HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-11-12, Page 10Looking For A.. Good Used Car? LOOK AT THESE SPECIALS! 1952 OLDS 88 SEDAN 1952 PONTIAC CHIEFTAN HARD TOP 1951 CHEV DELUXE SEDAN 1949 METEOR SEDAN 1947 CHEVROLET COACH 1941 DESOTO SEDAN AND NUMEROUS OTHER GOOD USED CARS AND TRUCKS. S �tors. . Pgntiac =-Buick, - G.M.Ci Trucks PHONE 34 •• t tf$TON S. TRE GODIR1C8 SIGNAL -STAR +44 • THURSDAY, NOV. 1 th, 1953 Weelmrsday • noon is a for Clalssifled Ads. Five ligie a a+' Moue 50c/ 10c for, each additional line. HIREIT ;, WANT ADS All Classified Ads are on A. CASH BASIS. Ads phoned in must, be paid within one week of publication. CRESS CORN SALVE FOR SURE voR SALE. — A VERY NICE, I For Sale (Gene) �' relief. Your Druggist sells small frame, bungalow in ex -„t Hel 1i anted , Cress Wart Remover, , leaves no 001), 12 INCHES, AT $5 PEit W cord, delivered. FRED C. KALBFI.FiSCI1 & SON, LTD , Goderich, and Zurich. -4346 FIANO TUNING" W1LL BE IN Goderich November 9, 1953. Please. phone your order to MRS. ELLA DONALDSON, music teach- er, phone 431. All work fully guaranteed. 4245x CIRCULATOR HEATER; JACKET heater; electric heater; Axmin- ster rug, 6'9" x 9'; fire screen; writing desk; all in good condition. Phone 821\%. 43 tf COAL HEATER, CABINE 'r style, guaranteed; also 2 snow tires, 600x16, nearly new. PHONE 579. 116 Warren Street. 44-5x ARTICLES OF FURNITURE, IN CLUDING bed, rug, etc. 160 QUEBEC STREET. Phone 869W. 44 REG1STE SOWS A N D boars, purebred, registered if desired. HARRY THOMPSON, R. R. 2, Clinton. Phone Clialnton 904r13 14 • FOR SALE.—USED .REFRIGER- ATORS, electric ranges, rang: ettes and washing machines at BARGAIN PRICES. SHORE AP - scars.. MAN'S OVERCOAT,' SIZE 42, dark shade, just worn several times. Phone 933 r 21. 45x 1 r ELMSC O'.T LARGE ENGLISH Yorkshires, serviceable age boars, bred from English imported foundation, _stock. Apply to A. C. LEVEY, R.R. 4, Seaforth. 45x (CIRCULATOR COAL IIEA'1'ER, large size; man's brown over- coat, size 38; girl's red plaid winter coat, size 14. Phone 1177«'. 45tf HONEYWELL JDAMPER CON- TROL for furnace. CHAS. r, EDWARDS, Lighthouse and Wc;l- , lesley streets, phone 602. 4y ,'SED BENDIX AUTOMAT1(' washer, $99.50; good used rangettes; G.E. fridge, nearly ncw. WILF REINHART ELECTRIC. .45 1EFRIGERATOR, USED AT cottage, 6.5 cu. ft., like new, sealed unit: Owner wishing to dispose of same before winter season. Price $125. Apply REV. C. J. SCOTT, Blyth. 4546x CHROME, GRAY KITCHEN SFT; Beatty oil burner, 14 inch; studio couch; Coffield washing ma- PLIANCES, Goderich, your head- chine; extension table; Electro - quarters for hearing aid batteries. Hygiene vacuum cleaner; odd beds. -13tf Phone 653W. 45-46x FOR SALE.—WATERLOO GAR- DEN tractors. Come in and see, the different sizes and various imlements that may beshad'with each. These may be bought for as low as.,. 15' down payment. GEORGE WRAITH, Montreal St. -16tf FOR SALE. -- CEDAR POSTS, anchor posts, clothesline poles, flag poles, etc. JOHN HIND - MARSH, R.R. 2, Goderich. Phone 11901 -35 FOR SALE.—BEAUTIFUL GAR- DEN chrysanthemums, s wide range of color, large bouquet, $1.00. L. R. HOLMAN, phone 722, Cameron street. -42 Hygienic supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid - in plain, sealed envelope with price list. Six sam- ples, 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-53. NOV-RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. NEW CHENILLE BEDSPREADS AT ONLY $5.00 EACH FROM FACTORY TO YOU. We are now offering you the very closest and finest Chenille bed- spreads available. This spread IRATE SEASON SALE! 1953 MODEL OIL BURNERS While They 1,,ast-- $137.00 to $157.00 Six Makes to Choose From. WINTER AIR.CONDITION1NG FURNACES Complete with Oil Burner 5399.00 to $425.00. ALL -STEEL GRAVITY • FURNACES • $127.00 to $157.00 200 -GALLON OIL TANKS •1 $49.00 One Year Guarantee on Above. Shipped Anywhere in Ontario or Quebec. TORID HEATING SALES 66 Flora Street, Ottawa, Ont. 4547 cellent west end location. Agent, MALCOLM MATHERS, Real- Estate Broker, 46 West street, Goderich. 