HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-11-26, Page 1AND - - - . aril AND '1E16Ra Only 24 more shopping days until Christmas. Ile responding to the toast to the ladies at the' Huron County Ward- en's banquet Thursday evening, Mrs. R. E. Pooley of Exeter humor- ously quipped, "Although most of us have been married for quite a long time we ladles `are happy to have ,a date to go out with our husbands somewhere besides to church. on Sunday mornings?' She expressed amazement that the councillors were unable to re- turn to their homes each evening but said she had been assured that it was necessary to have "an even- ing session to speed up the work In moving a toast to the ladies, Reeve John Nediger of Clijpto:l said it used to be that the county council sessions offered an oppor- tunity for the men to get away from the ladies for a few daye but that present day communications had put a crimp on this. Vesting ly, he said that with the possibil- ity of the council sessions being on TV in the future it was felt that the ladies . might just as well be invited now to get a "look in" on what's doing for they would- any- -way when TV came. Other evidence of women's,. in- fluence on county councils carne from the remarks of Warden Alvin W. Kerslake who remarked, "Ladies have a lot to do with the way county councillors carry on their work. .. Many of them go to their wives -to ask advice on what they should do about certain issues. If, they go to them • too often, things at county council might be changed. Boy, won't that be the day!" w _. Move over, men! Get ready for the influx of women county coun- cillors in the future! OVERHEARD ON THE SQUARE —"This arena squabble sounds to me as if it was just a whipping boy set up for the municipal election." Club Holds Annual .Baktquet Seventy-three members and guests were present Tuesday night for the annual banquet of Mene- setung Canoe Club held at the Masonic Temple. ' - C. F. Chapman was chairman for the event. Cards were played fol- lowing the dinner. Prize winners were as follows: Ladies --first, Mrs. B. H. Goldthorpe; second, Mrs. George G. MaeEwan; low; Miss Marjorie Macfie; men—first,, W. F. Saunders; second, Fred Noble; Iow, Dr. H. It Hall. - AT THE WATERFRONT Little shipping activity made it: a quiet week at the waterfront. • The Canadoc, which-arr%ed here on November 9, cleared light last Friday. The .A A. Hudson, which was in port earlier this month arrived back on Tuesday With a' cargo of oats and screenings, � s 106th Year—No. 47 a GODERICH, ONTARIO,. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER `? -th, 1953 SHOPPING ISSUE NEXT WEEK The annual Christmas Shop- ping number of the Signal - Star, will appear next week with the issue of December 3. In it will appearfthe Christmas gift buys of Goderich stterch- ants. To save both' tient and money during the busy Christ- mas shopping season, Signal - Star readers are advised to read these advertisements carefylly. It will be to their advantage to do so. This season brings heavy duties to the Signal -Star staff in publishing . larger issues. It "means MUCH to have early copy from both advertisers and news correspondents. Early copy means all into the Signal -Star office no later than MONDAY AT S P.M. for pub- lication that week. If it is later, no guarantee can be given that it can be handled that week: It is well to re- member that a very consider- able amount of copy to handle is already in by 5 p.m. Monday and this is given attention be- fore any can be given to later copy. Land Trade Cornpleted A trade of land between . the Goderich Public School Board and the Town of Goderich was complet- ed by Town Council last Friday night in the passing of a by-law. The land obtained by the town in the trade was necessary for the building of 26 new rental homes in the Gibbons -Blake street ana. It is situated at the extreme 4south of the Public School property. ' In exchange for the approximate- ly two acres obtained from the school board, the town conveyed to theschool about an acre and one-half immediately east of the school, which gives access to 'the Bavfield road. In addition, the town obtained 33 feet along the westerly side of Gibbons street from Raglan to Blake, making Gibbons now a 66 - foot wide street. Sewer" Laid . Work on the new housing pro- ject is progressing rapidly with the sewer along the new street' be- ing opened up -from Blake street. northward toward the school expected '10 be completed before the end of this week. A. water line is also being placed along this new street. The town has received a plan of . the new