HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-07-30, Page 2inft (6aDerirk Signal -Star HURON COUNTY'S VORkMtO T WEEKLY Published 'by Signal -Star Publishing Limited 411114tr1p0oa RRLrrr—Cats da arui Great Britain, $2-ZO a year; to United States, $ 3.5O. Strictly in arlvarue, *Avert.441g Rates un request. Telephone 71 Autboriittd as >reco dtlezec mail, Punt Office Department, Ottawa. Out -of -Town Iteprr,,tntativ4: C-W-N.A., ,, s • 420 Temple Bldg., Bay and Itichrnunrl Sta., Toronto. �, e Member of Canadian Weekly News a papers Aszoctatwn. Member of Audit Bureau of C'irculatiuua Weekly Circulation Over 3.000, GEO. L ELLIS, Editor and PuWistsrir. THE COD.1C: SIGNAL -STAR THURSDAY, JULY Seth, LE5+3 Down Memory's Lane 25 Years Ago tour lei t, and Aix to eight lathes Auto !tea frig wai hkeonitng a :+err,^^ the back. So thick were they that they could be eau ht by serious problem. ,t! new Durant, the hundreds with bare hands. the property of Y.- Douglas Brown, sem, 1,1 then! took to the bottom was taken from his garage and the ut. the !who,. red stirred up tit THURSDAY, JULY 30tb, 1953 owner offered $100 reward fur its watermaking_jt muddy color recovery. Thieves a1i0 angered .tfor a distance of about a quarter THE YORE AN TRUCE Musics of Representatives, and it war- his prestige which carried a Aster long and much -interrupted small majority of ltepublicano- into gotistirrns, an armistice has been 1h -e,+: houacs, they have. blocked reached in the Korean cunllict !!rune of his important measures garage un Lighthuune street in of a mite. Where the tisk came which ?several cars were stored and from, nobody knew „put they dis- atternpted to steal the , vehicles.., appeared the++ ogre (pay, About 15 boys, members of the 1S Y•art Ag• St George's Church choir, held a First fatality of the: year occur - picnic at Bogie's Beach. Under red at the waterfront when Thou.(, the leardershi of C. A, 11. Wilkin- Hoffman toppled into the harbor and others have been carried only 'n, choir grader, they played and drowned. The body was This dr,vet< not mean an end of the game! and went swimming. . 'brought to the surface in less than war; it brings a temporary ers»a• with tete support ut Democratic The Town of Goderich called a five minutes by Rqy McDonald, tura of hostilities and may be member!! Contrary 4u bets wishet public' meeting at the Town Hall who tossed in a grappling hook. bill' introduced into the err the purl,usu- of organiztng, a.' !!,story web made to Huron followed by a treaty of peace-, but , �i wa., ' r 1ural committee to join with County when the largest crowd even ;i :l erre should be' Dace in Korea it will he necessary to main- tain ar. armed ar11 Ntrict guard against Red ,ggresinfti in other quartr-r4 It remains to bre decided where the itne .s to be drawn between North aridl South Korea, policy of ruodrrrating trade restric-, the Goderich Salt Company, fora United States and the R.C.A.F., tion» It is nituatiun which further Irl years, exemption from took part in a demonstration. 313`1 th.•re ma} be renewed shoot ; (:axes, excerpt school taxes, and free Outside of a few crumpled fend. foie bt fore this is determined. If justified :torne" ',t Adiai Stevenson's( electric power up to 12 horse- er amongst the hundreds of eafx- pre~cntatives to to district committee 1n celebrating in the history of this section gath- crea„e tariff protection for U S, the 100tb anniversary of the open- ered to witness the formal opening industries and w3» killed only by ing up of the Huron Tract. of the County's new at ort at Democrats union; „Kith „ureic lir 20 Years Ago Sky Harbor. An estimated 20,000 Goderich ratepayers went to the people thronged the airport in a publican member,, who aster! in � polls in large numbers and regis- week -end program in which 44 accordance with the president':, !tared approval of a by-law granting plane:,, including ones from the the ailir r1 troops aretri be with i