HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-11-19, Page 7'!l111111111iT„ wet. — NS tete CIOININDIM 1111014111•4014 ST.GEORGE'S CHURCH MST 41,11larr POW AMLIMENIX Jim 17 -alta Mamie Mudssrhaeatri silsaiees era alic ,m Ii1>ira. ]dram lasurbssuss land -tabu Maines et Tasmader 1.1111011 ]hit fair wide. fir. and lint_ llmiri amid and fad. M l? 1 Win* arlbiftc faa PERSONAL N ION W d ' l"iamalr► held OMs' ilko mmmielr. a air , ti�mrio ,aentelr„ at hogwelitt i �tiatate slut As dramas emertmat� Ile: am um frit edltingWf we '1,111.- ' armee Hr:arr. fi Hilks..D. r, of ko at- nernehere remised arae lite armihrrt mat. The erae�eerr 1+#t Aeamitiest��1Mrhtmt. �. � sun Tiettadatr: weer. ' se lemueelraa. orasith lir,lir,lfeabest A. Greene,, of Tic mars wim�dir fllmat om'' called as Mr- and lire. I! J.,..... ,..�...—.-- ....,.... ..� �......._. ia mes craves, Weide street, triune Dleernit omit Boat seee#ssd at beim WM repealed im is - strosi er hole Jiver amid visited smet imeral rbesieges ileus w e t i mid Ji ]trrraar Newick sttratiesss is tit nitre*.. oilbeemest. It was decided ter "stead aid Imre,* triaiYres elf Wati<aetsirs. Maw arts D aerat r was retr7 ;SS ter teed for ><�rea. Some t je�riestsi ► "shred bet week wait Sklar warq west els seirismB ii d: w ti its, aced lies D_ !Asset by a ear mem a sfstt+et salon a Wait- Deaeaebes utaetht�( Ifs winiadak Wiser, acrd seed, illi ■iii- a lit will be resew beret (will he btid at lir lose et i. ""—Idiot Beta ens beat wise vies newttiff takperattriell t' martiog Oak prayer,d is.hamate n acrd stili wawa fddly , iatktr wields a lobe* woes wed re roeserel from this beet aariirsel b! Iht beetas,. HOW MUCH DQ YOU SERVE GOD? Yvkar iota ,,S n- r;ar • yaear zeal fir �Crev7, err ,..: r9rre5es tQ scene, ii'.XX ce ars 1 -Ls ck.. res_ 11 aim"THE OF A CNIURCN."' 7 pan. SPECIAL S EICVICE. Stemer m " sae F.selieie, and Nes Weak"' Herniae by Ties Alpha Jrnrsseile Cheriale rs. , flows' Chair Crime Stira/hnil This choir Seek pert in Ore recruit Shakespearean Festival w (ard IN) THE TIME IS SHORT TE FINAL LIFE GIVING SERVKES THURSDAY — SUNDAY PtEACHER—DIL P. P. W. ZIEASAN* SOLOIST — MARION CROWLEY NEWSY p�.se THURSDAY, 7AS e. **SOWS REFUGEE PROBLEM."' Rine Strip and R�.cer/iwyO FRIDAY, 7A5 pas- '"FIGHTING GOD.'" . wwwi Extra wsical rent by Marian Crowley Newby SUNDAY, 11 a.aw, 'NOMI TO HAVE POWER.'" 7 pews. 'TIME'S UP."' COME— ,� Fireside H�sr'fetiiewrins, goder�wh Kaptint f Horeb M.wrsII ter: REV. IAN G. HD,. BA, B.D. Organise: Mrs. E , A.L.C.M. aSHF[ELD borne. here. H Rev. J. R. .cDonaW has been making pastoral a.114t.brouglv,ut ASHFIELD. Nov. 17_—Mr. and his Ashfield congregation Mrs_ Bill MtzcDona'_d. Mrs. Neill We are glad to hear that 3lacDonald and Mfr._Ear'1_dfacDon4Wilfred Farris# is making --a- grxrt ald visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thos.! recovery after her recent ("per - Bogie in -- Laindon an .Satnday. l ation in i' mir°lttz ietafi nondon. Miss Stahel MacDonald of Wind -1 Ray MacKenzie of Windsor w, -,c; ser . spent the week -end at her 'f home for the .week -end. 5erve Coke athome... make hospitality easy Yon know gumbo _joy the matchless, delicious nam of Coke: You know you're min* the beat ... they know ft, too. Serve it ice , right in the bottle: TIME CaMARCH OF *TINE UNIT AND 'UM HOU HEARD EACH SUNDAY AT IP AAL -0111 COME. WELCOMES U[ YOTO WORM, AT T** Free Methodist Church COMER VICTORIA AND PAMST*IEE'TS M REV. A*THA-A MAaLf,' PASTOR. H aria. