HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-07-30, Page 3106th Year -No. 31, Personal Mention Mr and Mrs, Fred Munro, Tor. into, are holidaying at the Bedford Hotel. Mr, Cyril Brown, manager of the Dominion Store, is on two weeks' holid see . Petr -Green has left for a wont 's holiday at Camp Kanda- lore, in the Haithurton diatrict- Mr. and Mrs. Attie' Mcquarrte of Toronto were guesti6it the Sunset Hotel for several days last week, Mrs. William park and &ugh - ter, Alma, visitcai with Mr. and Mrs, 'William Hamilton at Granton the laet'week, Mr, and Mrs, Norval Anderson, Jerry and Shirley, of Toronto are holidaying at Goderich and Shep- pardion, Mrs, Stanley Crawford is spend- ing 'several days this week with her daughter, Mrs, Lloyd Mayer, and Mr. Mayer at Penetang. Mrs. Murray Sheardown and children have returned from spend- ing three weeks with Mrs. Owen amommommoirmemmummiiimmumwourominimourne Hamilton and family, and Ma. Cousins at a cottage 4 View Lake on Lake Scuisog, Mr*. Harold Taylor and children of Elk Lake are visiting with Mrs. Fred Hunt and her mother, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Jack Coates, former Code- r/eh resident Manager of Imperial Oil Ltd., and now of St. John's, New- foundiand, and Mrs. Coates have been spending holidays in Gude- rich, Visitors over the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Raynard, East street, were Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Raynard of Ashfield and bliss nifred Raynard of St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rabatich at the British Exchange Hotel are their sons, Dr. Stevenson Babatich of New Brunswick and Mike Jr., of Hamilton, along with his wife and family; also a son-in- law, Joseph I'asich of Hamilton and Mrs. Pasich. PROCLAMATION To the citizens of the Town (,f 4 Goderich Monday, Aug. 3, 19 having been fixed by resolutipn as CIVIC HOLIDAY All citizens are requested to govern. themselves accordingly JOHN E, HUCKINS, MAYOR. poommumaisemir • e obtrit ignal GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 39th, 1t53 SWIMMER HAS HOT BEAT AS CLOTHES CATCH YIEZ tt. Weddings 4 Goderich Girls' Trumpet Band Scores WHIrfINGHASuccess Playing At Brussels Tattoo ha"Kg .t=,-DAVIDSON . , at Thing's got hot for a swim- DAVIS-HANSIEN - .Adorned with gladioli and fern, J. A very pretty summer weddin Zion Evangelical Lutheran Ch.urch saes .tolentinizedi at fit Barnabas An , a • In t .VC e glican Church, Yocum Sec -um, NUVa tor the marriage °I Shin° Maar) Scotia, when Rev. Karl Tufts united Hansen, daughter of ItIr. and Mrs, Crete Hansen, of Stratford, to . in marriage Constance MiWred Thomas Francis Davis, son of Mi. Davidson, daughter of Mr. aid and Mrs. Thomas Davis, 109 West Mrs. Smith Davidsen,. and Fred etreet, Goderich, on Thursday erick Balfour Whittin in, ton o evening of last week. Bev. Karl Mrs. Winningham andthe late .1 J. Knauff officiated. Mrs. 11. Ea ss B. Whittirighain, of Goderich. un was the organist, . The bride, given in marriage Given in marriage by her father by lwr father, wire a liver -length the bride wore a white satin .cock- own of White nylon net over 'tail -length gown with halter neck- white Satin, full skirt with lace line and Peter Pan collar. The bodice, sweetheart neckline and skirt was fashioned with two layers Ding sleeves, She wore a hal of white net with insets of Chantil- headdress with fingertip veil at ly lace over white satin. She wore embroidered silk net and carried a Chantilly lace jacket and a white -an arm bouquet of red roses, blue satin headdress with a net veil ee 1.11‘4101$ and baby's breath. trimmed with seed pearls. She The only jeweliry worn was two carried a cascade bouquet of red strand pearls with matching ear roses and stephanotis. . rings. She was attended by her Miss Mary Tasker, London, at. sisters- Edna Davidson, who was • tended the bride in an ankle -length gowned in pink