HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-07-16, Page 3• Z5be obericb 106th Year—No. 29 Par= GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 16th, 1953 OBITUARY PERCY BEATTIE Percy (Pat) Beattie of Toronto died Sunday morning in Sunny - brook Hospital, Toronto, after a long illness. He was 55. Mr. Beattie was the only son of Mrs. Peter J. MacEwan and spent his childhood days in Goderich. He was a veteran of •the _First World War. He is survived by his wile, the former Carrie Murray. The re- mains rested at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. MacEwan, Mait- land street, from whence the fun- eral took place yesterday at 2.00 p.m. Interment was in Maitland cemetery. REPLACE TO GLASS while you wait! Complete auto glass replacement service. Hobbs Duolite and Duplate Safety Glass installed quickly, eco- nomically. Drive in now. PRINCIPALHONORED AT BUSINESS COLLEGE MEET Silver bowls of red roses and candelabra decorated the tables for the annual dinner of Goderich Business College held on Tuesday evening of last week. During the dinner hour, a sing- song was enjoyed with Miss Chris. Leishman, as pianist. Lovely gifts were presented by the students to the principal, Mrs. Weaver, and pianist in appreciation of their work. With Mr. Venus at the projector. films on "Telephone Courtesy," "Basic Typing -Methods,;' "Filing Procedure" and "Duties of a Secre- tary" were shown. These films were supplied by the Canadian 'Business Schools Association to its member school. They proved to be very educational and formed a pleasant conclusion to an enjoy- able evening. The school opens for' the fall term on Monday, September 14. Beevers Auto Supply Phone ?95 Goderich INDUCT MINISTER INTQ HURON CHARGE HURON HAYING SAID ONLY HALF COMPLETED In his weekly crop report for Huron County, G. W. Montgomery, agricultural representative, says that last week saw the best haying weather to date, but that haying is only about half completed in the county. Farmers report they are having considerable difficulty in curing the hay because of the extreme dampness of the ground. All other crops made rapid growth during the week; wheat is com- mencing to- turn color, east. ,al- though some farmers report slght rusting the crop on the whole is above average. There is still quite a number of heavy cattle in the county, which are being held by farmejrs in hopes of higher prices. Rev. W. E. Milroy was inducted last week as minister of Egmond- ville United Church. Rev. J. W. Rogers, Hensall, and Rev. Norman McLeod, Kippen, ad- dressed the newly inducted min- ister and congregation. 4. Mr. and Mrs. Milroy and two sons, Grant and Hume, have come from Jerseyville, in the Hamilton Conference. Mr. Milroy succeeds Rev. A. W. Gardiner who has gone to Alvinston, ending a 15 -year pas- torate in Egmondville. JULY GATHERING HELD BY NORTH STREET W.M.S. LOOK! Planning on Television? I/ See our special in used T -V SETS = PHILIPS — RCA — Excellent Condition — $150 UP We have all television service facili- ties for complete T -V service. See—Elliot Rivett or Carson Hoy, Vacation Bible School Ends Successful Week The closing night of the Vacation Bible School of the Goderich Bap- tist/Church was held last Friday. It crowned a very successful week. The church, crowded to overflow- ing with and parents was the scene of a unique concert. Miss Joan Killough, representing the nursery -beginner department presented a summary of the course that was followed. Then the little ones sang two lovely songs with motions, and recited mempry The July meeting of the W.M.S. of North Street United Church was held in the church parlor on 'Tues- day afternoon last, with a' fair attendance. The president, Mrs. Howard Robertson, occupied the chair and offered prayer after the opening hymn had been sung. The usual reports were read and adopt- ed. - Mrs. J. W. Currie, community friendship secretary outlined plans made by her committee for visit- ing the sick and shut-ins; 31 calls for the month were reported. .Miss M. Rudd, Christian stewardship convener, drew attention to the encouraging report of the Mission- ary Board. It was decided that the next meeting be held on Sep- tember 8, August being a holiday