HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-07-16, Page 10PAr4111 TUN GODERICH SIGNALZTAR THURSDAY, JULY 16th, 1953 :!I 11101 $QIIAzE AND . , HERE AND THERE "It's going to be close between the Liberals and Conservatives in Goderich this election" quips a South Street Sage. He points out they couldn't be closer than thsy are right now because the Con- servative and the Liberal commit- tee rooms are right next door to each other on South street. Last week's press run of the Signal -Star was 3,140. With a con- servative average of 3'-- persons -to a family this would mean a weekly reader audience of about 11,000 people. And as a former Goderich resident now living in the United States points out, there's the un - tabulated circulation. He says a relative in Goderich mails him the Signal -Star after reading it and he in turn mails it on to another relative who, in turn, does like- wise. Contestants in the Goderich Good -Will Shopping Club can pick up plenty of votes by going after the aforementioned people to take out a subscription to the Signal - Star. Each new subscription brings a contestant 3,000 votes. If Signat- Star readers who are not now regular subscribers •want to help any particular contestant they can take out a. subscription, receive the votes and then send there to their favorite contestant. The list of contestants. wilt appear in the Sig- nal -Star each week, henceforth. An amusing incident occurred in front of the Signal -Star office Fri- day morning, the day before Satur- day on which the July 12th cele- bration was staged at Goderich. Three United States visitors were reading the bills in the window announcing the celebration at Goderich of the anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne. They couldn't figure out what it was alt about so asked a passer-by. Said the passer-by, "Why that's the day the Protestants celebrate their victory in their fiht with the Roman Cath- olics." Ttie mouth of one of the Amerlcarts dropped and, as if to express surprise that he wasn't up on -the latest news, replied, "Why, I didn't even know they were fight- ing," Further explanation was then given them and one replied, "Well, we were heading for home today but I guess we'll stay over and see this celebration; we never saw one before." • __A number of Go"derich merch- ants complained that despite ,the lar e crowd of people on the S e on Saturday they did less b ess than normally. They stated that the closing off of the Square between 11 a.m., and 5 p.m., prevented through traffic by cars which resulted in a falling off of store sales. One merchant stat - ,d that 40 per cent of his entire week's business is done on Satur- day and that last Saturday saw a fall-off in comparison to the ' cor- responding period of last- year. The Square made an admirable spot for the parade, however, and ' many visitors commented -on this. But some merchants felt they lost out on the day's operations, never- theless. Court House Park is a popular place on Sunday evenings as crowds gather to hear the Gode- rich Blue Water Band give their weekly band concerts in the band stand. These concerts are more' thoroughiy appreciated than the' members of the band might lin. agine. -No movie cameras were around but there was, top-notch slapstick comedy pictures to be taken at the ; Goderich harbor last week. "Buck"! McCullough, a splicer with Bell Telephone, was assisting Bill Wood, the Square, paint his cabin cruiser. "Buck," in moving his position, ' jumped from a distance onto 'the end of a plank, not knowing that at the other end of the plank sat a big can of paint. The can of paint was catapulted up into the air, then turned over -and came down like ,a dive bomber right onto the head of unsuspecting Bill • Coming Events St. George's Women's Guild will hold their annual garden party and bazaar on the