taffeta with match gown of Nile green net over satin ing bolero and short veiled head - with Chantilly lace insets. She dress carrying a bouquet of pink wore .a matching Chantilly lace carnations with blue and white jacket. Her headdress was a net sweetpeas halo cap. The junior bridesmaid, Page boy Wa$ Dale Pace, four Miss Irene Hansen, wore a pink year old nephew of the bride, who • net over satin ankle -length frock ;carried the ring on a white satin • featuring appliqued organdie flOw- • ers and a matching net jacke, Sterling Snow, -Ecum Secinn, Both attendants carried. lily of the tended the groom, and ushers were Va!gye. hes. t man was Harold Davis, ; Graham Pace, of Halifax, IS'verad Moody, £cum Secum, and ' Radcliffe Court, Hamilton, brothel -I The church was beautifully de - mer at t harbor Sunday afternoon -so hot, in fact, that he had to call the fire depart- ment. It seems the unidentified bWitridler was seated in his car when his cigarette in tonne manner ignited his clothes piled alongside him on the car seat. Though there's lots of water in the lake, the fire depart- ment was summoned to quell the blaze. It's not known how the swimmer made out, but it's presumed he had to go home in his bathing suit since, for one thing, the seat of his pants was burned badly. Trophy Captured By Jerry Pee Wees --- In the Group "13" section If. 0 Jerry and Edward Fuels advanced to the finals over Club Grill and Court. House teams due to the fact neither of the latter team could field a full lineup. This proved -a disappointment to the boys who had :showed up to play However, in the finals with Ed ward Fuels taking 'on the 11. 0 Jerry crew, things really warmed up. The first game was a well played game but H. 0. Jerry's boy could do nothing - wrong and won going away by a score of 13 to 9. But things were far different in the second contest. With Edward Fuels fighting with their backs to the wall, H. O. Jerry's gang had all they could handle: • At the end of -the fifth inning the score was 13 to 6 for Edward Fuels but in the sixth inning the Jerry crew scared four runs to lead 10 to 8. In the bottom; of the seventh Edward Fuels came back to tie the scare • 1 Greterich Girle'. 'Trumpet Band. massed esectesa .Brussels on Wednesday night of last week us they played at a tattoo there, and according to one Brusselx resident, the band is "outstancling." in a letter to the Sie.nal-Star, • the resident, who signs himself "A f Lover of Band Music," said he wondered if the people of Goderich appreciated the efforts of tome of the orgaaizaitions of the C01731nUri. tity, especially the girls' band, -Their porLormance outataini- ' ing in appearance, music and marchin They desente a lot of ) credit"' ni writes. ;"Don Jolly,' as :director, does a real' , job. and every member of the band deserves praise. ft is one et the greatest advertising agencies Goderich could have. The citizens of Brans • 10 all and left the winning run on the bases. Going into the first II la. k or travelling tee home of the bride's parents whe're extra inning the 11. 0. Jerry gang bride donned a bengaline hatter. the bride's mother r • ," ),1 tele were delighted with their esis Seven bands played at the Orme sets show, which was dadtr aus ices of the Brussels. Lissus buys a Girls. Band, It Wita etaged in Victoria Park, This' program contt$ed of In- dividuk and massed band telers limo by the various troupe. Bands included: Seaforth no, hinders Band, Stanley J. Smith, eotgluetor; Brutbela Legion P4te Barui, Pipe Major GeOrgte Mott in charge; Mitchell Citizens' Band, 'Bandmaster Frank St ral herr ; Goderich Trinnyet Band; Bandmaster Don Jolly; Wines= 21.st Anti -Tank Band, Bill Hender- son, direttor; Brussels and London Boys and Girls Bailds, Ban-dmaster A. C Robinson, • Reported -Making Excellent Progress Huron County girls' garden , the morning glories are well on •! clubs, with tlui exceptiori of the their way te help brighten the Auburn group, have been visited Baker, Assitisnt Agricultural fie' •"i'llrefl Ne'shits itt ic last two weeks iy aro ;andDoreen , Mrs, S. Arnent, itiburn, There' preter'itative, !th.e 14 g,rh euroikd in this dub ikit.