HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-3-6, Page 3The ie
A' ,rteee pewer.fnl alterative
a -so •• ' faarectootille. Yousaa end
•olt1 tem .•,"2:e bet:mite...I ite
• Criz51
eL,12.• ea-oole
etotyt liaara•
"My little loy
ieed largo .13Cl'efiz...
310.1h, !IN
Ict ono throat;
foe:o wilach he
es:Corea terria ay.
atawo piteeleisol
eittneO• *re, lea le. ores-.- enriren-elly
•teetee 11`.!: 41* o't,ne.,, and everybely
4-xpecat- a T. e-ee! Om. i.e.". betted of
ibe •••.••- .-aelO•••• eee:•.; era:el-ma h,e- Aye.rOs
Car ••••, ree Oca'ae: t•;moo -Imo
lee• atear no logeo to
talmo ra• inee
eeen It:el, aft- r voing several
• avet eteirt enred. He to
res isoalziez reel etrer•e arm boa'
r. ••••,..• eete."•-•:YniOnteo Dotaohezten
:to e Va. • -
OLT last, Me- yet:al-gest .eldla,
gamer. ere te; .41, 7 lox., steel
1' 3 tre,r,:t41
• • eta,: anmeeete numatre..
-tool do •t itlatesleitto
'wee : ee• ;, Let • 1- ere , motto:alai to
euuiro. eso it in a le -re totentiie tlieg
•• • ee :lee eitia,n e.•eat atilt
•at -• ▪ lomat ela, toe ea no:teas aatte
lit a. tieto rs, ratra..1;el
eeeeee. It1,1,- :rani/1774a Th4
•;Mt..:i .7. :Jere 1 :cleat ay cora-lit:an,
fil:i14IC.:0.1,; denote.
titled—to 1 hinalty e -e -el allot:elite:a
tear eeees, lietlier, elzin teesliete
Gird O., e.o•per areor ere we terve filo
tit•rte • reatalte."-naaraiiii. af.
Leog it.t, Texas.
" The foronflo of Aoerai Sarsapaxilla
peeevots, for carteiie tiasee4e4 faltnoet,
-to-ery ;unclothe Ltst remedy nnewn to
tee inedito:: Wilson,
IL D., Vaietee, earl-4110as.
Avis aroopadlia
ruereueu ere.
re J. C. Ayer .3 Co, Lowell, MASS.
Erne eat t tee, tomeo Werah ee teate.
Vakes, lfal1 & Lead Kea
Leese Pulley Oeater:1
Jet Pune, Farm Pumps/
Wed Milk) Cum Seear-
atoro Dairy and LatedrNo y
• liaising Ireurmua. titendle.
' • t
• / Rcr,..:11110 F.1118111Ett f MONTREAL,
latat Cao Seatter Them All Over Your VIt illayInz Practical Johes Epon a Illopa.
Parts, IV Yon 1,1he. The sense of humour is itot more doyen
"Why, how warm you band is !" excl-aino oped in the monkey than hi many other
ed young Noodles, upon clasping hands animals. The 'elephant, for example, can
• with his friend Timpkins one day during the enjoy a joke as much as any animal. Mr. -
recent cold snap, says the iVashingtoo Meredith Nueent, the artist, tells one of
13ta,r. these giant jc'olters, noticed by him in the
Timphins grinned. Zooloeical Gartlens iu Paris while he Wali
I "You htmit your gloves on either ; and sketclung :there. The elephant had made
- yet, while my gloved hanas are like icicles, friends with the hippopotamus, and was
yours are ae warm as ltoast. • Do you eari•y permitted to visit the latter, and it was in
; around StOlett1 in your overcoat picketer the inelosure for the hippopotamus that he
"That is preeseely o•hat I do," replied developed a fondness tor practical joking
• Timplcins, lattglaing. "Your random. gue which seemed to give him peculiar pleasure.
- struck the faet equarely. I carry a stove ist Re would reach over the ing tank miten the
For Ilan,d and
Machine Use.
The Gyolon_elnowplow.1
The farects or Smolceless Votrder In !Future!
anaTt: WA. R.
atemarimele etestoration. to aleelth
DESCRIPTION OP THE BIG TRACK Toolay the- prin-.ipal powers all pos-e,s Welt 1<neWn. Canadian.% whose Owe*
were oteett uoa ncurahte„
WARM. their sinolzelese powders. The Germans .
R111114 Through Pomo, Swats ae Tate flale1 tried theirs in tho manoeuvres of last Year. From the few of the hundreds of iettets
(ITU% 3111es an Mar 11141 noes and we are going to do the same thile*1
we have- received from those who haver
Good work-.