rectory lawn on Thursday, July 23. Fish pond, fancy work, home-made baking, and candy. Supper served from 5.30. Admission, adults 75c, child- ren 40c. In case of rain, it will be held in the parish hall. -29-30 The W.C.T.U. will meet on Tues- day, July 21, at 4.00 p.m. at Mrs. Farr's nome at Mrs. J. Snider's, Essex street. -29 The annual church service ei the Colwanash Junior Farmers will be held in Dungannon Unite I Cnurch on Sunday, July 19 at p.m. Donald Middleton of Gran- ton, president of Ontario Junior Farmers association will be the guest speaker. Harry Hern of Ex- eter will be guest soloist. A cordial invitation is extended to all. 29x Group 1 of North Street Church Women's Association will hold a garden tea and bazaar and sale of home baking at the home. of Mi -.. G. Dustow, corner Keays and Rag- lan streets on 'Tuesday afternoon, July 21. Tea . served from 3 .o 5 p.m. -28.29 OBITUARY MRS. K. N. CAMPBELL Mrs. Kate Campbell, 66, of Flint, Michigan, former resident of Gude- rich, was found dead in her sum- mer home here Monday afternoon, by neighbors. It is believed thst she died from a heart attack. Her husband, Kenneth N. Campbell, died in 1936. - _ She was born here, and was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mr.s Donald McKay. Every summer for many years she came here to live. In Flint she was active in fra- ternal work ,and was a past matron of , Ionic Chapter No. 422, OES, a member of Strathmore White Shrine No. 46, and of the True Kindred Lodge. Surivving are four sons, Mal- colm A., Flint; Robert J. and Dr. Kenneth N., Detroit; Donald . i41., Warren, Ohio; two brothers, Hec- tor McKay, Richmond Hill; Robert, Southampton; one sister, MrS. David B. McDonald, Ripley, and 1J grandchildren. Services were to be conducted to- day at 2 p.m., in the Lodge funeral at 2 p.m., in the Lodge funeral home, by Rev. D. J. Lane, St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Clinton, and interment made in Maitland cemetery. REV. J. B. RHODES Stricken while motoring, ho ,:e ' from North Carolina, Rev. J. c� nard Rhodes, principal of the 'Tor- onto Bible College, died Saturday at Fredericksburg, Va. Accom- panied by his wife, he ktad spent a holiday in the Southern Skates. Born in, China, son of mission- aries who served tttider the China •Inland Mission, he graduated frog) the University of Toronto with honors in 1925 and studied for a year at Princeton Seminary, Prince- ton, N.J. In 1929 he graduated from Knox College, and in 1945 received a doctor t f theology degree from Emmanuel College. Dr. Rhodes served for four years as minister of the Exeter Presby- terian Church and six years at Cobourg Presbyterian Church. In 1929.hd joined the 'staff of the Tor- onto Bible College and became vice-principal in 1942. He was 1 appointed principal in 1946. He was a member of Knox Presbyter -1 ian Church. He leaves his wife, the former Elizabeth Mackenzie, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Murdoch Mackenzie, Ashfield Township, and his mother. Mrs. F. II. Rhodes. IN MEMORIAM CHISHOLM.--In loving, memory of our dear little daughter, Pauline, who passed away July 19, 1951. —Remembered by Mummy and Daddy. 29x Wood. It landed in such a way as to fit over Bill's head like an oversize bowler hat. And, of course; left Bill a sight for sore eyes. American tourists at a nearby cabin cruiser rushed for their cameras to get a picture. OVERHEARD ON THE SQUARE —"With the set-up Goderich has now at Agricultural Park you would think this town would go after reviving an annual agricul- tural fair and making it a -county event!" • BEFORE YOU LEAVE ON THAT VACATION LOOK OVER OUR STOCK OF GOOD JJSED CARS. Samis Pontiac—Euick--G.M.C. Trucks PHONE 344 AUCTION SALE THE EXECUTRIX OF THE estate of the late Douglas Mo - Kenzie will sell by public auction on SATURDAY, JULY 25, 1953, at 1 o'clock