comments m the 1 pre-.srlt-1) A t;al power. there was only one serious ac- ' '� ,Stl-d drawn and South Korea is to be i carrsj,asg;ri ' egree drop in temperaturrr, cident at or near the airport. A • •' • accompanied by a rainfall of over team of patiently plodding horses left unpr,,teetet.t; it will be an un-. ,snehalf inch, brought relief to the hauling the town water wagon to Death of the Duke of West parched countryside after a three- the airport, made it to the top satisfactory germination of ar three reputedly the richest day heat wave in which the Cher• of the hill and had just (started to years" struggle to give furca. to minter, Ilandowner in the United Kingdom, rnometer rose as high as 94 de- breathe easily at the driveway the decree of ttiN United Nations! ll if mind the fact that the �recx .. when the wagon groaned, heaved against' armed aggression. calls ,min. c ac in rr Literally thosands of carp one and + collapsed with its frnt axle pre --war days when Lloyd Georgie day invaded the Mouth of the broken Driver and horses went ;yry far at tmrnediatr- exert is r ' Maitland River, some as long r concern.,i, (!tare r1) y,. ,c some re.i wa„ heading a campaign tor ianrf as home in disgust. 4/Action .n military expenditure h; s reform,' the Duke and his huge ren'. _ - - _-____.. _-_ 9 at, were cited a4 an rexarnple of the the t.: n; teed Nations. including ! TWO DRIVERS FINED c'anada out unless further negotia abuse W,1k-1I the reformer:, thought Letiers to theEditor ,��� tions sEserW a distinct disposition; to end, Under the heavy taxation to p4 -ace there will .stilt be neves 01 ine0rne' -ince the two, world--- say for- :.de continuance of „force. Editor, Signal -Star. war-. he ,oust have been making arjeeiivat, to thce situation. Fur. , huge payments to the ,Government, -th r. there ,tumid be financial aid later! 'till Homans ely wealthy, for for tiid-rebuilding of a country (tit- despatch announcing lis, deet!! .which. �+id;;ing trorti report, has ind carr.•., that large hr,ldi es were been reduced to an 'indescribable! i .tn„ slit! in hi posse'5ion. He married Condition of havoc and distress ; ' Canadian, should not be niggardly 1 but e/. idea" 1} these pa, neent�s left in the extension of such aid. i four time, had three divorces but no male heir and hjs title Sir ---1 am happy to renew by Sub-cri'3ption for another year. We enjoypaper and news immensely. I also read with sorrow of the passing of MN. Kenneth ('anipbell, an old, friend You know how it is in a .small town, nearly all the children of a neghborhood • play together. You laugh. play, cry, and grow up to - For the Ypresent there will t,r• passes to a middle-aged bachelor -tether (llappv days) Then you t cos:+ n So before long; there may deparf to di ferent- corners of the happiness in many homes in the• be no Duke of �ti"e5tmin ter. What Those are friends you never di sccxiiir sing of the casualty list.; be (Katie was one of -then!;, which have marked the loss of i -s tri become ot, .__t.,_ is nu c isc ose a ri is Chicago, 111. July 21, 1953 t i 1 butthe h British many he-r�iic lives and the erippl.ing� h f many more; and for Government will get 'a good slice a nation there will lof it, ,anadianis be hope of a asting peace. e • • Editor, Signal -Star. 1t Sir,—It is rather annoying to see Official nominations, 'now made two weeks before pulling; day, inthe. police bringing in new parking EDITORIAL NOTES . , regulations just at a time when stead of one week as in former there are so many tourists, Can- , '-"'"—` elections, give candidates and ' adian and American, in Goderich. Britain still is away ahead of party workers more time to closer ! SeveraI tourists have spoken to me the rest of the world in shigp with regard to this annoyance. ' their ranks, and electors who had There should he no angle building Lloyd's Register :shows s g park - not given much thought to the ing regulations on the side streets that she has