The Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-07-30, Page 8• UNEMPIArt M ENT INSURANCE BENEFIT PA YMENTS CONTINUED DURING ILLNESS EFFECTIVE AUGUST 3rd, 1953 Benefit will be paid for days of illness, injury or quarantine, if claim has been tilted and waiting and non-curnpens;ail,le, days served. If you are an claim and are unable to report because of illness, injury or quarantine, write immediately for full particulars to .the nearest NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OFfICE UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION Published by euthotiy of MON. MILTON F. GREGG, Minister of lobos" PR#MRamo ONANT*D • 70R TANK AT HARBOR Permission was granted Cities Service Company by Town Council at its special meethig last Thurs- day night to place a 1,000 gallon gasoline tank on the pier at the north side of the harbor. The request was approved with the -provision that the tank could be removed at the pleasure of council and installation must have the approval of the Department of Transport. Travellers on the trans -Siberian railway carry their own teakettles. First-class passengers are furnish- er with hot water, while others obtain it at Special hot water taps at station stops. Many of the passengers make the 17 -day jour- ney with their own food supplies. SUPERIOR, PROPANE for fast cooking ALF, J. SCHMIDT representative Stratford Phones 3260. Res. 387J2. P.O. Box 98 -28tf IN HURON ELECT Andrew Y. cLE FOR CONTINUED LIBERAL PROSrERITY ! Facts from the Liberal Record: Old Age I't•n4ions For All Expatlrling-11.4•a1th $t'rvi�.�., Expense, Cut by 237 :N1illion et 1953 " l neornc '1'a%r`s i'nt 11 " National 1)ebt Kedueed 2,284 11!1 tion (30'1) in 7 years 63 -Million ,Tear Saved on Inherent Payments Agri eultura] Exports Great as in 1948 31/2 Times as Farre (-ash Income Increased 21/2 tunes in 5 Years Worked for National Security; .Force Serving in Far East and in ;urope'to I'reierve "p'eac'e Liberal Action Beats Lavish Promises � e b FOR THE BEST YEARS OF YOUR LIFE VOTE. Andrew Y. McLean LIBERAL in HURON Issued by Huron Liberal Association /ME GOD CR 8IGNAI TAI Octogenarian Club Members Treated By Goderich Kinsmen At Annual Picnic They only have a picnic once a year, but when they do, members of the Octogenarians' Club, spon- sored by the Goderich Kinsmen Club, really make sure they have a tine time. On. Wednesday of last week, 57 members of the club simply ignor- ed the rainy, dark weather and held their picnic anyway. Plans had been made to hold it at the Octogenarian Park, but ttie members went to the Goderi•:h Pavilion instead. The over -80 group first of all made a tour of the Huron County Museum. And for them, some of the relics on display at the historic centre didn't seem to be of such very ancient vintage. George Laithwaite, 83, for in- stance, played and sang at an old piano, first one ever used in Gode- rich. And the. first town fire en- gine was familiar to many of the oldsters. Chairman of the day's events was J. D. "Pat" Patterson. At the Pavilion, Carl Banks, president of the Kinsmen Club, congratulated Mr. Patterson on the work he iS doing with the club and greetings from town' council were brought by Reeve J. H. Graham. Dr. Galtgw Speaks Medical dean of Godetich, Dr. W. F. Gallow, himself an octogen- arian, commended the Kinsmen Club for its sponsorship of the oldsters' group. Speaking of the origination of the group, Dr. Gal - low. paid tribute to the founder, G. W. Black, who interested the town council in beautifying St. Patrick's Park and making it into a park for the octogenarians. Mr. Black was associated in his efforts by„the late Thomas Con - non, whose collection of historical Works is in the archives at the University of Western Ontario. During the program, an