at the premises situ- ated on the corner- of Cambria road and St. David's street, in the town of Goderich, the real estate consisting of the north half of lot running number 134 in the WWII of Goderich, being 52 feet by 104 feet on which there is situ- ated a seven room, two-story brick house, with hardwood floors in liv- ing room, dining room and hall, good hot air furnace, full base- ment, three piece bath and garage. At the same time there will be sold the chattels contained 'in the said house, consisting of: r Lansdowne, made by Nordheinier Company, upright piano and bench; • mahogany upholstered settee and two occasional chairs to match; 2 oak occasional chairs; mahogany wall whatnot; oak din. ing room suite; phonograph and re- cords; pedestals and hall tree; magazine racks; small tables and rockers; Singer drophead sewing machine; extension table and num- ber of kitchen chairs; couch; 3 furnished bedrooms including beds, dressers, stands, springs, in ner spring mattress (like new), quilts, pillows and bed linens; Wilton rug, 9 x 10; 2 Congoleum rugs; scatter mats; dishes; kitchen utensils; jardinieres; electric lamps; pictures; books; Connor washing machine; folding ironing board; fernery; extension ladder; lawn hose; garden tools, and many other articles. The real estate will be sold sub- ject to a reserve bid, Terms: 10'"- cash on day of sale, balance within 30 days. Possession will be given 1 immediately. The vendor will, if desired, take as part payment on the house a first mortgage for one- half of the sale price. Real estate will be put up for' sale .sharp at 2.30 ,p.m. Chattels, cash. For further particulars apply to HAROLD JACKSON, Esq., Auc- tioneer, Seaforth, Ontario, or to' R. C. HAYS, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitor 'for the Estate.. • -26-281 Briefs • Come to Johnnie's Place, 59 Hamilton street, known as" the "Michigan Avenue of Goderich." All antique goods bought and sold. We buy. We sell: Nothing too big and nothing too small., 29x Summer rates are in effect on all kinds of coal. At rock bottom prices, fill your bin for next winter. Order now. Phone 1002. Overholt Coal Co. -19-22 For clean-up, moving and gen- eral cartage, call E. JEFF'ERY, phone 843W. -18tf Order Shell furnace oil and stove oil from Edward Fuels; tank truck dealer for all Shell Oil Co. pro- ; ducts. Phone 98. . -18tf Sale specials blouses $1.84; shower coats and shortie coats at $10.00; swim suits less 207s; dresses all reduced. Look for the yellow sale tickets at Schaefer's. -29 Enjoy the cool air at the harbor. Take a boat ride on the Annamac, Skipper or Donald Bert. See Bert MacDonald at the harbor. it WANTED. --- OLD BRICK. IF you have an old building of light colored brick or salvaged light colored brick for sale, phone 141-3, l3ayfreld, after 6 p.m., or write H. H. ORMOND, Bayfield. -29 WANTED UCTION SALE OF HOUSE- HOLD EFFECTS at residence of Mrs. Charles -Hunt, 43 St. Patrick street, Goderich, on V,'.EDNESDAY, JULY 22 at 1.30 p.m. The following:. Curtis electric refrigerator; cor;i- bination Gurney electric coal and wood enamel range; large brass bed and springs, inner spring mat- tress and some bedding; large radio; small mantle radio; 2 steel wire beds or cots, suitable for camping cots; white bedspreads; pieces of rag carpet; 2 comforters anti quilts for camp cots; pillows; old white bookcase; Eastman fold- ing camera; antique buffet; antique platform rocker; 2 electric fans;,. electric, heater; large handmade fernery; small fernery; card table; handmade wicker table; small kitchen' table; 2 small utility tables; kitchen stool; kitchen arm- chair; plain chair; grey painted table; bathtub seat; lamp; folding ironing board; galvanized washtub; wringer; 2 stepladders, one small; 2 old trunks, one steamer, one regular size; roll of linoleum; lawn mower; many garden tools; hose; bread box; cake box; round cake box; 2 camp chairs; dining room chairs; Pictures; books; odd dishes; pieces of china; glassware; kitchen utensils; flower pots; fruit jars. and numerous other articles. TEAMS --CASH. No reserve as property is sold. MRS. CHARLES HUNT, Proprietress. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, 27-29- Auctioneer. i1UCTI0N SALE. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, has been instructed by the Executrix to seta by public auction the pro- perty and household effects of the late Leon de Puedry on North street,village of Blyth, on SATURDAY, JULY 18th Commencing at 1 p.m., the follow- ing: Three-piece chesterfield suite; CIare Jewel cook stove; 8 chrome kitchen chairs (new)• chrome kit- chen suite, table and four chairs; light oak dinette suite; Wingham Classic stove, 1 year old;- rotind table (oak); studio couch; 2 electric radios; rangette; 2 -burner hot plate (new); day bed and mattress; rs,i steel bed, spring and Mattress, double bed, base and felt mattress: kitchen' cabinet (white and chrome); kitchen table; library table; child's crib; 2 trilight lamps; electric, toaster; rocking chair; furnacette; oil burner;! 2 electric irons; 3 alarm clocks; electric clock. Buckeye incubator; stepladder; long ladder; set of 1200 -Ib. scales; set of 240-1b. stales; 1 High Striker; large quantity of carpenter . tools;' hammers; sledges; wrenches;, pipe wrenches; brace and bite; levels; garden tools; shovels; hoes; rakes; spades. Dishes and kitchen utensils, and other articles too numerous to mention. 1927 Ford coach, in A-1 condi- tion; 4 bridge beams, 28 ft. long, 14 inches by 8 inches; 2 bridge beams, 21 ft long, 14 inches by S inches. . PROPERTY --- Consists of one acre of land, more or less. There is situated on the property a one - and -a -half storey frame house, cov- ered with asphalt shingles, bath room, pressure system. House has been newly decorated throughout; all new floor coverings and blinds o with property. Small barn with go and henhouse; garden and fruit trees. TERMS—Property: 10 per cent down, balance in 30 days. Re- serve bid. Immediate possession. Chattels ---Cash. MRS. PHYLLIS HAMILTON, Executrix. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer, ' E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. 28 -29 - Hygienic lnpp1;eR (ruhher nodgi mailed yogi -paid, in plain, Renled- enYelrrpe with prlee list. Six Ram plea 2!e; 24 ftnmpteq $1.00. Mali (1rcler Dept. T-53. Nov-R11Ylut1•CFt CO., Box 91, Ilamil'on; Ont. 'ANTED. -- FULL OR PART- TIME Local sales representa- tive required by sales organization in Waterloo. For further inform- ation please write BOX 184, Water- loo. -29-31 WANTED. -01,0 .HORSES AND dead cattle. If dead, phone at once. GILBERT ItROS., Mink Ranch, phone collect 936 r 32 or 936 r 21. 26t1 WANTED.—L1STINGS OF PRO- PERTIES for sale. No charge to you until property is sold. MALCOLM MATHERS, Real Estate Broker, 46 West St,, Gode- I rich. Phone 115W. -12tf WANTED.—LIs'I'1N Gs OF I'RO- PERTIES for sale. C. F. I CIi.il'-11AN, Realtor. PHONE 1811-. 39t1 WANTED. — DEAD, DISABLED horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt and ef- ficient service phone "STONES" collect, Ingersoll 21 or Goderich 936 r- 21. -10tf WANTED, — INTERIOR, DECOR- '"ING, paper hanging, etc, Part-time work. WM. TUCKER, phone 1389W. 27-29x WANTED. — BOARDERS IN' private home. MRS. JEAN PATTERSON, 60 Waterloo street, phone 414J. 27-28x WANTED.—BRUSH AND SPRAY painters immediately. Apply CRESS CORN SALVE FOR SURE J. MISENER, Commercial Hotel, ' . relief- Druggists sell Cress Clinton, room 11, after 7 p.m., gonion Salve—wear stylish shoes week days. 28-30x soon. -29 WANTED. EXPERIENCED stenographer as secretary to general manager of progressive manufacturing company. Must have good shorthand, possess initi- ative, be alert and dependable. Top salary to capable girl. Kindly. write 4111 particulars in own hand and salary desired to BOX • 57, SIGNAL -STAR, - -28-29 WANTED. — FEMALE HELP. 