HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-07-23, Page 51 o • • THURSDAY, JULY 23rd, 1953 ST. GEORGE'S, CI -LURCH Sunday, July 26, Eighth Sunday after Trinity 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. 11 a.m. MORNING PRAYER AND SERMON. Saturday, July 25, St. James' Day. 10.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. A. W. ANDERTON, Organist and Choirmaster. " REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A.. D.D., Rector UNION °SUMMER SERVICES NORTH STREET AND VICTORIA STREET CONGREGATIONS SUNDAY, JULY 26, 1953 Service in Victoria. Street Church Rev. H. A. Dickinson in charge. 11 a.m. "WE ARE NOT ALONE." Friday, 7.30 p.m. North St. Vacation Bible School, open night for parents and friends. Sunday. School as usual in both chuches. Evening service withdrawn during July and Abgust. Knox Presbyterian Church SUNDAY, JULY 26, 1953 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. Sermon: "Reconciliation in the Lord." Guest Preacher: The Rev. J. P. Schissler. (Nursery and Junior Congregation) NO EVENING SERVICE. REV. R. G. MacMILLAN. W. H. BISHOP, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M. - Minister. ' Director of Praise. Goderich Baptist Church MONTREAL STREET Minister: REV. IAN G. HIND, B.A., B.D. Organist: Mrs. E. Donaldson, A.L.C.M. 10 a.m. Sunday School meets in open session. 11 a.m.b "THE SUN OF THE SOUL." •7 p.m."DOES THE LIFE OF A °MAN HAVE MEANING?" Monday, 8 p.m. Young People's Beach Party. Wednesday 8p.m: The Hour Power. Thought for the week: "A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small bundle." The Church of the Light and Life Hour heard each Sunday at 9 a.m.-900 CHML-Welcomes YOU to worship_ at the Free Methodist Church CORNER VICTORIA AND PARK STREETS 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a,m. MORNING WORSHIP. 7 p.m. EVENING EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. No Mid -week Service. Eph. 2:8.9 -"For by the grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, Zest any roan should boast.' HEY KIDS! THE GODERICR SIGNAL -STAR Trophy Captured By London Golfer ASHFIELV At Tourney Held On Goderich Course ASHFIFID, July 22. --Yrs- Ewart Jack Nash, of Landon Hunt Club, won the John Labatt Trophy with a low gross of 65 as he swept to victory in the fifth annual Gode- rich Golf Club Tournament here Wednesday of 1 'st week. Nash was the winner of the London Hunt Invitation Tournament on June 24. Other prize winners were as fol- lows: Low net went to Dr. McGill; of Mitchell, with a 58 to take the Seagram Trophy. Second low gross, handicap 1-10, Moe Norman, Kitchener, 69; handicap 1-20, Lorne Broadley, 74; handicap 21-36, F. S. Cook, Clinton, 86. Third low gross: Handicap 1-10, T. Woodall, London, 70; handicap 11-20, C. Naftel, Goderich, 76-36; G. Mero, $7. Fourth low gross: Handicap 1710, Emersott Creed, London Hunt, 71; 11-20, C. Hoggarth, 78; 21-36, G. Hicks, 87. Fifth low gross: Handicap 1-10, Jack Powe, Tillsonburg, 72; 11-20," Dr. Oakes, Clinton,' 78; 21-36, 11.... L. Sifton, _London Highland,. 87. Sixth low gross: '.Handicap 1-10, Tony Matlock, Kitchener, 72; 11-20, A. Kronif, 78; 21-36, Dick Waugh, 88. Pitching and putting contest won by K. Petrie, L. Axsmith and E. Allen, finished second and third. Longest drive, B. Weber. Special prize for closest to the hole in number five hole went to Emerson Creed, London Hunt. ' Highest gross went to Roger Hunter and highest net to Frank Linklater. Over 130 gaiters were entered in the event. Chairman of the com- mittee was Bud Date. Club President Charles Naftel welcomed all the contenders and congratulated the committee on their fine work,- and introduced Dr. Jackson who presented all the prizes. MacDONALD--WHITE John David MacDonald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander MacDon- ald, Lochalsh, and Isobel Maude White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russ,ell White, Ripley, were united in marriage at a ceremony con- ducted in St. Andrew's Church, Ripley, by Rev. D. Bryden and Rev. J. R. MacDonald. The bridesmaids were Miss Jean MacLennan, ; Toronto, and Miss Mabel MacDonald, Windsor, sist , of the bridegroom. Mrs. "J. R. Cole of Asheville, North