HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-10-22, Page 9'T URSDAYs OCTOBER 22nd:1953 CANADA SAVINGS BONDS anytime at.100t on the dollar and your savings, invested in Canada Savings Bonds, earn you 33% every year — $37.50 for every $1,000 bond. - That's why Canadians, everywhere, buy Canada Savings Bonds — to keep their savings earning money for thele at a good rate, but still avail- - able as cash to meet any emergency. To buy yours, in any amount from $50 to $5,000, write us today. Income ... Safety Cash At Any Time 36 KingStreet West Toroonto 1 Wood, Gundy & Company to Telephone: Elllpire 4-4321 Limited Anything to sell? Anything! A classified ad brings results. FIRST AID RENDERED TO SICK RADIOS B.. R. MUNDAY Also Portable Fool -Proof Sound Service • Certified Radio Technician CaII at Widder St., Goderich or Phone 598 32tf AMMIIIMMINIMMIL 8 t • ERIOR PROPANE GAS for better cooking, water heating and refrigeration Alf. J. Schmidt, representative. -Stratford Phones 3260. Res. 387J2. P.O. Box 98 -28tf IMMO CHIROPRACTIC FEERBERT B. SUCU, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic. Offiee Hours: Mon., Thurs -_9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tues., Fri --9 a.m. to 5 p.m. . 7. p.m. to 8 p.m Wed. & Sat. 9 t0 11.30 a.m. Vitamin Therapy Office—Corner of South St. and Britannia Road. Phone 341. F. T..Armstrong OPTOMETRIST i bone 1100 for appointment SQUARE GODE1ICH w NOW LOCATED YN '.BANK OF COMMERCE BUILDING ON THE DARE H. M. FORD Get Insured — Stay Insured -- Rest Assured TELEPHONE 268w Roy N. Bentley Public Accountant 1 Kensington Ave. Phone 2-9152 London,. Ont. � Cemetery Memorials T. PRYDE & SON Snton, Exeter, Seaforth Write Box 150, or phone 413, Exeter and we shall be pleased to call. • QUICK CANADIAN QUIZ 1. Which has •the greater area, the Island of Newfoundland or the Coast of Labrador? 2. In the U.S. the density of popu Remand Woman On Forgery Charges; Boy Gets Lecture Facing three charges of forgery, two of uttering n forged .document and one of false pretences, a Clin- ton woman was remanded in custody for one week without plea by Magistrate D. E. Holmes, Q.C., in police court last Thursday. The woman was listed on the docket- under two names, -Leola Stevens and Leola Johnston. She told the court the correct name was Johnston. She was represent- ed by Frank Donnelly, Q.C. Enslow Aitken, of Goderich, heard charges of disorderly con- duct and attempted break and enter with intent dismissed. No evidence was offered by,, Crown Attorney H. Glenn Hays, Q.C., on a third charge of impaired driving. Leslie Charles Chapman, of the RCAF, Clinton, pleaded guilty to a charge of careless driving and was fined $5 and costs or one week. Crown Attorney Hays told the court . that the charge arose from an accident on October 1 en No. .8 Highway near Goderich when Chapman apparently fell asleep at the wheel of his vehicle and it left the road and hit a hydro pole. A stern lecture was given to a Goderich boy, 17 -year-old- Joseph Allison by the magistrate on the youth's driving habits. The youth pleaded guilty to careless driving and was fined $5 and costs. Crown Attorney Hays told the court that the accused was alleged to have driven his car into the parking lot at the Goderich Pav- ilion at a high rate of speed and skidded around on the gravel. Police tried to stop him, but the car sped away. .The accused was finally apprehended, after a chase by 'police, on the other side of town. - He was forbidden by the magis- trate to drive any car for 30 days. "After that, see if you can't learn to drive a car properly," comment- ed Magistrate Holmes. KINGSBRIDGE KINGSBRIDGE, Oct. 21. --Maur- ice Bowler, of Toronto, spent the OLE BARNS ARE POPULAR Pole construction offers a low cost method of building faun structures. Using this method, farm buildings ;can be erected which will be serviceable for about fifty years. Basically they eonsist of poles 'set in the' ground checkerboard fashion to sup- port the roof and sidewalls. Rough lumber can be used through- out and cutting and fitting reduced to a minimum. Tests have shown that untreated Eastern cedar poles will about twenty years while pressue-creosoted pine poles have a service life of approximately