honor- ary life membership certificate was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rodgers, of Hamilton, parents of Harold Rodgers, founder of the Kinsmen Club of Canada. The members also visited Harry McCreath's cottage, "Time," and were invited to return again next year. John E. Harnwell, president of fhe club, brought greetings from past president, William Blair, 92, a patient in hospital. Mr. Harn- well also , thanked the Kinsmen Club for its guidance and assist- ance. Oldest Persons Oldest persons present were Mrs. William Straughan, 96, and Walter 1Henry, 95, who were presented with an umbrella and a wallet. One or -the treats of . the after- , noon was when Donald Bert Mc- Adam played a few selections on his bagpipes. • Peter the Clown, who was here last year for the picnic, was here again this year, spreading humor among the members and helping to keep the program moving. The gathering observed one min- ute's silence in memory of those who had passed away during the year, and prayer was offered by Rev. H. A. Dickinson, of North Street United Church. Lunch was served by members of the Kinette Club. Those present were: Annie Mc- Vittie, Helen Kelly, Margaret Ink- ster, Mrs. Gavin Green, Mrs. Wil- liam Straughan, Miss Stella Rut- ledge, Mrs. Jerry Taylor, Mrs. Wil- liam Driver, Mrs. W. Videan, Mrs. J. Howrie, Mrs. E. Lashbrook, Mrs, Fulford, Mrs. H. A. Goldthorpe, Mrs. Birnie, Mrs. Robert Muir, Mrs. Catherine Finn, Mrs. A. E. Allen, Mrs. Foster, and two guests, Mrs. M. Rogers and Mrs. R.11, Hunter; Waligate Tebbutt,, Thomas Price, Walter R. Henry, Thomas Hallam, Loftus Welsh, William Menzies, Arthur Baxter,. D. M. McKenzie, David Green, John Harnwell, �ERT� E5T svRG110 pwEgt 'MUMMY, 44tY Joseph S. Collins, Samuel Cade, Robert Andrews, James Leonard, Charles Rodgers, J. W. Smith, Wal- ter Cunningham!, Mr. Johnston, Jasper Brindley, W. D. Stirling, John Treble, Sam Ford, Fred Rob- inson, o -inson, Arthur Beevers, Wilson Vid- ean, D. Finnigan, George Fulford, Gavin Green, James McKnight, Wil- liam Andrew, Richard Finnigan, D. J. Curry, G. Laithwaite. Look Right First Is Best Procedure Woman's Decision A Kitchener woman who pleaded not guilty to .carelees>; driving heard. the charge against her dismissed by Magistrate D. E. Holmes, Q.C., after she said that in future she would look to the right first before attempting to cross an intersection. The woman, Marjorie Becker, was charged as the result of an accident in Clinton on July 4. The car she was driving was in- volved in a collision with one driven by Ernest Trepanier, of the R.C.A.F., Clinton. She testified that she looked to the left as she approached the in- tersection where the collision oc- cured, then looked to the right when a passenger shouted warning that there was a car approaching from the right. Magistrate Holmes suggested that it might be better if she were to look to the right first. "I will from now on," Miss Becker said. She was represented by R. A. Youngman, Kitchener lawyer. Chief Constable Joseph Ferrand, of Clinton, investigated. MOTORIST FINE)) FOR IMPAIRED DRIVING Pleading guilty to a charge of driving while his abiljly was im- paired, John K. McKnight pleaded guilty before Magistrate D. E. Holmes, Q.C., in police court hero last Thursday and was fined $75 and costs or 10 days. The offence was alleged to have been committed July 4. Crown Attorney 11. Glenn Hays, Q.C., told the court that the accused was driving out of Goderichtowards Clinton when he was noticed by Police swerving from side to side on the highway. RE -OPEN OFFICE The Proudfoot law office on the Square, formerly. occupied by F. R. Darrow, barrister, is being re- novated in preparation for occu- pancy by some one. It has not been stated who the new tenant will be but