HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-09-10, Page 10• NOTICE • $Y -LAW NO..... ., 1853 • OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP' OF VEST W AWA - cid and the Treasurer may raise for the purposes aforesaid by the way of loan on such debentures any suns or sums 'of money not exceeding in all .the sum hereby authorized to be borrowed and filly hypothecate such debentures ' NIOSH for such loan. A' By-law authorizing the burrow- 8 The Corporation shall have the ing of Nine thousand dollars right, at its option, to redeem all ($9,000"00)' upon debentures of the said debentures, which Ina- • ' for a grant for the • Winghant tura in the tenth ;ear of the issue Public Hospital. of these debentures, at any date WHEREAS it is expedient to prior to maturity at the places borrow for the purpose of grant- ing . the \Vingham .Public Hospital for -building additions thereto a Wm not exceeding nine thousand dollars ($9,000.00) upon the credit of the Corporation at the Township of West \Vawano,h to issue deben- tures therefore bearing mtere t at the rate of Live (5(7, ) per centum once in the Ontario Gazette and per annum payable annually and once in a daily newspaper of gen' to provide for the expenses in- erat provincial circulation, pub- cidental to the negotiation and fished in the City M Toronto, and sale of such, da'bentures; once in a local ..newspaper, such ANI) WHEREAS it is expedient notice to be advertised as afore - to make the principal of the said said at least thirty days before debt repayable in annual instal- 'the date fixed for redemption. ments during the period often Notice' of intention so to redeem years next after 'the date of issue shall also be. sent by post at least of such debentures of such amount thirty days prior to the date set respectively that, with the inter- forsuch redemption empti a debenture et est in respect of the debt, the ag- son whose gregate amount payable, for. prin- to be redeemed is registered at eipal and interest in each year the address shown in the Deben- 'shall. be as nearly as possible the tore Registry Book. sum namely, $1,165.64; 9. The Corporation shall not give AND WHEREAS it is expedient effect to this by-law• until the sante although, not necessary to submit has been read a first and second this by -law -to the ratepayers of the time and approved of by the major - Township for their approval by ity of the qualified ratepayers who ll east. their votes for the express where and in the money in which the said debentures are expressed to be payable,. upon payment of the principal amount thereof to- gether with interest accrued to the date of redemption and upon giving previous notice of .said in- tention to redeem by advertising way of ba ot, Coming Events All former and new members of the Goderich Art Group, are urged to attend a meeting at the Centre, Picton street, on Thursday, Septem- ber 17, at 8 p.m., to plan the year's work, and to organize the second exhibition of the member's paint- ings. i-36 . The September meeting of Ah - meek Chapter, LO.D.E., will be held at the home of Mrs. H. E. Knechtel, Britannia road, at three o'clock on Monday afternoon, September 14. -36 CARDS OF THANKS lit. ROBERT McILWA1N • IS ' anxious to convey his . heart- felt thanks to those who were so ' kind to hien in his bereavement, especially those who sent flowers and cards of sympathy. , 36x I `WESLEY W. FISHER OF SALT - FORD takes this means of thanking all 'my 'friends for the cards and letters they sent me • while I was in Victoria Hospital, London They all helped to keep up courage and cheerfulness while tigore. Thank you all. 36x PUBLIC NOTICE AUNDB\.