The Exeter Times, 1890-2-27, Page 3Hair Vigor
Hair-dresstng. It re -
the color to gray hair ; promotes
and vigorous growth; prevents
the formation cf
dandruff; snakes the
hair soft and silken;
and imparts a deli -
este but lasting per..
"Several months
ago my hair corn-
mencea falling out,
and in a few weeks
nay head was almost
bald. I tried many
es, but they did no good. I final-.
ught a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor,
after using only* a part of theleon.
my head. "was tiovered with a
y growth a hair. eecommend
preparation as the best in the
d." -T. l'efunday, Sharon Grove,
have used .A.yer's Hair Vigor for a
ber of years, and it hos always given
satisfaction. It is an excellent dress -
prevents the bair from turning
• ea mines its vigorous growth, and
ps the scalp white and clean."
Jaeltse'Went, Mass.
bave used Ayer's Hair Vigor for
maim the .• rowth of the ham, and.
nle it unregnaled. For restoring the
1 to its original color, and for adres.s-
. ft eaunet be surpassed," -Mrs. Geo.
ever, Eaton Rapids, Mich-
yer's Hair Vigor is a Most excel.
at preparation hir the hair L speak
't Alga X0Wwn experience. Its use
r motes thtlieerowth of new bar and.
it glossy And soft. The Vigor is
oa euro for daudruff."-T.W.Rowen,
O' "Enquirer," MeArthur. Ohio.
bavo used Ayer's Hair Vigor for
he past two years, and found it all it is
resented to be. It restores the natu.,
color to gray bair, causes liAlee hair
grant freely, and keepe it soft and
pltaut.' ....Mrs. M. V, Day, Cohoea, N. Y.
"My father, At about the age of
net idi the bale from the top of his head.
fifer Wee itionilea trial of Ayer's, Hair
Igor tlto hair began corning, and. In
three months, he bail aline growth ot
air *Attie natural color. -.P. J. Cullen,
Saratoga Springs, N. Y.
I Vigor,
Para..ekann PY
J. C. Ayer 6; Co., Lowel!, Mai.
oldby Ittuggistsaail Perfuniets,
!two an To ONE EXIISMPSel
Paltri '3A11g ay ALL ,EAT,Rei
Dated "rebrIani7 the lith." "You wish to listen to me? Good; then 1 drops from his magic woad over him lava=
Blesthe St. Valentine, his day, . will tell you how, e.ccording to ancient the dreams hovered aronnel hiin lath their
That giire a mate chance to say
tradition which has been transmitted in our gay pletures-4gain and again he withdrew
What shall his state of mind disclose race front one generation to another, we from their gentle influence.
As much as though he should propose. : Poppies owe our existence to a very sheen.Then Sleep celled Itis children to him. ;
BEAR Main: Fa offer yoathie minute . lar occurrence; for you must not think that Let us flee, lte :Aid, for this malt i', not
My hand, but lo !, there's nothing in it. , at the creation of the world we fleWer8 Were wortlar e.,f our eits I And they !led. 'A lien,:
But lan fothid to ask witere yours is. . i strewn over the earth all at once. No •, we they were far av,...ty, Sleep took. his
Enmeshed my heart by y-mr dear 'urea iS, • ,
And. wheni Why, deal., at twenty-three . the same then as it is in the epring-tinee:powers had proven so ineifeetive, be thrust
A man is what ho's going to be. •nowadays." •. i it ' 1 • 11 On the 1vand the Meatus
"How is it in the spring -time anyway ?" :slay. f,ally hung the gay, airy, little liseturesi
:. asked the Tongue -grass, hastily interrupting 'Illtula theY bail intended fm• the man. •:
1:;iglit seeing this; breatimi life into the:
- i
a that now, for slat ai a ways one of the first n'l IWItl' 34 I'd('''' 1h' i
With naught in hand and all to get, •
NS itie circumstances. Look at tat
Rapping ai Fortune's gat.-aud. yet.
• came one after , another; Ana it was about wand and: half in anger, that this time
Futuree are actual in one s head,
Bet isuess is wait women Wed.
clients nor patients, not their fees,
Your elave at thri.e.and-tu..MY 1-.. ea
Are birds he must leave lu the auehee. 1 t'vt'en, you may hire . eg Daisy about wand, that it unght take root m • t. ..: ..
And girls with nineteeivyear-old bluslzes •tier.„ „
i Tile Daisy. who was generally hut littletfalt-11:- ill'emits Le6.nit' avh'''s.tei. iluttcmg
, lai my stoyy again.