month. Mrs. C. Barker opened the de- votional period by offering prayer and giving the call to worship. In lieu of the study book, letters tell- ing of the work of missionarys taken from the Missionary Monthly were read by Mrs. Ed. Maskell, Mrs: D. Schwanz, and by Mrs. Cal- vert. The meeting was dismissed with prayer by Mrs. C. Barker. Pakistan has one of the world's longest "' irrigation systems, cover- ing 20,000,000 acres. s' SUPERIOR PROPANE for fast cooking ALF, J. SCHMIDT representative to Bell Telephone . Co. o Canada OFFERS Permanent Position AS NIGHT OPERATOR FIVE DAY WEEK REGULAR PAY INCREASES. $21.54 PER WEEK WHILE LEARNING. Applicants should have two or more years' High School education and be -21 years of age or over. Apply to: r 2a MRS. M. A. BROSCHE, , CHIEF OPERATOR, Goderich. Stratford Phones 3260. Res. 38732. - -28tf verses. , The primary course wan outlined by Mrs. R. E. Wilson, who also was organist for the evening. Songs were sung and verses recited by the children. This was followed by a demonstration of the hand- work by Mrs. Ian Hind, while Mrs. Wilson read the twenty-third Psalm with which the handwork had to do. Then Mrs. G. Johnson, using Peter Lee as ...a model, ex- plained the dress and equipment of an Eastern shepherd. The Junior course was then ex- plained by Mrs. T. Postans. This was followed by the Department singing two delightful songs. Dur- ing the week there was an average attendance of 160 children. The day of greatest numbers was Wed- nesday when 185 were present be- sides the staff. Lunch was served each day. Daily over seven gal- lons of Freshie were served to the children and more than 350 cook- ies. Staff Members The members of the staff were as follows: Beginner -Nursery: Mrs. George Griffiths, Mrs. William Bar- low, Mrs. G. Ralston, Mrs. William Raithby, Mrs. George Chrysler, and Misses Marie Raithby, Joan Kil- lough, Marilyn Love; Primary: Mrs. George Johnson, Mrs. R.E. Wilson, Mrs. R. Williams, jr., R. Ian Hind, and Misses Sylvia, Skel- ton, Dianne Frith, Corinne Cran- ston; Junior: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Postans, Miss Ruth Reid, Mr. A. Beevers, Malcolm Campbell, and Rev. Ian Hind. Those who helpedin the kitchen were: Mrs. G. Ralston, Mrs. 11. Bone, Mrs. Wm. Johnson, Mrs. A. Taylbr, Mrs. Chester Nicholson and Mrs. Wm. Barlow. Those who used their cars to transport the scholars were: Mr. George Johnson, Mr. Will. Johnson, Mr. Wni. Raithby and Mr. Malcolm Campbell, besides the many parents who kindly brought loads of children to the church each morning. The director of the school was Rev. Ian Hind, B.A., B.D., minister of the church. Meeting as they did for three hours each morning, the total teaching time was equiv- alent "to three months in Sunday school. . The Baptist Church is happy to have been enabled -o make this contribution to the re- ligious and educational 'life of Goderich. TRUCK ROLLS TO DOCS EDGE; ROAD dAVES IN Lloyd Hodges, of Dungan- non, will be wary of driving at the dock at Goderich harbor in the future. Last Friday he had a close call there when his truck load-_ i ed with grain suddenly went into a hole, tipped and the grain spilled over the dock. As the vehicle rolled toward the edge, Mr. Hodges jumped clear, fearing • it might topple into the harbor. As workers rushed to give 'assistance, the truck stopped a few feet from the water. When workers investigated, they found that the truck had driven onto a section of the road that had been built over . an old salt well. The timbers of the well gave way under the strain. Personal Menlion Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sallseld of Toronto were week -end guests with Mrs. H. L. Salkeld. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Marsh of Kitcnener were week -end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Marsh. Miss Barbara Horst,- pupil of Miss Middleton, passed with honors grade II, Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto. Mrs. L.' II. Diggon is ,enjoying a six weeks' vacation with her brother, Dr. T. M. Steele' and Mr* Steele at Batavia, N.Y. Mr. Art Carr, editor of the Palmerston Observer, and family are spending summer holidays at the Norman McHolm cottage on the Bayfield road. Mrs. NV, A. Doner anti daughter Helen of Toronto accompanied by Mrs. Doner's granddaughters, Miss Judy Doner of Toronto and Miss Marilyn Penny of California are guests with Mrs. Craigie at Craigi. Rook cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Inglis have returned from an enjoyable motor trip to Victoria, B.C., where they WANT YOUR NOOSE PAIN -TED - A crew of three experienced painters with an established painting contractor can do your job to your satisfaction and do it SPEEDILY. Best of references furnished. Prices reasonable. Let's give you a price on painting your souse or what -have -you. We'll be available in a few days. Write Box 61, Signal -Star today without any delay. We'll contact you by phone soon afterwards. • GODERICH PAVILION DANCING WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS Every Wednesday—Modern and old time dancing to Clarence Petrie's Nighthawks. Saturday Night—The Glen Williams Orchestra. Vocals by Ruth. The Pavilion is available fa, afternoon and evening ren- tals. The Management caters to luncheons, banquets, wedding receptions, etc. Phone 675 or 419. -21-2 AtpARK on the The Square PHONE 1150 Now—"City Beneath the Sea"—Technicolor with Robert Ryan and Mala Powers. MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY— J. Arthur Rank presents "A QUEEN IS CROWNED" In sparkling Technicolor ".. The only feature:length presentation in Technicolor of the coronation in its complete spectacle. With commen- tary by LAWRENCE OLIVIER THURSDAY, FRIDAY and- SATURDAY— BUD ABBOTT & LOU COSTELLO Ride a rocket for Mars but take a detour to Venus and become , the wackiest space -travellers on record: with Maria's Blanchard. `Abbott & Costello Go to Mars" 1 Coming --"Fair Wind to Java"—In color with Fred McMurray. At CAPITAL West The .Street PHONE 47 Now—"The Net"—starring Phyllis Calvert with Muriel Pavlov and James Donald. MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY— "THE LADY WANTS MINK" IN TRUCOLOR This gal wants a mink coat so badly she starts a mink ranch in her backyard and transforms a whole community. Eve Arden, Dennis O'Keefe, Ruth Hussey THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY— Cornel Wilde, Teresa Wright and Lisa Ferrady Present a Technicolored historical drama concerning the feud between Spaniards and Mexicans in early California. "CALIFORNIA CONQUEST" Coming—"The Story of Mandy"—with Phyllis ,Calvert. visited their daughter, Mrs. Wm. Chantler, and Mr. Chantler, who expect to move to Toronto in the near future. Miss Rose Aitken attended the wedding at London recently of her 1 ing Officer Walter nephew,' A. Douglas Aitken.. Gryba, of Comex, B.C., son of Mr.' Alexander - Mr. W. L. Clucas of St. Louis, and Mrs. Anthony Gryba, of Mis- kanaw, Sask. The marriage was performed by Rev. D. J. Lane, of Clinton. Given in marriage by her father, Mrs. Clark's parents, Mr. and Mrs. , the bride chose an imported gown T. E. Irwin, Waterloo street. !of Coronation white nylon tulle Mr. and rs. James 'Ingram of fashioned with moulded basque Brantford and Mr. and Mrs. Or- i and long sheath sleeves. The ville Klee of Stratford visited re -1 cameo neckline featured a wide cently with Mrs. Mary Stinson, border of organdy appliques and Victoria street. the same appliques circled the Mrs. J. C. McDougall of Blyth,,,I.waistline. The skirt fell in shirred • .. Middleton of Goderich and,',' folds fanning out to an aisle -wide TOWN SELLS LAND ON GLOUCESTER TERRACE Sale of Lot 3 and part of Lot 2 on Gloucester Terrace to Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Baechler was confirmed by Town Council last Friday night at a special session. In a by-law passed at the meet- ing sale price was set at $500 and the remainder of the land in Lot 2 was leased to the buyers for $1 a year. The by-law was given three readings and passed. HOLIDAY AUGUST 3 Civic Holiday this year will be Monday, August 3. At a special meeting of Town Council last Thursday evening, the council formally proclaimed the holiday. ALBXANDER-GRYBA—BUTLER Bouquets of white gladioli and white carnations with candelabra on either side of the chancel decor- ated Knox Presbyterian Church in Goderich last Saturday afternoon for the wedding of