The Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-10-15, Page 7HIGH SCIiO YOU CAN STUDY AT NOME IN SPARE TIME ANO• ACTUALLY .EARN • A HIGH • SCHOOL DIPLOM. Proyrew__R.ank*, Low MenthI Payments, All Books Furnished SEND NOW FOR FREE BOOKLET AND SAMPLE LESSON American School, Dept. G.S.S., 11 Queen St., Brantford, Ont. Please send me FREE and without obligation 44 page booklet and sample lesson of your High School course. NAME .ADDRESS AGE Obituary T. H: ;EDWARDS Thomas Henry Eawards, 83,. a resident of London, died on Octo- ber 6 at Victoria Rospital in Lon- don after an illness of three months. He was born in Huron' County and until his retirement 14 years ago was employed with the London Street Railway. Ifs wife, the former Ida Mason, died last year. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. John (Velma) . Mirehouse, London; one brother, John Edwards, of Saskatchewan; two sisters, Mrs. Annie keeling, Belgrave, and Mrs. Robert Moore, Dungannon. When friends drop in serve Coke and snacks ss.+ Cake' is e f.gii.f.i Ad.. i .*, Pokarisimi b ., of t«. -cow ..i., ca+..a .11 C..•c..l. w • GODERICH BOTTLING WORKS Goderich Phone 489 FIRST AID RENDERED TO SICK RADIOS B. R. MUNDA Y it Also Portable Foot -Proof Sound Service Certified Radio Technician Call at Widder St., Goderich or Phone 598 • 32tf BUSINESS DIRECTO-AY CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT. A. M. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 65 South St. - Goderich. Ont. A. L. COLE Optometrist—Optlelan Byes Examined. Glasses Fitted Phone 33 Goderieh. Ont. w , C. T. ,CHAPMAN General insurance Fire, Automobile, Casualty Real Estate 30 Colborne St, Goderiob Phone 18w EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an- swered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Satee Date by calling Phone 46OJ. Clinton. Charge moderate and aatisfac- tlon Guaranteed. 4 Service was conducted in the Needham Memorial Chapel at 3.30 p.m. Thursday of last week by Rey. Walter Jones, St. • Mark's An- glican Church. Burial was in Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens. NNW INTERNATIONAL FERRY — This artist's 'sketch shows the new oar ferry which will ply between Yarmouth, N.B., and Bar Harbour, Me. Now being built for the. Nova Scotia and Federal Governments by Davie Shipbuilding limited at Lauson. Que., it will be operated by the Canadian National Railways. The vessel will have nuc dee and will accommodate 600 peaseoge s and 150 vehicles. Propelled by six twin-screw diesel engine., its speed will 18 kihota, permitt' a round trip in daylight hours. Overall length of the ferry will be 345 feet and the main deck moulded breadth 45 feet. Passenger a000mmodation includes day cabins, main, observation and ladies' lounges, children's playroom, dining room seating 114 persons, a lunch counter and news stand. COLBORNE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL meg, SOLOMON Total Assessment Increased $12,800; Frank Solomon, a former resi- dent of Lucknow, passed away at ! Township's Population Reaches 1,160 Kings Lynn, Eugtana, on Septem- ber 14, as a result of a heavy stroke which he had suffered the previous day. Mrs. Solomon was killed during an air raid in 1942. Mr. and Mrs. Solomon and fam- ily were residents of Lucknow for several years. Mr. Solomon was first employed by William Johnston of Ashfield and later, upon moving to Lucknow, at the Anderson Flax Mill. He was an experienced gardener and ' horticulturist, and his handiwork was apparent in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Solomon re- turned to their homeland in May of 1939. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Sidney Bultitude (Marjorie) of England and Mrs. Fred Ember - lin (Barbara) of Lucknow. A. son, Roy, and a daughter, Ruth, prede- ceased him. Surviving also are a brother David, a ten grandchildren and two great grandchildren. HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER - HURON AND PERTH Seaforth Phone 11461 or Harry Edwards, Goderirh Phone 144 llatojd W. Shore ALL LINES OF INSURANCE (including Life) and REAL ESTATE Phone 766W North St. Goderich 36tf SUPERIOR , PROPANE GAS. for better cooking, water heating and refrigeration Alf. J. Schmidt, representative. Stratford Phones 3260. Res. 387J2. P.O. Box 98 -28tf • Geo. G. MacEwan GENERAL INSURANCE MASONIC TEMPLE ' WEST •STREET Peter S. MacEwan General, Life, Real Estate Phone 230, Goderich ' 3. i• CHIROPRACTIC 'QERBERT rt."sUCH. D.O. Doctor of .Chiropractic. Mince Hours: Mon.. Thugs --9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tues., Fri --9_ a.m.