HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-11-05, Page 6rYbf AMAZING 'NEW AUTOMATIC ISE CREAM FREEZER Mals deNcioa ice create, No,SaN. No Ice, No Mau FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY • IT'S ABSOLUTELY' FREE WITH THE PURCHASE OF A NEW IIIJIIZDIIZIIJIDI!iqDiUIll! ONLY Deepfreeze Refriger- ator has the Genuine Deepfreeze Freezer Com- partment! sr Storrs more than Sb Ihs of frozen food and actually keeps tcc cream bard Separate freezer" shell for ice cube trays and dessert tray Full. width Frozen Storage Draa.er ONLY Deepfreeze Refriger- ator has "The Door that Stores More!" • BOTTLST'OR holds tall quart beverage and milk bottles! • EGGSTOR keeps eggs handy, protects them from breakage! MADE BY THE MAKERS OF GENUINE DEEPFREEZE HOME FREEZERS " SMALL DOWN PAYMENT. — EASY TERMS WILF REINHART ELECTRIC 79 HAMILTON ST. 'GODERICH and TELEVISION LEEBURN LEEBURN, Nov. 4.—Mrs. Wil- liam Sallows was hostess for the Autumn Thankoffering of the, Lee- burn W.M.S. There was a good attendance of members and a large number of visitors present. Mrs. Andrew Bogie was leader of the worship service. -Mrs. Joe Free man and Mrs. Elmer Hunter read the Scripture passages and Miss Helen Clark gave an essay on Prayer.. The blankets, pillow slips, towels and wash cloths purchased to accompany the quiltw for the bale to be sent to Grenfell, Lab- rador, were on display. A duet, r"God Will Take Care of You," was rendered by Mrs. Jarvis McBride and Mrs. Sallows, accompanied by Mrs. N. \i'ellwood, of Kincardine, who was visiting her sister, Mrs. Sallows. The guest speaker, Rev. D. W. Williams, of Victoria Street United Church, Goderich, was in- troduced by the president, Mrs. Bert Bogie. Mr. Williams very capably compared missionary ac- tk sties of the 19th century with those of the present century. The president thanked the speaker for his fine address. The ladies en- joyed a .social time, when the hostess was assisted by Mrs. Well - Wood and Mrs. Franklin Mitchell. OBITUARY RUSSELL E. ALLEN r Russell Ernest Allin, son of °the late Richard Allin and Sara Jewell, died on Saturday after a long ill- ness, in his 59th year. He was born in Colborne Town- ship and lived most of his life in Goderch. Mr. Allin is survived by three sisters, Mrs. H. (Ruth) Enigh, of Vancouver, B.C.; Ruby, of Lon- don, and Lily, of Goderich, and two brothers, William, of Watrou., Sask., and Harvey, of London. The funeral took place fr m the Cranston funreal home ay at 2 p.m., Rev. D. W. W1 rams, of Victoria Street United Church, of- ficiating. Interment was made in Colborne cemetery. Before harvesting began on our 1953 wheat crop, wheat in storage in . Canada totalled 423 million bushels,sufficient to meet domestic needs for the next two and a half years.—Quick Canadian Facts. • THE GODERICH SIGNAIPSTAR NEWS OF WESTFIELD WESTFIELD, Nov. 4.—Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rdford, of Parkhill, visited on Wednesday of last week with Mr. and Mrs,_ Gordon Snell. Mis,s Lorna Buchanan, of Lon- don, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Buch- anan. Mrs. William Radford returned to her home. at Clinton on Sunday after spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Camp- bell. • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook visi- ted on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Cook, of Belgrave. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Hesk and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gaunt, of Lon- desboro, visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Alva McDowell. Miss Margaret Wright, of Au- burn, seent the week -end wth Ruth Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Taylor visited on Saturday with Mrs. H. M. Mar- tin of, Goderich. Ivan Wightman was able to re- turn home from Wingham hospital on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bosman moved to their new home at Blue - vale on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. James McGill, of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott, Allen and Murray and Mrs. Shackleton, of Belgrave, visited on Sunday at the .