project showing lot `tiicatioue .from the Ontario Depart- ment' of Planning and Develop- ment. Contract for the houses has not as yet been let by Central, Mort- gage and Housing Corporation. At last Friday night's council meeting, however, a letter was re- ceived .from the department advis,, ing council that verbal assurance had been received that Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation would build the houses COUNCIL ASKS FACTS xpect Stormy Session On Arena Operations At Nomination Meeting MISSING DRIVER Police had a mystery of the missing motorist - on their hands last week -end. The mystery started at o'clock last Saturday morning when a Local garage oPerator was called to the south pier where a car was "teetering" on the edge of the dock. The driver had gone over the railway crossing and failed to turn either left or right on the dock. As a result the front end of the car rested only inches -from the water. But when police reached the scene .the driver was not around. So, when the tow truck had hauled the car to In recognition of the completion of- 20 years of service to Huron. County Council, County Clerk Iners safety, Constables Arnold Sum - and James Moore drove and Treasurer Harvey- Erskine was presented with a beautiful iitantel chime selosk at the it 'uptown to the police office Warden's' Dinner 'Thursday _evening. The prese,lrtatiou was made, on behalf of the Counts- on East street. C'•outtc tl lay Dir. William Switzer W irden itt 1fl: 5, We ldest lir ing Iltlrori Cotitit�' Wardell , It wasn't until 13.45 o'clock ' since that meriting that the owner,. Mr. Erskine was appointed. Mr. George -FL -Elliott of Clinton,- deeeased, was Warden ill 1934 Newton Bla when' Mr. Erskine was appointed. From left to right are: William Switzer, Mrs. A. II. Ers- ed up to claim Sarnia, s claim kine, Mr. Erskine and Warden Alvin W. Kerslake. Wardell Kerslake stated Mr. Erskine is His absence remained unex- "a wonderful asset to Huron County." -Signal-Star photo by Henry. grained, Indications that there would likely be `fur flying" at tomorrow night's nomination meeting and an opinion that "we should get to the bottom and publish facts" on arena operations were expressed at last Friday night's Town Council meeting. "I expect this question will be opened up on nomination night and I think it will be, a miracle if . it isn't," the mayor said. "If someone puts me on the spot, I will open up mid, - the fur will fly. I will tell the truth." Audit Report Iliayor Huckins: "Yes." Commenting on the recent audit Councillor Besse: "Why were report showing operations of the the power bills not paid. 1 have arena, from January to August, to pay mine every month." Deputy -Reeve Joseph Allaire said Laxities he felt that the report "doesn't •f admit these laxities and 1 give us much to go on as far as realize I was a part of it," the enlightening the public is con- mayor replied. "But you know cerned. I think we should get to the opposition we got when we the factsbottom. of this and publish the. tried to set up the recreation and ,arena council, Arenas all around Discussion on the arena question us had made the move, but we arose when Councillor Ernie Fish- er said he ljad read an account of didn't get co-operation making the a recreation and arena council change." ought lit woule dtaketimadded e that meeting in last week's Signal -Star .•unravel all this." and wondered if the mayor "could Deputy -Reeve Allaire, who with answer a question or two." Mayor Huckins is < a member of Mayor Huckins: "I would most the new recreation and arena coun- certainly be glad to."" ell, -noted tI}at the -recreation meet - Councillor -Fisher: 'Did the arena make any money last year?" ing was given bills" dating hack Mayor Huckins: "No.,, to . 1950. Councillor Fisher: "I don't know 'Raaccounts ever aid?" asked beendsent who is involved or what is in- in andde not pReeve J. H. Graham. "You were on the commission, too," the mayor replied. Reeve Graham: "Well, if 'those bills weren't paid, they weren't produced at a commission meet- „ volved. What happened to some Kinkead Resigns ,of the hydro bills? How did they Nomination Meet Demand For Herco Productsfspile up? Were they not forwarded Set F r As Ree Chairman someone?', For Tomorrow - r • - the or auditor's report explained xpl in d that made Shifts Manufactur:ng Site Explains Finances when the arena commission was Goderich voters will have their ' disbanded. "It can onl • Mayor Huckins: "I know 'of one appor'ttlnity:to nominate candidates 0 3' be judged bill for $200 that was paid and Manufacturing rights for Hero The