HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-3-6, Page 1AND HURON & 'MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET TgE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY NAY." VOL. XVII. NO. 21. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 6, 1890 JOHN WHITE & SONS :Publishers and pxoprietors liEGA,14 The IVIolsons Bank .a. DICKSON, Darriater, Soli. of eupreme Coorteelote,ryPublic BO sjiliatnielidoueratot MOUSY to Olfreein b'�."0 Block.Exezer RIL 00,11LINS, Burister, Solicitor, Duman?, Etc., ONT, Officenennwell'aBlock, fialreold office.) ELLIOT & ELLIOT, Buristers, Solicitors, Notaries Convoyameers &o, &o. tfoney to Loan at Lowest Beteg of lutereet. OFFICE, .LU STREET, 'EXE•=11* B. V. T, Ennlen, ".• stEliTAL. 1.1L. BILLINGS, =asxsTwxem. Fk1.10 E ; *ye, OWEILIS Bata; Nitrous Oxide Gas for Unless Extraetien. TT ZI.NSUAN,DENTIST.L.D.S ."1".• tirtutweWs Sleek, Matu.st.Exeter• Extracts Teeth witboutpetni be giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold Pilings and all other dental work ate beat poesible. Goe Zuraen onlestTbursdeyiu (leak month; (CHARTED.= BY Pa 0,LIAXENT,1855) Paid up 0 apt tat ne.000,fel BestFund Leone ffeedinffice. efoutreal. P. WO RST TROneAS.Eee.. Ogneeeeddatotona 20 branc h ofecesin the eteminion. Agencle in the Donainion,11.8.A.and Europe. Exeter Branon, Open every lawful day. f rote 10 a, m, to 3 p.m SATUR1MYS,10 a.m.to p.m, 4Poreent.ner annum allowedformorm 00 Dotterel fleeetpts B. II. ARCHER Manager. cl-O Wen— Goldsmith Hall! neeseenn0 eg-ennerletseneas WATCHES,— °LOOKS,— JEWELRY. — SILVERWARE,— —AND SPECTA.CreES UNEQUALLED VALUE. niiirPersenelattention given to repairing of Rah:hemlocks midi moire': C. REICEEENBACIEE, Opposite Post Office, PARKHILL MEDICAL '1"„ W. littOWNENO M, D. M. 0 ur • P.t4 en re dilate ot °eta!, ni veysity.0 al co enthrosidencentou.plouleterovatoxv 'Exeter R. IIYNDMA.N, coroner for the -••• County of Huron. Office, opposite Zr. Oarling'a Bore, Exeter. TALL J. A..ItOLLINto, M.O. P.S O. Oince, Maio Seeentoter.Ontilosiden cehounereeently °templed by P •MoPlullips, Req. F. CUTTEN, M. D., C. Id., Geminate Trinity 'Univereity, Tor- ot Trill. Med. school. Toronto I Grad. An. t.. Orenlotogy ; Member N. Y. Acad. Anthr alogy; eternbor 001. P. So Ont.— claim Dashwood. Ont. A.UCTIONEERS. /Mt 103 ENItY EILBER, Licensed Auo- i•louosr for litty,Stephon, uu a.mostot- ownshirs. fialeseopdnetcliatinederate Inane —At Poe nobeno ,Orediton ,Out TOElt GILL, Auctioneer for the tJ Townahips of Stephen, Hey and Usborno rend the Village of Exeter. All steles promptly intended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arrau ged at this office. TETERIN.A.RY. Tennent & Tennent VETERINARY SURGEONS, adiza,tes of the Ontario Veterinary College Orman : Ono door South of Town alai. MONEY TO LOAN. Pt/fONE TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6i I percent, S21.000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L.B.DeCKSON, Barvister, Ex eter, INSURANCE . rpHE LONDON MUTUAL FIRE INSURANOE COMPANY OF CAN ADA. Head Moe, London. Ont. After 30 years of successful business, still continues to offer the owners of farm property and private residences, either on buildings or eantents.the most favorable protection in case • of loss or damage by fire or lightnine. at rates upon such liberal terms. that no other respect- ablecompany can afford to write. 42,243 pont cies in foree le tJan ,1889. Assets 87$20964$ in eash in bank. Government depost. Deben- tures and Premium Notes. JAMES GRANT, President ; D. 0. Mo DotteeD.Manager • DAVID SAMIns, Agent for Exeter andvioinity. T'11.51:11:1,1BAiro°o, UM TUAL I as, Establishedin 1863. )11EAD OFFICE •• WATERLOO,ONT. This comr,any has been over Eighteen ears intueoessful operation in Weitern on- ario,and.rontinues to insure againstioss or ammo by 8ire auildings,Aterettandise,Man- factories,and ill otherdesoriptionsoflinsur- ble property. Entending insurers bavothe ptionofinsuringon the Premium Note or Caen System During the pastten. years this Company has issued 57,096 Policies , cover in p properb' • o thesenountof ee0,872,088 mndpaidinioss- es elerte$700,7t2,00 AssetS, 81113,1.00.00,consisting o dash clank, GoverninentDeposit ,an d the nnase- seedi'remiumNotesonhandandintoree. J W WaiM D Pr aside:. t . 