HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-10-29, Page 10THURSDAY, OCTOBER letk, 1863 is iebel we for aeasidlod Ada. Mc; tic fee each idditienal lives. lA. For Sale (Gen.) 1111-USkRATOA• skin set of ATk Phone ALSO FOUR 796W or call at 21 Britannia road. -43 (tL iTt ItD NEW VACUUM CLEA- .�\.NER, with all attachments, popu- lar make. wen in contest. Will !sell for 40 per cent off list. Write !BOX 6, SIGNAL -STAR. -43 FOR SALE. — UPRIGHT BFI -I piano in first-class condition. ' ang. Good location. success. Write now for inform- 1'0 RENT. — COMFORTABLE RANGETTE, $15; CHEST OF !Apply 61 Colllorne street -42t. A comfortable home at reason- alien. FAMILEX 1600 Delorimier, furnished apaittment Phone able 5-41_s' —E1GUT t NUT dining room suite, like Cross Roads eneral Store : ULU OR PART TIME AL Frame building containing store sales representative for pro - A warm, cozy home. a3 I % SPLENDID. TERRITORY IS • open - in your surroundings for Ranch type bungalow, only two a person interested in the sale of years oldfi Three bedrooms, four household necessities, cosmetics, piece bath, living room, dining tonics, etc. Our products are the - room and very modern kitchen- finest and easy to sell. Small cap - Attached garage. Automatic heat- ital will start you on the road to WANT ADS TO RENT. LARGE FURNISHED, bed -sitting room, lower Boor, hot and cold water, heated, gr� gi privileges, suit two business ris. MRS. ,KEN ALLIN, Maple , Leaf Cabins. • 41tf drawers, $10; may be seen at ° or .,,OR PIE 'E �� AI price_ Dept. 1 Montreal. -43 213J. -40 201 South street phone 653b1 I I' 43 1 G . I LOC Z O RENT--FOUR-ROOM APART- PALN OF RHEUMATISM, SCI- ATICA, lumbago, can be helped by tainf,. Rumacaps. Recommend- ed by thousands .of thankful user:_ Ask your Druggist. -43 CRESS COR.\ SALVE FOR SURE relief- Your Druggist sells Cress Callous Salve too, relieves quickly. -43 new, reasonable. Phone tar on 27. and living uarters. Five acres of gressive es organization inand i land. Small barn, colony house. Waterloo. For further information SIG FOR SALE—CORN AT FARM OR Sale price of $8.200 includes build- *rite BOX 184, Waterloo. , 40tf delivered. Phone STANLEY Ings, land, stock and equipment_ . FISIiER. 149W14, Strathroy.4244 Onn:. Terms. • ' FOR SALE.—TWO WARDROBE trunks; club bag; one chrome kitchen set (grey); one Wilton rug. 9' x 10'..'; one Axminster ru . SMALL 1st -r.t i WORKING 7' x 9•; - scatter rugs_ Phone street. .43x East- lathe_ Phone 664M. 222 Oxiora 1263 or call at 101 Elgin avenue, -1 1 WOOD, 12 .LNCHES, AT S5 Plitt cord, delivered. FRED C. KALBFI FISCH & SON. LTD . Goderich and Zurich. 43461 PIANO 'TUN-LNG—WILL BE LN Goderich November 9. 193. Please phone your order to MRS. • Fil-a DONALDSON, music teach- er, phone 431. All work •fully guaranteed_ 4245x PAIR PORCEL.ALN LAUNDRY tubs. 78 St. George's Crescent. 43x LADY'S BICYCLE; LADY'S green winter coat, size 16, grey fur trim; also single bed with springs. Phone 494.1. - 43x ELECTRQLUX VACUUM cleaner, with all attachments. not old type, 821.00. Write BOX NO. 5, SIGNAL -STAR. 43 FOR SA I.F. — Ditcher. No. 1, with new dig- ging wheel. in perfect working condition. can be seen in operation. priced reasonable. HUGH CHIS - HOLM. 28 Trafalgar street Phone BUCKEYE TILE 1153%'. -42 FOR FOR SALE_-1JSED REFRIGER- ATORS, electric ranges, rano ettes and washing machines at BARGAIN PRICES. SHORE AP- PUANCES, Goderich, your head- quarters for hearing aid batteries. -18tf 4. Help Wanted MENT, three-piece bath, heated furnished.. Write BOX 110, NAL -STAR. -42tf `OR RENT.—LARGE SELF CON- TAINED apartment, centrally located, available immediately. Lr�tings and inquiries invited. Write BOX 112 SIGNAL -STAR Phone 766W IV 1 nom. APPLY' BEDFORD -42 Hamilton Street Goderich. HOTEL. Goderirh. -43.1 RKNT.