fifty years. Because of the high cost of conventional barn construction pole A'str.uctures are becoming increasingly 'popular and" are being used for housing many kinds of livestock. Department of Agriculture photo. last lation is 50 persons per square .week -end here with his family. Hello Homemakers! If the teen - mile. What is it in Canada? Mrs. Catherine Fitzpatrick, of agers are singing Allez-vous En 3. In which of the three ' PrairieWaterloo, and Mr: Moore and son, and saying Merci then perhaps you { of Detroit, were week -end visitors can go along with their interest in Provinces . does manufacturing at the O'Neill home. now outrank agriculture as a I Mrs. Sutter and two daughters, wealth producer? of Detroit, are . visiting at the 4. What is the name of the "reindeer home of Cyril Austin. in its wild state? Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Austin 5. In the world, does Canada rank and fancily, of Detroit, visited with 20th, 13th, 7th, as a steel pro- relatives here last week. ducer? Mr. and' Mrs. Don Frayne spent ANSWERS: 5. Canada now ranks the week -end with relatives in 7th in steel production, was in 8th Kinkora. place a year ago. 3. Manitoba. Mr. and Mrs. Art Ribar, of De- l. Labrador has almost three times the area of the Island of New- foundland. 4. Caribou. 2. Less than 4 persons per square mile. (Material supplied by the editors of Quick Canadian Facts, the hand- book of facts about Canada:) Harold. W. Shore ALL LINES OF INSURANCE (including Life) - and REAL . ESTATE Phone 766W North St. Goderich . 36tf BUSINESS DIRECTO-AT I CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT M. IidRPER CI1ARTE1tIop ACCOUNTANT S5 South St. - Goderich. Ont. A. L. COLE Optometrist.—Optician Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted Phone 33 Goderich, Ont. 0. 1'. CHAPMAN General Insurance Fire, Automobile, -Casualty Real Estate 30 Colborne St., .Goderich Phone 18w EDWARD W. ELLIOTT . LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an swered. immediate arrangements can be made for Sates Date by calling Phone 41;0.1, Clinton. Charge moderate and satisfac- tion Guaranteed. HAROLD JACKSON IACENSED AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTH Seaforth Phone 11.661 or Harry Edwards, (loderieh Phone 141 - ........iii.„.... 1 Geo G lWacEwan GENERAL INSURANCE MASONIC TEMPLE WEST STREET Peter S. M acEwan General, Life, Real Estate Phone 230, Goderich 3. French and bribe them for better marks in this language at school. Let, them guess what you serve tomorrow if you prepare Frenched Tenderloin, Potatoes au Gratin, Vegetables Jardiniere, French Ice Cream, Petit Fours .and Cafe Noir. Frenched Tenderloin Wipe tenderloins with clean cloth and . cut crosswise into two troit, were visitors over the week- ,inch slices. Place on chopping end at -the home . of Mr. Frankboard and flatten with potato mash - Sullivan. I er. Shake pieces in a paper bag Mrs. James Wallace .is spending 'containing flour, salt, pepper and paprika. Saute in bacon dripping about 10 minutes. Remove to cas- serole, add 1/, cup top milk, cover and bake in preheated oven of 350 degrees for 25.minutes. Potatoes Au Gratin Heat one cup milk on low heat. Make a paste of two tbsps. fat (butter or margarine), three tbspps. flour and 1/, cup milk. Blend into hot milk, season with !; tsp. salt, a - dash of pepper and one tsp. minced parsley. Pour this sauce lover a greased casserole containing. i two cups cold boiled potatoes that have been_ . diced. Sprinkle witfl six tbsps. grated -old cheese, then one cup dry crumbs. Dot with one tbsp. butter. Bake in the oven until mixture is hot—about 25 minutes. Makes six servigs. Vegetabled Jardiniere 2 cups scraped, sliced carrots 2 cups peeled, sliced onions .«.,. 