0 . ed . TAYLOR, Secretary. J.B ECruncuo,Itispector. CHAS; NELI, &gentler Exeterandvicinitv, CENTRAL arber Shoo, •FANSON'S BLOCK. A. Hastings, Prop ;11 Saving and Hair cutting in the latest style of the art; • Every ettentio paid to cutting. Ladies and Children' s Hair. Eyes Tested FREE —By -- A. S •;NITTRR.A.Y, Praotical Optician, Graduate Oto School N.Y. Eyes tested ; defectivesight vestoredby the aid of tine gletsers. Large essortment of the finestglasees on hand. Artallsolicited. anelernean-Aege .GO nereernsTenets-s-ser London. Th HflRollor Now IN Fur L OPERATION GRISTING AND CHOPPING ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. The best grades of Roller flour wholesale and retnii. SHORTS, BRAN AND ALL KINDS OF FEED ALWAYS ON HAND Cook & Reith Props. Hensall, Oct. 13th, 1880. 4.11•11.M.,1••••••••••••••.11.1.•0111W ..1.11••••••••••••••=r4/1 ONEY FOR ALL. WANTED—A good energetic man, or men, to sell our Fruit Trees, Rogue, Shrubs. erne - mentals, oto. Permanent employment. Write at once for terms, and secure choice of territory. We sell only first-olass stock- hand- some outfit free. Address MAY BROTHERS, Nursoymen , Rochester, N. Y. -8th Nov, 21 SEA.LED rENDE EIS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed 'Tender for Not Water Heating Apptimtus, Goderloh, Ont.,' will be received until Mondaye_Marth 20h next, for the construction of a Hot Water Heating Apparatus at tho Goderioh, Ont. Post Office, stei- Building. Plans and specifications can bb seen and forms of toncler and all necessary information obtained at this Department and at the Clerk of the Works Office, G.oderieb., Ont, after Mon- day,24th inst. Persons tendering aro notified that tenders will not be considered unless made on the form supplied, and signed with itheie actual :snout - tures. Each tendermust be accompanied by an ac- cepted bank ohequo, made payable to the Hon orablo the Minister of Public Works. equal to flvo per cent. of the amount of tbe tender, which will be forfeited if the party decline to enter into a contract when leaned upon to do so, or if he fail to ()omelet° the work contract- ed for. If the tender bo not accepted the cheque will be return ed. Tho Department will not be bound to accept the lowest orany tender. • By order A. GOBEIL. Secretary Demi rtmentofPublie Works Ottawe.21 st Firb'y 1800. QEALEDTENDERS addresaed to le, the undersigned and endorsed "Tender for Hot Water Heating Apparatus. IStrathroy. Ont." will be reoeived until Monday, March 10 next, for tthe construction of a Hot Water Heating Apparatus, at the Strathroy. Ont. Post Office tesienulldine. Plans and specifications cran be seen and form of tender and all necessary information obtained at this Department and at the elerklof the Works office. Strathroy, Ont., after Mon- day 24th inst. • Persons tendering are notified that tenders will not bo considered unless made on the printed forms supplied, and signed with their aotual denaturee. Each tender MUSE be actoompanied by an ac- cepted bank ohequo, made payable to the order of the:Honorable the In i onter of Public Works emial to five per cent. of the amount of tender whieh will bo forfeited if the party decline to enter into a con ti act when calledupon to do so orif he fail to eomPlete the work contracted for. If the tender bo not accepted the cheque will beereturned. Tbe Department will not bo bound to aceept the lowest or any tender. By order AJGOBEIL, • Sweeten' Department of Public 1Vol ks, Ottawa, 21st Feby, REMEMBER That we have removed our groceries from the hardware store and now ooeupy the rear end of the Drygoods Department TIM STOOK WILL BE REPT Well Assorted And values gecond to none. %loots $34.1)00 This line will be carried on as heretofore and our stock —OP— Mons', Woraens', Bays', Youths' and Children Are excellent value, Come and zee. BRUMPTON .BROS. Hensall The Oanadian-bred trotting stallion Amber he Clear Grit, formerly owned by Mr. piney, of 11 autford, Manes at the bighorn fee of any of the stallions owned by tho flflfau Government, wbich pale e3.e00 for him in Ger- many last year. -1x. Amber ie. owned by elr. et Murderers, of Hensel,. Is eon of Amber, and is onoof the beat stallions in Canada He will stand at Murdock's stables duties tbe incosa- Ing season Licele—em Bun:Ye—Mr. Robert debustou, of Toren: to ie in the village an a visg,—The Lecture in the Methodist Church ou Thursday evg. last was very poorly attended. --11r A. Weso lob, will neove into the house vacated by Mr I?.yre.