The Exeter Times, 1890-3-6, Page 2ISTHY COUGH, LATE FOREIGN NEWS. rive To.,..„.4 emae with... the Execs& A MDIISTFIR BANGED, = A sTRANGE Rim rllAisvE. Men er Wire Murderer feeneen. U 'rn-Fs:1'T a few doses of Ayers Cherry "Y it Pee toral will relieve you Xeep it in the house. You are liable to Rave a cough at any time, and no °Melt remedy is so effective as this world - 54, 4 " nowned. prepara- •tion. No household, • with young children, Should be without it. •Scores of lives are a es, saved every year by " its Wryly -gsQ, Amanda B. J'euner, Northampton, Illus., writes : " Comde mon gratituim- pels mo to acknowledge the gre:et bene- Ats X have derived for nay ehildren from, the use of 4yer's most excellent Cherry Bectoral. I had lost two dear children Irom croup and consumption, and had %he greutest fear of losing my only re.. semining daughter and son, as they were 'Iaelicate• Happily, I dud that by giving %bum it.ver's Cherry Pectoral. on the firet symptoms of throat or lung trouble, they are relieved trout danger, mid WS be- coming robust, healthy ehildren." "In the winter ot 1685 I took a bad oolil which, in spite of every known. zeinedv, grew worse, so that the family vliyAelan considered me incurable, sup, xaiiug ree to be in consemptiort. As a, resort I tried ..4.yer's Cheery Peetee. :el, and, la rbort %be care was 'complete, Since thea I have never been without this medicine. I am fifty years O ageoveigh ever 160 pounde, and at, tribute my gond itealth to the use of diyer's Cherry Pectoral."—G.W.Youtero fmleni, -"last whiter I contracted. a severe cold, which by repeated exposure, be. raine quite obstinate. I wee much. troubled with hoarseness and bronchial leritation. After trying various meat. vines. without relief, I at last purchased st bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Oa taking this medicine, my coiled,. ceased _almost imtnediatelv, and I ba.ve been well ever sin ce."-0 ev. Thos. B. Rune% J3ecretare Holston Cenferenee and I*. B. of the Greenville District, M. E. C. ellutesbore, Tenn. Ayer's Chew) acted, rexr.e.nr.n Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. ,Beia been Divulge. rrice et; oixteettlealase .,......_ e 1 The Rer. Henry Duncan, a Baptist minis- ' ter, was hanged at Ozark, Ala., at noon the .tiollTeW Uniform for the Turitieh Arlity. other da - f ,. the'd f hiswife.The j ot mut er o — execution was public, in violation of a State A nes...I:rim:eat, AFFAut IN ret Alet.E. law, and was witneseed by 5,000 people. — Duncan had been pastor of a -Baptist ' 1 -I ' tl • f ^ • 1 -eers and Aeliamed, I veil my fearful eyes ruf Geti In Nature, My God, I feel Thy wondrous might In =Aura's various shows— The whirlwind's breath—the tender light Of the rejoicing rose. For cloth not that same power enfold Whatever things are new, Which shone about the Sainte of old And struck the seas in two. Switzerland has called out all her armed • eoei very popular. Last July• nife died . . . forces for ciunpaigu exereisee this year. , very euddenly, aud W,88 buried the next day. The Socialist party of Germany mualeers A few days litter Duncan went away, ene-filtieth of the empire population, ' Georgia, llaldree, aeltelD'ike,"galler, aolie '41alazilelli What shall I do but prostrate fall note nearly a million adherente, not quite aecompanied by Before the splendour there. Florence and Ceptia have just established plainer. Thie aroused suspicion, and the That here, so dazzles me through all e7oetrie lights in their streets, and the first Coroner had the body ' of Mrs, Duncan The dusty robe I weer. !elite st,al'e et.,:vbritted with kunbtibtilig exhumed. An uutopsy ehowed that sloe hail , aiiids of niusie. died of tarp:indite poisoning. A Warrant lafe s outward and material hews— From this, Thy earthly reign -- What shall I do when I arise From death but ilio again 1 The lances with whiee the German am.ie.).. was mvorn out for Muth% and he was found in Florida, where he and Miss Baldree are to be armed are to have shafts of hollow steel and to carry small tlags in the Prussian