HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-01-07, Page 1'Or\ •
----January sales are the order of
• the day.. -
People like to move off -to COM:,
• paratively foreign territory for
•their New Year's Eve celebrations,
according tothe mstatistics of,Ror
Breckenridge, %morale* of th
popular Goderich Pavilion. He
stated -about 80 per centOfi, those
atteuding the 'NeWL--YefieEve
party at the "Pav" were from Q
of -town. , Among places from
which they came_ were Bran ,
Sarnia, Toronto, as well as such
district centres as Wingham, Kin-
cardine, Seaforth, Brussels, Oiler
. -
ton, etc. 4
"Slips that pass, in the type" i
- the heading for a litting of nuin-
erous amusing typographical errtirs::'
which appearedin several weekly
newspapers. The Fergus NeWs-
Record relates a series- of --"ads 311
a southefii- paper over a, 'period
of three Weeks:
ist week -Wench for sale. Phone
-302. Ask: for my housekeeper,
Mrs. J. Ail/Wrong. Thomas...4.-
- Smith. '
2nd week -Correction. -Winch
for sale, not a wench. DO not call
Mrs. Armstrong about it. She is
just my housekeeper who loves
with me. Thomas Smith_
3rd -week -Important Notice. It-
is all a mistake. 1 haven't- any-
thing for sale and I haven't a
housekeeper. - She left
Thomas J. Smith.,
The Rodney Mercury was em-
barrassed. when .it found in its
'columns the f011owing4.14"A $1.25
worth of foul Supper. -P •
-"It sure' Seemt geed to see a
policeman WALTZING around the
Square .again." '
A 50 -year-old AsliffieD1 Township
farmer, George TWannley, of
Lucia/ow,is slatAd-..to,,,,.a *-
• Magistrate's „court_ Wfn am -on
• Jan:mazy 18; charge4 in, connection
with the. hit -and -aim death Satur-
ci# Trig* of Vitilliam *enary, 83,
'of R R. 2, Lireknew. et -7 " •
\Vamley .has been. Chemedwith
„--dangerons driving, careless driving
and leaving -the-scenean ac-
cident. „
Men:ary was-- 'found lyiag -on
Htirogalitiff -Mall' No. 27 "'near
Belfast. He was liteecring. 'about
• the head and his elcotifing-
• ly 'torn. ,,One . of his shoes was
found in field some distance
s away. • He died a' short time later,
_ The 'victim„was found by a Crewe
district farmer,. Warmed prm.tnan,
at about 6. p.m, Drennati,ealled
Dr. W. V. ,Johnson, of laieknota,
hut the .elderly„marr was 13e -
fore the doctor arrived.
At SM�'
Meriary had been at Belfast gen-
eralastore to -get groceries and was
waiting for .a drive home in.:a bread
truck front Walkerton. When the
truck did not arrive, he „started to
walk to the Udine of his son fakir
Miles away..
A post,,,,morteria,..was-condueted
by Dr. J. L. Penis/W.4-ot Stratford.
Constable John Parkinson, Of Gad& -
rich detadiment, Ontario
Name. of the driver involved. was
not released, until Tuesday, When
charges Werelaid.
Following a radiaaaPPea satur-
day night by police for gara,genzen:
,to watch le* a ear damaged
/ brought toGoderidi. .' Pollee -seized;
'”. Funeral ' SerVite4a4lield forthe
now'. A. lifelo,ng resident of the
Locknow 'Mt.%Menaiy was
Well known in Huron County.
viving besOes his:Wife are daugh-
--ter, Mrs. Manson Reid; of
and five sons, Hugh,. „LiVingstotaa
and lifford, of Lunow, Philip
.gnid once, 'of thapti, •
Town Council 'completed' its 'fast
1044 -act ' -,for 1953' et, a special
meeting last Thursday afternoon.
In a byriAw passed by the council,
1144Yor J. E. .,111,tekikla, and Town
Clerk 5. 4,.442afte were --authorized
o sign ai. agreement. with Central
Mortgage' and Housing Corporation
for 26 new houses in a federal-
Jprovineial--arentat --housing :project
on a fulkrecovery basis. -
a',At world without '....teverence!