'Earn money — make friends, selling blouses, skirts, shirts, slacks. Highest quality, rock bot- tom prices, Samples loaned. Good commission. STENBER DISTRI$ UTING CO., 30 McRoberts avenue, Toronto. . -29-0 For Results -- A Classified Ad FOR SALE FOR SALE. --USED REFRIGER- ATORS, electric ranges, rang- ettes and . washing machines at BARGAIN PRICES. SHORE AP- PLIANCES, Goderich, your head- quarters for hearing aid batteries. -18tf FOR SALE.—WATERLOO GAR- DEN tractors. Come in and see the different sizes and various implements that may be had with each. Thesd may be bought for as low as 15% down payment. ,GEORGE WRAITH, Montreal St. -16tf FOR SALE.—NEW AND USED t radios, electric. and battery for sale or trade. Excellent condition. Many to choose from. Sold with a 901day guarantee. B. R. MUNDAY, Radio and Sound Service, 7 Widder street. Phone 598. -1tf FOR SALE. -- EIGHT -ROOM house ,on Trafalgar street. Apply MISS MARY B. HOWELL, St. Vincent street. Phone 213W. -2111 FOR SALE. — A FINE, TWO- STORY •brick house in excel- lent west end slocation. Four bed- rooms, oil heat, reasonable price. Agent, • MALCOLM MATHERS, Real Estate Broker, 46 West street. Phone 115W. • -13 FOR SALE. — TWELVE PIGS, seven weeks old. Phone 13 r 23 Carlow. 29x FOR SALE,—CEMENT, TRUCK or carload lots, immediate de- livery. Phone 41 r 2, Wroxeter, or contact HAROLD or ALLAN HYNDMAN, Gorrie. -241f FOR SALE. -=- FOX FORAGER Harvester with quick change Harvester units now `being solely distributed by the Waterloo Mfg. Co., Waterloo, and sold by Gen. Wraith. Come in and see the most modern forager on the mar- ket. GEO. WRAITH, Montreal street, phone 1285 or 931 r 3. . -25t f FOR SALE.—YOUNG BUDGIES, $5 and up, budgie and canary seed, 25c lb; gold fish, water weed and supplies. C. WOODS, 44 East street. -27tf FOR SALE.—SMALL HOUSE ON Palmerston street, lot 62' x 125'. Phone 14481 27-9x FOR SALE. — TWO-STORY white bric-k house at 44 ..Essex street, in fine Iocation, close to lake; four bedrooms and bath up- stairs, hot air heating, good two - car garage. This house could easily be duplexed. Enquire at f premises or phone 844. -25tf FOR SALE.—HARRISTON COOK stove with' reservoir and warm - ling closet and sawdust burner at- tached. Apply to MEL STEWART, Dungannon. 28-29x WANTED. — WOMAN FOR kitchen, duty. Apply BED- FORD HOTEL, -29 WANTED. — BUILDING LOT. Please state size, location and price.. Write BOX 62, SIGNAL - STAR. 29x FLOOR SANDING DECORATING INSIDE AND out; floor laying and sanding. E. J. THOMAS, 125 St. Patrick street, phone 3491 r -27tf LOST LOST- — MAN'S GOLD WRIST- WATCH (Elgin) at beach, Sun- day afternoon. Reward -$5.00. Valued as keepsake. Finder please leave at SIGNAL -STAR OFFICE. 29x IOST. -- GUM'S GLASSES ON "4 the beach. Dark amber plastic frames. MRS. WM. STANLEY, R.R. No. 3, Lucknow. -29 LOST.—CHANGE PURSE WITH c sum -of money, on Tuesday afternoon, near Square. Reward. I Phone 942. • 29x LOST. -65 FT. GARDEN HOSE between Bennett street and Harbor Hill. Please return to Town Hall. ROY MERIAM, Street Inspector. _ -29 VACATION RESORTS TO RENT. — HOUSEKEEPING cabins and two bedroom cot- tages on Lake Huron. $20 couple weekly. Everything supplied. Sale beachh, good swimming, ' , mile from highway.. Fine for children. Write or see G. HAZELWOOD, R.R. 1, Bayfield, Ont. -26-34 SWEET AND MONTMORENCY CHERRIES', ., This week or next. Bring containers and pick your own. Govenlock Orchards MIL NORTH OF FOREST ON BLUE WATER HIGHWAY • 29x FOR SALE.