'il . years has be err the bandStand pro- gram presented bY,the CeSlie--Belt_Singers. • - Dr,- Leslie Bell, conductor of the Bell Singers, so popular on Radio and TV, writes a column about music in The Toronto Daily Stareach Saturday. .Dr. Bell's informal discussions on subjects, "-connected with music make music and " musical -7 -terms• more—understandable and therefore more enjoyable for all. Dr. Bell's,. articles are Interesting to all *music lovers.' :-And- The Daily Star brings. you all the news and the latest news pictures. Order The ,Dailsr Star ,delivered to your 116 .. me There was a friendly battle to get the first licence plate .Goderich.. when the plates wenf-oxi sale- last Saturday morning,. Two :old 'friends turned up at Blackstone's. at...nine. o'Clock • to vie for the honor. William Smith, . of 1.31 Keays street, was there first and got the.first plate, -number E5701. Henry ir: Barker,,. of .158 Hincks street, got the seciond one --number E5702. - 'Neither one knew the other , was going to be there when the licences went on sale_ But they afe friends of long stand- ing. They worked together in, Stratford on the old, Grand Trunk„Railway_oVer 40 years ago. Ralph Btackstone, Depart- ment of Highways licenee re- ••• preSentative in 'Gedericit, said • at would likely. be sometime .. • Three Mengiers rik„ii police forte took the oath of ialleaoLee and ' the;_o_0,hut offt_e0 in a Otearing.in c*010105F.ColidUct- ed b$` County Court 400. 0404.140 v6litialy At 3 kiSt 'nine hdurs before ,th.ey took over duties-0Mcially. Chief -Constable Hall, Con- St4101,4 41;;Outtl'iVatson Albeit Sonth took the oaths. The fourth member of the force, Constable John Cartwright, of Minato,. had not arrived in town in time for tilt - ceremony. The new force took over its -duties last Friday, 'succeeding the four man fer4e ,Which IQ. 'been. supplied by the 'Ontario Provincial Following the, cerernony,„,Jnrige Oostello gave a brief eornMentary in which he wished the force suc- cess in its undertaking. -Referring to the oaths which the p„olicf. had taken, the. judge said, "1 am one of those 'officers of the law who be- lieve that an oath should not be idly taken."' - Good , Town Judge Costello said b.e was pleas- ed to welcome the force to a good towardthe middle of February before the rush to purchase licences starts. III the first half hour th markers were on sale, he ha given out only nve. td/n. "This is a good town to like in. ou can make your sojourn leas t or unnleas_ant," WA:114# a 1-0t-' • .-ef,tighp p»Iimeu 11,140, tie ,j144kne , We have ...come. a long way, since. I Came here 20; years ago.' He referred to Artintr,Arkosst a fdrmer chief of Goderich, Who;, le said, was especially help- ful in juvenile court work, He noted also that -Constable 3. L. Finnigan and, CorPoral. Lorne, Butherford-4f the'Provincial Polic 'detachments were 'being trans- ferred to Guelph, Be_paid tribute to their work and also paid tribute to Crown Attorney H. Glenn Hays, (4.C. and assured the police they Would have his co-operation. 4.1e 'said he felt Magistrate D. E. Holmes,, Q.C., was an outstanding man. • "You're starting here with a clean sheet," he concluded, -and I • hope you will get the support of the town." • The judge Was thanked by Mayor J. E. Huekins who attended the ceremony at the Court House gong with members of the Town Coun- cil and other town officials. The sMallest-doeke weeicS face41.144$0tratg D. . aloleoes •Vteri urt opened liVre tlat horsda7 -r4010#111-0..0-14:Mit,10410041t,”, er'session Was Wound up in: '.abdtIt 20 minutes. Only „three eases were liSfed on the docket, two of which were , adjourned. ,The third was :ler decision of. a hearing at court in Winghana. "It looks as if there has be -err -little- Crime daring the holidays," commented Crown •AttOrney ,1f. Glenn fleYsi--Q-C. certainly,.a commendable list," said the magistrate. Mailed to Any 'Address 1 month $1.25 3 months 3.50 6 montlfia 6.50 year • ---.