In the mountain sections of the Central
next autumn. The praetical study of this
ntavvellous product is no less importaut
then its discovery. A note worthO point is 1,1
And :Northern. l'aeitle railroads, the - snow ithe laysiologleal action exercised twin the.;
this season has fallen ilL Snell 4tuanties es to • sootiere iv the remote of the emionietim,
almosv btde the powers and msources 0fi1 puller. Although it makes no smoke. I
the companies to keep the the open. Thelit neverthelees emits g,ases Whose invisibility f
frequeut oecurrenee of these snow bloekaties ,does not hinder their action anon the .1"
has called forth what is celled the ."Cyclooehereanism In Fo e h+
, each stale peeket a mp e
y tooat in this eort hippopoteunits WaS 10)1i0" ill the water, Sim-plow," Neluall has been ra
perfotinooe beets eomeitlerably troubled byte mane. I
; of weather and 'find them very emnfortable, suddeialy catch one of the little ears of the .nolue woudetfal faite iu the waa' a tEuutc7 !flew of tide pevoler. With us Sr sit& effest ;
i I assure you, tholigh there hasn't been oeea- latter with the finger of Ids trunk, andgive meeting amino the past tam weeks. The , has as e -et been noticed ; but we ti no' say 1
• &ion to use Otem before during this winter. it so misehievous a tweak that the Ituge follosvizig description of the applitowemill be for a eertahn--
e that our powder is hat -atlas 1
Here is one of tit. 14 river horse 'i% 1.11(1 roar out and angrily open found mtereeting • :—The (;yelone is the ' to this respect, nroil WO have experimerated i
I With this Timpkine thew forth and ex.: his huge month, Then the hippopotamus largeet and wOlest snow plow yet built ' atm I with rapid firing by ',ergo numbers 011eto i
i bibittel to view a curious little tin box about Imola be 011 his ,,U 1141 and sink out of sight, lauY road,
1 - • making a path 10 feet 4 inches ; i
, as .n the ease of manoeuvres.
. six mehes long, by four in width, and one to mut up meant further away. But for hl width. Ats clpaciltar La something marl As to the consequencee of the use of the •
melt ht thickness.. It wasslightly curved in all his seeming annoyance he apparently
f' shape, antl appeared to be eovereti with liked the fun himself; for, when he had
• some stuff like glazed calico. anneu -the top come up to the surface quite too far away
was slid off the inside was seen to he made for the elephant to reach him he would sink
nen Lne lan and au.oei are run- new powder from a tactmal pant of view, •
ning at the rate of 500 revolutions per min- the thing which appears best established for
ute it will threw cut 130,000 cubit: feet of an infantry engagement is that the absence!
snow per minute. The car is. 48 feet long, pf smoke will render the combat more ono -
of tin perforatea with agreat mane -holes. It and try nein to reappear just out of reach . c t .t te wheelbeing 10 me- dermis at short range and less murderous at
' conteinet1 nothing but a round stick of some of the waving trunk. The elephant evinced °Ins the cal'ae three eugmes lout; range. When the two eontentling forces
-;• queer looking substance, which was burning his enjoyment of the sport by swaying to ,ot hl)4) bore
power each, or a cominnea
beeonte close enough to see eavii other mu-
. at the end with it bright redness, but oithout and fro in the manner of his kind, occasion-
ane ame or paruele of smoke. • ally, too, he -.would open los mouth in 0,
"Wlirlt 419 you e..41 it demanded Noodles comical resemblance to a laugh—though it
wontieringly. must be said OM the resemblenee is purely
"It is a, Japeneee stove -ea device: that has aecidental,- for though • the elelaraut may
been used in llepen very. commonly for May laugh, he dove not do it in that way. An-
ecenturies. - You see, it is shnply a tin box otlwr joke enjoyel by this eh: thane was to
with holes it, covered on the outside with
. the editor Anil' to help retain the heat. It is
really quite hot. you obeerve, anti it will re-
main so .0 • five Ito on with the horning itf a
single fire etielt. Vat can't imagine bow
t agreeable it is to have it couple of such stoves
in your peekets to keep your Lent's warm
- No frozen fillFitt for Me. When I carry my
fire around with me. They are ea small and
SO flat that they don't even make tme's peek-
ete bulge."
" But why is the contrivance made with
a curve t."