former Goderich Memorial by the documents turned over to for municipal posts tomorrow night g g C Arena Commission hada surplus the auditor b only one member knew anything for a municipal meeting to be held Hire Constable products have been transferred Herr iglus y the secretary -trees - at about it. I have said before at in the Town Hall starting at 7.30 James Stewart` Co. Lid., of Wood- of $1,134.19 %Olen its books were tier. The auditor couldn't audit o'clock. Purchase Cruiser stock,tda, ubsidiary of Beatty Bros. closed on August 7 of this year, ox yarding he didn't get," the may- were things goinmission g inhthe there So far, Mayor J. E. Huckins has guy, it was announced to J. Ir. Kinkead, chairman of the mission that 1 did not know any - stated definitely that he will seek day by K. S. Hopkinson, president Recreation and Arena Council told ' I agree with you," he- told thing about." the chief magistrate's post again. Goderich's new police force wa,, of the Huron Engineering and Re- a council meeting Tuesday night. Councillor Fisher, . that the situ "Didn't you go to all the meet - It is understood also that Coun- completed as far as search Co. Ltd. Mr. Kinkead also tendered his ation is most confusing. It is my Ines?" Councillor Frank Gallow cillor C. M. Robertson is seriously p personnel is '•Increase demand for Herco resignation at the meeting, and intention to write an article for concerned at a special mtetin of t;, asked Reeve Graham. considering running for the p g hard coal burners has necessitated asked the group to consider nani- the Signal Star in the coming week «I didn't miss very many," the mayor- alty post for 1954. A group of Town Council last Friday afternoon more extensive facilities to meet ing another council member as giving the picture as I see it. It's Reeve replied. citizens said that they are urging when John W. Cartwright, of Tor this demand," Mr. Hopkinson said. chairnlitn. 'I think a prettygrim situation." you'd be fee Councillor' Gallow: "Didn't you Councillor Robertson to run and onto, was hired as a constable.. Huron Engineering will continue better off to elect one of you other The mayor noted that some of that because he has been approach- to serve the coal industry in the fellows as chairman," he said. the hydro bills were for Septem- Council picked two constables a research and development 'beg October and possibly August. ed by various persons he has just pment field, Ile told the meeting that his He 'said there was not much actio about decided to do so, although week previously and prior to that he said. "Herco Sales Limited resignation was not a result of he has not given any final word picked a chief for the new force, will continue in the installation any "animosity," but that he did ity at the arena since the end of on the matter yet. which is to commence its duties and servicing of Herco and other not have the time to devote to the August, yet, We got a power bill 'Posts Open on January 1. beating equipment, including cons job. He said he had a lot of work with a service charge." ., Open for. candidates are the of- 'Tender for a new police cruiser 1ltiercial and industrial units. Huron to complete before the end of the i Othel►mg.,Rules fires of mayor, .reeve, deputy -reeve was let at a special council meeting- Engineering holds a number of year. Ile said that' the bills had been and six councillors for Town Coun- on Monday to Gardner Motors of patents on heating equipment, par- ' At the same time, Mrs. Harold taken to the Public Utilities Conn- ed for one year, along with two Goderich for a -Chevrolet coach. tiicularly in the anthracite field Chambers, who resigned as secre- mission. "They're only exercising Public Utilities Commissioners and Council opened eight tenders for and it is believed that the new tary-treasurer at a_ meeting last four Public School Trustees for the cruiser at last Friday night's arrangement will allow more time week reiterated 'tier Stand and hear all the business?" Reeve Graham: "Certainly. But if the bills weren't presented they weren't paid." On Outside "We on the council seem to be on the outside looking in," com- mented Councillor 0. M. Robertson. "No doubt these 'things will be looker} into and attended to. I their rigid. I don't say I agree hope my impression is. -correct that with them. They're only obeying the new recreation council will the rules set down by the HEPC," rectify the situation and sec to it the mayor said, that it does not occur again. I am The mayor told. council that as a not insinuating that there was any - member of the PUC he had "done , thin; shady about the . old com- a lot of begging for the arena mission. But if there have been commissitm. So much so that • we mistakes, I hope they will he car - haven't paid for a gallon of water rected now." yet." Rt'acling the auditor's report, the •"Is it true that a motion was 1 mayor noted that an operating made at a PUC meeting to supply .surplus of $411.32 was recorded. n r .had free water to the •arena?" Coun- "Yet when the council met last p cillor Fisher asked. :Mon day night I think we found nLvl.tllatlg'+"3;I 9.._.Tbe .:figure'. rn_�mm "Tei' snrn,e_ extort; yous;•..