Carolina, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. Rod MacLennan of Toronto was best man. Sharon MacDonald, niece of the groom, was the flower -girl. The couple will 'reside in Ashfield. • mar mummemmimomb, ks WE -AR E AGENTS for COUNTER CHECK BOOKS PRINTED GUMMED TAPE MADE BY U ipiLf and PAPER PRODUCT Styles for every bus,nc s; Various colors and"designs Samples, suggdst ions and prices without obligations SIGNAL -STAR Goderich, Ont. Phone 71 Get in oulthe $1 0110: Vl2Prizes OF THE GODERICH GOODWILL SHOPPING CLUB. WIN A BICYCLE Contestants can boost their. total votes FAST by getting the votes from NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS SOLD TO THE SIGNAL -STAR A NEW. SUBSCRIPTION MEANS 3000 VOTES. A RENEWAL OR PAYMENT 'OF ARREARS MEANS 2000 VOTES. - 5 ELECTION MONDAY, AUG. 10 Applications for additions to or changes in the Voters' List may be made up to and including Saturday, July 25. If you are not sure that yop.r name is correctly on the list, call or visit the LIBERAL COMMITTEE. R00111 CORNER , SGUTH STREET AND THE SQUARE. TELEPHONE 360, VOTE FOR McLEAN and Prosperity for Goderich (Inserted by the Goderich Liberal Association) r UNION UNION, GODERICH TOWN- SHIP, July 22. -Mrs. Eric Horton, contralto soloist, St. Paul's Cathed ral choir, London, will be guest soloist. at the 3 p.m. serv:ce at Union Church this Sunday. Mrs. Horton will be . accompanied lay Mr. Horton, who is •organist at St. George's Presbyterian Church, London. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mcfwairt were Mrs. Evan Wilson and family, Wheatley, and Miss Eleanor Wright, Kippen., W.M.S. Meeting. -The July meet- ing was held at the home of Mrs. Gerald Orr with a very small at- tendance. Mrs. William Porter presided, taking as her theme, "In Action for the Church." Those taking part were Mrs. Thomas Sowerby, Mrs. Austin Fuller, Mrs. Harvey Fuller and Mrs. Stanley Mcllwain. The creed was repeated and the meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. Mrs. Agnes McKay and family from Vulcan, Alberta visited with the Porter family recitly. CREWE CREWE, July 22. ----Mr. and Mrs. E. Cumberland of Jaffray, B.C., visited at the home of R. Finnigan and family the beginning of the week. Mrs. Jim Curran, Nancy and Dick, of ;St. Helens, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. -Jack Curran and family. Mrs. I.. Crciier, of Lon'on, was a week -end :visitor with Mr. and Mrs. C. Crozier and family. MacKeith,• who has been visiting with relatives here the last month, has returned to her home in Van- couver. Duncan McKay held a successful sale on Friday evening and moved on Monday to Auburn. - Mr. and Mrs.. Lavender of De-, troit visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bill MacDonald over the week -end. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Joe O'Keefe on the birth of their daughter, Marianne, and to Mr. and Mrs. 11arytrty Hagerdorn 'on the birth of their son, Allan Harvey. 11e community is saddened to hear of the serious illness of Mrs. F. Scott MacKenzie, of Montreal, who was seized with a severe stroke in her summer cottage near Montreal. Last week a group of 81 girls of the age from eight to 11 attend- ed Kintail camp. This week about the sante nutnber of boys, eight to 11 years, are enjoyting the breezes of Lake Huron. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. MacDonald have moved into the Presbyterian manse. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. David MacDonald to the neighbor- hood. Mrs. Margaret MacKenzie and her daughter, Mrs. Fisher, and Kenneth, of Montreal, are in thei- cottage' at Amberley Beach. MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED BROPHEY-YOUNG On Saturday, July 18, 1953, at 9 o'clock a.m., in St. Peter's Rornan Catholic Church, Goderich, by Rev. Father J. Moss, nephew of bride; Lillian Gertrude Young, to Jas. J. Brdphey of Vancouver, B.C. The Copenhagen stock exchange was built by King Christian IV between 1619 and 1630. QUICK CANADIAN QUIZ 1: Of our larger cities, which had the greatest percentage increase in population from 1941 to 1951? 2. Of what minerals did 1952 pro- duction exceed $100,000,000? 