were 'Mug as man and wife. He was eolere nailed near the head. brought leteke tried and couvieted, two weeks ago made a confession, and about int licat Love, sunshine, all things bright, Are curtains which Thy mercy draws To shield us from the light. I falter when I try to seek In the last thirtyers the population released a dp ing Miss Baldree. She was arreste pu9 I The world which these eonceal— . veStemmer whenrence I fain would. speak , of Thrill, the first capital of Italy, has few alater, 'tripled, and the city bas become a con- The execution was public because the jail 'Phe revethat I feel. siderable manufaeturing ceutre. is not enclosed by a fence, and the Sherin 1 dere not pray to Thee to ghee The historic lime tree at MultOeenwyler, had no place. where be could conduct it itt That heaven whielt shall aprar— in Freiburg, under whielt the Swiss Federals private. He had the gallows built out in a NZry is, help me, Thou, to live assembled before the battle of Mu,rten, in held. 1378, has been uprooted by a storm. diplomaIn the Juaeon Desert. The Italian Foreign Ofile oe has broken. of Coatinlea, until a elanned ustlenaniti. In Queen Ansi's time the umbrella is off tic relations uith the republic r.r• The 4udean deeert. is, mithout exeeption, .6,10,0‘10 be //eta to an outraged Ita 8,Yri3. It •Seenni hardly possible that man in,. Mentioned, Mr. Leety tells us in ilia His - aa David found pasture for those " few poor bot lij7etwift awl Gay, act einloyed by we . Las; XIII. is reported by the Roman ithin the leaven that'.s here. gistOry of eke TiMbfeils. ila - Imost desolate district hi beast eml ilrid a living in mach 3 laud, ret,. torT of Faiglend in the Eighteenth l'entury, 1 sulijeet. . . e_tvw,,,,,,,e sine iu the wilderswss" so do the desert men, but up to the middle of the eighteenth :million. studies ell the Socedita question, prepara- tory to issiung an veep:area& . . „..._, iettvr on ,, roelta. It is none the It. A desert. indeed, lit England by men, though Wolfe, the fu- ' Arabs find food for their goats amoug the century, it appears never to have been used "'"' riven by t narrow ravines?, leading to deep tore conqueror stony it ns in general use in the The French Government proposes to cele- into narrow ridges of dark brown limestone, city, alai wondering that so conveuient a brate the twentieth anniversary of the apped with gleaming white chalk, fun of practice hail not penetrated to Eoglana. !teetalilishnieut of the Itepa.lie. on Sept. 4 0:antelike hillocksand fantastic peaks, Here, Railway, the famous traveler and phil- ist at, extraordiliaty etjle At Paris. Bordvaa, slitting on the edge of the gree,t peaks anthropist, who returned to England in 1730, which drop down a sheer height of some is raid to have been the lirst Englishman ILyene, iota .)lare Alia. Tia. (hustle ttovernment has ordered the '2000 feet to the rock-strewn shore, who carried An umbrella: and a Scotch foot - planned grime railway line aeries Siberia to gazing on the shining evatere of that salt 'man named John Maelhnueld, who hail be begun in May. When the line is temp blue lake, watching the ibex herds scudding teal c'e 1 with his master in Frame and , pletea it is estintated that the tour of the Silently over the plateau, the 'tawny :par. Spain, mentions 111 his curious antobieg. 'iworld in divy plays will be feasible. i, piedoomto,,i,ile a peasant lately 1/.09char note of the black graekle as it soars 11 4 8, and persisted us carrying it in Wet triages running :in the 3. -alley, Alteartng the rrp:ty that he brought one to LOntion •n 4 ,iig,,,ing the soil, he discovered, a awing therocke where the hyrax fur Cone) weather, though a jeering eroull followed : deeplioic. iii which were folua Lurie,/ aii Is hiding, I have felt the sense of true 01. him, crying, "Frenchman, why don't the inunense vollection of copper andbrorate coine %acre is no stirrir got the grassby the breeze," 41tnalranae almost ceased, and gradually A i Of the Roman republie awl empire. uo rustling of leaves, no marrow of water, few foreimers, and