HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-11-05, Page 46A, THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR MAPLE LEAP I.O.D.E. 'PLANS UHRISTMAS FETE The regular monthly meeting of the Maple Leaf Chapter, I.O.D.E., was held on Tuesday—evening at the home of Mrs. T. II. Mitchell, with the Regent, Mrs. A. A. Nicol, presiding, and 31 members present. The members unanimously de- cided to continue sending food parcels to England pending the in- vestigation of other needy families. Mrs. A. A. Nicol was appointed as Regent to place the wreath on the cenotaph on Remembrance Day. Mrs. J. W. Wallace, Empire and World Affairs convenor, gave a de- tailed and- informative paper on the conflict between the Israelites and the Arab& Plansfor the Christmas Party, ler New Canadians were discussed with members by Mrs. Glen Hays. convenor of Canadianization and Immigiation. The party is to be held on 'December 9 at the Legion Hall. Mrs. Hays also read a neWs- paper article on the outlook of New Canadian Children towards school. Mrs. Tearle, convenor of Canad- ian Association of Consumers, read several interesting topics from the monthly bulletin. The members voted numerous donations to var- ious provincial and national funds. Two new members, Mrs. John IIindmarsh and Mrs. D. Ewing, were welcomed to the chapter and took their affirmation. Mrs. Frank Curry submitted the treasurer's report and Mrs. Fred Noble gave the assistant treasurer's report. Mrs. J. K. Sully thanked the hos- tess for giaciously, lending her home for the meeting. The meet- ing closed with the stnging of tli‘j National Anthem, played by Mi..1 Ed Jessop. ODERICH AREN FRIDAY, NOV. 21 AT 8.30 P.M. ROY LISOGAR PRESENTS att/AA4Nei •,\ • 01;31 amp! LOGICS eme, 4(e THREE SEARS AS ONE or 8 eto PRODUCTION Nuustgs AND ZO Acirs/_, BEAUTIFUL SKATING STARS STARRING—YVONNE BRODERS—Motion Picture Starlet. THE FLYING WENDTS—Hollywood Trapeze Artists. THE DAFFY DO.D0 '8-5 hilarious comedians. PLUS- A FULL SUPPORTING CAST 44 SENSATIONAL SKATERS FROM ALL. PARTS OF CANADA. CANADA'S LARGEST ICE SHOW CourtiGoderich No. 32 The Canadian Order of Foresters will hold its r4ular meeting at 'MacKay Hall, Tuesday, Nov. 10 at 8 p.m. Social hour and lunch Visiting Brethren Welcome Eugene Ryan, C.R. T. Drennan, Rec. Secy. LEFTY'S Battery and Radia- tor Repair Shop NEW AND REBUILT BAT- TERIES, $5 and -up. All Makes and Models Repaired. 75 Hamilton St. Goderich -44x MOTOROLA T HOME AND AUTO RADIOS' HUTCHINSON RADIO & TV SALES AND SERVICE HURON ROAD PHONE 11" HOME, SCHOOL CtROUP IN REGULAR MEETING ' The Home and School Associa- tion held its regular monthly meet- ing in the Public School auditorium on Tuesday of last ,week. The meeting was conducted by Mrs. Doak, the president. A goodly number of parents and teachers were present. Mrs. Glen Eckmier gave an in- teresting talk on children's books. She listed the books suitable to children of all ages and also had a great number of books on display which proved to be of great in- terest to the parents. Miss Helen ' IVidean, Grade 1 teacher, carefully ' explained how the young children learn to read and also displayed posters to illustrate. She spoke on each phase of a child's training by sight and sound. Miss Brereton's room won the ' prize for the most parents present. • Mrs. II. Carroll expressed •a vote of thanks to the speakers. The Association realized $76 from a rummage sale. Prizes were given to the rooms bringing in the most articles for the sale. Mr. Shackleton's room took first prize, Miss Holmes' room' 'second prize and Mr. McIntyre's room the third prize. The Home and School As- sociation received $25 from the Lions Club for serving hot dogs for the Hallowe'en party at the arena. • This amount will go to help build a new National Head- quarters Building in Toronto. Spectators fill the plaza alongside the United Nations General km' embly hall In New York as India's Mrs. Vijaya Lakshml Pandit, right centre on balcony, speaks at United Nations Day ceremonies. Mrs. Pandit, president of the. General Assembly, reviewed the record of the UN since its founding in 1945. This view looks north along New York's First Avenue, back- ground. THURSDAY, NOVEMBE1L541, 1933 Hello Homemakers! Do you re- call these facts: Cheese iS rich in the proteins and minerals that are so necessary for body building and rrepairing. When compared with fresh milk a one inch cube of !cheese represents 1 glass of •milk. Finally, cheese tastes as good with the breakfast toast ,as the added treat with apple pie at dinner. Take a Ti 11. Keep a little grated cheese on hand. Place in a tw.ist of alu- minum foil, then tuck in a •I covered jar,. and store in the I electric refrigerator. 