3. What population total is Canada assumed to need by 1975 to ab- sorb her own industrial produc- tion?. 4. Canadians in the $5,000 -a -year and under income- class earn what proportion of the total in- com of all workers? . 5. The value of one hour's produc- tion of the pulp and paper in- dustry is $47,000, -$91,000, or $143,000? - ANSWERS: 5. $143,000 every hour, or $1,250 million a year. 3. 30 million, twice our present popu- lation. 1. Edmonton, Alta. 4. More than three quarters. 2. In order, gold, nickel, copper, petrol- eum, zinc, coal. (Material supplied. by the editors of Quick Canadian Facts, the hand- book of fact§ about Canada.) BETHEL TABERNACLE -. WATERLOO ANI) ELGIN REV. HOWARD E. MINAKER, PASTOR SUNDAY SCHOOL -10 a.m.-EVERYBODY ought to GO. 11 a.m. DEDICATION SERVICE. "A HERITAGE, A DUTY, A RECOMPENSE." 7.30 p.m. ."PROTECTION BEHIND -PAPER FORTS." Tuesday 8 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer Meeting. Friday 8 p.m. -Christ's Ambassadors. THE LITTLE CHURCH WITH THE BIG WELCOME. MEMORIAL SERVICE Colborne Township Cemetery ON SUNDAY, AUGUST 2 AT 3 P.M. (D.S.T.) HARRY McCREATH, Cemetery Convenor. X30-.31 r Perfection Is Not a-Matterlof Price For those who desire our assistance, whether in their own Church, at their home or in our Funeral Home, we pro- vide complete experienced ser- vice at time of need. They are assured that no detail contributing to a rev- erent and beautiful service will be forgotten and that no matter what they pay, the same per- sonal attention will be given. Floyd M. Lodge i ez ,/i 11R')r((rvs I.1 N 1.R A I. 11()NI i. i'il()N1 1 .'o • (,()1)1:1 1(-11 HOLD TOURNEY HERE, FOR BOWLING TROPHY Sixty-four bowlers from many Western Ontario clubs took part in the Carling Trophy Tournament here. The trophy was won by Stan McLean and Stewart Robinson with three wins "and a plus of 22. Other winners were E. Allison and W. Westbrook, 3 plus 16; A. Townsend and C. Cutt, 3 plus 15; 11. MeNee and E. Harris, 3 plus 8; E, Pridham and George Mathieson, 2 plus 22. PORT ALBERT PORT ALBERT, July 22. -The Ladies' guild of Christ Church, Port Albert, are having a bake sale on Saturday afternoon, July 25, from 2 to 5 p.m., at Port Albert Beach. QUICK CANADIAN QUIZ 1. In what ten-year census period since 1901 has Canada's popula- tion shown the greatest /percent- age increase? 2. When did women gain the right -. to vote in federal elections? 3. In.1939 excise and sales tax paid at the factory on a low-priced Canadian automobile totalled $61. What is today's figute? 14.1s ' Newfoundland Canada's larg- est island? 5. Does Ottawa plan to spend more or less money in the coming fiscal year than in the present year? ANSWERS: 5. Ottawa's 14,405 million estimate is slightly higher than for the present year. 3. About 6 times as much, $362. 1. In the 1901-1911 census period. 4. New- foundland is 4th largest island. 2. 1917. (Material supplied by the editors of Quick Canadian Facts, the hand- book of facts about Canada.) Llashmar Drive -In Theatre CLINTON, ONTARIO Next to Community Park Thurs., Fri. July 23-24 "MILLIONAIRE FOR CHRISTY" Fred- MacMurray •Eleanor Parker Sat., Mon. July 25-27 'TRIPOLI-' Technicolor John Payne Maureen O'Hara Tues., Wed. July 01-29 "FIVE FINGERS" James Mason Danielle Darrieux Thurs., Fri. July 30-31 "LADY IN THE IRON MASK" Color ' Patricia Medina Louis Hayward Children's Playground Two ShowsNightly Rain of. clear - first show at dusk , All children under 12 years in cars admitted free. uiaa a/iiet�um Your Wedding Portrait keeps the beauty of the day forever • Once'in a lifetime the radiance that is yours. this day. To hold it, treasured for-, . ever, entrust the making of your wedding portrait to Our skill and experience. Then you can be sure that this bridal beauty is yours for all time. Phone for your 'ail, pointment now. . - HENDERSON'S THE SQUARE 'GODERICH Mary Hastings Housewives of Sunset Circle Club invite all Good Neighbour1 to their PICNIC Tuesday,, July 28 2 P.M. - HARBOUR PARK LUNCHES TO BE POOLED BRING SILVER AND CUP -- FUN FOR CHILDREN PLATES, TEA, CAKE, ICE CREAM SUPPLIED PRIZES FOR ARTICLES ON DISPLAY TABLE MEMBERS BRING DONATION TO SALES TABLE 1 5.00 favorite Story 5.30 Hopalong Cassidy 6.30 Danger, Dr, Danfield 7.30 Box 13 . 8.00 Philo Vance 9.30 Bold= Venture CFPL SO DRADO