HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-08-06, Page 10THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR THURSDAY, AUGUST 6th, 1953 ,,.. A.WD .... HERE AND THERE • This particular column might even go so far as to say that we don't give a d how you vote. but we add, with all the emphasis to Sarnia after a visit in town as of an atomic bomb that if you the guest of Mrs. James Reynolds don't get out and vote on Monday Mr. John J. Page of Streetsville you should have one dropped on was a He B. week -end visitor sanir in t Mrs. you. Scudamore of Hope, B.C., summer Hugh Templin of the Fergus residents some years ago at a News -Record who has predicted cottage south of Goderich, are 'Bally an election in his day says: spending several weeks' holidays "We notice that our predictions here. are almost the same as those by Mr. W. L. Clucas has returned other unprejudiced writers includ- to St. Louis, Mo., after a holiday ing Arthur R. Ford in the London spent as a guest at Sunset Hotel. Free Press .and Blair Fraser in Mr. Hellmuth Clucas, also of St. McLean's. It seems to be the gen- Louis, made a brja: visit in town eral opinion that the Liberals will while his brother was here. :still be in power, but their margin Visitors at the home iif Mr. and could be a narrower one over the Mrs. Reg Fuller over the 'holiday combined strength of three other parties after August 10th." PERSONAL IiENTION Mr. Reg. Smith), f Toronto, is spending holidays in town. ) Miss 0. Goldthorpe of Toronto is a guest• with her sister; Mrs. W. G. MacEwan. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest B. Chilcott have returned to Toronto after holidaying, withMrs. J. E. Whitely. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pollock and children, of Toronto, are visiting Mrs. Pollock's mother, Mrs. James F. Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. Allan S. Charlton and daughters, of Stratford, were recent visitors with Mrs. Charl- ton's mother, Mrs. J. E. Whitely. Miss Bernice Fuller of Hamilton has returned after spending holi- days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Fuller. Miss Norah Hurley has returned When it comes to predictions on the outcome of practically any election we still 'are a firm be- liever in the chap who once said you can never tell the outcome of an election or a horse race. Whatever happens, may it be in the best interests of the average Canadian taxpayer. • "Anything exciting to do and bow about some girls .to show us around" was the comment of the owner of a cabin cruiser from Cleveland, who called at .the Tour- ist Information Booth on the aware last week. • OVERHEARD ON THE SQUARE -"With the size of my bank ac- count it doesn't make any differ- • mace whether the banks open or tissued Saturday mornings." EIGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 11. Wilson, Carlow, announce the .engagement of their elder : daughter, Florence Elisabeth, to Norman Earl Wight- yloUrigest SOU 91 Mr. and Mr§: Earl Wightinan, Auburn;• the mar - to take place in the Ben - United Church, August 22, at S p.m. -32 ]Ir.. and Mrs. James E. Blake of Colborne Township wish to an- nounce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Maxine Clara, to William Lindsay, eldest son of Mr. Fred Seers and the_ late Mrs. Seers , f Auburn. The wedding is to take place the latter part• of - August. 32x Mr. and Mrs. Graham Robinson have returned to their home at Waterdown after a ten days' visit with the former's sister, Miss Lottie. Robinson: week -end were: Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Pate and Brenda Lee and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart, all of London. Mr. Jim Morrison of Toronto spent the week -end with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lance Morrison and also attended the old time fiddler# contest at `Ripley where his brother, Lincoln, competed in the fiddling contest and step dance. Mr. Jack- Barry of Hamilton has returiced after spending holidays with .Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Fuller. Mrs. Smith, Dorothy, Ken and Kim, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Albrighton and son Edward, of Toronto, were guests of T. Manjuris. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Craig have returned from visiting their daugh- ter, Mrs. Bart Bradley and Mr. Bradley at Toronto. While there they motored to Severn Park, near Orillia and enjoyed a vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Art. Bradley. Visitors for the holiday week- end with Mrs. T. H. Bradley, Huron road were her sisters, Mrs. Ron Taylor, Toronto and Mrs,. Harvey Switzer, Guelph, her brother, Mr. Geo. D'Eyet, Toronto, and her niece, Mrs.,,John Niel, and Mr. Neil, Toronto, • as, DRIVE IN CAR RADIO SERVICE OUR SPECIALTY. BUT s' WE HAVE EVERYTHING IN RADIO AND T.V. Hutchinson Radia and T.V. Sales and Service. Huron Road Phone 4980 WANTED Machinists, Tool Makers, Maintenance Electrician. Fully experienced men need only apply. Employment 'permanent, excellent working conditions, 5 day week, plus overtime at time and one-half. Group .insurance,'' etc. Further information available National Employment Office, Goderich GODERICH BUSINESS COLLEGE MR. ROBERT T. BROWN Whose promotion to the- position of Advertising Manager of the Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited, is announced by Mr. A. J. Shaw, the corporation's Vice President in Charge of Sales. Born in Brantford, Ont., and raised in Windsor, Mr. Brown is an Honor graduate of the University of Wes- tern Ontario. 1 Coming Events — FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 14 DAY AND EVENING CLASSES Practical Instruction in all Commercial Subjects Courses ,approved by the Canadian Business Schools Association ?EE,PHONE 1272 or 428W , GODERICH, ONTARIO 32-36 $2,000.00 cash bingo at Mildmay arena, Wednesday, August 12, at 9 p.m. 14 regular $50.00 each; three $100 specials; one $1,000 special. All prizes must go. - Ad- mission $1.00. Extra and special cards 5 for $1.00. Auspices Mild- may Firemen. -32 Auction sale of household ef- fects on Saturday; August -22 at Mrs. J. J. Hayes, 43 Napier street. List in next week's issue. 32x BIRTHS ALLIN.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on August 2, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Allin, R.R No. 2, Clinton, a daughter. BEAN.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on August 3, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs., Verne Bean, R.R. No. 5, Goderich, a daughter. DESROCHES.—At Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich, on August 1, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. R. Des- roches, Goderich, a son, Kenneth Russell. GERIG.—At Oshawa General Hos- , pital, on July 27 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Roland 1Gerig, Oshawa (nee Gloria Palmer), a son, Ro- land Palmer, LI7'i'LE.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on August 1, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Little, Gode- • rich, a son,' Dennis John. • BEFORE YOU" -LEAVE ON THAT VACATION LOOK OVER OUR'STOOK OF GOOD USED CARS. is otors *Pontiac---Stook-O.N.O. trucks ?HOSE 344 Briefs For clean-up, moving and,: gen- eral cartage, call ` E. JEFFERY, .phone 843W. f Order Shell furnace oil and stove oil from Edward Fuels, tank truck dealer for all Shell Oil Co. pro- ducts. Phone 98. -18tf Enjoy lawn bowling on best greens in Western Ontario. If not already a I,pwler—try it any- way. Instructions given by club inembers: Don't wait for invita- tion. The more you play the