" Becauee it accommodates itself more
readily •te the hand, for one thiug. The
OM reason, however, is that it ie better
adapted 111 tide shape to other uses. Warta-
ing the bands is but one of the service the
tiapaneett attive 35 'made to perform. It is
applied also to any other itart of the hotly
.thet wale heating. 1 Lanny it man who
wea-,1 always in cold weather two of the
stele -sin Ids chest beneath his shirt. They
lit admirably, and keep him Wa1111 mei auto
fortelan for nrany home at a stretch. 110
t44111 040 that be wouldn't ler without them
for anythittg. 1 have understona that hit
gape they are put over the kidneye or the
stone+ or 1111 any ether part where heat is
desirable. Itheumatie millartas find their
use mat benetieeti,"
° 1 should think they would be toted for
o I have no 11(10111. Indeed, for any sort
of colds mice vontraettel or 03 11 preventive
orce of 1,S00one power. Two of these Wally, the emok.e forms between than a ewe .
engines drive the fan which expels the lain whieh eoneeas them from each otheri t
snow. The third, mie connects direa with the and obliges them to fire alrratst at random.
auger. which draws the snow into the Ian Wheal the disMuce is gyeat enough to
ceillolicaI cose in willelt the fans revolve. render._ it mrn
en iwareely disceible. these:Mire
The discharge pipe is 33 invitee quare, the 011 eaell side facilitates the direetion of ehe
spout being 14 feet above the rails. Thie
ore It is eleer that with, the re ite t" e • s
stand over eeeio runt:wady e mice morsel t mows the a.1110W tamest perpeudiettlariy for o • ,
wheee bac:auction aecompanies that of the
30 feet before it begine to- curets over ut its
meant for the- hippopetainue, . and thus pre. , • a
., inBlItrskt ell..tr;;PaTtvOinietriaaaculemwbarnoarato:iirsr:nremarnt:
veut hint heat eating it—to •tease him, in fall,
feet. So -great was the eltphant's enjoy- ciatieniat; VIZ TELEGRAM roara niltilation of one of the tWO forces, if not Of
meat of this feat that he would riot ()oleo with oleo at ie •
hp,erovidiedr ofoith (tilos llgtets4t IsAll. Such 3 cio" engagement can 014
occur Whell one of the two parties bevotnee
sway to express his pleeeurtr, but would make Ilelawin 10:entice boi e r e nsoliaia 1
a ritrobliog sound Whit+ tvith the elephant inioganes; the whole length of the boiler ae. sufficiently broken to be unable to hinder
more than anythiug else indicative of delight.
And tio• vt•xation -of the ' being oa feet, having 1,500 feet of heating the advance of the other. The decisive at•
melt must Ite- weltered by a teenhat engaged -
IIIPP°Ohailms wlvastirfave, It 'vie it IZIOOt tire box and ISA
:Is evident its the cujoymt•itt of tue elephaut, i gees o, ineheeh,y 14 feet. and sustainea at a greater distance than ally I
The hippopetantue 'mew ite WAS powerless to It lute a *timer on the fmrit end whielt that we have witneseed up to the present. I
coerce Ins friend. awl fiti he would go away t worhi 1,e -. .1 he preparation of the atteek becoming. 7 air and *Oilers the wow- from the
and •sulk until it was the pleasure of thet
therefore, mere nemesia). than ever, the r.
centre of the track and front each side of
elephant to move from tin, coveted food. 1 the rano teeing it into the i„„o prom of Tillery, which this .prapametion especiellY ;
Occasionally, however. colleens, roust gain Itt importance. Its fire, •
tile elePhant wouF, the plow, whentse it is expelled through the
pretend to letive it, ana then return
thee to cheat the hippopotatnno /list In 81/011L ou Om top, leavino a perfeetly flanged twneaver, wiii he greatly facilitated both by
rail. The trucks! are extra heatily built,
o the absence a Ile own :smoke and the sup -
having •;ti by s jouruals. 'The plow weighi Kession of that of tlie idolatry. Itwill va
Tai tons WO pounds. It is (0nirely under the -141-4er t'w it 1° 4111,11I) t" tho "mat Ilmmellt
,control of the eugincer. who stiottls at the its °wit traolla In the 4,0zinnIt Of aa. euellanl
Alasic;k Zuundary. •
front end, on tim inside,
A despateh fleat Ottawa :et-pi—Papers in throttles cold etonnumieettra with the pushing "1,11ale it tit `11,15thartisel,I frham11'.' fr"11,11 i"es• .I„
and .opnates the PaAtioth heezitrie the absence, of smoke W)11
reference tu the Alaska heliadary lutte bet% engineer by the use a his whistle. without '''-`a. gens:".' ,4"rve`'`'314 °P13.a1"4 NY*"
presented to Parliament. The 4 ,..„.ermseat .14.vaim any pug $, 5
ign,18. or bells. as is. betrame more dillies -sit. The al000s0. of eurthe
of MOW' Coluntbia. in a despatelt (IMO customary en tite rotary plowe. The eioilee and the retinetel lease of the Iletelliatlatuti Will
March 16lti,17, repretent to the Dominion are capable of travellieg Val revolutions aer 41(1.
11 allow of marehing by the sound of •
llovernment the itr‘rent impertauce of an Winne, MA behrg csinnt!cteei dim etiy with the cannon. It will be IleeeSSIry. 1111 rder
# 'mottle awl .a.laeloo mei ;miring that 1* 111 , than Wit ll the 4:atie raphlity.
pos•sible to revolf ve I° get all Idea otk • situation at a dietanee.