—FRAME HOUSE TO be moved off `present location. Write BOX .60, SIGNAL -STAR, -29 FOR SALE. — FORD TRACTOR with less than 600 hours use (tires like new) 15 run drill, 10 ft. land packer, all above like new, .Case "L" tractor three -furrow Mc- Cormick plow, with full line of tillage' equipment, haying machin- ' M --H. binder, etc. Contact GLENN RAITHBY, Auburn, R.R'. I, 12th concession Hullett, lot 37. Tel. Blyth 29 r 5. May be seen July 18th to 25th : as farm is sold. 29x FOR SALE. — TWO small Quebec heater range. Phone 959W, street. STOVES, and small 33 Blake 29x FOR SALE. -- MEDIUM SIZE Fess oil space • heater, good condition, very reasonable. Phone4 190J. -29 FOR SALE. -1951 BLUE VAN- GUARD sedan, in good condi- tion. 139 South street, Goderich. -29 FOR SALE.—WHITE STEEL ICE box in good condition. Phone 631R. -29 FOR SALE. -1948 FORD -r/,-TON truck, low mileage. - Apply HAROLD GOOD, phone 1148W, 151 Britannia road. 29x FOR SALE, --LARGE WARTIME - house, reasonable. Phone' 778M, or call at 204 Regent street. 29x FOR SALE. — SMALL BRICK bungalow in excellent location. Agent MALCOLM MATHERS, Real Estate Broker, 46 West street. Phone 115W. -29tf FOR SALE.—WARTIME HOUSE, 'east end -of town. Agent MAL- COLM MATHERS, Real Estate Broker, 46 West street. Phone 115W. 29tf FOR SALE. Two story eight-room2 red brick house. Oil heating, full basement, 104 foot lot, two single garages, house in real good west end loca- tion and in excellent condition. One rind a -half story insul brick sided house, five rooms on main floor, three room apartmfnt, up- stairs. Full basement, coal :stoker heating, south- end location. Nearly new, five room bungalow sided with insul brick located on % acre on main highway a few miles from Goderich. Garage. Lovely summer cottage, five miles south of Goderich, living room 40 ft. by 12 ft. with fire- places four bedrooms, full bath- room. . Cottage fully equipped. Large lot on lake bank in beauti- ful -'location. Tinmcdiate posses- sion. G. F. CHAPMAN, Rettlt Phone 18W. -25tf FOR SALE FOR SALE.—VENETIAN BLINDS. One 38 in. wide; two 28 in. wide. Apply 252 Gibbons street. 29x FOR SALE. -16 PIGLETS. Al' - PLY HARRY ADAMS, R.R. 4, Goderich. 29x FOR SALE.—BABY CARRIAGE, 41- in good condition. Phone 9151'. 29x FOR SALE. — `NEARLY NEW 8 ft. Westinghouse refrigerator, $185. Maytag washer, $35. K. PORTER, , Bogie's Beach, R.R. 3, Goderich. 29x FOR SALE.- CUT FLOWERS, peonies, Sweet William, roses, cornflower, etc. B. R. MUNDAY, Widder street. -26tf FOR SALE: -75 LB. METAL "ICE King" ice box, like new, $10. W. G. LUMBY, Kingston street. -29 FOR SALE. — WASHING MA- CHINE, in new condition; din- ette table and six chairs; baby basinette; bedroom furniture and small tables. Phone 612W. 29x FOR SALE.—NSW HOUSE ON Anglesea street, possession at once. Phone 1248.1, Goderich. -24tf FOR SALE.—SEVEN-ROOM house — four bedrooms, over- looking lake and river, fireplace and sun porch, lot 200 ft. x 200 ft , reasonable. CASEY ATKINSON, Box 324, Bayfield. 27-29x FOR SALE.—SOME DOZENS OF used gallon 'jars. See T. R. LEE, R.R. 2, Goderich, or phone 935 r 33. -27-29 FOR SALE.—STEEL OR ALUM- INUM roofing in best pre-war quality. All lengths carried in stock. Ask us for an estimate in supplying your material or laying your roof or siding., All work and material guaranteed. IRVING KEYES, Glamis, Ont. Phone Pais- ley 114 r 4. -23 TO RENT TO RENT. — SECOND FLOOR apartment of three -rooms, bath, kitchen, at No. 59 Kingston street. MALCOLM MATHERS, Real Estate Broker, 46 West street. -23 TO RENT. — FURNISHED KIT- CHEN, dining 'room, bedroom and bathroom, near lake. 33A Essex street, phone 1104R. -28tf TO RENT. ---SMALL APARTMENT on Square.. Phone 1019W. -28tf TO RENT. — SMALL UNFURN- ISHED apartment, suitable for couple, self contained. 168 Bri- tannia road, Goderich. Phone 11298.: 28x r"O RENT. — Ci l31N TRAILER, sleeps four, all conveniences, equipped with , electric brakes. BERT ALLEN, 171 East street, phone 1247. 21-24x TO RENT,—THREE ROOMS AND. batn. Apply IVAN LOUZON, East and Victoria streets. 29x TO RENT.