it is believed it will be for so,rrle insurance ._adjusting- �C� - __Crean! Coimpany TWO DONATIONS MADE TO LOOAL HOSPITAL Alexandra Marine and General Hospital has been the recipient re- cently of two needed donations. A large refrigerator has been installed in the nursery by the Goderich Lions Club. The refrig- erator is in compliance with regu- lations laid down by the Depart - rent of Health. The Beta Sigma Phi sorority has taken over main- tenance of the children's ward and have painted it and donated a matching" chair. GODERIOR BOY HOME FROM WAR IN KOREA A picture appeared. in last Thursday's Toronto Star of P.O. B111 Sanderson of the R.C.N., ar- riving at Halifax after being at Korea on H.M.C.S. Haida. He is a seri of Mr. and Mrs. George Sanderson, Quebec street, and. THAT'S DOWSE MOW new sherbet is reverts! tangy fruit flavors, Quick way to cool off these warns days„ Sarootber than ordinary sherbet, more satisfying. For dessert, for in• between refreshment, for frosty enjoyment anytime, it's Duncan Hines' new sherbet. made exclqsively by POLIO SMALLPDX DIPHTHERIA ' TETANUS LEUKAEMIA ENCEPHALITIS MENINGITIS TREAT/0NT PERIOD FOR 5 YEARS. COVERAGE UP TO 1,000 COST—$10.01 FOR 2 YEARS. COMPLETE FAMILY PROTECTION Geo. G. MacEwan INSURANCE AGENCY WEST STREET PHONE 230, GODERICH 28-31 plans to spend part of his leave at Goderich. He will be accom- panied by his wife and daughter, who live at Halifax. "Pass the buck" originally was a poker terni. A counter was passed from player to player to indicate the next dealer. PLAY BINGO At SEAFORTH Community Centre CIVIC HOLIDAY Monday, TI August 3rd ENTIRE PROCEEDS , For Huron County TORNADO VICTIMS' FUND $2,000 Cash Prizes ADMISSION FOR 12 GAMES $1.00 12 GAMES FOR $ S0.00 2 GAMES FOR $100.00 1 GAME FOR $2Q0.00 JACKPOT GAME $1,000.00., Extra Cards and Specials, 25cx--5 for $1.00 SEATING FOR 2,000 THIS -.FUND. DESERVES -.-A. FULL H.OUSE Oldsmobile's new instrument panel is • ultra -modern in its symmetry and beauty. The wdrd luxury comes to life in Otdsmobiiee's seating appointments. AT A CORNER ON MAIN STREET Gracious design is everywhere you look even to the convenient, seat -back ash tray. A community- springs up and, as it grows, a branch bank opens its doors. , This pattern, basic in Canada's development, . A 11(15 been repeated again and again in pioneer areas, villages, towns and cities, Through local branches, the chartered banks bring to small Illuetrorr.l—Odlamobilr (:1 ..k .11" 4 IMor Sodom. Modern simplicity and dignity net the motif for gleaming chrome trim appointments. communities, as well as large, the same broad range of banking service. '!'here's a fold, swe.'eping "eager -to -go" kook «bunt every Oldsmobile Super "88" and Classic "911". interiors, toe, are htyled Tor beauty and luxury, with completely new instrument panels, squared -off seat hacks, ultra -fashionable new fabrics and patterns. Each single detail sets Oldsmobile apart from every other car on the road. And. of course, all this beauty is ma1Fhed by the sparkling power of the 165 horsepower high -compression "Rocket" engine. Remember, text, that Oldsmobile offers you a host .of wonderful "Power" features as options at extra cost --features like hydra -Matic Super Drive, new Po*er Steering and Pedal -Ease Power Brakes. Find nut for yourself the sheer joy of possessing an Oldsmobile. See your Oldsmobile dealer! Famous "Rocket" figure head ... symbol of Rocket Oldsmobile's swooping bower. There are nnty 3,800 branches of Canada's chartered banks serving the banking' needs of Canadians, 700 opened in the past ten years. THE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY 4 OLDS M OBI 'A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE GARDNER MOTOR SALES VIOTORIA STREET 0.1051* PHONE 234