*la kind of a world would it (be!"
aidRev. W.' A.-Caraefon of Tor -
auto at the opening service, of the
Week of Prayer held at St.
George's Church Tuesday evening
'before the gliept preacker proceed-;
ed to Pajnt a striking word pit,
ture of whit the world Would be
like if there were no reverence.
The former minister .of York-
minster Baptist Church, Toronto,
took as his text Matthew 21;37B- WitfafltUotbern
his son, saying, They will reverence
iny son."
Rev. Mr. Cameron pointed. out
God is ,depending on all of us for
reverence in the knowledge of the
'capacity of every man for rever-
"There would be no great friend-
ship in this world without rever-
ence," le stated, pointing out that
Tennyson's "In Memoriam" wotild
never have .been written had it not;
been fortb,e,great esteem of re-nny-
son for a friend. "There would be
no such thing as_great art without
revel. -ace," said the guest preach-
er. He cited the works of Bee
thoven and Giovanni Angelico.
"Great character- would be gone
without, reverence," said Rev.._Mr.
.Camefefil "In -a world without'
reverence, great character would
.be as scarce as foliage in the
desert," he said. "Without rea-
enee there would be no great re-
ligion," said Rev. Mr. Cameron.
One would suspect God aver
had more 'anxious times than to-
day," said the guest -speaker. "The
spirit of reverence is despoiled for
some of us because Science is ex-
plaining all, but this is not So.
The spirit of -reverence is despoil-
ed by the mental 'habit of criticism.
It .is _difficult io be -both analytical
and • reverent •at the, same time.
When life- is so fleeting it is too
bad a- man can -get from life only
-what analysis and criticism gives
'him instead of what reverence .can
give him." •
Rev. Mr: Cameroli called upon
"a wayward -generation" to look
to God and hear him say
will ieverenCe my son.'
• Large congregations heard Rev'.
. ;-.Camermr•-both--at---St7-George,s
Mita Tuesdayevening . and at
ox Presbyterian -Church Wed-
nesday evening. Music. at St,
George'swas by St. George's choir
and at Knox Churth by, eombined
Male quartettes 'of the Presbyterc,,,
Ian: And' Baptist' Churches.
'Services will be held -both Thurs-
day and Friday evenings at North.
StreetUnited Church , when Rev.
Mn, -Cameron . will preach and
special music will be presented.
The services are, heing_leld under
the auspices ''Of the GOderiela Mixi-
isterial Association.
The January meeting of the Wo-
e. •
men's. Missionary Society of Vic-
toria Street 'United _Church was
WA at the home of„Mrs.„-Ernest
Patterson, Bruce street: -
Devotional worshiirwat taken b
Mrs. Patterson, Officers were in-
stalled for 1954 by Mrs.- Da Wil.
hams_ Reports were given by the
different secretaries and the treas-
urer showing the group had ex,
ceeded its allocation.
Officers for 1954 are: Mrs. Ernest
Patterson; president; Mrs.- Frank
Wilson, first vice-president; Mrs.
Maude Horton, second vice-presi-
4ent; Mrs. Robert Good, recording
,secretary; Mrs. Amos Stoll, treas-
urer; Mrs. William Jewell, corres-
ponding secretary; Miss Minnie
Tabb, supply secretary; Mrs. Lep.
Walters, Mrs.,Harold Larder, Chris-
tian Stewardship secretaries; Mrs,
Robert Good, press secretary; Mrs.
Frank Wilson, community friend -
Ship. secretary; -Mrs.- Len Walters,
associate members secretary;
Missionary Monthly;
Mrs George Baeehler, literature
secretary; Mrs. D. Williams,- pian-
ist; Mrs. Frank Wilson, flower -fund
.secretary; Mrs. D. Williams, Mrs.
G. Carrell, Mission
Mrs. D. leacf,er.