42tf ` \ UMBER 61 KINGSTON ST.— An excellent business location close to the Square. For partic- ulars see MALCOLM MATHERS, Real Estate Broker, 46 West St , Goderich. 44tf FOR SALE. — FOUR-BEDROOM brick home, hardwood -floors, two fireplaces, hot water heating, could be easily conVerted into duplex; garage.- II..A. BOGIE, 63 Cambria road. Phone 60J. 40-41. New modern six -room brick ven- eer bungalow, near business sec- tion. ` Frame home, located on a large lot in the west end of town, Pro- perty is in good shape. $3,000 needed to handle this home. New insul brick sided six -room house, near business 'section; General Store, located approxim- ately 18 miles- frorti Goderich, with an annual gross pf $20,000 annual- ', ly. $4,600 needed to handle this ',property. ("`1 ET YOUR CHRISTMAS CARDS `� YET? You'll be wise to get them early and avoid a frenzied Christmas season rush later: See the samples of distinctive personal- ized cards at the SIGNAL -STAR. i We print your name on then. Order early to allow time for de- livery and printing. -'45tf • completely tufted with Corduroy baby chenille, no sheeting showing. 1 First quality. They come in elab- orate multi -colored flower patterns or aalid same color patterns. In all shades and in both full double or single bedsize. At only $5.00 each, sent COD plus postage. Order one and save many dollars - You will be amazed at the value. Immediate money -back guarantee TOWN & COUNTRY MFG., Box 904 Place D'Armes, Montreal, Que- bec. 45&47x SOOND BLACK HORSE, AGE 10 years. STANLEY McILWAIN, phone 935 r 11, Goderich. 45x Modern 5 room home, radiant heated and large lot. $4,000 need- ed to handle this home. Eight -room house, located near both schools and the arena. Pro- perty has been well looked after and has all modern fixtures. For further details contact P. S. MacEWAN, West street. Phone 230 or 1551.T. -43tf A fully mouern six -room brick house, bank barn and henhouse on 40 acres of good workable lane, paved road, near town and school. Priced to sell. Terms. 'Also 62 acres and 70 acres on good road with splendid buildings. Other farms of various sizes. Feed mill, with grinder, roller, mixer, seed cleaner and treater, new G.M. diesel engine, run one year, in splendid farming district. Owner deceased. A real buy. CECIL WHEELER, Realtor. ALASKA. CONSTRUCTION JOB. Journeymen $4.07, Laborers $2.97 hourly. Application guide & "Alaska Facts" $1.00. FRANK GASKILL, PVCO, Box 656, Belle- vue, Wash., U.S.A. 45x I�JXT ERIENCED STENOGRAPH- ER as secretary to general manager of progressive manufac- turing company. Must•have good shorthand, possess initiative, be alert and dependable. Top salary to capable girl. Kindly write full particulars in own hand and salary desired to BOX 16, THE SIGNAL - STAR. , 45-4.6 FURNITURE FINISHER, FULLY experienced, as Foreman for top-quality, progressive manufac- turer. Our foreman retiring through age. Pleasant working conditions, steady employment, • group • insurance, .1 etc. Enclose photograph and give full details in first letter in confidence. BOX 12, SIGNAL -STAR. -45-46 5. Employment Wanted OUSE CLEANING BY HOUR wanted by German woman Phone after 5 p.m. to 287J. 44-6x HOUSEWORK WANTED BY hour by Dutch girl. MISS S. KOLKMAN, R.R. 5, Goderich. -45 6. Wanted (Gen.) ANTED. --„LD HORSES AND dead cattle. If dead, phone -at once.. GILItEItT IBROS., Mink Ita obove c',lleet 936 r 32 or 936 r 21. -26tf WANTED. — DEAD, DISABLED horses ,or cows removed free of charge. For prompt and ef- ficient service phone "STONES" collect, Ingersoll 21 or " Goderich 836 r 21. -lOtf 1.ITTER CARRIER AND TRAOKS wanted. STANLEY McILWAIN, IR.R. 2, Goderich. Phone 935 r all. 1 45x Phone 88, Blyth, Ont. r FOR SALE. Nearly new, five -room bungalow. sided with insul brick, located on acre on No. 21 highway, a few• miles south of Goderich. 