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The Exeter Times, 1890-2-27, Page 7
A BOLD TAILOR'S JOURNEY. CHASED BX A SAD BULL Fact Being Poor, lie Coes From Vienna to Paris 'General Itra naftethorl►e Didn't Reveal Ilia asiereise t, a. O.9. Identity. 'WORTH knowing is that blood dl's- y y eases which all other remedies fail to cure, yield to Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Fresh. confirma- tion of this state* meat comes to hand daily. Even sue h deep-seated and stubborn com- plaints as Rhea, lnatism, Rlrenma- tic Gout, and the like, arc thorough- ly eradicated by the use oftills won* derful alterative. Mrs. R. Irving; Dodge, 110 West sias`''� ` 125th street, New York, certifies:— " ertifies:—" About two years ago, after suffering for nearly two years from rhenmatio gout, being able to walk only with great discomfort, and having, tried Tarots z les, including mineral waters, wi relief, I saw by au advertise- •a r had payer Oat a ma . Chicago a ma e 1aCl g l •tr, com- plaint, F eS91tt i, nt ei� love of this distressing pllaaiint,. afterlong sufreriag, by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, I then (Melded to make a trial of this medicine, and took it regularly for eight months. I ata pleased to say that it effected a emu - Vete cure, and that I have since bad no retarn of the disease." Mrs. L. A. Stark, Nashua, N. if, writes; "One year ago I was taken with rheumatis)n, being confined to my house six lnonths. I came out of the sickness ver much debilitated, with no appetite, and my system disordered in every way. I conuflenced to use Ayer's Sarsaparilla and began to improve at oaoe, gaining in strength and, seen re- covering my usual health. I cannot say too much In praise of '«Lis well-kuown medicine." "I have taken a great deal of meals eine, but nothing has done ma so much good as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I felt its beneficial effects before I had quite finished one bottle, and I can .Freely testify that it is the best blood - medicine I know of."—L. W. Ward, Sr., Woodland, Texas. Ayer's $arsaparllla, rR1t1' RED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. lake l; s!xbottles,g5. Worth $SaVans. MEN AND, WOMEN, t To my Namesake, an English Nora. It seems to me a Nora should be dark The Bicho of Rochester addressing the 0£ k' b th t f ' 1 e fair; S ln; ut Ult al' air and y ry students of the Royal Female School of Art 'Thine eyes are blue as skies when England's :s in London, on the occasion of the annual lark 1 A despatch from Paris says:—Last Thurs- i General Bumblethorpe is certainly a big prize giving, remarked ; "I alu struck with Soars heavenward, sun -kissed like thy gol- ciay. morning at 5 o'clock the, Orient ex},rens man—big in stature and bigger still in leis the lovely taste displayed ani your hats, they den hair. train arrived as usual in the Garo de I Est, own conceit, brimming over, as he constant- are so quiet and ladylike.' That pleased the and awhile the passengers descended, the ly is, -with his own importance. General employees proceeded to discharge the bag- Bumbletllorpe was never in the army ; he gage wagons. From one of these that had never was even in the militia. But he was ,been entirely filled in Vienna, and couse- Surveyor General once, a good while ago, gills more than all prizes. It seems to Inc a Nora sIzeulcl be g ay, . The municipality of the town of Kherson, .And thou, born iu the springtune of th Russia, has decided to hold a solemn service year, on the hundredth anniversary of the death Art frolicsome as lambkins are at play .fluently had been sealed and not once open- and has of course worn the title of general of Jolla Howard, the Engliahphilanthropist, When buttercups and daisies first appear. led during the sixty hours the Orient takes ever since, and has always insisted upon it. who died at Kllerson oil Jan, 26 (old style), - to traverse Austria, Bavaria, \ii urtelubcrg, He has been a shade more overbearing since 1790. The memory of Howard is kept alive the Grand Duchy of Baden, Alsatia, and he became general in this way, though lie in the town by the monument. !Frame, they drew out a rather roughly was sufficiently overbearing before that, Among his many cares of