2. Sprinkle a tablespoon of grated cheese into each baked potato that has been "bursted." 3. Sprinkle grated cheese over each dish of cream soup. 14. Add a few bits of cheese to each baked apple. 5. Crumble old cheese into mashed 1 turnip, pumpkin or squash. Cheese Cutlets Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stirlin A, of Goderich Township, attended the 50th wedding anniversary recently of Mr. and Mrs. George Stirling, in Pickford, Mich.' on this • „coo ao V`t svs tvIt act DRILLS SANDS, 'GRINDS POLISHES • Worth $38.95 NOW ONLY Get This templets Drill Et. for Little More Than the Regular Price of the Drill Alone MAN—WHAT A CHANCE TO SAVE! This 'amazingly low-priced 44 -piece Mestere-raft Electric Drill Kit is precision -built to do fine. accurate work—with professional skill and ease—In a fraction of the time needed for old time, time -wasting methods. Whiz through hundreds of home repair or s construction Jobs with this complete handyman's power workshop.. . . Drill, sand, buff or grind—in wood. plastie or :metal. Rugged -enough foi professional use, yet so simple. so safe that anyone can use it. Switch from tool -to -tool In seconds: eivrything is right at hand in compact, easy -to -carry tool chest. Rush your order NOW 1 ARGOT THE, DRILL—High-power "palm -grip" 1/4" Electric Drill is perfectly balanced; Die-cast aluminium housing, highly polished: Trigger Switch; Jacobs Hand-Tite Chuck; Heavy Duty Armature; Steel -cut Gears; Universal Motor Drills to 1/4" in steel—up to 1" In wood. You are invited to see' our line-up of the latest Power Tools and Equipment—"Profess ional-Shop • .95 DELIVERED ANYWHERE IN CANADA YOU GET ALL THESE 44,IECE5 1/4" Drill (Satin Finish) Removable Side Handle. 6 -piece Adapter. • 31/1" Diam. Molded Rubber Disc. 41/4" Diens. Polishing Bonnet. • 7 Carbon Steel Twist Drills. 3" Diann. Buffing Wheel. 3' Diem: Wire Wheel Brush. • 3" Diem. Grinding Wheel. 12 Assorted Abrasive Discs, 2 Mounted Stones. Paint Mixer. Horizontal Bench Stand. Sanding Drum. II Assorted Sanding Sleeves. All-MirtaLCarrying Case. r sizes I-11" te Drills hoIse Is Soo". revel. wool& work MI& ',voltam Pro/Ishes silverware, waxes the tor Orlsols off rise. * took Mastercraft Home Workshop quality, ot CTC savings. I 2/3 cup grated cheese 2 cups mashed potatoes I 4 tbsps: chili sauce 1 cup mashed lima beans 1 tsp, salt Combine ingredients and shape into cutlets about tzs inch thick. Saute in a small amount of fat and serve with celery sauce Or hot con- densed celery soup. Serves 4. Cheese Casserole 1 cup soft bread crumbs 2 cups milk 2 eggs, separated ' 1 cup grated old -"cheese •1/.. tsp. salt .tbsp. parsley 1 cup canned peas • Soak bread crumbs in milk for 10 minutes. Stir in the beaten yolk of eggs. Add cheese, salt, parsley and peas. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. -.Turn into buttered casserole. Sprinkle a few dry crumbs on top. Bake in preheated electric oven of 350 degrges for 30 minutes. Serves 4 to 6. • Cheese -Crust Pie 3 tbsps. butter 3 tbsps. flour 11,2 cups milk 14 tspsalt tsp. pepper 14 tsp. mustard 1 can luncheon meat 1 cup canned peas 2 hard -cooked eggs Heat 1 cup milk and stir in a paste made of butter, flour andSA cup milk. Add seasonings, cubed luncheon meat, drained peas and sliced cooked eggs. Pour into car- serole (10 x 6 x 2 inches) and top with pastry. Cheeps Pastry: Stir cup but- ter into 1,4 lb. processed nippy" cheese031end well: Mix in fri cup' sifted flour. Press into a ball and chill in wax paper before rolling out as pastfy dough for top of meat pie. Prick rolled out dough before fitting on casserole. Bake in electric oven of 400 degrees for 20 minutes. THE QUESTION BOX Mr: J. R. D. asks: How do you cook wild duck? , Answer: If it's 'mallard duck, stuff with pieces of soft bread, slices of onions and 2 slices of lemon. Refrigerate overnight, re- move and discard stuffing as it