more you'll like it. See any club mem- ber—Earl Allison, Archie Towns- end or Geo. Baechler—or come to the greens on Picton street. Summer " clearance, dresses, blouses, shorts, T shirts, all less 20% during the mid -summer sate at Schaefer's. -32 Don't miss the Goderich Band Tattoo at Agricultural, Park on Thursday, August 20, at 8 p.m. Massed bands, pipe bands and trumpet bands are featured. Come and see the gigantic -fireworks dis- play: -32-33 Yards and yards of printed silk crepe, also plain shades. Reg. $1.95 a (yard, sale per yard $1.00 at Schaefer's. -32 31-32x TO RENT fill() RENT. — CABIN TRAILER, sleeps four, all conveniences, equipped with electric brakes: BERT ALLEN, 171 East street, phone 1247. 32-5x �1`O RENT. — CABINS -AT "THE Falls" picnic grounds on the Maitland River, three miles east of. Goderich on Highway No. 8; reasonable rates. J. M. DRIVER, Goderich, phone 931 r 14. -31 TO RENT. — TWO -ROOM UN- FURNISHED apartment, down- stairs, immediate possession. Phone 787,M. -32 1`O RENT.—FIVE-ROOM APART- MENT, full three-piece bath, hot water, oil heatilig. Immediate possession. Phone 253 or 50. -32 For Results - A Classified. Ad FOR SALE FOR SALE.—USED REFRIGER- ATORS, electric ranges, rang- ettes and . washing machines_ at BARGAIN PRICES. SHORE" AP- PLIANCES, Goderich, your bead• quarters for hearing aid batteries. -18tf 'TO RENT.—THREE FURNISHED rooms, all conveniences. MRS. LILLIAN HOWARD, 90 Elgin avenue, East. -32 TO RENT.—TWO ROOMS, SUIT- ABLE for small living apart- ment or office, with bath. Apply JAS. A. CAMPBELL, phone 90. • 32 TO RENT. — APART'MENT, three rooms and bathroom, centrally located, unfurnished. Write BOX 71, SIGNAL -STAR. . -32 TO RENT. — COTTAGE 'AT Bogie's Beach. Apply REV. C. J. SCOTT, Blyth,. or MRS. AN- DREW BOGIE, at Bogie's Beach. 32x FOR RENT. — TWO -ROOM apartment, downstairs, unfurn- • ished, immediate possession. Phone 787M. -32 MacDONALD —At Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich, on August 1, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mac- Donald, Goderich, a son, John George. An McGEE.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on August 2, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McGee, Gode- rich, a son, William Brent. McILWAIN.—At Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich, ow August, 1, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. William McIlwain, R.R. No. 1, Bayfield,' a son, Donald William. FINANCE AND INSURE your next new or late model car, truck or farm machinery at • lower cost through Harold W. Shore INSURANCE AGENCY "Allo Lines of Insurance" NORTH ST. PHONE 766W Loans also arranged on 1946 and later model cars. Off 'TO RENT. -- AT BLUE 'WATER Beach, two bedroom cottage, electric stove, bathroom. Phoite 1369. -32-33 FOR SALE.-- WATERLOOGAR- DEN tractors. Come in and see the different sizes and various implements that may be had with each. These may be bought for as low as 15% down payment. GEORGE WRAITH, Montreal St. • -16tf FOR SALE. — A FINE, TWO- STORY brick house in excel- lent west end location. Four bed- rooms, oil heat, reasonable price. Agent, MALCOLM MATHERS, Real Estate Broker, 46 West street. Phone 115W. -18 The earldom of Shrewsbury was first granted to Roger de Mont- gomery in England in 1071. Counter Sales Check Books • PLAIN,,or PRINTED Printed, Gummed Tapes obtainable at Signal -Star Ltd. West St. Phone 71 FOR SALE. — FOX FORAGER Harvester with quick . change Harvester units now ' being solel9 distributed- by the Waterloo Mfg. Co., Waterloo, and sold by Ged. Wraith. Come in and se.e the most modern forager on the mar- ket. GEO. WRAITH, Montreal street, phone 1285 or 931 r 3. -25tf Ti`OR SALE. — TWO. -STORY white brick house at 44 Essex street, in fine location, close to lake; four bedrooms and bath up- stairs, hot ,air heatiing, good two - car garage. This house could easily be' duplexed. Enquire at premises or phone 844. -25tf FOR SALE. — SMALL BRICK bungalow in excellent location. Agent MALCOLM MATHERS, Real Estate Broker, 46 West street. Phone 115W. -29tf FOR SALE.