43.7. To Rent 1B. Real Estate •• I tJILLLNERY BUSINESS. APPLY MRS. L. MacARTHUR, the Square, Goderich. -44-5 • FOR SALE.—A VERY ATTRAC- TIVE small brick dwelling in excellent.location near the Square. Agent, MALCOLM MATHERS, Real Estate Broker, 46 West street, Goderich. -42tf "WARTIME HOUSE ON BAY - FIELD Road, possession De- cember 1.?_. PHONE 566 J or W. • 44x BOY'S ICE SKATES, SIZE 12. HAROLD W. SHORE Phone 161W. 45x MAN'S DARK NAVY HEAVY 1Milton overcoat, size about 39-40, only worn once. "Too heavy .for ine." Bargain. EARL Mac- LAREN, phone 401. -45 ONE PAIR MEN'S SKATES LN good condition, size 9. Phone 931 r 32. '45x I)OI.LED-HEREFORD BULL, RE- GISTERED, Worthmore Breed- ing, 16 months old, ready for ser vice. HARVEY MAIZE & SONS; Dungannon, phone 14 r 8. 45-47x ACCORDION, HOHNER, 120 bass with lessons, $150.00. Apply to BOX 14, SIGNAL -STAR. 45.46x IF BACKACHES•'`ARE SLOWII�I,G you up, take- Rumacaps and help yourself to relief from pains Real Estate FOR SALE New bungalow, -insul-brick sid- ing, three bedrooms, living room and modern kitchen. Located in northeast part of Goderich. A warm, cozy home. Ranch type bungalow, only two years old. Three bedrooms, four - piece bath, living room, dining room nand very modern kitchen. Attached garage. Automatic heat- ing. Good location. A comfortable home at reason- able price. Cross Roads General Store. Frame building containing store and living quarters. Five acres of land. Small barn, colony house. Sale price of $8,200 includes build- ings, land, stock and equipment. Terms. Listings and inquiries invited. and aches. Ask' your Druggist. Phone 766W -45 Hamilton Street Goderich. .Two-storey six -room house with insul brick siding, located in the village of Dungannon. One month possession. - Price $3,000. Two-storey white hrick house, made into three apartments. East end location. New modern five -room bungalow. radiant oil heating. Frame con- struction, living room, dinette, two bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom.- This is a beautiful home. Large double. two-storey white 1 brick house on East street; close to Square. A good business loca- 1 tiers .Small_ furnished cottage at Sun- set Beach. C. F. CHAPMAN, Realtor, phone 18W, Goderich. . - -42tf TWO ROOMS, UNFURNISHED, heated. Call - 162 Newgate street, phone 734W. - 45x FOUR -ROOM AND THREE,ROOM apartments, freshly decorated, conveniences, hot water, heavy wiring. Apply POST OFFICE - BOX 383. -43 OUBLE GARAGE ON D Patrick street, will rent singly. - . Ward Group. Tea served from 3.30 p.ni.-45 The Legion Auxiliary will hold its annual bazaar, bake sale and WI, Saturday, November 14, in British Exchange Hotel. 44 5 Don't forget Legion draw, Nov- ember 11. 'rrilight lamp.and over 40 other prizes. -43-44 The Evening Auxiliary, of North Street United Church will hold its meeting Monday, November 16, in Church Hall at 8 p.m. -45 Dance in Kingsbridge Parish Hall, Tuesday, November 17, Wil- loughby's orchestra,- fidor manager, lunch .counter, door prize. Admis- sion SQc.. -45. November meeting Tiger Dunlop Institute, November 17. Please bring library books. -45 December 5, Christmas Fair, at British Exchange Hotel by the C.W.L., St. Peter's Church. -45 The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Hospital Auxiliary will be held on Monday, November 16, at 3 p.m., in the Board Room at. the hospital. -45 Bazaar, bake sale and tea at Victoria Street United Church, Sat. urday, November 21, at 2.30 p.m. under auspices of Willing Workers. -45-46 The W.C.T.U. will meet at the home of Mgrs. W. Hern, Tuesday, November 17, at 2.30 p.m. Roll call will be Remembrance. -45 "500" and Euchre card- party in MacKay Hall on Wednesday, No. vember 25 at 8 p.m. Good prizes, lunch. Admission 50 cents. Spon- sored by Goderich Rebekah Lodge. Everybody welcome. -45.46 10. Briefs sale and balance - in 30 days. For enquiries on property apply Mr. E. T. Pfrimmer, phone 236 Carlow, R.R. 4, Goderich: ED ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. 