state, Prince made box of pyramidal form, measuring One fide atte1110011 last summer General Bismarck yet finds time to divert his hind from the end marked "Bottom" to the end Bumblethorpe was taking a walk through with other pursuits. He has just established harked "Top" a little more than five feet. the outskirts of the country town which ue a large brickyard near Lauenberg, where ' In addition to the indications "bottmu' and had honored by choosing it its his place of there is a fine bed of clay, and he has for 'sop," it was marked " Fragile; handle with steamer sojourn. in the course of Ilia wander- some time carried on the businesses of a lease; dont tip over,"aildwasp1ovided oft two ings lie came upon a pair of bars leading into paper -maker, a distiller, and a farmer. opposite sides with common Iron as a grassy an irtA ins mea+ civ. e)a )e Spurgeon has had printed 2,100 of Itis On the freight list of the train this case w let Clown and walked into the meadow. He , sermons since their appearance began in 1$55. described as containing a wooden statue, lead but half crossed the meadow when he His thirty-fifth volume of tllelalllas ustbeen , weight 180 pounds, value' 200 francs, nature sass- to his horror a great black and white issued. yThe index alone fills thirty-two Ifragile. Holstein hall emerge front the shade of an large pages. They have been circulated not The employees transported this.lnwieldly apple tree and advance toward hila. General only wherever English is oken, but have a ur t n1'tan t ) + i b the 1 the caution 1 fragileI,tunt;ktll r e ' 1a )tax active man but • with all t 1 c tiis .reel, "r foreign p sp languages. es. Pbeen translated into man foaei n hat a required into the warerOom of the customs steady advance of this enormous animal n d y a a ' and there bit.11 to be clailtled by its owner, stintulalted him for the moment to great another picture of Mr. (aladstaneis about who seemed not to have come by that activity. muds own rapid fhglatalsa served to be begunby the artist Ragnell, but lnsteadl Tram. A little later in tlae day, toward 9 to stimulate the bull, who lowered his head of giving regular sittings, ;the Gi and Ohl 1 tl bandies d t 1 Th 1 rs 1 and charged farionlsl • bellowing the while, 31.31 venous that the painter shall set np iu r the lvarer0oln suddenly noticed It was a mad (lase, but (general Buznble- hzs easel nl the statesman's library, and cetera b I Fo1rF,T1rz�G' so Escl:aarnixnita thozpe lead some good rods of advantage in that Clic broom fell from his hand, Ile ran the start and the opposite fence of the field into the adjoining ;Mice and gave infer w•as not far away• ruction that there w tis a box in the w arerootrl 1 The General ran wildly and succeeded in flawing. Officers, porters and sweepers turning a somersault over the fence just in • hurried to the wareroonl, and were just in time to escape the infuriated animal. time to see a little fat man, about live feet' And then it was General 13tllnble#llolpo in height, jump out cif the \'scalla box, the who was infuriated, From the safe side of ill -adjusted boards of which be had burst the (once he .Corned and raged at the hull, apart with his cllubh,y hands and solid and, seeing a farmhouse not far away, he elbows. Ile was rattier red in the face, mai stalked over to it, The farmer was cltorin 1 his light moustache, grey suit, and soft Aura,mld the 1)arN when the General rushed to him felt hat were covered with bits of the straw "Is that your hull over there, sir °" ex - from tt'Idch he iaad extricated himself. ur claimed General Bau1t)letho e hounded, examined. questioned, he answered rp , 'not a word, only looked as astonished as • "Wal, gnzess'tis," said the farmer. those Ise was astonishing. Led to the ewe 4 "Do you know what pit's been doing ?" tours (Alice, he was again interrogated, this "Yes,"Chasm' chasing and it is an coir. e time by the special police colnlnissioner of f3 'the depot. Still he+ lid not reply. Evident- I will not tolerate—an outrage, I tell you, that I should be pursued and huzuzlzatetl in o'clock perhaps, a plan engaged in sweep- g, y, a ly he was either deaf as a post or 1„ t1'sw la French was to frim an unknown llama An .'