-::to 5.,p.m. 7 p.m. to 8 p.m Wed. & Sat. 9 to 11.30 a.m. Vitamin Therppy )ince—Corner of South St. and Britannia Road. - Phone 341. F. T. Armstrong OPTOMETRIST Dion 11•e for appointment SQUARE GODERICH NOWLOCATED IN BANE OP COMEZZCZ BUILDING ON TSE SQUARE H. M. -FORD Get Insured — Stay Insured— ' Rest Assured TELEPHONE 268w 0 Roy N. Bentley Public Accountant 1 'Kensington Ave. Phone 2-9152 London, Ont. Assessment roll for 1953 shows Colborne Township population standing at 1,160. The roll, adopt- ed at a meeting of the Township Council on Tuesday of last week showed a total assessment of $1,745,888 --an increase of $12,800 over the previous year. Communications received ware as follows: The Department of Highways with enclosed statement for sub- sidy payment td the amount of $3,482.73; the Treasury Department with reference to by-law for dram - age; J. A. Coombs, regarding the inspecting of the two bridges buil: by Looby and Looby, of Dublin; Department of Health, re -checking of records"•tliroiI Ut to province for municipally -owned cemeteries and seeking information in regard to the administration of such; the Huron County Municipal. Officers' Association, requesting representa- tion at the next meeting in Gorrie, October 21; Goderich Town Clerk, S.. H. Blake, re fire agreement and recommending that the annual re- taining fee of $185.06, the area de- fined on the map of Colborne was approved by the Town Council; Department of Public Works re appropriate measures to 'be taken in locating fathers and mothers who have deserted their families, forms to be completed when cases come to the attention l f ire muni- cipality. The clerk was instru •. to reply to the Sunset Beach Association stating that the township is willing to comply with- their suggestion. namely, that a path be constructed on the Township right-of-way pro- perty to the beach, and that no action be taken at present in con- nection with the Association's offer of reimbursing the township for Cemetery Memorials T. PRYDE A SON Clinton, Exeter, Seaforth • Write Box 150, or phone 413, Exeter and we shall be pleased to call.. past maintenance on this north roadway.' The tax collector was authorized to have a by-law set up, placing a penalty of 2 per cent on all taxes unpaid after December 15 and one- half of one per cent after the first day of each succeeding month until paid and that this be printed on all tax notices. All those who own dogs and have yet not paid their dog license for the current year are required to do so by November 15 to William Watson, otherwise court -action will be taken. The Court of Revision to hear and determine appeals against the 1953 assessment roll will be held Monday, October 26, at 1 p.m. in, the Township Hall, Carlow. Accounts submitted and passed for payment: Road vouchers. $5,742.00; Wilfred Fisher, relief account, $26.38; Wilfred Fisher, gas for cemetery, $1.68; Aaron Fisher, two cords of wood ' for relief, $11.00; James McPhee, disc- ing .in cemetery, $4.00; James E. Prest, work and fixtures, Township Hall, $62.20; F. C. Kalbfleisch, two sacks lime, $1.40; D. Guitard, work and material to finish cairn, $59.00; Signal -Star, advertising, $17.01; County of Huron, indigent patients, $22.50; E. Stanley Snyder, selecting jurors, $5.00; William Sallows, selecting jurors, $6.00; Everett El- liott, eight fox bounties, 316.00; T. F Davis, one fox bounty, $2.00; William Oliver Allin, one fox bounty, 0.00; Charles Thom, one fox bounty, $2.00; Wallace Mc- Dougall, one fox bounty, $2.00: Morley Linnington, three fox bounties; $6.00; Fred Bowra, salary, $100.00; Town of Goderich, retain- ing fee, $185.00. • Council adjourned to meet Tues- day, November 3, at 1 p.m. NORTH STREET W.M.S. • HAS DIONTILY MEETINU The regular monthly meeting of North Street United Church W.M.S. was held in the church parlor on Tuesday afternoon of last week with a good attendance. The meet- ingwas opened by the singing of a ymn followed by prayer by the president, Mrs. Howard Robertson, who presided . for the business ses- sion. It was voted to send. -$5.00 to Toronto to help defray the ship- ping expenses on an overseas bale of clothing sent recently. Plans for the Thank -offering meeting to be held on the first Tuesday after- noon in November with Mrs. (Bishop) A. L. Fleming as guest speaker were discussed as also were plans for the coming section- al meeting to be held in Blake United Church on October 22. Mrs. Charles Barker was appointed as delegate with Mrs. A. R: Scott as alternate. A duet by Mrs. Berger and Mrs. John Westbrook was much appreci- ated. The corresponding secretary, Mrs: G. W. Patterson, reported sev- eral Letters sent and replies re- ceived. Mrs. C. M. Robertson, re- porting on the Training School project, said that to date North Street Church was still' about -$100 short of the allocation. It was de- cided that the now standing nomin- atingcommittee be responsible fur bringing in the new slate of officers for the coming year. Forty-three calls on sick and shut-ins were reported. - The devotional period under the leadership of Mrs., George Mathie- son was opened by an appropriate reading by Mrs. Mathieson