—WARTIME HOUSE, east end of town. Agent MAL- COLM MATHERS, Real Estate Broker, 46 West street. Phone 115W. -29t1 FOR SALE. — SEVEN FULLY furnished lake •front cottages, electricity, drilled well, 10 miles north of Goderich,• $1,000 up. Ap- ply DAVID 'MARTIN, R.R. 3, Gode- rich, Ontario. 30-32x FOR SALE. TWO CHOICE building lots on Wilson street. FRED FRITZLEY, phone 777J. 31-32x NOTICE TO HOLD COURT OF REVISION RE LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS' TAKE NOTICE that a Court of Revision will be held on the 14th day of August, 1953, at 7 ' o'clock p.m. for the hearing of complaints against the proposed assessments or the accuracy of f,ontage measurements and any other complaint which .persons interested may desire to make and which is by law cognizable by the Court, at the Council Chamber, in the Town Hall, Goderich. Local Improvements have been completed on the following streets: SEWER: * . #, rhe Elizabeth Street from Britannia Road to Blake Street. SIDEWALKS: • ' - West side of South Street from Blake to Bennett West side of South Street from Raglan to Blake South side of Raglan Street from Keays to South - North 'side of Raglan Street from South to Gibbons South side of St. David from Albert to Horton South-east side of Britannia Road from Huron Road to Cambridge St. South•Wesi side of Cambridge St. from Britannia Road to Oxford St. West side of Palmerston Street from Raglan to Baldwin - Kingston and Victoria Streets in front of Lot 226 CURBS: South-east side of Cobourg�m lot 97 to pts lot 91 South side of St. Patrick St. from Waterloo to Colborne North sidle of St. Petrick Street from Waterloo to pt. lot 926 West side of St. Andrews St. from Nelson to Lot 876 East side of Victoria from Nelson to Brock South side of Britannia Read from South to Keays ' East side of Keays St: from Britannia to Region S. H. BLAKE, T,awn Clerk. Goderich, July 29th, 1953. FOR SALE. Two story eight -room red brick house. Oil heating, full basement, 104 foot lot, two single garages, house in real good westend loca- tion and in excellent condition. Nearly new, five room bungalow sided with insul brick located on i4 acre on main highway a few miles from Goderich. Garage. C. F. CHAPMAN, Realtor. Phone 18W. .-25tf FqR SAL% - ''OR SALE.—COOLERATOR ICE box, excellent condition. Fine for cottage. Good electric toaster. Phone 935 r 22. FOR SALE.—BOY'S. BALLOON. TIRE bicycle. Good condition. Priced for quick sale. Phone 796M or can be seen at 5 Blake street. -32 FOR SALE. — THE. THORPE residence, Britannia road, a very lovely home, m beautiful con- dition. For appointment contact MALCOLM MATHERS, Real Estate Broker, 46 West street. Phone 115W. -32 .FOR SALE.—A MEDIUM SIZED Coleman heater. Good condi- tion, used one year. Phone 8539. ,. • CRESS CALLOUS SALVE RE- LIEVES quickly. Your Drug- gist sells Cress Corn Salve for sure relief too. . -32 FOR SALE.—METAL SIt N WITH word "Rooms." Reasonable. FRED WHITTINGHAM, Picton and Victoria streets. 32x FOR SALE.- TWO-STORY, 13- ROOM brick building on East street, Goderich. Presently con- tains two rented apartments. Just off .Square, built to street line. Suitable for store or other com- mercial use. Apply H. GLENN HAYS, Q.C., Goderich, Solicitor for the estate of Emma Huffman, deceased. FOR SALE.—NEW MAHOGANY outboard runabout, length 15 feet, beam 5 feet, steering wheel, chrome fittings, upholstered seats. Apply BERT MacDONALD at the Harbor. 31-32x FOR SALE. -1934 CHEV. COACH, good condition.' Reasonable, Phone 77-5, Dungannon. 