—Mr. John. Mitchell le enlarging his dwelling houee.—Wo have this week to an- nounce the death of Mrs. David bengal, of Usborne, which stud event tock place on Monday, 8rd lust, sho having regained the age of 62 years. Cause of death, general weakening of tithe system. Deceased was born in Perthshire, Scotland, in the year 1828, emigrated to Canada in 1856, and was :named to Ur. Dougal in 1866, Mr. Dougal has our sincere sympathy in his and bereave ment.—Mrs. B Coed who has been attend-. ing her sister in Wingbamedunng her ill- ness has returned home,—Mr Henry Eyre has sold his house ia the village, to his son John, and gone to live on Iris farm at Chisel hurst—Mr John:Coulter is visiting friends at Milvelton.—Myers Bros. butchers have moved into their new shop.—Mr Fred Ingram and wife, and Ins brother Tod, left hero on Friday last for Vancouver, B 0,— The regular meeting of the YPMI Asso: elation was held on Monday avg., the chief attraction of the evening was a debate on the Subject "Resolved that City life is pre. ferable to Country life" The affirmative was led by Mr Jas. Gilehristaapported by Messrs Wm. Elder and James. A Bell and the neg- ative by Mr Donald Burns supported by Messrs H Reynolds and J 0. Stoneman. Messrs J Murray, J Wood and L Herold were appointed referees and gave their de - wren in favor of tbe negative.—Rev J 0 Tibb of Sarnia will give-eit lecture on "Four months in Gerrnany" under the auspices of the Y 2 M I Association ou Monday 17th— A. Public meeting of the Bible Society will be held in the Methodist Church when the agent of the Society Rev S G Livingstone of South Woodslee will address the meeting. —Mr and Mrs J 0 Stoneman have returned after spending a week with friends in Lambeth; Ontario, (From another source.) The tea meeting and entertainment in connection with St Paul s church, bare,. takes place this (Thursday) eve, A rare treat is in store for all who attend. Mr John Gould of the 4th con Hay, bas a yearling filly sired by "Golden Crown" for which he was offered 1$125, by au American .bayer, andnefusedit: The colt is a good one and a credit to its worthy sire. A meeting of the local Equal Rights' As- sociation was held an Tuesday evg, and • amongst other business adopted the princi- ples advanced by the Provincial Association in Toronto. The membership and enthu- siasm here are increasing. At tbe present time owing no doubt to the bad elate of tbe roads the markets are somewhat quiet, the prices current, being wheat 78 ; barley 36 to 420 ; oats 26 to 27o ; peas 52o ; hay $7; butter 14o ; eggs J2c. Mr Boutbron the assessor, on Monday completed his work for the township of Hay, concluding with Hensall. Mr B has been wry alert and is the first in this neighbor- hood, to finish, He must have occupied every available moment as Hay is a com- paratively large township. Mr Henry Donnelly of Forest, is ppm to handle "Tom Burke' this season. Mr D is "Victors" old driver, and in the manner in which be brought "Victor" to the front we may expect the same of "Tom Burke". Tom is a first class animal and as this is an "en" season for him We out look forward to something exceptional. • We understand that Mr 11 Reynolds, ex.. hotel•keeper, has purchased a property in Clinton, and will move to that town and engage in the livery business. Be has purchased a very valuable site opposite the Rattenbury hotel. We wish Mr R every SUWON. We noticed an item in last week's Zurich news. to the effect that a couple of young MOD of that plaoe bad been here painting the town. Hensall is pretty well painted already ; but, judging from the crimson appearance and condition of the men, we would imagine that the greater part of the paitt had been applied to themselves, so nitwit in fact that they were quite over come. Minard' lent curesGr'arget in Cows. A movement is on foot here for the estate