HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-11-26, Page 7Canadlan L.g LEGION HALL { GODERIOH Saturday, Nov. 28 AT 9 P.M. JACKPOT of $34.00 for full house in 54 calls. If not won on, Saturday, value of jackpot and also number of calls will be raised each week until it is won. a 17 GAMES $1.00 $5.00 CASH PRIZE 4 SPECIALS—Share the the Wealth Doors open at 8.30 p.m. 1st game starts at 9.00 p.m. llarold W. Shore ALL LINES OF INSURANCE (including. Life) ' and - REAL ESTATE Phone 766W 38 Hamilton St. Goderich 36tf F. T. Armstrong OPTOMETRIST 7hone 1100 for appointment SQUARE GODERICH CHIROPRACTIC FrIORBERT n. SUCH, D.C. . Doctor of Chiropractic. Office Hours: Mon.. Thnrs --9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tues.. Fri -9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wed. & Sat. 9 to 11.30 a.m. Vitamin Therapy Office—Corner of South -St. and Britannia Road. Photie 341• NOW LOCATED IN BANK OF COMMERCE BUILDING ON THE SQUARE H. M. FORD Get Insured — Stay Insured -- Rest Assured TELEPHONE 268w Roy Y. Bentley Public Accountant 1 Kensington Ave. Phone 2-9152 London. Ont.t Cemetery Memorials T. PRYDE & SON Clinton, Exetdr, Seaforth Write Box 150, or phone 413, Exeter and we shall be pleered to call. FIRST AID RENDERED TO SICK RADIOS B. R.. MUNDA Y Also Portable Fool -Proof Sound Service Certified Radio Technician CaII at Widder St., Goderich or Phone 598 32tf $USINESS DIRECTO 1 Y CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT A. M. HARPED CHARTERDD ACCOUNTANT 55 South St. ' Goderich, Ont. A. L. COLE Optometrist—Optician Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted Phone 33 Goderich, Ont. C. F. CHAPMAN General Insurance Fire, Automobile, Casualty Real Estate 80 Colborne St., -Goderich Phone 18w EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an- swered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date by -calling Phone 466J, Clinton. Charge moderate and satisfac- tion Guaranteed. HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTH Seater* Phone 11-661 or Harry Edwards, Goderirh Phone 144 Geo: G..ilacEwan GENERAL INSURANCE MASONIC TEMPLE WEST STREET Peter S. MacEwan General, Life, Real Estate Phono 230, Goderich 3. By FOXQ RF Vit Presentations Made By Hog Producers To 11 Winners In Swine Competition - Directors of the Huron County Hog Producers' Association held their annual banquet at Londes- boro Tuesday night of last week and honored 11 boys and girls from the county who were winners at school or fall fairs in swine competition. Harry Sturdy, Auburn, vice- chairman of the association made the presentation of cash prizes to Alex Ostrom, -Bayfield 4-H Swine Club; Ronald Smith, Brussels 4-H Swine Club; George Baron, North Huron Swine Club; Barry Hackett, Dungannon 4-H Swine Club; Garry Austin, Howick 4-H Swine Club; Donald Dodds, Seaforth 4-H Swine Club; Beverley Henderson, McKII- lop School Fair; Marlene Hoggarth, Hensall School Fair; Ivan Howett and Wayne Fear, Blyth Agricultur- al Society; Garry Rowcliffe, Exeter ricultural Society; and Ruth Grainger, Howick Agricultural So- ciety. Gerald Rathwell, Bayfield, received recognition due to his co- operation with Alex Ostrom, Bay- field, who was ill during the time of the Bayfield Fall Fair. Bert Lobb, Holmesville, chairman of the association, presided at the banquet which was catered for by members of the Londesboro Wo- men's Institute. Mr. Lobb, in. his chairman's re- marks, said that entertaining ,the i juniors was One of the highlights of the directors' activities. He said he felt that hog producers on the whole have experienceda good iyear—that prices are on the uo- ward trend. "However," he said, "grading is lower than formerly— it has slipped a bit." He said that while . the newly -set-up Central Marketing Agency was doing a suc- cessful job, he feels it should have been set up on a national basis. the very best public relations men SUPERIOR PROPANE GAS for better cooking, water heating and refrigeration Alf. J. Schmidt, representative. Stratford Phones 3260. Res. 387J2. P.O. Box 98 -28tf D. *GUITARD Stonework, Brickwork and Plastering A good job, of plastering has.. no substitute Phone 482, Brock and Victoria Ray Robinson FLOORS LAID - SANDED FINISHED R.R.I PORT ALBERT Phone Carlow 2105, 366-8x8ttf NEED TO REPLACE: AUTO GLASS? 