.And listen to, I vould not be reearded and even eoneidered sintple by i -nais is hoW We Poppiee engine -oh
• More hopeleeeiy in lOre With you many, clere her eolzein, the Riney. le 18 The story nate tinielted and on every side'
In hpite of nil I know, mad see,
If:I:were ril.‘lt and sixty4we. ,• 4e:tiered igh'eater advantages of ethenetion, is,' toe newer.; bowed their thanks tO the tar-
p- ..,
. IL It's nothing tbat, 3. MI .I Mal
macs a t,,, , , „ . I hat in. higher esteem, veee teeth plenetel and raton. Then inerning began tO dawn.. As
Important, but it's off my Mho 1.malktrras.:•e- do that for ottel, Ate shmbl, he Id- : it heteeme light, the leavee tinifurideted
Yen soniehow, feelings don't agree to 181 01 bit afterward dOn't ini•erreipt• toe !litlie drepi ,hshicii call Sleep. And the
If one must boll and teen it la , lowe*1 to speak, and a. blush such as, is some. *leaved Rose fluttered through the forest and
The long year through. to blow the lid 1 times ohs,,r1Ti1 ht this little flower latirosed!str.pried, at everii flower wii101, tiwi Insseds
thr °nee helps some, and one may gain her tiny, white leaves. whispering to eavii 14 sad farewell. And
Until the ealentlarei italvanee 1 -What harm We leave *lone the Winter tears glistoled 0" a" Ill° 11":":41
Patience therefrom to stand the pain
Gives suffering hearts another *bat ee. ! that he bears us poor flowers such a grudee •
0 -
---Ilidwant S. Martin. ; I can nut say ; there 1.4 a walla diversity of
Iopinhei on this .41thi01't. lint *hie movie is . w ii,,rw t ri,n,1 t Feet welt lungul
certain. that he cati not etedure us and deo; ... a - ." a cr ' i _ "'
WHAT THE WOODS ARE SAYRIO. - ant rest moil he has driven ue all from, the Ten. MIles an 110606,
Fatly Tale Teltlahlateal from th0 Guitave lae. e - d f ' ' -
i earth. But fottunItely his Leila does not 'rig, Bay of Fundy PO=1 a eu,kbn53,_,.„"
'fiend, Spring. Now he looks around very'
h ' whieh V'e, Atlantic Ocean seeinste cave ieseet
a spite, and at regtdar intervals pours in ite
Zu Vedette. . eon er. an a t...U' alfil 3,0113•41 our est , , .4 -
')u -v bud, --"1", shed fra:4=',e, gay children whom at persica; he Irld Possibie harm. Take for instauce the harbee
ewers ean 1 M
Sumener. Having yet neither flower nor
the etaelei- care oe'.. a Se. John. In meet parts a the world a tide
and wither, *for tlds opinitut however warmly reiennmended to
leaf with whieh to weeve leineeelf a eletplet,
Ile lei,lee his hair in long, gray veils. Then
le, his warm, loviag hanti eeftly over
the e3rth and ealls and lit.,.•liouri to Ids dal,
litigA, of winern Ina oue yet demi t.e etretele
forth her heed, for they are still min+ ri;.;/t-
,,,l, so completely hos learele, erieel wiister
intimideted them. Nor are these fears; at
all groundless ; for it hatiluippenell that win.
, .-even wheys We I 44.111:1111t hint far away,-
ct erittel and etruck tear Iltege".'s 101 at' head.
We are inieteken if we think that the „is": when it„i siegie „me i., „e theli waters vicienly tual with intent to do al
widely spread it may he, is teily tn., salitet.:1:3, fr021 6 In 16 feet is quite euiffeient tosatisfy
a41 reaenable demands. t Jo11'bo
the thie rheie a feet en an trdinary day, awl
occasionally varies the luanutony Y pushing
the mark up three or fear feet, ne the humor
eeizes it, antl I was never etruck o nateh with
ca331111P3 Lis my life as wit11 this advance a.nd
recceliug of the waters.
have deecribett the uarrow gorge through
whieh the St. John River is foresal into Oust
Bay of Fundy. At low tido, where the water
drops into the Lay, there is a fall of some ten
feet, the channel being very raugh aud tonal,
of our own egottem, whoth nimbi make us
believe that everything in nature ie aely fer
and that -ill We ere Milo 1.4 per,•etee ottly
She outward life of flosrere-- they have no
'inward life.
But ae we leave already eaid, thie ie not
true, for as every flower has ha 0W11
ehard.dter, as this one is modest. auother
,proud and vain, as this one is gay and.