liehment of a foundry and flax mill, At a meeting bold tbe other evening considerable stook was subscribed. These are needed industriee in this tem'. They will make a valuable acquisition to the already well established and live institatioue we now possess: Two planing Mills; grist mill; oeteneal mill; salt well; and pork pecking home, We have also several live grain buyers, who have handled more grain this season than the buyers in any of the much larger towns. MrE Bossenberry quits the hotel bus:beetle on the PM, and it as said, removes to Zurich to engage in the dove and tinware business with hie brother Olirlie. We wish Ed every enemies, at while here he bee proved himself to be a perfect gentlemen. r Coxworth, the former landlord takes ettenteinion of the betel. ldr 0 is remember. ed as having been au amiable caterer in gale line, and hie olebtinie hospitality has not waned in the leapt. Desnes—Mr hien Pope aUtIOU11098 smilers aide of Gents' Furoiellings, tweetle, ate, of the latt setylestald patterua in order to reduce his large stock prior to resolving enamor goods.—A Murdock ds Co. are dia. Posing of their Weir of hoots and sham— The anew etorta winch resulted in a pergola of aleigbiug, gladdened the hearts of many. —Several ear loads of horses and cattle were shipped from here this week„—Several eating men left for Manitoba on the exour- Mon whish left bore Tuesday. PERS0ItAre—Ur9 T Maraca and hire Hodgins of Leen, are the guests of him Murdock at the Manion House.—Mr Popo of Platteville, spent a few days nig; his brother John, here lest week —Miss A. Greybiel of Dash:wood, is the gueat of her sister Mrs Pope, -4r 0 AloDonell, has re- turned from hie visit south.—efr George We.eton, butcher, moved to Landon llouday where he will eugage in the wholesale botchering bueineas. We are sorry to lose Weaton, he was a valued eitizen.-4 sang service was held in the Methodist eltureli on Sunday evil lavt. Tha subject (Mogen for the discourse was "Heaven.' The service wag ably bandied by the pastor, Rev 3 S Cook. The emir remained some choice selections appropriate to the occasion. The church was retowded.—Mr 3I Roodding visited London on Monday, prospecting.— Mr D Thompsou, patuter, has gone to Totento, where be has secured a good situ- ation as eivn writer. Zonate..., Balm—mesas E ribil 0 Rosenberry have purchased the Stove and Tinware business of Id Zeller & Sou, and will lake postsseion shortly Mr, Homophony is discontinuing the botel business iu Hensell and will remove to Zurieb.—Mesars Zollerstake poesession ofHanpelitelegborn's atoro next Monday, and will continue buil- nese in the old steadier a tune.—A Happel moves to Berlin in May, where he will en. gage in the pork packing businese.-11r L Boilable left for Tilsonburg on Monday. Mr Bedding is an industrious young man and is highly respected bare. His many Wade were sorry to see him depart ; but are glad to heat that be has secured a lucrative poeition. Sumas Lou.—The wedding of aa estimable young couple is on dit for next week. Particulars later.—Mr Harrah bas returned from his visit to Cleve- land, Ohio —Mrs. L. Weber is ill. Town Hetr—The old town hall has been condemned and if something is not done immediately, the next court with Bit Henaall. Your Hen sail oorsespondent wrote as if it was altogether probable that the next court would sit in Hensall, however we are pleased to report that something is likely to be done immediately. The proba- bilities are that the old hall will be torn down and a splendid naw brick one erected on the old site. The township of Hay is well able to build a good hall, and the most central and tbe best place of course is at Zurich. &nom Rneonr.