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 ans. PREACHING. 7 par. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. / pari EachWearies-► Pra por Ma,rli�tea,. BETHEL TABERNACLE WA AND VJJJ •elr - thh3 . 1W.sln1► E. 1hi>t't 11111lr, rums SUNDAY SERVICES— )* a,.s,—S�rwirr brosight no IM SUNDAY SCHOOL are seldom boos*. M NI COURT. 11 £AP. '"OUR EARS."' it. 7.3/ p'THE TEXT FROM ONE OF MOSEY LAST SERMONS!' ' Tuesday f pan. Bible Sandy ame/ Prayer Meeting. FridayFri4."i pus. Chrisir Es Aw�sssa� l rs. THE LITTLE CHURCH WiTH THE SIG WELCOME. Victoria Street United Church 1• ALA.. SUNDAY SCHOOL, a 11 ( ns. '"JERUSALEM, THE MOTHER OF US AU—"1.,3a paBENMILt ER. 3 pas.. UNION, GOOERICH TOWNSHIP. Paster—Rev. D. W. Williams, BA. Organist—Mr. Bert Kesepsier. Cf Tarsale, -have been bre bth rors, Cee Nietlrneesett II/%'ata_,. Mr. and Mrs.. T. G, Mower mad i [the weekwaid with Mr. mid Mira. fel Iroise, Waterloo street. Mr_ - and Mrs` J. C. Beatty, et V Tirtrat,r, *et -e retest overnight r' iifl. s with the lattice's mother, tVim J. W. ith,,'St. Georges Cres- t. Mtr_ Genies Noblle, student at Vict'.rrria College, University of Tamed*, spent the week -end with ��.,.r.,I,tr,._street. Mn_ Frei , Vi rLet ' .. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pritchard the t week-eand nd with of parents, Mr. !and Mrs_ road, Pritchard, 'BritanniaMiss .I ariiyn Turner, student at c ific/rris College,Lniversity of Tor- , unto, visited over the. week -end !ion* her partial4, Mr. and Mrs- ; IL S. Turner, lbontreal street. �- DONNYBROOK DONNYBROOK, NYBROOK, No. 17. — The. No,end,er W_MS. and W.A_ meet- ing way held on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. H. Jefferson, Mrs_ Chas. Jefferson was in charge r,f the W.MS. meeting, Mrs. Sam. Thompion read the Scripture. Mn. E. Robotton gave a report of th? rSeetw,nal meeting which was held 4 Blajo~•;. ]test H. Jrtfersun sang MLLE, Nov. 18.—fifes. Ed. Haile- --Hes . Sly Friend." The study book was read b} sirs. swat,. /ell, Goderich, spent the week-ecd t"h::rsne r An article en Chri u n ,with Nr. and )urs. A Sprig e. t b'xunne:hip Kos read 1.}" _MrL H. # Mfr: and Mrs. Charles Me_Nee-and i ' Je¢T. enon_ Two minutes silence i children are visiting in Toronto iwas observed followed wed by prayer and taking in the Winter Fair' 6 by Mrs. Washington. Letters of , A 'su priparty 'in • honor of i !appreciation tor cower, received Z sirs. Henry Spragge on her 90th l w* re' read. The pre,ident, Mr«. a birthday was held at the home of 1 Norman ide- Thompson, presd for i N.. and sirs. W. Pettman. Friday i ;;'tire W.:1 meeting,. The treasure r !night with .four grandchildren and i ;reported that S?.2 wan realized fro:.t,eight great-grandchildren present_ i they irszaar held in Auburn_ T'hcr.r f Guests were aur, and Mrs. Arthur i were 1?, present. ` Lunch was en- i Sprag„e, and Nrs. E. Haskell, Nr. i ed, a :fi sting to tesae:s being Nr- F and Mrs. Harvey Pettman and two ;{ Woods chi and Mrs. hardy. r :children, Nr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson i . slz, r, Elaine and Louise leiter- i and two children, Mr. and Mrs. st,n were visitor la3t week in i Keith Arthur and three children, R"t"fr,nto- :Mr. and Mrs, Frank Ncllwain anal Mr. and )Ili. Gordon Chamnty Glenda. Dench and, a lovely birth - sod u,n were Sunday visitors with 'day take were served. Londe.tt/oro friends, — i The annual meeting of Nile Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Henderson an.! j W,MS. was held in the church, ; ' family