/brilliant, thot one dull and. obscure, 0' ill
1 whatever other way they iillitreS, US by their
„color awl N.bits, sit each one 111,.. it s 0331 I, t
, ° "e ."1P' s-(114,' 11301-1V; Whelk Ins•se, 11.
ye eulkty wishes, dertiree, irimapae, eernewe, reuittely 6211 and levitee slRalalSit isot win iy holaFFahlo for t(-iss',0" 05. ainf,'"''''IP 2,-,e1
-i; inn) heres, but They ,-,re all eee Mee tette iqt.'". 1431 rllow Frait.g, 11,7, wait to -a' aLud ,ft etilile At high water the fall ietue outer way, ke-
•141111 itoAT s? *hep an atta,,aa,„,„e_ not ouly eeianity fa,".a, t 1:"1" itletiocee, de: nee,1 viebe. 1 hay faWira into the river. this WW1 the first
• for the land of their birth. Inn etieis 2' 114L 'I he Ant when Acle i„„4,,, ,,cltiieg acicl,i, „ i, I owe eiree'l bed eiclaa a river wish the water
/1"ti they „,,u1.1 s,;•. 1.1e.:k and deqohLte, taut 44 :311 114.:: flowing fronalt.ilan.uth toward i'41 c,_euree, and
w't"14 " 23. fV153•!-i"
1i" 17 f°V.- 11W1110'."410 1,Plm Mr.% ina this cecevery day ia the St. John. One
twee, 3.; tee:einem it matte tie Lie it oaaliteerai end thae,111.- hides her head tu %by :far geed effeet of the tide s tide, that when it 15
1 half Alp er half down the river is level with
n le :yof
one teener., herr, A-3 1..32...:2.13.s of their
ea l'bey ate.- free., ear eb ay,
ink?. ; fe‘er rather, 401 seen.
NIA 1 . Ian Al5Ctiti.t. Ile' 041 43
e 0` %Nis. 1,1 4.0 1 ttet,t
fe.• s.atee: ea .3 n, re!. iehe !
3. the harieen and thea the immolate, number
• OW 114 14'4111 114,•liV 1.e. itri 44-33* and a:1 itev tier& r hergee ond other teat, which have
at .b• lea:. tee Leta gathered in She river while waiting ler the
t ld • 111400 13tes111 b., ;41 .Ze 14111ri rise 21111 fait, ara .14 , to run nieeiy eatelly
man createett eee • .
nseareireper .404Anton -
4 On ont
itieet alfer Ints te a Iv the theout into he'lb john, i; tinder
• , .
i`t rF0.1t. part tar ebianing, At Mg
2 - • • • •
1,114Slied, tttal when
thew 1151431 Sit ; elae 'USW kis I4/144,
flowery fiteble, until all thaelewitting le ialee faea eareelopliehtel. Wee 5' 11* :teethe eaai
"Weal plot:tree pro -Tuned te es t hen noniel ! !ease:a dtawn its II :ileae.,; eta envie
e• a few 0111:,3. the 1*85I31021,
11 a angst ilea. Mit Haat le eleo the eietaia
y her fragrance, then ie uot F4405:001 :lain
- fire Ideina."
..'sum !PAY 114133g4 are ill the
;Ma the lomipy her
etory. "and .11 the erteitent it was inet the
vault,. One fiewer env after the other.
Itatat the time to whiele my story referee
neat of them were already aseerahled, and
11 woe very beentithi an the, earth, for joy
haringnty reigned everpellere. Men and
aniettla dwelt ptee %Antiy tolgether, anti there
was nothing but merry making from morn-
ing till evening. But there woe one being,
the only one. en the wide, wide "creation,"
who del not 'share in thie general happinette,
lint wandered sadly over the young 0151511
itwas Night. Why was *he sad 1 you ask.
W•ell, you see, she was alone itt the world,
where every other heing had a companion ;
am! is there any happiness if we On not
share it? What made it worse, Night felt
mere Deed neon: keenly, what she gladly
would. !ewe eoneealed none herself, that she
was the only being whom the others did not
like t appreach lovingly. For however will.
ingly-she lightener little lamps, she .could
not help holing the beauties of the earth
from men and annuals, which elienated them
from leen NIlt that they complained about it
ti Iler fee; but the joyousneaswithwhich the
=truing sun waa greeted, showed eleerly
enouglt how little they were attmehed to her.