—The following is a cot- • root report of the pupils of the senior division, of the Zed& public school for the month of Februazy. The report is based on good conduct and general proficiency during the month ; Mien Bletisteet, test 3. LAtVA emtatied. Fifth Class—Rosa Bauch 475, Edith Steinbach 465. Fourth Senior—Lydia &ravager 489, Wm Johnson 467, Laura Williams 459, Wm Hese 436, John Giee 367, Emma Johnson 364, John Fabler 278. Junior Fourth—Horace Hardy 437, Alf Moritz 392, Annie Lippha. dt 336. Senior Third—Nettie Well 500, Ida Brill 481, Emelia Hess 475, Allis Johnson 459, Elie. Becker 436, David Cooper 427, Tillie Well 426, Edmund. Sippel 420, Samuel Faust 392, Tillie Johnson 384, Maggie Rummel 370, William Deretein 368, Wm Geiger 303, Lovina Prang 274, Wm Demuth 261, Milton Buchanan 237, Minnie Doan 236, Reuben Becker 232, Wesley Sohoellig 213, Clara Smith 45. Junior Third—Martha Strempfer 483, Mary Randall 392, Eddie Wenn 388, Sam Holtzman 367, Theo. Happel 353, Alfred Hideman 249, Noah Berthas 299, Annie Hess 282. JUNIOR DIVISION, Louise B ,HATICII TERMS. Part II—Hilda Strempfer 395, Mabel Hardy 831, Viet Johnson 328, Dan Koehler 313, Helma Koehler 291, Alf Pfaff 280, Maggie Zimmermann 281, AlbReithert 198, Arthur Kibler 195, Nettie Sararase$112, Nettie Demuth 105, R Cleghorn 98. Intermediate division will appear next week. The average attendance for the month was a fraction over 143. --San J LATTA, PrillOiptil. trucefield. 13nnrps— While three of our young ladies were driving out in the country and when going up a lane to visit some friends, they met with quite a misfortune, being thrown from the buggy.—We ere glad to repot t nothing serious occurxed beyond a few screeches. • Tine more care next time girls. —Our peaceful and quiet villege was dis- turbed last • Monday by six of Clinton's dudes, who had taken a little too much liquid stupidity end were trying to paint the town red. Such people- should stay at home until they know how trecouduct them- selves among people wh o are oivilized, Buidulph, Berizys—.Mr John Flrenagan, the Ormond- ing township treasurer Sind Division Wart Clerk bas been located in Nue. He was found and Induced to sign the necessary papers for an assignmene ; and accordingly hie snook of merchenuiftered landed properly will be sold in a few dame It is eenceded that Mr Flanagan took Item 42,040 to $3,000 in money with iii. • b 0 11 Wirta4e4Bee • Belnna—Me II Brown has conamenoed to mekti atigar. The *pro twattli0iY.-3,4r H se o* of St Thomea, atit *We days in Gila vieimity with friends get assek.—Mr 11 Brown le improving bit born by a new addition.—Mr Itiehardeeti is putting an ex. Lenitive annex to Isis house —There are several new buildings and additiona to ola onee announced for next auminer.—There are several weddinge on dit, one mileage% the number eeelielor Will. liflansharl Vitmenno Barg,s—A. very pleasant gather. iug aseernbled an Wednesday, the 19411 of February, at the home of Mr and Mrs C Switzer of Blanehard, the occasion being the marriage of their deugbter, Sarah H. to Alexander AlcDonali of ThaIlle$ Road, near Exeter. Some 9ei friende were present. The ceremony was performed by the Rev .1 Zenner of Kirkton, 4. veryelegant display of presents showed the marked eeteera wheals they are held, After the ceremony was over the company eat dorm to 8 very euraptuous repast, after wbiab several hours were spent in amusements. Payfietd, Bnogrs—Mios I, McLain of Goilerich has been visiting Wendel here.—Ort Wedneaclay evening last Dr Ceileitix delivered etre of Ida celebrated lectures in the blethollet church under the auspices of the Royal Templars' —Ura Afeseip, Bronson Line, has been staying 3m Hayfield for it week or so.—The fishermen have been buy putting up ice.— On Friday evening last the first carnival of the mums was lield in the rink. As the day was vary voila and the roads muddy the attendance was not as largo as would have been had the roads been better. The lee was firseciass and a goad nights skating en. joyed. The prize winners- were Messrs Jno Ferguson, 0 Dreeeer, 0 Marks and T Elliott'i Mises W Moorhouse,B Moorhonse, M Walivin, B Stauburry.—alise M Martin is having her place of Waimea handsomely grained and decorated by Peed .D Harrison. Dashwood. Brien —Last Friday several of the young folks sent the evening ata party held at .1r Fenwiolt's residence, They report having had a good time. —Some boys went out hunting last Saturday. They saw ecnue. thing but were too ranch exalted to shoot. They hope to do better next time, --Miss Litt of Sebringville, is the pest of her sister, Mrs Yaeger.—Messrs H Stanbus and W Ruby visited Slab Town this week.—Mr H Shroeder was at home on a visit last Sunday.