o[ withKpen were Sunday Tuesday afte oo Re G Watt i that vital cin *ads of y�oirr n>e. • '!boost groom diet BIGGEST "mg BEAUTIFUL and VARIED desplay of Christmas cards we've shows e iw noisy a -trier! The design show.' is by National Detroit of Canada Ltd, awed is part of a selection that sparkles with spirited originality and traditional warmth. . NILE. HENDERSON 'S PHONE 91 /� w !visitors Mr. and Mrs. Stuart as rn n. r. a ,G derich, Township was in the chair for election of of NOMINATIONS A nomination meeting will be held for Goderich Township on Novel®ber.'' e7, m the Town of Clinton's nefff Municipal Building. Nominations will be from 1 to 2 p.m. for four councilors and reeve and also fort School trustees,' for two year terms for the Township School Area Board. ELECTIONS If a poll be demanded, voting will take place on December 7 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., with the following D. B. Officers and Poll Clerks: - Wards Place Deputy Returning Officer Poll Clerk 1—Orange Hall V. Falconer H, , Puller -2—K. Holmes H. Sturdy Cliff Sturdy . . 3-L. Sehillie Chas: 1Wallis F. 'Sterling 4—H. Tyndall H. Tyndall E. Trick 5—H. McCartney H. McCartney L. Pearson 6—B. E. 'Lowden R. E. Bowden E. .i. Trewartha Charnney. , UNION facers for 1954. Miss Mary Currey was named president; first vice-, president, Mrs. Graham McNe?; 1 ° second vice-president, ..,Mrs. Tom ',McPhee; press secretary, Mrs. H- itiNION, GODER- CH TOVti[SHIP, Nov. 17.—The annual meet -;Morris; pianist. Mrs. S. Taylor: i c ing of Union W_N S, was held on treasurer, Mrs. R. Godfrey; record- !' `Wednesday of Inst creek at the i ung secretary, ars. S. Taylor; .cor- hoi ee of Mrs. Reg. Fuller with 10 ! responding and literature secre members and two visitors preset.[ MLrs. O. Bele special fund Nrs_ Austin Fuller gave the call to secretary, Mrs. H. Norris; supply worship and read the Scripture. secretary Mrs. R. McNee; Hower book read by _Mrs. and visiting committee, Mrs. H. The study :William Porter, Mrs. Everett Mc- 'Moms, Mrs. R. McNee, Nrs. A. llwain, ]des. Gerald Orr and Mrs. Kerr, Mrs. M. Young and Mrs. '1' . Gordon Mrs. A report of the ser ! McKnight: associate tnembers sec- tional meeting was ,given by the ' retary, Mrs. A. Kerr; temperance • delegate, firs. William Porter. and stewardship secretary, Mrs. 1 • Business Portion of the meeting' R�. McKnight. Rev. G. Watt dedic- 1 aced the officers to their work was conducted by the president, Meeting chased with a hymn and Mrs. Haney Fuller. Mars. 'Everett ' the benediction. McIlwain was appointed flower i fund convener. A hymn ani , prayer closed the meeting_ The .Social Club will meet --Thus-! day, November 19, at Union Scholl.' Election of officers will take place_ Mr. and Mrs. David Vail, of Tobermory, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson, of ‘Goderich, visited with Mr. and •Mrs. Gerald Orr on Son day. - 1 I f///i ryf/i�;/l•6 6Ca ea Iieisla/ Illuaw lir del A. .A.s/ bstmder of Cei.