HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-11-12, Page 5Via THURSDAY, NOV; 12th, 1953 ST GEORGE'S CHURCH November 15th -Twenty-fourth Sunday after Trinity. 8.30 a.m. HOLY' COMMUNION. 10 a.m. •SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. (Junior Congregation and Nursery) 7 p.m. EVENSONG. A. W. ANDERTON, Organist and Choirmaster. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A.. D.D., Rector North Street United Church SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1953 EMMANUEL COLLEGE MALE QUARTETTE AND PREACHER Morning 11 a.m. Evening 7 p.m. Rev. H. A. Dickinson, B.A., Minister Eleanor Ewing, B.A. (Music) A.T.C.M. Organist . and Choirleader Goderich District Collegiate Iesdtute+ News By Kay Hamilton Me," the program was brought to a Last week Miss Snyder of the Stratford General hospital, spoke to the girls interested in a future career of nursing. With Miss Snyder were two of the hospitals nurses who answered questions for the -girls. At assembly, Tuesday morning, a program was put on by Grade XIII to commemorate Remem- brance Day. After "0 God Our Help in Ages Past" was sung by students, a one minute silence was observed inhonor of the war dead. Against a background appropriate fpr Remembrance Day, Robed Oulette introduced the guest spealter, Rev. Dr. K. E. Taylor. With the singing of "Abide" with The program of this church is as broad ciss God's Love .... Alert, Active, Energetic .. . Eager to serve you. 'S WAY IN YOUR LIFE TODAY 11 a.m. "THE SMOKING FLAX." The Sacrament of :Infant Baptism. Music by the Junior Choir. 7 p.m. "THE POWER OF THE HUMAN TONGUE." SACRED MUSICALE AFTER THE SERVICE. ORGAN, TRUMPET AND VOCAL SELECTIONS. tcax Vat buterirzii Pixrrli 'Rev. R. 6. MacMillan Mr. W. H. Bishop, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M. Director of Praise Minister' Goderieh Baptist (Church MONTREAL STREET Minister:' REV. IAN G. HIND, B.A., B.D. Organist: Mrs. E. Donaldson, A.L.C.M. LIFE GIVING SERVICES Sunday, November 15 to Sunday, November 22, inclusive. Sundays 11 a.m. and -7 p. Week nights 7.45-- p.m. DR. 12.‘P. W. ZIEMANN, a preacher of broad experience and great ability: HEAR • MARION CROWLEY NEWBY, colored contralto. Her inspired singing will thrill your soul. ALSO MALE QUARTETTE. BRING YOUR FRIEND! DON'T MISS A SERVICE. THE CHURCH OF "THE LIGHT AND LIFE HOUR" HEARD EACH SUNDAY AT 9 A.M.-900 CHML WELCOMES YOU TO WORSHIP AT THE Free Methodist Church CORNER VICTORIA . AND PARK STREETS REV. MARTHA MARLATI, PASTOR. 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. THE WORD OF LIFE. 3 p.m. MORTGAGE BURNING SERVICE. REV. R. C. McCALLUM, BRANTFORD, GUEST SPEAKER REV. G. BABCOCk, ASSISTING. SPECIAL SINGING AN ADDED FEATURE • DON'T MISS THIS SERVICE -YOU ARE WELCOME. close. he posting of the examination timetable gave notice to students that exams. begin on November 20 for Upper School students and November 26 for the others. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. bavldson of 1 AUBURN, Nov. 11. -Miss Stella Rutledge, of Goderich, is visiting her sister. Mrs. J. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. F; 0. Mcllveen are visiting their family. at Oshawa and Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. John, Daer ana family visited friends at Kitchener on Sunday. Mrs. Sanford Lawlor suffered a 'str'oke on Monday. Her many friends wish her a speedy ..<- re- covery. George Beadle,. celebrated his 87th birthday on November 4. A birthday dinner was served at the ;home , of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Brown when,the immediate family were present. Mr. Beadle 'enjoys good health and his many friends wish him many more ,,happy birth- days.e Harry L. Sturdy and Keith Ar- thur along 'with Art Coulston, Nel- son Lear, Tom Coulston, William Allen, William Leiper, Kennet') Thompson, and-'' West Reid, left Monday on a hunting trip up north. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott and Miss Margaret. Jackson wets Kitchener visitors Saturday. Mrs. Herb Mogridge visited her at Walkerton on Thursday and daughter, Mrs. Bert Marsh and second prize. Mr. Marsh, in Kitchener on Sat-receivedThomas Cook, of Wingham, visit- urday. ed on Tuesdaywith Mr. and Mrs. spent the week end with their Mr. and Mrs. Albert Campbell Walter Cook ad otherr friends. daughter, Mrs. S. J. Abel and Mr. Mrs. Jack Buchanan and Mrs. , Abel, of St. Thomas. Fred Cook visited on Wednesday W. 11. Campbell is visiting at with Mrs. John W. Mason, of Bel- present with his daughter, Mrs. grave. Crozier, of London. Mrs. Bert Taylor visited last W.M.S. - The W.M.S. of Knox week with Mrs. Ray Hanna, of United Church met in the school room with Mrs. Fred Toll in charge Belgrave. Mr.. and Mrs. George Mills, of and Mrs. Sid McClinchey at the Woodham, visited on Sunday with piano. The Scripture was read by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mills. Miss Elma Mutch and prayer was The Mission Band held its meet - offered by Mrs. C. M. Straughan. ij arch school room.afternoon he in Scr he Miss M. R. Jackson introduced the ctune was read by several' the new study book. A pleasing duet band members. Prayer was of - was rendered by Mrs. Fred Plaetzer fered by Mrs. Norman McDowell. and Miss Sadie Carter. A report of the Sectional meeting held at .Blake's Church was given by Mrs. Harold Webster and Mrs. John Durnin. Mrs. George Million spoke on Temperance, Mrs.. Worthy, bMrs. Blair. Young on Africa and Mrs. Gordon y McClinchey on Christian Steward- • OBITUARYship. The president, Mrs. Camp• bell, took charge for the business W.J. BIRLEY period. The corresponding seer^- I William John Birley, a former tary read several "Thank . you" Londoner and a veteran .‘of two notes. An invitation from Duff's world wars, died Wednesday of Church, Walton, to attend their i last week in a Toronto military meeting on November 12 was etc hospital where he had been a cepted. The mite boxes are to be , patient for seven years. A native brought in,, t'the December meet-paf Blyth, the funeral of Mr. Birley ing. The ';offering was received. ; was held there Friday. Mrs: Sid McClinchey, Mrs. Fred � Besides his widow he leaves Plaetzer and Miss Viola Thompson three children: Two brothers, wen' appointed a nominating, corn- I George, of St. Catharines; Lawr- mittee to bring in a slate of cif once, of Toronto, and one sister, ficers at the December meeting.Mrs. James Crawford of Auburn, The Meeting closed with a hymn also Survive. and prayer by Mrs Campbell. NEWS OF AUBURN Toronto and Mrs ,A. J. Ruggle of Kitchener, were week•Qnd 'visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. MacVicar, Lighthouse street. Mr. and Mrs. James Sherwood, of .Dungannon have moved to Goclprich and purchased the resi dence of William Gardner, Essex street. Their daughter, Norma, is attending Teachers' College at Stratford. Tire Clearance! 1 Prices - Reduced �\ BigSavings V77( BETHEL TABERNACLE WATERLOO AND ELGIN REV. HOWARD E. MiNAKER, PASTOR SUNDAY SERVICES - 10 a.m.-Sunday School -CHILDREN brought up IN SUNDAY SCHOOL are seldom brought up IN COURT. 11 a.m. "WE ARE ABLE." 7.30 p.m. "WHEN THE HARLOT TRUSTS THE SCARLET." °Tuesday 8 p.m. Bible Study and Prater Meeting. Friday B p.m. Christ's Ambassadors. THE LITTLE CHURCH WiTH THE BIG WELCOME. Victoria Street United Church 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. "WORDS THAT ARE OUT OF DATE." 1.30 p.m. BENMILLER. 3 p.m. UNION, GODERICH TOWNSHIP. Pastor -Rev. D. W. Williams, B.A. Organist -Mr. Bert Kempster. 1% IRouse Auto PHONE 165 FOLLOWING SIZES 600/16-4 PLY 625/650/16-4 PLY`'' 600/16-6 PLY 650/16-6 PLY 440/450/21-4 PLY 4757500/19-4 PLY 475/500/20-4 PLY 525/560/17-4 PLY 525/550/113--L4 PLY 26.50 33.75 34.20 42.90 16.55 17.45 18.15 22.15 21.25 18.50 21.50 24.00 29,50 11.50 12.50 11.95 17.50 16.00 r • • • • • • • • • • • Electric 1 • Board of Managers and Board of Trustees of the Presbyterian Church. They' have one 'daughter Mrs. liver (Bernice) Anderson, of Auburn; one grandson, William, and a granddaughter, Nancy Jane. Their many friends wish them many more anniversaries. WESTFIELD WESTFIELD, Nov. 11. -Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Snell, Jasperand Jeanetta, visited on Sunday 'with Mr. and Mrs. Jasper McBrien, of Goderich. Miss Mildred Thornton, of Wing - ham, , visited on Wednesday with Mrs. Harvey McDowell. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Campbell, James and Eric, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Everett White- head, of Teeswater. Mi`. and Mrs. Gordon Smith and family visited on Saturday with Mrs and Mrs. John Gear and Miss Edna Smith, of Kitchener. Misses Violet and Ruth Cook, and Arnold Cook, visited on Satur- day with Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Cook of Kinburn. Lloyd McDowell entered his calf Readings were given by Ronald Snell and John._Camphell_-_ Stories were told by Mrs. Hugh Blair and Mrs., "Norman McDowell. The. meeting was dismissed with prayer Ladies' Guild. -St. Mark's And j GORDON YOUNG glican Church Guild met on Mon- day on i Gordon Young, who served as day afternoon in the church with Gordon of Colborne Township for a GODERICH, ONT. 0 Mrs. William Haggitt in charge of 'number of years and treasurer of • the program. Mrs. G.. R. Taylor I Huron County, died on Tuesday In presided at the organ. Prayers Lucknow in his 86th year. were offered by Rev. W. E. Bram- I Mr•. Young was born in Cdlborne well. A reading was given by ' Township and' farmed there for , 1 Evelyn McMichael. Mrs. Gordon number of years. His wife pre Taylor .favored with am accordion Ideceased him this year. solo. The topic on Remembrance He is survived by six sons, Day was given by Mrs. Ed. Davin. s. 'deceased of Detroit; Ewart, of Gode- Mrs. Haggitt expressed her thanks j rich; Girvin, of Benmiller; Howard, to everyone who' had helped with in British Columbia; Colin, in Tor - the program. ' Mrs. Alf Nesbit onto, and Flying Officer Keith, of then presided' for the business; Ottawa; one daughter, Mrs. Verne I period. It was decided to coin-' Willis (Eunice), of Goderich; one rnenc•e ' a sewing club, the first brother, John, of Red Deer, Alta.; meeting to be held at the home one sister, Mrs. Mary McPhee, of of Mrs. '1'. Toinkowicz on Noveni- I Goderich; seven grandchildren anal ber 18. The offering was receive.] three great-grandchildren. by Itose Marie Haggitt. Rev. M. Funeral service was to be held Bramwell offered the closing today at 2 -p.m. from the Lodge prayer. funeral. home, conducted. by Rev. Library Concert. -A large crowd R. G. 14IacMillan, of Knox Presby - attended the concert in the Forest- terian Church. Interment in Cnl- ers' Hall, Friday night, sponsorel Lorne cemetery. ' by the• Public Library. The pre- ' gram was put on by five schoo:s -in--this_ district• _the Auburn_scYwul with D. A. MacKay as teacher; No. 9 Mullett, Carl Mills, teacher; S.S. No. 16, East Wawanosh, Mr. Nichol, ' teacher; Prosperity School, Mrs. Kitchener Finnigan, teacher, anJ Westfield school," .Miss Ada Dow,. teacher. R. D. Munro was chair• o•man. Ile introduced the teachers and the music supervisors, Mr,:. Pennington and Miss Margaret Jackson. Mrs. Finnigan's school •gave a chorus, a piano instrument - al by Betty Durnin and a dance by Joan Mills. Mr. Mills' school pre- sented a dialogue, two- choruses and a skit. Mr. Nichols' school - presented a one -act play, a sextette, two 'chorues, and a number skip- ping, to music by Bakke De' Haan. Brian Spiegelburg, from Westfield School, gave a humorous reading. The Auburn School gave two choruses, an action song by the junioas and a song in costume. Mrs. W. T. Robison, first vice- president of the library, said that the library committee had pur- chased $180 of new books this year and gets an exchange of 150 books every three months. She $40.00 value also expressed appreciation to the teachers, music supervisors, and pupils. The program concluded with two choruses by No. 5 anti SPECIAL ONE