wi:1 have absorbed any "fish" flavor. Wipe the duck with...a cloth dipped in vinegar -water. Stuff the bird with a mixture of boiled rice and fried baconbits or 'sauerkraut. Roast in covered pan for 40 mins then uncover and roast another 20 minutes in oven of 350 degrees. Mr. C. B. asks: What can we add to minute rice to induce wild rice flavor and how is the dressing for wood duck prepared? Answer: If you cannot purchase wild rice, buy brown rice. Boil 1,2 cup brown rice•in 1 quart boiling salted water. Drain •and rinse in sieve. Meantime, fry 5 slices of bacon," Minced and 1/3 cup sliced onions. Then add to,rice along with 1 minced tart apple, t; tsp. sage and salt and pepper. Spoon into the duck. (Remember you may only. shoot 1 wood duck.) Roast in oven of 350 for Ds; or 2 hours. Cover for first 30 minutes. Miss M. H. asks: Can you advise us how to make croquettes neatly and quickly? Answer: Keep a saucer of flour bandy and dust your hands with it each time you shape meat mixture into a croquette or press mixture gently into cone-shaped drinking cups and turn into muffin tins. Bake in hot oven for 30 minutes. Hullett Township Federation of Agriculture has elected Percy Gip- bings as its president for the com- ing year. In 1952 Canada produced more fhan a hundred million dollais worth of gold, nickel, copper, zinc, petroleum and coal. --Quick Can- adian Farts. Anything to sell? Anything! A classified ad brings results. eptic Tanks EAN Westinghouse Television ALL PRICES ALL MODELS OPEN EVERY EVENING — EXCEPT WEDNESDAY HART ELECTRIC 79 HAMILTON ST. GODERICH' and TELEVISION • 133 DOWNIE ST. STRATFORD Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Clark and -two daughters, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tucker and two children, from Kincardine, also Mr. and Mrs. William Hamil- • days and 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. on ton, froin Granton, were visitors with Mrs. Clark, and Alma, Cam- 20-2-4-6tf Sundays. Phone collect, Clinton bridge Street, on Sunday. 242. with the LATEST SANITARY EQUIPMEN'T For artificial insemination at its best for all, breeds, call the Water- loo Cattle Breeding Association be- tween 7.30 and .10.00 a.m. on week rand Finale! TO OUR ANNIVERSARY SALE Thursday, VE Friday,..,Saturday, Winter Coats Repeat sale of wonderful all There IS NO CHEMICAL CURE for a high fashion SICK SEPTIC TANK. Reg. $39.75 these 2 w.., 8.75 coats Raincoats For a GUARANTEED quick thorough cleaning phone 71 and leave .your name, address and phone number. • All weather water repellent coats in a grand variety of styles ‚and colors. All sizes 25% off This service will be for 40 Dresses One Day -Only.. • i e . From reg. stock up to 27.95 Crepes, taffetas and nn • wools: Smart styles Tuesday, Nov. 10 Clearing at aUU and colors. All sizes Counter Sales Check Books PLAIN or PRINTED Printed, Gummed Tapes obtainable at Signal -Star Ltd. West, Et. Phone 71 .10.111•1110.010.111.0111.01... NITARY SEWER CLEANING CO. London, Ont. PHONE 590 FASHION -44x Fur Coats STILL AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Choose your favorite fur from our first quality, excellent stocks Fall Suits Lovely tweeds, plaids and gabar- dines. All with our usual good styling Sizes 10 to 46. Special Group BLOUSES, crepe, taffeta and nylon, reducd to clear 2. SKIRTS, reg. up to $8.95. Wool,, corduroy, taffetas, reduced to $4 SHOPPE GODERICH ..•••••••••••.i•. a As. eit," * 244/41 41 At t. IA 4* The Fox and The Grapes A HUNGRY FOX saw some fine bunches of Grapes hanging from a vine that was trained along .a high trellis. and did his best to reach them by jumping as high as he could into the air. But it was all in vain. for thcy were just out wisTleriCh:.so he gave up trying, and walked away with an air of dignity and unconcern. remark- ing, "I thought those Grapes were ripe, but l see now they are quite sour." MORAL: Instead of saying "sour grapes" when you can't immediately attain your ambitions, build a ladder to success by opening a savings account with The Canadian Bank of Commerce. Add to your balance regularly and you'll soon be in a position to get what you seek. ...,,, N........... asort s:ion by Arthur Rackham, from dm ....... Eletnentann Edition of Aesop's Publes ... •011o The Canadian Bgnk of Commerce - r4-21