That grieved leer, of -course, for she Was very
good and loving, and she covered her feet+
m the' thiekeet of yells to weep unseen over
her bitter sorrow. Now, that touched us
tenderhearted flowers very much, and as all
turned away from her, we tried as much as
lay within our power to give her joy, although
WO could. do but little to soothe, her
grief. But we had nothing to offer except
colors and fragrance; and,as to :colors, Night
never cared much for them. So we reserved
all:our choicest odors. for her; why, there are
some flowers -for example, heeperis-who
"Oli don't," whispered softly the Forget_ do not give forth their fragrance at all in
the daytime, that they may offer night
enciali fee, '' ,
ortaiseoweelatlaptedtothilarentbat tffasraerta cares Colie, Conitipatioa,
eadieassuperierteaziypreeeription sql",.; etonvoti. ViazitK",..-",,, iilrg.t414442ecleee ,33_
Kato 'nerves, gives eeeeP. Pro= --i-
to me." IT, ,ee Altt'261.1, 31. D.,
• "Coot
124139, oder4 witttritiuriow Taeds000m
neeenatat Cohte.422, Bhbrray Street,
Fare. "ili.seeM5inaer
ta fo avExte.
Lv. .
r. Karaso$ Cit. ......
Ar linterainson
111f. Vee.
Ar. Albuquerque
41 Barstow. .
Af. Is1.-S
ate Sae
5 p. tn, Sun ..tert C u '
5 p. M. Mon :Idea t•tir iThor iat
Tran p. m. Men Ines: W ,Tkur
!!liata ne. Teee ed rier .Pri
On 5 P. an TOQM • Welt 'I'12.Tit Frl
lifietO ne. Wei Teter !lire at
1e:45 m. Ofhier ."Peri . Set :San
4.43. 54. me. • Thar Fri !Pet :Sate
' Sore p. Thee Fri !Sat tine
You Pt tie cailY lbw Of CAW-LA.1A 0 it •, without
Angeles, end yen eave !metre !Eine.
ormcni-T4 tlRISWOLine•iT MUM.
ae, at. E. GILMAN, Pee
to Io
or Agee;
utotn :Kik of
<What fined a
timid meal Will Pot 1'149 chatter nf the l'ongenagniee, who is the,
ea -resat sitztirtko, to*
Seelill hematitill iht
liffee on a bright meanlight ocia'at the sate
razor die tale lay Rem the bit easing genie.:
if a i'rantaut forest and lien Dien sr.* 4 133..49.
ea, as many will rattier believe whet* era-
:!denly hearal a thoeteatei tiny voiree arise
1 from the tiewere area:mi. Perbeete a gentle'
, fairy, In Whoill Illivisliseis4li4r he weathered.:
eervice, hall leaued hien her delieate veer for
the idol.
In melancholy tenee the lieteleeinee .11. 4...-
114'114 0 1.1i pOeill t Ise eitr IliS
11142,i1I101*, who listened ettentively. It 513.8
kii mt usually iisterrupteil, hewever, bythe
A eeka, ,clehronique emotethe floweras,
3 Pe til. P.O.Stsmes nfiase tee 11v3rp•oerad, and represents the litraleweof gosip.Nr
15 e
Beck tent FREE. thle !Page In? 0 group Of NVild.reees.giggleil tegether
evidently met 're lw sure the Blue.
mg alrratb., N„ s, over some pleasantry whielt one of theui had
he'll watt silent, but Hint 11,1440.1 approviugly
all the While tll the etillVerilat 1011 of her
neighbers. New, it was quite different with
the Quaking -grass, who shook his head con -
Mind renamingelleed. Boonsieuened stantly awl would net belbeee a single word
in ono reeoseee Toulmoab,,fran ell• of all that he hearil artnuttl him. Now,
pans of the globe. Prospectus 11014/Z
MOM, dont nit itillitOtalliftTO PTAwhether they hail pinwheel thelistener meth
a.. Loisette, 2.1 loth Ave...,,,.ewYmkacemeling to the 4,141 proverb, wished. to
, pettish leitee f,ur 1118 rudeness, or whether it is
la lamella theme of the flowers, in eltert, the
On the North, the Smith. the East and ;justice and unkind treedment of which men
the Wed, light is now breaking in on the , are. galley toward the flower:4,
Dark Continent, and Britain is the foremost, ; "Oh, dear," exelaimed mournfully a group
as ever, in the task. It is almost the last of of Thymebloseoms, "here the clunk foot of
the great unknown Was, and it has fallen a man has again trampled. upon 110hle of our
to our century and ourselves to open up the deareet sisters."
vast ATOM of this huge continent, between "Yes, they do not value tie et all, however
one -forth and one.fifth of the superficial area tenderly we cling to theme erclid the culla,
of land 01.1 our planet. Shall posterity look tion Pink, who, feud of being observed, held
back with scorn on opportunities weasted, her head as high as ever she could on her
on duties shirked, on empire and eommer- stem. "Now, if they destroyed us because
cial extension thrust into our hands and we are injurious to them, like the Hemlock,
thrown aside by us for our rivals to take for instance, I should not mind, but milt.