2- cups cubed tomatoes 1 cup canned peas cup sliced green pepper Place vegetables in greased cas- "serolV: Add 1, cup 'mushroom !soup. Cover casserole and bake at 350 degrees for one hour. French Ice Cream Into a saucepan combine cup 'fine granulated sugar with 1 cup water and 41 tsp. cream of tartar. !Boil until syrup spins a Iight 'thread. Beat four egg yolks 1 thoroughly then pour syrup into them; continue beating until mix- ture is thick. Add two tsps. rum extract (or vanilla) and three cups .whipping cream. Stir, until blend- ed, and pour 'into refrigerator trays and freeze until like mush. Pour mix into bowl and beat again, then return to refrigerator and freer! firm (about 2 hours). Petit Fours IA cup butter 1 cup sugar 2 cups sifted cake flour 2 tsps, baking powder '42 tsp. salt - 2/3 cup water 3 egg whites 1 tsp. almond extract . Cream shortening and sugar well. Mix and sift flour, baking powder and salt, and add alternately with water to. sugar mixture. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Stir in flavoring and turn into two greased 8 x 8 inch cake pans. Bake in preheated electric oven of 350 de- grees for 20 to 30 minutes. Cool on cake rack for 10 minutes then turn out and cut hi small squares. Place on cake rack and pour boil- ed pink frosting over them. De- corate with pastry tube using' but- ter icing or sprinkle with cake decoret'tes. Cafe Noir - Percolate coffee and serve black. 'THE• QUESTION BOX Mrs. R. W. asks: What is paprika and is there any value in it? Answer: Paprika is the crushed. dried, ripe fruit of a large -fruited species of" 'the capsicum. It con- tains some Vitamin C and has a mild flavor. Some capsicum is grown in British Columbia, but it is native of Europe. ► Mrs. W. S. asks: Can we freeze pumpkin pie? Answer: Yes, we freeze pumpkin � pie before it is baked or after baking. The family preference is freezing pumpkin pie ready for the oven and then 'baking the frozen pie at 450 degrees for 15 minutes, then reduce to 350 degrees for 50 minutes. Mrs. N. L. asks: What are the makings of a club sandwich? Answer: There are two decks of a couple of weeks visiting with her daughters, Mrs. Josepfi" Reid and Mrs. V. Fennie, in Toronto. Mrs. D. Reynolds is visiting with relatives in Clinton. FASTrRELIEF FOR ROEUMATIC PAIN It all started with a FAULTY CHIMNEY AIME SAFETY SAFETY CHIMNEY fastory built f /te I/agpa Looks just like brick abese tool. Flrepreit• .vermiculite Insulation. Interlines air -space a positive heat break. Dura -Flue Liner requires no mortar. Supported by floor Or ceiling joists. Listed by Underwriters' Labora- tories of anode. El i m i n o t e s__. many feet of construction. Re- quires no bricks, mortor, scaffold. Erected in as little as 2 hours. For buildings of ony type. High efficiency, low cost. Lifetime safety. -GUY IVES & SONS General Contractors R.R. 2, Clinton Phone Carlow 1612 - 37tf filling, three of .bread. One filling lis egg salad, the second is usually Ilettuce and sliced ham: Cut the sandwich in two triangles. Place a half slice of tomato on each, a stuffed olive on a toothpick into the tomato and bread, that is the famous club sandwich. Miss L. C. asks: Have you any ,suggestions on cooking onions thu.t will keep the aroma in the pan? Answer: Take two ...squares of aluminum foil and on the double thickness place four onions, sprinkled with 14 tsp. salt. Fold the foil upwards, add one tbsp. water then completely seal the foil, envelope "fashion. Cook in oven along with potatoes and meat for 114 hours. There will be no in- dication of onions being cooked. OBITUARY MRS. J. ERNEST ROBERTSON The death occurred on •Monday after a lingering illness at her Elgin avenue residence of a•highly esteemed Goderich resient, Mrs. J. Ernest Robertson. Born in Huron Township, Bruce County, the former Clara Huston attended Kincardine High School. From 1904 to 1910 she. taught at Londesboro Public School. After her marriage she. resided for six years at Mount Forest and then moved to- Toronto. - Throughout her life Mrs. Robert• son was active in church and Sun- day school work. She was a form- er president of the Woman's -Mis- sionary Society of St. Clair United Churg, Toronto. For eight years she served in the Presbyterial and Toronto conference branch of the W.N.S., before moving to Goderich where she was a member of North Street United Church. Mr:+. Robertson was in charge of the Indian work on the Dominion Board of the W.M.S., and a charter member of the committee charged with the establishment of the Sun- day School of the Air, bringing the church school work to children in the remote areas of Canada. Since coming to Goderich when her husband retired after being principal of public schools in vari- ous parts of the province, Mrs. Robertson has been visited by many friends she made in her work in various parts of the province. Surviving besides her husband, J. Ernest Robertson, is one daugh- ter, Mrs. Harold Keane of Wind.