. 1451 taminte it dinatly faint some elte•atea
torly etethmeett of the boundary between the aut and. totter it is
Columbia may he ntatreeented upon any coma The 111311 18 the itacieret htealn ,,,•tireir. Imiat. T„hil will render still owe 1(415 t' „
1111'- 14)11 Whit:II may be appeintea for that plow, la. le Ca.lihYt'll Of MillIteapiik Minn.. the use 'it mink -Lid tawervitteries audof cep."
purr etre The (Loon -Immo of British Colton. e, 0,,,netei mei,,,,aer of the Dumb. Heron tive Ile Ill% . fret; lallootto The Maas of
letttle that entoke will no losiger cover will:
1111 urges that the line whielt Grt•at Britain and Dettleg littilread. and has had large ex-
its entitled tis claim under the treaty a ts25 itetiviwe hi ntilreading, having Wiltheri le1111. also he Mere Clfl' to examine *MU 011 VieVa.. 7;
am:Tittle the western let; of Beldn'e canal eelf up friee a, Imennetore eeginete. to hie Om. 144 ith the new exipeeives future bat.;
been restered to health and strength hyt
the use of that wonderful discovare
Paine's Cele), Compound, we mac Ss
few extracts. We hope that the tharg
sonde of Canadiau PICO and women W-
are suffering front nervous and wastior
diseases, will profit by these true Aid
plain statements of facts.
D. S. Davidson, of Montreal, suffered
for years with nervous dyspepsia, palnita
his back, and eleeplessness. He tried doe -
tors without relief, was lasing flesk rapidly,
and bad about given up hart when be
commenced the use of Paine's Celetar
Compound. "New,"he says, "I am a new -
man. I sleep well and my food does not
hurt me.'
Mr. Jas. Johnson, 302 St. ChAfig3 Bet*
romee Street, Montreal. was weak and
nervous, had no eppetite, and could nee
nt.41 at night. Ilis nerves were soothed
sad strengthened by Paine's Celexy OAP -
pound, and be seen hei1,11110 well and
*Annie Gourley. of River Beaudettee
P. Q., found the Compound a catain curet
for weakness, mid now feels as Wen as elisa
ever did
A customer of Harrison Boos., drug*
gist. Hamilton, Ont., told them that he
wee entittly cured of nervous weaknes4.4
the use ef two bottles of the Conipounde
after everything elie has failed.
Tbe little child of Mrs. 0. B. Meredith",
76 Veazey St., Toronto, was cured of Ste
Vitus' Dance by Paine's Celery Compound.
ay scant(' anv key snide% ether met cake
*4*4444 WatI Ilearofete &Coo. nerateat
againtit thentJapatieSe atiNCS ought to ise ex. instead of Portland eltannel, as contended preeent 'goalie'. apealtiog of the general tlt•s mute netresserdy he more tletestve when i
eellent. I tittma think that (bale:Ito IHIBIBIllt lly 'the VILited States autlettitles, thereby. erotatittoN Of the Cyclone. Mr. Caldwell bait': the trovs bereont. (14' III engaged. Retreat
meth' find great troutftet 1111,4111 WV:Ither in seemng ito the rzetwn a Ver:e
, ,I,rette .watA11.13, Of .,011 aispeit',1:Iting a ,,lera- letok the lArgt• 0.0.• Win he hisig 80111etimpoesiitle for the itofeat. •
half a theren ovvr the vital ttor et, reatterea eanitory, 1181ttv.iettith I:anima'. erWaye ger At the Mord is pet in motion, 0,1,4 its eil. .shattert ,l1'. like pw,jc.etiles Of the e011*
italti ter the hotlylatch. ie no rement why now claimedby the United tatitten. ti 111141 to draw the snow into the ;Luger 41,uerar.4. will.vIadire,,will no longer he. ao in
latlies should' not etre,- them thm
in eir uffs ; . pa ,,,,ng
i , d law., mt., :the foto. whence a itt t1111t3 Iraqi 11:1Si.ed, II' it3 tarot notate, the
, , .
the iv
equaltm rio ie dein aapint." threwn ont through the :pout on top to rallama315441151Ys315441151 root Ia'rerlit deatruetimio
IA4401.3 Cold WatrtIr llt
1 aaaltla Itte worwl t
falai tlateltstra. War-
nate& Ileary re.ai total
Manner Came. 0,:.13 Wise
end genti'llicerw•lt-Monlaw
and Mae of tz01 "Ono.
IMOZOMonne on rash Ise.
re1117 We maga One frac%
Loreairrnatistrer leraaandirat.
nehls lino of easeltelei.