Love of adventure and ditrinar still lives in ing is harder to bear than their indifference
the British race. We look back on the in which they do not even think it worth
records of the Elizabethan age, atel as boys while to tura their feet aside:,
we sighed for those times -of mighty sea
kings, of golden Eldorados in America,
Mexico, Peru, and California, of Indian
pagodas and fabulous isles of the sea ; and
round us to -day the same drama is enact -
g, the same opportunities offer, and we
eed them not. There is ample evidence that
these lands yield gold and other lucrative
metals; their vegeta,ble and animal products
ire rich; the country is not burdened with
n over -population as was Indie ; and, above
11, the moral duty devolves on us of sup-
orting the men we have allowed to go
oul work in these countries -of checking
his scandol to civilisation, the slave trade,
hich can only be put down by an era of
w and order, wielded by au all -potential
wer.-Captain F. D. Lugard, m
od's Magazine.
Vktruture Of Africa.. conversation turned this time upon the in.
Editorial Etiquette.
\Then the editor is writing, do not bother
'him with talk;
you haven't time to take a seat, go out and
take a walk;
o not rudely lean behind him, of his subject
making note,
or stand and. view your visage in the shoul-
ders of his coat.
Beloved Brethren.
!" lave this evening been preaching to a
ongregation. of idiots," said. a conceited
young. parson.
"Then what was the reason you always
call them 'beloved brethren?'" replied a
strong minded lady.
The wheel of Fortune. "
Jack-" So pretty,' impecunious Sallie
Jones, whom I used to flirt with, is the wife
of amillionaire, yon say? Bless me, how the
wheel of fortune does turn. 1"
Bill-" Yes, especially when a
pretty shoulders are put to it."
A Little Off.
.Smith ---Ah, one moment 1
Jones -What is it, Smith?
Smith -Yesterday T. took off my hat ton
young lady whom I took to be your sistah.
If -eh -if it was some body else, please
express my regets to yam, sistah.
"Learn of me," seers philosopher, " and
ye shall find restlessness." " Learn of me,"
inters Christ, " and yo shell.' find rest."-
, [Drummond. •
day you eon see a tiezea of Owl:do:est me
going loadieg d for differeat perts
of the world. Tbie, thither maiady comes
down the tdt. John raver.
I eaw the tido come in around the headland
ba M1nee Peoie an 15 15 14 Fiala, erth go'
Ing ea. The heat,. di the adveaeing tide is
oaued 44a Imo." If ;fon eau
*straight wa.0Zef venter eight fest ldgb, end-
ing over at tho top, cylvanclna uPou You at
tiitheatt woilfatet 14 wileroe tal's111=0141r,wytilatWaillugiron
at not
the tide means. At the Minaslia iZ2.th13 wall
of watereotnes tearing around the .liciadiand
liko an expra:is train, Um/ the man w 70.3
down en the flut muds of the bay at thiii tiTne
stood a, retuarlaehly good cloaca of neie "
leaving the iiande alive. If he got a gem
start of the" bore" he :night escape and if
he did not he was drowned. Yon cannot fool
with the Ude a Minas Basin. It is a play-
thing that the native who is acquainted with
tha animal avoids, The rite uf the tide at
Minas Bantu is forty-five feet.
At the extreme head of the Ray of Fundy
the tide rises from sixty-five to eeventy-flve
feet, and, runs at the rate of fifteen miles an
hour. This isnot only the highest tide in the
known world, but it is double the height, I
am told, of any other knowntide,
ine.not; "to hear you talk one would think
mon were very unjust. And yet I can refute
your charges. Are we not their favorite
adornment on all festal oceashme, and do
they not always choose us for messengers of
their most sacred feelings -of love?"
"Those times have long since passed,"
said. the Sorrel, fretfully. "Do not these
htunan creatures in their inflated pride
think themselves justified in dabbling in the
handiwork of the Creator himself, even in
correcting Him when they attempt to imitate
us, and to improve on us in those miserable,
daubed, paper things? And with what do
they adorn themselves now, with us, or with
those despicable imitations ? And for Ines -
7.1 cr. r,
PC.4172ECIT's. ST.
covramiz 110
or ane iniunees eateriate.