31x FOR SALE. — A VERY NICE, small, two-storey house, three bedrooms,,, closed -in porches, fur- nace, good south end location. MALCOLM MATHERS, Real Estate Broker,46 West stfeet. ., Phone 115W. - , -31 FOR SALE. — LARGE COOK stove with water front and water pipes. Priced right for quick sale. MRS. JOHN SPOONER, 138 Britannia road, phone ,204M. • 32x FOR SALE.=USED GOODISON threshing machine, 36" x 50. For further particulars contact ARNOLD FISHER, R.R. 4, Gode- rich. Phone Carlow 29-23. 32x FOR SALE. — W4 McCORMICK- DEERING; Model S Case; VA Case; Model 30 Massey -Harris; Model 101 Massey -Harris with new motor; 12 ft. International swathe(' like, new. Special—Case combine $395, good condition; 21 Massey - Harris 'combine; ^ Pony Massey- Harris with lawn mowers. Horses or livestock taken in exchange. We are anxious to sell. See us before you buy. ELTON MeLEL- LAND & SONS, - Bervie, Ontario. -32 FOR SALE. -288 ACRES OF RE- SORT property, consisting •of a mile of share... line, six bedroom frame lodge, six cabins, one house- keeping cottage, and several mis- cellaneous.buildings. Price $15,000. This property is located on Bass Lake, 25 miles north -of Madoe. Ontario. Bass Lake area is noted for its fishing and hunting. The property is in a good state cif re- pair, has electricity, but no water system. For further information contact PETER S. MacEWAN, Real Estate, West .,stfeet, Goderich. -32-33 FOR . SALE.—LARGE WARTIME house. Apply K. G. LINSDAY, 176 Bayfield road. 32x FOR SALE.—MAIL BOX, LARGE size, like new. F. E. COTE, Regent street. 32x FOR SALE. — 1941 PONTIAC coach, five new tires, new paint job, in good shape; 1934 Plymouth sedan, in good shape. Phone 49$,W. 32x • `OR SALE.—SIX LITTLE PIGS. Phone 938 r 21. 32x FOR SALE. -1951 FORD DUMP ▪ truck, five yard box. Apply BILL PARKER, Bayfield, phone 51 r 2, Bayfield. 32x CULBERT'S BAKERY "The Home of Tasty Pastry" is featuring for Civic Holiday Week -end: WASHINGTON . TORTE -40c each with strawberry filling and butter creme icing. FRESH RASPBERRY PIES --45c each LIGHT MARSHMALLOW ROLLS -35,c_ each Wedding, Anniversary and Birthday Cakes a specialty. Orders of $1,00 and over delivered; .�. PHONE 465 PHONE EARLY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE. Guaranteed radio service. WILF. REINHART ELECTRIC, Hamilton street, phone 466. -12 NOTICE. Will Mrs. T. Smith, Goderich, who won prize at Bayfield Lioris Carnival, contact MRS. JACK SCOTCHMER, phone 59 r 4, Bay- field. 32x NOTICE. ATTENTION FARMERS. FOR YEARS THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR HOGS HAVE BEEN PAID IN AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER. STAILT YOUR WEANERS NOW TO GET THAT MARKET. SEH US ABOUT A HOG CONTRACT. PAY FOR FEED WHEN HOGf. ARE SOLD. NO EXTRA CHARGE. GEO. WRAITH. MINNEAPOLIS 'AND" FERGUSON' FARM MA- OHINERY, PURINA FEEDS. MONTREAL STREET. PHONE 1285. -2011 FLOOR SANDING. • Old and new • floors sanded. Phone CREE COOK, 23J, Clinton. Summer,' months, 65 r 2, Hayfi2ell f NOTICE " TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS in the estate of DAVID T. LOCK - HART, late of Goderich. All persons claiming against the above estate are required to for- ward full particulars to the under- signed by August 22nd, after which date the assets will be distributed. FRANK DONNELLY, Solicitor for the Estate. -30-32 AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE ANTIQUE BRIC-A-BRAC - Over 250 lots of . brass, copper, crystal, silverplate, clicks, colored glass, chin*, barometers, swing mirrors and other interesting lots. SATURDAY, AUGUST 8th, 1 • P.M. Bayfield Town Hall' on "the Square" at Bayfield, Ontario, 18 miles from Grand Bend, 12 miles from Gode- rich on the Blue Water Highway. This collection of antiques, to be sold without reserve, will in- clude: BRASS—Jardinieres, water