—F VE -ROOM' APART - FOR SALE. — METAL -CLAD 1 storey frame dwelling in. Vil- lage of Auburn; hydro; hard and soft water; full ba_tement; new root; woodshed, 10' x 12' wi:h steel roof. Dwelling can be pur- chased separately. or, if desired, wi;h a barn,.20' x 30'. Possession in immediate future. Apply BERT DAER, Auburn, phone Blyth 43 r 4243x FOR SALE. — FOUR-BEDROOM brick home, hardwood floors, two fireplaces, hot water heating, ' could be easily corkerted into duplex; garage. H. A. BOGIE, 63 Cambria road. • Phone 60.1. 4041 FOR SALE—WATERLOO GAR- DEN tractors. Come in and see the different sizes and various implements that ay be had with each- These maymbe bought for as low ask 15`."r downpayment, GEORGE WRAITH. Montreal St. ( -16t1 l','OR SALE. — CEDAR POSTS, New modern six -room brick ven- eert bungalow, near business sec- , tion. UAKER_ SPACE H E Ar.T_E-R anchor posts, clothesline poles, small size, with circul�'aator fan. lag poles, etc,. JOIL\ REND - Good condition- Phone 1 311' MARSH, RR. 2, Goderich. Phone 43x 11901 35 LARGE SIZE MONARCH OIL burner. like new. Phone 674W , 43x ONE NORGE .SPACE HEATER; also child's ice skates. size 6. Phone 1291M. 43x T• ROLLER FOR SALE. APPLY • MRS. ALFRED WILLIAMS, Post Office apartment. 43x USED HOT AIR FURNACE, .pipes included, cheap for cash. Phone 89W. 43 CINDER BLOCK BUILDING. 25 x 30 feet. FRED WHITE. 169 Keays street.. -4344 GIRL'S HARRIS TWEED WINTER coat, size 12, in good condi- tion, $5.00. Phone 1367. -43 BARGAIN: ALUMINUM, RIBBED, corrugated. $10 square de- livered. Building Materials -G, Lac Guindon, Que. 38-42x FOR SALE. — S1LVERKING Garages. Prefabricated, rust- proof. Delivered: $120, $150. $170. Sectional Buildings -G, Shaw bridge, Quebec. 38-42x FOR SALE."— RASPBERRY. canes, Chief and Newburg; ?ewburg's largest berry grown, S4.00 per hundred. FRED GB, BERT, Huron road. Phone 936 r 32.. ; -38 Frame home, located on a large lot in the west end of town. Pro- _ perty is in good shape. $3,000 needed to handle this home. • New insul brick. sided six-roo !house, near business section. Gen6a1 Store, located approxim- 1 ately 18 miles from Goderich, with an annual gross of 520,000 annual- ly. $4,600 needed to handle this property. For further details contact P. S. MacEWAN, West street. Phone 230 or 1551J. - -43tf FOR SALT.—ONE USED THOR Automagic washer in excellent condition. Price $125.00. SHORT? APPLIANCES. -39 FOR SALE —BEAUTIFUL GAR- " 4TANDLNG FIREWOOD TQ BE DEN chrysanthemums, wide L. taken out on shares, Nile vicin- range of color, large bouquet, ity. JOHN HLNDMARSH, R.R. 2, 51.00. L. R. HOLMAN, phone 722, Goderich. Phone 1190J. -43 Cameron street. 42: FRIGIDAIRE HEAVY DUTY electric stove, almost new. Act quick. Moving our of town. Phone 59R after 6 p.m. • 43x UEBEC HEATER, LARGE SIZE; -‘• •also arm chair. MRS. BERT M11 LS, 215 Palmerston street. -43 LADY'S BLACK SEAL COAT; Man's overcoat; ladies' sui two girls' coats, size 12-14; boy's jackets, 12-16; boy's rubber boot size 6; boy's over rubbers. size 4 Also other items. -GIFT SHOP, West street.. Thione I172W. -43 BUFFET AND FUMED OAK extension table. Phone 804M. -43 CIRCULATOR HEATER; JACKET heater; electric heater; Axmin- ster rug, 6'9" x •°9'; fire screen; 4. writing desk; all in good condition. Phone 821W. 43.f • PLAY PEN AND PAD, $6; baby's snow quit, $5. Phone 1160. -.-` -43 DODGE SEDAN, 1940, IN GOOD condition. Phone 843M. 43x SAVAGE 30-30 HIGH POWER rifle and shells.. Write P.O. BOX 234, Seaforth. Phone 177. -43 FOR SALE. — GENERAL ELEC- TRIC radio, long or short wave, floor model; Quebec heater; poor polisher, electric. English make, new. Phone GODERICH HOUSE- CLEANING SERVICE, 1143., 42-44x Hygienic supplies (rubber goo&) mailed postpaid in plain. sealed envelope with price list. Six sam- ples 25c; 24 samples 81.00. Mail Order Dept. T-53. NOV-RUBBER CO., Box 91, .Hamilton, Ont. 1B. Real Estate- . FOR SALE.—A VERY ATTRAC- TIVE small brick dwelling in excellent location near the Square. Agent, MALCOLM MI TITERS, Real Estate Broker. 