Mrs. Ernest Patterson read the
chapter in the study- book. Mrs.
Patterson closed the Meeting with
Museuni. finished
1053 with a total of 8,285- visitors
-2,020 more than the total of
6,265 set in. 1952 -according to
figures compiled by Curator J. H
_The total sho-wed that the nain:
ber aLvgitors last year more than
quacilmpled the number in the first
year, -1951, when 2,000 people tour-
ed the historic' centre.
Last visitor to the North street
aauseum-was-E.'C. Robb, of Martin -
town, Glerigait County, near .Corn'
well. First visitor in 1954 .to view
-the relics on Ilisplay. was Bobby
Fewster, of London. •
March Of Dimes
P,ritill Proclaimed
Mayor Jo - E:“'Hucicins' has is,1
gated a por Lamation calling on all
the sur-
rounding district to 'attire oda-
lanuatioir of the fight against
Poliomyelitis in Canada by giving
complete support to the 1954 Can;
adian March, of Dimes *dye, wbtck
opens, today.,
The7-PriclaMabonaset January /
to .Taimar2,i 29 as March of, -
Vertga. Residents Of -Canada last
• ifr, gave more than $450,000 to
tp fight Polionatelitis in anada.
- Anothermeetingof represent-
ative t of Huron County ,urban
municipalities has been called for
January 14 at Clinton, in, an at-
tempt_ to ifaire the minimum popul-
ation requirement removed so :that
'smaller- centres may obtain 'rental
Representatives will -discuss the
problem with Tom Pryde;-"IVLU.-A:
for: Huron, at the session. At a
meeting last fall, urban represent-
atives passed a resolution asking
that the requirement be lowered.
Prycle intends to this
solution to- the Ontario Depart -
Meat of Planning and Develop=,
tnent.6 •
-u-4-cree- Present _regulations, only
centres with a population of 5,000
or more may obtain rental houses
under the federal-provineialanuaP
A aPonsh.454,4
een re 'with a iarge enoughpopu-
latliOn and this WWII las had 25
honies,erected and is awaiting the
,erection of 26 more.
t !
1Q11 Qr iomye is
otincied three: yearsuago;_and..,
'ought' relief to- liinldreds of
The stork was too busy again'
. ..,"
this year. to present Goderich
with a New Year's Day baby,
-Ara baby tu arrive at th-e.
Alexandra -Marine aa General
Hospital in 1954 was. borrtactiO.
Saturday, January 2,,,,;at '4.15--
a.m. A baby boy weighing
nine pia -Wads, one ounce, was
-horn to -Mr. and Ws, John W.
;Pritchard, R.R. 2, Bayfield,
' •
January 6. 6.
year the first ,1:+ah.37 ar-
rived at '-'1& local hospital -an'
• Outside of one minor accident'
on New Year's _ eve, the ' holiday
passed quietly in , Goderich as far
las members of the new town Police next Tuesday. It is expected TOW11
'fOrce, who . started duty, at nild- Council will be called upon to aP-,
cniegrnhetd.as' _...
1954 began, were (eon- point someone to..filL...the ' vaearicY
, on the commission caused bYr:.th.0
death, of. Dr. W, F. , Gallow, who
a served as its --chairman --for over
20 years.
Town Council, is slated .te hoid
its inaugural meeting for 1954 net
Monday at the Town. 1011 with the'
session slated to get 'tunderway at
At the meeting, committees of
council )for the coming fear -.will
be named. Town. Council; has . eight
Committees: finance, public Works,
ecial, pug, fire, industrial; court
of revision ,angs;wate-iF,71,1-ght--iiri
harbor- ,
It is expected, that. routine. busi•
ness will be dealt with by the
council. Main item on the agenda
is the inauguraladdress to be
given7-by 'Mayor J. E. Huckins.
First regular session of -council
is slated for Friday, -January 22.
, The Public Utilities Committee
ts gated to hold it first meeting_
Chief Constable F. M. Hall said
he was Pleased to nate that people
had cooperatedby driving care-
fully,. since streets are quite slip-
to "I think peOple are begill- James Doig 'Reeve,
ning realize more' *that , drinking
and driving don't 'mix," Chief Hall Of.Tuie.k6.0. ith..
said„ .
