HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-08-13, Page 2P4GS THE GODETICEt SIGNAL -STAR i(61tiltricip illotottai-thar HURON COUNTY'S FOREMOST WEEKLY Vublished by Signal -Star Publishing Limited .11k4bacription Rates—Canada and Great Dritain, $2.50 a year: to United States, $3.50. Strictly in advance. 'Advertising Rates on request. - Telephone 71. Authorized as second-class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa. 420 Temple131dg., Bay and Richmond 4° Sts., Toronto. Down Mernory,.'s Lane Letter to the Editor Editor, Signal -$tar. Sir,—We enjoy the Sunday even, attend many of them. We believe that the people attending these concerts could be made to feel more that they are a part of these concerts. 13y this we mean that it might be well to ha'Ve a soloist or a quartette taking part and singing a verse of a hymn or any selection here and there through- out the program. Then, the people could also be asked to join in and make it a community sing -song. We suggest this with every good wish that these concerts be bigger and better than ever. Yours truly, AUBURN MERCHANT. 'Member of Canadian Weekly News- 4`, papers Association. gember of Audit Bureau of Circulations Weekly Circulation Over ,3,000. r GEO. L. ELLIS, Editor and Publisher. THURSDAY, AUGUST 13th, 1953 LIBERALS ItiTURtED TO OFFICE Canada has emerged from an- other general election with the Liberal Government of Louis St. Laurent re-eleeted for another term with a Sweeping Majority. Every member of the Cabihet. w'as returned, and the Liberals Werq in the lead in every Province except Saskatchewan and Alberta. Sask- atchewan, the stronghold of the 'C.C.F. party, gave the majority of its seats to that party, and Alberta similarly favored the Social Credit party. Outside of these two Prii- vinces the two "splinter" parties showed little strength and their influent& in the new House _will be correspondingly slight. Huron, Bruce, Perth and Wel- lington -Huron form a solid core of Conservative ridings. Liberals had some hope of electing A. Y. Alc. Lean in the neW Huron riding, but Mr. Cardiff bas a comfortable majority of over 1,000. Donald Blue, Lberal candidate in Bruce, lost 11,- seat to Andy Robinson, whom he defeated in 1949. Perth reverted to the Conservative ranks , with J. 'V. Monteith the victor over James CorEy, who 'won the seat in 1949. In Wellington -Huron Arnold Darrpch, Liberal member for North" Wellington in the last House, w defeated by Marvin Howe, a new - The Liberal. party throughout the campaign was chary of elec- tion promises, depending upon the record of its administration, and The Amherstburg Echo pro - it goes back to office almost entiredpounds the question, "Are Great ly free of commitments furthvbr Lakes vessels ships or 'boats—both than to continue its policies r'flor neither It is frequently said the Past. It must be the wish of that large lake craft should be good men -of all parties that wis- called ships or vessels, not boats, dom may guide the leaders of the nation in the discharge of their great responsibilities, and that the welfare of the people may be the uppermost consideration in the Minds of all members of the new House of Comitions: graph in one of the daily papers, the Kellogg Pact to banish war was hailed•as a guarantee of world peace. This was a few years be- fore the rise of Hitler -to supreme power in Germany. Peace pacts come and go, and again, with a truce in Kerea, we are hoping that there will never be World War III. The democracies must be on constant guard lest some over- ambitious dictator hypnotize his subjects into aggression that will again bring out the wardrums. What is termed a security pact has been exchanged between U.S. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and President Rhee of South korea warning the Communists that any new attack on South Korea will meet resistance from the' United Nations, and a similar declaration has been signed at Washington by representatives of sixteen nations, including Canada. It has ' since been explained that this does not mean thatte par- • 25 Years Ago Frank McQuaid, reeve of Mc- Killop Township for 10 years and a member of the township council for 21 years,died at his.home. Mr. McQuaid had been widely known in the county and was a candidate for warden of Huron. At a meeting of the Goderich committee formed in connection with the Huron Tract Centennial celebration on Labor Day, a recom- mendation was adopted ttat a memorial cairn be placed in Har- bor Park to mark the end of the original load and that a pair of gates or pillars be erected at or near the junction of the present Huron road and Britannia road to mark the entrance into town. B.. H. McCreath won the annual golf tournament for the Menese- tung Park trophy. C. R. Beach, Windsor, W. J. Anderson, London, 'and H. G. Buchanan, Toronto, were 20 Years Ago Goderich came close to losing the Huron County Court House building when flames broke out at the south end of the upstairs4 hall. County Clerk George George Holman and Caretaker George James used pails of water to ex- tinguish the blaze. Two other fires within a week were nipped in the bud end blame was laid to de: fective wiring. The wiring was hastily being replaced. "You'd better get rid of the ear right away," Magistrate Reid ad- vised An Exeter youth charged with operating an automobile with- out an operator's permit. In an. swer to a question as to how much he earned, the young man astound- ed the court with:, "Two dollars a Week." The youth was given an opportunity to sell his car to pay Ins line—$10 and costs. Oddfellows of the district were preparing for a picnic to be held at Bayfield, Delegations were ex- pected to come from Seaforth, Clin- ton, Goderich, Exeter and other towns of the district. 15 Years Ago Torrential rains with a fall of 2.20 inches on one day wreaked havoc in Goderich and caused washouts on several roads in the. county. Guests in one Goderich hotel and customers in shops on Hamilton street were marooned when water fiooded inches deep over the sidewalk. In several places water backed up out of catch basins sending a three-foot fountain in the air. Waterfront observers were con- cerned over two yachts from the United States which had been un- heard of on voyages to Godericit. Word was finally received that the yachts had weathered bad storms on the lake and were continuing on their way here. Weeds along 140 miles of roads in the county had been sprayed and it was expected that double that amount would have been sprayed by the end of the season. The application of the weed -killer was expected to cost about $7,000. ticipating-nations would au matic- PLAYOFFS -ally en -ter upon active hostilities Goderich bantam baseballers are should there be a viplation of the I scheduled to go • against the `St. Marys bantams •in the first game trucee There would first be con- F of "B" Group playoffs here tonight. sultation among the allied natious me St. Marys group. wound .up ,as to what action should be taken on top .at the comPletion of the in the circumstances then existing. league schedule. President Rhee, who threatened to continue the fight until the unity of North and South Korea was accomplished, evidently has -accepted this declaration as p guarantee of security. • EDITORIAL NOTES Out of a job—several th-ousanA election workers. qr 4,1 .Well. there were no horses on the Petawawa payroll. • * * One thing that wasn't cleared up by the election results: WIKt does Social Credit mean? An apocalyptic saying comes to mind at this juncture: Blessed .is he who does not expect much, for he shall not 6e disappointed.. Another ,query: Who had the broader smile on Tuesday morn- ing ---the Huron County Grit on the return of the Government or the Huron County Tory on the Cardiff win? There was a difference ot opin- ion between those whd, held that a quiet election meant that a change was coming and those who contended that it was a sign of the return of the Government to office. The .question seems to have been settled by Monday's results. Arthur Ford in The London Free Press declared that if the Con- servative pally were defeated in ihe election then a few days ahead the party would' be destroyed. This writer disagrees; already there is talk, of a_piece cif surgery that might actually give the party greater strength. 