—FURNISHED HOUSE in Auburn, two bedrooms, hydro, water., space heater. Phone Blyth 10 . r 15; or write MRS" K. CAMPBELL, R.R. 2, Auburn. 29x FOR RENT. — THREE-ROOM apartment, private entrance, middle-aged couple preferred, total abstainers. Phone 1138M. 29x FOR RENT.—SMALL COTTAGE. Phone 1376W. -29 TO RENT.—THREE FURNISHED. housekeeping rooms, upstairs, in private home, close to Square. Everything supplied. Singly or together. Weekly. Phone 1130R. 29x TENDERS WANTED COLBORNE TOWNSHIP. Sealed tenders be received by William Sallows, clerk, at R.R. 5, Goderich, until 1 p.m., Monday, the 27th day of July, for the con- struction of two (2) cement bridges, 20 x 4 x 24 at lots 5 and 6, conces- sion 6, and 18 x 6 x 40 at lots 2 and 3, concession 4, Colborne Township, Eastern Division. Plans and specifications may be seen. Other information obtained at clerk's residence. A marked cheque for 10% of the amount of tender must be enclosed with tender. Lowest or any tender not necesatily accepted. WILLIAM SALLOWS, 29-30- Clerk. TENDERS FOR COAL Tenders will be received by the undersigned until July 23, 1953,, for supplying 100 tons of Stoker Coal suitable for Huron County Home, Clinton. Coal to be deliver- ed in the bin at the County Home. Please furnish analysis with tend- ers. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. A. II. ERSKINE, Clerk, County ef Huron, Goderich, Ontario. 29 - NOTICE TO CREDITORS , NOTICE TO CREDITORS. All persons having claims against the estate of Robert Fred- erick McCabe, late of the Township of • Colborne, in the County of Huron,- Retired Farmer, who- died on or about the 8th day of July, 1953, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 1st day of August, 1953, as after that date the assets of the estate will be dis- Dated at the Town of Goderieh, in the County of Huron, this 13th day of July, A.D.1953. Goderich, Ontario, Solicitor for the EState. CULBERT'S BAKERY "The Howe of Ta$ty Pastry" Pumpkin Spice -Cakes--40c each with raspberry filling and Butter Creme Icing. COCOANUT BARS AND CHOCOLATE BROWN1ES-35c doz. MAPLE WALNUT ROLLS -35c doz. Wedding, Anniversary and Birthday Cakes a specialty. Orders of sLoo and over delivered. PHONE 465 PHONE EARLY PUBLIC NOTICE Guaranteed radio service. WILF. REINHART ELECTRIC, Hamilton street, phone 466. - -12 ATTENTION FARMERS. FOR YEARS THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR HOGS HAVE BEEN l'AID IN AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER. START YOUR NN'EANERS NOW TO -GET THAT MARKET. SEE US ABOUT A _HOG CONTRACT. PAY FOR FEED WHEN HOGE ARE SOLD. NO EXTRA CHARGE'. GEO. ‘VRAITH, MINNEAPOLIS ANL' FERGUSON FARM. MA- CHINERY, PURINA FEEDS. MONTREAL STREET, PHONE 1285. -20tf FLOOR SANDING. Old and new floors sande.l. Phone CREE COOK, 233, Clinton. Summer months, 65 is 2, Bayfield. -22tf Standing at stud—The Palomino stallion "Golden West Point," Palo- mino Horse Association of U.S.A. No. 3254. Member of Canadian Palomino Horse Association No. 722939. A. E. JENNINGS, R.R. 3, Goderich. 29x MALE HELP WANTED 'WANTED. --WOULD YOU LIKE to be a salesman? Here is your chance. You can learn in your spare time, and make $35 to $50 per week while you learn. lf you -are married, and have a car for local travel, appls1 to P.O. BOX NO. 6, Harriston. -28-29 BRIAND.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on July 8, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Briand, Gode- rich, a son. JOHNSTON.—At Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich, on July 10, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston, Goderich, a daughter, Beverley Dianne. LEE. -- At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on July 14, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lee, Goderien, a son. MONTGOMERY. — At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on July 15, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Montgomery; R.R. No. 2, Gode- PAYNK—At 'Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on July 14, 1953, to Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Payne, Gode- rich, a daughter. O'KEEFE.