\yml sa s the fanner, "it's a thingthat interpreter was summoned to scream at him bulls will do; he can't, help it, you knw." in German. Directlyleis tongue was loos- p cited, null without he sli *liteest liesitatie,ii , "Help it?" said the General, black with b utdigniation; tido you knew who I ala i he ,eepla}fled tlae sing nL1r luantier of 11is .&in,if I don't." appearance in the wareroolu of the Mire de +t\\'ell, sir, I ala General linmuld*tltorjle 1" rEst, not appearing himself to consider it in .'Is --that- -so E" said the farmer, with the least singular or to be wondered at. trreat deifies -tion. "Is—that—so farmer, 4 \ith It was learned that he was Herf age, izl thunder didn't you tell the bull, (4enec Zeitung, born ill Warsaw, 2k Years of age, s„ unmarried„ and established in senna as a al p -- a holies' tailor. But, alas I tinges were harts iia \'henna, and, notwithstanding; lie had i11• RAILROADS STILL BLOCKADED. N'euted a mechanical apparatus for taking ladies' measures with the utmost precision, lantl•.11des In Clic Sierra Newall. 3Joiiu- so few ladies gave hint orders for suits that . • attars Cause }Mormons Loss. a r?A.vnw he determined to abandon the ungrateful . Viennese and go to Paris with his mechanism, A despatch. from Portland, Oregon, slays feelintr sure he would find charming Parisian that the situation of the railroad blockade THE BEST BAKING POWDER h1OBEH'S GENUINE COgS. Na Aplin Nathit ,jurioas .southern I aclfie between here anti Roseburg largetr 's • •ot Iukint ' �) a alai 113 e tit tt Ont • ell 1 11 o 1 lbox. 6 STREET, a . CRAi I' • �it 1u thought *lit 1t ii be rr 1 w ) t 1 to r maday oltwq !a GARTH0TH & Co ladies more appreciative. How to travel t() remains practically unchanged. Superin u et P;rt•is tendent Brand, of tho Southern Pacific la•:zx(r wlTrzoi•T :ttualy I Company, said the other day 1 "We have FACTORY SUPPLIES 1 found our " Waterloo,"' and there is abso- enough to buy every a tilirbclaws In , 111+t lutely 110 telling when we can get our throe rh. Valves, Iron da Lead Plea ticket, was 0 problem hard to solve, batb Loose Pulley Oalers,Steam Hermann batting was inspired b • the know- . trains hi notion. Our facilities for portisecurons of Jot Pumps, Farm Pumps, ledge that express packages may be sent C. O. detailed reports from the wrecked portions of Wind Miilt, Craam Sepal- g) ,Land at the ens of three 0r four days he the roach are so inadequate that I can not Stora, Dalry and Laundry ut I lattl fabricated in the pour garret heoceupied' feel z stile tit lcould . hardlyat ibeworse."he road 1aThe Utensils. I f some old iw01115 fatuul hl the garret, i. \ out 0 • u nrservo L , • v l n Ted straw t •hot body w tl 1 t •r 1 � 1 little 1 d.RGAL, b o • MONTREAL. bat south f Roseburg the road is 'n t F a l . 1 o ter' LE E4EUYWN EfI1i i f1ETAf f! • v • o the aer- it from bruises. To assure himself if f 1 ril,le cund}Nan. False trestles and bridges ject adaptation of the box to the use intend - will be put in. and where the cuts can not ed, he rolled himself in his straw and ]passed be quickly made though the landslides the one night peeked therein in llisgarret, try1ng, road will 1)e nue around the obstruet:ons slow 11111011 air he could breathe through the temporarily. A dispatch from (Glendale crevices purposely left between the boards. states that an inlanenso slide has occurred cd The next day he )]ought, with the one or two 011 the railroad in the Cow Creek canyon. florins remaining hi Ins, pocket. , a supply of 'Vhe slide cause down the mountain a bread and some wine, winch he mixed with distance of 1,1100 feet, covering the track water and put into two battles. Then he and fillings the canyon. `Trees are reported to ••-n^•--- went to the railroad depot .Sud notified the be stauding on the slide just as they were ' , or 10 mountain, the water is backed up in domicile for to cage to be expressed to Paris ,the canyon for tined miles and is ,100 fact y CHA©WICK'S SPOOL COTTON For .Mand cord liac7tine Use. HAS NO SUPERIOR. ASK FOR IT. such expressions as he wishes while his subject is busy with his own work. A very sueceessful portrait is expected from these methods, and when completed it will be taken by the city of Birmingham. English eintreltluen are delighted over a just -told story that