411 through the election cam- paign nothing, so far as we noticed, was said about the abolition of the stamp tax on cheques. Three 1. cents saved on an occasional cheque does ,not amount to much, but it was a nuisance tax and to business firms issuing a great num- ker of. cheques daily the saving must be considerable. Some people haven't any use for a hyphen, but although it is a little thing_ it has an important . place in the language",„, This is . illustrated in one of our weeldy "exchanges," which tells of the xpression 'Cold war brides". seen in iffother publication. The ex- pressiork,,is rather ambiguotis and ,s hyphen is called for, because -there' ii` quite "a:difference between 14renty-five years ago,, we are reminded by a reminiscent para - and our Amherstburg contempor- and the Sea," published in Mil- waukee: "Most saltwater men Will tell you that any vessel that carries boats—lifeboats, that is a ship, and any vessel that doesn't carry boats is a boat. Most .sresidents of the Great Lakes area call anything that floats a boat. The bulk car- riers, the carferries, the cruisers like the North Am- erican and the South American —all these are boats regard- less of the fact that some of the biggest—like -the Joseph II. Thompson, for ingtance—, were once oceangoing steam- ships. that actually had been , lengthened to become Great ' Lakes boats." The writer of this coluinn; while sometimes carelessly using the word boat with .reference to a ship, has a rather hazy idea that the freighters plying the Lakes are vessels while smaller craft are boats. A few minutes spent in the company of a good dictionary might throw some light on'the sub- ject. It is 1,463 miles by rail from Winnipeg to Vancouver), and 2,012 miles from Winnipeg to -Halifax:— Quick Canadian Facts. Since 1943 Canadians have been-, greater users of coffee than of tea. ---Quick Canadian Facts. ouble Votes A scientist estimates that about 60 per tent of the milk" consumed by the world's population is pro duced,by goats. NOVEMBER; ut. TzDTAXyoetTAHURON Huron County is, slated to have a ,,ta*. sale on variohs lands listed ai"beirtg in. arrears of taxes, accord- ing to a notice issued by County Clerk -Treasurer A. grskine. The sale is scheduled to be held in the Court House on November 3 at 2 p.m. Largest number of lands in ar- rears is in Howick Township, where nine places are in arrears of taxes. Three lands have been listed in Ashfield, two- in Hay, one in. Mot.- ris, two in Stanley, two in Stephen, three in Turnberry and one in Usborne. One has been ljsted for the village of Blyth and one for the village of Brussels. If any of the lands remain un- sold following the publie auction-, an adjourned sale will be held on. November 10 at the same hour and place. An advertisement in the Signal - Star brings results,. Y BINGO T StAFORTH COMMUNITY' CENTRE ICE "Good -Will' Contestants! Buy Coal during jhe Contest AND GET GUARANTEED TOP QUALITY COAL AT THE LOWEST SUMMER PRICE. The price of our Famous Reading Anthracite WILL ADVANCE AFTER, THE CONTEST Big Votes on coal. MONDAY, AUG. 17 in the "Good -Will" Shopping Club Con- test to the end of _the competition Aug- ust 22 on THE FOLLOWING MER- CHANDISE FROM OUR PRESENT PLAY STARTS AT 9 P.M. TOTAL PRIZE MONEY $2100 CASH EVERY CENT TO BE PAID OUT 12 GAMESTOR 50.00 1 SPECIAL FOR 100.00 2 SPECIALS FQR 200.00 1 SPECIAL FOR 1000.00 Admission for 12 Qame"s...$1.00 Special --Triple Votes TRIPLE VOTES allowed on payment of' 'coal accounts owimg us for three months or more. DEAN COAL CO. Among Arabian gifts to Europ. ean medieval society were the art of fortification, knightly tourna- ments, the troubadour, and chivak ry itself, says the National Geo graphic Society. • EXTRA CARDS AND SPECIALS 25c - 5 for $1..00 SEA PO tat I Ai EMORIAL ('ENTRE BRANCH 156 CAN. LEGION - SEAFORTH ATHLETIC ASSOC. FIRST AID RENDERED TO SICK RADIOS B. R. MUNDAY Also Portable Fool -Proof. Sound Service Certified Radio Technician ' Call et Widder St., Goderich or Phone 598 32tf What's Your Right Size? You make Sure your shoes "fit". It is just as important that property insUrance be "fitted" to your - individual hazards. Let us show y ou how. Insurance Office, 46 West , St., Goderich, Phone 