then some Englishmen 1 A menument is to he erected to the n)50111141 of life save the greekle's note or the toilowed Ms example. late Prince Ametleue. King Humbert's jaelsal's ery re-echoed from the rocke, I Defoe luis described au umbrella as one brother. at Viorenve, the citizens lemming The sun beats down from •t cloud 4,of the contrivances of Robinson Crueee, subscribed the wattle therefor to attest less sky ; the white glare of the vhsllt,7,and. umbrellas were in constspienee at one' ' their gratitude to the SaA-01, dynasty. hem:need; fate of the sea are broad stretches ' time called "Robiusans." BREAD -MAKER'S Has Fax 11 'DM UMW= exemamsommomilmormigionsmoninoneink ek.....eee4c,eieros es. •.tteea..,,teNeeea‘aVe•We eeeee.Seeee&a, ee...,ae‘a...V.sleehe•nh;WW,N - eal , • e Vke6,„,•. • ••.".11?..e-tk:".'N6.:;"%\ve for Infante and Children. "CesterIniseowelladapteeltocluldrenthat castertg. ewes ClerstMe pagan. reommlenditssq4Pstiert0Anyprescriprion al= fitelnadt. Dkarsks,s, ti4Ow22 to me." .11., a. Aware, M.D., =Is Worms, gives einep, sad. prctiosted lit Se. Wont 8t, -*W00174% N. T. wft,Cri%erhute. meet:Woe. Teas CEs"rSurt Orsieute, 77 Nurray Street, T. A, 3115leelee ?ZVI:den:fee , • GOINO. TO OALIFO NI VIA TSE Stmata fe nowte. L. C5o,Ctiro eies p. m. Sun Mon Iffstl !'110,1 Ar. rumros Cit. '!n. m. Hen Tuee •Thwr , ra4 Ar. liatehineea tan la in. Men Tim Titer Ts AxTrlelded , ....a-a-oil:18 41.• in. Tuei NI ed • Tie itiler AS, Las Vessa i Cue P. tit. Taco Wed Tim Pr' 8ar At, Albuquerque lele g.te, 1404 , Thur •l''ti SU Sim Av Barnew. . , l:41.i.. ne, nue' Fri 0%1 ',San Men An Los AiRelta ,,..,.. 11 4'24 e. in. Nbur Prl Sat ;Sun enrea ry San Diego. 0 903 e. in. Thar Vri ISet 'sue , moo ......„-- Yen get ties only line of '01000 OATS without change Chisego -Angeles. and yen Save 27 hours One, OFFICE -74 GRISWOLD-ST., DETROIT, GEO. Po'. GILMAN, Pospeoger Assert ; ASA ISS,11 See wit4 044 wed to LI) VCR WIZ 111Y Uttf.‘11Se " The Minister of the Interior at Rome°1e31°uVull,.",k,,e'l vakrietYrwe where the Thcy were looked 011 AS a sign of extrenw las just ordered a conunittce to investigate tamatAe_ito a, wzts feathery eaves, BBArhea effeminacy. and they multiplied very dark line among the boulders of the torrent' Jamison, in I782, fAlii to have °.; and eienpare the polie.e uniforme of all ea- ., isione, preliminary to a eltoice tor the muni• come. liere, really out of the world, thelbeen the first person who used one in solitary hermits sat in the rocky (ells whiels!Glasgow ; anti Southey's mother, who WAS (apt! autl rural poliee throughout Italy, tildis Ink ozoneat to, vile. • Ashcan, pap* et ode ALUng were weir tombs ; here in the a.wful prisontbarn in 17:12, was accustomed to say tlei oat ova ' speetithe afferent styles of military dress. wit,.,,, t nonewithout employment, until n11. in the streets of Drietol. 'Ile Suiten of Turkey 11394kt:idea to put of the 7elarso.ha monastery men are stilV she rememhered the time when any on Ikt•W 1131ifonni 011 hiS t10011S, Ana not in- letried, as it. were, alive, without futurejwould have been hoented who carried on ga It is tieitled that in eununer the man= con.raludop save that of equally embittered" A single, coarse cotton one was often European militery eritiee aesert that tit; f , themv,with :lite 1.V01411. Inc grackles. tei 0118t0MerS, pr in a private home to be, i g, they toss the dried taktat ma moth the carriage and held over! 4 Fr'll'it attuY eintla be in"bilized ‘t"'" smst Ito currlanntsn,lithete'awck"als wii-o gather beaeatie the heads of the ladies as they get in or. :PO , p p y _tam env ;1st mew:a tot, aree byge atgf .1,cuzu of in aline And supplite %%lint(' bemuch superior, , theSe ate. almost the only hying thinos they umbrellas in tho otreets Were exposed to Waktio-nlencr znarroofrsa !feats load 7 eir•MoOrtl Q, Wals•-%11 me rhall iw UMW tirAt of the Russinn army lives. The chanta tvitveller ;done c amects" kept in a coffee house to lie kat out to ZA•131U111. th0UIth thy Litter's equipment tile Me* lett for VW (Ian 4101d of brend • out t, but 107 TqltIly 3."ed.10 there W110 11,141 le.10 tLe'llwilleN lilelb I vat limPS k l P447.r2.14onaZ ast"le Irina Ow questom of tighting qualities see. Many are monks disgraeed b}:* clime, the 1118111t3 of the mob, and to the persis• trnitittra.. %sloop, #3aertgi. 