Tood For Thought.
There is little pleasure in the world that
is true and slueere beside the pleasure of
doiug our duty and &dug gond. I am mere
no other is. comparable to thisa-iTillotson.
Prejudive and self suilleieway naturailly
proceed from inexperieme of 1 110 world, and
ignorance of mankind.---tAddison.
• Prof. LaZardli Saysl ; "A nation is not rich
unless it is rich in thoughts; it. cannot be a
great nation sinless it is great hs, heart ; and
unless it reigns in the department of intellect
awl with the intellect it cannot reign in the
teemed and the dominion of nations, but
will be obliged to serve."
11 their sweetest perfume, and, as is well
known, hesperis has retained this habit since
that time. However, allthis could not con-
sole the sorrowing one, and finally, in her
grief, she threw herself before the throne of
the Creator.
"Almighty Father," said she, "Thou seest
how happy all are in Thy creation. I alone
wander friendless, lonely, joylees, and =be-
loved over the earth, and there is no being to
whom I could turn for comfort in my sorrow.
Day flees from me however longingly I may
hasten after him ; and, like him, every cree-
ture turns away. Almighty Father, wilt
Thou not have compassion on my sorrow and
sengers of love they take us only when they give me a companion. ?"
have nothing better; otherwise the lan- And. the Creator answered the prayer of
guage of flowers has gone quite out of fashiou, Night. Smiling in pity, he made sleep and
they call it sentimental and ridicule it." gave him to her for a companion. Is not the
"I should not mind all that,' said the fact that the Creator made him smiling even
Lily, "for how can men have any regard ear now seen in this, that sleep is only beloved,
our feelings when they do not know them..? 1 that he distributes onlyblessings, happiness,
But they should not deny them, where they • and comfort ?
are apparent and easily perceived. Just re- ) Night took Sleep in her arms, and
member, when the night is over and we -now a very different life commenced for
look around. us in the morning light, there her. Not only that she is no longer
is always one or another of our companions lonely, but! the heart of all became at -
missing, who was either already drooping in , tached to her, since. Sleep, the favorite
the evening twilight, or cruelly strippedl of of all living beings, came with her when
her leaves by a wild night wind. Then we day hastened away from the earth. Pretty
mourn for her and tears fill our eyes. Men soon other gentle beings followed in their
SCO this, but without even trying to tunic. train, the children of Right and Sleep -
stand us they deny that those drops are a the Dreams. They wandered over the earth
sign of our feelinga and. say " it's the dew evith their parents, and soon made friends
-1 L
15; 71; OVVrelltittrOliSLy til0a3 lag,14
FittiOD'S wesweitory
Waite 6i Sori,Pro,
L1476 El 1.01.411=70$1130
r.:;•-•ort.i00, per ti:,10 ealitta.
aateeetteeneeelts eleareld
.tett eetlateivineet eaedeasday seterntag
t..-:,w,.litfl Pfeliiiiil el ci DE:::;* A 7 ' TM 1;:iT ida due
tees eneacet eva 1,o.4t: t. tr..a,..Ipts, .6 Ais t.401.101.16
.1. ; • *.o, All 37.4r% 012: la4a.I 11.4 134 W311 reCollt
••: i.: .411.64,4Vidiltiell.
- .....
ons Iltel4 at rdlurt New*.
t Ai li' Perscl,:wlif-zaller.; tinaorresplsrlyfront
,I De r .etaeffeeta eeeether slireetefliza ect 5 norae or
4%-.27):..Jor'o.or owette. 'a ?..,1'.;• Lan Sliksivaibo a Dr 1:106
1 ,5 lie,‘,7,44D.1141131 C. ,2 rt:Fir..4 73.
1 11 le 0 oereee. 03118 Lel parer olieetratinuto4.
r.0 '1,185 ro.ri all 61I.C4TF.4 Or the publither
t., -,:t "arae tGa Pill iti at ene!il thee ;4er:um; ib ill f3dits
la tIWII et•Nes.t. the r1i.,110 AUltvarits wleother
Al rtilpflif ill telian freta tele officio or uot.
e la Relit a roe r,at,a7,Tai.ti; DO, ti.10 cult vala,,y by.
tee'ltilted ill tile Odell 6.1bere 0.143 paaer 15 Ill1b.
140:0.1, alt4003h t1.30 fatan...,,riber may reside
:=1.15ols of molc5 ar:ov
4 The eauri-3 have dvelkleil tbet retueing to
1 'al:o tiowsparer„snr petiodirela from ttEte post.