illustrate..s, they think, the. goodness of the late Bishop Lightfoot. It is that in early life he fell in love with a woman who rejected flim and married air - other clergyman. After Da Lightfoot became Bishop he found Iris old sweetheart and her husband struggling along in a poor livirTg in his diocese, whereupon he took every occasion to advance his rival until the latter and his family wore in very com- fortable eireumstanees. To the list of intrepid and able women travellers must be addedthe named Madame le Bay, mother of the Due d' Abrautes. This lady, who is an ardent arehaologist, has been for several months engaged in Eastern exploration. Afterlraviugvisrted Babylon Aad Nineveh, site traversed) the Pendell deserts. amid terrible privations, in order to reach. India. For five days and Svc nights her little caravan had to encamp in the dangerous wilds, without meeting a living creature, or even discovering a stogie trace of human habitation. During all this time the cold was so intense that Madame le Ray's lingers were frost-bitten, and her guides became seriously ill. $he managed at last to teach the Persian Gulf where she embarked far India. 1 LSAL E R®E® depot master to 5011(1 bait otelung to his ti STEEL -LINED TRUNKS the ft•eig latatge to be paid on delivery there. ! wide, and full fifty to seventy feet deep. In Semple, Ladies' and These preliminaries settled, he packed lam- . Tumuli .3 is cam lc tel covered bywater. all other kinds, self with his breach and bottles in his box, 10n the Union Pacific Line about two miles LlglicSt 111,1a StrDIlE1St some friendly hand nailed on the last board,of slides have occurred, mostly in the `1-:�'I and he was carted to the depot and sealed vicinity of Cascades. In the World. I up in the through wagons. It seems he+ passed some uncomfortable moments in the Rltl a Little Board. of Trade Business.. J. EVELEIGH & CO. course of the sixty hours' drive. He feared . -"Aiming 1a70NTREAL, at tinges that Inc woaltl (lie of suffocatimyI "What is the platter here?" demanded. a SOISLIITS. for t9D Dananin closest although he ossiblet his proximity and nose in the white man who to the widest confronted anldtne turning whoappeared from the o be crack of leis box, and lie a ssuretl the police draggginghiswifelith gleatyileeetlirough HOTEL RAL o RA L, commissioner that lie would have arrived in the woods. Paris aris a dead plan had the journey been but 1 "Js' ride on, sah, an' ten' ter yo' own • two or three hours longer. bizness, ef you please," the negro replied. tgotre Dame St., ono of the most central After listening to Hermann Zeittulg's tale, ! "Fur goodness sake, save me, sah !" the and elegantly furnished Hotels lathe Oity. and believing it, for it was impossible not to, woman pleaded. Accommodation for 400 guests. the Paris chef de gare demanded of hint the 1 "Hold on 1" demanded (Inc white man. Rates:Te • ' 0ODROFF, al to $3 per day. o manager. 49 francs and 80 centimes he owed the Com- I "What are you going to do with that we - S. de 1'Est for carriage from Vienna, and wian?" unse un --" tilt Sole MIS for Canada, 41 PALMER & SOH Wholesale Imp't11e of iT)1UGGISTS' SUNDRIES, 1143 NOTRE DAI11 ST., MONTREAL. • le pa s y • - "Di ere lady am my wife sah au the sum. Vainly the poor tailor for lladies"I didn't ask you who she is ; I ask what DO MINION refused to deliver him to h ' if LEATHER BOARD explained that he did not possess so much are you going to do with her P' • CO M PA NY, as one centime, and ) •`Gwine do de only thing dat's lef' ter be ramessaD 1N)) VOWED done under de sarcumstanees, sah." Manufacturers of lie would pay when, leaving been delivered 1 "What"s that?" , ASBESTOS (BILLBOARD to himself, and having pleasured and lnadea . t< Nese gwme down yere ter de bluff an' steam Packing, few elegant suits for the elegant Parisians, jump off." he should have earned the necessary money. ( "What for?" f"R I CT I 0 N The Compagnie de I'Est, following a afferent 1 "try, sah, 1 owes er man fi' dollars an' he PULLEY HARD, line of reasoning, would not accept Her- sways dat he gwine ter kill bof o' us ef 1 This is a Perfect Friction mann's promise in lieu of 49 francs and 80 clean pay it ter day, an' ez der ain't no arthly centimes, and delivered him to the