115W Bicycles, Joycycles, Kiddy Cars. Deep Freeze Electric Reft;igerators and Home Freezers. Inglis Electric Stoves, Glasteel Waier Heaters and highs'. Automatic Washers. ' Collield Washing Machines. Findlay Electric Ranges, Oil Heaters and Propane Gas Ranges, Coal Ranges and Heaters. Also' Cabinet Sinks." World's famous Lewyt Vacuum Cleaner. ,* Used Refrigerators, Ice Box, Coal Ranges and Heaters. ASK about SPECIAL VOTES ON CAN'T BEAT THE DOG (Wingham Advance -Time The enacting of the neW b -law that dogs be tied up during the summer months has brought re- sults all right. But some of them weren't good. Now some of the down -on -dogs 'faction are claiming that they can't sleep because of the dogs that are howling because they're tied up. AWARD-. WINDSOR FIRM CONTRACT FOR HIGHWAY LEIRECKENRIDGE HARDWARE - PLUMBING - HEATING PHONE 13 5 GODERICH tubeless Tire 4°1T HAS NO TUBE It ay save your life-. The B.F. Goodrich Life -Saver Tubeless Tire gives you maximum protection against the hazard of blowouts o.nd dangerous skids, that frequently result in serious injury, afid even death. It can save you trouble... alIMMINIIMISI*1112112== The B. F. Goodrich Life -Saver Tubeless Tire seals pun.ct‘tres on running wheels . . . protects against the annoying trouble caused by flat tires. It will save you money•.• The B. F. Goodrich Life -Saver Tubeless Tire provides greater safety than arty tire and tube, yet it oosts less Hum ths conventional safety tire -tube combination. Thomas Pryde, M.L.A., has an- nounced --that the contract for straightening, grading and culvert; froin Seaforth to Clinton en No. Highway, approximately 7.7 miles in length, ...as been awarded to the Dinsmore Construction Co. of. Windsor. 'This work is preparatory to hard surfacing which will folloW after completion of the contract. Work will commence immediate- ly; The highway is *not .merely being resurfaced, but a complete rebuilding will be done to modern highway specifications, widening of the sides,. easing of grades and the turns at Harpurhey directly west of Seaforth will be completely GODERICH TRIO WINS STRATFORD TOURNAMENT Roy Sparling and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Harris, Goderieh, were the winners of a' mixed triples tourna merit conducted Friday night by the Stratford Lawn Bowling Club in Stratford. Their success was gained with threo wins and a plus of 18. Other leaders were: Mr. and Mn. Fred Priee and Vince' Lundy, Gode- rich, three wilts plus .10; T. Pritch- ard, Mrs. McLeod and P, Bisset, Goderich, two wins plus 20; Jim Rosa, Sfratford: tivo win* plus 15,• Dr., d. L., Grant, Ethel Atkins and Bob Alien, Stratford, two ' wins plus Automobile accidents caused by tire blowouts account for the loss of many lives,. and an even greater number of' serious injuries. Blowouts are caused When the inner tube explodes through weak- ened or broken tire cords. Because it has NO inner tube, a B.F. Goddrich Life -Saver Tubeless Tire changes a sudden, dangerous blowout to a safe s-s-s-slowout—allowing you time to stop your car safely, with perfect control. • PUNCTURE PROTECTION A gummy rubber' compound under the tread immediately seals around puncturing objects, and permanently seals the hole When the object is ,removed. Inconvenience and delays are • BLOWOUT PROTECTION Instead of a tube, the Life -Saver has a patented inner lining that's part of the tire. In event of damage there'szo sudaen blowout, only' a .small break in the, liner, a s-s-s-slowout that lets you stop safely: Your I3.F. Goodrich dealer now has the - • THE TELEGRAM Tubeless Tire SKID PROTECTION The Life -Saver tread is cross -cut into thousands of tiny grip-bloclui. At 30 mile; per hour on wet roads, it 'stops you a car length quicker than regular tires . . „kand gives you longer Mile- age too. Tot Tiro Division, The 11. F. Goodrich Rubber Company of Canada Ltd., KItchonoc, Ontario. Please send me kee literattite on the B.F. Goodrich Tubelesi Tire. NAME ..if ctin he yor;;11FE-SAVE$ crry • PROV. For HOMO Dttlivory of The Tologront. plass* cowtart The Teel/ Molkbas 'its., Tem** 1, or Te4piosee. IMO* 8-8011. George Hutchins West Street Wm. Currey Service Station Huron Road