110044 .tent an . , • . anti What IsN;uder, tootint a , nue are =Week' d er vy natural animosity of the tatets:41-oluel strody=u, 6 Mr1(406tIllM7' and eenerelAtip SRA:, bill. P.O.Sherips te.ken. zieelleererearisl. 1 At the opera hence in Piacenza, Italy, a or idiots': Few so Ider seams can be witness. hackney eoechmen, who bespattered. them hi Cup Oa! a 8.•;,k ant FRU., lieeaei tee leieer t 'nor WW1 1 if,Wleat down by the oilleial elimte NI than that of a .mass ;mug iu the -chapel of with rand and lashed them Jurieusly. Withi .. 'W. le' -;:le 'ex e 0.• 'Tame -mouth, N. sc at the histigation of the manager. Inaile- Marsala, where John of Ihnuascus (441e0 • their whips, Nit the manifest eonven- tome re,:eipts hultenel the manager to resort the minister of a Moslem, Khalif) sleeps 'hi mice of the new faelihm secured its mate trhunph, oriel before the eloso of the century umbrellas had passed into general use, • , to this meaettre ea the only way of breaking the odour of einentity. ; his eeintract with the singer. A Mother's Instinct. p - • • 1 • LTho lateit ear that its area is 3,047.12 square kilo- From Malaga comes the following tomb. - et MO readIns. Teutimentala from all • metres, or quite a good-sized country, larger ing story :—A saint time ago a little girl of A Blaok Oloud Cameo Midnight Darkness. mew wardereisrrnrsti, Peas learnedI . • . pres lone maps. seven was seized with a sudden illness, and, Parte of Cie Blot". PflRu3ctu334W ' than it has been made out by-' Inez 14".11 On 5.1.0n3:intl to Pia. 0 ,,,,„A remarkable phenomenon was witnessed a. leilesue, 237 ifittis ACC Now l'orit. i -1,11e error came:about through incorreettrien- after a few hours intense suffering died. ughttion in the Hungarian survey. The doctors, who had vaulty tried to save at Petereburg, Va., the other morning, at the chihrs life, now as futilely sought to about 8 o'clock, the like of which has eever She—Richard, this eveulil be a good time The chimney sweepers of Vienna have persuade the distracted mother that her been sem before by the oldest inlinbitunts. 'to e.:,et ma's cement. struek for an increase of wags. They are little girl was really dead. In spite af their About the hour indicated an angry looking lie—Why t Is he in a partieularlygo oil, described as the most wretthedly paid meu ase tl tl aloud pessed overhere, enveloping tho whole bunter t in the town. Their monthly pay has been 'nom:es to le eoutrary, te poor woman, with tears and sobs, protested that she was city in midnight darkness for about ten min- She—On the eonteahy, he is very . angry about 14 florins, or 26 shillings, and they sure her dui' • 1 • inand. utes. Lamps and gas had to be lighted in nig mas on j a trance, • • lever my dreessuaker s lal s an wouldare almost entirely dependent on tps. P P to te to see gladly be rid of me. KENDALL'S SPANN CURE would soon *onus to life again ; and no PURRS; STRONCESTp CO NTAI ns NO ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME. PHOSPHATES, Of ant 10jUri,V,13 coff. QILLETT, keen ef ttet:44/.11e=11C7.1111711A 77.s Mit TUE EXETER TIMES. Is publithed elf ,ry Tbrissiley BOOM ag.at TIMES STEAM PIUNTINO HOUSE gein-streetatearly opposite Fitton's irewelery ezete,Beeter,,,tinteby John White 4b Sene,flo- vrietore. 