--- Acktress Prelilation Dept,,Daily 'Star . 80 King St, W., Toronto DANCING IWEDNESDAY AND—SATURDAY turday, -Paul Cross and bis preheat's,. Wednesday square dance might. 'Clarence Petrie said the ifigid Hawks. • The Pavilion is available for afternoon amd everting • rentals. The litai*gement caters to luncheons, baar,..- -quets, weddnig reotlitions,- ttc. PhoF,te 675 or 419. Would- it anything to you to- ,,,Jhat . the nfortgagenon your place will be cancelled--fiy, the • event . of your • liTUrth -an extra, 1% on the interest Fate see me: , B. R. ROBINSON • Representative • •„ R.R. 1, Port Albert, Ontario Phone Carlow: 2105 On the North American Con- tinent there are about as many cattle as people. -.Suppose that every year $200i900,000 were spent promoting 'a commodity that had made 7,000,000 cattle diaeased and increased the num"- ber of hicura.ble animals' by 250,000, a, year, ,what Would cattlemen say?- ,What would he Governmehtdr-agrkultuilat departments have to say?-, Yet that is exactly what the 'high13i colored, lavish' liquor ad- vertising is helping to" do to:hull= beings. Look over Allpse' statistics again. They present a grim -picture of modern drinking. It is »�t ex-, 'aggerated in. the"leastv..-Allur: ing advertising is cl,efmitely en- eouraging —the -,--drink habit, Why. mot , ask .our Government • at -Toronto to apply little of ..li their quior revenue to adver- tising the harmful effects. of liquor drinking? We already have 30'000 alcoholics in On- tario. TWent3r-two Clinics for the treatment of alooholics ate being set:up in Ontario by the Government: this is admirable SALITA-GE work: What about - least in ounce of prevention through advertising? -This •• advartis'ement.....iponsoyed by • Huron, County_ Temperance • — The Presbytery, of Huron of the United Church of Canada met Tuesday;- December 29, at Blyth United Church. 'Nelson Trewartha„ of Clintenn5resided over the meet- ing. . The particular feature of inter- est was tit presence of .• the ,fiVe candidates the ministry, beleng- ing 4) Huron presbytery, who *ere the •special, guests. This meeting, coming between Christmas and. New Year, permitted all the stud- ents to be present.' The commit- tee on Studblats"and Colleges assist- ed the Presbytery executive in arranging the meeting. MUch credit is due Rev. W. C. Parrott,' of Crediton, for the success of the The4gaididates, were .introduced by R,ev. N. D. MeLeOd, of Kippen. The Presbytery was also introduced to the candidates by Rev. A. G. Eagle, of Clinton. The five canu didates th'en addressed the court in the 'follo-wing order: Clifford., Kelly, .of Belgrave; DOnald,,A. iYIc- Kenzie, of Blyth; Leslie McSpad-, den g of Seaforth; BrOC-k--Voddeni• of Blyth and Harvey Spatling if Loridon. All the ',candidates ar taking the course hi Arts at WaT---. ern pnd Victoria Universities:-Sef- eral•Proispective candidntes for the Ministry also wse present at -the meeting. - • Cecil Wilson, of Exeter - High Sche91, gave an address during the,• dinner hour on the theme: "What 1 We expect from our Minister?" During the afternoon session an- other address. was, given by. Rev, R. A. -Break, of Bluevale, Clerk of Presbytery en "The experience of a Minister in the field." N. W. Trewartha commended the men their splendid addresses and. wish- ed them success in their studies and happiness in their 'future work as -ministers of the United Church.' Ur!ie clerkship.ot W4nirAnOS •Vf9- ShiP attcr $e,arS Igit efficient ' set -Vice' terj1W-totashipz hiIlipsta sepretPXy.Ar04.0hrer *'West'Wkatkoah;Vititatt1,tez,iA Insnraiine -cOmpallY, diduties of the. two °fates' •have, ecomo, increasingly heavy. ias been verbally announced, -althea& Ilis lbe 4a Pbillips:liestru.lisbee;:oisp:arr_s.e:saiig:niteovi