HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-3-6, Page 5Eactia For Farmers and liome, seekers.. "Forwe h,,tve seen the land. and behold, it is vary good+ no not slothful to go, and to enter to iessese the land." Why would you Settle in the Far North- west when land onn be had in the Near North. es. ? where there is a bom., market for all the pro- eintats of the farm. The lands of The Great f Northern Itail+Ray Are now tl1r;wWn wide open to actual rettlers, 50,000 AUTIFUL FARJX 1TO2.1 S *ear thePatti, ',Immo- polis ]4 goat markets of St. Pa f, polis aril Duluth, The lead grant commences within twenty miles of Minneapoliswhich possesses the greato:t flouring mills in the world. the out - pat Emil, which has averaged 31.175 barrels a oto� n dlloxnacities way systemSeandithe lands 4'�p are iatersoetod by their branch lines ay. nag are well timbered and well watered, re the most productive in theilwurtd, as lowing crop statistics prove; T1. tho `o CROPS 0E1 WHEAT. Bushels Average per acre 1+llnnesota, 45,000,000 15 Ontario 18+400,000 15 Manitoba 7.400,000 12 9. ems. Bushels Average per sere 40,000,000 35 f4,(O0dtt 0 33 3er0+'fe0 33 coa�T rvit Itusb Bush Minnesetn 35.00°,000. ].080.0 0, Ontario 9,000,0JO. 1,000,00. Manitoba none none #RL:rv" Bush 10,000,001 23 000,000, 1000.400 The above statistics Show that whatever can be grown in Ontario, ono likewi-e be grown in Minnesota, and Minnesota's enormous produotiou of corn shows the climate to be temperate. To nettle 400 mike from the great mark. eta moans at least 15 omits a bushel for railway freights and extra charges whish comp out of the hard-working farmer and ""makes him poor indeed;" Go up with our treat excursion this spring and spy cut the land for yonreelves. "There's a tide iu tho ag:Ors of man That taken at the flood leads on to fortuue." Further particulars and plans will be mailed free on application to d, 110O1LWAI.TE1t, Esq„ lead commissioner. St. Paul. .Minneapo- lis. or to the Company's land agent, OKOIttiE I'Ultti IS. P.C. !lox 7, Lone +n,llut. Don 19 -Sm DISTRICT DOINGS. She Latent Cu rrrut lows Throughout tae District. St. Marys people are agitating for farther school accommodation. The death of Angus McLellan. 12th con., West Williams, occurred last week, lie was Siiyears of age. We are aorry to report the death of Mr. Grieves of the 21st con. of aloGil- livray, which occurred lust. week. The Div. Court formerly belts at Clan- deboye, tvttl henceforth be held in the Town Hall Lucan, with kir. McNamee clerk. The Geneva Times of Feb, 20th says: "Ai nredteted 1n our last issue, ;he proceedings against Robt. M, Raoey, formerly of Clinton whose arrest was noted last week, were diamisaed by U. S. Commissioner Williams at Cleveland on Friday last, Mr W. Moffatt, of the 3rd con., Stanley. has rented his farm of 100 acres to Mr Gibson, for a term of live years, at a rental of $200. This is a. very cheap rent, but the tenant 1s a good one, Mr Moffatt, who moves to Manitoba, will have a sale of his efffeets on the 13th of March. The Parkhill Gazette says "Mr, Cunningham, V.S., has removed half a dozed tumors from animals within the past week. Cattle buyers strongly urge farmers not to allow these defects to remain on the beast, as they seri- ously deteriorate their marketable prices." It is not always whiskey that a far- mer carries hone with him iu a bottle. Three jokers discovered this fact one evening last week after they had Im- bibed freely from a bottle ot horse medicine, whichthey had jokingly perioined from; a neighbor's pocket a few moments previously.—Parkhill Gazette. Mr. W. D. Fotherizlgham, of Rat Portage, formerly of Blanibard, who has been conducting a saw mill end lumbering business in the Rainy River District, N. W. T. is visiting his old friends in this locality, fie reports a steady winter and a lively trade in that part of country. 