—CASA AND CARRY. Glen's, 180 Huron road. Phone 1465_\1. "34-37x AND WHEREAS under the pro- purpose of obtaining their approval �,U1'10E. visions of the Municipal Act, therefore. sec- urnin Milli s, er • of the ' Guaranteed radio service. \WILE. REINIHA1tT ELECTRIC, Hamilton street, phone 466. -12 11 S 0 .1950 Section 386 Sub I D Pt 11 p C 1 k tion 29 the, said Council of the Township of We -t \Wawanosh, cer ti - corporation is authorized to pass ly that the foregoing is a true a by-law for the purpose aforesaid; synopsis of a' proposed .by -law THEREFORE, the Councll ot t;a., which will be submitted to t'ic• Corporation of the 'Township of ; ratepayers by - ballot at a laser 'West \Vawanosh enacts as follows: 'date. , 1. For the purpose aforesaidthe DURNJ. •PILI -.IPS, . Corporation shall borrow ,upon tlii Clerk of West \Vawanosh Township. credit of the Corporation a sum not , Dungannon. Ont„ August 31. 1953. exceeding nine thousand dollar; ($9,000.00) and shall issue deben- tures therefore in sums of not less than $100.00 each. 'Each .le NOTICE bet.ture shalt bear interest at the , i\'"L.A' NO. 10' ' rate of five per centum (5'..) Pw' , annum payable annually and shall', A b-iaw to rare 515.000 00 have coupons attached thereto for !aid in the construction et t..e'. the paynvent of such interest. : ,tone or timber drains. 2. All the debentures shalt bc..a• ' '1he Council of the Township l one time and within two yea:; Drainage Act enacts as follows: -353; the same date shall be is,ue d .c (olbor fie pursuant to I he 1. le • after the day of which this Ity-law f 1. That the Reeve may from tiro is passed, may bear any date with -;to time, subject to the provisio;i, in such two years and , shall be cit this by-law, borrow on the creviit made payable in annual inst,u•of the Corporation of the ntunics- --(+•tlt'E. FAltN1I;r(S. f")R \EARS '1'111•: 11161tEs't' PRICES I'M: 10 WS IiAtrt: f;I:1; 1'.111) 1N At.c;i'S't' AND SL1-1\E lltl•:1{, 1'e+1'11 \1'1:-1,�1:i:� NI)%V 1'(� +•I'I' TuAl.1:K1:'1'. sl:1: 11,t►t r .'. 11++e: t e►N'rit.l�.'r. 1'.t 1 Volt PEED �\"Ill : \ f l t ►l: t1:I: s-i►l.l►, Nc► ::Xt0.1. +:Cc+. M1NN0.11'u1I' ,1N1' f•'FIIIl:t'S(►\, 1:1x11 I\1:I:1. 1'1'ItIN:1 ''i:i:t►S. .I 4) N 11; 1:.1 f . x'1' 1:1:1:'1'. 1' 11 e ► N i•: 1::Sa • 1 SANDING, ('lib and new 'ae Phone C'REE COOK. Sunuiiet Anon tis • tors sanile•i. 23,1, t'iintoe. r 2, Hayfield. rnents during the period of ten polity such sum not exceeding in• -''^tf years next after ihc' date of issue the whole 515.000.00 as may Oe thereof, and - the rc,1)ective ' determined by the Council and _. _- _-_ .- _ I rind rag and interest Wily manner hereinafter • amounts o p g - in p ni- payable in each of such years shall i vided, issue debentures of the Cor - be the amounts so designated in ? poration in such sum; as the Cour:- �credule "A" hereto annexed. • ; eil may demi proper for the 3. The debentures ,shall be pay- amount .so borrowed with coupons' able as to both principal and in- ! attached as .provided in section 41' terest in lawful money of Canada ! of the said Act. . and may be made payable at such 2, That subject to section 10 of place or places in Canada as shall The Tile Drainage Act when the be, designated thereon, ; Council is of opinion that the 4. .'1'h(` said debentures shall be { application of any person to borrow . sealed` with the Seal of the Cor-! money for. the purpose of .tori•' poration and signed by the head of strutting• a tile, stone or timber the Council, or by some other drain should be granted in Whole person "authorized by by-law to or in part, the Council may by sign the same,• and by the Treas- resolution direct the Reeve to issued urer. , The. said interest coupons '"debentures as aforesaid and - to shall be signed by the Treasurer borrow a sum not exceeding • the 1 and his signature thereon may be amount applied for, and may .lend written, stamped, lithographed Or the same to the applicant