HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-07-16, Page 2PAWS r o THF GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR OPignat-iftar HURON COUNTY'S FOREMOST WEEKLY Published by Signal -Star Publishing Limited Subscription Rates—Canada50.and Great re tl Britain, n ndv $ 0 a year: to United States, Advertising Rates on request. Telephone 71. Authorized as second-class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa. Out -of -Town 'Representative: C.W.N.A.,j 0e o 4. • 420 Temple Bldg., Bay and Richmond a Sts., Toronto. is Member of Canadian Weekly News-\flU u�o papers Association. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Weekly Circulation Over 3,000. -GEO. L. ELLIS. Editor' and Publisher. The eighth annual session of the THURSDAY. JULY 16th, 1953 Goderich Summer School, under I the auspices of the United Church last year, i� in the news again. of Canada, opened with a good were present for the occasion. The LOOKING AHEAD Firstpastor was celebrant at a solemn �_ He was touring Germany and with meeting iwas heldeatgthe beach at igh mass of thanksgiving. This is centennial year for the some friends ventures} into Soviet meeting ng Park and various mem- i In spite of efforts of farmers New York Central Railway—which i territory in East Berlin, where bers of the staff and lecturers were in the north part of Huron County, members of the party were taking introduced to the students.rove un the eamarch of unabated. c town - THE didn't p ,t stns DownMemory's Lane 25 Years Ago I the commission, without paying for An enjoyable picnic was held i the service. Bilis for $3 each were I sent out to the users. at the Harbor Park by members of ! 15 Years Ago the Home and School Clubs of ' Kingsbridge and the parish of Goderich, Clinton and Seaforth. mark Joseph's ' silver l jubileeofon their pastor, Rev. John It. Quigley. Over 40 of Father Quigley's fellow clergy KINGSBRIDGE KINGSBRIDGE, July 15.—Frank Zehe and son, Ted, of Cleveland, Ohio, spent the week -end with Frank Dalton. Walter Kelly, of London, visited his parents over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. John Kenny re- turned to Detroit on Sunday, ac- companied by Mrs. Cleary, of Wal- laceburg. Sisters St. Maureen and St. Augustus have returned to London, after teaching a class and prepar- ing them for first Holy Commun- ion which they received on Sun- day. They are as follows:Audrey reminds tis that the opening of the' Buffalo & Lake Huron Rail- way to Goderich was in 1857 and that the hundredth anniversary of that occasion should be marked in a suitable way. It will be just thirty years since Goderich celebrated its centenary in 1927, and as the figure "7" has occurred so often in the history of this town—there was an old boys' reunion in 1937—the year 1957 will be doubly appropriate as the occasion for a big time in Goderich This may be looking ahead quite a bit, but it will be just as well to have the date in mind. pictures. Soviet police appeared Friday the 13 and one of them pointed a pommy_ lucky for the Goderich baseball ships had been attacked an team. In fact, it was just the re- acres of cropsanruin d. an all-outmes gun at Stevenson with the threat, verse, as the locals trounced score of 1211• battle laying pianspesr t. The The in English, "You move and I from gameHenwwas a by la ed at rAgricul- A tandem bicycle built by Y from of two tural Parr before a gogd crowd. Charles cycle fBram frames s quite asnovelty 20 Years Ago . A delivery horse belongingto , among the , younger generation. Allison and Heitman, Goderich The youngsters were keen on rid - butchers, went back to the farm ing the quarter-century throwback, from which it came after a brief even as their fathers and mothers were in their heyday. shoot." Knowing something of the deadliness of Chicago tonally - gunners, Stevenson did not move. Explanations were made and there was no shooting, though the Rus- sian officials confiscated the party's I stay on the meat route. One day films. The experience may be use- ondthe sSquare itbecame e of blocks against excited ful tb the Democratic chief when anthe traffic and while rounding Mon - he again encounters the G.O.P. treat street corner, smashed a plate cohorts in 1954, I glass window at Craigie's store. •- • • The window was insured. Though no C.C.F. candidate has nounced the' election