Sasnialai. Msgr.:MI*1411r
ea ili* Va Senitt
rrne, sod after ..wz liar* kapt
Otova he your borne frr 2 1.044'34 end shown thtrt to Owe:
vele way here (13115,they became year own r, 'Mow
vie, wrno et 0.1145 ran Lre *aro of rsetielnr the 'Watch.
*144Samples. 11 pry all exprow. freight, rt, .1..'1110*sre
11/411,311011 44 Mom 8114,11.*orUmoda Malmo.
" Are these Alive; very topensive I"
and the smalkst defeat 1011‘4, t•hatime into a ,
" aneee They teat ;f5 cents apiece , and A Syrapathetio Creature.
4,tream front one :title to the other, it is may
either Ade 11Wit'eti. In order to divert the
route, oot .1l-.4 34 Heuee trie hope. mazzauthrit
1% It h Cah Oln e tit.. so n te p.U.kages of taut fact Out at the moment of going Into
It was kelt at dusk in a gloomy section of Ele'eevy t )
the fut:1 silelill for Eurising in them. „attion the vommauders of an tusity and the mob, w k r D ! It 'Yr'
'rhii the :Area dliti the eicetrie ear 1111t4 Gil/1111V ;011ieinm of all tleoreea waif feel 1110ie !wenly woomnis 62
fut4 to. L. a „ JO.4. the length of the
-le -s • re mule *- . 14 03(111134.,, its twit ringing mpitily in shiti.p nuvratsu 'NM ENGINES 9. .orucue, o 1 1,.
" up very inuelt like lireerackere. 11 quick peithrof teeming arta tbe li.dit in ite wineh propel the tau mut at the same time „ , Folly end Ignorant -AA is,,,... Tans
. little tin lwx• foul they mune in paokages put 'the inereeeed weight of their e0:11011Siltilitiee.
e, mai a e,nott lute tyc aa xt. rt.\ eree le tn. 11 N,i1 1011 le spun . 1 t. . Rad el‘raY..blz V150r Or Body, 1:7Zr%1 .0=1
manhood, eausmg 0)3) 4311Z, draito. open
'-• •IeS are front gleitutio •• 11- T, •• f ... t'!' • • • . • • • - 0 • • It • I • *1 tl t WI il • 'Ale emulees of suetaas win. therefore. he
`.141,6,";:terefl"..),1,1F,111' rlit12"11raPell! d"e'''ll.t. gira Mies Tentkart .stooll on the eurbstonei up to a bank of hard snow, We have :sever tiltaa' rea„1"alsibilities r a" that, 10 tine, 0 lar- et'a°, „.ita°11et Paaoal.alatialgouc"223,3" are'is,%‘1.10,,tveatii,
a''':1'1.77 1"'".1.'i"").1.1 Sala". " Z-Vtat Want a waiting to cross, when site noted a i•ountl.. yet, hail weer three emaines on the plow in the all" wm ralludli more than ever the OM ' •"'mc'rY' -at • • - a tab - ., -.'
great deil of heat you, light both ends of a siunggereg, alif man el, • e 1 . t • 1 , a t . a. . a al . , , , „ . ate qualite• to be looked for maoug the officers froploo UPI= t^ie Face am( a 0Eftoota
made, ef very finely powdered charm', tool eeine e e
it requirts remottl engines to keep the rotary with throe who will be bt•st able support the lircuraalrare et We. "tee
eltiek... 1111Iy 0110 end hi leted tit time .-entl Itand., apparently seaouptiitnae lyo it fieeri, istgeer.h3i/s1of Ma1v0i3ir,Meilvle..r., taennt t, wohree oon aSe41141100311l0it:1m14yt,t,we1r,
ofaugade. .
raitunttteatno itEya. rvelyil Dteeacoteyo, e-rCnorernetemspo
you get double the warmth for twohousaut wm.lOGitiVe t Impala Youtht. I2fo3un il
a half. An extea amotnt of (‚11151110 (multi, ttf A. t
blind man !" gasped, Miss 'P. , " tool Ite
course be ()boasted by potting in t wo or three will lie 'tilled. Will nobody save hint •'...'"
stiche at once lighted, but that would make e u r eereens
She looked wildly to the right and left, einnmeneed work on t he :tall Lake 14essum. I lutt-e a table which 1 \Mid 110t part with Inld -*10009 21115) )'4. 4)11
one twelve -wheeler will be ample power to
propel the plow into t berdest snow banks.