46 West street, Goderich. -42tf FOR SALE. A VERY NICE, small frame- i iingalow in ex- cellent west end location. Agent, MALCOLM MATHERS, Real Estate Broker, 46 West street, Goderich. 42tf HAROLD W. SHORE Real Estate FOR SALE New bungalow, insul-brick sid- ing, three bedrooms, living room and modern kitchen. Located in northeast part of Goderich. . WE HAVE A 0001 STOCK OF Brand New 1953 Pontiacs Boicks and GMS Trucks TO MARE ROOM FOR MORE USED CAR TRADE-IN'S, WE MUST RE- DUCE OUR USED CAR INVEN- TORY. Check on our used car REDUCED PRICES. Some of, our late model cars for the -week -Are: 1950 Rocket 88 Olds Sedan. 1951 Custom . Ford Coach, 15000 miles, LINA NEW! 1951 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan. 1950 Custom Dodge Sedan. auris Motors Pontiac7-Buick,-.--(1.111.0. Trucks A fully modern six -room brick house, bank barn and henhouse on 40 acres of good workable land, paved road, near town and school. Priced to sell. Terms. Also 62 acres and 70 acres on good road with splendid. buildings. Other farms of various sizes. GIRL TO LIVE LN TO ASSIST with general housework and to help with the children. Liberal time oil. Write BOX -14, SIGNAL - STAR. 43x FURNITURE FLN1SILER, FULLY experienced, as Foreman for • top-quality, progressive manufac- turer. - Our foreman retiring through age. Pleasant working conditions, steady employment, group insurance, etc. Enclose photograph and give full details in tirst letter in confidence. BOX 3, SIGNALSTAR. -4344 MAALL SELF-CONTAINED �'OUTH TO CARRY NEWS -'-apartment, unfurnished, by PAPERS to Post. Office and January 1. Contact A. ALLEN, news stands from Signal -Star Of- 343 Prince Edward Drive, Toronto fire every Thursday from 8 30 a m 18 43-44. MENT.ME. Furnished. Hot water. Basement laundry. Adults. Possession anytime after November 15. App1OX 113, SIGNAL- -42-4344.45 STAR. FOR RENT.—FIVE-ROOM DOWN- STAIRS apartment. Heat and hot water supplied. Located near Square. Possession November 15. Phone 135111. 42x 8. Wanted to Rent to_ nden. Apply SIGNAL -STAR • 43tf WANTED.—HOUSE OR APART- MENT, 2 bedrooms, unfurnish- ed. References if required. Write BOX 104, SIGNAL -STAR. 41x C''°'' POLICE AND THREE CONSTABI.FS With previous police experience wanted for the Town of Goderich. Duties to commence January 1, 1954. Please state experience and salary expected. S. H. BLAKE, Town Clerk, Goderich, Ontario. MATRICULANTS --YOUNG MEN, age 18-25, with senior or jun- ior matriculation standing are wanted for accounting, group in- surance and mortgage work. Nd experience is necessary. Apply Personnel Department, MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA, Waterloo. 43 OFFICE POSITIONS — SINGLE girls age 16-25 required for messenger, fling, typing and ac- counting positions. No experience is necessary. Apply- in- person or write to The Personnel Depart- ment, MUTUAL LIFE OF CAN- , ADA, Waterloo. 43 f Feed mill, with grinder, roller, mixer. seed cleaner and treater, new G.M. diesel .engine, run one year, in splendid farming' district. Owner deceased. A real buy. CECIL WHEELER, Realtor. Phone 88, Blyth, Ont. -43 FOR SALE. -SIX -ROOM HOUSE, two-piece bath room, heavy wiring,, with or without furniture; also two building lots, 50 x-100 ft each, locaied,on -Mary street, Gode- rich. near the new SheafTer plant. Phone 1143. 42-44x FOR SALE.—TWO GOOD BUILD- ING lots in West end, 66 x 132. Phone 277 or write box 647. 41-43x FOR SALE.= --RED BRICK THREE- BEDROOM house, hot water heating system with automatic oil furnace. insulated anda very cozy home in a splendid location with close proximity to schools, churches and Square. • Apply BERNARD WILMOT, 49 Ea42st street. simmurimummirliimmr 2. Real Estate Wtd. DENTIAL and farm properties for sale. HAROLD W. SHORE, Real Estate Agent, North street. Phorfe 766W, Goderich. -36tf WANTED.