The police chief said also that it
had ,been briffight tb-the attention
. ,of Har„O'n Countfeatmcif
of police that seme-motorists were•
not observing: stop signs in town.• . Stop Signs
•He asked- to -operation of motOr-
ists, pointing out that the Highway.
Traffic Act requires. that a full atop.
be made... kte said that several-
drilkees liacl.,lrese observed ,slowing,
down when Approaching 'a'Ytto-P'
sign, . putting ..their vehicles - into
second - gear, and then going
through the intersection., .
-,o4lolice, he said, will be keeping'
a elose watch On stop signs to see '
that the law is obeyed.
The„gighway .Traffic Act, .section
-41-1C (3)-Drovides:' '"The .operator or.
driver of etierk-- Vehicle or car Of
an. electric • railway , shall i -before
entering or -"trosi throug.h. 'a
highway • bring' the, vehicle or 'e:ae.
-a4u.11 -stop-iromecliately4efore-:F
entering - the nearest crosswailer
JANA KAY 'VICKERS, 6, and hpr ,Christmas doll, are doing nicely
after both suffered broken legs !when hit by an automobile'. as they
crossed a vdowntOwn--intersectlon)ln Memphis, Texas. • Hospital
attendants 'patched up the 811's leg for Jana.
• Excavation workfor the new
elevators being built beside
the present Purity .,Elevators
will beabout palf completed
by early 'next week „.at which
:time the driving of wooden
• piles will commence. Men are
,•being sought for the work
'cutting off the woodenpiles
• at , grade, details of which are
---certtAnod in the /classified ad-
-vertising..s-e-eliciii -Of thiS-Week's
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Weir, of
Goderich, mnrked, their 50th Wed-
ding anniversary on New Year's I
ve at the home of their •nephew, I
Rev'. and Mrs. W. Weir, Brampton,'
• Mr. - and Mrs. Weir have been
residents of--Goderich since 1945,
when Mr. Weir' retired from the
C.N.R. shops in 'St.ratford. •
'Mr. Weir came to Goderich -er-
iginall?""ffoin' Scotland on January ,
1, 1913, and. 'Mrs. Weir followedt
in April ,of the 'same year. They
resided in -GoderAph.-and---Solithamp
ton for two years and in 1915 went
to Stratford, where Mr. Weir was
emplaYed with the C.N.R.
for 1954, was coMpicted -on Monday.
with the election di JameDoig
as reeve of Tuckersthith Township".
Mr. Doig defeated his' only op -
&neat, Andrew Crozier,- 373
votes to 280 in 'a spiritetheampaign.
Mr. Crazier, had been acting reeve
-for , the -past ',three amanthsa-Reeve
of Tticker--iith last -year was 'Al-
fred 4M•offatt.,_.
Mr. and Mrs. Weir weee married
Festival Planned- on New Year's Eve, 1903, in -Leith,
acted- by Rei. William Ross; of
Jawarizira:was con,
- St. \John's United Free Church.
• * ' - Mrs. Weir, a native of Leithais_the.
An,,, enthusiastic meeting of the former Helen Crockett. _Mr. Weir
Goderich Late Theatre Group was
held ,in MacKay Hall on V-- ds -v" ir_virg's, born -Tar K4-keild9.;.:County, • iir
u•e-- Fife, Scotland., ,. •4, I
eVenixtg, with David -Holmes, presi- ' , • Message from M.L.A.:
dent, in charge. - One bf the haPpy.features of the.
Tentative plans were made
have the annual Draina---Festicial
tQ celebration was the receipt ef 'a
lettei- of ,..congrat ation from
early in April. A -festival commit Thomas Thomas Pryde, of eter, M.L.A.