cans, frames, pillar lamps, trays, com- ports, ewers, candlesticks, plaques, scones, Kettles, bell, clocks, fire ironkc, bowls. COPPER — Coal helmets, meas- ures„ kettles, ewers; fire irons: • COLORED .GLASS — Girandoles, vases, wine bottles. OTHER LOTS --Bellows, tureens, inkstands, pewter muffin dish, caks baskets, biscuit barrels, egg eper- gne; snuffers, Staffordshire dogs and figure groups, work box, plat- ters, vases, dish covers, tantalus sets, ornaments, mantel and wall clocks, cheese dishes, tea caddies, pair ruby glass bells, barometers, decanters, pitchers, milk glass, ma- hogany swing mirrors, coal -scuttle, sterling child's set, plates, dress- ing case, and many other desirable items. .Sale» under cover if weather bad. GEO. R. GARDNER, & 'SON, 32- Auctioneers. FOR SALE.—ICE BOX, 100 1.B. capacity, in real good condi- tion. MRS. C. PHILLIPS, ,14 Elgin avenue, phone 831W. 32x FOR SALE.—MIDGET AUSTIN. A. 0. r SONLEY, Cranston's Furniture Store. 32x FOR SALE. — PRINCESS PAT coal range with waterfront. Phone 178R or call at 24 Cambria road. • 32x FOR SALE. -1950 GMC PICK-UP half -ton truck, low mileage, good rubber, in Al condition, priced right. Phone 1193W or call at . Wood's Service Station, Kingston street. 32-4x WANTED WANTEDs--OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. If dead, phone at once. GILBERT BROS., Mink Ranch, phone collect 936 r 32 or 936 r 21. -2611 'WANTED.—LISTINGS OF PRO- PERTIES for sale. No charge to 'you until property is sold: MALCOLM MATHERS, Rea J. Estate Broker, 46 West. St., Gode- rich. Phone 115W. -12tf %yAN`rED,-LISTINGS OF PRO- P5)RTIES for sale. C. F. CHAPMAN,- Realtor PHONE -188W, 3942 FOR SALE.—PROPERTY, PART of lot 25, Maitland Concession, Goderich Township, 40ac clay, -loam. Barn (66 x 36) ft.. steel implement shed, frame dwelling, all conven- iences, good Well. Situated five miles south of`°Goderich on No. 8• Highway. Apply to VETERANS' .LAID ACT, Guelph. 32-3x FOR SALE. —"'CUT FLOWERS, beautiful gladiolus, wide range of colors. also snapdragons, zinnias and. other sensational garden flowers. ' Priced to sell. L. R. HOLMAN,.. 187 Cameron street phone 722. -32t NOTICE OF MEETING TO CON- SIDER BY-LAW Take notice that a by-law for raising $15,000 under the provis- ions of THE TILE DRAINAGE ACT, will be taken into consider- ation by the council of the Town- ship of Colborne at the Township Hall at Carlow on the 24th day of August, 1953, at the hour of eight o'clock in the evening: - • • WILLIAM SALLOWS Clerk of the Township of Colborne -B -30-32 WANTED. — DEAD, DISABLED horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt and ef- ficient service phone "STONES" collect, Ingersoll 21 or Goderich 936 r 21. -10t1 WANTED. — BOY TO LEARN printing trade, full-time em- ployment. Apply SIGNA1f'STAR OFFICE., -30tf VACATION RESORTS KEY CUTTING AND LOCK RE- SETTING All types of keys cut, car, .post - office, nightlatches, padlocks, trunks, etc. One minute service. Cylinder lock resetting, combin- ations changed, locks cleaned and repaired, locks keyed alike. Night - latches Without keys reset same day. Your security for tomorrow is our business today. BALL AND MUTCH HARDWARE, Phone 195, Clinton, Ont. 31-32- ' `)WANTED. --PART-TIME SALES- LADY experience, not neces- sary, anywhere from age ' 16 to 35. Write P.O. BOX 563, Goderich. -32 'I WINS DRAW " A Goderich woman was one of the winners at a lucky draw held in Blyth at the annual Blyth Lions Club'S Frolic. Dorothy McWhin- ney, of Goderich, won the $100 prize in the draw: - FLOOR SANDING TO "RENT. — HOUSEKEEPING cabins and two bedroom cot- tages' on Lake Huron. 