'Through a broken rail, a freight train on the G. T, R, in, oharga of Conductor Macdonald, of Point Edward, bound for Sarnia, left the track between Stratford and St. Marys on Sunday morning at seven o'clock. Fifteen cars were demolished. The road was cleared by twelve o'clock. No one was hurt. The Essex Centre Village council have reduced the number of betel licensee to lour, lowering the fee from $2.60 to $220, and made an order that nt, shop licenses begranted, A by-law was passed fixing a charge of $15 on all places outside the hotels that sold cigars. While engaged in thrashing clover Geo. cigkwtth of Hullett, has sold `in.. ,a„arm lot 37.. 10th cos, 100 acres, to Mr W. Waite, of the same township for n fair figure. Miss Agnes Knox, the elocutionist, has returned to her home, St. Marys, Ont. She speaks in high terms of Manitoba and its people. '1, W. Berry, of Henan)), has rented Mr Iltibt. McCartney's farm, on the Mill road, Tuckeremith, for several years, at a rental of $225 in advance. Whilst riding home from church on Sunday, in company with her husband, airs M Mara was thrown from the buggy and severely injured, by the horses running away. -Parkhill Gazette. Whilst returning home from Park- hill with her son the other day, stirs. McCormick of West Williams, was thrown from the buggy and most seri- ously injured. At the meeting of the official board of the Methodist church, St. Marys, Rev. D. M. Campbell was given a un- animous invitation to remain as Pastor for a third year. Davit, Elcoat's farm, being lot 37 on the 2nd con. , Tuokersmith, has been rented to Mr Robt. Fairbairn, at an annual rental ot $275. It is a good fame and well worth this figure, The Brussels Post notes that arrange• ments tire being made by which the en- ergetic 1+. C. Rogers will resume busi- ness shortly with a new stock and new premises. Owing to the high rate of taxation, the farmers whose property extends into the corporation of St. Marys, are moving in the matter of secession. ,they do not feel disposed to submit to exorbitant taffies, When in fact they receive no practical benefit. At :in immigration meeting in Clinton on Thursday last, 26 out of 28 pAriions decided to go to the Canadian ,North-west, two to Dakota. Manitoba and the territories seem to be growing steadily into popular favor. Mr. John Thompson of McKillop, near Seaforth died suddenly on Sunday vrit last week. Cause la grippe. Mr. ampson was aged 68 years. He had been ill but a short time. He was a native of Ireland and came to this country 48 years ago. on Saturday, the barn belonging to,Mr. John Corbett, Hay townahipcaugbt fire and was burned to the ground. It ap- pears they were using the steam thrash• nig engine, and it had no spark arrest. er and the wind was blowing in the direction of the doors, thus carrying the cinders into the building destroy- ing it. A great deal of grain was lost together with the separator. An Important Matter. Mn. Emu:iet,—It is a well known fact teat the majority of people are inclined to look upon a cold in the stead as a matter of little importance -.-involving at the most only a temporary inconvenience, No more disastrous mistake was ever made. The neglected cold in the head is the Source of the catarrhal affections with which abont seven•tentbs of the people of this country are afliioted, and catarrh itself is too often the preliminary stages to consumption and death. The symptoms of catarrh are mani- fold, but among them may be mentioned, offensive breath; dull, oppressive headache; ogensive droppings from the nostrils into the throat and bronchial tubes; deafness or partial deafntree; eenstaIlt hawking and spitting;' weak and watery eyes; a hacking cough and feeling of general debility; ring- ing in the ears and frequent dizziness, These are but a few of the more general symptoms, and those who experience them should lose no time in applying a remedy— delays are proverbially dangerous, and in the eftlie Of this too prevalent disease may lead to death, offer Nasal Balm to the public as a positive ewe for cold in the head and for catarrh in all its forms and stages, Nasal Balm has been teetnd in thousands of cases, and the testimonials in our possession prcve that it is Ohre claim far it. It has