three times as much corning election more ,time to sur- one block "from the Square put shipping under construction as her ti,ey, the whole field and make their, into effect until such a time xi • leading competitor, the t' niece! there are signs put up to show final decision as to the disposition what is ex ected of visiting; motor States Over one-third of the p of -their votes,. This; last phrase is ; ist5. From personal ohservations world total is building; in British vivittcn with some reservation, far ; while travelling in -towns of similar shipyards, though the figures do there is considerable basis for the size throughout Ontario, Ido not not include construction in Russia. se where parking; is any proble m belief sometimes expressed that 'f' in Goderich. POland and Communist China, Thi an unofficial vote were taken six' Merchants spend considerable British shipbuilders not only have months before the election - it r money in advertising to attract the know-how, but they have lower , :tourists to Goderich and are irritat-' would show the same result flss costs than those in other countries. ed when they see tourists molested Are you interested in the official vote, carrying the im- , by these unnecessary regulations Canada has some considerable ship - i plication that all the campaign ap-; during July and August. EGG. PROFITS? yads, but their output is insig- .peals from press and platform, all! ' Fours truly, nificant in comparison with that - GODERICH MERCHANT. Here's what one customer says the energy put into, the pre-election 1 of the great works on the Clyde drive, have little effect on pteogple MARDi GRAS and at .other British yards who have already madc'Oup their Mardi Gras of the Goderich Kinn- • et • ' men Club is -h in- held this Satur- do got as high as 55 minds. This belief is borne out -being y and have A paragraph in Sirs. Eedy''s in- in :some degree b ' the independent day and on Monday, Civic holiday. doz. in one day from 700loyers. May g } I Games, clowns, several draws free avero a has been 47 doz. per da' ter'essting; column in The St. 51arys,' iI g y Journal -Argus tells of the fine pre-clecUon polls, which usually prizes and giant bingo. The draw which is 80.5% icorner fairly' close to the actual !, for a midget Austin car is to be "The grading is also excellent. IN POLICE COURT Charged as the result of an ac- cident at the intersection of Horton and St. David's streets, William 11. Westlake,•r of Goderich, plead( guilty to careless driving before :Magistrate U. E. Holmes, Q.C., in police court last Thursday and vas fined 55 and costs, Michael Picard, of the-R.C.A.F., Clinton. pleaded guilty to driving a motor vehicle without a -driver's :licence and was fined $2 and costs or seven days. let the Customers Speak! about Blatchford's "Fill -the - Basket" Egg Mash. "1 am feeding 100 lbs. of mash per -effect produced by. the painting of neighboring houses in - different colors. This prompts a suggestion. The varied coloring of motor car.; nowadays is pleasing to the eye, and if these reds, blues, greens and other calors were reproduced in the decoration of the houses what a picturesque appearance our streets would present. It might be .necessary to .have an inspector to see that no garish disharmony was produced; and if the scheme. were extended to the houses and barns in the countryside what a paradise it would be for people of artistic taste ---and for the paintin,; trade' • 1 • There has been criticism of the engravings ,of the Queen's profile on -Canadian pottage stamps, but to our mind there is; a more valid criticism. Why should 111e color, he changed, so that one has to make a close examination of the stamp to determine its value'' 4 -cent stamp which used to 'bc' red is now pulrple; the - io-een which denoted the I -cent stamp is now changed to a brown, and so on To make it worse, thy' figures indicating the values �,of the stamps are .tar from distinct. If