WEEK s9 SPACE HEATER SALE!. SAVE_ S YOU GET THIS BEAUTIFUL NEW DELUXE MODEL £YJNS OIL FIRED HEATER $119.95 value PLUS The exclusive Evans Heatwave "Down -Flo" Poe _Blower. Circulates 1 8, 0 0 0 cubic feet of warm air per hour across your floors. Pro- vides even heat throughout your house. No cold floor and hot ceiling problems. Saves 1 gallon of oil in 4. AND LOOK HOW EASY IT iS TO OWN 1!! AWEEK • Puts it, in Your Home $159.95 value BOTH for ONLY $111A95 7 A compact, beautifully styled home heater that brings you clean burning, work -free warmth with great operating economy. Takes little sliace yet produc'es'tremendous heat output. Rugged construction, simplified lighting with a vaporizing burner which burns all the oil cleanly and efficiently. 50,600 B.T.U. output. Provides ample heat for 6 rooms. Features include Heat Saver Baffle, Built-in Humidifier, Built-in leg levellers, Rust resistant alloy steel heat chamber, Automatic Draft Regulator, large 'radiant griil-es. MORE THAN -HALF A MILLION EVANS OWNERS R. H. Cornish Electric WEST ST. PHONE 141 No. 9 schools. Proceeds of even ing were $73. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson, highly esteemed residents of Au- burn, celebrated their 40th wed- ding anniversary on Thursday, November 5, when they we'e guests of honor at a turkey dinner served to 26 guests at the home of their son-in-law and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson. Mrs. Lawson is the former Clara Sclater, youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Sclater, of Seaforth. Mr. Lawson is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lawson, of Auburn. The wedding of 40 years ago was solemnized at the home of the bride's parents by the late Rev. Dr. J. K. Larkin. Before her marriage, Mrs. Lawson taught in the Auburn school. Since their marriage they have resided in Auburn, where Mr. Lawson was 'in the sawmill business, selling out:- to utto James Craig and Suns 'a few years ago. , They are faithful workers in' Knox Presbyterian Church, where Mrs. Lawson is a life member of the Women's Mir- lionary Sbeiety and secretary - treasurer of the Ladies' Aid. For a number of years Mrs. Lawson was president of the Women's In- stitute. Mr. Lawson is on the • • ••r THE SQUARE • ROOM LOTS A7' GREATLY Reduced Prices 5 to 17 rolls per bundle HENDERSON'S FORUM DISCUSSES , group -did not think it necessary _ RO ,E OF FARM WIFE to have any legal documents, other i than a will. A farm wife should. WESTFIELD, Nov. 11. -Members j if required, be able to help some of the Farm Forum met on Monday outside, the group agreed, provid- ing she is able to reserve plenty evening at the home of Mr.and of tune to prepare nutritious and Mrs. „Marvin McDowell. After appetizing meals and Gare for her listening to the radio broadcast on I home and family. "Farm Wives �kThey agreed that definitely the mens," the groups went into a c}is farmer's tvife should be acquainted cession on "Whatas Should 'orking C'o open-Part.;.with modern farming techniques. ation Between a Farmer and His ' A farmer's wife will certainly be W" 'interested in marketing problems, Tifehe groupsInclude?agreed that a farmer the iii oup thought. and his wife should co operate on [ - - - planning farm business. When ; Winters are cold in the interior they marry, they enter into a, typ" of Newfoundland but are more of mutual partnership and the moderate along the coast. r11000N00000000000000N000NN0 OFFER AN OUTSTANDING SELEC- TION OF READY TO HANG DRAP- ERIES IN ANY WIDTH, OR, LENGTH ; LINED, OR UNLINED. THE LARGE CHOICE OF DESIGNS AND COLORINGS WILL SURPRISE YOU AND OUR LOW PRICES PLEASE YOU. WE MENTION A FEW OF THE MORE POPULAR LENGTHS. 72" long, 48' ` wide . 81" long, 48" wide 84" long, 48" wide 90" long, 48" wide Unlined 16.95 'pr. Unlined ' 17.95 pr. Unlined 18.95 -pr. Unlined 19.95 pr. YOUR WINDOWS ARE -NO PROBLEM AT ALL WHEN -YOU SHOP AT Lined 22.95 Lined 23.95p r. Lined 24.95 pr. Lined 26.95 pr. F. E. HIBBERT ISE SON PHONE 86