Arito. or rerole cis opt leaving them uneollod
C*' CIFI 01115233 facie tavelence el intentionet freta 1
New Zealand, as a matter of fact, is •evan-
gelized. Christianity has not failedof emcees
in a single island. In India and elsewhere
they had to gather the converts one by one,
but in New Zealand a movement set in and
great numbers value forward ; its advance
was almost like a bush -fire.. The munber of
native clergy et present laboriug there is
quite three times white they had previously
been. These are not supported by money
from home, but by the contributions and
endowments of their own. people. -(Bishop
Stuart. D. D., of Weiltpu.
pair of
he Nast Sr:crest:fel ewe dy ever (WOW
orea, as it is eertala in its vt'revn mad. does
not blister, Dead proof t,.!.13)1v.
OM= OPC22412.133 SW=1=4 }
BOTO11111,P, or
C113912.4136 max Asp 1111221210 Bitra nOrtET.P.
SMIWOOD, Nov.20, 3111.
DU. B. Z. Zasnits. Co.
IX= Sirs: I have aura:ea pureaesea yoneMze
MID'S Stavin Clire by the bait dezen tettko,
*101214 11110 prices in larger quantity. thinir, It is
outs of the beet liniments on earth. I have used It
cn my stables for time years.
Yours truly, Ms& A. SOPTDSII.,
13nOcca,r; IL Y., licverabor 13.8.
D**. 13. S. V.raneart. CO.
Dear Sirs: I desire to 6132 you testimonial 0 my
good opinion of 3 our Kendall's Spavin 13313.10
used it ror ntoneteeme. othr --teslus mad.
sprcnns, awl have 100110 awls's. ease, corda
auerrt commend it to allitsraemer.
YoUra truly, A. D. 101311.1161331,
Plamazer Troy Laundry Stabled,
A Methodical Little Cuss.
The modern child is an analyst. The
small kid was playing with the scissors and
his kindly old grandmother chided him :
"You muse.% play with the scissors, dear.
I knew a little boy just like you who was
playing with a pair of scissors just like that
pair, and he put them in his eye and put
his eye out, and he never could see any-
thing ever after."
The child listened patiently and said,
when she got through :
"What was the matter with the other
eye ?"
•• Vo474 tee L. ,e7' eetas
SANT, WIliTOOF COUNTY. oare. Dee. 10, 1£63'.
Ds.. 11.3, KitillIOALL, Co.
'Gents: I feel 13 18*' duty to say what I have done
with your Xendull's Spavin Cure. 5543310 eired.
twenty.tive horses that bad ti,iTLost, ten 4.4
intik Bone nine aid-I:no:143.1th 1g liPamst. end
seven cf 3.31r; Jaw. Pdace I lotreo one ofyver
books and. folivartLi the directions, 1 have ntver
lost a- ease of any Mud.
YotrrS tril.174 ..1.16816311 T31166311.,
Eutbe.) Doctor.
Made' It Fit Both Ways.
Minister -"James, I hear that you wero
which the morning mists have spreacl upon with meu who in flow days were also , tippling last week.
them." children in their inuocetad. Tariahioner-"Yes, sir, but received
This proof of the:injuatice of mankind must Dot alas 1 that soon changed. Passioug bad Pews from my relatives in Colorado --
have been quite conclusive, ineomuch that awakene& ill a man and sullied the purity news of a death tc. fact and I took a little
for a moment none had anything to say. of his heart. Children aTe spoiledto drown sorrow."
iereseutly a group formed around a tall, in bad company, and so it came to pus M. ---"Yes, bat I hear you have heal tip -
brilliant Poppy a little distance away. 1 that ! some of the dreams became frivolous , piing again this week."
had noticed for some Mine that in her violin and deceitful. Sleep noticed this change P. -"Oh 1 that's all right. I had some
ity they had laid their heads together and in his children, and wished to cast off good news from Florida, where I had a little
took no part in the discussion so little flat. the profligates, but their brothers and xis- property. I heard that it had increased r
tering to me. When this pause occurred ters Interceded and said : five hundred per cent. in value and I was so
theLilyof the Valley avail ing her little bells, 1 "Leave our brothers with us; they are not glad over the news that I felt I must take
eried "Be still, sistors Poppy is going to as bad as they seem, and we swill do our best a little drop to celebrate the auspicious
tell us a story." "Keep still 1" "Keep still 1" to atone where they transgress." Sleep con-
was heard on every side, "Poppy is going to 'plied with the request of Ms children, and
tell a story," and ell listened, for the Reed.- thus also the bad Dreams remained in their
grass, too, had just finished his poem. company, who, however, feelstrangoly drawn
The Poppy drew herself up 011 her slender to bad men mostly, as experience has proved.
stem, looked arotmd, and then bowed a few "With mankind it grew worse and worse.
times to her audience. I thought she would Once on a beautiful night a man lay upon
first wait to be urged ; that she would plead the fragrant grass and Sleep with his dreams
hoarseness and offer at least a thousand ex- had approached him, but sin had destroyed
cuses ; but this is robably not yet the their power over him. In his heart there
fashiou. among the ewers, for the Poppy arose a tenable thought, m oug o ra-
MILL'S SPAVidl 41011E.