"We arrived . and immealately
Protty Thinq3 For The Home- Igor restore.s tho Vital Poevor in old
ourm. etrenatIono wad invigorates tl,.% arziftl
the stove toe ha for ordinary purposes. dt but 110 0110 of the male persuasion was 'with- 'We passed through snowlmuks 00t110 l'equot for any nuthegany tell:holt table in the land, onerty at tee 1:1.11reart erame.- With paresettra
a nei re zeirtnee is easy enough to carry three or four slices
Lit,f4 LikU I LI in your pocket if yon are going to he out all hi call. She ahoutet1 frautieally to the poor Mountains on the Salt Lalm new- and elm vamtler why when I inform itotja antiaa,aeitst„"tiaataaata'cga:letyza-toirt.;
idind nmn to come baeln but he plodded on in g from 10 to 14 feet in de Alt, nail the snow MI that it did not coat me as much as my dem naaelato.O., wee tele weeks tame
-seems C0r.`
rEcl.-LINEVIRUNKS day m the cola, and as S0011 04 one is used 1 l' g. II I I • • 1 1 • •
. ,
to light another and renew the supply of
1u Sample, Lou, Ana up the fiery-eyea monster was approaehing and
ad other lands. fuel. You can get as many fuel etiebt as would stretch him a mangled corpse on the
tagaost ad ammo you want at the Chinese 9d. Japanese shop pavement. Not a moment was to be lost,
where they sell the stoves.
TRUNKS. Wild with terror and excitement she rushed
1 forward, frantically threw her anns about
was hurlea to it distance o from 100 to leo utehen table. I obtamed front one of our matt. hPrIce :ea Curcs Oteraelme Our epee"
feet dawn the mountain side. Passing over dealers three slender canoe for whicla paid it3ft;tt'l:a• ;f11,713:114awfoolatliabaleofelltizgo j•ragrta-clyt;lala,Vdttat
the Salt Lake Division we were ateompanica tett cents each. Ierossea them in the middle, -
by Superintendent $e N. Knapp, Roach -acts- andon top plecedapieeepf pine wood twenty- ?It a cuttre"': i4r. oovt,.. r T tjatlaxegaa
ter Fitzgerald, ana the train crew. The first, two inches square and one melt thick, nailing Co.. Tomato. Geo
snowbauk that we came in contact with was it securely to each cane. I purchased a pint ;
light snow, having just fallen and drifted in- can of inside white paint for fifteen cents ' Atre= LADIES ONLY. ...s2:
to the cute. The auger running indepen- at the hardware store, and treated the canes' at
dently from the fan permitted us to pass to three coats thereof. I then obtained. some FRIEN011 REGULATION DILLS.
through the snowbank at the rate of ten . white French enamel at twenty cents apint, Far superior to Ergot, Tansy. neenvreval Ill"
plenty of time for drying. I placed on the' osi n,
allowing , Oxide. Endorsed bv the thousands ot ladles
miles an hour. 1 and gave it three coats of that,
' who nse thorn MONTHLY. Never 'all. Relieve.
"At Wadsworth we met Superintendent P
Whited of the Truckee Division, ana WO wood it layer of cotton batting, over which II Effeetual. Prlea. $3. Toronto Medicine Ea,.
ca a yell. o M u e plush, w lc taeket Toronto. Ont.
tacked apiece of coarse muslin. It was then .
passed over that division, widening out the
ready for the plush. I purchased live -eights 1
cuts and throwing out all the loose snow and . Exet er J3utcher Shop
small drifts that had gathered there during'
the night. When we arrived at Truckee the tightly over the muslin. Then around. the
table I suspended twenty-four plush ornam-
plow was put to work clearing out side
of the four sides, placing them alternately. R. DAVIS,
ents, three white and three yellow, on each
tracks. Here we came in contact with the
worst kind. of snow, which had been shove
straight around the table, and, after tying a l Iltolter & General Dealer
er t tat l naa some brass-headednails
°led and thrown off the sheds and from the A
main line to side tracks, and which was
In the World. t
him as he stood there fumbling with his
J. EYELEIGH St CO. 1 A Dream Strangely Fulfilled,
1 -stick upon the very edge of the track and
drew him ba Jr. with desperate energy just
MONTREAL. I In 1862 I lived Mile Shenandoah Valley,
as the car rushed past them, and the man,
— Souther
moms, for tie MAR ....1WaS 1.s4,41.1tliet1 to It Lieutenant in the
n army. On the 2d of July I ex- sdtermuttlInd in her grasp, turned fiercely and
H()TEL BALM 0 RAI. raeza jizpiontle,sb:LI torsal,cit t,attirfcengot; "What ci.'ye mane, squeezin' the loife out
to be ashamed, the likes of a lady like ye.'
until 12 o'clock, and. as he did not come I
at what time he would arrive. I waited o'me and draggin' me around. Sure, ye ought
"Oh oor Wind man ; you are say-
notre Dame St., ono of the most central extinguished the light and threw myself e ' Y
and eiegantkv furnished Hotels mum City.. upon a lounge.