on the eDgraved. completion of the drainage work.! 5. commencing; in the year 1954 3. A special • anunal rate shall be and thereafter in each year in imposed, levied and collected over which an instalment of principal and .above all other rates upon the , . of the said debt and interest be- land in respect of .which the money come due, the Corporation shall is borrowed, sufficient for the pa)'• levy and raise' the specific sum ment of the 1B'incipal and interest II shown for the respective year in, as provided by the -Act, the fourth column of the said Passed the 24tb day of August, ! l clledule.' Such sum shall be levied 1954k ,`t'afise;, ut} a ,special rate sub E. STANLEY SNYDER, Reeve. 4S1ent therefore; over and above WILLIAM SALLOWS, Clerk ' LABOR DAY CELEBRATION (Continued from -pi ge 1) i';.+I1owing is the consolation prize list. Pat Nordahl, AVilhelmena God- dard, David Banks, June Goddard, Sandra Chamney, Clare Bosnell, Don Rouse, Sue Bunter, Gail Mc- Intosh, Diana.Allin. Frank Gardner, Michael Carney, Aubrey 'Fisher, Betty Beacom, Heather Drysdale, Bruce Ubukata, Myrtle Goddard, Sharon Crosby, Janet • Beacom, Jennie, 'Boyes, Marjorie Marriot, Heard, eard, Donna Goddard, Paul Banks, Gardner Beacom. Eva Fincher, Audrey Allison, Leona Cook, Donald Powell, Shirley Mit- chell, Sharon Smith, Dianne Mc- Connell, Sharon Thomas, Norma Leddy, Gary Ward, Deify' McCon- nell, Dave 'Cofiield, Nancy Peters, Dianne McLean, Nancy Schutz, Betty Vowel!, (reg Whitfield, Joyce McAllister, John Crosby, Evelyn Elsley, Patsy Reed, Glen Gardiner, Catherine Anderson, 'Heather Thpmas, John Gardner, Barbara Ann • Bannister, Annie Walsh, Danny Heard. THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR Briefs 11 I3It1T1SII KNIT — Back-toSchoul Sweaters, Dresses, T ' Shirts, Blouses, etc., for Boys and Girls. Orders taken Miss Grace Maskell, 127 Bruce street, Goderich, On- tario. -34-36 Order Shell furnace oil and "stove oil from Edward Fuels, tank truces dealer for all Shell Oil Co. pro- ducts. Phone 98. -18tf Be a leader—membership being accepted in 532 Squadron Air Cadets. -35.36 BRI'T'ISH KNIT — Very Special Sale --Nylon Blouses—out they go --each blouse ordered entitles you to one FREE pair Briefs. Miss Grace Masketl, 127 Bruce• street. -34-36 BRIDGE—"500." The ladies of the .Maitland Golf Club are holding their first •' bridge party of the year at the Club House on Septem- ber 15, 8.30 p.m. Entry is 50c a person. . Lunch will be served. Everyone is welcome. -35 Call Godcrich Window, House - Cleaning Service for all house work and floor polishing, Phone 1113. -35-37 The Evening Auxiliary of North Street United Church will hold the annual Fall pot -luck supper meet- ing, on -Monday, September 21, at 6 p.m. New members will he welcome. -35-36 Be ,a leader—Membership ac- cepted in 532 Squadron Air Cadet. -H. :35.36 IN MEMORIAM CAMPBELL. -1n loving memory of a dear son and brother; Donald Campbell who passed away two years ago, September 11, 1951. Gone from us his smiling face And his pleasant, cheerful ways, A heart that won so many friends In , by -gone happy day's. Though his smile has gone forever And• his hands 'we cannot touch, We shall never lose sweet mem- ories Of the one we loved sb much. —Lovingly remembered by Muni 'and Dad, Beatrice, Bert and Mal- ('0101. - -36 • 1)UI{NIN.—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, James • Durnin. who passed -away four years ago, September 7, 1949. Peacefully steeping, resting at last, 11is weayy -trials and trouble are past. In silence he suffered, in patience he bore, • Till God called hire home to suffer no more. • —Ever remembered by wife 'anti family and grandchildren. 36x IIOWATT.