--L1STINGS OF PRO- PERTIES for sale. No charge to you until property is sold. MALCOLM MATHERS. Real Estate Broker, 46 West St., Gode- rich. Phone 115W. -12tf CHAPMAN, Realtor. PHONE 18W. WANTED—SMALL HOUSE IN Goderich with small acreage. Must be handy to transportation and schools. Will pay $600 down and about -$20 per, month. Write BOX 107, SIGNAL -STAR. 42-43x 3. Agents Wanted $ WANT TOP WAGES $ Don't let limited ability keep you in the other low -paid frequent lay off kills. Huge present and future top pay job opportunities for DIESEL MECHANICS Easy to master millwrighting, maintenance, etc„, and Diesel dee trio including machine shop and welding without interrupting pre- sent income. Send coupon free information. STANDARD ENGINEERING INSTITUTE Box 108, Goderich Signal-Siar. NAME ADDRESS arm 5. Employment Wanted DOMESTIC WORK, LIVE IN. For further information write BOX 7, SIGNAL -STAR. -43 1 HOUSEWORK OR. CLEANING wanted by day or week. Write, BOX 4, SIGNALSTAR. 43x. WORK WANTED BY . BOOK- ; KEEPER -ACCOUNTANT, 8 years' .experience in timekeeping, office manager, public accounting,,i auditing. Female. Desires per- ' manent position in Goderich. Phone MISS DANVER, Clinton, i 504W. _ ` 43x 1 t 6. Wanted •(Gen.; 9. Coming Events . The Arthur CLrcle of Knox Church will hold its annual bazaar and tea on Saturday afternoon, October 31. -39 Victoria Helpers present a variety concert on Friday,. Novem- ber 6, at 8.15 p.m., in Victoria Street United Church parlors. Ad- mission adults 50c, children 25c. -41-44 Rummage sale in MacKay Hall, Saturday, October 31, at 1.30 p.m., sponsored by Ahmeek Chapter. 1tO.D.E. For pick-up phone 476R. -4243 The Girls' Auxiliary of St. George's Church will hold their annual tea and bazaar, Saturday afternoon, October 31. 43 Bazaar, tea and bake sale a Victoria Street United Church 1 Saturday, October 31, at 2.30 p.m. under auspices of the Eureka 'Class. 42-43 The regular -meeting of Maple Maid pocahontas, $21.00; Hamco coke nut, $24.00; range, $23.00; Patty_ stoker, $20.00. Order your coal today and save, at Overholt Coal Co. Phone 1002. 4143' McArthur's Millinery Shop will be closed all day Wednesdays until further notice. Order Shell furnace oil and stove oil from Edward Fuels, tank truck dealer for all Shell Oil Co. pro- ducts. Phone 98. -18tf Blue Nater Service Station. Com- plete service and repairs. Phone 232, Bayfield road. C. Bannister. ,'► -39tf Buy Famous Reading—the Red Anthracite coal—It's good quality and very low 'ash—means more for your cash — chestnut and stove $26.50 ton. Dean Coal Co. 42 After November 1 Ernie Barker will be selling Christmas cards and AR ClassifiNed Ads are en A CASH BASIS. Ads 'phoned • In must be pari within ons week al publication: CULBERT'S BAKERY "The Horne of Tasty Pastry" SPECIALS FOR HALLOWE'EN WEEK -END Pumpkin Spice Cakes -40c each Raspberry filling, butter creme icing. LARGE AND SMALL PUMPKIN PIES -40c and 104 each BOSTON CREME PIES -60c each LIGHT AND DARK CHRISTMAS CAKE -50c Ib. Wedding, Anniversary and Birthday Cakes a specialty. PHONE 466 • PHONE EARLY 13. Personal "LONELY? FIND A FRIEND through us. Write fort Fold- er. FRIENDLY EOLKS, Box 393, MacTier, Ontario:" 34-43x ' 15. Cards of Thanks 11. Auction Sales COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE at 1.30 p.m. at Graham Inglis'. Garage, West street. Anybody wishing to have articles sold notify MATT. GAYNOR before Wednes- day, November 4. 43x AUCTION SALE OF 30 COWS AND HEIFERS, PIGS ANT) • POULTRY at lot No. 3,1; 6th Concession of Goderich Township, 1 milq south of Porter's Hill, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3 CATTLE -30 young cows and heifers, consisting of Holsteins, Herefords and Jerseys with five fresh, some springing and balance due December and January. These cattle were nearly all raised on our, own farms, and are tested and PIGS — 10 chunks; 7 pigs, 6 weeks old. POULTRY -150 Columbia Rock X Rhoae Island red pullets, laying. A. E. TOWNSHEND & SON, EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, , 43- Auctioneer. -42-44 LARGE SIZE QUEBEC HEATER in good condition. Phone 6,000 FOR FIRST MORTGAGE on 100 acre farm on highway One of best in Huron. Sound security. Write BOX 8, SIGNAL - STAR. 43 WANTED. — LAUNDRY, CASH and carry; would also take odd jobs. GLEN'S, 180 Huron road. Phone 1465M. -4144 WANTED.