HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-11-12, Page 3.1)r. P. P. W. Zieman, well known preaVeher in Western Ontario, will be guest ,preacher at life-giving services in the Goderich Baptist Church from November 15 to.22.. Dr. Zieman served in London for many years, and in Hamilton for 14 years. Ilis grandfather 'was James Patton, who farmed in Goderich Township many years ago. Marion Crowley Newby, nationally known Negro contralto, will be guest soloist. She is a native of Toronto and graduated with her A.T.C.M. from the Toronto Conservatory of Music in piano. She attended Toronto Bible College, graduated in 1950 and taught voice there for two years. W.I. HEARS REPORT ON AREA CONVENTION A splendid report on the area convention held in London was given by Mrs. R. Chambers at the November meeting of the Gode- rich Women's Institute in MacKay Hall. Mrs. Chambers attended the convention with' the W. I. presi- dent, Mrs. D. Riehl. IPiecuaa PossibJ Sewer Extension !ossib11ity that the trunk sewer at present being erected from -the new Shea/lei Pen Company pant on Huron road west to Lake Huron may be extended eastward from Huron road along Mill road to serve residents there loomed at last Friday night's meeting of Tewin Council, Appearing at the meeting, Nel- son Grich, who...sold the land to the pen company for its plant and then moved his farm buildings and house to Mill road, said that at least two residents on his side of the road, which is within the town, and three on the other side, ware 'interested in the sewer._ Mill road is a dividing line be- tween the Town of Goderich and Goderich Township. Engineer Burns Ross said that he thought there would likely he an obligation on the part' -of the township in the cost of the pro- ject. Such a system, he said, was followed in other centres. Ashley Gilbert, who lives on the township side of the road, said he felt sure residents wanted the sewer. Mayor J. E. Huckins pointed out that the time to lay the sewer could be wkiile they construction firm is undertaking the trunk The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. C. S. Bissett. Several thank you cards were read from members who have been ill for flowers sent them. •A donation of $5.00 was voted to the Poppy Fund: Roll call was answered with "What I would do if I were 21 8gain." The majority agreed more education in various fields of work would be their choice. • Mrs. A. Wilkins gave an interest. • sewer. Decision was made, however, 'or residents to check with the town- ship council on the project and for the engineer to ascertain the cost for each property owner. ing account of the rally she attepd- ed in Gorrie. Afternoon tea was served -by Mrs. C. Worsell and her committee.. WINTER VALUE MEN S Work Pants MOLESKINS . COTTONADES WHIPCORDS Durable, sanforized, winter weight fabrics. Reg. to 4.95 3.98 PARKAS Air Force sheen cotton gab. silk quilted, inner lined. Men's Boys' 12.95 .95 Work Skins Doeskin flannel'- in plain colors and fancy plaids. S ANFORIZED Reg. to 2.95 2.19 BUSH SHIRTS 2.99 ■ Angora Sets MATCHING HAT and GLOVES ALL SHADES Boxed for Christmas SEE THEM 3.95 and up COTTON Ri.OVES Ladies' Dresses SPECIAL LOT OF SEASONAL DRESSES Crepes, wools, taffetas. ALL NEW Reg. to 19.95 q.88 Ladies' Coats Broken range of many of our better coats. Still a wide sel- ection at this low price 39 I, TE/•88 nman-'s- OTHERS 29.95 and up Merino LADIES' Combs. Plaid Skirts Wool and cotton mixture Long sleeve Long legs Button. front SPECIAL All wool tartans in popular plaids. Accordian pleats. SPECIAL 2.98 ! S•95. KINGSTON ST. AND GERRARD, SQUARE GODERICH USE YOUR CREDIT 1Q6th Year—No. 45 ' GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, 1953 Remembrance` Service At Knox Church Honors Dead Of Two World Conflicts Tribute to the dead of twd, word conflicts was paid Sunday= at a remembrance service in Knox Pres- byterian Church. The service, conducted by the minister, Rev. R. G. MacMillan, was attended' by members of the Can- adian Legion, Gederich Branch 109, the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Legion, Maple Leaf and. Ahmeek Chapters. I.O.D.E., and Maitland Squadron of the Air Cadets. Highlighting the service was the presentation of flags by a color party. In his address, Mr. MacMillan, stressed the importance of Re- membrance Day. "It suggests to us," he said, "the consideration of our patriotism." Title of the sermon was "Red, White and Blue," Red is the Biblical color for war, Mr: MacMillan said. "We preach that .war is a great crime, yet from time to time we find ourselves in • volved in conflict. Sometimes we must choose between the crime I of war and bowing to the destruc- tion of our way of living. When we, as Christians, go to war we take the lesser of the two evils." Maintain Freedom When we go into war, he