±71; tileurAon"iCsotaunnttyi.finne Eclin9rnb' J)ungannon ciub, ltd Cardens w 1"e 'ed Mrs. H. Finnigan, Dungannon and '1 The Auburn club is led b Mr oflc ) de$,,roorn. !he ushersl totaled with bouquets of white . . - A Mrs, J,- Finnigare. were Walter Hansen, brother of ;-gladioli and delphinium with green from weeds, d inc bride's mother wore a del- Oer Eden ' of general - i eararick, freedern ;as"1,..VI'd ....I; at P • i tsueurn, sets $eVen girls cornplet, phiniurn blue sheer dress with. , just before the young couple took wi°' Pll'Yed arid shng 'yield of vegetables, and contribu- this district and mush of the hind white accessories and a corsage.. et 'their vows, and during the sigisiog tion of flowers to home surround - at the time -the bridegroom wore a dress of navy ,waY nraYed• ' revealed much hire! and effort ''''('-'('‘1"11"1•11(1 1111v" heeri in Algot of the gardens judged wa'' Undgr water.; ' Leading the club at F,thel is pink roses, The mother of the of the register "0 Perfect Love"' -spent by the gardeners; rows were •'!: m . 1 .. j by Aliss Grace 1,aniont: are the bride, and Gordon Cordick. :tern. TM, Voice that Breathed eseases, and insects; state of cultivation, quality andinggarden' Bad weather has held some of the gardens hack blue sheer wifii" matching acees- Tile bride's gilt to t.he groom' generally well w d d I rk;- StafileY A ("wider- ass• -;V -ed n - ee et a sories and a corsage of pink rose; was a coronation tie )in an a tivated. In spite. of heavy rains gals are. enrollee in the shin seven girls in the Carlow club are led by Mrs. Tait (lark. assisted by Mrs. Will Clark, Grele- The receptioe took place at the white prayer book was given to; early in the .1i•e;iMill that held k, ' ome of the bride s her the parents. • j by groom. Later the couple left -on a trip: A wedding reception held at the proved why tht!,y arc real champ- top dress trimmed with rhineiitones_ lag a navy crepe- dress with white . - . • -, ' ions by blasting over six runs while with navy sleeveless, navy nylon • accessories and a corsage of white holding the Edward Fuels outfit net redingote and white .ICarnations. - The groom's mother ''scoreless. • The final score, 11. 0, mines, The couple will jnake their !wore a -lace dress over mauve tat - Jerry 16, Edward Fuels 10. The home in Loridore - ; feta with White aCCeSsories and .ferry Crew was : awarded the Fi V Guests were present at the We I a mn'age of tilthe ' . ding from Stratford, Mitchell, Ex. • For a wedding trip to Quebec eter, Goderich,' London, Hamilton and Niagara Falls, the bride don - and Chicago. ,tieil a ye/low gabardine 'suit with ..._ .....,„ ..... ' white accessories and a corsage The first lobster hatchery in ('an of talisman mses. ada was. erected near Menne N.S.. - ...,___ in 1891. ' • NEL-CUTT White gladioli and mums arid • - - fall candles decorated the chancel STRATFORD RAC17' at Knox Presbyterian. Church ea Igo ciP . Saturday afternoon when Rev, 11 G. MacMillan united in marria Catherine Ellen Cutt, -daughter Mr. and Mrs, J. Calvin Cutt, God singer 7 rophy. I First country in the Western - • Hemisphere to issue postage Isfamps was Brazil, in 1843. First +stamps issued by the U.S. govern- . irnentwere in 1847. CODERICH SKATING .SCHOOL PRESENTS AN ---- AT ---- Goderich Memorial Arena --- ON 1111111110111111111.11011111 SATURDAY, AUG. 1 AT 8.30 P.M. (DST) aktoitotottoomootiotastmotottoititssoito Skating Stars FROM ALL PARTS OF CANADA AND UNITED STATES MUSIC AT THE HAMMOND ORGAN BY HA, CLARK ENJOY CANADA'S NEWEST ENTER TAINMENT IN COOL COMFORT • ADULTS 75c' CHILDREN 25c iiii•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• g dance s week end, The