cured other sufferers—it will cure you. It is easy to use, pleasant and agreeable and does not regnire a. douche, or aux tortariuf► instrnmcnt to apply it. Give it a trial and. be consumed of iia great elf.eacy. So1.1 by all dealeis or sent poet free en reespt of price•• -50o for small or $1 for large size bot, ties, by addressing Fut.roltn 4" Co., Brock - Ont. COLONIAL PROGRESS. AN' OLD MST= IMPULSES We have always traced with pleaauro the gym athetfo feelingthat has existedbotwcrn our own mother country and the more juvenile portion of its family, the Colonies, more e,,lprciaily those of the Western Hemis- phere ; as the progney iuvarinbly imitates the example of its parent, so do wo find it with our fostcr•obildren north of the Arland - eau frontier only with this ditferenee, that they appear of late years to have almost "stepped into their parent's shoes” prema- turely, and letting go the leading strings, feat lessly walked alone. This is evincible in various ways , to wit, the almost simul- tanocus advance in every branch of science and art, and the judicious adaptation to their own purposes of the beat and most sterling inventions and diaooreriss that owe their origin to Old England itself. Iu nothing has this been more prominently ex- emplified than in the adoption almost as "with one voice" of the remedies of Thomas Holloway, the Pills for the internal, and the Ointment for the external diseases of the body ; no sooner wore they ushered before the world from their focal point of origin, 244, Strand, than they became with unanimity the household medicines of Canada and the British Provinces, and being especially adapted to the settler's wants, being the pbysioian of the backwoodsman, in regions where the medical practitioner and the medicine chest were known, they naturally become the only ""beacon fires" of health for the sick and suffering in their new home in the far off west ! We learn from statistics in the possession of Thomas Holloway, that the first settlors sent out to the Grand River by the New Englund Oompany were required to provide themselves with a household medicine of their own o.:oioo. rhhis, we need scarcely add, was soon made, and Holloway's two peerleea but simple remedies became the nevAr neglected items in the early emigrant's store. As communication across the Atrantto became more open and frequent no sails were set for America without some portion of the cargo containing a good supply of these healing medicaments. Success say we to this noble enterprise, which, simple in itself, is benign in its influences, and has become giant in its operations. The name of Holloway will be known in after ages as the watchword of health,—Liverpool Crusade. On Monday morning the neighbors saw what they thought was a load of hay going towards Belgrave, but which, on closer inspection, turned out to be only cordwood. It was drawn by W . J Martin's team; and when measured was found to contain 21 cords of No. 1 hard cordwood. Hugh Thompson, of Carlingford, has sold his farm, 150 acres to William Stewart for $7,500. Mr. James A. Watson has exchanged his Hibbert farm with Mr. Thomas Eleal for his town property near the Trinity Church rectory, Mitchell, Mr. W. M. Johnston, of Wingham, attended the revival 'services being held in the Congregational Church some days since. As' he was leaving he slipped and fell down the steps. He was assisted home, but .when he arriv- ed there he fell into an unconscious state, from which he never recovered, as the shock resulted in concussion of the brain. Ile breathed his last a 'couple of days later, at the age of 66. Chflaren Cry for Pitcher's Castoriz MARKET REPORTS. exzez i Red Whset •„ ,, $pr"ng 'neat.,.. 