520 couple weekly, Everything su oliea: Safe beach, good swimmin , VI'. mile from highway. Fine, for children: Write or see G. 1-L4ZELWOOD, • R.R. 1, Bayfield, Ont. -26-34 CARD OF THANKS' MR. JIM 1I0RRIS, TAKES THIS means of thanking friends and neighbors who were so kind and thoughtful to him while a -patient in the hospital. T11o4,e w::o sent gifts, flowers, cards • and good wishes,. Special thanks to,. Dr. W. N. Watters and nurses Rea'. Dr. K. Taylor and the Veit, Reverend Osborne R. Littleford, and' L.O.L. No. 182. 32x DECORATING INSIDE AND out; floor laying and sanding. E. J. THOMAS, 125 St. Patrick street, phone 349J. -27tf Hygienic • supplies (rubber 'goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. Six sam- ples 25e; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Oilier Dept. T-53. NOV-RUBBER 00., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. • FOR SALE 1% storey insul brisk house on corner of Market Street andEI in Ave. Vacant lot adjoining. Property of late Wm. Ross. For inspection PHONE 798M or 272 32 CARDS OF THANKS MR. AND MRS. • ROtiER,T TURN- ER of Auburn wish td'express their appreciation • sof the ' many cards of sympathy, the floral trib- utes, loan of cars and the many acts' of kindness arid sympathy shown them in their bereavement. -32 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Kate Camp- bell, late of the Town -of Goderich, in the County of Huron,- widow, who died on or auout the 13th day of July, 1953, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 15th day of Aug`tist, 1953, as after that date the assets or' the estate will be distributed. Dated at the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 24th day of July, A.D., 1953. - R. C. HAYS, Q.C., Goderich, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. 31 -33 - NOTICE TO CREDITORS. All persons having claims against the estate of Maud A. Bissett, late of the Town of Gode- rich, in the County. of Huron, Registered Nurse, who died on or about the 24th day of July, 1953, are required to file the same with full particulars with the • „under- signed undersigned by the 15th day of August, 1953, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at the Town of Goddrich, in the County of Huron, this 28th day of July, 1953. - R. C. HAYS, Q.C., • Goderich, Ontario, 31-33- Solicitor for. the Estate. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. All persons having claims against the estate of James Boyce, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer,,who died on or about the 5th day of May, 1953, are required to file the same with full par- ticulars with the undersigned by the 22nd day of August, 1953, as after that date the assets of the estate ' will be distributed. Dated at the Town of Goderich, • in the. County of Huron, this 5th day - of August, 1953. R. C. HAYS, Q.C., Goderich, Ontario, 32-34- Solicitor for the Estate. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND • OTHERS In the Estate of LOUIS WILD, - late of the Village ' of Nekoma in the County of Cavalier and State of North Dakota, U.S.A., deceased. All persons claiming .against the above estate are required to for- ward full particularsto the under-' signed by August 29; 1953, after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed. FRANK DONNELLY, Q.C., Gode- rich, Solicitor for the Estate. -32-34 The Cristo Rey church, in Santa Fe, N.M., often is referred to >is a "symphony in mud." It is claim- ed to be the .largest adobe struc- ture in the southwest United States and one of the largest in the world. I Emerson Drug Store Corner West St. and ,Square Phone 45: We deliver. "As handy as the Postoffice" Chase's Nerve Food, Beef, Iron and Wine with Vit. B. -TRC's ..... a •Olt! English Health Salts Enos Fruit Salts Burdock Blood Bitters 79c, -1.98, 1.00 65c, 1.35, 5.00 59c 69c, 1.09 1.59 Friendship Garden Cologne Friendship Garden Cream Perfume A,d.25 Value for 2.25 Come in and see this new type Perfume,.., 1.75 1..50 3.25