police, chance fur me ter pay, it an' es I knows dat who walked him off to the central sta- man well enough ter know dat he gwind keep tion house. But his lucky star followed his word, w'y T has come ter de 'elusion dat and shone upon him in that gloomy ; edifice. de bes' thing lef' flu• us is ter kill ourse'fs an' The Petit Jon17ia1, feeling that a %ICI be clove whcl de strife o' de flesh'tole" sah." s i whose lutimeLeitimg, means journal, and "But your wife doesn't leant to cdie." RECKITT' S 51: THE BEST. FOR LAUNDRY USE. o orae to Paris the way hebas had. the willadllli 1, die nob de-curatotter;T saiclthe lvoreckon man, its1 MP i'b ekjes'ttlow, serve more than one night of repose in a but I won't hol' back no ino . Come on, prison, paid yesterday to the Compagnie de Dave, an' we'll julep right squar' offen de PAPEW Wrapping, Manilla, NEWS, lad 0, ALL 'ZO SIZE AND WEIGHT To ORDER ▪ 21 DeBresoles St MiLLSi POSTIiZIDT, P.B. QHJVS ONS CJ TLULD�EEli THE OREA`l' STRENGTH GIVER it PERFECT FOOD Fon THE SICK ARMING e( UTRITIOUSDEVERAGE 1'Let the full amount o Horaiirl's indebt- bluff an' den w'en chat man toms roun' ter eduess, plus 5 francs far interpreter's fees, kill us, js' becaze we ain't perpared ter pay and the little fat tailor was at last delivered him, his heart, ef he got one, souse smite to himself, in good condition, )3d -ter still, him hip an' thigh i an' w'en he lif' up his the Petit Journal, like a kind godfather, has ' eyes ill de torment an' see us wa'rin' de ' found a shelter and an employer for Her crown he gwine beg us 'nightly fur jes one ' inasn, and he is now ironing men's hats in sup outen de gou'd dat's filled wicl de cool, ' the shop of an honorable merchant of the el'ar water o' (o"ternal life an' den we hatter Rue Vieille 'du Temple, against the day tell him dat de heabenly have doan low us when, having learned their.language, he will ter 'scalate wid his kine an' sort. Come on, be able to utilize his machine for measuring Dave." the cloth suits of the Parisian ladies. 1 "Hold on, there. I'll give you five dollars rather than to have you kill yourselves." • " Wait a minute !" exclauned another Female Strategist. I white roan, suddenly making his appearance. "• I have been watclun.g this performance." Jones—" That Browla gall is a smart , , t . T l et ri htyougot tel' spyrotund y ere ?. I , \\ h Y g on> " the negro asked, It matters not, dear maiden, whether thou Art fashioned dark or fair, or if thy mood Both racing,: frola grave tt, g :y e'en then and 11 at , As long a,s what thou Sart, 'my Nora, -'-good. Waiiang. i Hiss Amy C. Fowler, or Sister hose Ger- trade, the young English null who is going to the Sandwich Islands to devote her life to the lepers, is the daughter Of Rev. Fiends William Fowler, an F.piscopal elcrea' uul at Court Down, nein• Bath, England. She has spent much of her time in London hospitals, and studied leprosy for two years in Pas - tour s institute nl l;trite, 1,slales her work among the di»rase•stricken islanders, Miss Fowler will study and cultivate leper bacilli, a complete set of inStrtunents for this Pur- pose being a part of her equipment.'Fite result of her labors will be sent to the leprosy society of Boston. Miss Fowler is puttte in form, weighing hardly cele • hundred pounds, and has a pretty and altellet:tual face. Mark Twain having dedicated a recent book of his "to Mr, Smith wherever he is found," will, doubtless, lie interested to learn that the gentleman in qnt«kloli is to he dis- covered nl the current London Post Olhee Directory alone to the very considerable ex- tent of sixteen and a half columns. lint will .lir. Twain be surprised to hear that the notion of this Smith dedication of his is not iL new one? Surely he nntst be aware that an earlier American humorist, . Artenlns Ward, prefaced one of his Volumes with as similar inscription, and gave it additional point, too by adding a sincere hope that every ono of his ••dcdieatees"would purchase a copy of the book 1 So that, apparently, and not by any uaeauns for the first time, ar, stolon idea has been spoiled in the stealing; The celebrated Russian physician Dr. Botkin, who has just died in the south of France, proved the uncertain state of him who hangs on princes' favor. During