said, I we should remember that' we do so to maintain and defend our MOTHERS and MOTIIERS T0'BE i S5 S0 00 t■a�■s in the big //xyi� Automatic WASHER -DRYER CONTEST 1953, Inglis Automatic won "National Industrial Design Award" for Appearance, Performance, value. OR ONE OF 12 FAMOUS Inglis Autoniatic WASHERS Inglis Automatic DRYERS way of freedom and truth which we cherish. "But we can never be proud of war. We can only be proud of that which we were `called on to accomplish in a bloody con- flict to preserve our freedom," he said. White, he said, signifies the pur- ity of purpose which must be our ideal. We must.. be prepared ' to make sacrifices. Our purposes must be white in our homes, places of business; institutions and churches. Blue stands for loyalty and stead- fastness, Mr. MacMillan said. "Iii Christ is the highest type of citizenship. Loyalty to Him means a loyalty to everything that is good, pure and true, It calls for a sacri- fice that m' iTst be made in peace as in war," he said. Special music was renderedby the choir under the direction of W. H. Bishop, singing the anthem "Recessional." A male quartet, Charles Hawthorne, Lorne Hyde, Ralph Henderson- and Glen Lodge. sang "0 For the Touch of Thy Hand." AFTERNOON GUILD HAS REGULAR, MEET The regular meeting of the Afternoon Woman's Guild of 'St. George's Church was held in the Guild Room, Tuesday of last week with Mrs. Dodd „presiding. The meeting opened with hymn and prayer followed by the Scripture lesson read by Mrs. T. Glazier. Mrs. Palmer 'read the report of the Secretary and said that a number of get -well cards and sympathy cards had been sent. Mrs: D. J. Patterson gave the treasurer's report. Guild mem- bers were asked to assist in the visiting of the church members. The Groups were reminded that their money was to be handed in at the December meeting. A re- port on the cook book project was given and the results had been very gratifying. Mrs., J. B. Whit- tingham was called to the front and Mrs. B. Wilmot read an ad- dress' and presented her with a gift from the Guild members and expressed their good wishes to her. A contest was conducted by Mrs. T. Glazier and was won by Mrs. Sitter and Mrs. Patterson. Mrs. Glazier then favored the members with several readings. The meet- ing closed with hymn and prayer. A dainty lunch was -served by the hostesses, Mrs. Whittingham and Mrs. Glazier and a social half hour was enjoyed. Manufacture of fishing tackle in Canada is a business worth close to $2,000,000 annually. Goderich Arena FRIDAY; 8 30NOV. ' 27 ASSQOIATION REQUESTS GRANT FROM COUNCIL- - Town Council last Friday night referred to committee of the whole a request from Goderich Trotting and Agricultural' Association for a grant of $200. A letter from H. 0. Jerry, secre- tary of the association, explained that the group wished to winterize barns at Agricultural Park and was prepared to pay $200 toward the cost of the work. The association asked council for a similar amount. E.BRECKENRIDGE HARDWARE • PLUMBING HEATING ',HONE ,15 GODERICNi- viiiimmimmimmummor FINANCE AND INSURE your next new or late model car, truck or farm machinery at lower cost through • • Harold W. Shore INSURANCE AGENCY "All Lines of Insurance" 38 HAMILTON ST. - .PHONE 766W Loans also arranged on 1946 and later model cars. otf eanodian Playground Serves 12,971 Children Attendance at Judith Gooderham Memorial Playground increased by over 3,000 this year according to a report received by Town Council last Friday night from Mrs. Alice Arbour, supervisor. Mrs. Arbour reported that 12,971 children had participated in the playground's activities during the past summer, compared with 9,900 last year. Mrs. Arbour was assisted in her work at the playground, which was open from June 27 to September 12, by William Medd, Misses Ruth eNevin and Ruth Willis. he reported that inAtruction was carried out in craft work with paper, wood, cardboard, tinfoil, metal, plastic and plaster. In- struction was also given in braid- ing, sewing, embroiderng, weaving, water coloring and spatter paint- ing. She expressed appreciation for assistance and thanks for the many donations which helped with the craft work. REQUEST STOVES A letter from -Goderich firemen received by Town Council last Fri- day night requested that two oil stoves and storage tanks be pur chased for the fire hall. The re- quest was referred to the fire com- mittee for consideration. Goderich Becomes Planning. Area Goderich 1.s now a planning area, according, to a letter received last Friday night by Town Council from Hon,. W. K. Warrender, Minister of Planning and Development for the Province of Ontario. The letter from the minister said he had defined the whole town as a planning area. A second letter,received by coun- cil from A. K. Nash, also of the Planning and Development