—The Lutherans are having meet- ings every Wednesday forenoon at present. —in olden times the people need to say, "William the Conquerer," but in Dashwood, Henry conquered William.—The farmers are making good use of the little snow that bas fallen. 11 18 snows a little more Mr Coors yard will soon be filled with sawlogs. —There is some talk about a wedding in the near future. 11 18 comes true we will give particulars later. Stephen Council: members present. Minutes of last meeting read and signed. A deputation from Hay council with the object of settling np and comparing expen- diture on Lake road, Hay having expended :$283.62, Stephen expended 25754;1)but Stephen had a balance in its favor from last year sufficient to nearly balance Hay's ern penditure. loved that Stephen (Mandl Meet Mc- Gillivray council on Monday, 17th Metall as por request of McGillivray. After erabilisg the following orders the council adjourned to meet again on the first Monday in April when path masters, fence viewers, and pound keepers will be appoint- ed : Wm Lewis returning one Mitchel to his home, ig; Mrs Newcombe, ; G Brown error in dog tax and collecting a labor $4 ; W Mitchell, ; W Bossop, $5 ; T Kestlo, work 3rd s r $2 ; G Pollick, ditch and stone, $2 ; 11 Hedging, bridge 19th eon e2 ; A Mo - Gregor, work 3rd s r §2. 0. PROUTY, Clerk. Kirkton. A horse belonging to Mr W. Pearson be- came unmanageable in the vicinity of Woodham on Wednesday 26th alt and broke loose from the driver who fell backwards from the rig but escaped injury, The horse was oaptured at Woodham but made its escape and dashed full speed towards Kirkton where it was recaptured by Joseph Stepbens just as tne animal was dashing foremost to a youbg girl who happened to be passing by, others then came to the rescue and finally the beast was mastered and put in the stable, The roadoart to which it was hitclied was badly wrecked, the horse sustaining Severe injuries.--letr W. Stacey was away on a short visit to Detroit lately.—Mrs. Venters of La. peer, Mich., who has been visiting friends in the neighborhood left for home OD Term day last. accompanied by Mr. Walter Inazle wood.—Wm Kenner leinthe village on Sat. urday last for Bownaanville. Evart Ken • ner of that place is visiting his parents here —Mrs T Gilpin of Wiarton, who has been the guest oi Mrs. A. A. Doupe, returned home yesterday .—Itfrs , W. D. ISulmage left on Monday hist for the town of Bien - beim, called thither throtteh the soribus ill - noes of her father. • Remember that Ayer's Ornery Peat°, al km no equal as 2 sped& for colds, coughs, and all affeotions of the throat and lungs. For nearly half a century it has been in, greater demand than any other remedy for pulmonary complaints. All druggists litive it for Rale, • Children Cry for PitOher's Castorld Whalen. BRIEFS......At a recent meeting of the town line skate club, the boas skater in giving an exhibition of his skill in skating baek-ward came in ventage with a steeop and not get.. ting over it as gracefully as be would like be 1181 38 over again, this time he proved to his satisfaction thetthe ice was fully as hard as his need, And did not, try it again. Ile • then tiled to skate over ice too thin for ordinaryoaeof hieaskaratee. O ilbutbrcouzi broke 4sallrcntsbe ma alrst, poor winter for practice. St. .44(11748, floe late for last week.) Buiere—feeere Robert and Daniel Cinneron left on Monday last for Poet Huron to attend the funeral of their brother Peter Cameron, formerly of this town.— Frank Tuaker'e opera company entertained the people of St Marys on Monday and Tuesdey evening. The performance of bath eeeninge were very ainueiug.—The young people of the Methodist abash sa Hive aw M Home in their room on Friday evening of this week .--The Royal Teruplare of Temperaisoe have been holding temperanaa meetings bi the town hall for the past ten days.—Though tbe St Marys curlers were not successful 10 carrying off the tankard, they have succeeded its defeating almost every team they have played againet.—W Jones, milk dealer and farmer, of St Marys, has assigned with liabilities in the neighbor- hood of $2600.00.