the same color were used per- manently for the stamp of a certain denomination it would save much annoyance to the person who ;hasn't time to make a micro- scopic examination of every stamp he uses. vote, though ttiese polls generally show a proportion of canvassed people who have - not decided or who decline to say how they will vete. However, the - pre-election pre-election campaign has its value: It gives the people across the country an opportunity which otherwise they might never have of seeing and hearing the political. leaders; to some extent it clairifies the issues, -and it rouses many who between elections -give little attention to public affairs into some effort to understand how democratic govern= mint iy carried on. - THE TEMPTING APPLE (Walkerton Iferald•Timee orchard Husbandry will be add - cd to the agricultural curriculum of Walkerton District High School next term. The board has pur- chased an orchard next to the school property On Yonge street, Principal Cyril F. Washington expressed doubts if the orchard project ' will substantially help supply the cafeteria_ "Any fruit that ripens after the fall term opens will have small_ chance of survival. (,'tn tipple on the desk will no longer he -a measure of esteem for teacher from pupil. It vril1 morely indi- cate that we 'd' uld have built a higher fence," he says "AVERAGE" WOULb MISLEAD (Edmonton Journal) "Average" statistics are mislead- ing. A place which varies be- tween 110 above in summer and twenty below in winter can boast of an average temperature of sixty- • ,• • live President Eisenhower is having trouble with members of his party In Congress. Though he won the presidency with a much greater vilte than was given to Republican candidates for the Senate' andoccupied for about ten years now. "SELLING, OLD HOME The old MacEwan home on Cambria road is being offered for sale by tender, as announced in an advertisement elsewhere in -this issue. The residence has not been made Monday night. On Monday afternoon a big rodeo is being held at Agricultural Park commencing at two o'clock. -31 SEE J. PREST FOR THE BEST IN ELECTRICAL SERVICE JAMES E. PREST R.R. 5, Goderich Phone Cariow'207 -30tf NO MONET DOWN JUST. 50c A DAY USE OUR METER BANK PLAN WE SUPPLY YOU WITH A FREE METER BANK ALL YOU DO 15 DROP S0c A DAY IN THE SLOT AND YOU CAN HAVE A BRAND NEW 1953 Westinghouse REFRU ERATOR IN YOUR HOME IMMEDIATELY. ALL THE LATEST FEATURES INCLUDING SHELVES IN .THE QO0R_LTWIN CRISPERS—MEAT KEEPER --LARGE FREEZER AND ALL PORCELAIN ACID RESISTING F000 LiNER WITH NO SEAMS OR CRACKS --BUTTER CONOt- TIONER. . Wilf Reinhart Electric f3 Television • 79 HAMILTON STREET PHONE 466 GODERICH 123 ONTARIO STREET STRATFORD NEXT CANADIAN PREMIER HOLMESVILLE where they were guests at the nt;ie WILL BE NUMBER 18 riage of their nephew, Robert HOI.SIESVII,LE, July 29. -- Mr. Bezcau and Karen Taylor -Munro, How's your history this election and .left 5. Morris J. Roberts, of of Stratford. year'' In case it is weak, here is J.tlwardsville Pa. were recent !'tie- sympathy of the community a list of Canadian ,rime ministers , � � goes to Sir. and Mrs. Jack Yeo iu Cguests of Mr. and, Mrs. Frank Mc- the loss of their aunt, the late Miss :since Confederation. 1----Itt. lion. Sir J. A. Macdonald, Conservati'(•e, July 1, 1867 -Nov. "8, 1873. ;---Mein. AIexander Mackenzie, Liberal, Nov. 7, 1873 -Oct. 16, 1876. 3 --Rt, Hon. Sir J. A. Macdonald, Conservative Oct 17 1878 -June 6' 1891. C'ullough, Maude Bissett whose death occur-' Mr. and Mrs .Wiltiarn Norman red in Goderich Ilosspital la. t and family spent the week -end at Friday morning, l'enetang, the- guests of Rev. and Mr. and Mrs. H. Heinz and fain - Mrs. 1'. Addison. ' ily, of New Hamburg, were recent Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCullough guests of Mr. and Mrs, 'Frank were . in Kitchener on Friday, Norman. • - Mr. and Mrs. John Christie and �` - family, 01 Toronto, were week -end 4 ---lion. Sir J. J. Abbott, Con- Unionist, Oct. 12, 1917 -July 10, liarensss of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Y;,:• { servative, June 16, 41891- Dec. 3, 1921. r 1892. 