—OLD HORSES AND dead cittle. If dead, phone at once. GILBERT BROS., Mink Ranch. phone c9Ilect 936 r 32 or WANTED. — DEAD, DISABLED ' horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt and ef- ficient service phone "STONES" collect, Ingersoll 21 or Goderich 936 r 21. -10tf 7. To Rent ''' ISHED, immediate possession, 115 Britannia road, Goderich. For information call W. W. WALTER, phone Carlow 1309. 43x FOUR -ROOM AND THREE-ROOM, apartments, freshly decorated, conveniences, hot water, heavy wiring. Apply POST OFFICE BOX 383. -43 (IFFICE OR APARTMENT, thrge. rotims, corner North street Naad Square, formerly oc- cupied ..by Mr. Shore. Apply JAMES A. CAMPBELL Drug Store. kSMALL APARTMENT. APPLY above TOTS AND TEENS STORE. -43 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT, unfurniShed, near Square. Hot water heated. Write BOX 3, SIGNAL -STAR. 43 FOUR BEDROOM IT OatI hydro, six miles south of Gode- rich, on No. 21 highway; also tractor, plows and discs for sale. W. .1. HARMER, phone Digby 3061. Sarnia. 43x HOUSE WITH HYDRO"; FOUR miles smith of Goderich. G. HARWOOD. R.R. 2, Goderich. -43 ROOM ••AND BOARD. PHONE 1565W. -43 Leaf Chapter, I.O.D.E., will be held at the home of Mrs. J. R. Mitchell Gloucester Terrace, Tuesday The Taylor's Corner Ladies' Aid will hold a bazaar and afternoon tea at MacKay Hall, on Saturday November 7 at 2.30. EVerybody ited Church. will hold a bazaar and bake sale on Noveniber 7 at 2.30 p.m. in the British Exchange Hotel. -4344 Don't soap windoWs for nothing. $1.00' . for the best soap picture drawn on a store window of Lake- side Produce, Hamilton street. Make them -small enough for others to compete, age 16 and under. Awards Saturday night it 8.30. 43 Be sure to attend the Public Meeting at Town* Hall, Tuesday, "King's X." Guest speaker. Auspices St. Peter's Parish Credit Union. No admission charged. The regular meeting of the Afternoon Women's Guild of St. George s Church will be held in the Guild Room on Tuesd4r, No - • Don't forget Legion draW, Nov- ember 11. Trilight lamp and over 40 other prizes. 43-44 The Autumn Thank -offering meeting of the W.M.S. Auxiliary,of the North Street -United Church Will be held in the church hall. on Tuesday afternoon, November 3 at 5 o'clock. Mrs. A. L. Fleming will address the meeting. A cordial invitation is extended to all who are interested; to attend the meet - The regular rnonihly meeting of. the Goderieh Women's Institute will. be held Thursday, Noveniber Final date for overseas donations. 43 A Bridge Marathon, sponsored hy the Goderich Kinette Club in aid of the Kinsmen Club's Play -- ground Fund, will commence the week of November 16. The Mara- thon will continue for ten Weeks at 35 cents trier wpek. Prizes for bridge, "500'. and canasta. If interested, please contact Mrs. K. November 2 and 3 at 8 p.m.— Knox'Preshyterian Church auditor- him—second annual Art Exhibi- tion. A display of work by the Members of the Goderich Art Club. There will also be a display of Weaving and leathercraft. On Monday the special guest will be Mrs. O'Brien, assistant curator of the London Art Gallery to com- Went on the exhibition. A short film will be shown -Tuesday even- ing. Don't forget the annual tea- and bazaar of, the Girls' Auxiliary of St. George's Church which will be held in the Parish Hall on Saturday afternoon, October 31, from 3 to 5. -43 itUCTION SALE OF HOUSE- ' HOLD EFFECTS, ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1953 at 1 p.m. , at the home of Manson Reid, 57 St. Andrew street, Goderich. Four linoleum rugs; five -piece parlor suite; small electric range; , Westinghouse refrigerator, nearly