Accommodation for 400 guests. ed I gasped liss T.
Bates: TAT 0 0 DRUF , I I fell asleep, but awoke with a start, 1 who's callin' me blind, wid. a, pair of eyes I
"Saved ! Sure I'm glad I'm saved ; hut
ee to $3 per day. Si t V Manager. and found the room dimly lighted and the
have shiniin like a cat's in a dark cellar."
Sole Attits lor Canada,
Wholesale Impars of
DOMINION mu ens, standing beside ineo looking "But," stammered the female Samaritan,
fleetly pale and his uniform stained with e
I thought you were blind and feeling your
way across the street with your stick and
I jumped up and eaplained : -would be rtm over."
Co MPANY, " Olt, Tom ; what is the mtitter ?"
— "Wid me stalk !" said the man, looking at
He answered:
Manufacturers of
ASBESTOS MILLBOABO r "I am dead. Go tell mtr mother and maMsnirr aorinted staff. "Why, it's the switch-
hurr to the field. I was mortally wounded, , miss, and it's to push the rail and
Steam_Pachizig' I and rtnew you would grieve less if you could switch the car on to the turnout that me
find my body. So I crawled up on the hill, stick is for."
There was a subdued snicker in the little
under a pine tree to die."
PULLEY BOARD, Then all we; dark. ; group that had gathered and as the next car
just then pulled up Miss T. got in itto avoid
77to o Perfect Frotioe His mother and I went to the battle field, further explanations to the switchman and under an old pine tree we found him res-
pecting the interruption ofhis duties.—[Bos-
- • dead, his uniform stained with blood, just
Bi etin.
as I had seen it the night before. ton Conunercial
it, 21 DeBrasoles St
13151 4343*- hi 11.15,THOROUGH AND PrioNIPT
A Church of Righteousness.
In the dark ages the clergy could do what
they likednand the laitywoulcl do what they
were bid. But times have changed. Now
with the progress of education, now when
the results of science and literary research ,
are brought, within the reach of the masses, I
a Church has no chance of living miless it
appeals to common sense, to the reason, to
the moral instincts of mankind. And just
in proportion as it mekes this appeal will it
be strong and flourish and grow. Right-
eousness is essential—of all things most
essential—to the welfare of men. They can
get on well enough without any particular
creed, they can get on well enough without
special ritual ; but without righteousness
they perish I The Church, therefore, which
insists inost upon righteousness and less
upon other things is the hest Church. . The
Church which insists solely upon righteous-
ness is the only Church that. will not pass
Couldn't Expect It,
" There will have to be some new rules
made or something like that, -'or else I will
have to, quit,' said the young lady in the
telephone office to the chief clerk. •
" What's the trouble ?"
" Sonic of the things that are said: over
the wires are exceedingly disagreeable and
not proper for me to hear."
" I313, that's all right," was the brutal
reply. "You can't expect to work around
electricity and not get shocked. ,
Her Heart Troulebes,
Birdie McGinnis—"So he has proposed at
Esmerelda Longcoffin—"Yes, indeed."
"Did you maintain your presence of
mind `i"
"No, I didn't. I got so scared and my
heart palpitated so loud that twice he stop-
ped in the middle of his declaration, and,
looking at the door, said, 'Caine in.' He
thought somebody had knocked."
A Cossack officer named Pyevtzoff istaking
a horso-back ride from Bielovetchensh on the
River Amoor, in eastern Siberia, to St.
Petersburg, a distance of 5,300 miles. He
goes quite alone 013 1313 ordinary cavalry horse
end carrying his provisions with him He
started in November, and when last seen by
a partyof merchants near Irkutsk, tva,s in
good health and spirits, and hail matte about
a quarter of the distance. He expects to
1 St Pet rsb ir in A ril It ill b
I t 1 . 1
reao e ig p. 00 13210
onges c e on xecort .
The performers in an Algiers thesere,
which closed. its doors while the influenza
raged, sued their manager because he de-
ducted tbe time tlms lost from their salaries,
claiming that they Were willing to play right
on. The Manager claimed that the influeitza
was an act of Providence, endthat however
able the eaters may have been to play the
public was ince, aciatted from attending, and
the closing of the theatre Ives thus necessary
through oo fault of his. The Court sustained,
this view of the clatter.
thee of yellow ribbon bow where the eines cross, my
three-fourths ice. The most sever
table was completed, and a daintier one it A.LL =nos Orr—
the Cyclone plow was made cur these side
tracks in the presence of Superintendent would be hard to find.
A portiere is a great furnisher, and may be
'Whited, SuperintendentofMachmery Small, I
and Travelling Engineer Stephenson. We obtained. now at reasonable prices. Still I
cheaper is a very pretty portiere that can be
first tried the plow on side track No. 4.