.tee. was set up Oh, Jack Marriott. for Huron,' who is a ,native , of By Wednesday,.the workmen'had
'as, chairman. •-•- " ' _ ' ' Kirkcaldy' atso. ,, Mr. Pr,yde and Mr; finished :,making the "necessary
• Casting took place , for the play Weir knew each other- as young changes en hYdrants, hoses and
"Rise and. Shine,,, • which'. will be men in their native city and have equipment on the-fite trucks and
directed by Jack Marriott and will been friendsf t • in
be presented-, within the next few this country. •
, .
weeks.' Tho'se in the east are- 'Fond of music, Mr. Weir has
Jessie Holmes, Jayne Ford Zane served as a member of the C.N,R.
Lee, and Tony Mercer:" • ••' Band in Stratford and of the Blue
Water Band: here- For a _short
time - he was leader of the latter Carthy, • .-of London, and-,•• Jerry
group, • He is a •member' of the" Heizing, of Aylmer,,,,
Masonic Lodge; -• the Eagtern Star
-L-odge-and Sons of Scotland„all in
'),. -• •
Mrs .• Weir -is , a 'Member Of the,
Eastern' Lodge , of Stratford.
Both belong to Knox Presbyterian
Church in GOderich. • - ,
• Attending the "annAtersary Ob-
. .
Six.:neW faeeiiiTappear arowd
4tlietilii-4S atHui&n
HOU* When. ounty couneil.bolds
its ftrst session ., * "1014i
on, Tuesday, 4plill
• 0.- new,r4,s#
Afield; Teren,00 11
irne; -Bailey.0440
n.;3a014d, Jeop6'1),O0:.&.
Only - PAW aorkitY'reeve is
Ree-acer; who-Wll naw'theevxesgatHay:Tivisig
Grey Township.
a deputy -reeve nreeen,n
erough'eigibyotts to elect -
a reeve and deputy -reeve. _
year's -deputy was ltugh B. Smith.
Same, Number
Anumber of Mem
ber8of Huron County Councirth
year will remain the ----same as
1953, at 31. ,
- Six new members for the council
is not a ' rare occurence. 'CIOnntir
thaClerk-Treasureratmes-thlt(e7B. council131:4:11aeS s*hat
double that many sitting on, Olin -
.01 --for the first time. ,‘Last, year
-there were eight new members, at,
the January session. "Six is about__
normal," Mr.
is the stof
Erskine said.
4113.0frueoshs...::_iwty:nue..oBum::cniioluil,ptstirisr 1954:
Ashfield -Cecil .Blake
• cli$0/1-‘1,-„Vit, N.041.0er
Clinton 'Deputy) -Melvin Crich
Colborne -Terence" Hunter
,Exeter -R. E. Po,oleLy
Exeter (Deputy)-1741liam MeKen
Officials of the Fire Ma.,rshal's
Department' Toronto started on
Monday to convert fire hoses and
hydrants in Gocrerieh
thread- ‘tbitplings to three -thread
couplings. •
The job is being done in a move
to standardize fire -fighting "eatilp-
ment for civil, defence purposes4_27:
Number of births last year in
Goderich showed a slight decrease
Mira the figure for 1952; wifile-the
number of deaths increased slight-
ly, ateording- to statistics released servante in Brampton were friends David W. Green. David entered.
by Town Clerk S. FL Bloke. ' and -relatives ffoin-IGoderich, Strat- the nonagenarian braeket by cele -
B i r t h s totalled 238 ' in ford, Toronto and other points. brating his 90th. birthday: ,
1953 _compared with.: 241 in 1952, On „Saturday evening, friends
and 200 in ',Apt- _ -,,,,,, . . gathered -at the home of Mr. arid
'Deaths increased last year to 88 Mr& %James Robin, Elgin avenue,
from 84 in 1952- and 75 ht 1951,. to honor the couple. Mrs. Weir'
Stillbirths totalled/ three last . ear, yvaa:Arteented„ ' ela-Ja.. .a.
'10iitlf-"Sir-Tirigl purse and Tar. Weir w s presented*
seven in 1951. with a pipe and tobacco.
had started to Make changedvers
at local plants. •'•
- C. J. Campbell, of Lindsay, is the
inspector from the Fire -Marshal's
office in charge of the -operation.