44144 or ARV4Il7701140 : Firs tin scram , per lige . SO coati catch eubsecoreatinsertiouater line tints. a, luta eat 'Ater then tve4usaday morning To hour. sasertion. seiverthetneate *koala our,t0h PRINTINet DZPARTIEENTIs 040 tea largess mail best equipped 3u the tlouut, t Huron. *reek entrusted to us will rooter er prompt attentiou. •••••••••••• Deeistosis Itegardlug Now** papers. Any portent whotekeee paperreRuistlyfrsza ue post-oalee, whether directed In ble um* er snethere. or whether be hes subscribed or neli is responsible tor payment. # g lt A person orders tea paper Illacoritineed tie sou et pay all n :rears or the pUbliiber uts.y souttnise to send ii/ until the nalmeut ;s made, ;cud then eolleet the whole seuouut.'irbeilser rite impar is ta igen trout tee °ince or not. a in imitator eabseriptione, MA Snit may be astituted lutlie plate where the Vallee is Pub. jewel, alteenee the subscriber cosy re5140 bendrilt, i.t milers (may. 4 re' 0 e;euete have decided that refusing to .4.11' to ,eepapere or pexiedicalstrocn the post- Jff ;re , e.r mem lug and leavIii g theta metalled or 15 mum peek evidence of i utentional frau The Most Successful Ilan:yds- aver disone toad, as it is certain 141 115 CITO8tS and does not blister. Bead proof below. A Ruesian inventor has a new smokeless entreaties could iuducelier to giea hor cm. about in their houses. Many people, were , a .A. Paris court has just refused to break gunpowder, eaid to exceed in power any ex. sent to the interment of the body. At frightened. by the strange and peculiar itp-i orrice or CkAntrs A. Snots, -the wills of Baron and Ilaronees de Marters, helixes vet invented for nms The Govern- last thoroughly worn out with grief and pearance of the cloud which came from thel cesvitherin Xiie.T AND 21:01•21.10 neer. metes. lin ezmn or Etaivrooe, DA., Nov. 241, Ism B. 4 Ifsntratr,C,o. -the latter an American who. after having tame is `constructing immense new works for excitement, she lay down to taken little rest, west, aat ra% a a 600 east. Y spent some time in lunatic asylums, became the manufacture of the powder, and the M.- and, as soon as she had fallen asleep, the. tile people were terribly frightened and spiritualists, and failing under the influence venter has been taken into the service. relatives took advantage of the opportunitytolthose who were out in the fields at work hest - of a notorious medium and her son left them remove the child to the cemetery ; just aslened to their bowies, The cloud also pass - all their propertv. The next of kin charged In Vienna, four workingmen found a bottle they were about to put the little coffin into' :ad over Burkeeille, about sixty miles west, the medium midi undue influence and with labelled " rum " and drank the contents. theor • themother• up,1where the darkness was as great as it was came running laving poisoned the testators. When too late it was discovered that the screa•-•main'ge like a maa woman, " I here with nitro-gIyeerine. One of the men died back my child ! Give me back my Dolores l" Give me " ilTh1.4:$ Prnatero.—Cook in two quarts of bottle, instead cif containing spirit, Was filled of iramediately, and the others are in a hope- They feared that if they did not comply -milk, eight medium tablespoonfuls of Indian =eat for one hour; then add me cup with her request silo would really lose her -.enolasses, one teaspoonful of mu/lemon, one and one-half teaspoonfuls of salt, one cup of .sugar beaten with four eggs, one tablespoon - u1 of butter. Bake one hour. It is excellent baked several hours in an earthen pudding dish. Raisins may be added if liked, 058 eon reason, arid eventually she had her will, Upon the death of the Italian prince Ama- and the coffin was carried back te the house, deus, the lottery offices in Vienna were be- and the mother laid the body again 011 its sieged with tickets bearing the number 47, little bed, and watched. it as she had done which, according to the lottery dictionary, before. Wonderful to relate, in a few hours signifies "death of a prince ;" 47 came out some slight signs of life were observed ! The Russia has demanded of the (-toyer/unmet and the players won several millions of florin/3 doctors were called hack, the proper mos - .of Bulgaria the payment of 3,000,000 roubles, from the imperial treasury. sures were taken, and the child was even - arrears of money due on account of the Rus' The Central Shoo Blacking Institute has tually completely restored. The mother siert occupation during 1S78 and 1s79. The opened its doors in Berlin. It undertakes had been right ; the death -like appearance, demand is in part relatecl to the oonsolid- to clean boots and shoes for its clients as which had completely deceived even the Olen under one ,„eovernment of Bulgaria and, often as required between 6 a.m.