-relied ,.that eve fitted an overdraft of ' the report showing 1L____trie- a surplus of tie mayor. "to enable them to thing tike $1 2 ' D. ' first o2 is for the period from the: get g ,800 or $2,000. -- on their feet. When the summer . Concluding the discussion, the hist of this year to August 7. school came we agreed to tri ; Two bills dating back to 1.9,50 pay for mayor said he hoped "when the water based on the Npvember con- next arena report comes out there 1954 and 1955. regular meeting, but no decision for development work," said Mr, turned in the record books. 1 Mr. Kinkead, reviewing the audi- i toes report, said that he had been "given the works" by people on the street the past few days, and i wished to make clear the group's < < picture I He said that at the time. het arena commission became defunct there were bilis outstanding total]- ; ing $3,114.35. But. he said, the gro p .lac . an operating sur Iu; Candidates nominated tomorrow was made at that time. ' Hopkinson. night will have until 9 p.m. Satur- day night to qualify. If an elec- is necessary, it will be held Visiting officials Praise Monday, December 7, with the polls open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. financial p t Last year, Mayor Huckins was Excellence Cf -Local Bands returned by acclamation along with k Reeve J. H. Graham. Deputy -Reeve . Joseph Allaire was re-elected, de- Tib ---feating-Elliott-DDrennao-at-the polls Tribute was paid Friday evening" ettes Sylvia Skelton, Jeanne You Thirteen were nominated and ran by ttvo leading Ontario^tiatidsmen for councillors:- Thomas Taylor and also by Mr. A. J. Curry of and R. G. Johnston were named to Goderich to Band Leader D. Jolley Meanwhile, council still has. to the P.U.C. by acclamation. Only for the latter's sacrificial devotion find a name for the first rental election for school board trusted to the training, of Goderich's two housing project 'completed this was in St. David's ward, where Mrs. bands. The occasion was the ser year. Clayton Edward defated Keith ond annual "At Home" of the Cutt. ' Goderich Blue Water Band and the Meanwhile, Clinton has been as- Goderich Girls' Trumpet Band held ie with Miller, this year's t Y about Mayor Offers Explanation Of Current ArenaQuestjon Following is a letter from Mayor J. E. Huckins received yesterday in which he comments on cdn- troversy over arena operations: Editor, Signal -Star. Sir,—May I trespass upon your generosity to ask for space in your Goderich Signal -Star to make a certain degree of explanation con- cerning the present controversy centering around the Recreation and Arena Council. Ate our -regu- lar Town, Council meeting on `Fri: day, November 20, Councillor Fisher rose to ask for certain in- formation concerning the opera- tion of our newlyformed commit- tee. At that to I stated that I believed that 'owing to the many rumors and apparent confusion amongst our citizens I would make a public statement in an effort to allay any concern the public may have on account of the many re- ports appearing in the press. First, let us not lose sight of the fact that our Arena is owned by our citizens, built by the citi- zens, and oerated by a committee appointed by the Town Council. The Town of Goderich had the first artificial ice arena between the city of London and Owen Sound. We are still the largest urban municipality (except Sarnia) in that area. I believe our splen- did Arena can be traced back to the days when our Junior "C" champions under the sponsorship of Ivan Louzon brought -us such unpredecented publicity that our citizens realized the need of just uch a set up as we now have. ur young boys have brought us many proud honors in the years since 1949, including Young Can. ada Week which could this season eclipse all expectations. Now it seems we Fare «getting same publicity we are not very proud of, resulting in some confus- ion amongst our people. ' About a year ago your Council began to consider the matter of setting up a Recreation and Arena Committee jointly to