new; six dining roont.chairs; china cabinet; three dining room tables: - three iron beds, springs and mat- tresses; wooden bed; two beds and feather. mattress; quantity of bed- ding; two sets chests of drawers; three mirrors; kitchen clock; six kitchen chairs; two cupboards with glass tops, also two extra glass tops; quantity of diShes and kit- chen utensils; Beatty washer; coal or wood range; four rocking chairs; easy chair; four small stands; two table lamps; four small tables, garden and carpenter tools; two stepladders, 8 ft,; two stepladders, 3 ft.; 50 feet garden hose; also quantity of secondhand lumber and numerous other articles. MATT GAYNOR, 42-4 Auctioneer. • 10. Briefs 'Will you be lueky on "Friday the 13th"? Made -to -measure suit of clethes or topcoat for either ,man or 'woman for only 25e. Get a Lions Club ticket for draw on Fri- day, November 13. • 43-45 cash prices till, October 31 on D.. dr II. Anthracite Hudson. stove and nut coal 526.50 a ton; buck- wheat for Herm $20.00; Indian AUCTION SALE OF 33 HEAD OF CATTLE, ALSO SHEEP AND PIGS for Aaron C. Fisher, on THURSDAY; NOVEMBER 5, 1953 at lot 8, concession 1. Colborne Township, 2 miles east of Ben - Miller, consisting of 10 young Hol- stein cows; 3 Holstein heifers, due in November; 10 spring black calve§ and.10 two-year-old and one- year -old black cattle; two York sows with 20 pigs and eleven ewes; also one Clyde mare with colt at side. Everything adver- tised to be sold owing to ill health. AARON C. FLSHER, Proprietor. EDWARD ELLIOTT, 42-43- Auctioneer. 12. Tenders Wanted SEALED TENDERS ARE WANT- ED for snow plowing Township roads in winter of 1953 and 1954. 'Contractor to state size of trucks and plows to be used; also to supply own help and equipment. Wing and plows to be hydraulically Tenders to state rate per hour arid marked "Tender." Lowest or any tender not necessarily accept- ed and be in by October 31,-1953. ROY TYNDALL, Road Superintendent. 42 -43 - TENDERS FOR SUB TRADES Tenders will be received by the usidersigned until Noyembeo 4, 1953, for all sub trades- required in the construction of the new Nilestown Public School *at North Dorchester, Ontario Architect. C. II. Gillen, London, Ontario. Tenders will be received by the undersigned until •Novelfiber 5, 1953, for all nib trades required in the construction of the new Mitehell High School at Mitchell, Ontario. Architect, S. B. Coon and Sons, Toronto. Lowest or any tender noAeceg- sadly accepted. DAVID ROSS CONSTRUCTION, 43- Goderich, Ont. I WOULD LIKE TO THANK THE ones that seot me flowers and cards while a patient in the hospit- al; also thanks to the nurses and Dr. Jackson and neighbors. 43x MRS. ROBERT cOOK. BILL THOMPSON WOULD LIKE to extend thanks to his friends who remembered him with gifts and flowers while confined to the hospital. 43x I WISH TO THANK ALL THOSE who remembered the baby and myself with cards, gifts, flowers, treats, and visits while in the Goderich hospital. 43 - THE FAMILY OF THE• LATE John C. Dalton take this means of expressing their appreciation fdr the spiritual bouquets, floral trib- utes, loan of cars and kind mess- ages of sympathy extended them at the time of their bereavement. . .43 16. Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Ormond Huckins, Goderieh Township, wish to an- nounce the engagement' of their daughter, Elizabeth Ruth, to Don- ald Keith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hartman Hiusser of Seaforth, the wedding to take place early in november. 