—In loving memory of 'my dear brother, John D. How- ; ate, who passed away six years ago, September 10, 1947. Friends may think the wound - is healed • • When they see me smile; But they little know the sorrow, That smiles -hide all the time. • --Ever remembered by. Jessie. 36x IIOY.—In loving memory of a dear father, Robert J. Hoy, who passed away two years ago September 12., • Dear father, you are no} forgotten, Though on earth you are no more;' ' • Still. in memory you are.. with us As you always were before. - —Ever remembered by Clarence, Edith and Family, -3$ GILLESPIE,—In ioviiig memory of Albert W. Gillespie, who passed away September 11, 1952. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear; • TFond memories linger every day, .._Remembrance. keeps .him near. —Lovingly remembered by his wife and family. - -36 POLLQCK.—In fond and loving • all other rates, upon aIi the rate- , G. - ,, J. - able - property properly rated fe' cr v -• _ .r r - the ratepayers o the municipality. f lii 6. The said debentures may con- tain a clause providing for the registration thereof pursuant to section 336 of the Municipal Act. 7. pending the sale of the .said debcfturest the head of the Coun- •-•"- NOTICE Corporation of the Township of Colborne. Take notice that the above is a true copy of a by -taw passed by the Council of the Township of Colborne on the 24th day of Aug- ust, 1953, and all persons are re- quired to take notice - that any who desires to apply to have the by-law or any part thereof.quashed must serve notice of his application upon the Head or Clerk of this municipality within twenty days after the date of the last publica- tion of this notice, and must 'make his application to the Supreme Court of Ontario within 'one month after the said date. This notice was first published on the third day of September, 1953, and the last publication will be on the seventeenth day of September, 1953. WILLIAM SAW)WS, Clerk. G' -35-37 NOW SHOWING 1954 ADMIRAL TV with 'all new aluminated screen. When you buy from a service shop you get a properly' adjusted set. Hutchinson Radio and T -V Sales and Service Huron Read Phone 498R -36tf For Complete Car Repair .Service MIS-' MOTORS NOTICE NOTICE FOR LEASE. The south-east corner of Vi- toria street and Elgin ' avenue, Goderich, This is a large corner with a 'ten -room house, center hall plan,,,three-piece bathroom on sec- . and floor and toilet first floor. This property suitable for a bus station or one of those lovely Club Houses. • Contact GEORGE Me- CREATH, 83 Victoria street, Gode- rich, or 140 Winona. avenue, High- land Park, 3, ,Michigan, U.S.A., or WILSON McCREATH at Aberhart's Garage, Goderich. 34 -raoK1 344 Hygirnle suppi/ea (robber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, Pealed envelope with price list. Six yam plea 25e; Z1 simples $1.00. Mall Order Dept. T-53. NOV-RUBBER CO., Box 91. Hamfl'.on, Ont. PENANCE„AND INSURE your next new or late model car, track or farm machinery at lower cost through Harold W. Shore INSURANC1 AGENCY "All Lines of Insurance" NORTH ST. PIIONE 766W Loank also arranged on, 1946 and later model ears. P.tf memory of a dear daughter and sister, Wanda Colleen, who passed away one year, 'ago, September 13. The house is empty without you, Wanda, • Our hearts long for your smile, Our eyes long for your upliften arms, To take you up once more. ' Though we „know your happy in your heavenly home, It's hard to bear our loss; We pray some day we will meet again, At Heaven's pearly Gates. —Ever remembered by Mom, Dad, Bunty and Bobby. 36x STURDY.—In loving memory of our uncle, Chris. Sturdy, who passed away September 11, 1951. 36x EDNA and BILL DAY. NOTICE For Results - A Classified Ad FOR SALE • FOR $ALE.—UPRIGHT DOMIN- ION piano and bench, mahog- any, in good . condition. Phone 496, Goderich. -3611 'FOR SALE. — NEW .B A B Y buggy. Phone 345. 36x FOR SALE.