11—Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen. The meeting of the Wilhelmina 5—Hon. Sir John Thompson; Unionist, July 10, 1921 -Dec 29,Mission Band wilt be held in the ;Conservative, Dec. 5, 1892 -Dec. 12, 1921. , school on Wednesday, August v,' 11894. 12—Rt. Hon. W. L. M. King, starting at 2 p.m. At this time, B --Hon. Sir Mackenzie Bowen, Liberal, Dec. 29, 1921 -June 28, 1920. the candy basket,, for the fall Conservative, Dec. 21, 1894 -April 13—Rt. - lion. Arthur Sfeighen, bazaar, will be made. Rev. and Mrs. Tavener, of 27, 1896. Conservative, ,lune 28, 1926 -Sept,. Gienalte=n, and MissMinnie Proc- tor, Sir Charles Tupper, 25, 1926. tor, -of were ere recent guests Conservative, May -1, 1898 -July 8, • 14—Rt. Hon. W. L. M. King,• 1896. Liberal, Sept. 25, 1926 -Aug. 7, 1930., of Mrs. B. Clinton,on, we e h. B --Rt.. Hon. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, 15—Rt. Hon. R. B. Bennett, • Con - Liberal, July 11, 1896 -Oct. 8, 1911. servative, Aug. 7, 1930 -Oct. 23, 1935.1 9 --let., Hon. Sir R. L. Borden, 16 --Rt. Hon. W. L. M. King 1 Conservative, Oct. 19, 1911 -Oct. 12, Liberal, Oct. 23, 1935 -Nov. 15, 1948. . 1917. 17 ---Rt. Hon. Louis St. Laurent, 10—Rt. Hon. Sir R. L. Borden,Liberal, Nov, 15, 1948-- i Out of 242 doz. eggs they graded as follows: - 222 doz. Grade A • Large; 10 doz. Grode A Medium) 4 doz. Grode B; 2 doz. Grade Ci 1 doz. rejects. . "I will recommend your poultry feed to an, poultryman who is looking .to increase his income". (Signed) Yes, my own customers write my best ods. Call in. Learn more about Blatchfords "riu.th.-Boeket" Eqg Mash-- .e. & Crumbled SOLD BY Pfrimrner'Bros. BFNMILLER WANTED Business .Manager for Goderich Hospital Applications 'for the position of Business Manager for the Goderich Alexandra Marine and General Hospital will be received by the .Secretary of the Board at any time before 12 o'clock noo i0.4 n August 8. All applications must be in hand- writing and applicants must state qualifications. C. F. CHAPMAN, Secretary. -31-2 /4144414*41041414114141410 Announcement REGARDING BANKING HOURS COMMENCING SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1953, THE BANKS QF GODERICH WILL BE CLOSED EACH SAT- URDAY, TO GIVE THE STAFF THE BENEFITS OF A' FIVE DAY WEEK. For the convenience of customers, the banks will be opened extra hours each Friday when the banking ``hours will be from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and from 4.30 p.m to 6 pm. We seek the cooperation of customers in accopimo- dating themselves to this change in banking hours. Canadian Bank of Commerce The Bank of Montreal The Royal Bank of Canada LAKEVIEW CASINO � GRAND BEND � DANCING EVERY NIGHT T'o one of the most popular orc1 estras Grand Bend has ever had. NEIL McKAY AND HIS ALL-STARS featuring June–Johnny--rand the Quartette SPECIAL CIVIC HOLIDAY MIDNITE DANCE SUNDAY—AUGUST 2nd (12.05 A.M.) . EVERY THURSDAY The ARTHUR MURRAY SHOW "IT GROWS ANI) G1tO'�VS" A half hour of Ballroom Exhibitions, plus tuition..y' America's top instructors --plus 2% hours regular dancing at usual admission of,.75c each. TPL UTO GLMS while ytPti a airs Complete auto ):;est replacement *erv,Ce, Hobbs Duotite and Duplate Safety Glass installed quickly, eco- nomically, Drive in 131)3- eevers Auto Supply Goderich Phone 295 1111111111111110111.11111111111111111111111111.1111111111 GODERICH KINSMEN CLUB'S ardi U1041411•0011411104011414111141441141111.114114111111410 Gras TWO NIGHTS --- T., AUG. 1 MON., AUG. 3 Games, Clowns, Several Draws, Free• Prizes. GIANT BINGO •••••••N•••NN DRAW for Midget Austin Car an Monday night N......•...N4.4,4•1••f••••4••••R•111N1 DIAMOND'S RODEO Agricultural Park it Monday, Aug. 3 at 2 p.m. ADULTS, $1.00. STUDENTS 500 Children under 12 With parents, free.