HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-09-10, Page 6PAG* SIX k\k\k‘N k\\ OPEN A , SAVINGS ` ACCOUNT AT ALIVE and growing Plant the seeds for your Ai ture 40-3 The Canadian .Bank of commerce ST. HELENS ST. HELENS, Sept. 9. -Visitors in the community for the holiday week -end included Miss Anna Stuart, of Toronto, Dr. George and Dr. Will, MacGregor, of Chicago with Mr. and Mrs. George Stuart; Mr: and Mrs. G. S. McIntyre and Donald; of Bracebridge, with Mr. W. I. Miller; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. Miller and Larry, of London, 'and Murray Taylor, of Walkerton, with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Taylor; Mr. and Mrs. Neely Todd, David, Janet and Mary, with Mrs. D. Todd; Miss Judy Wilson, of Whitechurch, with Master Terry Wilson; Miss Donna Miller, of Strathroy and Miss Ivadel Sparkes, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred '' McQuillin; Miss Marg- aret MacPherson, Reg.N., of Lon- don, and Keith Black, of Centralia, with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mac- Pherson. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Elliott, Holyrood. wish to announce the engagement of their only daugh- ter, Eileen Alberta, to Allain Alex- ander Miller, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Miller, R.R. 1, Luck - now.. The marriage will take place :n Lucknow United Church on September 26 at 3"p.m. The Chairman of the CBC is ap- pointed, to a ten-year term of office. —Quick Canadian Facts. UNION UNION, GODERICH TOWN- SHIP, Sept. 9.—This community was saddened to learn of the death of Mrs. Robert • McIlwain. The sympathy of the community is e5, tended to Mr. Mcllwain in his bereavement. Recent visitors with. Mr. and Mrs.- George Mcllwain were Mr. Sam . Mcllwain, of Barrie, • his daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Bill Clark. also Mr. and Mrs. Collier and Sandra, of Nova Scotia, and Mr. and Mrs:. Dave Davidson and Mrs. W. Stevenson, of Windsor. Don Orr, of Toronto, visited over. the Labor Day week -end with Mr. i and Mrs. Gordon Orr and family. Miss ,Eleanor Fuller is spending a few nays this week at the C.N.E. Mr. and Mrs. Montague and Ken- ; neth have returned to their home in London after spending the sum- mer vacation at their home on the Blue Water Highway. ' Next Sunday at Union ,will 'be Rally Day, and a combined service will be -held at 3 p.m. in which the .children of the Sunday school will take part. ' Oakum consists of loose fibre obtained by untwisting and picking 1 old hemp -ropes. Mixed with pitch, f it is used to caulk the seams of wooden vessels. KINGSBRIDGE K3,NGSBRIDGE, Sept. 9.— Rev. FatherThortias O'Keefe, S.J., of Toronto, b1r. and Mrs. Eugene O'Keefe and children, of Hamilton, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O'Keefe. • Mr. and Mrs. Clare' O'Reilly and Mrs. Richards and family, of De- troit, are spending a few days at a cottage at Kintail. Albert O'Loughlin and two nephews from Detroit spent the week -end at the home of Jack Kinney. Rev. Father Van. Vynckt, Dr. and Mrs. ,Gilbert Frayne, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Frayne and Douglas Frayne attended the Frayne-Dwyer wedding at Kinkora on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Garvey, Miss Joan and Michael Garvey_, of Tor - I onto, have been visiting at the home of Thomas Garvey during the past week: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reed and Vino: Feeney, of Toronto, were visitors at the home of Mr. James \' s i pace over the holiday week -end. Gerald Vogt and Mrs. Vogt, 'of, Detroit, were visitors at the home of r'rank. Sullivan for a few days. Mrs. Peter Vogt returned to her home in Detroit with them, after spending -a few weeks here. Mrs. 13. Bowler of Saginaw, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. Owens, visited with relatives here over the holiday week -end. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dietrick of Kit- chener, are visitors with Mr. and i Mrs. Mark Dalton for -a few days. Mr. Neil Kraemer, of Hesson, spent the past week at the home of his sister, Mrs. Gene Frayne. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Lannon of London, spent the week -end holi- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyal Lannon. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Martin and - children of Hamilton are visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Blaize Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Nolan, of .Dublin, were visitors at the home of Mr. I and Mrs. Frank McKenzie recently. {Mr. and Mrs. James Sinnott, of Gorrie, spent Sunday at the home I of Michael O'Neill. I Miss Delores Daltons of Detroit, has. accepted a position on the teaching staff for the children of the American airmen stationed in England for the present term, and we wish her every success. Francis Griffin, of Flint, is visit- ing at the home of Thomas Wal- lace. CREWE THE GODERIC T SIGNAL -STAR NEWS OF AUBURN .AUBURN, Sept. 9.