—WHY SUFFER THE agony of rheumatic pain, sciatica, lumbago, when Rumacaps will help you to welcome relief. Ask your Druggist. -36 CRESS BUNION SALVE RE- LIEVES fast, wear stylish shoes soon. Druggists sell Cress Corn Salve too. -36 FOR SALE. —= CEMENT, TRUCK or carload lots, immediate- de- livery. Phone 41 r 2, Wroxeter, or contact HAROLD or ALLAN HYNDMAN, Gorrie. -36t1 VOR SALE. -150 FT. OF CEMENT forms, 8 'ft. high of T. &, G. lumber on 2 x 4 studding at 16" centres. with 2 x 4 top and- bottom plate; also 2 30 -ton hydraulic jacks. Phone 739J, day time. 36x 1; 011 SALE.—TESTED FUEL OIL tanks, 150 and 200 gal. capac- ity. Priced reasonable. MATIllE- SON WELD1NG SERVICE, New- gate street. 36x VOR SALE.—USED • REFRIGER- ATORS, electric ranges, rang- ettes and washing machines at BARGAIN PRICES. SHORE Al'-. I'LIANCES, Goderich, your head- quarters for hearing aid batteries. -18tf Y FOR SALE 1� FOR SALE. — BLIGHT -FREE tomatoes for canning. De- livery in 11 qt. or larger lots at rock bottom prices. Call R. A. JACKSON, phone 1386.- 36-37x FOR SALE. — PRINCESS .ROSE white enamel cook stove, with water front and shelf; also 1948 English panel truck in good run- ning - order. 116 East street or phone 1177W. ' " -36 FOR SALE. -1949 FORD SEDAN, new tires, air conditioning. Must sell. Owner gone to Holland. Phone 931-41. 36x FOR SALE. — CLOSE TO THE Hospital, a very nice, brick resi- dence, in excellent conditionTHER; threeS bedrooms. 1►1ALCOL111 MA, Real Estate Broker, 46 West street. Phone 115W. ..-36tf FOR SALE.---MARCI1AND SPACE (medium size); also G. E. humidifier, walnut cabinet. Phone 1082W or call at 104 Brock street, evenings. 36x heater in excellent condition FOR SALE.—A GJRL'S C.C.M. bicycle in good condition. Phone Carlow 2816. 36x FOR SALE. — COLEMAN ' OIL heator, used 'only 4 months,' in good .condition( Call 770 after 6 p.m. -36 FOR SALE. — EXCELLENT building lot, 60 x 160 feet, well located with garage and some fruit 1 trees and berry bushes, Phone 953R. 36x t FOR SALE. —NEAR T H E 1; OR SALE. -WATERLOO GAR- DEN tractors. Come in 'and see the different sizes and various implements that may be 'had with each. These may be bought Inc as- low as 15',t down payment. GEORGE "\VRAITII, Montreal St. -16t1 I Square, a. very attractive bung- alow, 2 bedrooms, oil furnace, re- decorated, new garage. MALCOLM MATHERS, Real Estate Broker, 46 West street. Phone 115W. -36t1 FOR SALE.--1953,FORD COACI(, 1300 miles, priced for quick sale. Phone 1155X6x FOR SALE. — A FINE, TWO- STORY brick hoose in excel- lent west end location. Four bed- rooms, oil heat, reasonable price, Agent, `.TALC OLM MATHERS. Ileal Estate Broker. 46 West street. Phone 115W. -13 'FOR SALE. — TWO-STORY l white brick hoose at 44 Essex street, in fine location, close to lake; four bedrooms and bath uli- tstairs, hot air heating, good two- cao garage. This house could 1 easily t� �'' duplexcd. Enquire at i premises it phone 844. -34tf FOR 'SALE. • f Nearly new, five room bungalow ! sided with insul brick located on i-, acre on main highway a few miles frn Godcrich, Garage. Six room frame • house on two ;acres of land in the village of 'Saltford. Price reasonable. 1. Two storey six -room house with insul brick siding, located in the tviltage of Dungannon. One month possession, price $3,000.00. • Two storey white brick house made into three apartments. • East ;end location; NOTICE. '"'For• artificial-lnseminauonat its best for all breeds, call the Water- loo Cattle Breeding Association be- tween 7.30 and 10.00 a.m. on week days and- 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. on Sundays. Phone collect, Clinton 242. 20-2-4-61f FOR SALE FOR SALE.