a-- PUBLIC SKATING ti!onday (Civic Holiday) Aug.,.3, 953 Post Time 1.30 p,m. E.D.T. 11 heats -$8500, in purses and prizes. ANNUAL MEMORIAL SERVICE Colborne Township Cemetery ON SUNDAY AUGUST 2 9 AT 3 P.M. (D.S.T.) HARRY McCREATH, Cemetery Convenor. :10 :31 .1111111.. GODERICH PAVILION - DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT The Glen Williams Orchestra, ,Vocals by Ruth Every Wednesday night square a 6a-iic'e night to Clarence Petrie's Night. Hawks. Special Sunday Mid-ni ht this Glen Williams Orchestra. -SPECIAL CIVIC HOLIDAY SQUARE DANCE - FRIDAY itIGHT-8.30-10.30 p.m. Monday night Clarence Petrie's Night Hawks ADMISSION: Adults 50o • CHILDREN 25c Animmummimmminnommir At PARK nO the The Square PHONE 1150 Now-Cornel Wilde and Phyllis Thaxter in "OPERATION SECRET." 11111•Ms MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY - "YOUNG BESS" --- IN TECHNICOLOR - A, Three -Star portrayal of the fli'st Elizabeth, before she became Queen, of Thomas Seymour, her lover, and of Henry VIII the rolnist ruler. Starring Stewart Granger, Jean Simmons and Charles Laughton THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY - Louis Hayward, Patricia Medina and John Sutton Based on it novel by Rafael Sabatini and filmed in Technicolor comes a swashbuckling tale of the king of pirates, ('ap'n IllOod.- • "CAPTAIN PIRATE" Coming -"DANGEROUS WHEN WET" -in Technicolor -Esther Williams, Jack Carson.. A, imiommosinfoomml At CAPITAL West The Street PHONE 47 - Now -"VENETIAN BIRD" -with Ava Bartok and Richard Todd. Mon -Tues -Wed. "RIDE THE MAN DOWN" In Trucolor A vigorous tale of 700,000 acre Hatchet Ranch, and of the war for' its possession following the blizzard that killed its founder, Brian Donlevy, Ella Raines and Forrest Tucker Thurs-Fri-Sat. ALEC GUINNESS, Joan Greenwood, Cecil Parker Another grand performance by a great British star; as the tex- tile worker who invents lin overlasting fable. "MAN IN THE WHITE SUIT" `111.1•111111101.11141111. Corning -"DESPERATE SEARCH" -with Howard Keel and Jane Greer. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 • planting, the 'vegetables were re- mark' I I well• -d, • d •ry girls were using lettuce, radishes, peas; beans, beets and carrots_ Tomato and corn!plants showed 44,00.1 growth throughout the coun- ty. - Parsnips, chinese cabbage and broccoli some /!,:irdens benefit thinned-•-eonsult cultu al guide for thinning instructions. The Cabbage plants seemed to be suffering the most. from insect attack Dusting _regularly bug killer, a mixture Id Derris"du,t and 1) , to 'mann two v;ee$,-. of using headS is "recommended, then- dusting may be continued with Derris dust allow ' Use Flowers Home beautification is stressed in the garden dubs this year and the girls pre encouraged to use go their flowers -to improve the of pearan.ce of home surroundings. Some girls'put good ideas to work of in 4planning rock gardens, annual, and perennial borders. Many' al- ready. have dwarf marigolds, corn- -r, flowers and zinnias. blooming_and and Maurice Neil-, son Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Neil, of D Given in marriage by her lathe the bride was gowned in import Swiss lace over satin, ileor-length, full circular skirt with low, scal-I loped neckline and long pointed sleeves, Her fingertip veil of ns- - Jon iiitision -tulle fell from a Juliet cap of lace over satin, edged in, seed pearls. She wore a singt.' strand 01 pearls, the gift of the -groom, and earned a spray of Mido orcliitjs and carnations. Maid of honor was Mary Anne; Erskine, 01 Godericn, who was attired in a strapless floor -length! -gown of pink net over tapeta welt, matching- bolero. • Her headdress was of ruffled veil. , The brides- maid, Nancy Neil, of Detroit, sister! or the grom», wore an identical gown .of yellow, and the 'lower! Gay.I Cutt, of rich, niece of the bride, wore a floor -length gown of pale blue dot- ter Swiss with pink headdress. 