HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-10-22, Page 10quality
yam afters year
hwird Prow
c«s rmu w.,i., .c+.�wa -n� Coco Coro Ud
Phone 489
Of Canada's 5,500,000 civilian
labor force, 1,219,714 are,inembers
of labor unions; slightly more than
30 per cent of non-agricultural
worke s belong to unions.—Quick
Canad n Facts.
M ufacture of merchandise and
shi ing tags is a $17,250,000 busi-
neseach year in Canada.
(Intended for last week)
ASHFIEI,D, Oct. 14. — Misses
Anna and Charlotte Mackenzie, of
Toronto, spent the week -end with
their sister, Mrs. Earl Howes.
Guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. David Mackenzie last week-
end were Mr. and Mrs. Jackman,
of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs.
Cliff Webster, of Port Credit.
Ray Mackenzie, of Sarnia, was
home for the week -end.
Miss Mabel Macdonald, of Wind-
sor, visited her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Alex Macdonald, last week-
Born. — To Mr. and Mrs. N.
Whitehead (nee Pearl Jamieson),
of Teeswater, a daughter (Jaget
On Sunday Rev. R. Simpson of
Teeswater preached in Ashfield
Presbyterian Church while Rev. J.
R. Macdonald conducted annivers-
ary services in Teeswater Pres-
byterian Church.
If you're tired of listening to
news .on the radio of stiiikes,
murders and other upsetting in-
cidents, tune in to the CBC at
10 a.m., Sunday, for the refreshing
program, "Neighborly News." Here
you'll find the folksy, unusual
news items gleaned from he week-
ly newspapers of the pr ince. In
charge of the program i Don Fair-
bairn, whom Goderich d district
residents will remember as the
one in charge when this program
was broadcast from the Goderich
Arena during the last Old Home
l,xtra profits can be yours by feeding your birds a "Fresh-
Nlix-' Laving Mash -made from National Egbilder
Concentrate. National Concentrate is rich in the vitamins,
minerals and proteins so , essential to maintain healthy
birds and steadv'C:rade .A•eg production.
So for year 'round production and profits
ask your National dealer for a "Fresh -Mix"
Laying Mash made from National Egbildei'
See Your NATIONAL Dealer today—
Look for the bright Orange and Black Sign.
F -s3
Fertilize Your Crop with NATIONAL well -cured, Properly -Blended FERTILIZER
These are the hat badges of two --newly-formed regiments pf
the .Active Force, The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada and The
Black Watch (Royal highland Regiment ) of Canada, details
of -which were announced at Ottawa recently in a statement
on ehanges in orgnaization. of the Canadian Army Active
Force. histories of the units date back to the earliest clays of
the Canadian Militia. The units replace the lst and 2nd Cana-
dian Rifle Battalions and the lst and 2nd Canadian Highland
(Intended for last week)
WESTFIELD, Oct. 14.—Guests at
the home of Mrs. Fred Cook on
Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. .Bob
Boak and family, of Lucknow; Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest Crawford and
Douglas, of Shepherdton; Miss
Norma Nethery, of Hamilton; Miss
� Violet Cook, of Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Stackhouse
and family, of London, visited on
Saturday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Norman McDowell and Wil-
liam McDowell.
Arnold McBurney returned
home last week from Michigan.
!Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Campbell
and family visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Good, of Hul-
lett Township.
Mrs. Florence Lamont, Bill La-
i mont, Misses Muriel Lamont and
Alice Reeve, of Toronto, spent the
week -ends with Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Cook.
Mrs, Lloyd Hayden of Wingham
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs'
Gordon Smith.
Miss Annie Clark, of Toronto,
Mrs. William Mackintosh, of Wy-
oming, -spent Thanksgiving with
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin McDowell.
Mrs. Bert Taylor spent a couple
of days last week with Mrs. Ray
Hanna, of Belgrave.
Guests on Sunday at the home
of Mrs. J. L. McDowell were Miss
Minnie " Snell and Nancy Jardin,
of Toronto; John Snell, of Wind-
sor; Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Taylor.
Ed. and Norma, of Brussels,
Mrs. Jack Buchanan and Mrs.
Fred Cook visited on Wednesday
with Mrs. Fred Cook, of Belgrave:
.John Gear and Warren, of Water-
loo, spent the week -end with Ar-
mond McBurney.
Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Smith and
Sally Taylor, of Comber, spent the
week -end with Mrs. ,Frank Camp-
bell. Mrs. J. E. Ford returned
home- with them after spending
a couple of months with her sister,
Mrs. Campbell: -
Mr. and Mrs. William Rollinson,
of Toronto,-- spent Thanksgiving
with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson
Miss Lorna Buchanan, of Lon-
don, spent the week -end with her
parents, Mr.. and Mrs. Jack Buch-
I anaii
A baptismal service was peri
formed at the church service on
Sunday when Janice Fern, infant
daughter of Mr. had Mrs. Harvey
McDowell, and Linda Mary, infant
' daughter • of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Walden, were christened.
'.,nests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Wightman Qver the
week -end were Mr. and Mrs. Elvin
;Wightman and Sharon, of Niagara
Palls; Mr. and Mrs. John Hilde-
, brand and Eldo, of Jordon Station;
Harold Crawford, of Niagara Falls;
Mr. and Mrs. George Lee, of Tor-
onto; Miss Mary Proctor, f Niag-
ara Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. Colin Campbell,
of Ottawa, called on Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Spiegelberg and Mr. and
Mrs. Ken Campbell last week.
Mr..and Mrs. Jasper McBrien, of
Goderich, visited on Monday with
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Snell.
While at the silo filling on the
farm of Mr. Wm. Walden on Mon-
day, Jasper anell had the mis-
fortune to be hit above the eye
with a piece of board which fell
from the top of the silo, making
a cut which required several
stitches to close. '
The sympathy of the commun-
ity is extended to, William Mc-
Dowell and Alva McDoweii in the
death of their 'sister, Mrs. J. K:1 -
lough, who passed' away on Wed-
nesday of 'last week at London.
The funeral service was held from'
Seaforth on Friday afternoon with
Fill up with
Quick Food Energy
on :\ l breakfastcrea1 r,,
burial in the Dungannon cemetery.
Mrs. Killough was born 76 years
ago, the daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs. John McDOWell.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Davis and child-
ren, of Stratfoc d, and Mrs. John
Harrison, of Goderich, visited on
Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Mrs. Clarence Cox was able to
leave the Clinton hospital on Sun-
day and at present is with her
sister, Mrs. Manning, of Blyth -
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mills spent
the week -end with Mrs. Fred Mills,
and Mr. and Mrs. Eric Humphreys,
in the Kirkton district,
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bosman,
accompanied by Harold Bosman,
of. Toronto, are visiting this week
with Mr. and Mrs. Robb, of BelIe-
(Intended for last week)
LEEBURN, Oct. 14. — Misses
Judy and Vicki Graham, of Gode-
rich, visited last week with their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvel
Mr. and Mrs. John Quaid and
Betty, of Sarnia, were Tharfk.s
giving visitors with the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Mr. and Mrs. " George Glidden
Vinemount, Mrs. S. A. Hewitt,
Mitchell, and Miss Velma Gliddon,-
of Goderich, visited relatives in
the district on Sunday and on orb
Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. -
Garnet Rodman, of Stoney Creek,
visited relatives here,
.Mrs. Colin Young and daughter,
Mrs. J. Cormie, and son Colin; af
Toronto, visited over Thanksgiving
with Mr. and Mrs. Tait Clark and
Mr. ,and Mrs. W. J. Meyers and
family visited in Stratford on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Falconer, Mr. ,-
and Mrs. Mervyn Falconer, Barbara
and Bruce visited with .Mr. and
3lrs. J. Horton and family on Sun- ,
The ladies of the Leeburn WAILS.
meet for their , Autumn Thank-
offering next .Wednesday after-
noon, October 21, at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. William Sallows. Rev.
and Mrs. Williams of Victoria
Street Church will be present.
Visitors welcome.
Bridal Shower. — Mrs. Wilfrej-'
Smith was hostess to a shower on ,
Monday night 'for her niece, Miss
Marybelle Chisholm, bride -elect of
this week. There were about 40
neighbors, friends and relatives
present. Mrs, Terence Hunter con-
ducted d quiz. A• decorated basket
with miscellaneous gifts was car-
ried in by Doreen* Buchanan and
Diane Chisholm and the bride was ;
assisted in opening her gifts by
Miss Audrey Hamilton. Marybelle
thanked the ladies graciously and
invited everyone present to see
her married_ on Saturday morning.
Assisting the hostess were Mrs.
Fred Crawford, Mrs. Grant Chis-
holm and Mrs, Lloyd Young, also
serving lunch were Beryl -„Freeman,
Ann MacLennan, Audrey Hamilton
and Pauline Smith,
(Intended for last week) .
and Mrs. Harvey Crawford and
daughters, Patsy and Madeline, of
Toronto, spent the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Crawford. Mrs.