follow- ed by the reading of the Scripture by Mrs. C. Holland. Prayer was offered by Mrs. Mary Phillips. An interesting and instructive talk on the first three chapters of the new study book was given by Mrs. J Hetherington. Sale Of Liquor Results In ane • Charged with keeping liquor for sale contrary to the Canada Tem- perance Act, Mervin /lodges, of Port Albert, p><eaded guilty in police court' last Thursday and was fined $50 and costs by Magistrate D. E. Holmes, Q.C. A second charge of bringing liquor into Huron County was with- drawn. Hodges was represented by frank Donnelly, Q.C. Gordon McCabe, of Goderich, pleaded guilty to driving while his ability was impaired and was fined $50 or 3Q days. Crown Attorney It Glenn Hays, Q.C., told the court that the accused was arrested after police observed him driving a vehicle along Picton street in an erratic manner. Murray McKenzie, of Clinton pleaded not guilty to a careless driving charge and ,heard his case adjourned for one week. Also ad- journed for a week was a charge of driving while his ability was im- paired lard against Enslow Aitken, of Godenrch. Adjourned for two weeks were charges of careless driving and failure to give half the road to an oncoming vehicle laid against Robert Ho*tard, of Ash- field. Dmytro Pysaniuk, sentenced to In the •hu "yam fres 1911 the number of retail stores ha Canada increased' front 13T,331 to 151,611 and retail sales increased front 63,441 millions to $10,04 .millions.—Quick Canadian Facts. three months in jail early in Sep• temlber on a' charge of selling liquor, was arraigned -on a charge of bringing liquor into Huron County and pleaded not guilty. The case was . laid over until Dei cember 10, when the accuseds pre sent term will have been complete ed. The charges were laid as the result of a raid on the Park House "bottle club" by police in July. Pfting Mitatrital by along with ;other' nt other parts The boys are ?itblado, Bill Jeffrey. Some primitive people believe that. -horses are su4ptct--too ; the -plate -----:. secution of demons; which rime, them at night, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica. Envelope production. at 33410,- 000,000, is a $10,000,008 a -year busi- ness in Canada. ' of Huron County Cream .Producers' Association will be held in the Municipal Building in Clinton at 8.30 paw, on Friday evening, October 16th. Guest speaker will be Mr. Everett Biggs, Ontario Dairy Commissioner and Mr. Wm. Bettie; chairman of the Ontario Cream Producers' Marketing Board. All cream Producers are invited to attend this meet- ing. -41 TRADE MANIC REVD. THE MIRACLE LUSTRE ENAMEL , CUTS DOWN PAINTING FATIGUE SHORTENS PAINTING TIME IN KITCHEN AND BATHROOM ONE COAT COVERS MOST SURFACES Only two coats over bare wood or plaster Resists steam, 'grease, ' chipping...takes countless scrubbings .,a Colors range from delicate pastels to rich, deep tones QUART Prices slightly higher west of Fort William, KEM-GLO LOOKS AND WASHES LIKE THE BAKED ENAMEL ON A NEW'REFRIGERATOR SEM? M/ignropadfl�iVSr RW/#6 roaR iY6W WE //,IT/o#AIFRESHMtL'' To produce milk with a high butter fat content make sure you feed your herd National 24% Milkbilder and National 32% Dairy Concentrate. Both these National "fresh -mix" feeds arc ,rich in minerals; 'proteins and energy — and extra rich in molasses. Depending on your grain supplyyou mix 1 bag of. Milkbilder to 2 bags of grain or 1 bag of Concentrate to 5 bags of grain. This way you are helping yourself to a healthier herd and bigger profits. Ybur NATIONAL Dealer ta dex— took for the bright Oronpe and llla ck-Sipa. rsa WILLIAM STONE SONS, 1.091110 • INOERSOLL, ONTARIO. F.WN:* Your Crop with NATIONAL w.N•citred, Properly -blended FERTILIZER What could you do with a -thousand ....? Yes, we mean a thousand, crisp • Canadian bucks! 'Count 'em . . . ! Your, heart would go pit -a -pat, and you couldn't get. home fast enough to spill the good news. . At first thought, having a thousand may sound like a pipe dream. But is it ? Most everyone ... if he puts his mind to it ... can pile up a thousand dollars, or a sizable sum ... the Canada Savings • Bonds way ... because ... you can get your bond, dollar by dollar, month by mon h, in amounts you'll never feel. If you had started tucking away 56 a day with the first series Canada Savings Bonds—and had kept at • it—you'd have your thousand dollars today . and more. Many, many Canadians have done just this, and will continue to do so. The new 8th Series of Canada Savings Bonds will help to put you - on the thousand dollar road. Yon can gel+them for task—or in instalments, to cut your convenience. Through your bonk,•investment dealer, or your own Company's Payroll Savings Dan. CANADA SAVINGS BON ALWAYS CASHACLE AT 100 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. PLUS INTEREST. AT -ANY SANK. '0N SALK STARTING MONDAY -- OCTOBER �1l*ii • • s•