—At Alexandra Hospit- al, Goderich, on July 14, 1ff53; Kintail, a daughter, Marianne. STANBURY.—At Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich, on July 11, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stanbury, John Robert. WALTER.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on July 11, 1953, to Mr. and 'Mrs. G,ordon Walter, Goderich, a son, Bruce George - FINANCE AND INSURE your next new or late model ear truck or farm machinery at 'lower cost thiough Ilarold W. Shore INSURANCE AtANCY "All Lines of Insuranee" NORTH ST. PHONE 766W Loans also arrlinged on 1946 and later Model cars. fitf - WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT.—BY NEW music supervisor with wife and two children, house or self- contained apartment having at least live rooms. Write D. M. EWING, 75 South Drive, St. Cath- arines, or phone MUtual 2-1828. 28-30x WANTED TO RENT. HOUSE, immediate possession. C. JOHNSTON, Barber, Kingston street, phone 786J. -29 CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Robt. F. McCabe and fam- ily wish to thank those who were so thoughtful and kind to them in their sad bereavement, they wish to thank also those who sent flowers, loaned cars and those who sent cards of sympathy. -29 NEED USED FURNITURE FOR REST PERIODS While the skaters attending the Goderich Simmer Skating School at the Memorial Arena spend the major part of their time practic- ing and taking instructions on the ice, they also have rest periods. But the furniture in the canteen room at the arena is not exactly conducive to rest. The wooden chairs are a bit hard at times. So the skaters are looking for any used furniture, preferably padded a bit, which they could use during their -stay- here- If you_ have an odd chair or sofa at home that isn't being use+, contact the arena and officials„ will' see tha,t it is picked up. They'll appreciate your help. SHEPPARDTON, July 15. — Mr. and Mrs. Mephan, of London, visit- ed recently with the lady's sister, Mrs. Harold Marshall and Mr. Mar- shall before leaving for England for a three months' visit. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McAvoy, of St. Catharines, spent the week -end at the home of Mrs. McAvoy's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bogie. Ralph Foster and Philip and Mrs. A,. Foster spent Sunday at Mrs. William Foster, of Kitch- ener, visited recently with Mrs. A. Foster. Lynn Far -fish, of Listowel, is visiting with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bogie. The community extends syrria, pathy to Mrs. Carman Pollock, whose, father, Mr. Robert McCabe, passed .away last week. Mrs.. Emil Deiber of Glen Ellyn, Ill., is visiting with her niece, Mrs. E. Breckenridge, and Mr. Brecken- ridge, Newgate street. Treat your living room to a Beautiful Landscape or Flower Picture from Smith's Art 86 Sift Store East St. Phone 198 CLOSED FOR VACATION Open again July 24)th Record Players, etc. Hutchinson Radio and T.V. Sales and Service. Huron Road fsrhone 498R Emerson Drug Store Corner West gt. and Square Phone 45. We deliver. "As handy as the Postoffice" STICK COLOGNES are ideal for summer, cooling, refreshing, easy to carry in purse or handbag. - Come in and see our selection which is'extensive, a few of which are listed below: • White Satin Black Satin Gold Satin Cotys 4 Odors White Magnolia Apple Blossom Command Performance 1.35 Yardley's Lotus 1.50 Yardley Bond Street 1.50 ' Yardley Lavender 1.50 Old Spice . 1.25 Desert Flower ' 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.35 WINNERS OF PERFUME AND COLOGNE 6.00 Perfume Marlene O'Reilly 2.00 Cologne Mrs. Jos. Brophey