•te1e medal sl �r Cieatale IM. Goderich Bottling Works 9 Goderkh, iMt. IrAiro" 10.4 r.eiaerd M-w..A. now MO Believe it or not... eita Mahe& Dee Thi man whose picture belongs here is not necessarily a celebrity or a leading citizen. indeed, he might be any one of millions of Canadians. flow ciid so many people benefit their communities so greatly Simply by insuring insuring their lives! in this way, they set in motion a series of events whrch have far-reaching effects on themselves and their fellow -citizens. Take for instance the new high- ways, schools. bridges, power plants, homes. hotels, hospitals and other important works now being built from coast to coast. Many of these projects have been financed with money which life insurance com- panies have invested for their policy- holders. Or look at the workers streaming " out from some new industrial plant. ,D They may owe their job to life insurance policyholders who provide the money needed for investment in that plant's expansion. Good health, took promoted by life insurance policyholders Several important medical research projects. supported by life insurance company funds, are waging war against polio. heart ailments. cancer and other dread diseases. Rut perhaps the life insurance owner's most important service is not any of these things. it is the way he provides for his family so that they will not be a financial burden to his relatives or the community. So, if you own life"insiirancc, he proud that in all these ways you're helping to make Canada a better, land to live in! AT .YOUR SERVICE A trained life .nd.rwril.t, r eer os.+Ning .no of ile. n. Ilion SO C...di.n, MOW. United shs.s fN. in.w..s. t.teep.ni.n M C.a.i., will gl.dly kelp you pion fin yew, i.enNy's ..herby end soot own needs in I.her room Italy .n hits t THE LIFE'INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA 11.3s Goe1 4hii nshlp hir own INC Insurance" L -1.53o t1 CREWE CREWE, Nov. 18.—Mr. antillrs. ' T. Culbert spent the week-end'Visit- ing friends in Hamilton. Mrs. Jones, of Wingham. is visit- ing with' her daughter, Mrs. Ben- son Shackleton, Mr. and Mrs. C. Finnigan attend- ed the Royal Winter Fair in Tor- onto on Saturday: Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sherwood and Norma have gone to live in Gode- rich. Prior to leaving, a few of the neighbors fnet and presentel them with a remembrance. Mr. and Mrs. Will Alton and Wendell, of Wingham. were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. Crozier and family. Mr. and Mrs. " M. Henry and Brenda visited with Mr. and Mr-. C. Finnigan on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harris and daughter, of Crediton, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Don Paquette and sons. mm' In southwestern Ontario exhaust- ed natural gas wells are used to store natural gas piped in from the United States. — Quick Canadian Facts. 21. Business Notice Guaranteed radio service. WILE. REINHART ELECTRIC, Hamilton street, phone 466. -12 I,- ECOME A BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, or typist in your snare time. Lessons 50c. Fc,r particulars, write CANADIAN CORRESPONDENCE COURSES, 1290 Bay street, Toronto. -45-413 22. Lost and Found I�LATHER KEY CASE WItIl several keys lost Tdesday on West street. Phone 170W. -48 TWO HEREFORD CATTLE LOST, about 800 lbs., strayed from farm of G. Newton. Goderieh Town- ship. Anyone knowing where- abouts please contact G. G. NEW TON, *.k.l. 46x OPENING SATURDAY BROKEN RANGES OF BETTER COATS SAYE! WITH A FULL LINE OF AUTO PARTS[ AND SPORTING GOODS Visit this new store on Hamilton Street next to Beatty Washer Store. GEORGE BOWRA, Manager. SAVE!ESAVEU!.... GERRARD'S GODERICH YOU CAN WIN This BEAUTJFUL ar SETof McBrine or Langmuir Luggage for Christmas Every customer - will receive a coupon with every one dollar purchase of any -merchandise in our store. COMENCING MONDAY, NOV. 16 --ENDING THURSDAY, DECBMIBER 24 , Coupons wilt also be given, for payments on ac counts F. E. HIBBERT &