Price per bottle, or six bottles for
gists havn it or can. get 13. 1011 you, or it will, t
to any address on receipt 01 3211100 by the pre...-".
ten. Da. B. 3. Rents.= CO., EllosbUrghValls;"4
ere arta IF
Fla Sollei
0014 wav.-r3
math I Ota.tat .
woichin tbo walid
taleceelper evermeadelitere
seem 001.0 hunting omit.
Iirah iscilos'ond vat's Ilif101te
with wcess cieSols 32'
Tad rem CNN 321‘110/1
214 te,...iloar con secure owe
0. lesciticr "nth oor largo
nil volooldo anftorsioesenent
ptes. Item U83310.4%. *3311
a et.. Ali tlo Nt: 4t.11
torIda is taahaw what wooer./ You 1 -
Moods wad nriehht 3* and thnol about yon -that stwis4 smolt*
tavola:tin wale forus,whith hahle foryonrowboneure sloes*,
and thus ase aro straid. Wo pay al/ ext./y*1,03:AI, era. After
a atlas ail. if
309 wottil hie, to do to lo no. yea din
013331 (4901 $20 3a 003) pro week rani upsweals. Addreser.
Sting, on 4U CO. ISO% *126 Par ALAIN*.
Apa all poiuts west of the Missour Rive
via the
Santa Fe Route
For particulars and tickees sie yeur
earrst ticket agent, or address
t1E0. B. GILMAN, Pa,sseager Agent,
74 Grstwold at, Detroit, Mit&
General PUS. and Ticket Agent
Topeka, Kansas.
...;,,- 3.," 017.131 MAN. te for goteriptive °automat
bOntabaing testimonials from bssdreds of people who
hese sowed from d to 0 cords doily. ,000 now ewe ...0
fully USed. Y can be has where there .8 a
vacaney. A III 69.11 to Days se,,wr. sent free
with each nt •,..„.,-. laiS tor., 'everybody
eau tile the to al, o it totter than the
414833 0331 re vii oat it. Adapted to a 1.
crossant s ery o who OW DB a saw should
11810 000- o Us Don Wil:Annof AnuroMta Congo. Ask
YOUr dealer or write F0D03.1410 SAW1111 0 DIA.
MIND 00., 506 to.611 8. 0.091 st., mules°. All•
I, the world. Our Slea tfot
unequaled, and to introduce ear
, impostor gooda we will sandstone
to oars 0811203 in each locality,
oe aboTe. Only those who write
to .4 5* °flee ten snake luso of
the °hone.. Alt you hey, 04003
4'3 44o13 returnle to show our good* to
those who cell -your neighbors
" end thee* amend you. Vie be.
shows the smell end of the tole.
ginning of this tulvertisament
scope. 'P"Ile ;c]:,w105 ciu ,0-109 the appearance of it roduessi to
shoat:he ilftiothpart of its bulk. It is grand, doable sloe asas-
scope, et large es is easy to earry.Wo else show 708100wpm
eon make front 88 to 810 A day atleast, from the etort,wIth-
ent experience. Better wsite at 08.0.1:Veiny all <norm charge*,
Address. IL lIALLETT 00e 50% 880, PORTLAND, MAStilf,
Otte of' the F
eueopes n
event, as it were.
He ]Didn't Know It All, After All
Yellowly--"Whitely is a very intelligent
fellow, isn't he ?"
Brownly--" lie pretends to be."
Y. -"He knows lots."
B -"There's bne thing he doesn't know."
Y -"What is that ?"
ll -"He doesn't know that he doesn't
commenced to tell her story without 40111T trioide. In vain Sleep febook the soothing know everything."
a package of goods worth
two dollars to manufacture, and a large
ieep Picture Book, that will surely prt$ you
on tho road to a handsome fortune. Wiate
quick, and send dc. silvor, to help peg bete
tage. Mention this paper.
Al. W. mairairgr, V ‘rr.sootels, IV. S.