a dangerous illness of the present Czar the doctor remained at his bedside day and night. On the patient's recovery, the Czar told the physician to choose his own re- compense. t • Your Majesty," said Eotkin, " I want nothing for myself, but I beseech you to have mercy on Tahernicbevsky" (the Socialist author who -had been lately banished - to Siberia). The Czar turned away without a word a but, though the next •tnny the daring physician received 100;000 r rubles and the Order of Vladimir, the royal 'deadliness was withdrawn,and poor Tcher- nichevsky remained where he was. • . • King Leopold of Belgitun, is the hero of a prettier story. Some six years ago a seaman named Frank Moore deserted from the steamer Rhynland at Philadelphia. He was lately arrested at Antwerp for this offence, and heavily sentenced, whereupon his little niece, Bessie Kelm, wrote to the King, beseeching her uncle's release. This letter related that six years ago her aunt was dying, and that her only prayer was that she might live to see her brother Frank, who, on arriving and hearing this, entreated of his captainpermission to visit her, which, being denied him, he deserted. Little Bessie gravely concluded : "Your Majesty, if you had been in his place, would not you have done the sane ? I hope yon will pardon Thiele Frank for deserting, '• toad me for writing." Not long afterward the child re- ceived a letter from a high official, saying that the offender had been released, "out of compliment to his Majesty's little friend.' EISIDEMAITS WORME Si.1G,—" What is she up to now?" " Well, I heard an old man say that he " You know whenever she goes out she gave you five dollars yesterday to keep you has her pug with her. , from jumping off the 'bluff,""" Yes, 1 understand.'" Dar it go, der it go," said the old negro, " 'Well, she has trained that dog to trot striking the ground with his hat. "Man •' alon about ten feet behind her.„kain't'gage in er little boa'd o' trade bizness ” Well, what of v hat?" Sail widout some jealous, puss= come erloiig '.r ""What of that? Delft .you see sloe 'stroyin' de whole prospeck. Come on, Jule. look back at any man =tier pretense of Doan stay in de presence o' dat orrery white looking after tho dog. pusson." own If men tried as halal toward (Goch as they pe their ownr Be courageous and noble-inincled , ouro the world, theywmilcl finch it Purgative. IotIs a safebon oIIand or/cereal hearts and not :other irleri's opinions of us, clotoward , tatroYos of woru)H iib glinarea er Adult* form Dirt true honor, maim: to be saints tam to be worldings, The trees stand motionless, With branches shorn of leaves; The moonlight gilds Cho vane And crystals On the eaves. • The stars shine void and clear, Like taper:; tall and great, And1 • ' ethers , • ,-- 1,thole thiel »tc1 sleep — I wait, 1 wait. 11vait, as one who holds A restive steed in rein. I wait. but 0, my heart Trembles and throbs with pain. Questioning, doubting, still Beneath these heavens deep, Wondering what is (;cilia will, I weep, I weep. The slow boars glide and And calmly 1115l1.l the stars 'Urging their mighty race Like glad and even cars ; Ali llatlue rests beneath, I thrill with silent awe, The universe swings on, • Controlled by law, :'o leaf falls, but God notes, Notivaest, subtilest jar But up It thrills to hitt 'From worlds however far; And even lay heart.throbs Break on his throne. Infinite wisdom knows I wait and mean. The stars tind all their rounds. God guides and keeps them- And henAnd his sweet love coftrolS The nest with nestling:; salad All nature waits on they From day to 'coming day, And I, 1.11 wait, my God, I'll wait and pray. Calm, calmer still. the night deeps on the distant hill, And now' the dawn awakes Tile birtllil►gs trill. Sly heart, my heart, be still. Hope lifts her wing. Row' •.beet is lit•:tven's will, 1"11 trait and sing. 1'11 wait and sing, for conn 'I'ite day will dawn for lit' t 'file. hope I crave lie urine Through all eternity. Heaven's days aye vast and great, Bement (lots s sltehteririg; ming... Blessed 1,e the soul that waits, That waits ,aid sings. FAx. r 1:1101: roa CANADIANS c rx Too Hard The iteselt Is Slo.