1 Complete Settee Glass replace- ment Service—Quick—Economical —Drive in today—Curved or Flat Saftee Glass: Beevers Auto Supply Goderich Phone 295 and sales agency, and that its pro' gram as laid out is the very best. He said that the picture on the hog situation is far from clear atthis time—due to the heavy surpluses in spite of the fact that tons are shipped to the United States. He said that there probably will be a market in the United Kingdom before long, and that the Canadian government will not have to pay much subsidy on exports to the U.K. G. W. Mbntgomery, agricultural However, he said that it employs representative for Huron County, spoke on the activities of 4-H clubs in the county. Orval Taylor, a vice-chairman of the association, and who is reeve of East Wawanosh remarked that the Department bf Agriculture should appoint another agricultur- al assistant, that G. W. Montgom- ery and his assistant, Harold Baker are "very" overworked. Mr. Taylor, who was in charge "of the county survey of hog production, said that he visisted 135 farms to record production. Officials attending the banquet who spoke were R. S. McKercher, A.R. 1, Dublin and Wilfred Short - reed, Wdlton, president and vice- president respectively of the county federation of agriculture; Dan Beuermann, Reeve of McKil- lop Township, who is chairman of the agricultural • committea, of the Huron County Council and Reeve Harold Gaunt, West Wawanosh. VANDONINCK—VOGT Patricia Ann Vogt spoke her nuptial promises to- Joseph John VanDoninck at a double ring cere- mony Saturday, November 21, in the Church of the Precious.Blood, Detroit. Their nuptial mass was offered at 11 o'clock by Rev. Father William Hermes, pastor. The bride, daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. Peter Cyril Vogt, wore a waltz -length gown of ivory silk taffeta. , Its portrait neckline .was framed with a cuff and her veil of ivory silk illusion Was attached to a cloche edged in seed pearls. She carried a cascade of white chrysanthemums. Parents of the bridegroom are Mr. and Mrs. Alfons M. VanDon- inck of 22301 Grossdale, St. Clair. Shores. . Attending the bride was Gilberte VanDoninck, sister of the bride- groom. Here dress of deep tur- quoise silk taffeta was styled like the bride's. A small hat and shoes of matching turquoise completed her costume,tZ Her bouquet was of bronze chrysanthetnums. ' For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Vogt wore a navy sifk taffeta dress with matching accessories. Her pink hat was rompleniented. whir a corsage of pink orchids. - The groom's mother chose a dress of aqua crepe and black accessories. Her flowers were purple orchids. Best man was William C. Knodell, jr. Walter and Raymond Akkashian ushered. - After .a breakfast i tl :' Park Shelton hotel, the you left for a honfsymoon in e , L ork City. • Out-of-town guests included les of the bride, John L. and is Sullivan,; df Kingsbridge; Mrs. ngus Malott, of Kingsville, Ontario; Mrs. Clementine DeWitt and Mr. and Mrs. Ted VanDoninck, aunts and uncle of ithe bridegroom,. of Portland, Oregon. Mother of the bride is the.fostner Ann Sullivan of Kingsbridge. Other former residents of the area who attended the wedding are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ribar, uncle and aunt of the bride (Mrs. Ribar is the former Elizabeth Sullivan); Miss Elizabeth O'Keefe, Miss Katherine Kenny, Thomas O'Connor, Miss Mary O'Connor, Mrs. William Con- don and her son, Raymond. RECEIVE REQUEST A request was received by Town Council at its meeting last Friday night from George Bowra for per- mission to erect a sign at his busi- ness premises on Hamilton Street. It was referred to the public works committee for consideration. Be prepared for hospitality ...wren. es"..., C.r.