- sor, one son, Arthur Robertson of Kitchener, a sister, Mrs. Henry Page of Toronto, a brother, Ed. Huston of Ripley and four grand- children,- Patricia and Carolyn Robertson and Joan and Lynda Keane. The funeral service was held at the.. Lodge . funeral home on Wed- nesday afternoon with Rev. H. A. Old? Get Pep,Vim Feel Full of Vigor; Years YzmgE,1 MEN,WOMEN of 40, so, so. Don't be old, weak, worn-out, all in, exhausted. Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets, Often needed after 40 — by body old, run- down b cause lacking iron; , increases vim, vigor, 'vitality. Thousands feel hill of pep, years younger. Quit being old. Get Ostret today, Introductory or "g•t-acquainted" sizd t only 6O0. At all druggists. 1 at a We w take- pride.+ In fitting :coverages to iiidivitlual heeds "-__ —. Phone MALCOLM MATHERS Insurance , Office, 46 Wes"t. St„ Goderich, Phone 115W I ASHFIELD ASHFIELD, Oct. 21. — Alex. Howes, of Arthur, .is visiting with his son, Earl Howes. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Jamieson visited with relatives in Thames- ville and Dresden for a few days last week. Next Sunday, October 25, Rev. J. 11. Macdonald will conduct ser- . vices, in - Walkerton Presbyterian Church, while Rev: William Hen- derson will be in • charge of the service in Ashfield Presbyterian Church. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Howes attend- ed the Coombes-Howes wedding in Wroxeter on Saturday. Dickinson conducting the service. Interment was in Kincardine ceme- tery. Yo cafltqo ' ALL -011r These days most people work under pressure, worry more, sleep leu. This strain on body and brain makes physical fitness easier to lose—harder to regain. Today's tense living, lowered resistance. overwork, worry—any of these may affect normal kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system: Then backache, disturbed rest, that "tired -out" heavy - headed feeling often follow. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. TFen you feel better—sleep better—work better. Ask for - Dodd's Kidney Pills at any drug counter. - 53 Vts...'a full ercent interest (per year) for 12 years on your new (8th series) Canada Savings Bonds no other Bond offers this combination of features ,� „,;, For cash—or in instal- ,' - mentes. Instalment .., • HOW t purchases can be WILL YOU financed through the HAVE Payroll Savings Plan YOURS?�` where you wok, or on con venren t,urrange- ���. silents at your bank. LIKE CASH Immediately cashable WITH at full face value plus. TEMPTATION interest—at any time TO SPEND —at any bank in Can - REMOVED!./' ads. Bear interest each LOOK AT year for 12 years at a YOUR flat rate of 33/4% paid MONEY ', annually—a high rate PILE UPI t of interest for a bond of 100% cashability. LOOK AT ALL THE MONEY YOU'VE SAVED! ,. FOR YOU - AND THE C. •. WHOLE FAMILY!". ate WHERE DO YOU GET THEM? g. At maturity 12 years from date of issue, November 15, 1953— you will have received back $145 for each $100 you invested,.. and you can on it. count There's a limit of $5,000- in any one name, but each person in a family may hold Up to this limit. May be secured through your bank or your investment deal- er—or through your Company's Payroll Savings Plan. :� A "- WITHIN l THE REACH' OF ALL! IT'S ONLY VALUABLE TO YOU! ,€ 'ftwrooNsf SOME CAN BE " FULLY REGISTERED!' A favourite with more than a million Canadians Available in denomin. ations of $50, $100, $500, $1000 and $5,000. Registered as to prin- cipal in your own name for your protection against loss, theft or destruction. " $500, $1000 and *5000 bonds may be fully registered if desired. Cash buyers may ar- range for fully -regis- tered form at time of purchase. Instalment buyers purchase their coupon bonds in the regular way and then exchange them - for fully -registered bonds after all instalments have been paid in full. NOTHING ELSE YbU CAN PUT YOUR_MONEY INTO COMPARES WITH NEW 8TH SERIES ON SALE STARTING MONDAY, OCTOBER .1N' ANADA-SAVINGS BONDS l' CS -5344W . ',