of a new Continental Gas Corporation an - appeared in Huron, politically- board of directors. The board in- _ ; minded persons ' have noticed the EDITORIAL NOTES claims of C.C.F. speakers . as pre- 'sented in other ridings. Leader Remarkable weather we are having. It hasn't rained for sev- eral days. * * * Have you made sure that your i has been made in this country name is, on the voters' list for I since Social Credit promised -the corning election? , - . everyone in Alberta $25- a month. ' • * * * j Mr. Coldwell himself is not shy Election day .Is only a little of promises in 'behalf of his party. more than three weeks, away and They include a national health the campaign is -about as noisy I scllenfb which he estimates would and exciting as a Quaker meeting. cost $600,000,000 annually, bigger * * * pensions, cheaper housing - and In spice of -all that ,has been said, the British market is not lost =- Britain will take all the ' beef Canadian farmers can pro- duce if they will take 13 cents Mr. Coldwell cannot expect his a pound for it. party to have much success unless * * * it can undertake to mow every C.C.F. Leader Coldwell claims voter's lawn in summer, shovel that the Liberal Government has snow for him in winter "and do no plans to meet a depression in:, the family's weekly washing. Canada. True enough, so far as - • „ * • • made public. The theory—in part John G. Diefenbaker of Sask- at least — behind the system of atchewan, who toured Huron last family allowances, old -age pensions week in the interests - of Ma. and other social benefits is that Cardiff, is looked upon as Con - the purchasing power thus placed servative Leader Drew's chief in the hands of the people will 1 lieutenant and probable successor prevent a ' depression. And it is I to the party leadership should Mr. better to block a depression before Drew fail of success in the coming it comes than to have to deal election. By the decennial redis- with the miseries it brings in its tribution of seats Saskatchewan train. as experienced in the early loses three members on the popu- • '30's. 1 lation basis and this necessital.ed * se • I a rearrangement_ of ridings in tett According to The Exeter Times -1 Province. This altered the riding Advocate, the Provincial police at l of Lake. Centre which Mr. Diefcn- Grand Bend are' "waging an in- i baker has represented in Parlia- tensive campaign to curb rowdy -rent and he is now a candidate ism and illegal use of liquor" :.t i in the riding of Prince Albert, that resort. In two weeks over }where his home is situated. There thirty persons were convicted of ' is little doubt of his re-election;. having liquor other than in their i indeed it is said that Mr. Diefen- residences and the drive is • to I baker's popularity is such that he continue throughout the summer. could be elected in any of the 'It was - claimed that Grand Bend ',Saskatchewan ridings. Mr. Cold - voted itself into Lambten county well, the C.C.F. leader, and Mr. Coldwell has said that the P.C. pledge to reduce taxes by $500,000,000 a year is "the most 1 dishonest political promise that other things, down to a good kitchen sink in every home. But promises are flying so thickly through the pre-election air that Letter to theEditor Toronto, Ont., July 9, 1953 Editor, Signal -Star. Sir,—The National Red Shield eluded Mayor Charles C. Lee and ,Appeal, which began in all but a former mayor H. J. A. MacEwan• i few centres on May 4th, is now A check-up was being made by a drawing to a close, with the ob- representative of the Public Util- jective asspred. . ities Commission on lawn services On behalf of The Salvation Army, and it was discovered that 40 the campaign committee, and the citizens were using water for their canvassers, we should like to ex - lawns and gardens, ,. unknown to press our very warmest thanks for your splendid co-operation and I support, which helped to create a WEEKLIES POWERFUL generous response to the appeal. (St. Mar's Joufnal-Argus) Yours sincerely, "What influences voters in . L. BURSEY, Sr. Major, National Campaign Director. Austin, Arthur Bowler, Dean Bow- ler, Brian- Dalton, Kathleen Dalton, Donald Drennan, Donna Hogan, Thomas Hogan, Maureen Burley, Patricia Moran, Bernadette Meyers, Jerry Meyers, David O'Neill, Eddie O'Neill, Joseph O'Neill, Eileen Vas- cilla, Linda Vascilla. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Lannon, of London visited here on Sunday. The universities at Madras, Cal- cutta and Bombay were all estab- lished in 1857. The township of Sophiasburg in Prince Edward County, Ontario, was named after Princess Sophia, daughter of George III. THURSDAY, JULY 16th, 1953 it'seasY to own • ONE-YEAR WARRANTY election campaign?" asks the Mid- land Free Press Herald in an in- teresting editorial discussion. Canadians will be in the middle of one before the summer is out ST. HELENS, July 15.—Visitors and candidates in the next federal in the community included Mrs.election may be interested in the Pub Charles MacAree of McAuley, results of a survey made by licist Stephen L. 'fells, a former Man., with her brother, Mr. John Truman manager for Southern Cameron and Mrs. Cameron; Dr. California. and Mrs. Harold Moore, Mrs. Ron - California is a land of ballyhoo ald Moore of Saskatoon and Mrs. and one in which television and Sam Mewha and Miss Priscilla radio beat their loudest drums. Mewha of Edmonton with their Yet here is what a 22 man team cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mil - from the University of Southern ler; Miss Myrtle Phillips of London California discovered when its with friends here; Mrs. George members interviewed a cross -see- Anderson (formerly Miss Nancy tion of voters in California's Con- Webb) of Craik, Sask., with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Rice; Mr. Charles Stuart gregational district. ',Of the 800 voters contacted 47 of Regina, Sask., also Dr. Wm. C. per cent said they were most in- MacGregor of Chicago with Mr. and fluenced by news stories, reports Mrs. George Stuart; Mr. and Mrs. of candidates' speeches and ads Mel Brown' of Waterloo with Mr. in newspapers; 31 per cent gave and Mrs. R.. Woods; Mrs. Gordon radio news, speeches and paid McIntyre and Donald of Brace- political programs top rating, and bridge with Mr. and Mrs. W. 1. 22 per cent were most influenced Miller. by TV. A young man called one evening No one admitted being influenced to any great extent by billboards on a richst old farmer r rw of learn become the direct mail or word-of-mouth pub- Inrich. licity."It's a long story," said the old other words, in an area talar- ated with both TV and radio, voters man, "and and while I'm telling it, we said newspapers and newspaper ad- might as well save the candle," vertising were over twice as in- And he blew it out. fluential as television and half "You needn't go on,t' said the again as influential as radio. veuth "I understand_" ST. HELENS to get rid of undesirable condi- ' tions under the Canada Temper- ance' Act in Huron: There is a saying about jumping from the frying -pan into the fire. * * * We don't know that :humming- birds are more common in Gode- rich than they used to be, but this writer has seen more "of them the last year or two than ever before. A bit of verse in Tile Ingersoll Tribune is descriptive of their wonderful flight. The blue delphinium is haunted By a' sprite of changing hues, That darts and sips and vanishes With eye -defying speed. No sound of engines turning To make fantastic flight, No sign that mortal heart c'o'wers the creature's wings. Beauty incarnate thy body know.,. • and flight That mocks the efforts of proud `but puny man. At a meeting held recently at Clinton ' for - consideration of municipal affairs, including means of acquiring clew ilidustries,' the principal speaker was Reeve Crockford of Scarborough Town- ship. In reply to a question as to whether the municipality should purchase land for resale to in- dustry Reeve Crockford said, as reported by The News -Record: One reason' the municipalities do not get industry is because there is no land available im- mediately. Private property -owners will raise the price so it is pro- hibitive /or buyers. The muni - Gardiner, Minister of Agriculture, also are candidates in Saskatch- ewan, so that Province is pretty well assured of having in the next House of tommons a promin- ent representative of each of the three leading parties. * * * An imaginative P.C. member of the last House .of Commons and candidate for re-election raised the question whether Mr. St. Laurent will continue as Prime Minister after the election of August 10 or will retire in favor of some other Liberal, mentioning Mr. Pickers- gill in this connection. The Prime Minister has 'net this question by stating that if he receives a vote of confidence on August 10, "I shall regard it as a mandate from you to carry on as Prime Minister just as long as al feel.