Depart- ment, noted that should the area be extended, the minister should be requested to redefine the bound- aries. In a letter to Town Council re- cently, Town Solicitor J. K. Hunter noted that with the rapid growth of the town on its east and south boundaries, it might be wise to include Goderich Township in the new planning area. The department also suggested the setting up of a planning board and requested that names of the board be sent to the department in Toronto. CLERK AUTHORIZED TO CLEAR 'DISPUTE Town Clerk S. H. Blake was in- struoted by Town Council last Fri- day night to write to a ratepayer to attempt -to clarify a disagree- ment over a manhole. In a letter received by council, Garnet Mathieson asked reimburse- ment for a manhole constructed tt Wellesley and Pict= streets. Reeve J. H. Graham, chairman of the public works committee, noted that the manhole had been pu in far the benefit of the town not/just for Mr.- Mathieson's benefit.- He _did.f not think the ratepayer' should I have to pay the entire cost. Mr. Blake pointed out, however, -that the town had installed the manhole and Mr. Mathieson had apparently paid for the digging, GODERICH PAVILION DANCING WEDNESDAY 'AND SATURDAY NIGHTS Saturday—Paul Cross and his orchestra. Every Wednesday square dance night. Clarence Petrie and the Night Hawks The Pavilion is available for afternoon and evening rentals. The .Management caters to luncheons, ban- quets, wedding receptions, etc. Phone , 675 or 419. MAKI AM IVT OP. : i A typical group safeguarded Sun life of Canada Family" Incomp Polity . which simply, economkaNy and effectively ensures a continuing income for the widow should the husband die; provides educational funds for the children; and +finally moktYs available the full omount assured which can be used io 1V100141! pur- chose an annuity for the when the children are old enough to become wage earners. PLANNED LIFE INSURANCI BRINGS PEACE OF MIND Without obligation, let me tell you how the facilities of the SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COM- PANY OF CANADA can bed meet your particular needs in ei way that will fit your pocketbook. Harold W. Shore NORTH ST. PHONE 766W Representative of SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CCANADA Information available on N.H.A. loans. FUNERAL ATTENDED BY DISTRICT PEOPLE Funeral service was , held. at Byron last Friday for Rev. Arthur J. McKaye, a former minister of Victoria Street United Church in Goderich. Among those from this district attending the service were Mr. and Mrs. W.- H. Roope, of Goderich, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McGrattan. . of Nile. I AtOn the 1.1ARK_ TheSquacre PHONE 1150 Now—"LILI"—In Technicolor. Starring Leslie Caron and Mel Ferrer. Mon.-Tues.-Wed.— This on: Tues.-Wed.— This Micheal Kanin story, concerning a busines man and his tantrum -throwing son,' becomes a new and chuckle -in- spiring screen comedy. "MY PAL- GUS" with Richard Widmark, Joanne Dru, George Stevens Thurs: Fri. -Sat.— ETHEL MERMAN In "CALL ME .. MADAM' with Donald O'Connor and George Sanders From `Broadway to Goderich comes the fabulous ambassadress to Lioktenburg in a riotous musical comedy. IT'S IN TEaHNICOLOR Coming --'The President's Lady' —with Susan Hayward and Charlton Heston. Atest The CAPITAL Street ['HONE 47 Now—"Sea of Lost Ships"—with John Derek, Wanda Hendrix' Walter Brennan. - Mon. -Tues: "'Mg Importance Importance of Being Earnest" They don't come any wilder than Oscar Wilde's classic comedy' manners, morals and matrimony. , Michael Redgrave, Edith Evans` and Joan Greenwood Thurs.-Fri.•Sat.-- Bill Elliott,Phyllis Coates and Myron Healy Out on the Oklahoma plains for a colorful adventpre with scout who ,knew no fear. "INDIAN SCOUT" a Coming—"GENEVIEVE"--the popular request fun-n'-musif show. FEATURING— , YVONNE BRODERS Hollywood Motion Picture Starlet JOYCE McFARLANE Vancouver, B.C. • Western Canadian Champion THE FLYING WENDTS Trapeze Artists from the "Greatest Show oft Earth" GOLDILOCKS AND THE THREE BEARS One of 8 production numbers and 20 big acts. THE DAFFY DO -DO'S S hilarious comedy teams PLUS 44 SKATING CHAMPIONS! Advance Tickets on Sale at Craigie's, Wood's Newsstands and the Arena. CANADA'S LARGEST ICE SHOW E CA PRESEJV TS... theZIG ZAG. MACHI]VE TOUCH OF LEVER 1. Sews on buttons, 2t, Makes button holes 3. Backward & forward movement 4. , Zigzags and darns 5. Embroidery and fashion stitches without attachments Also the one and only New Slant Needle Machine BETTER VISION. 2. PORTABLE AND CABINET ALL IN ONE. 3. LIGHT AND EASY TO CARRY. Liberal Trade-in Allowance See these models at your local shop. FREE home demonstration with no obligation. PortabIe and Cabinet Models Available inger Sewing Mac GODERICH • ....40......44,4•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••0414