4546 - AUCTION SALE SPONSORED by Knox Church Men's' Club, in • the Lecture Hall of Knox Church, Goderich, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14 at 1 p.m. Chairs, lamps, china, occasional tables, potatoes, carrots, rugs, kitchen utensils, garden tools, toys, cushions, radio, beds, chest of drawers, electrical equipment, tools, skates, skis, love seat, band saw, hall trees, boots and shoes. E. FLi.IOTT, Auctioneer. A rummage sale will be in pro- gress at the same time. 45 {COMMUNITY SALE AT GRAHAM INGLIS' GARAGE, West St., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, .at 1.30 p.m. - Anyone having articles to put in this sale must have list in hands of auctioneer by the preceding Tuesday night so it may be ad- vertised. dvertised. MATT GAYNOR, 45- Auctioneer. 12. Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED BY NOVEM- BER 20, 1953, . for supplying police car for Town of Goderich. Standard coach, black, winterized, ,beater and defroster. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accept- ed. S. H. BLAKE; Clerk of the Town of Goderich. 45- ' Christmas Cards; individual, 5c and up; boxes 25c to $2:00. Camp- bell's I.D.A. Drug Store. Sale- of ;';-.British-Knit children's 'dresses, sweaters, blouses, etc., in time - for Christmas. Order now. Miss Grace Maskell, 127 Bruce street. Phone 11018 for appoint- ment. -45.48 Will you be lucky on "Friday the 13th"? Made -to -measure siiit of ,clothes or topcoat for either man r woman for only 25c. Get a 1 Lions Club ticket for draw on Fri- t day, November 13. -4 -45 ° I cArthur's Millinery Shop ill be closed all day Wednesdays until further notice. -4g-45 Order Shell furnace oil and stove oil from Edward Fuels, tank truck dealer for all Shell Oil Co. pro- ducts. Phone 98.-l8tf Blue Water Service Station. Com plete service and repairs. Phone 232, Bayfield road. C. Bannister. I -39tf If you are looking for a new sewing machine I can - save you money. It will pay you to in - 1 vestigate. Store open evenings Iafter 6 o'clock; Saturdays;,10 a.m. to 9 p.m. C. WOODS, 44 East 4 street. -42tf 44 14. In Memoriam Phone 589R. -45 ERRINGTON.—In loving memory . of our dear mother, Mrs. Olivia Jane Errington, who passed away five years ago, November 17, 1948. Oft we think of you, dear mother, And our hearts are filled with pain; Oh this earth 'would be a Heaven, Could we hear your voice again. Five years have swiftly passed away, But still we don't forget; For in the hearts that loved you best, Your memory lingers yet. —Ever remembered and sad'y missed by daughters and sons. -45 15. Cards of Thanks i I WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THIS opportunity to express my 4 gratitude to all those who sent cards or flowers or visited me dun ing my recent stay in -Alexandra Hospital: Also to the nurses and 111. Auction Sales ; staff of the hospital, to Dr. Watters, THREE ROOM APARTMENT Rev. H. A. Dickinson, Branch 109 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS AT GORDON RATHBURN'S, 41 ESSEX ST., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14,' at 1.30 p.m. Chesterfield set; Duncan Fyfe dining set; bedroom set; 2- beds and mattresses; English Pye radio; book case; cabinet; -radio stand; 787M:— -45tf I chair; 2 rugs; fancy china; set of dishes; trilight lamp; small stands: electrical appliances; vacuum cleaner; and many other things too numerous to mention. - -Terms—Cash.. - MATT GAYNOR, - 44 Auctioneer. with sink and cupboards on Square. Conveniences. Apply to J. A. CAMPBELL. -. • 44 FOUR ROOM APARTMENT, 1 heated. PHONE 463. Mrs. Robert Good, Victoria Street. " 44-5 1- TWO -ROOM UNFURNISHED- apartment,_ downstairs_PHONE FOR SALE.