- 1 am capable of performing the duties of that office effectively." As Mr. St. Laurent is only 71 years of age, and a particularly sturdy man for his years, his promise to remain at the head of affairs if the people want him is significant. That Mr. Pickersgill should he mentioned as a probable, or even a possible, successor to the Liberal leadership is another piece of imagination. Mr. Pickersgill is a new and, so far as Parliamentary experience is concerned, an untried man. It is idle to expect such men as Abbott, Pearson,.Garson and others to step aside for a novice, and if it were the intention to bring on Mr. Pickersgill as a coming leader he would '"hardly be sent to such tipail.ty should buy the land under the Industrial Sites Act. "A muni- an out -of -the way constituency as cipality without land for Vale is as the one he is contesting in New- badl off as a merchant without foundland. {n(vt�ling on his shelves:" • • • The ling cod, a valuable food fish Adlall E. Stevenson, Democratic of the Pacific coast, is not related tsnil1date .for the U.S. presidency to the Atlantic cod. • • 1,1 "RUTHLESS 1 RUST" is on the WANTED! "RUTHLESS RUST" in your HOT WATER! DEFENCE is the fact that YOUR BEST SS Gad i Irust IT'S TRUE ... the glass -surfaced steel tank of a Glaslecl wat'i<r heater can't rust because glass can't rust. IT'S WONDERFUL ...You can have all the sparkling clean hot water you want. No more rust to ruin your wash or corrosion dirt to discolor water and fixtures. Your hot water will be as clean and sanitary as the water you drink. IT'S MADE TO LAST... You won't have the expense of replacing a Glaslecl every few years—because glass can't rust. GLASTEEL AUTOMATIC WATER HEATERS M.Mwdtis e $500 She can't get out today, but she is taking advantage of the "sale" — by telephone. Add up the dollars your telephone saves in bargains you pick up. Think of the hours and effort it saves, too .. . how you can even "go places" without leaving the house. Your telephone serves you so many ways; no price can measure its usefulness. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA ttE us right OW �y 4tamo�ting t ASK for ade,rati0n l��gti5 REMEMBER: vioter Heaters Rmakes Gtdgteelns Extra votes will be given to contestants in the Goderich Good - Will Shopping Club with the purchase of one of these Inglis Glasteel Automatic Water Heaters. - E.BRECKENRIDGE HARDWARE - PLUMBING - HEATING PHONE 135 GODERICH • against faulty materials and manufacturing. Included are complete check-up of burner, efficiency test, service calls, and free nspection every 90 days. ESSO OIL BURNED wif/i /he !pie%saving ECONOMY C'LUTC'H It's easy to own Canada's top-quality Oil Burner • the Esso Oil Burner. For a small amount down and regular monthly payments, you can - have the year-round satisfaction of "Comfort Engineered Oil Heating". The Esso Oil Burner is equipped with the amazing Ecotwmy Clutch". "which reduces soot deposit and smoky stops and starts, saves fuel, cuts vibration and noise. An Esso Oil Burner installed in a new home —or individually engineered to fit your present heating system-- gives you quicker, cleaner, more depend- able heating. And an Imperial 011 "Evergreen Oil forr as" n., g brings you uaranteed supply of long as you wilffrit. Contact your nearest authorized Esso Burner Dealer • or the nearest office of IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED MacDONALD ELECTRIC BRITANNIA ROAD f PHONE 235 IS YOUR NAME ON THE VOTERS' LIST? .....BE SURE Names can be added up until SATURDAY, JULY 25 Phone 289 or visit the CARDIFF COMMITTEE ROOMS Corner South Street and Square 29-30 oiviteaNixik.•A/S3 G/!/ES YCJU TNE S772E4/W/NED g44:/7V OF P�N�N F4,N4 S CON77NEN74L S-711/NG 1 Tf-O:P± NONE AS NEW AS //1/ /53/ • NOON SP 111 Airflyte Construction, Weather Eye Conditioned Air System, Airflcx Coil Springs ... just a few of the exclusive features you get in a Nash. Styled by Pipin Farina Parts an,1 Service available from coast to east NASH MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED HEAD OFFICE & MANUFACTURING PLANT: TORONTO. ONT. ROUSE AUTO ELECTRIC Kinston Street � Goderich