operate acid 'supervise all recreation in the Town of Goderich, under the rules and regulations as set forth by the Department of Education, under which we would benefit quite con- siderably financially through sub- sidies paid by the department. We were already spending the money, but as. we were not organ- ized according to legislative, plans, we were throwing away a subsidy in the neighborhood of $4,000: The Town Council through its representatives {• on the Arena Board namely the Mayor and Reeve, asked the Arena Board to consider the question of a Recrea- tion and Arena Committee. The Arena Board did not approve the council's suggestion, and conse- quently'' at the termination of the Arena Board's term of office, the Town Council set up a new organ- ization to be known as the Recrea- tion and Arena Council, with the, full approval of the Department and -Donna Ilorren =flag Beare Doris Cunningham and Lois Cu ningham and Band Leader Jolley. "I have seen a vast change the Goderich Girls' Trumpet Ba after a year's instruction by Jolley," said Mr. Mook. "He h nd ; were investigated by Arena Man- saamption." will at least be one anon on the Vii•. , ager and Recreation Director Lorna "Is the cost of the new com- ,street who can grad ' it <I hope ;i ; ! Wakelin, who reported on term to probably made more progress with the meeting. One of the bill, pressor outstanding'.,- asked Coon- -; more questions are asked," he said, sured a contest in the mayoralty In the Goderich District Collegiate the Goderich .Girls' Band than any submitted by MacDonald Electric, c'illor Rrssr. '"I will try to answer them." field th W J ltI'll h' Auditorium and attended b b t man in the Province who has done. ' included charges for work doneIF — ---- 150 people. s similar- work. Just for the International Ice Revue and orm_ __ ■ __ _ __ _ Commission ■ mayor, being opposed by Morgan , give him more J. Agnew, 1953 councillor and a I During the evening a variety support and you'll see your girl>' ,should not have been sent to th program Was staged under the band go places." Air. Art Curry ; council. Only part . of she firm's ' added, '`I don't think the average ill, amounting to about $45 former mayor. J. W. Nediger was returned to the office of reeve by lowd by chairmanship luncheon anddanceacclamation. Melvin Crich, this with the music for dire latter su year's deputy -reeve, will be op- plied by the Collegiate's versatile posed by Burton Stanley, 1953 , orchestra. councillor. + In introducing Fred -Mook, an 1 official of the Waterloo Musical So- ciety and conductor of the fanned Waterloo Musical Festival, Mr Goderich Native Ordained Priest Curry referred to him as "a real friend of the Goderich band orgali ization." A native of Goderich, Rev. "Competitions at the Waterloo Father Joseph Killoran, became Music Festival are, believe ane the first Canadian'lsi•iest to be or- dained in India in a ceremony last Saturday morning at St. Mary's College, Bengal. Father Killoran, son of Mrs James L. Killoran, of Stratford. and the late Judge Killoran, wa scheduled to offer his first Solemn Mass at the Church of the Immacu- late Conception, Darjeeling, on Tuesday. His mother attended the cere- mony of ordination. Member -known of Education. The result was that.in Goderich,i Fatherf a Killoran moved only two of the original board re- to Stratford when a boy at the time married nn the new committee, Mr. his late father was appointed roue - Kinkead and the Mayor. ty judge in Perth. On graduation It now became necessary to have from Stratford Collegiate, he enter - the books, audited, the resu)t being ed the Jesuit Novitiate at Guelph the cause of most of the difficulty . in 1940. In 1944 he entered the The auditor's report was publisher] . Jesuit Seminary in Toronto and on the wish of the Town Council:left left for India to complete his studies in 1947. After teaching high school in India for tw years, he spent a year studyin the Nepali language end for the ast three years took a theology course at St. Mary's The citizens have had time to look at this reportand in view Of the report of some other arenas, it is not good. Now the new organiz. ation is not very happy about it, rut they have gone to work to try o remedy the situation and we College. believe we are in a fair way to- ward setting up an entirely new FIGURE SKATING People interested in figure skat- ing.wtlI be asked to have a meeting and make plans for the year, in- cluding obtaining a professional in-. structor, the Goderich Recreation and Memorial Arena Council de- cided Tuesday night. Arena Man- ager and Recreation Director