-home of Mr, and Mrs. Jack Buchanan. Mrs. Frank Campbell, Miss Win- nifred and Franklin Campbell visi- ted on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carter, of Clinton. Arnold Cook and Ralph Rodger visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Cook, of •Kinburn. Mr. and Mrs. -Ray Hanna and THURSDAY, NOVFMRER lath, 2p03 Ramona, of Belgrave, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Taylor. Miss Marjorie Errington, of Dun- gannon, spent the week -end with Miss Betty Rodger. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wightman spent the week -end with ,Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boothman, of Niagara Falls, and Mr. and Mrs. John Hil- debrand, of Jordan Station. Clarence Cox accompanied Mil - born Cox, of Goderich, to Toronto en Wednesday where they atten- ded the funeral of Rev. Alex Cox, who passed away at Carroll,? Mani- toba. The body was shipped to Toronto for burial. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mills, of St. Marys, spent the week=end with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mills. . A presentation was held on Mon- day night of a representation of the people of the 6th concession of East • Wawanosh at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bosman, prior to their leaving for their new home at Bluevale. The ad- dress was given by Orval Taylor, and a floor lamp and end table were presented by Marvin Mc- Dowell and Will Bell. Lunch was served and a social time was spent. The best wishes of the community go with them to their new home. - GUIDE NEWS The local association of the Girl Guides made $29.40 from the bake sale. This Wednesday the Area Commissioner, Mrs. Monteith, visi- ted with the ladies of the local association during the afternoon, and attended the guide meeting in the evening watching the girls. ASSURANCE COMPANY S/,vice /889; NEADOff/C ATERLA0. OATAR/0 E. M. ROS$ Kepresentative Gbderich, Ontario ERB ROSS Says: The Dominion Coronet is more than a life insurance policy, better than an ordinary savings plan—because, if you die before 65, your family will receive - ALL THE DEPOSITS YOU HAVE MADE PLUS THE FACE .VALUE ..OF..THE POLICY PLUS DIVIDENDS LEFT WITH . THE POLICY Phone me today about this unusual savings pian. To fit your needs and your expenditures. You can put your confidence in .. . MALCOLM MATHERS .133 DOWNIE ST.I Insurance Office, 46 West STRATFORD I St., Goderich, Phone 115W WITH✓G `% STAINLESS STEEL Double Tub Washer veautlau[ 7o Piece BATH A N D sum TOWELS V.1/".4. SHEET AND PILLOW CASES 3.Ooo■VALUE ALL WOOL BLANKET Matched Solid Tones in a var- eity of colour. • 1'.r -c! i" - NUS CA 00 4iirvir NO MONEY DOWN X2.50 WEEKLY ALL THIS WITH THE Most Popular Washer in Canada 9eire Eff,demete The gift includes TWO Caldwell Bath Towels, TWO Caldwell Guest Towels, TWO Face Cloths, ONE Tex -Made "Homestead" Double Sheet, TWO Pillow Cases, and ONE Ayers ''Homespun"AII-Wool Blanket. Trade-in For more than 50 years the leader. More sold B EATTY WASHES CLEANER Fast -washing, clean -washing, time -saving washer have been the Beatty specialty for 50 years. They give you cleaner, whiter clothes in hall the time. B EATTY WRINGS DRIER litany Giant Press Wringer has never been equalled for getting water out of the clothes. Has Balloon Rolls, easy -shift lever and pressure control. BEATTY LASTS LONGER Sturdy, simple, ball-bearing Mechanism. Direct Drive (no belts) runs more smoothly and overtly end foe ,,outlasts other types. in Canada eery year than Oily. other make.. 'SKELTON Hamilton- St. Phone 8+iw' Wt 17117.1111111.7111117.0111 Believe it or not, you'll likely earn more than that during your working years. So the big question is: How much of this will still be yours when you retire? You owe it to yourself to make sure you keep enough. Bank a regular amount from each pay from now 'on ... at the i3 of M. And hold on to a worthwhile share of the fortune you will earn. 