•pla•ssnass, z.Tervoudlt uess awl a Broken -Down system, awn Ending in. insanity* Thousands of mete worked business *-*' men, wearied brain. workers industrioas !d� mechanics, and tried Women, 711 all part{ of the 1Dnminioa •aro today m a tern. bic position. Theft ernes are weak, digestion poor, bead aching, and they call+ not sleep, work or live in comfort. This it what fills our Insane Asylums. Tbia is the cause of that terrible Paresis, Before it is too Lite, use Dr. Phelps' wonderful discovery, Paine's Celery Compound. It removes the results of overwork, restores strength, renews vitality, regulates thtt whale system, and tones up the overworked brain and body, Do flat despair, but us* this wonderful remedy, and he restored to health and happiness, the same as was Mr. John L. Brodie, of Montreal, who writes* as I bay* great pleasure in recommending your Paine's Celery Compound. My sys. tern was nm down and I was not fit los business, could not sleep well at night and was nervous. I conilnenced takingPainr's Celery Compound and improved batne- diately. I am now able to transact my business and endure any amount of excite• meat without bad effect." Paine's. Celery Compound ran be puj. chased at any druggist's for one dollar a bottle. if he should not have Ston hand, artier direct from \Vtai.s, RronanDSOS & Co.. 'Montreal. THE :.1. OF 0. TIMES. A► COOK BOOK FREE fly mail to nay lady cert rig esaer Dost ofkee ,t•ddress: ligeW:, ilit@+avr•r czCo,. itocireal. M:n.018 Cold Wlsta1v. Euld Sella liiahlr, neat tiff %Val In tats world 1 ratan tlm.ketper. Wer. ranted. 11115)' 5..;1 YAW naatlnr e„el. Ilan lads.► antigun*.aiaah works and cans4(4 of Shoa.l ulna., Onox'orsonleinnh Io- cu0ly rag nectar oro the, that. w014 nur Ian, cu. inn-. cta5la laps of IIio,iJ10Field viii : Samples. These rarapic1, as wall as Ora wat;b, no said are e, and *nor 3,.0 bars kept Chum In Tcar bons for 2'months sad 'harm atm to thew who mar ham calla, th*yyheaomeyourown prom :l Um. who Artie at ones tux tN auto of ncaarif5 t s 'lrtntth end Namplea. wa ,7 all exprtst, farttt400. Adana Eitaaaau a Co., Box 51)4.%'ertland, ZILs.lue. d'A Frlelltp of Father's." { W'r'a is Wool:. Nort'oew3a, ;il+ebh:Ita�tCda wl:olnhie Folly an1'1CRarrlsd.o (-=o "t1i- +" \Vino 1s he?" I t.tiecl soft of \\'im)ifretl, flail away 1::s \, i'•;CY L= ::•cCib°, 1. �irttl ane\ P As her dark eyes encountered with my EIFa1r1i1Co3, c nc c, c :anl„ der na .Pan t,1ru, ythe Fount,^., nil +'t LI.`sa. I'a) = l,:,Gl1a, • " \\'l:d,tn do you Mean 9.. with guileless an. `COICCieslne' iz cat:vt hr, .,n1:3• :bd,fect c3 she said. - f ulomery, b,..e?=fishier•„t i' ...ciety' • Why, he with hair of Subaru'', wannest : pa°�.,•'al ei vriy it easy, Goi:tscrrriptlasaa torte t { l i nsanity, lvs l :ria 1u ctr srau . 'S". ^_;r a1 Audi eyes of that clear shade 'tort blue anti' loE1t}ve C' Ile. it fil.t .sirs 't tw;l'a:3fi:i g;raty Igor rostrata tun Vaal #"o1:tei ;n a d Hud \\ c. 01.1a topaz find tlleul, 4 au1:1; s.reeetbcrd l.1 z netts tiro grain r buZas ,: 1 tl i.) % -eak," p3stens '1'}iaat iecnl to ht11t1 a esahva'; J a nri a i*e Lstn ac:i'•1 lee vt.s.le kl'ysiioal :\ };lean behind them.” energy of the 1tulrn:: f•aeae. v,1•t1 0.1 roocitia Laughed she, I Nc.':.s Cho s:est el r':•te came cut i, l +.t •: 3 in t" ' ,•' {three manes, and rc -pt4.51103 lt( l0 t' ,. thirty () he , 1 clays. such paellas r cul . tu.o u,e -c Crena-- 1ie's just a fi lents of father's." mast, 1'7100 cY. Citi •'n G„ , ilat.'. 3, ter spoo- 1 ltlo 1so. es is an infalli:.e t.1„+pe Mr ::,1 F ri v'�. to 101171 that I was vexed to blear but Child, DiSCES S no :natter et' tjo' tang stand - For bleat]) of spring; had wrought a ra• Ing. sold under our written evto not()tdto mance-spell. a efrtict a us ca -ilea ., ). 'I :rc± A aldtc:na Neath wrllie11 my fancy spun a dream of I.(_c..'Cor m,Cr,». d:•u, bliss— I ; Loves, 'doves, hearts, bridal -wreath, and j �.. '--AD I ES O NL_Y. _ wedding -bell. I felt half wronged ' iiot 1, within the year, ( FRENCH f' ECtaLA'1',, ( ►R t.h' Her nu tills went to. Far sul)er o Lrt n Tansv t'P•.