—STEEL OR ALUM- INUM roofing in best pre-war quality., ' All lengths carried in stock. Ask us for an estimate in supplying your material or laying your roof or siding. All work and material guaranteed. IRVING KEYES, Glamis, Ont. Phone Pais- ley 114 r 4. - y •23 GODERICH 8VSINESS COLLEGE REGISTRATION WEEK Our office in opttn daily from 3 to 5 p.m., evenings by appoint: meat, for informratidr and registration. Call 1.272 or USW .for Appointment. - FALL TEA.M OPENS SEPTEMBER' 14 DAY AND EVENING CLASSES Prn'etfo 1 Instruction in all Commercial Subjects Doturgea approved by the Catadialrt Bukiness Schools /A'�dciation • • • 'OI; SALE. — GUELPIH ELEC- - TRIC rangette, $25.00: AVliite kitchen Millet, $10.00, both in good 1condition, 36A East street. 36x FOR SALE. — INTERNATIONAL • Harvester refrigerator, just used 5 months. Could be seen at • • THURSDAY, SEPT. 10th, 1956 CU-LBERT'S BAKERY "The Home of ;Vasty 'Pjtstry" • Pumpkin Spice Cakes -40c each - with raspberry filling end butter creme icing, :.00OANUT BARS -35c doz. BANANA MUFFINS -35c doz. Wedding, Anniversary and Birthday Cakes a specialty. PHONE 465 • PHONE £,ABLY WANTED FLOOR, SANDING ----- WANTED. — ALERT, ACTI\'E 1�A1NTING AND DECORATING Upper Grade Collegiate boy to hardwood lloor-laying and sand- wdrk alter. school and Saturdays. ing. E. J. 'THOMAS, 125 St..- Apply t, ' Apply THE MAJOR STORE, Gode- 'Patrick street, phone 349J. -36:1 rich: �36 �,WTANTED.—L1STINGS OF• RES!- ' TIAL and farm properties for sale. HAROLD W. SHORE, Heal Estate Agent, North street. Phone 766W, Goderich. -36t1 `WANTED. — HOUSEKEEPER for widower, good home. MICHAEL FLICK, corner South street and Elgin avenue, one block from Square. 36x WANTED.—e)L1J 11e►1{SI;s decd cattle. If dead, phone at Once. tiILIIERT " Bitc+S., t1ink I;aneh, phone (i'llect u;i6 r ;t:: 936 r 21. ^_tint WANTED.—LISTINGS OF PRO- PERTIES for sale. No charge to you until property is sold. MALCOLM MATHERS, 1t e a 1 Estate Broker, 46 West St., Gode- rich. Phone 115W. -12tf `WAN'1'1;1).-." 1.1STINt.s ni" 1'1io- l'i:tt'1'll•:s for w11e. . t'. F. C'lIAI'Jf.1N', Bonito:. i'IluNL 1ti\\'. WANTED. — DEAD, DISABLED horses or cows removed free . of charge. For prompt and e1'- ficient service phone —STONES.' collect, Ingersoll 21 or Goderich 1936 r 21, -10tf WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT.—THREE TREE OR four room unfurnished apart- ment or house for young married couple, no children, desiring per- manent residence, commencing September 15, in Godcrich. Phone 402\'. 35 `WANTED TO .RENT'.—A HOUSE, in or near Goderich with op- tion to buy later on. Write BOX 86, SIGNAL -STAR. 35-38x LOST 1,A OST. — ,LADY'S LIGHT BLUE sweater, on Monday between Picton street and Britannia road on Victoria street. Reward. Find- er ind er phone 973M evenings. -36 PERSONAL' "1JONELY? FIND A FRIEND • through us. Write for Fold- er. FRIENDLY FOLKS, Box 393, MacTier, Ontario." 34-43x FOUND FOU1111). — STRAY CALF, BLUE Calf with white face, carne to my 'f AUSTIN FULL 932 r ',4 -36 . AUCTION SALE 13ogic's Beach. DONALD DMc ER, phone 36-37x, KENZIE, phone 189, Blyth. • FOR SALE. — anchor posts, 1 flag : ' poles, etc. I MARSH, R.R. 2,, 1190J. CEDAR POSE'S, clothesline poles, JOHN HIND- Goderich.• Phone -35 FOR SALE.—SIX-ROOST HOUSE, two-piece bath room, heavy wiring, with or without furniture; also two building lots, 50•x 100 ft. each, located o'n Mary street, Gode-. rich. near the new Sheafter, plant. Phone 1143. 35-37x FOR SALE.—PIANOS, CHESTER- FIELDS, at Mildmay Furniture Centre, 15 pianos, used, Mason & Risch, Heintzman, etc.; also new pianos; 22 living -room suites; 16 bedroom suites. Free delivery. GODFREY SCHUETT; Mildmay. .. -35-36 - — FOR SALE.—'49 DELUXE CHEV. Lake front lots at Blue Water Beach --one mile south of Gode- rich. Summer cottage at Bogie's Beach, six miles north of Gode- rich. New•modern five -room bungalow. C. F. CHAPMAN, Realtor. Phone 18W.. -25tf FOR SALE. *CUT FLOWERS, beautiful gladiolus, wide range of colors, also snapdragons, zinnias and other seasonal garden flowers. Priced to sell. L. 13. HOLMAN,' 187 Cameron street, phone 722. -32tf 'FOR SALE.