4. Harley ,, Oats„ mover Sten ,, Timothy , Read ()ern .,, BLorx Floury $ bbl ,. taeper bush el pples,per egg i)rledApplespr b (ieeee perlb, Turkey per lb Puokaper lb ,., t3hickensperpr ,,. R'ogs,d ressedpe r1(0 -.Beer -.. Ridearongh, ” dressed , , Sheepskina each Oalfsltins ., Wool perlb ,.. Rayner ten llnionsperbusu .,. Woodpercord soe POR Wilson's S'Piltt Cherry Relieves Vougits and Colds at once, and cures gllihkly, Fifteen hundred people living on the low. lauds along the Cumberland River in Tots. nesse() have been flooded from their herpes. SCOTLAND "YET. "I eau highly reeommend, Uagyard'a Pec- toral, It cured may daugnter Of a cold she had been troubled with ever arose she was little. She is naw 12 years old." Mos M FAlaclitt;,P., Scotland, Ont. The Zion Thomas Baring and the Hon Cecil Baring sailed on Saturday on the Ouuard steamship Sorvia far New York. FORCIBLE FACTS, The testimony to the merits of Bnrdeek,. Blood Bitters is overwhelming and admits of no dispute. It is the best blood purifier extant. Its action on tho stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels is perfect. It cur's dyspepsia, constipation, bad bleed bilious nese, Nick headache, and all akin diseases, Enlporcr William is making everturea to the Vatican to help hirci in a scheme called up by the political situation. STIX should ba in every' house, It mimes twenty times its cost. Sold byall druggists. Two hundred liven were lost by the sink. ing of the steamer Outfit otf the northern extremity of Australia, GORED BY A COW. A fins colt belongiug to Mr Pater Lind. any of Nixon, Ont, was badly hooKed by a caw. Two bottles of llagyartl's Yellow Oil aired it, This invaluable remedy should be in every house. It cries cuts, sprains, bruins, burns and all pains and aches in. roan or beast. Bismarck is negotiating the re•conatitu- tion of a Government majority by the mani- pulation of parties. CONSTIPATION' AND i- EADA.CHE. Dear Sira,—I suffered with constipation and headache, and got a bottle of B,B.B on trial, and found it did ma so much good that I got several bottles, and proved it a sure care, .:Erns. Ponta TAYLOR, Shipkn, P. 0 Ont. Mr Bich era Tooloy has been renominated by East Middlesex Conservatives for the Legislature. ce 78 to 00 80 • 00 78 ;a 00 81) •• 35 00 000 • 25 to 27 ▪ 350to400. -•• 1 50 to T 00 -- 51 t o 53 040 to 52 ••. 013 to 13 • 14 t o 0 14 00to.5 10 40 to 155 1COto1,CO 0 4 to 0 50 oC6to007 O 08 to 10 006 to 0 07 025 to 0 30 450to50e 400 toa2a 200 to 250 350 to356 0 60 to 80 000 to 090 0I8to070 700to7 00 050 to 000 250to'300 ST:MARTS Fall Wheat 0 Fit 0 RO Sprint„ S{ hest,,,,,,,,, , ,, ,,, ,, , 0 80 080 f / Q ��/ (� (}` (� �/ Barmy 0 25 4.38 ARD It ARE MtRCHANI "ARMERS, THRESHERS, AND MILL OW',RS !USE LARDINE MACHINE OILI TRY 1T ONCE AND YOU WILL USE NO OTHER... Every barrel guaranteed. We are the sole mapufacturers of the Ge u ne Lardine, ,Also Cylinder, Wool and giaruess Oils. McCOLL BROS. & CO., TORONTO FOR SALE BY BISSETT BROS. *100213Z240 WIA1102$ D•EN SAIL, - ONT,. 27 clover Seed ._ Timothy..,...., ... , ,..,., ,..• .... 2 50 4 00 Peas.-- ,,. ,,, ,-,-.053 0 55 Eggs . 12 0 12 Butter. - 12 0 16 potatoes per bag ...... ......... 75 055 Apples per bucth Wool per lb ...... „ 20 0 20 Ilay penton 5 51 6 59 Bran per ton 14 OO 14 00 shorts ", " ...... fr •..... 111." 1406Oft 00 700 OAtruoslporbbl,,,,,., ,• LONDON'.^ Wbeat,83c to Sae per bus. Oa's, 27nto 23c per bus. Peas, Ate to 57o per boa. Bar- ley. Melting. 43 to 49e per bus, Barley Feed, 3,3>;e to410 par bus Corn, 47a to 474o per bushel. What Is It? To those who have never used Wilson's Wild Cherry,wobog to explain that it is it prepar- ation roperation for the euro of Coughs, Colds, Croup. Bronohitis,WhoopingCou h. Loss of voice, and kindred diseases, whiols has been in suc- cessful use for twenty years. It is a purely vegetable medicine in the form of syrup, pleas- ant to the taste. and gives immediate relief to sufferers from diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs, Wilson's Wild Cherry never dis- appoints. Try it for yourself rad family, Sold by all druggists. Floods in Indiana are causing loss of property and driving the inhabitants to the hills. Avoid Appearance.