Will Crawford went to Toronto
with them Lor a couple of weeks'
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stonehouse
and son Ricky, of Guelph, visited
over the holiday week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Graham.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crawford
spent the past week -end with Mr.
and Mrs. Horace Cunningham at
Wiarton. On- Sunday they all
motored to Brooklin to attend tha
funeral of their aunt, Mrs. J. S.
The Ladies' Guild of the An-
glican Church met at the, home
of Mrs. Roy Petrie on 'Tuesday
afternoon of last week with 16
members present. Most of the
afternoon was spent in quilting a
quilt. A short business period
followed. Lunch was served by
the hostess,
The W.M.S. of the United Church
held their annual Thank -offering
meeting in the church on Friday
afternoon. Members of the W.A.
and W.M.S. from Dungannon, Nile
and Leeburn attended; also the
ladies of Christ Church, Port Al-
bert. The president, Mrs. Bert
Crawford, led the meeting, intro-
ducing Mrs. Charles Robertson, of
Goderien, who was guest speaker.
Mrs. Robertson gave a very in-
spiring talk on the duties of Chris-
tian living. Mrs. James McKenzie
read the Scripture lesson and Mrs.
Lednor offered prayer. Each visit-
ing society contributed a number
to the program. Mrs. Frank Haw-
kins, of Nile, gave a piano solo;
Mrs. Forrester, of Christ Church,
a recitation; Miss Beth McConnell,
of Dungannon, a reading; Miss
Betty Bowra, of Goderich, a solo,
accompanied on the piano by Miss
Eleanor Lauder, of Goderich, -mak-
ing it a very enjoyable afternoon.
Rev. Mr. Jennings, of Christ
Church, closed the meeting with
prayer. Ltinch was served to the
60 guests at the close of the meet-
Since 1925 output of products of
Canada's paper -using industries has
jumped 10 times in value. The
-figure for 1950, latest available,
was $297,006,474.
ASNFIELD, Oct. 21. — The
Thanksgiving meeting of Ashfield
Presbyterian W.M.S. .was held at.
the home of Mrs. Emile MacLen-
nan. The 'order: of service from
the Glad Tidings was used. Mrs.
Hugh MacKenzie presided.
Rev. J. R. MacDonald was guest
speaker, his theme was "The
Thanksgiving of Jesus." - He said,„
that we should thank God for the
privilege of being a member of the
Woman's Missionary Society, and
helping to give the gospel to others
by our offerings and prayers. Mrs.
Oliver was another welcome guest
and she gave a short talk.
A letter of thanks was read from
Miss Carol Chiam for a gift- from.
our auxiliary. Plans were made
for the Presbyterian training in-
stitute which is to be held in
Wingham. There were 30 present.
Mrs. Archie McMurchy' invited the
ladies to her home for the next
The continuation of the excel-
lent fall weather this past week
has allowed for the completion of
almost all of the fall plowing and
has ivto completesplendidn farmers he fall oppor-
in record time.
There is an abnormal amount
of drainage work being carried - on
in the county this fall. Approxim-
ately 400 farmers attended the
Crop Improvement Brush and
Thorn -Control Day held north of
Clinton on Wednesday of last week.
This county was well represented
at the Inter -Club Competitions- at
Guelph on Friday as 17 teams or
34 contestants represented the
county 4-H Clubs, G. W. Mont-
gomery, Agricultural Representa-
tive for Huron County, says in his
crop report.
The Maitland Golf Club held its
official closing day on Sunday. Mrs.
Edna Overholt won the Ladies'
Maitland Trophy 'and Jeff Martin
took the Mens' Ellis Tr6phy. Both
were played off on closing day.
Presentations for the year were
made by Dr. N. C. Jackson:.. The
Winners . were as follows: Men's
club championship to Tony •Bedard
with Jim Ubukata as runner up;
the Lloyd Trophy to. Tony Bedard:
the Gerrard Trophy to Mrs. Kath-
eryne Date and Joe - Morgan; the
Junior championship was taken by
George Thompson; the Caddie's
championship by Paul Naftel; the
Garrow Trophy went to Miss Ileen
T1ivitsDAY c l iE°z'�lid, 1N53
Janzen. There are' twq ladies•
trA eslady still in themembefin.
hehi'members ofalsthe Club
supplied RY'buffet turkey dinner
that was enjoyed by all of the
record 71 in attendance.