-and 9 p.m. physicians, was due merely to a trance. Eastern Roumetia. By the treaty of Berlin, I for monthly payments at the rate of fifty , July, 1878, it was provided that Rassict,l, cents a month for men and thirty-five cents ' A City in the Sea, whose armies had just conquered for these' for women. Half rates are given wheu sev- at h bottomthe -countries their freedom from the Ottoman dominion, should maintains military occupa- tion of Eastern Roumelia for nine months. he object of this was to guarantee the tran- show that in 1888 there were I8,508 Pest from the south, and on the day the wonder- quility of the country, it being apprehended with 10,016 telegraph ful sight was -witnessed, it amounted to little that between the Turkish authorities left in °face ill Germane', 92,288 officialis of all grades ; less than a hurricane. The waters were partial control and the long oppressed popu- 3,,aea'' and ;:).-2,6),807,950 pieces of mail were handled, pushed away from the shore in great moun- lation, inspired by their partial freedom, --,1-5,167 telegrams were sent. The money teens, uncovering a portion of ground usual- . there would be murderous conflicts if the orders of all offices in the country amounted V hidden from sight by the waters. It was conquering armies wore withdrawn before to 1,088,062,416 marks. at this tuna that the ruins of the city of the x•espective elements had accustomecli Regamuende, once a flourishing commercial themselves to their new relations, As is mud Dom Pedro latay went to Cannes to in- centre, but swallowed up.by the Baltic be - in such cases, the expense of maintaining' spect its militarnfortifications, land entrance tereen five and six centuries ago, was reveal - the troops was to be assessed. upon tie pro- • was at first refused by the sentinel at the el to the startled watchers in the lighthouse vinee. Russia has never pressed this debt, I gate ; but when the soldier learned who he near the shore. The unusual spectacle was but demands the arrears uow, apparently, Rader e gime of irritation. I ed to pass in. Afterward the sentinel was was the bayonet was lifted and he was allow- enjoyed only for a short time, when the storm abated and the waves returned, and I'lle Waterous Engine Works Co. of Brant.' severely punished by the coxnmanding officer again hid from view what had once been the lord have just completed for Duncan McCor-4on the ground that the French republic did abode of busy men and women. .l not recognize ex -emperors, and cared to - c , Ina& of Montreal, at Casselman, Ont„ eral members of one family subecribe. 1 toward the end of November, near Trepton, The recently published statistics of the on the shores of the Baltic. For a week or Imperial German Post Office Department ten days a powerful wind had been blowing of the most complete seetr mille in Eastern have no monarchs prowling about its forts. I Expenditure on Railways. Ontario. It cements of a 70 horse power en- I A Government officer in whom the'Grand ' A despatch from Ottawa says :—The gine, two large boilers, circular saw irons) 'Mike Vladimir of Russia placed. such high amounts spent by the Dominion in each vrith MA:gored carriage, consisting of five log confidence as to permit him to have all the seats with rope feed, heavy three saw double , handling of funds raised by voluntary sub- proviuce, including the Intereoloniel branch- es 41 extensions, but not main line, as eclarer, double trimmers, swing saw, friction scription for the erection of a large church origiirally constructed, are as follows: bul1wheel, shingle machine, combined planer , on the spot where the late Emperor was as- Quebec, including purchase of the River Du and matcher, sawdust carrier, live rolls, &c. sassinated, has mismanaged the trust to the Loup branch, $5,520,323 ; New Brunswick, Their men are now at work constructing a similar Mill atIachute, Quebec, for Messrs..the Grand Duke and one of his brothers have extent of a quarter of a million dollars, and $3,371,854 ; Nova Scotia, $7,821,070. A McGibbon & Co., which will be started in a made the amount good from their private return brought clown shows the expenditure on railways in each province of Canada ex - few days. In both of these mills can be seen verses, cepting the C. P. R. inain line and the Sault at work their new friction grip pulley, which ,' is sufficiently strong to stop and start with; H r. T en i (ply]. 