He is •being assisted •by Eric Mc-
Ga -Vin Green, -91--yeanold
rich historian, a frequent visitor to
the Signal -Star office *ith,,iterns
of netvs,' came into' the Office- �h
Monday to inform us that it was a,
igrilay for his younger brother
Goderich Township-tdwa-rd diigg
,GOderich-JOhn. Graham - ,-
Hay -Earl. Campbell
ItgilenYs4anlle±1:11°Ctftr.W. .KBEr7lkaekre
HOwiek7i-Barry Gowdy'
Howick (Deputy)---Artlittr Gibson
ullett-WjJljam J. Dale '
Reuermaan ,
.Seaforth-Norman Sectins
• StanleyAliiii 'McBride
Stephen -L. -John
Stephen (Deputy) ..(Deputy)'.
• Tuekersinitliaa*,a,,Doig.
Wingham, 03eljulierterT"'"
JUSt.tonight and tomorrow night
left to hear_ Rev. W. A.., Cameron
in, Week of`aPrayer services ---at
•North Street United Chureli. Song
service begins at 7.45. '* • , •
the-iieta 'Sigma Phi held its- an-
nnal Christmas party at the home.
of•Mrs. Jack gory . on .Monday,
December 28. -
Dering-the,, course, Of the en'oy-
able - evening, • rumoli and • other
gme 9relayed, with , prize§
going to 11,6m -aria `Jenkins, Mrs.
Sam- Anderson, Mrs. Marth4
burn and the hoStess,' Mrs. -Cory,
The -event was climaxed' by aa
wirchange of gifts and a lofely
lunch served by Mrs. Cory. -
A man who is credited
about "SO peciplefrom
;68iyear-old,.Grapt.--Bert MacDonald,
one of the' hestlinoWn figUres at
e-.`GOdeklieh Waterfront, was him,
seif- fibMadrOwniaitearly
'st Thursday *Orhfitg by his
andsokiand e of his employees.
tiro --Bert was- kept, afloat in. the
y. *raters, 'of ,doderielt harborbe.
ire his gpandsdn,.. Donald Bert
a4dant*. and Sainie IttalloughT,,
whichal1y- managed to pull im ont�
te tug 4'Skipper," on .tbey
been, layjng,,gn
• the ; harbor to
e, when a cable
,Bert Into the.
Though • jias,..
tively free of snow au far
ivinter, southern sections �f 1
County felt winter's strng
Week -end when a C.N1C,
. Clini
London passenger' tit`
fast ip.. a five foot'
tiorth of Hensall for three.;,,
, ori SaturdaY.
• High winds in a *Vete
Year's storm piled the AO.
the railway track mit four
north of Hensall and whe
seuthhound Huron and itte
404 hit the drift, it stuek fas
„.,-The train was mqre than
flOuis late when it fina1I Al
t-london. Sectionrnen from
were called hi to cleai
6 rAelt-with shovels.
There were only two passe
•bard, both bound
t where the traiia'beigg
known as Mustard's
1lroacbi's said - th
Omit ered
past SO year. •A
ars ago .a passenger
i:iek for more than
re it, Could -be '
Miss Vera Good spent New Year's
• with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Gibbs ;of
Windsor. ' '•
MissOliv.e.-Goldthoree has re-
turned to ,Toronto ,after spending
the Christmas holidays rwith her
sister, Mrs. W. G. MacEwan..„.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross' Cook and
children et Sarnia, enjoyed New
Years with the lady's parents, Mr.
and •Mrs. Thos., Cook. • -
Mr. and, ilVIrs. •Grant,Raithby, ,of
Collingwood spent New Year's with
tarmartbby7Cafirernii- atreet
Mr. aikel Mrs. J. Soloirichuk *and
• Beverley, '--df Ajax, 'were recent
guestt,with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Cook, Huree road. ,- -
Miss Margaret Tigert and friend
Gordon 'George. of London, were
Christmas and New Year's visitors
With Mr. • and.. Mrs. .,.Ray Barker,
Hincks street. -
Mrs. -Robert G•otiff0and grandson;
Bryan Sims, have returned bogie
after _visiting in Windsor for the
New Year's holidays with 1VIrS.