—RED BRICK THREE- BEDROOM house, hot water heating system with automatic oil furnace, insulated and a very cozy home in a splendid location with close proximity . to schools, churches and Square. Apply BERNARD WILMOT, 49 East street, -42 WELL SITUATED FARM OF clay loam at intersection of 8th concession of Colborne and 1st concession of West Wawanosh, con- sisting of approximately 80 acrel, 9 room cement block house, large bank barn and drive house, hydro and good water supply at front and - back. Small down payment with owner willing to carry re- mainder as first mortgage. Apply MARY E. McNALL, 31 Young, St , Welland, Ont. - 44-5 2. Real Estate Wtd. �reeord player -nd-records; 'antique TO RENT.—LARGE FURNISHED, bed -sitting room, lower floor, hot and cold water, heated, grill privileges, suit two business girls. MRS. KEN ALLIN, Maple Leaf Cabins. -41tf TO RENT. -= COMFORTABLE furnished apartment. Phone '213W. 40tf WANTED.—LISTINGS OF _RESI- DENTIAL and farm properties for sale. HAROLD W. SHORE, Real Estate Agent, North street. Phone 76GW, Goderich. -36tf WANTED.—LISTINGS . OF PRO • PERTIES for sale. No charge to you until property is sold. MALCOLM MATIIERS, 11 e a 1 Estate Broker, 46 West St., Gode- ,rich. Phone 115W. -12tf WANTED.- -1.1aTiNets I 11 lilt() 1'i-ltTii:S for sale. C. F. (11.11''iAN. lte'alt,►r. PHONE 18W. T11 3. Agents Wanted FOR RENT.—LARGE SELF CONa TAINED apartment, centrally located, available immediately. Write BOX -112, SIGNAL -STAR. -42 TO RENT.—FIVE-ROOM APART- MENT. Furnished. Hot water. Basement laundry. Adults, Possession anytime after November 15. Apply BOX 113, SIGNAL - STAR. -42-43-44-45 I� MIN $50 WEEKLY. MEN- D women. We have a sensational plan whereby you Can make $50 weekly 4tid more in spare time by selling our complete line of dry goods and yard goods. No exper- ience needed. Samples furnished. Free Particulacte REX TRADING CO. (Dept. 5I' 5752 Park Ave., Montreal;' Que. 44-5 FULL OR PART TIME LOCAL sales representative for pro- .gressive -sales Organization in Waterloo:. For further information write BOX 184, Waterloo. -40t1 8. Wanted to Rent TWO HOUSE f EEPING ROOMS, heated, wanted by December 1. Write BOX 11, Signal -Star. 44-5x APARTMENT WANTED BY couple for January 1st. Three or , four rooms, self-contained, Write J. B. RUSSELL, 9A Ronces- valles Ave., Apt. A., Toronto, 44-5x Ont. SMALL SEL)+ -CONTAIN apartment, unfurnished, January 1. Contact A. ALL 343 Prince Edward Drive, -Tor 18. E I) by. EN, onto 45tf, ART - We; rite -45tf WANTED.—HOUSE 011 AP MENT, 2 bedrooms, unfurn ed. References if required. W BOX 104, SIGNAL -STAR. - I Canadian Legion, and The Ladies' Auxiliary, and to Miss Marion Bogie, nurse -in -training at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, for her care and in bringing me a touch of homeiness to my stay there. GEO. L. BAXTER. CULBERT'S BAKERY "The Home of Tast Pastry' -'---- WASHINGTON TORTE -40c each A four -layer Light Cake with Strawberry Filling and Butter Creme.. Icing. BANANA CREAM PIE -45c each CARAMEL BARS -35c doz.— Wedding, Anniversary PHONE .465 LIGHT AND DARK CHRISTMAS CAKE 80c Ib.—Iced or united. Fruit Cake in fancy tins for mailing. and Birthday .Cakes a specialty. PHONE EARLY 19. Notice to Creditors ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the estate of Isabel Harriett Hamilton Barker, late of the City of Brooklyn, in the State of New York, Registered Nurse, who died, on or about the 21st day of July, 1953, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 14th day of November, 1953, as after tnat date the assets of the Estate will be eistributed. Dated at the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 26th day of October, 1953, -R. C. HAYS, Q.C., Goderich, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. 43-45- - `ILL PERSONS IIAVING CLAIMS against the estate of James Sproul, late ' of the Township of Wawanosh, in the . County of Huron, farmer, who died on or about the 17th day of October, 1953, are required to file the same with , full particulars with the ta'tdersigned by the 14th day of November, 1953, as after that date the assets of the Estate_will be dis- tributed. Dated at the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 22nd day of October, 1953. R. C. HAYS, Q.C., Goderich, Ontario, Solicitor for the. Estate. 