'lle, the hero of a cause ce ebre i branch to be as follows : Ontario, $3,061,9053 ease the heaviest circular or gang mill with- ! haS t jus le ..at G.fvaitiz rl ' ' Quebec, $2,428,344 ; New Brunswick, $888a Oil .0 .8, 8.,11 From y pi ung her own ,ell,;,Naa Scotia, $20,138; British Columbia, oat stopping the power. This pulley will be He InUrd lds e b a precipice m the Order Mountains. He 1i a'ahea" • . a great accpus tion to mill men ancl from its is sure to lieve al pretend ea that the affair was an accident, "Uncle Josh (from Wayback Junction, in strength and effectiveness was allowed to return to England, of in large dry goods emporium, to floor large sale, We would advise anyone trou- and bled with the old style of friction clutch pa - .Subsequently damagiog evidence was discov- walker)—"I beds in 'em, at the other end of the j which country he was a naturalized citizen. "1 se.y, mister, is them rooms with ley, or whoedesires to stop and start heavy end against him, and after a great legal store, fer the clerks ter sleep in 1" Floor - machinery withoiit ititerference with the surrendered to the walker—" No, sir, theyarciootfor the clerks. power, to write them for information, Their contest, he was BballY Austrian authorities in 1876, tried, and They are for out-of-town people eraiting for fr" • ) ttechecl to old pulleys as The Vooal Quality of His Musical Wife. A lady was singing at a concert and her voieci was, to say the least, very thin in places. "Ah," said her husband, who, after the manner of husbands who have musical wives, thought her vocal. powers were great. "Whet a fine voice she has l" "Very fine," replied a strange man at his side. "What timbre 1" continued the husband. "Considerable timber," responded the stranger again, "but too many cracks in it for weather -boarding and not quite enough for a poling fence.' The husband remained silent during the concluding portions of the entertainment. Smarter than a Nam. "Yes," said old Mr. Jones, " the doctors are getting mighty smart nowadays; why they've got iustrumeuts and things made so that they can see clean through you." • " Humph," replied old Mrs. Jones, " I don't see anything smart in that. I've been married to you thirty years, but I saw through ,you two weeks after we were married.' Mr. Jones rubbed his bald. head for a moment, then thoughtfully resumed his reading. One of the greatest of all no ental pleasures is to have our thoughts often divined; even entered into with sympathy. --(Landon. Typhoid fever handle is becomiug so widespread that it is ea much feared as Choler/a and a Government commission has been appointed to investigate it. CoememPtionneo. —Two cups of sifted pas- try flour, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder, one-half teaspoonful of salt, three-fourths cup of sugar; mix these ingredients well together. Beat one egg well, add one table- spoonful of butter melted and one-half cue. of sweet --ilk Pour the -wet ingteelients in to the dry and mis well. Bake in plates ea soon as mixed in an oven as hot as possibl without danger of scorching. The plate; should be well buttered and floured, and tht batter should be an inch thick. Serve wits a lemon saw*. Boil two clips of hot wate and one cup of sugar together five minutes, then add three heaping teaspoonfuls of corn starch wet with a little cold water. 00011 tlis eight or ten minutes and acid th,e °rated rind. C PFAR SON 8( Co "1.