Marilyn Corinne Butler, daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Butler, of Goderich, and Fly - Bands Playing Two Concerts At Port Elfin The two Goderich musical ag- gregations, the Girlie's., Trumpet Band and the Blue Water Band are locking forward to two band con- certs which they will play this Sunday at Port Elgin. The bands, playing concerts at the lakeside town for the first time, will play from 3-5 p.m. and 8-10 p.m. Replacing the bands for the regular concert in Court House Park here on Sunday evening will be the Thedford Citizens' Band, which will play from 8-10 pan. at the bandstand under the direction of Bandmaster H. Bocock. This will be the first time for the Thed- for.. band to play here. In addition, the Girls' Trumpet Band plans to play at a garden party on July 23 at New Dundee. Last Sunday, the girls went to Westminster Hospital in London in the afternoon and for two hours played selections in a concert on the lawn and at the pyschiatric ward. Mr. Mann, recreation direc- tor at the veterans' hospital, intro- duced the band. Missouri, is a guest at' the Sunset Hotel and enjoying a holiday re- newing acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. F. Clark of Weston spent the week -end with n !chapel pet train. Her fingertip veil of other like it. Gallows landing Mr. and Mrs. Thompson of Brus- 1 p Galloway's sols, representing the Huron Coun- t oun tulle illusion was caught to a crown net was broken in the effort of ty branch of the Registered Music of shirred net, encrusted with I getting the fish to°shore. County and District The death of Mrs. Minnie A. Cole removed an octogenarian resi- dent of Goderich Township. Her, husband, William H. Cole, -died in 1931, and one son and three daugh- ters survive. The late Mrs. D. J. Curry of Goderich was a sister. The boys' camp at Kitchigami is over for the season and a girls' group is now camping there. An old and esteemed resident of Wingham, Miss Bernice H. Reyn- olds, died at her home in that town on July 4th, in her 88th year. Miss Reynolds taught in the Wing - ham Public School for 54 years, retiring in 1940. She was organist in the United Church for 47 years. Mr. and' Mrs.- Robert S. Campbell of Wingham, who celebrated their golden wedding recently, are the parents of Mrs. Andrew Straughan of Goderich Wilbur Galloway, of Gorrie, achieved fame in the northeastern part of the county last week when he pulled out of the Maitland Riverr a 35 -incl pike -weighing 11 11b. 1 oz. The big fellow was caught below the Wroxeter bridge, and when the news spread the bridge and river bank swarmed with anglers hoping to catch 'an - A typical group safeguarded by or Sun I.itr of Canada Family Income Policy which simply, economically and effectively ensures a continuing Income for the widow should the husband die, provides educational funds for the children, and tingly makes available the full omoanf assured which can be used to pur- chase on annuity for the moths► when the children are old enough to become wage (tarners. PLANNED LIFE INSURANCI BRINGS PEACE OF MIND Without obligation, let me tea you how the facilities of the SUN LIFE ASSURANCE .COM, PANY OF CANADA can best meet your particular needs in a way that will fit your pocketbook: Harold W. Shore NORTH ST. PHONE 760W Representative of SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Information available on N.H.A. loans. GODERICH RESIDENTS WIN BINGO PRIZES Miss Joyce Baechler and Mr_ Ross Sparks were joint winners .of the $500 prize at the Lions Club bingo at the memorial arena Thurs- day night last. Winners of other special gamer were: Mrs. Elmer Cranston, $75; Alex" Mallough and Mrs. H. Koster dividing a $50 prize. Teachers' Association, attended , pearls. She carried a cascade of the Dominion convention held in cream roses. the Royal York Ilotel, Toronto, last 1 Bridesmaids were Sharon Ann week and report a big attendance, !Butler, niece of the bride, of for artistic programs. onto; Mrs. Joan Clark, Miss Mary Mr. and Mrs. Homer Johnston l ilyn Turner, both of Goderich, and of Ninga, Man., and daughter, Mrs. Miss Marjorie Baxter, of Spring J. P. Bird, and Mr. Bird of Win- I field, Ont. Maid of honor man's nipeg are guests with Mr. and Miss Grace Gryba, of Miltfort, Mrs. Johnston's daughter, Mrs. 1'. ! Sask., sister of the groom. The bridesmaids all wore identic- al Fr ohms and Mr. Fri formerly here. Mr. Johnston was of al empire gowns of shell pink tulle over American Beauty taffeta, pink illusion eye veils, knotted with Lily of the Valley and tied in a large bow at the back of the head, linen shoes. They carried Goderich Township ana joined the Tipperary True Blues No. 306, Bay- field line, before going to Mani- toba where he has been a member of the L.Q.L. Net. 1522�wga, €tar L. �., _ 51 years and is also Nin an. honorary cascades-`°r--i;nglr�sh-ars.