Paper doil es worth $400,000 are
made in Canada each year.
iM or
4oi» loom
GET $50 TO $1200 at
C. Need money for down payment
C or repairs on an auto ...repairs
E or down payment on a home...
Z or other worthy purposes?
rr Now you can get thatcashon
your auto Promptly and simply
a at ]�rsona(. Drive it to ofEice—
bringing proof of ownership. On
approval, get cash. Of course,
you keen your car.'
Phone or come in today for
a Firseorsat loan QIt your auto.
Loans, also, on signature or
,�,, Loans $SO to $1200 on Signature, Furniture or Auto
2nd Floor (Above Sally Shops) • 21 DOWNIE STREET, STRATFORD
Phone: Stratford 2855 • Cornelius A..Enright, YES MANager
Loans mode N rosidonts of ell surrounding towns • Pluvial Finance Company of Canada
(Intended for last -week)
DONNYBROOK, Oct. 14.—Misses
Irene Jefferson, of Dunnville, and
Lucy Thompson, of Onandago,
were home over the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Chamney
and daughters were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Graham Chain-
ney and family, at Benmiller,
Mrs, Verna Doerr, of Niagara
Falls, spent the holiday at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R. Chamney.
Hugh Jefferson, of - Toronto,
spent over the holiday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Jefferson.
Mr. and were Ib Sunday visitors witherCMr Chamney
Mrs, Elwin Chamney and family,
in Wingham, •
Wes. Jefferson has returned
from a trip to the Western pro-
Several Donnybrook ..ladies at-
tended the Thank -offering meeting
of the Auburn W.M.S. ,
(Intended for last. week)
and Mrs, E. Pritchard and 11+trs.
home of of 'Ralp visited
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Straugnan acid
Linda, of 'Alma, spent the week-
end with the lady's parents, Me.
and Mrs. Joe Freerh n.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacAvoy, f of
St. Catharines, spent the week-efid'
with Mrs. MacAvoy's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Bogie; Mrs Bode
•;2#;{ .<r•••. - f w{w.}}.eSeG. i..{e,;�.,;ofi<••'*'tr�''••.�`�••
s, ''1'
Illustrated: Roadmaster 4 -Door Sedan
On/y Ihen WI qouossJkI;keow the 14illsfFfreba/IFowe,.
ilqnaf/owDrire: Power Meering and Power Bakes
Conte in and sample the superior ride of a
truly luxurious automobile. As soon as you
step on the gas you will realize what a sen-
sational value this bigger -powered, better-
` Mr, eding-'Btit�ilp f$. For only Buick oITei
you the amazing driving and handling ease
of the Million Dollar Ride. Its elegant
appointments,ppulent styling and luxurious
comfort give you the pride and satisfaction
that comes from owning the best,
Yet the lowest -priced Buick is surpris-
. ingly close to the low•prieed car field.
Arrange to sample -drive these great Buick*
at your dealer's today.
returned to St. Catharines with
them to spend a 'few days. 1
Visitors Sunday with Mr. and.
Mrs• Crec Freeman were Mrs.
Freeman's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Warner Smyth, from near Tees -
water, also her sister, Mrs. Burns
and Mr. Ruins, of London.
Mrs, Don McGuire and -baby
daugh!er have returned home from
the Goderich hospital.
The world's newest V-8 engine powers the
Roadmaster and the Super—developing
188 h.p, on the""Roacimaster and 170 h.p.
with Dynaflow in the Super. 'fife Custotn
is powered by, the improved• Straight Eight
which delivers 130 h.p. with i)ynaflow.
You'll have to sample -drive Buick before
you'll believe. the whip -quick, quiet get-
away of Dynaflow Drive. You aeccicrate
or decelerate in one uninterrupted motion.
Dynaflow is standard on Roadinaster, op-
tional at extra cast on other series.
%mazing Buick Power Steering takrs over
all steering effort above four pounds, hut
maintains the "feel" of the, road. Allows
one -handed parking—adds greater safety.
Standard on every Roadmaster, optional
at extra Bost on other series equipped with
Dynaflow automatic transmission.
There's a pleasant ease topositive, Wort -
less stops given by iluir'k Power !Brakes*.
They cut pedal pres'snre by as much as 50
per rent. Barely more than a touch 'suffices
to bring your Buick to a smooth, easy stop.
'Optional e1 qtr." en.. en Ron.rme,r,r end Sup.► morel, only.