—The follow- Baseline school, Mrs. Kitchener ing teachers have resumed their Finnigan teacher of Prosperity positions: Mrs. Marguerite Chopin, ' school and 'Miss Joan Killogg at to Wingham Collegiate; Miss Mary , Nile school. Houston, to Hamilton, Donald Ross, i A large crowd attended the con to Oakville. cert presented by the ,Centennial Eugene Dobie, of Toronto, spent Association when Gladys Cornell, the week -end with his mother, Mrs. of London, and her troup present - William Dobie. ed a variety program consisting Mr. and Mrs. William Krtise and of The Paul Brothers and Shirley Elizabeth Ann, of Kitchener, Were :in comedy.- and harmony songs. weeli,-end visitors with Mr. and ; Roy Head and company, magician; Mrs. Edgar Lawson. ' ' 'Barbara Bell, step dancer; Myrtle Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Keller, of Armstrong, violinist. Woodstock, are visiting their! W.M.S. — The W.M.S. of Knox daughter, Mrs. Harry Arthur and , United Church held their Septem- Mr. Arthur. ber meeting in the Sunday school Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Mclntyre, i room of the 'church with Mrs. W. of Detroit. are visiting Mr. and J. Craig presiding and Miss Chris - Mrs. George Beadle. a tine Cunningham at the piano. The Mr. and Mrs. William Straughan theme of the meeting was "The have, been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Church the Household of Faith." Thomas Jardin, Clarksburg. The Scripture was read by Mrs. Mrs. Alfred Rollinson is visiting Earl Wightman and Mrs. Albert her daughter, Mrs. George Weston Campbell offered ' prayer. Mrs. and Mr. Weston, Toronto. Guy .Cunningham gave a paper on Harry Sturdy has returned home Temperance. A piano duet was after beiing a patient in Clinton given by Christine and Ilene Cun- hospital with an infected toe. ningham. The topic was taken by Harvey McGee and sister-in-law, Mrs. Elliott Lapp who spoke on Mrs. John Kennedy, of North Bay, "Canada Today." The president, and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gibbs, of Mrs. Albert .Campbell, took charge Detroit, visited friends here last for the business period. The sec - week. retary's and treasurer's reports Mrs. George Yungblut has re- were given. The offering was re- turned home after visiting her ceived by Mrs. W. J. Craig and sister in Delaware. dedciated. Mrs. Toll offered the • Everett Taylor has sold his farm closing prayer: to William Patterson. Anniversary. — Anniversary ser - Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. vices will be held in the Baptist F. O. Mcllveen were Dr. and Mrs. Church this Sunday, September 13, Charles Mcllveen.; Mr. and Mrs. at 3 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. The Donald Mcllveen and family; Eric guest speaker will be Rev. H. S. McIlveen, of Oshawa; Mrs. Fergu- Hillyer, a former missionary in son, of Bwsgranville; Miss Gracey, Bolivia, now secretary of the Bap - of Port Hope, _and Mr. Gracey, of tist foreign mission board of all Windsor:., Canada.` Rev. Hillyer will also School re -opened Tuesday with five an address on Monday, Sep - D. A. MacKay in charge of Auburn 'ember 14 at 8.15 p.m. and will school, Carl Mitts as teacher of tell of his experiences. He has CREWE, Sept. 9.—Friends with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sherwood and Norma were Mrs. Kate Hutchison, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Templeman and family, of Wingham, Mrs. Jack - Bremner, of Sudbury. Miss Mary Mac;llillan, of Lucknow. s Miss Lorena Crozier, of London, was • a week -end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. C. Crozier. Wallace Twamley, of London, called there 1 on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Chamney, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Keating and Charles, of Wingham, were Labor Day visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Finnigan and family. Mrs. Fred Cook and daughter of Westfield, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boak. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Blake, of Clin- ton, Mr. andMrs. Will Alton and Wendell, of' Wingham, Dave and Bert McWhinney and Edna, Jim Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith and son, of Bay City, were visitors witlrMr, and Mrs. Lorne Hasty and W,iil Hasty at the week -end. Mcr:CpL HcjtyTBowen Driver -Mechanic of the Infantry *Army trained, Corporal. Henry Bowen's job as a Driver -Mechanic has allowed him to see a great deal of - Canada. He has also served in England and 'tfie`Far -Easfi-Proud father of-throe— CorporalSowen and his _ i wife both agree on the many advantages of Army service. OBITUARY • MRS. R. McILWAIN Mrs. Robert Mcllwain, 72, who died in Alexandra Hospital Satur- day, lived most of tier life in Gode- riclv Township, and for the past year on Bayfield road in Goderich. She was the former Martha E. Major. Only syrvivor is her husband. The remains rested at the Lodge funeral home, .where services were conducted Tuesday, 2 p.m., by Rev. D. W. Williams, Victoria street United Church, and interment