—A worthy gentleman having en unusually red nose, was long sus pected of being a tippler on the sly, by those not well acquainted with his strictly tem- perate habits. His anfortunnte disfigure ment was readily cured by the uee of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, A. FAVORABLE VERDICT. MrJ S George, Tottenham, Ont. writes: I have been troubled with catarrh for five years. Seeing Nasal Balm advertised I pro cored a bottle, and nithoagh I have only used part of It,I do not hesitatelto pronounce it the beat remedy in the world for catarrh. It is easy and pleasant :to use, instant in giving relief, stops the droppings from head into the throat and emoves all symptoms of catarrh and cold in the herd. In fact if the directions are faithfully followed nothing but a sure and permanent cure can be the result. The Coroner's jury's verdict was that 'Squire B E Sifton, of Arva Village, came to his death by drowning while under the influence of liquor. A PLE &SING• DISCOVERY. 1 snffe.ed with neuralgia and obtained no relief until advised to try IIagyard's Yellow Oil. Since then I It ave found it to be an admirable remedy also for burns, sore throat and rheumatism. MRs F,CAMrRJN, 137 Richmond St West, Toronto. Two English gentlemen are in Montreal looking into the Direct Meat Company enterprise on behalf of the Englishiuvostora. SIX YEARS' SUFFERING. I was troubled with dyspepsia for six years. Tour years ago I got a bottle of 6. B B. from your agent, Mr John Pearce of Parry Harbor, which I considered completely, cured me. S return of the symptoms about five weeks ago, however, was promptly re moved by using only Hart of another bottle, and I feel es well as ever I did in my life. MAST E. DOWLINTG, Parry Harbor, Ont. 0, C. RIOHAuns & CO. Gents,—ttfy horse wag so afflicted with distemper that he eonld not drink for four days and refused all food. Simply applyiug MINARD'S LINIMENT on twardly cured him . CAPT HARBERT CNN. Feb.. 1887. 0. 0. Rlcx.l.aD S & CO.. Gaits,- I, have used vottr MINARD'S LINIMENT for.bronobitis and asthma and it has cured me. I believe it the best. Lot5, P. E I. Mns. A. LIvzNGe'rem. Reports trona Northern 'Texas say hun- dreds of ranch cattle have been frozen to death during the present cold spell. and unless the weather speedily moderates the loss will be very severe TORONTO. Toronto. Mar, d---Wltcat-Sprite !tie. 9. fele to 83e per bus:red winter.No„2.850 to 85 per bus. Manitoba o.t bard, 102 to 101 No. 2,1 (0 to) C2: PEAS 55e to 580 per bus. OATS 30o to 3ioer bus, FLOUR. cxtrfs. $3.50 to 03.50 per bol • straight roller, x3.80 to $8.85 ; strongbakcra,34,00 to 54.50. BARLEY, ale 1, 49e Male; No,2,440 to 45e; No 3, extra 390 to 40e; No, 3,350 to 374. A Trans•Oontinental Innovation Sleeping car passengers for Pacific) coast points via the Claims°, Milwaukee .ds St. Paul and Union Pacifist Overland Fast Mail Line no longer base to wait in line at Coun- cil Bluffs Transfer Station to obtain elem. ing car berth. reservations west of the Mie- sauri River. The new arrangements made by the Chi- cago, Milwaukee x st. Paul Railway obviate all twill delay and annoyance. For further pnrtieulerseuquir0 of naareat Coupou Ticket Agent or address. A.E.H. Carpenter, General Passenger Agent, Nit, waukce, Wis. TO N]JILVOUs MEN. I£ you will send us your address. we will mail you our illustrated pamphlet explaining all about Dr, Dye's Celebrated Electro-Voataio Belt and Appliances. and their charming effects upon the nervous debilitated system, and how they will quickly restore you to vigor• manhood and health If you ate thus afflicted, we will sandlyou a Belt and Appliances on trial. VOLTAIC BELT 00.• Marshall. Mich. Whoa Baby was sick. wo gave hor esoteric When she was a Child she cried for esoteric. Whon she became Miss, sho ohm; to eastorio, ?''hon mho had Children, she gave thew Criteria, CONSUMPTION CURED: An old physician retired Prem predict). hav- ing had placed in him hands by an Bast India reniedy'fa tine fspeedy sandi germane t e°areefar COSMOS Olen. Bronchitis. Cntarrh,Asthine and all throat and Mug ntfectroas, also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility And nil nervous eomplaints. after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of caws, has felt it his ditty to snake