—LOVELY HOME, 49 East street, red brick, three bedrooms, hot water automatic oil heating. Can be seen by appoint- ment. Phone 422R. 35 FOR SALE. — FREESTONE peaches, Red haven and Golden Jubilee, now ready for canning. Bring containers. GOVENOCK ORCHARD, % mile north of Forest on Blue Water Highway. 35-36x FOR SALE. — BOY'S BALLOON Lire bicycle in .good condition, must be sold this week. '• Phone 796M for further information or can be seen. at 5 Blake street. • -35 OR SALE: • — FOUR - FALL freshening Ayrshire heifers, fully accredited, registered and vaccinated. JOHN HINDMARSH, R.R. 2, Goderich. Phone 1190.1. -35 BIRTHS DRAPER.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on September 6, 1953, 'to Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Draper, Goderich, a'• daughter, Theresa Darlene. HENRY.—At • Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on September 7, 1953, to Mr,and Mrs. Ross Henry, R.R. -i; •-Poi'Albertr Ont.,.. a.son.,...- LOCKHART.—At Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich, on September '7, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lock, hart, R.R. No. 3, ---Blyth,- Ont., a son. MILLER.—At Collingwood Hospit- al, on September 6, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, of Cree- more, Ontario, a son. M GUIRE.: -At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on September 6, 1953, tea Mr. and Mrs. Albert McGuire, Goderich, a son, ' Terrence Al- bert,' I'ASICII—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on September 5, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. John Pasich, R.R. Ne:- 2, 1eamsviile, Ont., a daugh- ter, Lynn Sophia. STOTIIERS,--At Alexandra lliospit- al, Goderich, on September 3, 195,3, to .Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stothers, R.R. No. 6, Goderich, a daughter, Valerie,Lynn. coach, good condition. Reason- able for quick sale. Phone 1155J. 35x FOR' SALE. -1939 CHEV. COACH in good condition, good rubber, two new. new motor, new battery, G.M. radio. This is a good''peppy car, priced to sell. -Phone 981J. 35-36x TO RENT 1OR RENT, THREE UNFURN• ISIiED rooms, upstairs- Phone 147R. -36 O RENT. SMALL HOUJSE with all modern conveniences. Immediate. possession. Phone 4. '-36 FOR RENT. UPPER UNFURN- ISHED apartment, private ep- trance, four rooms and bath. Vac- ant October 1. Apply after 5 p.m. 111A Trafalgar street. -36tf r 'O RENT. -- •CABIN TRAILER, sleeps four, all conveniences, equipped with electric brakes. BERT ALLEN, 171 East street. phone ,1247. '36tf rOR RENT. — FOUR -ROOM apartment, upstairs, with priv- ate bath, on the Square, September 1. Not suitable for children. Ab- stainers only. Apply W. HERN, 49 North street. . -35tf WANTED. — FURNITURE FIN- - fully experienced, as Foreman for top-quality, progres- sive manufacturer. Our foreman !retiring through age. Pleasant !working conditions, stealy employ- ! ment, group insurance, etc. En- close photograph and give full de- tails in first letter in confidence. BOX 84, SIGNAL -STAR. ' -35-36 *1`O RENT. -- FRESHLY DECOR- ATED two -room furnished apartment with heat and light. Beautifully situated. MRS. M. W HOWELL, 12 St. Vincent street. -33tf FOR RENT. — TWO -ROOM apartment, downstairs, unfurn- ished, immediate possession. Phone 787M. -33tf Harold W. Share *LL !NES--OF--INSURANCE., (including Life) and -REAL ESTATE Phone 766W North St. Goderich 36tf FOR SALE • 'l storey insul brick house qn corner of" Market Street and Elgin Ave. Vacant lot -adjoining Property of late Wm. Ross. For inspection PHONE 79&M or 272. - "Name your own price. Must be sold imtisediatei ." WANTED. -- . EXPERIENCED stenographer as secretary to general manager of. progressive manufacturing company. Must have good shorthand, possess in- itiative, be alert and dependable. Top salary to capable girl. Kind- ly write full particulars in own hand and salary desired to BOX 83, SIGNAL -STAR. -35-36 WANTED.