Wm, Gibbs.
Miss Marie Raithby of Stratford
Public School teaching staff en-
joyed the holidays With her. Parr'
eats, Mr. and Mrs.- Earl Raithby.
Vt. James Thentsoni. Britannia
1952, ng Old road had as New Year'ettlet Si her
k celebrations, tie ,,wha stair W. Thonitani;" -
'with an ttoorrai Service Thomson and shildren �f1;.
Steal' her da
. tt rt.„.
rvce MOW of 3$ Years ° here. •. - Wa Mr, LO an childr
aters r'MeLean and
also assi ,f6 tow): annu
dAir. and Mrs. W. G. Black„o
se to' 50. Chatnani;.ber. brothi'r. Mr T
London were ' New Yeargu ests
Mrs, k. )r
with the former's parents, Mr. and
Harry _Black. ,e
Recent. guests with Mrs. , Allan
MacDonald, Brock street, were her
daughter, Mrs. L,- M. Fraser and
children -of Chatham. • - .
Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Clark and
children of Kincardine- aed Mri
and Mrs. Lionel' Clark and .Bever-
ley of Londbn,, Were \ New year-
gile2t& with .1Via4,L3,Vitt.-4.--elark-..,
- Mr.' atid Mrs.,17. 1 Whaley --have
returned tO Peterboro -after visit-
ing with -their -SOO arid 'daughter-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. G,1F. Whaley,
Bayfield road, the past .tWo weeks.
Rev. and IVIrs. K. E. Taylor 'left
on Wednesday by,'car for a holidar
in Florida.- During his three
weeks' absence the services -at St.
Aimed at helpiNg''. atk to aid
their children in attaining the -AO,
est emotional, ental and, spirotUalt
balance, a S ool ler -Parents Win
be sPonsore i.by the Couples Club
of G-oderi Baptist aurae, ba-
nning anuary
Four • eakers will be hear4auti:
, series andeachsess10#0/14:-
inelnde an open, discussion period
to allow '''tparents--the opportunty;
to obtain answers to any esti�ns
they may Julie the sub
First speakeraon Janua
8 p.m., will be -Mrs. Ewan
the Huron County Chilkli
'Society' who will • IV •
on "Seeing
Rea Brantford;
,former- Diree, or A ,eliom
for the Province tfoi"wiJI
give an inter- 'e
on Janu-
-ary 29entitled,,
tiOnal Life of the--Cbi
"The- Growth and
is the topic,
on Februar
ern' Ontario, Dr
of London Ment
will '.,deliver the
`series on Sunday
lowing the evenix
e-thejopie of hi
4'The New Year's Worsh
frbra World Friends was
,open the regtd.YictQria Street r
aiiSvirr-Torrat ,theiLtoolift
@A 'a env Alice
ited Church
sionBa1. Eaeh member was,
z.a-ntaSecit. for the,Wilitel.eat
ed wit
. ehbOse.a favorite Bible v
George's Church will be taken by
Rev. Arnold Ruskell of the, diocese
of Toronto.
•Mr: ancl--.Mrs.-"L-6"or
as their,gueSts'-for. the 'Christina
"holidays, Mr. and {Mrs. Rat -Beek
ley of Toronto,. 't)r.' and Mtg. Edgar
Reinhart and. baby oT.Kltchener
Mr, and mra: Richard Kaufman'.of
London, and Miss Rita\,Chisholin of
London. ,
Holiday.. visitors with
laoleA Sherwood
Were: 4t: and Mrs. Hari
Sandra and M
gat of the
the memb
he Mission St
Ronald ITortc
ring '-and-,
S sung. The
igns-of. Christm
'Court- itoose.4,
.ts,ohdp oiviv guiyai oost t,