-t,,...,I.. cower. .A.i Cae..GMi W GookticH BOTTLING WORKS abderkh - Phone 41111 NAME TRIP WINNER TO CHICAGO CONGRESS Earl McSpadden, 22 -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McSpadden, R.R. t, Seaforth, has been named the winner from Huron County of a trip to the National 4-H Con- gress in Chicago, from November 28 to December 5. Earl was awarded the trip as a member of the Huron County Jun- ior Farmers' 'Association with the highest total store in- the Junior Farmer seed competition at the Huron County ' Seed Fair last March in Clinton and the livestock - judging competition that took place in May, 1952, in Seaforth. He has served both last year and this year as secretary of the coun- ty Junior Farmers' Association, and he was a member of the Sea - forth Boys and Girls Grain Club in 1951. He has been active in the Seaforth Junior Farmer Club for four years, having served in 1951 and 1952 as its secretary, and this year as vice-president. Last year he was one of three on the Royal item at the judging competition, Toronto, representing Huron Coun- ty. He attended the inter -county competition at O.A.C., Guelph, in 1951. AGREEMENT WITH TOWN ACCEPTED BY COUNTY Warden Alvin W. Kerslake and Clerk -Treasurer A. H. Erskine were authorized in a by-law passed by County Council last Friday to sign an agreement with the Town of Goderich covering the conveyance of land for a new Court House. The toWn asks in the agreement that the county maintain the land and erect and maintain public washrooms. - Town Council accept- ed the agreement at its last meet- ing and passed it along to the county body for its approval. A by-law on the terms of the agree- ment will have to be passed by councils and then by the Ontario Department of Highways since it covers also a no parking ruling is Court House Park. n a e The, ie et hthreAdte •---- /alley i8 ,f amoiid far Its to qualilty alntbrseitt. No otherfuel can surpass. It in consistent dependability. ` It gives you faster hest; burns longer, sad gives your fuel dollar .that, " oev.sSth inning stretch." We are 'proud to deliver Lehigh Valley Anthracite,, "as Nature made it", and intended us to use' it, shiny and jet black in appearance. Phone 75W and place your order for r immediate de-) livery. SAULTS CO. • COA Phone 75W—Evenings 75M. East pend Nelson Bt. "The Yard of Service and iluality" -43tf JUVENILE CHOIR LEADS KNOX CHURCH SERVICE The beauty of trained - young voices was heard at Knox Presby- terian Church when the Sunday evening service was led by the Alpha Juvenile Choristers from Stratford, under the direction ok F. P. Polley. • The choir sang several selec- tions and soloists were Richard Wyatt, Grant Ellison, Colin Currie and Jimmie Millar. Rev. R. G. MacMillan conducted the service and preached the ser- mon. upER- T VAST PICKUP e O �Y`�s�Ooe�tir»raa�wx,+xpv, A General Meters Valve The Story that Proves... rntiac JIconomrJ... Dependabilifr,/ We afterMile, Jithr alter 1ar • Illustrated—Laurentian 4 -Door Seaga Yes, Pontiac gives you more carefree miles of driving at lower cost than any other comparable automobile. Mile after toile, year after year it keeps telling a story of singing power, forthright dependability, lavish driver comfort, and extretne ease of operation. In city traflie, or on the highway, it handles like a thoroughbred —quick to respond to your lightest touch on the accelerator or the slightest turn of the wheel. in fact, you must drive a Pontiac yourself to realize this famous car's atnaiing performance. Take, for instance, Pontiac's feel of the road. it gives. an exultant confidence on tight corners, heavy roads, or winter weather. Power Steering (optional at extra cost) adds an 'even greater knowledge of complete control security. The,Standard or optional Automatic Transmissions actually push yon hack in your seat during ttmooth but whip -quick get -sways, or when you need instant passing speed. As for.fuel economy, Pontiac is a wonder! -You'll notice right - away that a tank of gas lasts an exceptionally long time. titt But fuel economy is just one chapter of Pontiac's life story. Through technological advances and pride of craftsmanship, Pontiac engineers build an unusual dependability into every one of the 29 models. You'll drive for miles and years longer, with surprisingly few gervice hills to pay. Either the Standard Pontiac Six or Straight Eight Engine delivers surging and efliicient power --•instantly when needed for fast pick-up, and unceasingly smooth for economical cruising. • l`Rut let Pontiac tell its own story of economy and depend. ability! Drive a Pontiac yourself today. Your Pontiac dealer will he pleased to arrange a demonstration drive for you. 4 P-2311$ SAMIS MOTORS KINGSTON AND VICTORIA STV •