--• and juice of a lemon, also one ta lespoouful • • ' -• • - of bu tter, Stir until the butter is melted (-^‘ h servo at once. 1 v lei a well as gripaow, isentenced to imprisonment for life. their change, ' • near e: I have alwaypurchased Water doll% In Curo by the ball dozen. , 1 would •*1 prim Miarger quantity. 1 4 1t 10 one (AM, beetliniments on caret, limy° used 11 ea my stables for twee years. Tours truiy, Cuss. L SN-NOW2. KRUM'S MIN CURE a miteonr.eie N.Y., November 2, WS. Mt. n. X. lifinokla. CO. Dear BIM :1 dediee togIve,„rou testirsonlnl of ray tteocl opinion of your Kendall's amerin Cure. 1 hare ft for Lameness, Stiff Joints !slid l5pavlus, sad 1 have found 1111 sure cure, 1 coral - a y recommend it to allborsemen. Yours truly. A. S. GIUnosr, Manager Troy Laundry stables. KENDALL'S SPAM CURE. BART, weetos COUNT; 0010, Dec. 19, ltS1. . Xreem11. Co. Ciente I feel it my duty to se With your ICendall's Bparin ronty-fivo horses that bad Meg eee, nine toted r $ecdyMr, ea 0104 boelnn dire loste eaao Yotn what.' have dew a. vh,iiirtessurt 110,1 :save Atter ANDIeRm Th -lean, Deecor. KENDALL'S SPAM q0RE. Prtco 01 PEgr bottle, or 31x bottles for 01., 'elate ekes have it or can get it tor you.. or it will. kort to tow address on receipt of lagiee by the pro,,',19, tors. 1434114. J. Hanot ereoebereti Fm,'), SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ttkasoi t:,1bX r4V:0 * tewt thatiolapar Werfant•4100 SOLID 00)5 Inlittincc. Botb UMW lead pat C with weeks sod ens* nisei velum Osx rcksosts. ICI( locailly tau efiXte free, soother orlfa our luso aad aaluablaitairoritatuaraeld ateteles..,TbRIA Settit1 04 Wei enatto 1e to atnneRveshir 're renh.ds"ionfrnfleh'int,111 7.-k/olet friends aftetneiebbersind then Amnion -4y. 4 walla in raluable armee foruhatalab bolds (ova...sr...I, Aida& and Ono wa aft made. 'WU pay all empoos, Of, o. Mtn you ttiorr if you nsold Me to go to werk a,. thy's NM 4,411% from 00Co0 ear weak and upwada. Addwat, Bttosota rx.31.4. Portiestd.odaine. KANSAS, TEXAS, OKLAHOMA COLORADO, UTAH, NEW MEXICO CALIF° R NIA, ARIZONA, OREGON, .And all points west of the Miasma. Rive via the Santa Fe Routo FROM CHICAGO. For particilars and tiektees ire your eared, ticket agent, or address GEO. E. GILMAN, Pas/wager Agent, 74 Gratwold at, Detroit, Mich 411EO. T. NICHOLSON, General Paso. end Ticket Agent Topeka, Kansas. Cordsm10"'" R1MITL NOE tb • UNE 1/21.11.N. TILn to. uccriptiro ealialega containing testimonials from heedreas of people el, Wee sawed from 6 to write dally.4,6110 TIONT tittbeeil fully need. Imlay me be where there le a vaaancy. RINNIr0188 for deg Semi sent free tvitla each :0 0: the we of tale tool everybody 0410 1144 tbeir etva /tape sr and do It better than the greatest Q550$,sas ta out it. Adsoted to all eress-cut ole who 0W112 41 f2.2tt should 114144 004. No tliky tut pan no nutonteotueetin 8:4o. Ask y,oar dealer Cr write POILDIDIU SAW1.14 el IA- 0141NE 00., 5041 to 811 S. Came St, Obleage, ?field corm ON FOR WAY MILES moo 10.1 15 r lit 10 • ISEOT Tel- • EE , 41000 4144 In w the World. Our sob004014 unequaled, and to introduce our • superior goods we win sender:OH to 0110 040104 In each loatility, am abot‘e. Only titOle vd50 errite to no et 00244 001 :Indio Burn of the *hence. Allyou how, to do in 10002 11 to ,bow our goo4 those who eiill-^vour neighbors tusd.theaa arouna you, • Thu be. • . sinning of this adreethenneet • sheen 144, 410143 end of the tole- , scope. The .4 rtr the appearance of lt reduced to .• • • about the flftleth 41441 0+ itshullt. 'It is a gond, double oleo tele. Beebe, es large MI ilaasy to carry. WO t 41 44 ileo8410100011 110,1il yaw • 12001410110 from 00 to 0111n day at lees!, from the start,with. out experience. Belitur *rite at cam Walley Ali °upset,' charges. Addrees, HAIALLErr &Co., Bur 880, Pour:AND, MAINS. FREE?. !. 18 RAND. LOVE STORIES, 8, package of goods words two anthers to manufaoture, and a largo 100p Picture Book, that will suro/y put on tho road. to e, handsome *03.19.01 41. Of` quick, and send Seenvoi!, to help pay tago. Mention thin paper, A. W. ilt/INNINV, linatownench, 'Pi,