—Ssrnia and Seaforth outlets sdayed here on Tueeday, Sarnia winning by eleven shot& Hays following le the February report for this Monthly. report 'ISS No 2, Hay. Vie school. Names, are in order of merit, Fifth :—Ilinner Rune% Sen fourth i—Jao Campbell, Jas Campbell, Aggio Murray. Jun fourth e --Alf; ed MoTaggert, Ellen •Shirray, Chas Aldworth. 'Third t—Ju Leadman, Kate Chapman,A.ggie Shinny., Seu elsconde—Nellie O'Brien, Adlea Geuld, Annie Northoott, Jun,. steeled r—Alaud Russell, Ralph Chapman, Isaao Jackson, Second Pert t—ellie Northcott, Warren and Henry Bush equal.—Woodebeese://1 The recent frosts have it is feared done • serious damage to the fall wheat. --II 'es forced to ask every rooming what bee there Mr 13antliron 18 making his annual round.— are very popular just now, In fact one is is for fear of miasing oue,—Our assessor Happlo fex.reeve), dist ratite& his farm to Gould, Jeseph Nortlacott. First Part :— Sarah Northeott, Armor Todd, Willie Mr Holt, of Berne, for a term of years.— Mr Wm Wilson DAB purchased the farm of hfr Samuel Foster, of the Bronson lino. Mr Wilson purposes moving to his new abode next month. A. discussion on the evils of Intemperance and Tobacco will take plaoe in school house No 2, 2nd con Hay, on Friday evg, March 7th ; retiree a number of speakers are expected. 11..0••••••11 Clandehoye. BRIEPS.—Enere and checker parties are all the rage Veand here just now, some of our young fdiks are getting quite expert. If the checker players of this village would form into a club, they would be able to "down," anything in this vicinity.—A. number of farmers in this part of The country complain that the absence of snow this winter has caused the destruction of a lot of the fall wheat by heaving it out of the ground.—Quite a, number of our young people attended a lecture lasit week in Lucan entitlee, "Courtship and Marriage" by Rev. Dr. Henderson of Blyth, and as a result there are few weddings on the tapis. —Mr. Geo Porteous of Dakota is home visiting his parents of this place.—Mr JON. Weastell, plasterer, of the east end of the village is just recovering from It severe at- tack of the grip.—Mr. Forbes, relieving agent on the G. T. R., was in the village last week.—Mr. J. N. lilcIllhergey, chief operet9I, 14, 0 R. et Black 1104, was in town a few days last week,—Mr A. E Neil, G T R despatoher at Stretford, (. se.nt a few days here this wesie visiting his sister, Mrs B. Blackwell. - G Carter of Granton, formerly of this pipe is visiting her many friends and acquain- tances in this viciiiity.—J Hodgins of Den- field, is learning operating at the commer- • cial telegraph office of this place.—We are sorry ithat Mrs. J. Carter who has been ill for some time of la grippe is rapidly sink- ing and the doctors have given up hopes. "-- BRIEFS —Bethany tea meeting was held on Tuesday evening. the weather being e , rather unfavorable. Interesting Sermons were preached. on Sunday, in the morning by Rev. T. H. Dolma:rid at 6.80 by Rev. • 0. Fletcher. The Elimville Methodist choir furnished the music on Tuesday erg. —It was expected. Mr. Eyre, who lia,s pur- chased the Elimville store would have been • here on Feb 25th, but has not arrived yet. —It was thought early in the winter that very little building would be done next season owing to hard times, but building material being so chea,p that there is now • quite a stir. ---Mr. Ric:hard Hunter, jr., is preparing to build. a new barn with base- ments.—Mr. John Miners is drawing lerick • intending to raise on the Miners' estate.— Sidney1Wilson intends banding a brick basement. —Me. aeorge Heywood is pre- paring to build a basement under his be ii Mr. Isaac Johns also intends building .e basement under his barn. Besides these. several houses are to be tented 'a,nd col Ines built under them. Brick at $3.00 per M. . . seems to be quite an ettraction.—Tbe con- cert committee of -the 'Elitnyille $. S. are making arrangements for a grand concert next week. Instrumental mimic is to be furnished by the Exeter Harnionica Or- chestra, and vocal by the Exeter Glee Club - Good readings and reeitation. may also let expeeted. The date Will be made knoWll to the' public in good time ancleall will lu. heartily welcome. • YOtJ SAFE, n bnying Imperial Cream Tartar Eakin Powder. It is the purest, All grobere sell