43x 19. Notice to creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of William Alexander Ross, Deceased. All persons claimineagainst the above. estate are required to for- ward full particulars to the under- signed by November 15th, 1953, after which date the assets will be distributed. FRANK DONNELLY, Goderich, SoliGitor for the Estate. -41-43 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. All persons having claims against the estate of ArchieFergu- son, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 9th day of August, 1953, are required to file the same with full particulars with the un- dersigned by the 7th day of November, 1953, as after that date the assets of the Estate- will be Dated at the Town of, Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 16th day of October, 1953. R. C. HAYS, Q.C., , Goderich, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. 42 -44 - ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the estate of Isabel Harriett Hamilton Barker, late of 'the City of Brooklyn, in the State 'of NeW York, Registered 'Nurse, who died on or about the 21st day of July, 1953, are required to file the same with full particulars With , the undersigned by the 14th day of November, 1953, as after tnat date the assets of the Estate will be Gistributed. Dated at the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 26th day of October, 1953. R. C. HAYS, Q.C., Goderich, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. 43-45- XLL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS A. against the estate of James Sproul, late of the Township of Wawanosh, in the County of Huron, farmer, who died on or about the 17th day of October, 1953, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 14th day of November, 1953, as after that date the assets of the Estate will be dis- tributed. _Dated at the Town of Godericn, in the County of Huron, this 22nd day of October, 1953. R. C. HAYS, Q.C., Goderich, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. 43-45- 20. Public Notice Take notice that the Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll for the Township of Goderich, for the year 1954, will be held in Holmesville on November 2, 1953 at 7.00 p.m. All appeals to be forwarded to the clerk. R. E. THOMPSON, 42-43- Clerk. Voters' Listi, 1953, Municipality of Goderich Township. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section ,9 of the Voters' Lists Act, and that I have posted up at my office on the 9th day of October, 1953, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at municipal elections, and that such list re- mains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- rected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 31st day of October, 1953. Dated this 14th day of October. R. E. THOMPSON, 42-43- Clerk. VOTERS' LIST NOTICE. Voters' List, 1953, Municipality of the Town of Goderiche County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 of the Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at the Town Hall, Goderich, on the 24th day of October, 1953, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at municipal elections, -_and that such list re- mains there for inspection. And I hereby call -upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- rected according to law, the last date of appeal being the 7th day of November, 1953. S. H. BLAKE, Clerk of the Town of GOderich. Copy of the Voteis' List may be seen at the Town Hall, the Post Office, the Banks, or with any Member of the Council: Nomination -for the offices of Mayort Reeve, Deputy -Reeve, Councillors for_ 1954, two Public Utilities Cemmissioners for 1954 and 1955, and four Public School Trustees for 1954 and 1955, will be held at the Town Hall Auditorium on Friday, November 27th, 1953, The Election, if necessary, will take place on Monday, December 7th, 1953. 43-44 REMAINING CLASSIFIED ADS ON PAGE 5 Emerson Drug Store Oorner West St. and Squaie P.hone 46. We deliver. "As handy as the Postoffice" Clifton Bath Salts, 3 lbs. in hand Piloffim bag. 3 per- fumes, Apple Blossom or Bouquet 98c 1 29 23c, 43o 37c, 65c, 1.15 Chloroflent Tooth Paste at new Low Prices Small no* 37c Large now 63c A 1;8.11 point pen free with the large size for 63c. 100 %yet* Aspirin. Reg. 79c, aud 2 dos. Miiildren Aspirin. Reg. 29c. , both for 79c