't'hey carried nosegays of!!baby MU rI\U(1;tn. ,_ a I A. Young, id Detroit,! was best man. Robert. Cutt, et Toronto and Lindsay, uncle of the bride, was organist and Miss Frances Brerc---! ton, of Goderich was soMist. Reception was held in the church! auditorium where 70 guests were served dinner by the 'Ladies' /sad Society. Mr. MacMillan acted a3 toastmaster and Dr. -T. M. Cutt, of Detroit, uncle of the bride, pro -1 posed 0 toapt to! the bride. The bride's mothe'r -wore a gown of rose crepe with trim of French lace and navy accessories. The groom's Mother was gowned in navy sheer with navy and white accessories. Both wore . corsages of Talisman roses. Guests were present from De troit, Pigeon, Mich., London,,Tos. wit° anti St. Thomas. For a wedding trip to Eastetn Canada and the United 'States, the bride donned a beige suit with navy accessories anil ii corsage of scarlet carnations. The couple will resides in Detroit. GODERICH STUDENT IN SEARCH FOR PETROLEUM A Goderich boyis _among four students of the University of Tor- onto who are taking part in a co- operative training program in geophysical -exploration for petrol- eum. Ile is John M. Hudson, son of Mr, and Mrs. Roy Hudson, of South street. The exploration is being sponsored by the Geophysical Ser. vice InterriationalCortration. POLICE INVESTIGATING • THEFT OF NEW RADIO --- Theft of n portable radio valued al $75" frnm- Shore Appliances nn the Square is being investigated Dy town police. The theft occurred last Friday. Police said the radio was a new model of halteryelectric typo, light green in color. They asked co-opetation of citizens in recovery of the article, ed ":1. s • and • 40 Clark base done i'x:etic'nt WOk iri :gardening for ..first year gardeners. Mrs. C. Galbraitle-Blyth, is .the leader of the Blyth • garden. club, assisted ! by Mrs there are 14 girls completing gas - dens this year. E. PRIDHAM SELLS HOME TO SHEAFFER OFFICIAL Mr. E Pridhain has sold his house on St. George's Crescent to. Mr LCOD 11. Black. manager o( the Goderich plant of W. A. Sheaf - ler Pen Company of Canada ited. Possession for Mr. Black is wt for October 15. Mr. Pridham, who has purchased a lot from Mr Bruce Smith, right beside W.! Pridhain's residence; has aiready.T started on the Construction of 4: new home which he plans to have; ready by the middle of Oetober. Up Of irm Sy os444.4 akine o�$1 looks, 44 yowl? couple Witt Olito howdy 9,1 Os* tit* 004 .slb Na. holy 91 Co•wde", k•19444 Loa4-$044ing irkbeitiatece, oho 1:f• 94cog$040. horsikeaiswo, 6.0c1/ cadOition$0 L90, they $$1,14,1, P*9- t•chled thed i40,444.4,4 *45 goo 14. WWI VO -90. Pf 4014Mikal pcit.cy $$4140, 6140$4d. the hy$14.4-4 4.0 twfors thip ktud Lsi,so‘turtly res.cww.9 socevoipt w.dvixecianks. PLANNED LIFE INSURANCE CRJNGS PEACE OF MIND Vlithout obligation, let me foil you how the facilities of Oho SUN LIFE AtSURANCE COM- PANY OF CANADA can bee. twee* your particular needs its • way *hot will fit your pocketbook. Harold W. Shore M)JLTJSf4T, PHONE 761W' lis if $UN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANS. 40/' CANADA Information available loans. WEEKLY GUN SHOOT FINISHES WITH TIE .John Anderson and Lloyd Ven- ner were 4:red-with 47 out of 50" at the Goderich Gun Club weekly shoot." Other scores inelude 11. Prouse, 22-22; Ashley - Gilbert, 20: ff Mather, 2n-25-20; William j, mby, 22.18-2; W. Cooper; 113-16 Prouse, 15, and Jack Gilbert, 2.2.--• Jack Gilbert won the doubles shoot with a nineteen. Other scores were: J. Anderson, 17; 11 Prouse, 15; A Gilbert, 15; William Iambs% 14. and W. Cooper, 1.3. The shoot was held,at Sky Harbor range .• NIERS! This Man KNOWS Your Problems Because- He is A Farmer Too! • Cardiff Knows You Want Better Farm Markets IN BRITAIN AND OTHER COUNTRIES Lower Taxes ON YOU'LL INCOME, MACHINERY AND IMPLEMENTS ELECT A FARMER TO REPRESENT FARMERS TE CARDIF Publiohed By Hurun Progressive Conservative Agiociation