made in Maitland cemetery. Pallbearers were Maurice 'Me- llwain, Everett Mcllwain, Stanley Mcllwain and George Buchanan. MISS K. A. SULLIVAN Miss Katherine A. Sullivan, 85, who died Thurss:ay of last week in St. Mary's Hospital, London, was born at Mitchell and as a young woman graduated from Stratford Normal School, and taught at Kingsbridge. Later she was principal of a high school in Chicago for many years, and published several books of poems. After retiring 20 years agog she came to Goderich to live, and was an active member of St. Peter's Church, an honorary presi- dent of the Altar Society, and a member of the CWL. She was a member of Goderich Literary Club. The remains rested at the Cran- s:on funeral home, and requiem high mass was sung Saturday, 9 a.rn., by Father J. P. Gleeson, in St. Peter's Church. Interment was just completed a tour of mission fields in India, Africa, Japan and South America. Special music will be rendered at the Sunday services and also Monday evening by talent from Goderich and Clin- ton. er THURSDAY, SEPT. 10th, 1953 S/fce /8891 NMI 0 fIef'N'ATERL00.LU7•IR/O EBB ROSS Says 1f you should die, could your wife pay off the mortgage? Or continue the payments? Our Mortgage Redemption plan will give your family a home to live in, instead of a mortgage to pay. Let's talk this over. K M. JOSS Kepreseiitative Goderiah Ontario made in Avondale cemetery', Strat- ford. MRS. LYDIA SPURGEON Mrs. Lydia Spurgeon, resident of Lake Orion, Michigan, passed away at her . home on August 26 in her 82nd year. She was born and spent her early life ij Colborne Township. a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Flick. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Dean Baskerville, Dctl: o't, two sons, Raymond, of Berkley. and Wesley. of Florida; also three sisters, Mrs. Evb Schiele, of Pont- iac; Mrs:- Mary Wiederhold, of De- troit; Mrs. Leah- Shetler, Santa Monica, and three brothers, Leslie Flick, of London; Michael and John Flick, of Goderich. Funeral services were held Fri- day, August 28, from the Allen funeral home, Lake Orion. Inter - merit vas trade in Evergreen ceme- tery. Rev. Herbert Ilausser of the Methodist Church officiated. Counter Sales Check Books PLAIN or PRINTED Printed,` Gummed Tapes obtainable at Signal -Star Ltd. West Et. Phone 71 TRA TROUSERS 2 ii1ored � � to measure $39 Get Expert training iln Automotive Trades Young men interested in me- chanics can learn skills in auto- motive'trades when they setve with the Soldier -Tradesmen of the Infantry. Expert instructors give complete training in mod- ern schools and with most advanced methods and equip- ment available. Men like CpI. Henry Bowen know how important their jobs in the Army are to Canada's safety. In the Army, the also know that they are building good sound futures for themselves. For soldier - tradesmen like CpI. Bowen enjoy many advantages in our modern Canadian Army: excellent pay, financial security through long term service pensions, the best medical and dental care—outstanding chances for promotion. There are challenges and the job is a big and important one to all Canada. You ore eligible if yotrare 17 to 40 years of age, (skilled tradesmen to- 45), and able to meet Army test requirements. Applicants should bring' birth certificates or other proof of age when applying for interview. Apply right away:. Write or visit the Army Recruiting Centre nearest your home. No. 13 Personnel Depot, Wallis Nouse, Rideau & Charlotte Sts., Ottawa, Ont. No. 5 Personnel Depot, Artillery Park, flagot St., Kingston, Ont. Canadian Army Recruiting Centre, 90 Richmond Street West, Toronto, Ont. No. 7 Personnel Depot, Wolseley barracks, Oxford a Elizabeth Sts., London, Ont. Army Recruiting Centre, 239 Main St. W., North flay, Ont. Army Recruiting Centre, '4 James Street Armoury, 200 James St. North, Hamilton; Ont. $sry a Canada and ''ourself A ExIra--trousers28 You -sage .$13.2 . It's Bond's 28th Anniversary and :your opi:G:rtunity to save as much as $21 nn a smartly tailored new (ions! suit! Choose from hundreds of this Fall's newest shades and patterns—yarn-dyed worsteds, pic'n' pies, worsted flannels, scrges and blends. Your suit will be tailored to your individual measure try Bond's expert craftsmen. It will fit you to perfection—guaranteed to give you complete satisfaction, And remember, you get an extra pair 01 trousers for a1r,!y 28 cents! 1)o,•'t miss this tremendous value! LADIESBond will tailor a suit to your individual measure in your choice of a wide variety of beautiful styles at these same low prices, with an EXTRA SKIRT for g8 cents. Same choice of fabrics, starting 1t $39.75. Sizes up to 42. No Extra Charge for Oversizes; Delivery in two weeks if required Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded Coat & Trousers LOOK AT THESE SAVINGS Reg. $39.75 Extra Trousers 28c -- You Save $13.22 Reg. $49.75 Extra Trousers 284 -- You Save $17.22 Reg. $59.75 Extra Trousers 28c -- You Save $21.22 ON SALE NOW AT MCLEAN BROS. THE SQUAZZ c GODERICH