'MY 8ANHV 10 A 170 CANADIANS BATIK OF MONTREAL ea4a4G4a '7i/tet Sun( Goderich Branch: BRUCE ARMSTRONG, Manager 0.1'000 TEA, BAZAAR HELD BY TWO AUXILIARIES The Guild Hall of St. George's Anglican Church was festive with Hallowe'en decorations on Satur- day afternoon for the annual tea and •bazaar of Girls' - Auxiliary. There was a large crowd in atten- dance and a ready sale for the; at- tractive articles on display. Mrs. Douglas Wilson and Mrs. H. Stewart, leaders of the Girls' Aux= iliary, and Mrs. Ned Sale and Mrs. Howard 'Carroll, leaders • of the Junior Auxiliary, received. Presal- ing at the tea table' were - Mrs. Kenneth Taylor and Mrs. A. C. BThe (ea table was centred with a large jack -o -lantern and each small table had a tiny one. Tables of home-made baking, candy, and fancy work found ready buyers and netted a goodly sum for the carrying on of the work of these organizations. AUBURN AUBURN, Nov..4.--Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Robertson and two chil- dren, of Copper Cliff, spent the week -end with their respective parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. Glasgow, Alan and Dennis, are . occupying the apartment above the Bank of Com- merce. Mr. Glasgow is the bank manager. The bank and apart- ment have been re -decorated. A vault has been built at the rear, also a sun porch. This is the first time in 13 years that there has been a resident banker here. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Glasgow and sons to the village. Assisting Mr. Glasgow are Bill` Andrew, of Goderich and Mrs..Slitchlicting, rif Auburn. John Beadle, of Saskatchewan, is visiting his brother George Beadle and Mrs. Beadle. William Stewart is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, where he underwent an operation on Mon. day. The ladies of Donnybrook United Churcl3 held a bazaar and sale of home made baking and afternoon tea in the Orange Hall on Friday afternoon. A good sum was real- ized. The Auburn Public School had KIDN EYACIDS Rob _our Rest.: Many people nester seem to get a good night's rest. They turn acid toss—blame it on `nerves'—when it may be their kidneys. Healthy kidneys filter poisons and excess acids from the blood. if they fail and impurities stay in the system—disturbed rest often follows. If you don't rest well get and use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help the kidneys so that you can rest better—and feel better. 136 Dodd's Kidney Pills ALREADY- Christmas Shopping Do you realize we are now in the thick of the CHRISTMAS rush? To avoid disappointment at Christmas time we suggest having your photos taken now and a small deposit will hold them until Christmas. Mac LAREN 'S STUDIO GODERICH AND CLINTON At Clinton Studio Tuesdays and Thursdays Telephone 401 Clinton or Goderich • (Same number both places) a Hallowe'en party at the school Friday afternoon. Most of the children were in costume and priz- es were awarded. Mrs., Russell Finch, of Detroit, acid Mrs. Vida Stalker Straw, of Flint, Mich., "are visitors with the latter's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam J. Craig. Mr. Stanley McIntyre, of R.R. 3, Auburn, has returned from the West. Lehigh Anthracite The Ace of Anthracite ORDER Lehigh Valley is famous for its top quality anthracite. . o other fuel can surpass it in consistent dependability. It gives you faster heat, burns longer, and gives your fuel dollar that "seventh inning stretch." We are proud to deliver Lehigh Valley Anthracite, "as Nature made it", and intended us to use it, shiny and jet black in appearance. Phone 75W and place 'your order for immediate de- livery. SAULTS COAL CO. Phone 75W Evenings 75M. "East end Nelson St. "The Yard of Service and Quality" 43tf • uy A Poppy Help A Veteran Branch 109, Canadian Legion, B.E.S.L., 1 will hold their nnual Poppy ay Campaign mmo•••••••••••••4 ON "•••••••••••••• T ALL PROCEEDS GO TOWARD THEt WELFARE OF INDIGENT VETERANS.. MAY WE ASK YOU TO GIVE GENEROUSLY TOWARD THIS CAUSE. AY,NOV.7 A WILL BE HELI- AT THE. CENOTAPH Iii' COURT HOUSE PARK ON WEDNESJJAY, • 11 'INNIIZG-AT THE PARADE WILL FORM AT 1O 1tf° IWPRONTp OF THE ritoioN ''ALL. " ALL D TQ,/TURN' OUT. VETERANS, ARE JOE J'UCB, Chairjnj Poppy Com ••••••1+ II ILPH KINGSWELL, President.