—FIND THE COST OF living high? Need an extra $35 to $50 per week? Part time work, hours 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Married men preferred. If you have a , car for local travel, apply. to BOX 6, Harriston. -35-36 AUCTION SiLE •OF HOUSE - HOU) EFFECTS - in town of Goderich at residence of . Walter . Heitman, Wellington street, Godcrich, at 1.30 p.m., on SATURDAY, 'SEPTEMBER 12 Cabinet radio; day bed; 2 porch chairs; walnut hall table; bookcase; hall tree; side table; 'several small tables; several rugs; large chest; couch; ? rocking chairs; pedestal; table lamps; upholstered chair; bedroorn suite; springs and- mat- tress; table; electric fan; table linens; hall runner; china and, glass; Thor washing mashine; rna• hogany fernery; maple dining room table and' 4 chairs; trilight lamp; laundry tubs. TERMS—CASH. WALTER HEITMAN, • •-Proprietor, HAROLD JACKSON,. Auctioneer. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. 35-36- WANTED. — ROOMERS. MRS. OHLER, 11 Cambria road, AUCTION SALE AT THE HOME South, -35 36 . of Mary Bone, St. .George's Crescent, on WANTED. — LARGE DRESS SATURDAY, SEPTEBER • 19 'trunk and one large storage •at 1.30 p.m.M trunk; alga hat box. Phone 1297J, The following articles: Complete -35 dining room suite (i/4 -cut oak); oak couch, - leather cushions; r; clover - NOTICE TO CREDITORS 'OTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the estate of SARAH HOGAN, late of the Township of Ashfield, deceased. All persons claiming against the above estate are required to for- ward full pgarticulars to the under- signed by O tober 3rd, after which date the assts will be distributed. FRANK DONNELLY, Goderich, Solicitor for the Estate. • . -36-38 SALE BY TENDER FOR SALE BY TENDER.• Tenders will be received up to September 21, for the purchase of the poultry house 12' x 14' on the grounds of Goderich District Col- legiate Institute. The building, on skids, is to be removed by October 1. Sealed letters marked "Tend- et'ashould be addressed to A. R. SCOTT, Secretary, Goderich Dis- trict Collegiate Institute Board. -36-37 kitchen table; wicker chaff leaf table; 3 small tables, 6 1/., - cut oak; small table; Wilton 'rug, 9 x 9; 2 rocking chairs; 2 clocks; number of cushions; 8 double rolls ceiling. paper; Astral refrigerator -and stand; steel bed, springs and mattress; stand; step- ladder; number of chairs; single bed; kitchen cupboard; wardrobe; dresser; electric iron; electric ket- tle; Rogers radid; Quebec heater with pipes; kitchen stove with pipes; 2 fox furs; 2 antique plat- ters; complete carving set with ivory handles; a large number of dishes; a set of solid silver; gold watch• with chain; Congoleum rug, 9 x 12;., number. of 'curtains; num- ber of fancy ,candlesticks; 2 serv- ing trays; 2 -burner electric plate; w I n mower; pictures; garden tools; Bissell carpet sweeper; handsaw; axe; number of sealers; dishes, pots and pans, and many articles too numerous to mention. TERMS—CASH. . Pdsitively no reserve, as the property has ,been sold. _ _MRS. MARY BONE, ..• Proprietress. MATT GAYNOR, Auctioneer. 36 -37 - Emerson Drug Store. Corner West 8t. and Square Phone 45. We deliver. "As handy as the Postolfice" - We ask you to bear in mind that we will be closed from September 13- to September'20 inclusive for holidays. ts••••/• Frosst Neo Chemical Food for young and old. Gives you a complete mineral and vitamin tonic. Helps build resistance to colds, etc. Pleasant to take. 1,55, 3.35, S.90—Caps. 1.65, 2.95, 6.60. • • • r ,