is known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by} -this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire .it. the recipe. in German, French or English, with full directions farreparing and using. Sent by mail by addressingwith stomp. naming this part t.V;Y. Novas, 820 Powers' Block, Rack - ester,• DOiTPE & CO'S --G R AT— CLEw' A,IS7C a.Azi1 "i —LEADS EVERYTHING— FOr Low Prices BARGAINS, BARGAINS, BARGAINS. COME AND SEE Come buy for little money and at little price. A clean sweep of everything before stock taking DOUPE & CO, KIEKTON. !a5hna lyid 0.nvtoia To31cTs3Ena,—Areyou disturberlat nightand broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? It to send at once and get a bottle of” 11rs.Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Teething. Its value is incalculable. It willrelieve the poor little sufferer'im merlistel: :peneudupon it, mothers ; there is,r.vtnisi;aire about it. Retires Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Isowers,enres Wind Colic. softens the (hums. reduces inflammation, and gives tone and energy tothe whclosystem. Mrs. Wipslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasantto the taste and fe the prescription of one of the oldest' end boat female physicians and nurses in the United. States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout tho world. Prion twentv.iive cents a ,bottle. Be sure and askfor1•Mits witpa cle 0 "'2 iINo s"'Ron -and u0 other TH1 BEST YET ! THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET BRALESS rfi ALL Tux LEADING STOV S a RANGES l . finds of Light amid Heavy Ilaraware. MECHANICS TCCLS, CUTLERY, ETC. 0 OAS. DELIVERED ON SHORTEST NOTICE AT LOWEST PRICES. Cive A GOOD SUPPLY OF GOODS.. Emblems o, f The Dir `ereiit Socieeies, Evetyt Wog new and firet•ciaaa. FUNERALS CONDUCTED AT MOD- ERATE COST. THE BEST HEARSE. IN THE COUNTY. us a call tax as .yt 7aing x the ,;a Overcoatings at any price ; Suit - bags at any price ; Pantings at any price. NOTI (2 E. Exeter, Feb'y 11t11, 1890 We will sell cheap for cash, the balance of our Winter Stock—consisting of Cook and. Parlor Stoves, Axes, Cross out Saws, Rope and Web Halters, Sleigh Bells-'-a,t, prices Sleigh I that defy colnpetitirn. BISSETT BROS. P. S.—Wo must ask that all overdue a3counts be set- tled at once, by cash or note.—B. Bros, CENTRAL Drug Store A full stook of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand, Winan's •Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at Central Drug����Store Exeter. C 1i9s� UTZ est Ordered Clothing ineduced in Exeteri Gentlemen I eave your orders eazly,' for with the best staff of Tailors ; the best stook of Pine Trimmings, Hud the bes Cutting in Town,you are sure of atisfao• ion. q ti 2 +q��p�,}�t ��pp �.��•• __ n rcl • e„. zza.ia !AL &°a Winn GOODS_ I have just received my large consignment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, and to make room for them I am now selling off my Previous Stock ! At figures away down. I do not believe in carrying over goods until another year, and will always sell at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES Rather than hold them over, MY STOCK is the beat assorted in town and of first quality goods I am here to exchange goods with the public for cash or pro- duce and am bound to do it. P. ROSS, Balling OUT! As we are giving up business we will dispose of our general stock of Dry -Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware —AT COST PRICE— Market Store, EXETER. Nov.; 13, 1889. Now is the opportunity for bargains, as everything will be sold. Time will be given to good parties purchasing large bills. HAPPEL & °LEGHORN', ZURICH All parties indebted from last year are requested to call and settle. DO YOU WANT TO BUY FIRST-Ci,1ASS FUR (TORE AT LOWER RA'I'LS THAN SHAM GOODS: —ARE USUALLY SOLD—. —THEN CALL AT—. GIDL Y'S --ONLY FIRST -CLASS -- Reliable GoOcIs At Prices Lower that so -ca' led Cheap Houses can givi Undertaking ry king sn all it B5aapp��p GYnch e a S. GIDLE7 , (Successor to C de S. Gidley) 0DD1!ELLO —tsLbOH