ist. definite. The appointriaent of ig the 'business, to engage the atten- tion 'cd. the 1954 Council wheialhe Board meets, early in January. Mx. Phillips was appointed clerk 31 years age on the 6th of Febru- ary. He succeeded ,Williarrr Thomp- Sou who had carried on the clerk- shiP ditties , temPorarily for •six. menth'S 'fblIbWing the death of Walter Wilson. " iis appointment- cane during' - - the reeveship Ben Naylor., one of eight reeves under whom Mr. Phillips has .served. The oth.ers are -Albert Johnston, Williani,111ole, John Andersen, of Ifensall, Won the Championship of Huron Connty with -44 out of 50 in, 'a'trap not eld at-Kippen on. New Yearli-pay, sponsored bylhe Kippep Gun Club. , Tom . Sherritt, Hens*, won the doubles charapionship Atith 18: eut of 24. Twenty Almters were present from Stratford, -1,011011, William Ste*art, Thomas Webster, Goderieh, Exeter, Hensall and Kip- Brown Smyth, Everett Finnigan pen. Another shoot is being plan- and 'Harold Gaunt. • During .that ned for on Spnuay, January 10. tinae Brown Smyth *ought the Charlie Prause, of Goderich, And _honor of the Huron County warden- -William Venner, of Hensall, oldest ship „to West Wawanosh Township. members ef the club"; Will be CP- -LOngest Service tains and will choose up sides. Four treasurers, William Thomp- Losing side will provide the supper son, William Webster, W. A. Boyle for, the members„ and their wives. and Clarence- Greer have •served, the tewnship during Mr. Phillips' B. OF M. PLACES FIRST Clerkship of 31 years, which 'gives MONTREAL, Jan. 4. --,For, .the him the distinction of having held eighth consecutive year, the MR" this office longer than any other of Montreal has scored top place West Wawanosh clerk. -This dis- among Canadian banks for 19..53' in tinction is not confined to the the ”Bank Ad -Views" .continging township alone, for.„4undOx- study of financial advertigihrlYil si:dar-fienit4-,.tki,,,ffitafia''Clerkin the North American continent, Huren CoUnty at present can lay leading to the Socrates High Award claiin to a similar period of service. of the Year. Recalling some of the highlights Another survey made recently of his clerkship, one of his first on a nationwide basis by a leading experiences was the municipal vote Canadian research organization, that abolished statute labor. .Mr: confirms this standing, by showing Phillips also recalls the recount in. public readership of B of\M adver- the reeveship election when Wil- tising in newspapers, 'magazines liam- Stewart won •over William and public vehicles as the highest Mole; by two votes. A recount of: -among Canadian banks lar a wide the ballots left -the-- figures -un- margin. '11;'-- changed. West Wawanosh was one of the first townships to buy Holiday guests with Mr. and Mrs. a rock crusher and was the first Clifford Holland, St. George's Cres- municipality in-. Huron County to cent, were Mr. and Mrs. John Hol- raise the local asses-sment to the land..of London, Mr. and Mrs, level of the". -County equalized as- sessment, which meant thousands of dolLars to West Wawanosh from the Department's annual subsidies. Durlhg 'TiTg"---3-1: years as clerk, West ,Wawanosh has not spent a dollar for la:w costs, and Mr: Phillips has only missed three meetings.—LuCknow Sentinel, George, Ilolland _andi.son -of Barrie, and Mr. and Mrs. Miuzray-aollanilk and son .of Woodstock. • This man started out -for himself; years- ago, and soon. estabil4;e0 •)) succipful one-men„fiesinesv ThOot. •tome-the,prciblem that after his dee& his widow might be business at a loss. of Conodo, • Business Inrrance solved this. !•krio thennterprise will be isurchased from his widow by senior employees a, figure set daring his lifetime. PLANNED LIFE INSURAltiat 1340INGS PENCE Of MIND ilfilhout obligation, let me- SA you how the' facilities - di.- SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COW PANY OF CANADA "can bed meet your partkular needse in oti , waythaewillfit,yourpocketkooki NORTH ST. ?HONE 741(1 •. • Representative of SUN LIFE 'ASSURANCE CO ,114fANY OF -U-A-NADA. • Information aVailable on N.H.A. _ Mr. and Mrs-. W. IL couithunt were in Toronto recentlyi.,attending, , the funeral of the latter's .cousin;,' - Mrs. E. Dora McCarthy. , D: GUITARD, Stonework, -Brickwork and Plastering A good job- of plastering has no substitute Phone 482, Brock and Victoria Don't get caught UNDER- INSURED. Make certain tod'ffy's. insurance is ual • to today's replacement. cost. ,Fora check-up jusit ph 1647 ,M.A.LC•OLIV1 MAT ERS insurance Office, 46 West Street, Goderich, Phone 115yv Appearing in court laSt Thursday • before Magistrate D. E. Holmes, on a fa-lse ,pretenes, -charge, •Rr.G. Adams, of Wingham, was not asked to plead • and heard .the charge :adjourned for two weeks. Adams is alleged to have obtain - 'ed •chickens valued at $114 from James Tieishman, Goderich Town- ship, on November 10, by means Of _a weithless cheque. Se was released tm bail, • ' Crown AttOrney H. Glenn Hays, QC, told the cdurt that the ac- cused had been'arrested in Toronto , and brought back here foArial. YOU CAN 'DEPEND . . IVIleii-kieneys Nil to • .reineite exeSSs ache, tired feeling, disturbed rest often KlDNJ foliow Don's Kidney Pills .stinati- late kidney's- tt• - -nOrmuf duty. .You feel Lietter•-,-skep better, work' better. ” Get Dodd's. at any drug store. You can depend ou Dodds. • twoommosivimoseod40001ettomp0.40,00.00,44•••proew000mmemposie0eseeetweeseeetameo • - 4AIR LINE COMPANIES • CONFECTIONERY • DENTISTS.* THEATRES* CARTAGE & EXPRESS • DRUGGISTS:, 0.90, Me. •• • I fell d it easily! 7 ./..•- rn v) • C2 = r-- . C7 " =V. rim c'• 25. ge Ceb ..... 06'.'" ..... = 3s. Ze ......4 '4.14,..;,',.0.•::',1'.' owl •,,,,, ''•?',. '':':'•' .‘ • - * r" .' • 11'. (:TRAVELiiiiiii6E ,* ,EIUTCJIER$ • STATIONERS 6 UPHOLSTERY • DEPARTMENT STORES • COSTUME RENTAL7 .., .... Vo. 1.0.0K IN 71111E. A.011,11.iho.a • am - NEED TO REPLACE-. AUTO GLASS ? • emnplete eatery glass replace:. ment service. Quick . . . eat,- norniCal. Dive in.,today for Hnbba Duolite and Duplate Glass! - 'NM • • MSC. SgRyICE I Phone 1165 Huron Road -42tf Now—"Abbott & JU� Meet captain K WI_ with Charles Laughton ati *; Caiflr In iitor. moliji,ruks:Vetx v Atin Akieroart. Sterling Hayden and Phillip Reed Zn which the redheaded toast'of the logging cginps overcomes kit of prejudice and finds romance. TAKE- ME TO TOWN" . - In Teclinftotor It..F,414At' O'Hara, Alex Nicol and Richaiil Strauss • And ,..3:et another atm-hir takes destiny in hand to work. out *a' dramatie adventdre ,romance. itig in Technical' - WYOMING" ority0 eillor "SNOWS OF KILIrqbr. , L'r RI .., — -West Street • Now—"CRAZY-LEGS"----The screen's best football story— Featuring Eiroy "Crazylegs"Airsch. .• Estate -Planning amd mnav Investment Management and Advisory Servtce 4% Guaranteed• , Investments 2% on savings -- ,deposits may, be - mailed - Real Estate Services For prompt alteration call RAYE B. PATERSON • Trust 011ic.er Bewail, Ontario.; Phone 51 Story's about an, ex -navy diver who finds. more than treasure when he prowls a suinVen ship. • Rod Cameron, Adele Mara, Adrian ..Bootii THUR..FRIAAT. Bridges, Marie Windsoi; Lei J. Cobb teaturing-o Tononche Indian raid on 4 wagerhtraiin and an ex- - convict who alone survives conishfi--11* STEEL 0,,:vitArring.: irtottfitt. arid Tpropsi Wright, or " 7Vny office of -AY, 1 THE BIGGE.517., SHOW „.,10 WESTERN ONTARIO. FIRST ANILIJAL GUARANTY; TRUST. coiviaurkly or CANADA :00* Tonomeo le-440141111tAL 011rAIVA Impsoa �GARA EALICS • surnitert SaiiiLT WM' MAIIIIEC cuotAny • uncovvitte STARRING THE VIDEOETTES— PAUL TRI Billy Meeks and "The Chairtiberinaids GODERICH COLLEGIATE AUD1TORI OAcensorpd By Olci.deri0 juvlOtio.ittattiver Ze,ealat),,