43 -45 - ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the estate of Jessie Swaffield, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, Spinster, who died on or about the 26th day of September, 1953, are' required to file the same with full particulars " with the under' signed by the 28th day of Novem- ber, 1953, as after that date the assets- of the estate will be dis- tributed. Dated at the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 5th day • of November, 1953. R. C. HAYS, Q.C., Goder h, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. 45-46- ILY would like to thankthe 2U• —ublit Notice `many friends and relatives _. who • ASHFIELD VOTERS' LIST— Clerk's notice of first posting of Voters' List. Voters' List, 1953, Municipality of Ashfield, County of Huron: Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 8 of The Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up at - my office at Kintail on the 31st day of October, 1953, the list_of all persons en- titled to vote in the said munici- pality at Municipal, Elections, and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- rected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 16th day of November 1953. Dated this 31st day of October, DONALD M. SIMPSON, 44-5 Clerk. iIRS. RICHARD OKE AND FAM- sent floral tributes, cards of syn.': pat.hy, loaned cars or assisted theca in any. way in their bereavement. { 45 ..,,BIRTHS - AUCTION SALE.—THERE WILL be offered for sale • by Public 1 r'-- Auction on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1953. DUCKWORTH.—At Alexandra Hos- at the hour of one o'clock in the pita., Goderich, on November 7, afternoon at MacDonald Street, in 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. John Duck - the Town of Goderich, by Harold' Jackson, Auctioneer, the following property, namely: PARCEL A—Parts of Lots 1292 and 1293, Goderich, having a front- age of 50 feet by a -depth of 134 feet on which . there is a house framed. to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Frayne, PARCEL B—Part of Lot 1293, R.R. 3, Goderich, a sin. Goderich, having a frontage of 50 GRAHAM.—At Alexandra Hospital, feet by a depth of 134 feet, on Goderich, on November 3, -1953, which there is a foundation and to Mr. and Mrrs: L. B. (Buckie) sub -flooring. Graham, Goderich, a daughter, TERMS 10% of ,the purchase Daphne. price to be paid down at the time MERG.—At Alexandra Hospital, of sale, balance to be paid in cash Goderich; on November 8, 1953, within 15 days. to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mero, .For further particulars and con- ditions of sale apply to C. F. CHAPMAN, Colborne Street. Goderich, Ontario. 44-5 HOUSE OR APARTMENT or three bedrooms, t riftli"in ed. Phone 238, MRS. TEARLE TWO' sh= 45, HOUSE QR APARTMENT, TWO or three bedrooms,- unfurnish- ed. Write BOX 15, SIGNAL -STAR. -45 9. Coming Events worth, Goderich, a daughter. FISHER.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, .on November 6, 1953, to Mr. ' •and Mrs. Carl Fisher, Goderich, a daughter.. FRAYNE.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich; on November 5, 1953, See the Victoria Helpers' Variety Concert at Benmiller .United Church, Frid ', November 13, at:; 8.15 p.m., sponsored by Benmiller, choir. Admission, 50c and 25e. 44-5 Reserve Thursday, November 191 for an afternoon tea at St. George's Rectory, sponsored by St. George's Goderich, a daughter. MacKENZIE.—At Grace Hospital, Toronto, on October 14, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mac- Kenzie, Toronto, a son, Donald Kenneth. AUCTION . SALE OF CHURCH PROPERTY AND HOUSE- HOLD EFFECTS of the Benmiller parsonage, con- cession . 