•tvr't:11 or p o:c.de ..ndinr.e, b1 the th07 •ln.t. � 1 ; 3 . .i ..,. , i s. n i , .:firs u Yes, I'm to marry Trim, although, my dear, 1 who ns"' tl ,,Ti r.nI '11LY. Never tat! c., i,w. 1 never 14100111 to, oaten. INSt1 iii REGULARITY. Pi '>..: and Yon see But, Bee, Effectual. Pelee. ,1d Toronto .."u no Co. b i 0 • He was a friend of father's." Toronto. Ont. 6'.. IIEATnIx A4:ATllos. Father B'gosh i of Twins, A Whimsical Request. Many instances might be quoted of eccen- tric' animals, usually planned by the deceas- ed, and of whimsical death -bed requests, but surely one of Inc strangest was that of a north -country gentleman who directed that his coffin, after his body had been placed therein, should have every crevice filled with snuff, and that every scuff -taker in the village who cared to attend his funeral should receive a handsome snuff-box full of excellent rappee. It would seem that this 1 1vasclorfe to sustain to the very end a repu- tation for eccentricity which had been won by many strange but happily harmless per- formances, aitd by the pursuit of unusual fads, which .abiuudaraat private means , liad enabled him to do through life. A new maid reader, Dr. Onofrof, is excit- ing interest in London, where tie is doing feats said to exceed in difficulty those per- foriried by any of his predecessors. There will never exist anything perinea- ently noble and excellelit in a character which is a stranger to the exercise of resolute self- + denial. • Keep right on yer fun a-pokin', Sly peekin' an' thots o'wit : Don't let up on yer 'Carnal jokier', Cant annoy this chap a bit— Tickled right down to my shins, Father, b'gosh ! of thins. Niue pound one, and seven t'other, Ctunnin'est rascals you ever see Each foliar looks jest like his brother, Both the dead image of ine— Proud as a racer when she wins, Father, b'gosh ! of twins. Orter hear era laugh an crow 'When I chuck em on the cheek ; Orter see the way they grow, Jes' like sweet corn by a creek— See 'em kick their chubby pins, rather, b'gosh ! of twins. Biggest fun to watch thein kids Lookin' sideways from their eyes, Each a malt:fu' knowin' bids, Kinder takin' t'other's size— Still an' wise -like as two Fins, Father, b'gosh ! of twins. Love 'em ? Lord ! don't tails about it, Let 'em laugh or let am bawl, Don't yer for a minute doubt it, Love ain't any 111130 at all- 'tldain' worship to lay sins, Father, b'gosh ! of twins. Fr \lT; S.ui;LEF. Exeter Butcher Shop R. DAVIS, Butcher a General Dealer —IN .CLL S7:4D S OF— )I EATS ustomerssupplied TUESDAYS. THURS- ., AYS IND SATTJBDAYS at their .residence ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WIJjL BE OEM PROMPT ATTENTION. a< IITILL cure you cf Ira minatory IIV Rseumtitian, Neuralgia. Lam - Now to Take Castor Oii, bago, Spittal Disease, Ear and The best way ofabaking castor oil is to titer- Toothache, Bruses and Sprains. oughly mix the dose with about four times as much hot Knill: this is most effectually accomplished by shaking the two together in, a bottle which they do not more than half fill. When token as above directed, the, activity of the oil appears to be increased, and, being Tendered very limpid by the hot t milk, its oily nature is not perceived. Children take it very readily itt this form, in which, indeed, it is scarcely distin uish- a,* ,Se,vino•I ttolttne' "l J 'ib at en0a not dteloi ell Ell • , trade in all parts: by@q placing our machines, ind goods whore the people con coo then,, we a ill send.E'o•ee to one person in each loculity,the eery best sowing - machine made. in the ,vo:ld,A'ltlt all the n[1achments. W willals0 ndAvaC a complete lint er ear costlyand ralanble art ,maples. Iu return we ash that yea .t a, what ira ,. n t. , a (411,re who may roll at)•eu1 borne. and utter IA srnutha all shall Menton year 1.012. prohetty. This tumid machine is made eller the 0..1t,••et• patents, which have rut out before patents ran Mutt sold for VS, ngJh the attachments and new sells rbc 13:1 a "F S30. Best st,ongot,timatuse- tfy , u;t; ,agv fu1 machine In the. world. A11 io li ,0(;,4' 151. hoe. No 'uphill r 4.31,04, htiof instructions Ricers. "rheas who witta to us ae enol can ee- cu c tree 1110 best Sewing -machine in the world, -aid the thing line erWerlts of high Altera shown together ha America. r$i11JJ( .$ 00., DON x74.0. Augusyai lilQaine. 1 able from rich milk.—[Bristol Med.-C mar. Journal. ... _ At His Duels's. Yello'.viy (consulting leis watch)—" Is your • watch going, Brownly ?" Brownly (despondently)== -"Going ?,',' It's gone 1"