Lorne Wakelin told the meeting that there had been no success so far in obtaining an instructor. Ile said that last year there were 68 persons in the local figure skating group. system. We are deeply concerned with our obligation to the rate- payers, ...We also realize that .the goodwill of the pubic and 'the support of everyone Is the -chief necessity to make a success of the Arena. . We also knpw that the blood- stream of the Arena is hockey. We have left far behind the game of hockey as we knew it in the days of the old Aren'a when we,,, played all homebrews and were lucky to (Continued on rage 4) person in Goderich realizes who! ! owed by' the group, he said. w,,, Mr. Jolley is accomplishing with I Ano`her bill, from Pindo,' Goderich bands." ,' Plumbing had not been presented I In order to clear itself of whit of our true position showed a sur! Mr. Martin Boundy, musical dig- , to council before, he said. Ile was, ector of bands for the City of authorized by council to obtain de- it fiery to be an erroneous public Dins of $1,134 19. This was our London, was introduced by Mr. ;tatted statements before the bill, .impression as a result of regent sincere desire to present as ac - Jolley who .said he tried to pattern could be paid. ciiraicly as possible the position i , articles in the press, the for recent of the Commission. his life after that of Mr. Bundy. The meeting decided that a de- Arena ('ommission has submitted It was the hope of the Commis He added that there would be finite increase in program artiv-' to the Signa} -Star the following sign in the operation of the' Figure• times when he would ,seem to be `ti ss wasneeded at the arena if it statement: Skating School that the profit'front impatient but it was only because going ,.how a profit this i "This statement has been pre this'summer activity would be the he felt that both Goderich bands ,;Season. pared by the five appointed mens added equipment of $1,800.00. We could do what he wanted them to I Mayor J. E. Huckins, who last tiers of the Goderich Memorial hoped that in the rnntinuance of very tough," said Mr. Mook. "They, do and be and he felt quite con-' Friday night was buffeted with Arena Commission, who were in this school each summer, that a are really Canadian championship fident of their abilities. , gtiestrons from Town Council on office at the time of the transfer real profit would be made in sue - calibre. I have closely watched "At one time Don Jolley was one pr<atinns said that hent of the control of the Arena to the reeding years. the progress of girls' bands in Un l arena ae of our ace drummers in London hers of `the; recreation council had Goderich Arena Recreation Cone C n During the Sears in which it tario since 1947 at which time , and I m sorry he's riot still there," i been "throwing rocks at our own miller. The Mayor and the Reeve was our privilege, and theprivil- ege there was considerable opposition ; said Mr. Boundy. "Ire's doing a ; grganization." He- said he felt it were members of this Commission. of ot hers who served from the parents of the girls aver grand job in Goderich. was time the rot on the the way group put on a drive This is made with the purpose of ('ommission, we have had difficul- t' girls dressed in the bands. Come A Long Way to increase arena revenue and gain clearing up impressions which ties to overcome, not the least of Since that time • this opposition of "We've come a long way since public support. have been I parents has pretty well disc the Blue Water Band was organized g as we keep given in recent state• which was the n aeration of the disappear -g "As ion p pushing mems in the press. ! Arena, at no cost to the rate- ed. The. Goderich Girls' Trumpet in 1946 and the Goderich Giils• Band has made marked progress Trumpet Band in 1947," said Ari this thug around and let the public "We mgt with the 'members of payers. During these years we think there is something strange the Town Council to discuss the have had only one overraft and this can be credited to Don Curry, who said the Blue Water going on we will get nowhere," , formation "of the Arena and, Re- the hank. This was $126.84 in ' Jolley who has trained them well. Band now numbered 55, the girls commented Mr. Kinkead. emotion Committee on 'three oc fury of 1951, and was for' Mr. Mook presented each of the band 65 and the majorettes and --- rasions and offered every co-oper- only. This will ..correct the dint girls in the Trumpet Band with' others attached to the bands, 25, F. p anon. cession puh- a silver medal, representative of for a grand total of 145 Firem nn Build New '' i given ino a former second,. prize in the street parade The fololwing variety prop am et e. as'a Commission, ceased to trshc•ct press statement. We have march past at the Waterloo Fes- thoroughly p function, on August 7, prepared tried to give as, much pleasure ani# g Y pleased the a 'dlenee: M our accounts and statements, and free, time to the youth of Goderich tival this year. Ile stated that six Paul brothers and Shirley•of Kirk- Meeting Quarters judges placed at various ton,Ontario- in comedy singing gave them to the auditor. The and community, and at the same point, ;- x auditor reviewed the operations time to balance our accounts. along the route of march to decide and patter; anie violinist Frank Schu- In recent years whenever mem of the Arena from January 1 to "()u November 16, 1953, two the winners. I hope next year bert accompanied on the piano by bers of Goderich fire department August 7 and, as of August 24, bills were presented to the rea I can present the Goderich Girls" Miss Eleanor Lauder; Joan and wanted to hold a meeting, the submitted his statement. for Arena Trumpet hand with a troph as- Shirley Offer in a novelty duct; usually gathered around one of the gust 7, the balance in largely One of these was "At Au an obligation of the et, - well as medals," said s' Moo Paul Armstead, vocal and 'trumpet fire trucks at the -"fire hall and dis- ter account was $1,94!3.54. In thinly of International Ice Revue, Members of aids' Band solos; Miss Eleanor Emerson, piano cussed the business at hand. order to a ue• , Each of the following girls were solo; Miss Colleen Grist, vocal Soon, however, they'll have new men! as give as correct a state- and the other $157.00, was -front presented with a medal: Shirley solo; drum majorette dribs by • meeting Y possible, we gaVe the a plumber for the .ettvetroughr, r g quarters. For the part auditor a summary of our Align- To. our knowledge this last bill[ Gower, Colleen Grist,Doris John- junior drtl''m majorettes Audrey week, members of the department tions and commitments. We gave had not bred presented revidusi ston, Joan Mallough,Karen War- Banter,Shirl Carr, Barbara-Durnin have been busy fixing u a room him all o=ltstanding accounts of and the former had not ' Hoek, Sandra Thomppson, Sharon Dianne Bannister and Sandra -immediately behind the fire hall in which we. had knowledge, informed the attention of the Coremi tome Warnock, Deanna Mallough, Bar- note, senior majrirette drills , the Town Hall building. • him that a hill of $1,1300.00 for "We feelssiata'' tiara Gouley, Alma McPhee Bever. by Jeanne Young, Ramona McKay, A door has been cut in the wall, the that we have dlitacltaYg. 1 new addition to the ice• machines ed our obligatiotrs and ,Ii ley Anderson, Ruth .Ann McPhee, Sylvia Skelton and Donna Horton; and the new roam has been finish would be receive l iareoiale Joan Warnock, Joan Masse, Eunice solos by Joan Offer; humarous'cd throe out with , ._ d and estimated the co-operation ,of all.'i,htha the Rutherford; Clara Wilson; Marla radio skit •by Doug Madge and The men have done all the panels iur account with the P.U'C, .e r bavrr asalyteti and irtjsl ihi i 'thy Francis, Joan Hoy, Dorothy Iran,;. David Medley. Mr. Art Curry I 'project "themselves Band kthc Thon os sthet rcttltsta" light and power. Arena Will stall be operated in th'e • ridge, Judy Allison, Barbara the j outstanding obligations interests of theWe lsk . mentioned that Mrs. Irene Chase l town is supplying the materials, were set at $3,114.35. We itiso everyol7e to give h < Schutz, Barbara Johnston, Joan had done considerable training of The room is one which had been showed him that in the operation the Arensi in the fu '' .i ptra 1 Offer, Eleanor Emerson, Polly the majorettes. . used only for storage by the town. of the Figure Skating School k eta-bper`Ittian." t1tlrE "y4tt1'y:f Y agobalance of McCabe,' Mary Johnston, Isabel Mayor Huckins praised the work A number of ears the firemen $1,500.04, was payalSlc' (Signed) X. ,, Hopkinson,. Morris, Joaxtj Chapman,Shirley of Don Jolley with (oderich bands, had quarters upstairs in the Town to the Arena,and that the outpkinson Masse, •Donnfr Jean Msse Joan Referring to the band tax by-law. Hall, but the relinquished it when standing paybles for signs, err.;, .RKinkead; Morris, Francis Morris, 'Carol Mayor Huckins said it meant that Public Health Nurses required an amounted to $40.00: These were < yaj• 1Kac�tah'� Loiselle, Stine Stowe, also major- (Continued on page 4) orrice. taken into account and an estimate L. tet''.Walith eo O, wfhtttsto>rit,' Issues Defence Statement e