-----w---- '--•-•- member of Grand Orange Lodge of hit. Lieut. Stanley Carr, of the Manitoba. RCAF, Clinton, was, groomsman and other officers from the station h AT CAMP Fifteen air cadets from No. • 532 Maitland Squadron, Goderich, are among the over 400 cadets and officers attending a camp at the RCAF Stt�sation, Aylmer, which start ed Sund"Jy. The boys are spend ing tWo weeks at the vamp. Eton College, first of the .grea English "public" schools, wa founded in 1440. s TENDERS Tenders will be received up to July 18th by the .under- signed for painting the frame freight shed at the Harbour. When quoting,-pleatirstate trade name . and grade of paint and whether the figure is for brush or spray. Ten- ders will be considered either way. Further particulars may be obtained from Ernest C. Fisher, Chairman of the Com- mittee, or the undersigned. S. H. BLAKE Town Clerk 28.29 were us ers.. Alex Clark was organist and Glen Lodge was soloist, singing "Oh Perfect Love" and "The Lord's Prayer." At the reception held at the Maitland Golf Club, the bride's mother received in a gown of Coronation purple lace over taffeta with turquoise blue velvet flowered bonnet with purple nose veil. For travelling on a wedding trip to Miskanaw, the bride chose a white flowered strapless dress of imported Swiss organdy with pink taffeta bolero, white accessories and orchid corsage. They will 're- side . in Courtney, B.C. The groom's gift to the bride was a single strand of cultured pearls. Guestspresent from a distance included Mrs. Gryba, mother of the groom, and Miss Grace Gryba, from Miskanaw, Sask.; Mr. and Mrs.. Roy Cyr, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Butler, jr., Sharon Ann and Danny, of Toronto; Mrs. Bruce Gropp, Hamilton; Mr. and,. Mrs. Herman Doyman, Mrs. Allie Craig, Miss Mari Little, all of London; Miss Emily Scruton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook, Rev. and Mrs. D. J. Lane, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Tom McInnes, Gorrie; Dr. and Mrs. 1). H. McInnes, of Courtney, B.C.: Sheila and Linda Iloflnd, of Strat ford; Mr. and Mrs. Bill McInnes, Mr. and Mrs.' Robert Mclhnes, of 1 Teeswater; Mr. and Mrs. James McInnes, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Tiffin, of Whitechurch. NOTICE --RE WEEDS Notice is hereby given to owners of subdivided portions of the Municipality of Huron that unless all noxious weeds thereon are destroyed before the 8th of August, 1953, in accordance with the Weed Control Act, the Inspector under authority given in Sections 3, 7, 10 and 12 of the Act, will cause the noxious weeds or weed seeds to be destroyed, and the costs thereof will ,weeds placed on the collector's roll for collection in the same man- ner as taxes under the Assessment Act. W. R.DOUGALL, . Weed Inspector, Municipality. of Huron, -29 -TOWJI. AF-60DERICH - Sealed lenders ' addressed to the undersigned, and entitled "TENDER FOR SWIMMING POOL" will be received at the Town Clerk's offee, until 7.00 p.m. MONDAY, JULY 27th .9 Tender is a re -call of the .previnu's .tender;- except that the 1(ickc'r buildings are omitted and, individual sub -trades will be received for : - 1. Excavation ". ('oncretc work Piping a. Electrical ;i. Painting A marked cheque for :i',; of the amount of each - bid must accompany the tender. Plans and specifica- tions may be obtained upon receipt of a $25.00 deposit cheque from the 4'onsiilting Engine'er*i. R. V. Anderson & Associates Ltd. 136 Felbrigg Ave. 'Toronto 12 or frt*in the Town (clerk. Lowest or any tender not neeessarily accepted. S. H. BLAKE, TOvvn Clerk. -29