The 911011, averaged from 8 to 12 feet in mrale of colmnon blue jean, which is used for arstomers supplied TUESDAYS. TIMES. .
depth. The plow passed throagh the side overalls. As you all know, it is very low ..LYS Ann SATURDAYS at their resident*
track, a distance of 1,500 feet, in ten ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP *WILL Ea
in price, and is of a colour which now a -days
minutes by the watch, hurling the snow a is often sought for. Make the curtain of the I OE1VE PROMPT ATTENTION.
depth of your door, and fmish with te deep
distance of 250 feet, breaking out the glass
in the roundhouse and hem. Then, across the bottom, about ten
inches from the lower edge of the hem, place ,
COVERING UP SMALL COTTAGES a band of plush, either dark mahogany or
cimiamon-brown in colour, and about ten or .
on the side near the track. It was estim-
' twelve inches deep. If ihe poles are too
ated by the gentlemen who witnessed the
costly a very odd and pretty pole may be 1
working of the :plow that it would have
made of it branch of a tree, out even on each
taken 200 men four days to have cleared
end, end the branch itself being left rough. r
this side track of snow with shovels, and
we cleared it in ten minutes, I Give it a coat of mohogany stain, and fasten
, up at each end by means of small pieces of
" We next tried the plow on tt side track
leather tacked under and 017017 the pole. '
leading out from the roundhouse, which
Sew the curtains on small brass screw eyes,
passed ba,ck of the woodshed. Here the snow
which should be riveted in the pole. If at -
was frozen nearly as hard and ranged from 8
teinpted, I can assure you it will be a grati-
to 12 feet in depth. This track was about
eightened hundred feet long. We cleared fying success.
it of snow in fifteen mintites, throwing it over
the top of large buildings and breaking win- Orders for Russian Rails-
clows at hotels and stores on the business
There have never been such large orders
street, 200 feet from the track. We then
for rails from the Russian Government as at
opened up tvvo or three other side tracks
the present moment for the ensuing year, 17 ILL cure you of mimatory
which were buried in. the same manner, and
and these are all beial given to home Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Lam
then got orders to come to Ss cramento: We
manufacturers by the Minister of War. Phe,
found; it necessary:to reduce the cap in order
Jastovo line to the Austrian frontier is.to be 00 thaehe„blafrtesSapnirclalSpDritEle' Er antt
to pass through the snowsheds. On the trip
built on a double line of rails to be laid down
to Sacramento we passecl through some very
the steps, as haon the Koursk-Kiev line. In fact all south- i •n• amvineetternealo
cleep snow banks, notably at Cascaele. The
western lines are to be furnished with double , 44gaio-Pe .
trade in all parts,kbY
beaks have been opened up by the shoveler's
rails. The strategical line to Petrobsk, on the 'A. r, I
, . , ta T. et once establish i
small bucker plows and the rotary, but the
Caspian, is also to be commenced in the •pl a` placing o u r maebic
course of the year, and probably some pro- et." end goods where the people tern sea
theIll, IVO will send free ltronm
cuts were too narrow for the Cyclone to pass,
oiberan lin.e by preparations for hailding the peraon le each Ineenty,the verse
brat sewing -11,3011.w made- he
without taking o .
and we widened them out from 12 to 16
gress will be made as regards the great
inches, permitting the Penman cars to pass
off had boon i
important strategical 8003)100 M the Trans- the wt1d, with's° seall
Wo %veillami ite
.. n. n quip/Mtn
necessary before. We came m contact with
Baikal from Str.etensk, which is insisted up- line °roar costly no , ,F.a.uble ase
enmple.a. le return e i eili t bai Yon.
• ' of the Amoor province. What is considered sbow What IVO SCII5, 14 Illti. wba,
"We had quite an experience oa the _ as father ominous is that all the new and may call nt your lame, PlIdelaqv fa,
months all shall in, 11,1 yam Oen%
several sliclea which were very quickly thrown
on as a. necessity by the Governor General
from the track.
cattle and the auger picked up two or three orders are 11ONV beiug given out are to be 71,;;;;;; La;4404:nbet;theht:oritan:
lade aftertbe 2ilittner ealesits..
plains of Nevada,. We ran mto a drove t double lines in European Russia for which
quite a feast.-- o "ie.'4, i:ueellIsir,F,,71,11..eglarii,
steers before we could stop. - We polled sir-. finished by 1892, evhen the red of Russia's FRE,. iF a ai, ," • .a.
0, ti a 11
loin steaks out of the machine and had
military reorganization is expected to be oe, free the bora sevrinsp Ina in t net' Nen
IMiet inatritellono glean. r hese who write' tohus mato can in—
' Itenstline ofworlts oth1gh ars ofer shown torol. et in AMSCiCaran,
'.V.11:11E mos qto. afin1)45...44, Mahn*