2, Colborne Township, - Western Division, west of village of Benmiller and close to the church and -school, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21 at 2 p.nl. FURNITURE--Spoolbed, springs and mattress; bed, springs and mattress; dresser; cljerry chest of drawers; chest of" drawers; . side- board; oak rocker; oak study desk: Nlarriston enanfel range and pipes; email tables; 2 lots of six kitchen chairs. PROPERTY—At the same time and Iilace there will be offered for sale subject to reserve bid' the property consisting of - one third acre of land, more or less, on whieh is situated on eight -room frame house with ashphalt shingle siding and a summer kitchen attached to hnl`rse. This house is equipped with a furnace and a pressure sys- tom with cold and hot running water (electrically heated), three- piece bath and builtdin ' kitchen cupboards; also on this property is a two -car frame garage with roll brick siding. Terms on furniture --cash; Terms on property -10% down on day of • BUSINESS oP1?oltTUNrrIICB oPDoRTuNt'rr: tewb/eparty t handle wholesale fast **Ring fecttone, ahrough ew t - - n,atie--meirchandteets. N Age not eaentlal. full or me. atm up to $ cash requrr - ad unlm a definitely, have the reeqquuired cash. Me▪ w with P O. Rea 7011. rr SALESMAN Look 1�iiere: Wan budneha on Credit Tann-borne • - our de.lera now Ana toed prelim. For. pa 1taIAOOWilr& 0a4. MALE HELP 70 la .,....-7 tor Itellisbl Aman with ea call on canners In 8 Wondeaarfful oppertumt dd Ma M red Permanent. Zit COMPANY M 1953. Canada's National Parks fl~.rrl- their beginnings in 1885 when a 10 -square mile area around the hot .Banff mineral `springs was reserved for public use. Wash day item: There were 104,322,096 clothes pins made in Canada during 1951, latest year for which figures are available. O t - FG TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES Town of Goderich, County of Huron. To Wit: By virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town of Goderich bearing date the 16th day of October, 1953, sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the Town of Goderich will be held at the Coun- cil Chambers, Goderich, at the hourof 3 o'clock in the afternoon on the tenth day of February, 1954, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice -is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published in The Ontario Gazette on the seventh day of - November, 1953, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office. Treasurer's office, this 12th day of November, 1953. ' S. H. BLAKE, 45-51-5- Treasurer. • H 0 y.�^w,wes. :r z TAKE NOTICE THAT IT IS THE intention of the Municipality of the Town of Goderich to purchase lots at the adjourned tax sale if the price offered is not considered adequate. S. H. BLAKE, 45- Treasurer. 21. Business Notice Guaranteed radio service. WILE. REINHART ELECTRIC, Hamilton sfreet, phone 466. -12 OLD AND NEW FLOORS SAND- ED. Hardwood floors "sanded and finished at prewar prices. Phone CREE COOK, 23J, Clinton. -37tf PURINA FEEDS FOR YOUR COWS LAYING HENS .f FATTENING STEERS STEERS FOR GRASS NEXT YEAR ABOVE FEEDS CAN BE SUP- PLIED EITHER AS A COMPLETE RATION OR FEED YOUR OWN GRAIN AND CONCENTRA-'1S: THOSE LITTLE PIGS — (FIVE THEM THE START THEY NEED FOR GOOD GAINS W1TH PURINA PIG STARTENA ASIS, YOUR NEIGHBOR AND COME IN AND 'SEE US FOR A RECOMMENDATION. PHONE 1285 OR 931r3. -45tf BECOME A BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, or typist in your spare time. Lessons 50c. For particulars, write CANADIAN CORRESPONDENCE COURSES, 1290 Bay street, Toronto. -4546 22. Lost and Found ('!HILD'S BLAZER, IN REAL good condition, found. Owner may have same by identifying and ' paying for this ad. BILL ANDER- SON, Maher Shoe Stare. 45x .a Emerson Drug Store Corner West St. and Square Phone 45. We deliver. "As handy as the Postoffice" BIG VALUE IN CHRISTMAS CARDS 50 Cards 7 for 98c 12 Cards - . _ for 980 50 Cards " 'for 1.50. 18 Cards .. for 49c 21 Cards for 1.00 12 Cards for 29c 12 Religious Cards for 49c All the above cars are assorted and boxed. • ENERJETS FOR NEW HEALTH AND ENERGY Contain vitamins, minerals, liver and iron, made by Dr. Chase Medicine Co. Yoh miust be satisfied or your money refund?d by `Dr. Chabe, 30 days' supply -5.95